Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests!
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1566727161276.png (1376x1347, 675K)

Other urls found in this thread: from_behind


Attached: 1486714889699.jpg (640x666, 377K)

Requesting Severa from Fire Emblem wearing the gold and pink version of Byleth's officer cap from Heroes with a smug look on her face.

Attached: Severa.png (1639x1382, 2.11M)

Requesting Joy (Shenmue 2) street racing.

Attached: Joy Biker.png (567x505, 318K)

Can somebody just please draw Doom Slayer saving a cute boy and his cute gf from demons?

Attached: DOOM.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

Requesting Etna, Lilith or any girl from pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm (references: ) wearing(same pose/perspective) a bikini as the girl from this picture
Please and thanks.

Attached: bmnmbu74754453.png (803x641, 372K)

>finally caught draw thread early

Attached: Smile.png (240x240, 19K)

You say that as if it helps your chances. To the extent that it could it'd do the opposite at best

Draw this silly Luigi.

Attached: A70A2461-7FDF-481D-9D23-91C4E4EDC861.jpg (188x244, 15K)

Requesting Doom guy as a Pastor, killing demons only using God's word(see Ephesians 6:12)

New threads used to be made only at 500 posts when I used to regularly browse this place but now people seem so impatient
Also, whats the deal with all this seething about OP business
You guys do realize that anyone that isn't banned on the site can make a new thread, right?


Requesting a more dragon like jeanne

Attached: Jeanne d'Arc-main.png (1024x1024, 158K)

Requesting Reinhard von Lohengramm drawn like an oldschool Fire Emblem antagonist; either holding a tome, wielding magic, or sword in hand.

Attached: LohengrammReinhard.png (1569x1800, 3.54M)

Requesting a thick (Chun-li thunder thighs level) femboy Terra dressed as Aqua, but with big earrings, high heels, lipstick and with a visible bulge. With dialogue implying that it's actually Aqua after being transformed into a femboy Terra

Attached: 1566692805381.png (3216x1496, 1.94M)

Requesting Shelly Bombshell doing the nude selfie challenge

Attached: 1566166301653m.jpg (759x1024, 100K)


Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)


absolutely based and blessed

Requesting a masked Chloe furiously trying to pick a lock while a masked Max asks her if she still doesn’t know how to lock pick.

Attached: Strange Burglars.png (776x166, 173K)


>wont give me a character

Requesting Princess Peach or Princess Zelda as a suggar daddy(or maybe a suggar mommy?) dating with this girl Draw both in a pool like reference picture.

Attached: 5646324.jpg (2136x1664, 585K)

Taking cute and funny requests.

Attached: cute_and_funny.png (500x500, 213K)

Something like video games characters requesting some kind of credit with high interest rates on a bank?

Every request here is "cute" and "funny", don't be pathetic

but user, I'm the one who's delivering.

Requesting Cao Cao hugging a fluffy puppy.

Attached: Cao Cao.png (2000x2000, 2.56M)

Requesting Sae deep kissing Joker right in front of sobbing Makoto

Attached: Makoto-Trailer-696x392.jpg (696x392, 59K)

getting milked like she's a cow Friend

Attached: 1566698586112.jpg (850x1200, 117K)

Requesting Kingdom's Hearts Alice getting her skirt blown up, revealing that she's wearing a white thong.

Attached: 0_VEXl64m6mm_Otj5j.jpg (680x382, 69K)

Requesting a mixture of Doom Slayer and Kratos

Attached: Kratos_rendering_concept.jpg (754x792, 542K)

Requesting cute and funny Rom

Attached: rom_maid.jpg (400x400, 114K)

Everytime you request trap, futa, tranny, etc I get a little bit angrier

Taihou winding her gramophone like cranky kong, albacore coming in like DK with the ghetto blaster

Attached: TaihouKong.jpg (1632x1010, 350K)

seaside summer Aradia please

Attached: 1564719630425.png (566x800, 207K)

Keep your pagan shit away from me.

There's a whole thread for their faggotry in /d/.

requesting lewd/sexy Dorothea
exotic Dancer too

is a good example

Attached: 1564714184437.png (1920x1343, 1.95M)


Nico anal!

Attached: cristmas shooting nico.jpg (1920x1080, 408K)

youmu from touhou having a dodgeball thrown at her.

Attached: 1520729962163.png (201x375, 93K)

>only six days left in august
Aradia better hurry up and get that beach body, cause as it stands she's like a post-first pregnancy body!

Attached: Pregnancy.png (1002x419, 479K)

Requesting the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY lifting their skirts to show that they're not wearing panties underneath.

Attached: 1562497486154.png (1384x516, 1017K)

Tell me what you picked up, I want to draw one of those.

Etna lying on a hospital bed happily drinking a blood bag.

Attached: 89768.jpg (1204x794, 237K)

god pregnant women are gross and pregnancy just fucking ruins the body afterwards

I'd want the middle on my face.
I'd love the right if I knew that I was the one who did that to her by knocking her up repeatedly.

Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweeking out, think of
>"when he bumps a line his eyes turn lens flare"

Attached: Mephistopheles .png (605x749, 554K)

I can't image something more beuatiful than your wife with your son inside her(you son as a baby inside her womb)

Requesting a picture of Annie Eilenberg in her pajamas

Attached: anniepj.png (1000x1174, 1.48M)

What if he isn't picking up anything and it was all a trick?

Requesting Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles wearing her bikini over casual clothes like on the left.

Attached: Selvaria_Ref.jpg (1700x1398, 1.1M)

He wouldn't do that, right?

Attached: __serval_kemono_friends_drawn_by_kamekichi_6969__99ed149a764072cef630524c82ee9759.jpg (1216x1113, 186K)

requesting serval being chased by poachers.


Attached: 1551127571911.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

Requesting Dimitri wearing an Obelisk Blue uniform

Attached: DimitriFETH.png (666x788, 485K)

Requesting Red Arcueid from Melty Blood cosplaying as Nine the Phantom from Blazblue.

Attached: Warc Cosplaying Nine.png (2000x1438, 1.04M)

Drawthreads are a cruel and scary place. There is no limit to user-kun's evil.

Requesting Melia bathing, nude, in the Shimmering Pool (Makna Forest, Xenoblade) please

Attached: melia shimmering pool makna.jpg (1962x1302, 825K)

Did RubberNinja draw this? Looks sus

Where are my Arle pictures!?!

Attached: 1509751040263.gif (250x243, 2.9M)

But user, Serval's skin, ears, vaginal lips and clitoris are highly valuable in the Traditional Chinese medicine! Her death worth all that money. Just think on all those those poor and hungry african children.

It's most certainly abusefag like when he was requesting poaching for shoebill.

Fuck off nazifag

Find someone else to pester, nazifag.

Attached: 1505965446111.png (728x814, 22K)

Any WoW requests?

She's not a vampire, user.

Requesting Mika Returna with even poofier pants

Attached: Mika.jpg (5824x2048, 1.55M)

Laetitia moving her head and causing her eyes to swivel around like a pair of googly eyes.

Attached: image.jpg (750x909, 88K)

Medli’s big ass getting fucked. from_behind

Attached: 0EB7E2D9-45E2-4266-ADD7-36995DE3F7E1.jpg (369x554, 71K)

Requesting Rosalina getting stripped by Peach and Daisy.

Attached: b6e8a14a0a81838816f8d2c1d1fa9b5b.jpg (900x692, 121K)

What a good girl.

Attached: 1556784635110.gif (800x685, 1.16M)

Requesting Jotaro palico punching his hunter in the face

Attached: DoZnnX2.png (608x968, 593K)

A night elf running for his life in the wetlands. Mainly from crocolisks and orcs.

a pile of dead bodies around a cute gnome girl with a sword 3 times her side


A Tauren girl trying to seduce a human, only to freak him out

No she is not!

>not a blood sucker

Then just change the blood bag for a sample of frozen semen: draw her licking it as a popsicle.

>inb4 she is not a semen demon neither

Attached: 45234.png (589x585, 466K)

It's like you already know the answer. Yes, she's not a succubus either.

Sirius with her sword out in front of her, hands on the bottom of the handle, wearing a set of full maid-armour
Think the Famicom cover of Soul Blader

Attached: Sirius.png (906x1026, 904K)

Requesting a Spartan from Halo wielding/aiming a sniper rifle or a shotgun

Attached: Spartan.png (400x800, 296K)

Requesting rough unwilling anal

Attached: 1563859177119.png (450x950, 248K)

Requesting Opera Kranz wearing bike shorts and a sports bra, preferably with her looking thick/full-figured.

Attached: kranz.jpg (836x1265, 314K)

Requesting American McGee's Alice getting her skirt blown up, revealing that she's wearing a frilly pink thong

Attached: alice-madness-returns-header-e1549291160826.jpg (1200x675, 138K)

>Those hands

Can you imagine receive a handjob with those?


Requesting her wearing skeleton (bikini?) armor

Attached: Riamu_SS.png (512x512, 133K)

Requesting this croc wearing shades, but it's King of Dinosaurs in place of the croc.

Attached: kodchillin.png (1866x812, 2.55M)

Sayatia with bigger boobs please

Attached: Monster-Monpiece-Sayatia.jpg (500x1176, 113K)

Requesting Sans as every single Final Fantasy protagonist (as seen in Dissidia) with puns included.

Attached: dissidiasansrequest.png (1024x1294, 678K)

never ever gay

Attached: 190918.jpg.png (192x192, 80K)

Requesting something rough with Shanghai.exe that puts her smug ass in place. Deepthroat, hair-pulling (while being pounded), gangbang, that kind of stuff

Attached: 4141875.jpg (1000x1009, 371K)

Requesting Phoebe from Pokemon ORAS having her tube top fall down and expose her tits

Attached: 538px-Omega_Ruby_Alpha_Sapphire_Phoebe.png (538x899, 317K)

Taking requests that end in the post number of 32

Mariel's request

Those kinds of roll posts are banned here dumbass.

>1 away

Attached: 1565137983266.jpg (326x326, 20K)

just take a fucking request instead of making it a performance every time

Does roll post mean posts baiting for requests? because we get a lot of those.

Requesting a cool retro Captain Falcon.

Honestly I'm fine with anything as long as its not ironic smash shit.
For example
-Leaning against the Blue Falcon arms crossed, looking at the night sky of the Red Canyon
-Leaning on a railing and looking over the skyline of Port Town (like in the old game-cover)
-Sitting at the counter of a futuristic bar in port town and having a drink

Though I'm honestly fine with anything as long as it captures his actual F-Zero persona

Attached: CptFalcon.png (2100x1800, 3.92M)

How huge for her tits?

No, it refers to posts like "Reply to this with a post number of '_''


Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

Requesting this but with Link and Telma from Twilight Princess

Attached: a57d648d1b7d674813f316639b40980c.jpg (758x1200, 629K)

Requesting Jetstream Sam telling Raiden "Show me a good time, Jack!", to which Raiden replies "it's about 9:30."

Attached: a83.jpg (1920x1200, 553K)

Requesting Remake Tifa being bullied by OG Tifa over her smaller milkers.

Attached: 18B0583E-E6CE-4AFF-BD22-08D207A5B36F.jpg (990x1024, 97K)

Talos using a sci-fi gun like the red-circled one, exclaiming "target, locked on!"

Attached: talosgun.jpg (1260x1788, 511K)

Attached: burgers.png (825x504, 28K)

As long as they're bigger than a B-Cup, I'm fine.

If mine ends in 32. You must draw porn of A Dump in the Dark.

Requesting Altair, the villain from Bomberman 64, drawn as a humanized Ninja; the over-the-top fantasy-kind like in the references, with the air of an experienced and battle-tested master shinobi.

Preferred with his color-palette (black/purple/gold/red) and as many details of his character-design incorporated into it as possible (golden visor/mask; red eyes; red star on forehead and purple antenna/spikes)

Attached: AltairRef.png (1725x1400, 2.35M)

Requesting a slutty POV double blowjob

Attached: valk.jpg (950x846, 191K)

I distinctly remember somebody requesting Link & zelda "fucking like rabbits" a while ago so here is my take on half of that request

Attached: daa1.png (834x992, 190K)

Suggest a subject

Requesting a heavily localized PS1 Twisted Metal cover similar to Japanese PS1 covers aimed for Japanese audiences at the time
Complete with the missiles replaced with fruit as described in 10:41

Attached: Localization.jpg (1590x2040, 1.15M)


Arle now get to it.

Attached: arle.png (1192x670, 161K)

You gotta draw girls that are big no short than 7 feet
Bonus points for pinning someone down

it looks super silly

>Awaiting for PLDF's glorious come back.

Patience is key.

Attached: 1564442675414.jpg (280x280, 27K)

user zombies aren't real

Creepy anonymous poster.

Remember to do your daily FUCKING prokos

That's a big right ear. But it looks pretty nice dude!

Stupid witch

PLDF is my greatest rival yet.
I must cherish our rivalry.

Attached: 1565384191351.png (192x335, 57K)


Seriously, what's your weird deal?

Looks nice. I'm glad you're doing different poses.

Titfags are brain damaged

Requesting Arle Nadja and Arle Nadja getting along

Attached: Alter-Arle-Nadja-ALTR-158-1.jpg (1096x950, 182K)

Requesting Beatrix from KitN (pic related) doing yoga underwater

Attached: 239761B0-6650-4228-BA5B-A3B18F4B8D20.jpg (350x562, 64K)

Riki using a rifle, like Sharla's
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

You don't understand.
To have a rival is to have someone who can ignite the flame of inspiration inside you.

Attached: 1563125835750.png (198x198, 75K)

Requesting Riki getting bunted in the face by the stock of Sharla's rifle

Attached: eb03d6556a2ca14a926212487e5c1f08--xenoblade-x-traditional-artwork.jpg (236x324, 26K)

>lewdfags are brain damaged
Fixed it for you.

Sakura Arle with a bonito on a leash

Attached: Img223205_l.png (243x417, 33K)

You are more brain damaged than any porn poster

but Kratos kills the pegan gods to make way for Jesus!

Requesting Simon Blackquill from Ace Attorney slashing through the air with/holding a sword (katana, rapier, broadsword, etc.)

Attached: PW_SoJ_Simon_Blackquill.png (687x994, 327K)

Splashing in a pool or the ocean and having fun
Any kind of swimsuit but a frilly checkered patterned one is preferred

Attached: ElizePics.jpg (1592x1672, 665K)

Requesting a picture of Primm that's ass-centric; like we're looking at her from behind while she's bend over looking at a Treasure chest or the like. She has cute poofy pants, but they still seem form-fitting enough for her butt as well.

Attached: Primm_ref.png (1514x518, 924K)

The creepy thing is correct, no wonder you seemed to have drove him off.

Eight brandishing his dragovian sword like a samurai or some other cool warrior battle pose

Attached: Eight Dragovian gear.png (1232x926, 1.54M)

You think so?
I mean this whole rivalry thing is just some stupid act of mine.
I do want him to come back though, seeing his stuff does inspire me to get better.

Requesting kinky and lewd Shuichi

Attached: Danganronpa_V3_Bonus_Mode_Shuichi_Saihara_Sprite_(31).png (725x1020, 652K)

Noire dressed up as Fran please

Attached: noirefran.png (1924x1860, 2.18M)

A request

Blowjob and having her horns used as handlebars

Attached: Draco Centauros.jpg (225x217, 45K)

Requesting Kallen Kaslana from Honkai Impact 3rd with a cyber-eye, like the Terminator, and aiming one of her guns menacingly

Attached: Kallen and Terminator.png (1366x900, 1.13M)

Requesting Ryza wearing the nyangerie outfit

Attached: 1561308387974.png (933x1093, 656K)

I genuinely think you overdid it.

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)

dumb giraffe

Requesting Minerva flexing her back muscles

Attached: ccde35ad3a3903d2725e4a0aa93ab2ef9e3af5a0r1-596-811v2_hq.jpg (596x811, 132K)

Yea, you are probably right.
The guy does seem to be kind of sensitive.

Hilda version

Adressed that ear somewhat, but maybe ill make it smaller

yep Ive been trying to do that

Attached: daa2.png (858x1023, 251K)

Give me a character and a reaction image to draw them in

Attached: zappa-crazed.gif (194x174, 7K)

>Using anything besides a katana

requesting an actual MILF, appearance wise, Mistral wearing a "super rare bikini" armor

Attached: Mistral.jpg (1200x1200, 852K)

Susato Mikotoba from Ace Attorney making the pose/face on the right

Attached: Susato face.png (546x602, 343K)

The fuck are Prokos?

The right image but with Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa, outfit and background aren't as important as the rest of it

Attached: Chiaki video games.png (875x541, 725K)

Zappa is creepy!

>want to post something
>drawthread on meltdown
I'm not even sure if I should floor it

Wedding dress Myrrh please

Attached: myrrh.png (1288x1676, 846K)

Can I get the default inkling jumping out of her squid form, only to sit on someone's face bare-assed?

Attached: 1566355273105.png (512x512, 154K)

What's the meltdown here exactly? It's the same as ever.

When the schizo drawfag thoughts kick in during the sketch phase

Do it anyways. What can possibly go wrong?

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)


The text and expression on the right with Tsuzuriko Yosomiya from Kara no Shoujo, hat and pen not required

Attached: Tojiko well.jpg (1899x1024, 300K)

Attached: yamero.png (1216x892, 816K)

Draw a loli with the Raisins uniform

Attached: Loli version of Hooters.jpg (910x1222, 853K)

Requesting Eternal Emilitia (Hollow Knight) laying on the floor, surrounded by scattered books, video games, and DVD's, muttering "I'm bored."

Attached: Eternal.png (170x247, 31K)

Requesting Sangmu taking off her entire outfit and from behind, revealing her big butt, wide hips, and thick thighs.

Attached: sangmu.png (604x1747, 523K)

Requesting Mitsuru Kirijo wearing Artemisia's dress and bowing

Attached: 5f3e4bc0eb375f35601d781f0b278e3e.gif (537x628, 216K)

Requesting some coloring.

Character Reference:

Please and thanks!

Attached: Mono no.png (616x325, 145K)

Requesting Fran in a really fancy swimsuit/sundress.

Attached: Fran_FFXII.jpg (890x1200, 121K)

Attached: kh4.jpg (1000x1000, 283K)

Who is stronger?

Post your art faggot.
Guy fucks off every other month, why are you so obsessed

Thats catfag, dude is only being a faggot

Perfect! Very appreciated, so glad to finally see this done
Tails whiskers are missing some color btw but its no big deal

Attached: 1448761357096.png (186x220, 53K)


wait i thought abusefag got banned

Atleast you can help with that, dude is dumb as bricks

Abusefag gets banned easily but their requests will be back and in greater numbers.

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Little fix

Attached: fh4fix.jpg (1000x1000, 281K)

Finally, at long last, I’ve waited for this day!

Tails is going to kick the troll king's ass, so probably him

Futa arle

Requesting Gordon Freeman taking care of his toaster Aigis and making sure she is in good working order

Attached: aigis toaster and gordon.png (476x702, 387K)

Requesting any lewd art of Ring-Ring from Dungeon Fighters.

Attached: Ring Ring.png (2000x3000, 2.28M)

Requesting Glover under the effect of the super crown

Attached: Glove.jpg (1528x611, 202K)

Requesting Mai Natsume tied up in what's known as a 'Shrimp Tie'. Examples of it have been included in the reference.

Attached: MaiShrimp.jpg (3664x2108, 907K)

Requesting ninja Zelda spying on Link.

Attached: Ninja Zelda.jpg (400x566, 44K)

i just want aigis turned into a thicc icecream girl stuck in a icecream cone

They always get out. Can't seem to get rid of these shitposters no matter how hard you try.

Attached: main-qimg-c43d9662e44e2c08fd15bebc4b5f7c6a~2.png (373x554, 278K)

I did the Witch Ryza one if you want me to tackle this one too. Loved drawing her.

>it's his mgs2 costume
it's good art but it always fucks me up that 2 has become his most popular appearance

Attached: 1566005803784 .png (824x670, 764K)

want to draw Big thicc milfs, someone help me out here.


Attached: XY_Drasna.png (595x892, 254K)

this boat could use some clothes
don't be creepy

Attached: wo.png (379x323, 259K)

Damn, you're getting good at rendering.

Cool drawing. I'm sure the OR will love it!


Attached: __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection_mario_series_and_super_mario_bros_drawn_by_gomasamune_ (1200x1200, 1.17M)

Just let them have their blog, its not the worst habit
plus that guy delivers a lot so its not like he's only here to blog


This picture is harmless.

>No pants but with the hat on please.
Cute spooky also.

Requesting Miu Iruma being hypnotized to show off her fat tits

Attached: 1566716225993m.jpg (1024x948, 98K)

Shantae and riju in a hookah lounge smoking hash

Attached: inCollage_20180202_235803296.jpg (1920x2400, 1001K)

Not that faggot but she is actually a succubus, the game itself says that

Requesting paizuri with heart pasties, areolae slip and some kind of confrontational but slutty dialogue.

Attached: rmika.jpg (500x700, 398K)

In none of the games is she ever called a succubus as a species, she's always been "majin etona" as title, and in DD2 officially a Majin class.


Oh wait Im retarded I thought that it was about Morrigan not Etna

Bimbo emoji Aigis

Endless Space request.

Requesting Horatio having sex with femHoratio to breed more Horatios.

Attached: endless-space-2-horatio-update-horatio-leader (1).jpg (890x501, 119K)

Requesting Jack-O' ass
Whether it's naked, clothed, being fucked, I just need more fat Jack-O' booty art please.

Attached: 1566717071818.png (890x1272, 264K)

To be fair you kinda cheat the system if you repeatedly only come here to blog. I wouldn't say its the case here but I've seen some artists do it and its not exactly fair to other drawfags either since they actually have to wade through the requests to get some publicity as opposed to just randomly dumping whatever you felt like drawing and getting free attention for that

Requesting flat

Attached: 1418965388759.png (556x700, 250K)

>To be fair you kinda cheat the system
What system
You either put what you made recently without spamming the thread from your shit straight off of your folder or you take a request

i'm not very good but thanks
just in case
this is a drawthread, not a requestthread :^)

I'm so angry my head hurts

Shut up xice.

Nice. Consider giving this sexy treatment to your Anubis Necromancess personification.

My dick in your mom

Here you go user

Attached: Tizoc.png (795x436, 32K)

Shantae and Skype doing the Wonder Woman pose with WW clothes as well.

Attached: ShantaeWonder.jpg (2100x1336, 426K)

Lmao, good shit.

You dump your art because there's an audience
This audience only exists because they hope they can get a drawing out of it if they stick around
This is only kept alive by artists who deliver, otherwise this platform wouldn't be able to sustain itself since there wouldn't be a reason for people to stick around.
Lets be real even the better drawfags have less followers on their twitter than this thread has unique IPs in it on average so don't get too full of yourself

look, as I said in this case this is an artist who delivers requests, I'm not the guy who initially took issue with it. But when some artists only drop in to dump their art without ever feeding the system then they're cheating it. and its not fair to the drawfags who do their part either, there'd be no reason to ever deliver stuff if you can just blog whatever you've drawn recently

Don't get mad at me for saying how it is

>>When your waifu flexes on you.

Hope you like it!

Attached: MINERVA_sketch.jpg (814x1612, 150K)

Amazing, dude! Thanks so much!

Attached: tizoc-wins.gif (115x153, 37K)

bruh its YAMERO not YAMARO

Nice Griffon.


Attached: roachie_adjusted.gif (128x128, 269K)


Attached: 23425635635463.gif (436x436, 3.71M)

Requesting this with Nazrin.

Not mad at all since I'm the one getting free drawings
As I said I'm literally just telling it how it is, don't hate me for saying the truth.

murder the rest of the thread with shitpost

You're taking a thread made for artists to share their shit and poorfriends to beg them for free porn entirely too seriously.


>You dump your art because there's an audience
People still dump their art to look for pointers or just to share, newfag or not
>there'd be no reason to ever deliver stuff if you can just blog whatever you've drawn recently
But then this has been going on since forever and the so called system hasn't been compromised at all.
Feels like you're making a mountain out of a molehill personally

Give me your big brapper requests
not really for fart shit tho just big asses c'mon man

Attached: 1440617030877.jpg (494x546, 157K)

Requesting a Lagiacrus tied up like the croc.

Attached: tied up croc.png (1352x676, 1M)

maybe later
tell me which request is yours so i can ignore it

Colored the smogmella booty i started last thread.

Attached: smogmella booty.png (2000x2000, 715K)

big fat aradiass

well you can't prove me wrong either so whatever
thats why you have to keep incentives in check. The guy overreacted but I can't blame him for doing it either
clearly ruffled some feathers, you're missing the point hard but I don't expect you to get it anyways

Kisrill from Cosmic Break bending over or wearing any type of sexy outfit since her armor is too complicated

Attached: kisrill.jpg (600x616, 34K)

not OR, but
>thats why you have to keep incentives in check.
Like what

Attached: choco lick.gif (400x299, 278K)

Worth the lung cancer/10 for facesitting

you sure are a sillyhead

Fat cat ass stretching her suit

Attached: img0048.jpg (3219x4635, 2.36M)

Honestly no point in explaining it since nobody seems to read past my first 2 sentences anyways. I'm not antagonizing drawfags at all but they get upset at me anyways because they don't actually try to understand what I'm saying

Oral ovipositioning and anal egg-laying in a full nelson

What is your favorite?

I only dig full nelson, get rid of the rest.

R. Mika using her hands to press her big butt in the shape of a heart

Attached: r-mika.jpg (1024x576, 252K)

Requesting the cover girl from the game Gururin (neogeo) as in imgur's image, but with veil (nsfw)

Attached: gy.png (1188x1020, 2.16M)

Dogs mouths can sometimes be so soft they can carry eggs in their mouth without damaging them. an interesting fact for you.

Attached: __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_drawn_by_poronegi__883420b2f65efa3b572793c2591d34a6.jpg (800x1129, 125K)

Attached: 1-1.png (450x650, 195K)

Silly awoo

Make a good mother!

>not nude

Alright I'll do it.

>not really for fart shit

MGS1, which I would figure would be his most popular because it's the game where he's in his prime.

Requesting this drawn in the sonic adventure style.

Attached: tumblr_pfybh1hLHQ1wjd9c5o1_1280.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Requesting him wielding THREE big Ding Dongs.

Attached: Labyrinth of Refrain - Theatrical Star #4.png (2048x2048, 673K)

He looks pretty well-armored. Or vested at least.

OR, saying I like it would be an understatement, goddamn. 10/10, chiseled like a statue, thank you so much for this.

Attached: 1528665038881.jpg (468x895, 216K)

Requesting Maya from Dragon Quest 4 giving BOTW Link a kiss on the cheek.

Attached: 1545361597472.png (1137x1577, 806K)

Seconding this.

Attached: 0C927113-B0B0-4C26-B65B-56363C42F260.jpg (800x1000, 94K)

This but with a Battlecat

only proving my point

Dumb Mobileposter.

Attached: 1510466040787.png (320x717, 130K)


>understand what I'm saying
Why would they

Well taking a request to draw some waifu tiddies or ass your choice

Attached: shortstack roll.png (2000x2000, 619K)

Kaho from Momodora, and booty

Attached: Kaho_sprite.png (69x111, 1K)

dummy thicc ganondorf

Attached: latest[1].png (1300x1810, 1.86M)

Didn't you took a Bow Kid request before?

Give this thing huge honkers

Attached: Re4-iron-maiden.jpg (1400x2000, 738K)

Gimme some thick-ass Ghirofelgo

Attached: Ghirofelgo_FF7.png (546x410, 74K)

Make a sexy version of this robot girl.

Attached: Mmz4-sol-titanion.jpg (700x900, 130K)


Do you think that matters? Shit gets dropped all the time

Sherry Birkin, in either remake or classic flavor, preferably shortstacked but if I had to choose top or bottom, it's tiddies.

Attached: Sherry.png (1600x2000, 1.88M)

I can safely say I drop at least 80% of my deliveries. I dropped one yesterday too.

You know what I don't begrudge you for it, I just wish drawfags were more honest about it, waiting for it is worse than knowing the artist gave up on it or lost interest

And done.

Attached: Yumi 8.2.png (1280x1363, 2.3M)

Yeah sorry user i kinda got distracted with drawing smogmella and playing hours of kotor2 last night


Which one, drawfriends and requesters?

Attached: Cierra swimsuit choice.png (1639x694, 49K)

Can you make a coloring tutorial?

At least link to the request when posting a delivery.

How can she be so puffy?


>a delivery

Starting on this

Glad you enjoyed!

Gonna try this since i kinda wanted to draw some big tits in a schoolgirl outfit

Weak monster!

Requesting a sexy pinup of Goddess Ilias.

Attached: 1566650544601.png (640x480, 309K)

If I find the time, yea.
But I don't do anything special, just add base color, apply shade, then blur a bit with the blur tool and then blend a bit with the blender.

It's pretty much about where and how much you blur and blend what could make a difference.

That request was made long ago and I'm too lazy to look for it.

why is buncun mad


Requesting an under the stall, pants around the ankles shot of Elena from FF7. Cutesy underwear is a bonus.

Attached: 1566107642745.png (534x532, 188K)

>If I find the time, yea.
If it's easier for you maybe you could just save the steps of your next drawing, but anyway that's a nice drawing even though I don't like lolis

Hell yeah, thanks bro.

Hmm, I never thought about that.
I'll keep it in mind.

Requesting Poison and Juri rubbing their futa dicks together, maybe on another Street Fighter gal if that interests the artist

very nice

Attached: C-GPzFzUwAApngK.jpg orig.jpg (480x434, 64K)

The side ties are cute but I prefer pure black.

I've been working on this but I really suck at defining sketches. Lineart is so hard to me. I maybe won't be posting it today but be sure to check from time to time the threads. I love this idea of a drawing

Doomguy/slayer vs Frank

Attached: 1566345123140.png (900x1200, 655K)

Attached: disdolls.jpg (932x713, 48K)


All you drawfags should just stop drawing because none of you are professional tier and don't make at least $80 000 a year with your art. Even if you are, you should stop drawing your shit here because you're obviously shilling yourself to earn $80 010 a year instead so just stop.
It is time for requesters fully to overtake the threads and rename them from drawthreads to requestthreads. 95% of this shit is either never going to get drawn or is a waste of time to draw with how bad it is.


cute bunny

But I draw for joy.
If people want to pay me for my art then fine but drawing isn't my actual job.
I do have a job, you know?

I work at a bank, I just like to draw fat titties in my time off

Sitting sobbing next to a wilted sunflower

Attached: Orange_Heart.png (846x1450, 846K)

Eighty grand a year?
How many artists get there draw threads or no draw threads?

Aw cool, good to hear!
Can I ask which idea you've went with?

Has it ever been robbed?

don't falseflag nobody's buying it

Requesting you draw your waifu doing your job.

Caleb meeting and working for Mr House.

Attached: 24477.png (800x3625, 480K)

Requesting Thalessa from Omem of Sorrow
As in the photo(Nsfw):

Attached: 0254.png (852x788, 729K)

Requesting an end.

Attached: Konoha-win-anim.gif (240x480, 260K)

Why do you want something from Yea Forums?


Attached: 1566067998583.jpg (540x540, 88K)

Requesting Shizune Hakamichi from Katawa Shoujo dressed as a bartender, a soldier, or a scientist

Attached: Char_shizune.png (180x300, 64K)

Resting at the canyons at night

Attached: Capture.png (665x669, 128K)

You don't even draw, catfag.

cute and funny

im not cat fag im just posting my reaction to that post, heres another cat

Attached: 1535293133705.png (720x720, 629K)

Requesting Yagumo from kabuki klash naked with a fan in butthole her

Attached: yagumo.png (466x325, 80K)


Attached: catbootee.png (1016x1625, 576K)

Very nice booty

should draw her in a kimono the traditional way with no underwear

Like skirt kimono or the long one?


Requesting buff boys.

Attached: 20190825_171947.jpg (838x1277, 622K)

i'm yoinking this

Attached: kaho.png (967x741, 332K)



OR here. Very nicely done! This turned out amazing, thank you so much!


Still looking for big butts?

Awesome, thats pretty much what I had in mind. Love the touch with the helmet, really looking forward to this

Time for EDF, but I'll finish this later

Attached: RMikaRequest_Sketch_crop.jpg (1040x401, 61K)

Requesting this spatsune from Monster Girl Quest relaxing on a throne with the biggest smug grin on her face and possibly wearing a little crown as well.

Attached: Spats Queen.png (1200x750, 1.34M)

Fuck off, catfags.


Not a bad idea.
Could be like one of those japanese festivals and she could be playing on that shooting game.
A butt shot would be nice there.

If you're still taking requests, would like to see a nice big Sakuya peach.

Attached: e62e609196522f43cf91e2aaada634ee.jpg (500x760, 171K)

Nice link

Excellent. Thank you.

Classic >>>>>>>>> Remake

Imagine it bursting out, causing the suit to rip and she gets all embarrassed haha

Attached: 1565282839851.jpg (720x714, 41K)

Nia is stupid! with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

Attached: chairman.jpg (525x503, 61K)

Gonna imagine it so hard I get promoted.

Refia dressed as Tifa or as a Sailor Girl class with an anchor and cute outfit
or doing some blacksmithing work

Attached: Refia FF3.jpg (682x1188, 133K)

Dolly Hollerday sitting with her ass similar to the Sucy pic on the left.

Attached: Hollerdayass.jpg (1904x1974, 340K)

pie why lewd that white mage?

Why not lewd a white mage?

Because their powers stop working under lustful gazes

because once their robes are stained white you should stop.

But they're already white...

Requesting dlc fusion

Attached: PicsArt_08-12-02.01.58.jpg (1830x1440, 172K)

Sig wearing a summer yukata/kimono please?

Attached: Sig.png (640x688, 330K)

I'm short on time so here's a consolation lmoa

Attached: bootypop.png (1016x1625, 724K)

>when the braps are way too strong
Don't hold it in!

Attached: 18463.gif (300x208, 643K)

Requesting the pic on the left with Frog from Chrono Trigger

Attached: Frogge.png (740x405, 438K)

Based as fuck.
We need girls to explode from their clothing more often.

Requesting Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa playing guitar while standing on an inner tube or a floatie, either while wearing her normal uniform or a swimsuit

Attached: Ibuki.png (684x632, 629K)

Requesting boob tents

Attached: 1566769103328.jpg (1920x1347, 360K)

Requesting with Katerina from Croixleur Sigma, or any of these
>chinese dress and nopan

Attached: best genki collage.jpg (3953x3128, 1.63M)


Requesting a chubby Arle trying to fit into her old swimsuit.

Attached: 1468786486643.jpg (640x480, 63K)

Requesting Kaede Akamatsu wearing the swimsuit shown while relaxing in a plastic pool

Attached: Kaede.png (1988x1304, 2.34M)

Excellent. If only the panties ripped as well.

Requesting this villager laying a trap to catch a husband

Attached: 357px-AC3DS_Girl.png (357x599, 187K)

stop being greedy

make me

Attached: 1519853878621.jpg (720x960, 122K)

Fuck off bushfag

Draw swimsuit Rozalin, such as wardrobe malfunction, on her stomach and wanting a lotion rub, or anything else suggestive and/or cute

Attached: dci0plj-cc0994fe-7468-437d-a1f8-50bc62510dec.png (537x750, 478K)

Requesting Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney dressed in a tuxedo

Attached: Kay AAI2.png (479x1015, 281K)

requesting forced public use

Attached: 1565566868884.png (865x1007, 1.09M)

is there a not-so-blurry version so that I can appreciate the booty?

Taking May request
Let's hear it

requesting you fuck off

Show art sample
Let’s see it

Seconding this one hard. Sounds rad

Requesting your portfolio.

heryago fampai
requesting your tax returns

Attached: holdthebrap.png (1016x1625, 632K)


Yes, wish there was more of that

Fat butts are great butts

Requesting lewds of Gebura in this bunny suit.

Attached: Bunny Gebura.png (2100x1800, 2.36M)


Too much ass this thread

Attached: 1566134372466.jpg (507x507, 132K)

that's pretty neato

Attached: 1564755554222.jpg (604x604, 112K)

What do you prefer to see user

OR I guess, shit yeah fukken saved for scientific use, thanks user.

Attached: 1559940705679.jpg (770x649, 48K)

Requesting anzu with a fat ass. Instead of this pitiful behind

Attached: Anzu_SR14.jpg (640x800, 101K)

Well, I want NEET ass now

Attached: #.png (600x598, 45K)

A firm balance. This is just ass.

Cute petite feet with little scuffs and dirt.

>implying that's a bad thing
Usually its just filled with tits, so this is a nice change of pace.

Attached: Cadence booty.gif (406x449, 1.4M)

Ignore this post.




Hope you like it

Attached: sherry with huge tits.png (2000x2000, 419K)


The proportions seem weird, you squished her too much I think




And it's colored too! Thanks much, friend.

Attached: 1555243548839.gif (540x304, 2.79M)

Is this what American children look like?

>thread is flooded with lewdfags

Looks like Scot Pilgrim art.


I'd rather nore ass than footfags.

Can someone here teach me to draw? Also which cintiq should I get? I was thinking of the 24HD.

i imagine you like this

what's with the cthulhu hand

It is not very good.

More and more every generation, ever since The Jews starting putting high fructose corn syrup and hormones in everything.

Truly, we owe them a debt of gratitude.

Good point I'll try better next time. I just wanted to give sherry some thiccness is all. I may have gone too far in a few places.
Glad you like it.
Well i do like the art for that series. I dunno i tend to like more western looking things than full weeb shit with a few exceptions.
The magical combination of feeling tired and lazy.


Attached: 1562297249451.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Requesting Lyria with drill hair like the girl on right, though it doesn't have to be quite as ridiculous.

Attached: Lyria drill.png (1326x800, 585K)

Well, SP looks a little anime-ish, but not completely.

this but without the dirt shit
May aswell be a seperate fetish, wish I wasn't lumped in with this stuff

Clean feet fetishists and dirty feet fetishists?

They are the same disgusting shit and you should be tagged and lumped with them

Requesting buff wooper evolving into omega chad quagsire

Attached: 1c5xn7p0qhy21.png (1440x1962, 289K)

to be fair all the dirt and smellfaggotry is actually contained to /d/ because /h/ doesn't allow it, so its not like I'm just splitting hairs

OR here. Damn good work, drawfriend! I hope you do finish it, too. This is looking excellent!

Gib Girl with cute feet.

Where are her shoes?

I guess I did a better job with the background than the character but I hope you like it anyway.

Attached: 475325495.png (1280x1000, 964K)

Requesting Eleanor Gloria from Shadowverse casting a fireball spell, whether using a tome or not

Attached: Transparent Eleanor.png (984x838, 617K)

She only wears shoes occasionally.


Almost all of her outfits have her barefoot.

Attached: tumblr_pclvyyZjEq1x6wl55o1_r1_1280.jpg (438x1920, 288K)

freaking rad

What drawing program did you use?

clip studio paint

Attached: Tita_Kiseki_.jpg (681x641, 101K)

Drawing big fat tits.



If only.

Suggest a

Your favorite from all of the above.

draw big lilith titty

Attached: Lilith_Cross_Edge.png (316x658, 137K)

consider me baited
requesting a cutesy picture of her painting her toenails

Attached: FF13-2_Serah_Farron.png (1078x1670, 1.33M)

this lady

Attached: 1564430224625.png (2048x2048, 3.45M)

Replied to the wrong post.

I need music that will increase my drawing spirit.

Attached: 1470557696233.jpg (268x265, 21K)

Attached: 1510295230960.jpg (2150x3000, 388K)


requesting long kong

Attached: 1464958416393.png (1200x1346, 678K)

>I want to kill the thread with spam
Fucking catfags

These capcom lolis with big breasts.

Attached: Espella_and_Eve.png (762x498, 530K)

Making half-demon hybrids?

how about the official drawthread artist theme

Requesting people vent about the current threads.

Needs more Trap Lilith.

What the fuck, who made that image? Are they blind?

Catfags should go extinct, also fucking retard that spams you know who doesn't let me enjoy anymore Lilith or Morrigan

i know that makes her look shorter than she is if anything,

Dude, OR here, this is fucking awesome, man! Thank you so much!

>Catfags should go extinct
i miss when they were banned on sight for like a week

Are we talking Dante or Vergil? Cuz if weird ass demon monsters were on your mind then I'm not interested.

Mods stopped caring?

new YAMERO thread

Is that OP from a delivery?

i dunno. mods never really seem to care. was probably just a janny.

Might as well add the faggot of Bushfag spamming Kemono Friends characters here, making the rest look bad, the one that posts "ahhhhh" all the time and the one that keeps posting "silly, scary" all the time

Yes it is you dumbass


Yes dumbass. Check the thread

O. Missed it. Thanks.


Attached: 1484323141470.jpg (318x313, 11K)

>the one that keeps posting "silly, scary" all the time
That shit is so fucking annoying but I don't think acknowledging it will make it go away

Attached: kot.png (562x333, 110K)

Rosa paizuri please!

Attached: 1566704938047.jpg (3860x1384, 1.27M)

I'll do these.

I'm tired of the repetitive nature of these threads with posters and loops and arguments and spammers and shitposters and OP picturewars and rulefag and avatarfags and tripfags I hate them but the art game ridiculous

Attached: nasty ass coffee.png (481x405, 387K)

>stealing refs
What a nigger

Why is it always tit stuff with her when her legs are godly?

Now this is a cat I can get behind
And give her anal

Boy do I have news for you.
You can't fuck her ass, at least not yet.

Attached: boy do I have news for you.png (276x257, 144K)