Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post >Keep it vidya >The character(s) must be of vidya origin >Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests! >No bumping your requests >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters. >Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported. >Please bump if the thread reaches page 10 >Have fun
Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup) Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
Requesting Doom guy as a Pastor, killing demons only using God's word(see Ephesians 6:12)
Ian Morgan
New threads used to be made only at 500 posts when I used to regularly browse this place but now people seem so impatient Also, whats the deal with all this seething about OP business You guys do realize that anyone that isn't banned on the site can make a new thread, right?
Requesting a thick (Chun-li thunder thighs level) femboy Terra dressed as Aqua, but with big earrings, high heels, lipstick and with a visible bulge. With dialogue implying that it's actually Aqua after being transformed into a femboy Terra
Requesting Princess Peach or Princess Zelda as a suggar daddy(or maybe a suggar mommy?) dating with this girl Draw both in a pool like reference picture.
god pregnant women are gross and pregnancy just fucking ruins the body afterwards
Liam Cruz
I'd want the middle on my face. I'd love the right if I knew that I was the one who did that to her by knocking her up repeatedly.
Daniel Collins
Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweeking out, think of >"when he bumps a line his eyes turn lens flare"
But user, Serval's skin, ears, vaginal lips and clitoris are highly valuable in the Traditional Chinese medicine! Her death worth all that money. Just think on all those those poor and hungry african children.
Evan Bennett
>user-kun's It's most certainly abusefag like when he was requesting poaching for shoebill.
Requesting something rough with Shanghai.exe that puts her smug ass in place. Deepthroat, hair-pulling (while being pounded), gangbang, that kind of stuff
just take a fucking request instead of making it a performance every time
David Sanchez
Does roll post mean posts baiting for requests? because we get a lot of those.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Requesting a cool retro Captain Falcon.
Honestly I'm fine with anything as long as its not ironic smash shit. For example -Leaning against the Blue Falcon arms crossed, looking at the night sky of the Red Canyon -Leaning on a railing and looking over the skyline of Port Town (like in the old game-cover) -Sitting at the counter of a futuristic bar in port town and having a drink
Though I'm honestly fine with anything as long as it captures his actual F-Zero persona
No, it refers to posts like "Reply to this with a post number of '_''
Lincoln Price
Jeremiah Price
Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile
If mine ends in 32. You must draw porn of A Dump in the Dark.
Brody Nguyen
Requesting Altair, the villain from Bomberman 64, drawn as a humanized Ninja; the over-the-top fantasy-kind like in the references, with the air of an experienced and battle-tested master shinobi.
Preferred with his color-palette (black/purple/gold/red) and as many details of his character-design incorporated into it as possible (golden visor/mask; red eyes; red star on forehead and purple antenna/spikes)
Requesting a heavily localized PS1 Twisted Metal cover similar to Japanese PS1 covers aimed for Japanese audiences at the time Complete with the missiles replaced with fruit as described in 10:41
Requesting a picture of Primm that's ass-centric; like we're looking at her from behind while she's bend over looking at a Treasure chest or the like. She has cute poofy pants, but they still seem form-fitting enough for her butt as well.
You think so? I mean this whole rivalry thing is just some stupid act of mine. I do want him to come back though, seeing his stuff does inspire me to get better.
What's the meltdown here exactly? It's the same as ever.
Elijah Russell
When the schizo drawfag thoughts kick in during the sketch phase
Cameron Bennett
Do it anyways. What can possibly go wrong?
James Torres
Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or And wedding dress Welch
Atleast you can help with that, dude is dumb as bricks
Daniel Lee
Abusefag gets banned easily but their requests will be back and in greater numbers.
Lincoln Howard
Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.
To be fair you kinda cheat the system if you repeatedly only come here to blog. I wouldn't say its the case here but I've seen some artists do it and its not exactly fair to other drawfags either since they actually have to wade through the requests to get some publicity as opposed to just randomly dumping whatever you felt like drawing and getting free attention for that
>To be fair you kinda cheat the system What system You either put what you made recently without spamming the thread from your shit straight off of your folder or you take a request
Landon Bennett
i'm not very good but thanks thx indeed just in case this is a drawthread, not a requestthread :^)
Carter Myers
I'm so angry my head hurts
Elijah Perez
Shut up xice.
Jeremiah Scott
Nice. Consider giving this sexy treatment to your Anubis Necromancess personification.
You dump your art because there's an audience This audience only exists because they hope they can get a drawing out of it if they stick around This is only kept alive by artists who deliver, otherwise this platform wouldn't be able to sustain itself since there wouldn't be a reason for people to stick around. Lets be real even the better drawfags have less followers on their twitter than this thread has unique IPs in it on average so don't get too full of yourself
look, as I said in this case this is an artist who delivers requests, I'm not the guy who initially took issue with it. But when some artists only drop in to dump their art without ever feeding the system then they're cheating it. and its not fair to the drawfags who do their part either, there'd be no reason to ever deliver stuff if you can just blog whatever you've drawn recently
Not mad at all since I'm the one getting free drawings As I said I'm literally just telling it how it is, don't hate me for saying the truth.
Oliver Wright
murder the rest of the thread with shitpost
Zachary Young
You're taking a thread made for artists to share their shit and poorfriends to beg them for free porn entirely too seriously.
Asher Davis
Ethan Howard
>You dump your art because there's an audience People still dump their art to look for pointers or just to share, newfag or not >there'd be no reason to ever deliver stuff if you can just blog whatever you've drawn recently But then this has been going on since forever and the so called system hasn't been compromised at all. Feels like you're making a mountain out of a molehill personally
Austin Hill
Give me your big brapper requests not really for fart shit tho just big asses c'mon man
well you can't prove me wrong either so whatever thats why you have to keep incentives in check. The guy overreacted but I can't blame him for doing it either clearly ruffled some feathers, you're missing the point hard but I don't expect you to get it anyways
Lucas Nelson
Kisrill from Cosmic Break bending over or wearing any type of sexy outfit since her armor is too complicated
Honestly no point in explaining it since nobody seems to read past my first 2 sentences anyways. I'm not antagonizing drawfags at all but they get upset at me anyways because they don't actually try to understand what I'm saying
Carson Rivera
Oral ovipositioning and anal egg-laying in a full nelson
Kayden Morales
What is your favorite?
Christopher Morales
I only dig full nelson, get rid of the rest.
William King
R. Mika using her hands to press her big butt in the shape of a heart
I can safely say I drop at least 80% of my deliveries. I dropped one yesterday too.
Jeremiah Howard
You know what I don't begrudge you for it, I just wish drawfags were more honest about it, waiting for it is worse than knowing the artist gave up on it or lost interest
If I find the time, yea. But I don't do anything special, just add base color, apply shade, then blur a bit with the blur tool and then blend a bit with the blender.
It's pretty much about where and how much you blur and blend what could make a difference.
That request was made long ago and I'm too lazy to look for it.
Austin Bennett
why is buncun mad
Noah Green
Caleb Perry
Requesting an under the stall, pants around the ankles shot of Elena from FF7. Cutesy underwear is a bonus.
>If I find the time, yea. If it's easier for you maybe you could just save the steps of your next drawing, but anyway that's a nice drawing even though I don't like lolis
Ian Flores
Hell yeah, thanks bro.
Jeremiah Nelson
Hmm, I never thought about that. I'll keep it in mind.
Isaac James
Requesting Poison and Juri rubbing their futa dicks together, maybe on another Street Fighter gal if that interests the artist
I've been working on this but I really suck at defining sketches. Lineart is so hard to me. I maybe won't be posting it today but be sure to check from time to time the threads. I love this idea of a drawing
All you drawfags should just stop drawing because none of you are professional tier and don't make at least $80 000 a year with your art. Even if you are, you should stop drawing your shit here because you're obviously shilling yourself to earn $80 010 a year instead so just stop. It is time for requesters fully to overtake the threads and rename them from drawthreads to requestthreads. 95% of this shit is either never going to get drawn or is a waste of time to draw with how bad it is.
Carson Carter
Charles Green
cute bunny
Gabriel Perry
But I draw for joy. If people want to pay me for my art then fine but drawing isn't my actual job. I do have a job, you know?
Liam Sanchez
I work at a bank, I just like to draw fat titties in my time off
Requesting this spatsune from Monster Girl Quest relaxing on a throne with the biggest smug grin on her face and possibly wearing a little crown as well.
Based as fuck. We need girls to explode from their clothing more often.
Juan Jackson
Requesting Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa playing guitar while standing on an inner tube or a floatie, either while wearing her normal uniform or a swimsuit
More and more every generation, ever since The Jews starting putting high fructose corn syrup and hormones in everything.
Truly, we owe them a debt of gratitude.
Wyatt Nelson
Good point I'll try better next time. I just wanted to give sherry some thiccness is all. I may have gone too far in a few places. Glad you like it. Well i do like the art for that series. I dunno i tend to like more western looking things than full weeb shit with a few exceptions. The magical combination of feeling tired and lazy.
What the fuck, who made that image? Are they blind?
Jaxon Hill
Catfags should go extinct, also fucking retard that spams you know who doesn't let me enjoy anymore Lilith or Morrigan
Adrian Anderson
i know that makes her look shorter than she is if anything,
Dylan Rogers
Dude, OR here, this is fucking awesome, man! Thank you so much!
Mason Bennett
>Catfags should go extinct i miss when they were banned on sight for like a week
Gavin Evans
Are we talking Dante or Vergil? Cuz if weird ass demon monsters were on your mind then I'm not interested.
Nathaniel Morgan
Mods stopped caring?
Carson Hill
new YAMERO thread
Logan Evans
Is that OP from a delivery?
Justin Hernandez
i dunno. mods never really seem to care. was probably just a janny.
Robert Rivera
Might as well add the faggot of Bushfag spamming Kemono Friends characters here, making the rest look bad, the one that posts "ahhhhh" all the time and the one that keeps posting "silly, scary" all the time
I'm tired of the repetitive nature of these threads with posters and loops and arguments and spammers and shitposters and OP picturewars and rulefag and avatarfags and tripfags I hate them but the art game ridiculous