Cyberpunk 2077's map "might be a little bit smaller" than Witcher 3, but it's way more dense


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Other urls found in this thread:

Exactly what I wanted to hear.

Didnt they said already that map is more vertical, but as a size (from one end to another) it wont be bigger?

Damnit I wanted a very large open empty map!
What game should I get now?

>as a size
You fucking idiot...


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ingrish isnt mai ferst langueich

My dick is more vertical compared to the small buildings in this game

So like a corridor?

all of the shitposting that's going to happen aside, quality of quantity

By dense I take it they mean full of niggers and trannies? Every screenshot I've seen of this game looks like shit.

Faggots here will complain about anything. Really makes you wonder how lonely they are irl if they desire this much attention online.

Yeah well I'm a little smaller than witcher 3 and denser.
Yet no ones writing articles about me!


thank god
roaming from question mark to question mark is pretty poor game design

Didn't you make this same thread a few days back? Can't you people insert some originality in your posting? Not that i don't like Cyberpunk 2077 threads but when they get turned into copy pasta machines it gets incredibly annoying.

Open world games are a total meme but if there’s something more to do than run from point A to point B with minor distractions along the way that’s a step up


based american

I would take this any day over an oversized empty map.

TW3's world was big but mostly empty, how is this a problem?

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Prove it, fag

Noooo I wanted wast areas of fucking nothing but sand and an occasional bush

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unironically a good thing

Got the right game made just for you

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>more dense
didn't they already say you won't be able to enter buildings that don't have story relevance?

Fallout 76 or Dayz

cute picture, mind if I save it?

>more dense

so questhubs with fetch quests for rep grind?

>less is more

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>city is more vertical than forest and smol villages
no shit

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I would honestly be fine with this if they spend more time putting things to do and making building interior. Just having a giant open world map does not make for a good game if it's empty as fuck.

stuff a cock down your throat and choke on it you gay faggot

>nonstop bitching about open world emptiness
>”well, we made the map smaller and more dense”

>rather have a more open empty map than a smaller map with more dense, populace areas

your image related

it's not exactly a trail hiking simulator is it

Take a good look at GTAV a vast open world of literally nothing to do.

>how is this a problem?
It's not.
I am having deja vu here. Are you a bot? Cus you suggested this trash last thread as well but it was in reply to a post that was slightly different.

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Yea Forums will never not be contrarians

Penis in pooper
E're time

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>Why isn't Skyrim just Whiterun with one dungeon with all the quests in it?

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Don't mistake targeted shitposting from transvestites with an agenda as the joyful contrarian posting from regular Yea Forums.

But not as dense as CDPR fanboys.

and you have less to do in the concrete desert that is cp2077
cant even fly helis

nigga, the whole board trannies

empty space bad
empty space occupied with buildings you cant enter good

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Sword and Shield sure look great!

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I am neither a nog nor a fagget but if you are, thanks for outing yourself. Can you now be a good fagget and kill yourself?

Not even an RPG fan or that into open-world games but I'm excited as shit for this. I've never played another CDPR game and I probably never will but this looks like it was made for me. Fuck the haters, I might even preorder this and play it Day 1.

boy this blew back in your face didn't it user

Literally though

because plot is centered around one city?

>haha, you don't even have a sandbox in your theme park

>No third person mode

What's the point of having all those cosmetic options and chargen if YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE YOUR OWN FUCKING CHARACTER!?

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Hard pass.

>game is set in a dystopian future in a commiefornian city

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>What is density

Because I loved spending 10 minutes driving around GTA V's map.

Besides, half of W3's map was open space for random bad guy encounters, which a game like this doesn't need.


Cyberpunk is objectively a great game on the basis that nobody can decide if the shitposters are rabid trannies or MAGA cucks, and the blame is equally vehement and self-asssured

Modding community has got your back.

>city is more dense with content than middleage nowhere

>why isn't every game about brave SS soldiers?!

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>game is set in a dystopian future in a corporate strawman

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>But immersion
>But muh vertical exploration
>But you’ll see them in cutscenes (majority of them are still happen in first person btw)
>But you’ll see them when driving bike
Prepare for these replies

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Somebody tell him

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yeah the sunlight bullshit doesn't bother me but this is kinda upsetting

What's the point of living since you aren't looking at yourself in third person? Kill yourself maybe?


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Goddamn its so easy to make CDPR shills angry

Damn, the shills are getting fucking insane lmao

Dense with minorities and LGBTABBQ+ characters.

Only consolefags cry about there being no generic third person cover shooter mode

I don't care about the map or the sun. Tell me about the augmented cyber tiddies. Stop holding out on me cunts.

wow what a stout argument, glad we're playing a real life simulator

Good thing this game was made for consoles

you forgot photo mode and mirrors

Honestly, Witcher 3 had too much content, but a lot of it was just smuggler caches and monster nests, which was dumb.

Nah, the consolefags are thrilled for getting another braindead console FPS with sprinting, covering and aiming down sights.

Too problematic and misogynistic, the only body augments will be transgender reassignment

If you want to play dress up go and buy a barbie you buncha faggets or what?

>playing fps with controllers

Atleast come up with better bullshit

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N-no, GTA V is a masterpiece!! It holds a metascore of 97

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>he thinks he'll be able to customize his body type
Oh sweetie. When they say "deep character customization" they just think a couple of black wires across your face and robo arms.

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They’ve confirmed they only have like three building interiors you can go into

haha you showed us user

Most popular and most profitable FPS games are on consoles yeah. PC FPS are dead.
Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't play like Quake or Doom. It plays like Advanced Warfare.

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You know what makes me NOT buy a game?

Constant shilling with article pics.

ah man I wanted to roleplay as an obese mercenary outlaw

I'm ok with this. A dense packed city is better than a larger empty one.
Bigger isn't always better, look at AC Odyssey.

>game will have more content but less open space
>game will have less horizontal space but more vertical space
>these are bad things
It's like you guys are so desperate to scratch out things to be mad about this game for that you'll even complain about things you wished other games had.

It's kind of become a thing where there's literally nothing this game could ever be or do, you're just here for a shitposting bandwagon. It's not even that big a deal of a game, but here's the 10th thread in the last hour about it.

>waah i want to be able to dress up my character and look at him all the time

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consoles in general have more sales than their PC counterparts
Shit argument

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Literally this.
It doesnt matter if theres nothing or a big building, you can't interact with either.

Exactly, you're fucking irrelevant.

That's exactly what I say about my dick.

I want to use hacking abilities that break peoples dicks. I will remove the ransomware keeping your cyberdick from getting hard for a meager 50,000 cyber credits. Think of it as digital erectile dysfunction only someone gives it to you on purpose lul.

>It's not even that big a deal of a game
I'd have to disagree. The game is clearly a big deal or it wouldn't be generating this much attention from the autismos.

Funny how Red Dead Redemption 2 was able to give players both a first person and third person mode so they could freely switch between them and yet CDPR can't.

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Because waiting 10 minutes in elevators is much more fun than driving for 10 minutes?

As you are on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

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Nobody but the OP is here samefagging about the reduced world size. Witcher 3 was way too big.

Even GTAV, TES3/4/5, Fallout 3/NV/4 and VTMB did it.

>funny how random slavs who never made a good game can't do what literally the most successful devs of all time can
yeah, hilarious

Nobody cares about your shit bethesda jank. No third person is amazing and you can’t convince me otherwise

I'm sorry i never played red dead cus i don't play shit games. Maybe you should give me an example with a good game next time.

>Mostly games Rockstar and Bethesda

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Is that a problem?
A smaller map but more things to do within the map makes the world seem more lively and like less of a grind to get from place to place. People hate walking simulators, so why want it to be one?

If you're playing as a cyberpunk futa warrior with augmented tiddies you know the ass is gonna be phat and it would be criminal to not let the player see it ok.

At this point people on this site are so obsessed with trannies they could be standing in a gay bar in california made by and for trannies in the 70's and they'd be surprised and upset to find a tranny there.

Oh no a cyberpunk game in a genre with very anti-corporate messages seems more liberally aligned. Oh no a dystopian cyberpunk california city has a large population of trannies and gays like it has already had for half a century.

How shocking. Why don't they care for my sensitive conservative feelings and ignore these things?

Look CDPR has bigger dev team than Bethesda, Obsidian and Troika yet they still have more fucked priorities.

>he thinks that bigger map = more fun
yeah checks out

Of course a programmed shill like you has his mind set.

You already used that same image for the same comment in the last thread.

And all the games mentioned have zero movement mechanics.
Imagine if Mirror's Edge has third person,it would be bad.

Let's ignore the fact that TES 4 and 5 third person is garbage,same goes for Fallout

Get a life you obsessed trannoid.

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I don't really get it. At this point I think it's just trannies being mean to other trannies. Nobody else could be that obsessed about some random marginalized group.


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If they want to focus gameplay on first person, fine. I’m good with a shitty third person because I just want to look at my character walking around. How hard is it to copypaste animations from generic civilian NPC?
>inb4 muh immersion shit

Not really. The core of them just hate CDPR and have for years before this game was even a rumor. The rest are bandwagon antishills who just like to bitch about things and find new obsessions to bitch about.

CDPR could be making a very uninteresting mobile game and they'd spend hours making thread after thread complaining about it after the first teaser of it has been revealed.

The game itself is not important to them.

The first description is kinda cringe ngl. Too try hard for my tastes.

What about tank controls and aito-aim?


The games with the best movement mechanics are all third person.

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Mirror's Edge is garbage. Prince of Persia and AssCreed have better movement.
Also melee is better in 3rd person.

>Let's ignore the fact that TES 4 and 5 third person is garbage,same goes for Fallout
Free roaming in 3rd person is nice. Combat can be first person in tight corridors. That's why these games allow for switching.


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There's no way you can convince me that map wasn't largely procedurally generated. There's cliff roads where roadblock props literally float like 5-10ft above the road

You're spamming multiple threads about how much you hate multiple games and using the same set of anime images so people know its you.

Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe whatever is wrong with you.

>I'm sorry i never played red dead cus i don't play shit games.
ok fag

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finna take a nap
what should I dream about bros

jesus christ, truly autistic levels of analysis

Do they have first person too?

You are suggesting games to have both.
You cant have both without one of them being terrible in gameplay.

Holy shit unironically take your meds.

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I thought the GTA thing was just a meme. What the fuck.

I like how OP thinks this is a negative.

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Shit, Skyrim practically IS. The only efficient way to get around is fast travel, and the world is so stretched out and boring with no reason to explore that you probably will only explore the area around your next quest marker before you fast travel back to Whiterun to get your reward

>every game that has toggleable TPP/FPP is shit
Makes you think.

>Didn't you make this same thread a few days back?
You mean every day for the past week?

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Post casual filters:
>cant save when you want
>boss gets stronger the more you save
>you cant play in 3rd person to get magical vision around corners

>PR marketing twitter changes how they prioritize the game description for marketing reasons
>Thinking this means anything about anything.

>mfw I'm more looking forward to the rave reviews and the massive sales the game will have just so it will shit on Yea Forumsirgins
>then maybe the game can be discussed without every post being shitposting
But Yea Forumsirgins are trannies and SJWs, so I doubt it.

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No user that's me.

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Holy fuck the CDPR shills and fanboys are so mad at this post.

I would genuinely rather have a map the size of a small town where you can enter every building and there's a shitton to interact with instead of a massive but empty map where there isn't anything to do like in GTA V

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Post the image with that one anime girl again while telling me how much you hate sunlight.

>boss gets stronger the more you save

N a m e

O n e

it's going to flop, cope harder

Yeah, and both GTA V and RDR2 play like shit in first person.

If it was all white and had no trannies, it wouldn't be a dystopia, and this wouldn't be cyberpunk.

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even the most disillusioned sunfags don't believe this will flop, think you're grasping a bit

>game doesn't come out for another year and people are already completely obsessed with it
I'm sorry but you're just wrong, you know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

Imagine the final boss is your neighbor next door haha

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Since when is Yea Forums right about anything?
Do I need to remind you that this is the place that unironically shilled Metal Gear Survive?

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Talk about cherry picking.
One the one hand is a careful selection of screencaps from a movie with a specific aesthetic, tone, and genre mostly unique to itself. On the other is a single screencap from a montage sequence of an early trailer showing a diverse range of locations and people within the game.

Gosh it's almost like you're desperate for (you)s. Well here you go.

I still miss this game. What a shame.
>tfw never got the bad ass body suit

I just stayed up all night posting anti-cyberpunk posts on Yea Forums.
I hate myself.

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This place will always think the opposite of what the majority does, but lately they've deluded themselves into thinking that, somehow, Yea Forums's opinions resemble the majority's.

good, fuck big open world shit full with ubisoft tier filler

I can't for the life of me think of a time this board was ever right. Even when they're close to being right they'll do a 180 seconds before it's confirmed and then dig their heels in to complain that reality has not aligned with their new position.

You can figure out what is going to happen by always being on the opposite side of Yea Forums.

you should

It sold a fucking lot already.

third person is shit

I want to say it started out by just being contrarian to what was popular and has become a kind of worldview where the idea is to believe the world itself is the opposite to what it is so you can be constantly upset by it. But then half the people are only acting like that under a few layers of irony and insecurity, so not even that is a constant.

I literally took a break from Yea Forums for a few months, came back and people are still talking about the sun shit, it's hilarious

I still remember the NMS threads.

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With this game it's the case of an anti-fandom. It behaves like a fandom in its obsession, nitpicking, and by comparing everything to the obsession and comparing the obsession to everything, where the obsession is the whole world and they'll always bring it up... but in this case they hate the thing unconditionally rather than love it.

And it's just a continuation of their obsessive hate of CDPR and witcher. I don't which of those two they started with. It's been going on for so long it doesn't matter. Most in the antifandom weren't even around when Witcher III came out.

>said user with diabetes

I like this one because it posts actual screenshots from the trailers and is pretending they're from something else.

>say a few critical things about a game and immediately you're an obsessed hater

it's obsessive because Yea Forums's been shitposting the same arguments about sunlight literally since the trailer

Counter-argument: A game being in first person is not an excuse to not have character creation unless you are playing with an established character IE Gordon Freeman

I didn't, cyberpunk is a garbage, pretentious setting that only MCR listening teenagers like.

Like witcher fans?

You are legitimately autistic.

Your characer shows up in cutscenes, some dialogue sections, when using the third person camera on cars and bikes. Thats just what we know of so far.

>Mirror's Edge is garbage. Prince of Persia and AssCreed have better movement.
I hope you don't actually believe this.

Thank god the camera switches to third person when you're in a vehicle. Can you imagine if they tried to ship a game where you can ride on the bike from Akira and you were stuck in first person the entire time? Now only they need to do is program in a third person mode for the entire game.

Attached: cyberpunk akira bike.jpg (3840x2160, 635K)

>183 / 45 / 75

Stop samefagging, OP

I'm hoping there's some customization to this bike as well

Same. I want to get a tricked out ride. I'll use the akira bike the entire playthrough if I can.

There has never, EVER been a game with good first person bikes, always horrible to control. Thank god this'll have third person.

>huge-ass empty outskirts areas
>the city areas with skyscrapers will have "verticality" at most in form of multiple accessible floors in a building
>"more dense" because they can't just sprinkle trees and grass around and call it a day

Unpossible with the tech at the time. Props had pop in, but the map was static and generated by region as entered similar to the cell systems in Gamebryo, I would assume. If you drive between four zones, you can see that the layout of trees, rocks, and other hard obstacles are constant. Only destructible objects can vary in placement.

I'm sure they'll release totally not cut from the game FREE DLC after release that lets you do that.

>including new hair style for characters
>colors and tectures for guns
etc. It's pretty easy to predict


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This shit with Witcher 3 was so blatant and yet they got so many gewd boi points from fanboys for doing it. Thanks for the haircuts, CDPR, I guess.

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It's hilarious how the fucking WOLF SCHOOL set was """free ""DLC""""". And they put the first tier in Kaer Morhen with the level requirement of 14.

Man i wanted big open plains and big dense forests in my Cyber punk game

Thank you for redirecting me to another one of your posts.

Sure, but what I mean is, I think they randomly generated terrain, roads and obstacles that aren't the main "landmarks" and did some minimal touching-up before putting that as the final map.

Having all the hair/beard options was awesome though.
>ended up just using the default geralt look from the first game
>put in a mod so the facial hair never grows back
Felt good man. Choices. I'd rather have them than not.

>Mirror's Edge is garbage. Prince of Persia and AssCreed have better movement.
I could understand maybe PoP. But fucking AC with its magnetic, autoplatforming garbage? Get the fuck out of here.

>primary or secondary sexual characteristics
>face augs
>full body
Not in a million years.

They good gud boi points because literally anyone else would've sold it back for at least $1.99 a pop and you know it.

>Wolf School armor is found by the Wolf hang out
How is that at all hilarious?

Wish they'd just give us proper modding tools instead. Fans are better at creating cosmetic mods anyway.

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I don't get why people spam this "boring empty" world non-argument.
This isn't a city full of people, it's a scaled down fantasy country. It logically will have some untamed wilderness, it would be dumb otherwise. And even so, there's unmarked locations and random encounters here and there so it's not "empty".

I don't know, maybe the fucking fact that the armor of the school Geralt is from wasn't in the game at launch?
Or that you actually get there at around level 20 and very likely will just upgrade it to tier2 right away because it requires lv21?
What could it be, huh.

You've got a point. EA, Activision, or the other big names would have stripped out even more content from the base game and sold it as DLC or microtransactions. Most of the Witcher sets probably would have been DLC as well as some unique weapons. The base game would have been generic steel and silver swords and gambesons.

I think you might be in the wrong thread. Nobody here is actually arguing in good faith or using base level logic.

ok, Ubisoft

Imagine being such a brainlet you think the wolf armor should have been level 1, or given to Geralt from the start because HURRDURR HE WOLF

Imagine crying about free dlc.

Imagine seething so much at CDPR that you need to find the negative in anything.

Imagine this being your life.

Imagine being a fucking drone and having to strawman this hard because you can't actually refute anything.

>this is the 10th thread in the last hour about this game made mostly for and by people complaining about it
>it's not even out yet and we don't even have much released gameplay
No, I know what an obsession is.

Yeah open world games only have value in pure size. If it doesn't take me 15 solid minutes of travelling to get to something not worth my time it's probably shit, right OP?

We'll get the One Block Role-Playing Game some day bro.

Imagine defending Geralt not getting wolf armor earlier in the game when it'd be more useful

>refute anything
There is nothing to refute, you're a brainlet who doesn't understand why the wolf armor is located in ruins around the castle and not found in a big bonus loot chest outside the white orchard inn, you're a stupid faggot looking for anything to complain about. Stop wasting time responding to me and get back to shitposting about the sun.

It's weird how to defend the game you only have to state what the game is and has and how other games are because all the complaints are so bizarre and outlandish.

So long as I can get into most Building sand fuck shit up inside, I dont care if its the size of Vice City.

I personally walking simulators. Fast travel? Ride a horse? Ride a bike? A car? Fuck no amigo. I walk. Not sprint. Not run. WALK. Ya dig? Take a puff of that fat spliff and just start pounding pavement. I tell you what. Nothing's better, ok. Nothing. Size matters. A smaller world means less walking, and less walking means less fun, which means more shit. An nobody wants more shit.

>So long as I can get into most Buildings
You can't

>So long as I can get into most Building

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As if you're going to pay full price for the game when its focused on PC.

You're a retard nigger who doesn't understand fucking game design. Ursine starts at 20. Wolf tier2 is 21, starts at 14, and available at 20 give or take.
And you just ignored how WOLF school armor wasn't in the game at fucking launch when 3 others were.
Kill yourself.

the game will not even fill the disk entirely.

Imagine killing yourself today, when you could just survive until next year and play Cyberpunk2077 instead.

I would have considered it.
But alas, c*nsole accommodating downgrades are the biggest turn off for my wallet.

>Exactly what I wanted to hear.
Same, this is the best news


>You don't understand game design
>Says the user who hasn't even played the game
Set bonuses makes every set viable. you'll get these mastercrafted tiers before finishing the game, making the levels in which you get the armor completely pointless. You would know this if you had played/completed the game.
>You ignored how wolf school armor wasn't in game at fucking launch
Yeah and they added it at no cost later down the line, which you're desperately trying sell as a bad thing. Keep seething about cdpr, and as I said before, go back to shitposting about the sun.

Now shoo, retard.

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funny how some games are different than other games

I just want the Shadowrun game made into a gigantic first person cyberpunk RPG that's no longer turn based. None of the bullshit, just straight fun.

Fuck the sun. The moon powers my flesh.

I'm sure 90% of them are newfags who only started to use Yea Forums in the past 5 years, before 2013-2012 or so nobody gave a shit about trannies, you had anons talking about being trans and as long as they were being an obnoxious twat about it nobody minded.

It was only after that point when the media and everything went full retard SJW that Yea Forums and non-/pol/ boards veered hard into anti LGBT stuff. Prior to that it was either just joking ironic derision or nobody giving a shit for the most part.

Very appropriate avatar you got there.
Fucking anything is viable, I used the lv4 Temerian set until lv20 on Death March, because everything else looked like absolute shit and the game is piss easy.
>Set bonuses makes every set viable.
"Set bonuses" don't kick in until grandmaster, and the only one that's worth shit is Griffin.
>Yeah and they added it at no cost later down the line
For good dev points.
>which you're desperately trying sell as a bad thing
It's a retarded thing that makes a negative amount of sense.

true, the shitposting was just as bad though, although for different reasons. the obsessive political shit is the real ass cancer of this board

This dick in your mouth

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>For good dev points.
>Dev adds something for free
>They are just doing it for good boy points!
>Dev charges you
>How dare they charge for X!
>Dev doesn't add it at all
>Where is X, devs?
There is no winning with you cretins, always out to cry and bitch about things. You must live an incredibly negative life.

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>Open-World, Action-Adventure Story

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>more strawman and no arguments
It's not some unimportant bonus thing. It's a Witcher set. The one that makes the most sense to wear. Not in the base game. The "removed to add later" meme has never been more fitting.

Here's how you get good "dev points", it's real simple:
make a good fucking game
CDPR's pandering with that dumb "16 free DLCs" and "We're you friend" propaganda reeked of desperation to compensate for how atrocious every single element of the gameplay ended up being.
Nevermind the abhorrent main storyline.
When you can't make and sell a game without a marketing budget to rival your production budget, you've fucking failed as a video game developer.
Better to live a life of skepticism than one of illusion and ignorance.

>Geralt wolf! so he wear wolf! it only make sense!

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>only polacks can defeat the disney jew now
are others even trying

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that's hardly surprising, even in the 50 minute demo you can see that everything is really close together

Also, the patched-in NG+ would just be a regular update if it was any other game, not "Free DLC" that was named that just to get people to call them based.

free thing bad

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>melee is better in third person
Miss me with that gay shit

I dont fucking understand why anyone gives 2 shits about some movie license game.
Disney marketing fuckery?

>the city is a protagonist

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>>hurr durr you have to drink water to survive
>>abloo bloo killing people is bad!
>>ooga booga naked wire dangerous
This is you. Acquire braincells.
Oh, it's too late. I'm so orry.

I wouldn't mind if it was even smaller than that. An inch wide but a mile deep is much better than a huge desert of a map.

>how atrocious every single element of the gameplay ended up being
>Nevermind the abhorrent main storyline

do people genuinely believe this shit

I mean even if you genuinely believed that, free dlc obviously wouldn't make up for literally the 2 biggest selling points of the game

Ah right, the Yea Forums standard

Witcher was mostly empty open field with nothing in it, so this is good.

>why do people care about this video game adaptation of a massively popular movie franchise?

Gee, I wonder. What a fucking retarded question.

The main storyline had a huge amount of padding and unfinished content like Dijkstra/Radovid.

I agree about djikstra and radovid, although not sure what you define as padding

Id be ok with it if you were allowed to kill them,
but seeing as CDPR already caved and catered once to the tranny crybully crew you know damn well freedom to kill them will be taken away, the second the fag forum start crying about it, it goes bye bye

This time the nothing will be more dense.

>video game adaptation of a massively popular movie franchise?
Right, that rhymes with trash shovelware no one cares about.

>do people genuinely have opinions that oppose my own
Video games only have one selling point, for me anyway.

would be cool if the city was surrounded by a huge fucking desert you can explore. Of course this wouldnt fly with the GTA crow they are aiming for

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I never once saw anyone in these treads complain about the map being too big,,,, not a fucking once.


They've confirmed wasteland areas outside the city though

These threads? You mean Witcher threads? Because there were plenty comments about the open world being empty and pointless.

>it's so dense, every single frame has so many things going on
you can't make this shit up

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it genuinely baffles me because you attribute the game with an "abhorrent storyline and atrocious gameplay", yet is there anything comparable, better even in the same scope or category as this, if so, what is? I'm genuinely wondering because jesus you fucks can't enjoy anything

oh thats good to hear. Maybe not everything is lost

Did we play the same game user? Holy fucking shit it sounds like your girlfriend went and fucked one of the developers with how unreasonably upset you are about a decent game

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>millions of people care about it

This denial is just beyond me

hahah you would be assmad too if you had to damage control for a shit game 24/7 just to keep your self delusion alive.
poor little fella

Don’t worry snowflake, you’ll be able to kill them as much as you want.

>better even in the same scope or category as this
What's the scope in this context?
Also are you asking if there are other Action-Adventure games in existence? I'll have to dig around in my files to see about that one.

yeah you can, you're doing it right now

Ah, you have dyslexia.
Ok then.

Radiant quests are a good reason, the exploration by itself leads to quests especially if you take detours and encounter random shit you wouldn't have touched in the entire playthrough if you fast travelled.

Riding through the field worked in a Witcher setting. Obviously it wouldn't work in a cyberpunk setting.

good witcher 3 had a big map but i wasnt a fan of just riding around half the time with nothing popping up to do

Ah, you are quite literally mentally challenged. Ok then.

>tfw no gf
I'm not really upset by any means. I didn't have any expectations going into it, it was just a game me and a friend picked up near its release during a drought.
I was open to everything it had to offer.
Not much, evidently.

literally anything, an open world rpg on this scale, defineable by the general categories we use

your snarkiness about it just seems like you're cranky and if you need to dig around your files in your hypothetical for millions of games, surely you can name a few

love the edits

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it wont flop, too many sheep believe what cdpr promised them.
They will buy the game then convince themselves that they didnt want all the other stuff that was originally said.
lying to yourself is easier than admitting you were wrong.

holy shit you faggots are autistic.

Huh, for some reason I thought nature wasn't super molested in Cyberpunk. Maybe i'm thinking Shadowrun

>Dragon's Dogma
>Stalker: SoC
Dragon Age is a bit of a wild card, but after you get through the muddled first bit and it really opens up, both in gameplay and narrative, I'd say it's a more consistent production with a good curve.

That's the word they used in a few interviews. Could just be the immediate area around Night City being fucked after it was nuked by Johnny Silverhand or something.

Nature and animals are basically extinct in Cyberpunk.

Yeah it would be a furry game
White girls fuck dogs
White males are 82% percent of the furry fandom

AC Odyssey is notorious for being too big for its own good.

The main story is probably the weakest aspect of it, especially considering how much I liked 1 and 2s, but I really wouldn't call it abhorrent, just serviceable. If you ever get the itch to try it again, I do highly recommend the DLC for it, as Hearts of Stone alongside Blood and Wine are really well crafted and blow the main story out of the water

the second a falseflagging Yea Forumsfaggotmanchildren starts crying more like lol

You mean they've crammed it full of shit nobody cares about?

what role playing choices does this game have

Aw that sucks. Guess it is shadowrun i'm thinking of, as that had a ton of mutated creatures and neat twists on classic monsters like gargoyles

I hope someone is keeping a running list of everything CDPR said was going to be in the game and what they are slowly taking away
I wanna see how big the difference is when the game is released.
That way I can enjoy all the fanboys screaming how they didnt want any of the original shit cdpr said they were gonna do.
Ya know... all the shit that made them pre-order in the first place.
I hope someone is keeping track.

yea sure.. its not you sjw trannies, its evil nazi's pretending... just like ion fury
sure.. nice damage control

So far you can pick from three backgrounds that change your starting area and some of your dialogue choices like Dragon Age, but i'm not sure how more in depth we can get for characterization choices

Hope that happens regarding things they directly said, rather than people just letting their imagination get out of hand, and I hope that there's a list that shows everything added, to keep things fair

I hope the game is good and it doesn't matter if it is not a 1 to 1 with the trailers or the initial plans. What you are asking for is someone to keep track of the marketing and that is just stupid. Yes, you are stupid.

I ended up playing HoS earlier this year, and will admit the Toad Prince boss fight was so superior to any encounter in the vanilla game that is almost made me salty. Like all of a sudden there's this boss with more than two moves who requires a reaction time.
The story was disappointing, though. I expected more to come of Olgierd, like you'd help him redeem himself and go on an adventure with him or something. You spend more time with his annoying brother, it felt like.
Also Gaunter O'Dimm was a sore thumb. He's exactly what you expect, and nothing else. He has no particular passion outside of being ambiguously evil, until he just skullfucks a patron for no apparent reason, then he goes ICP-mode and fucks off. Eh.
Maybe some day I'll finish B&W. Maybe.
The stories, in their varying range of qualities, would shine all the better if the gameplay wasn't so piss-taking, is my general consensus. The game being billed as an Action-Adventure-RPG, and then the action is middling, the adventure stretched too thin, and the RPG being as basic bitch as Ubisoft's new approach to movi- I mean game design, just all comes together as a exponentially average experience.
I don't personally think the characters or the lore, neither of which CDPR can credit to their own creativity, make up for the middle-of-the-road production that was amplified by a $100,000,000 marketing assault. Just seems dishonest to spend that much money to market such a bankrupt product when you could have spent a fraction of it hiring decent team leaders and designers, and then sold the game by actually showing gameplay footage instead of CGI and bullshots.

mirrors and reflections, rtx baby

There's you ''class'', your ''sex'' and your ''background''. The class is fluid and will depend on the skills you choose, it will allow you to solve puzzles trough different means. The background is your starting location and your characters knowledge pool, the street kid will know about gang life while the ex-corpo will be familiar with corporate protocols etc. That's what i've gleamed so far from all the interviews i've seen.

The more we hear about the game the more I want it to not even exist.

>change your starting area

When did they say this? It's not like origins where you leave to a new place, you have been in the city long enough to have an apartment and a best buddy. You will also be involved in the same shit regardless of your background. What kind of "starting area" are you talking about?


So why are you in this thread? Sod off.

wew savage

They were both designed as third person games and on the opposite side we have Skyrim and Fallout that play horribly in third person since were both designed as first person games.

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Yeah, they've been saying this for a very long time yet i still played the Witcher 3 in it's full and couldn't even be bothered to finish any of the Rockstar games. So i personally am very happy that CDPR is nothing like Rockshit when it comes to their games.

>false flagging tranny telling me to dilate

dont pop a stitch dilating

Are there even stitches in dialating? Well you probably know best since you're clearly a falseflagging tranny.



Kinda sucks that it's coming out right when the new consoles are happening too. A bit of a GTA V situation where it ends up being limited by previous hardware, even if it gets released on the new consoles too

Good, though I wish we'd get something like Kowloon

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>This is a Role Playing Game game
Day 1 pirate.


The Narrative™


I present to you
the biggest game ever created by mankind...

Attached: download (2).jpg (637x358, 56K)

Witcher's maps were fairly big, but also fairly empty, so I think it's fine that way.

This this this! I hope someone is doing that, it would be epic to own those fanboys, fucking epic wins RIGHT there!

I would be ok with the map being 1/10 of W3 if all of it were a massive city as it should, but at least half is going to be Los Santos countryside revisited




i just wanted too much from this game honestly.
i've imagined how cool and different would be to rp as different classes. in the end theres no classes.
i understand why they had to go with their own version of gta tho.

I doubt the character creator will be anything good, it feels tacked on. They probably only put it in because the game is based on a pen and paper rpg. You play as a set character anyways, no different from Arthur Morgan or Geralt.

mods are fucking useless with this board now this guy has been spamming the same thread over and over again

fuck off already or go kill yourself.

I do not give a single shit about Cyberpunk but who the fuck is still getting impressed by map sizes these days?

I cannot remember the last time I thought "wow, this is disappointingly small" for an Open World game, they are all so huge that it doesnt even register anymore.

no mans sky

Hey that's what my big brother calls me.
Smaller and more dense.

We live in a society filled with whit*id

The witcher 3 map was basically fields upon fields of nothing. Its not impressive having a big map with nothing in it. Atleast it seems they are learning

The more I hear coming out about this game and its limitations, the less hyped I get.

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Its obviously going to be shit, why do you think you've got so many hired shills?

That's because what you know is based on Yea Forums shitposts

>city is more dense than open wilds/battlefield
color me surprised

I'd be happy with one fuckhuge Novigrad

this game looks crap

Yeah its starting to not look so good.. *spiderman vanishing gif* tony I don't feel so good!

That's a good sign to me. I'm tired of huge fucking maps with nothing in them.

I hope there's a mod that makes everything have a color palette like this scene.

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That user was only doing a service and telling the truth about the overrated piece of shit that is Breath of the Wild.

No mod support so no :( Looks like its just going to be fun in the sun.

This right here is how I know it'll be utter disappointment

See guys, the key point is don't ever listen to Yea Forums's opinions because people on Yea Forums are either retarded shills or retarded contrarians. There is no in between. They're both faggots and need to kill themselves and the rest of us non autistic anons should just ignore them and take the info we see from demo's and trusted info sites.

So far I think this game looks pretty alright. I already pre ordered and I think I'll enjoy it.

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>Skyrim is an example of good open world design

>No mod support
So? That doesn't mean you can't mod shit. Lot's of games don't have mod support and still have lots of mods. Besides to enable modding support you have to have the game assets be simplistic and modifiable already, like fallout and skyrim. Otherwise it's just way too difficult to make a lot of mods for a game. A retexture wouldn't be too far out of the realm of possibility though, it's very simple.

>his hype and optimism: gone

shut the fuck up shill.

Kill yourself contrarian faggot.

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What in the absolute dumbfuckery are you saying? Yes, saying something will be present in the game they are selling to entice people to pre order said game, and then removing those things in the final release isn't "marketing" it is flat out false advertising. You retard.

>having good taste makes me a contrarian

See but that's the thing, you don't have good taste you have shit taste.

>saying something will be present in the game they are selling to entice people to pre order said game, and then removing those things in the final release isn't "marketing" it is flat out false advertising. You retard.
Yet to see something like that with actual sources because everything that was supposedly deleted was only confirmed by anons based on other anons wishful thinking and assumptions

well good thing they mentioned that in their marketing then
>(...)if you like what you see, we will appreciate you "voting yes" for CP2077 with a pre-order. If you are still hesitating though, we would rather you wait for more materials or reviews. Our goal is for you to truly enjoy CP2077 and not regret a pre-order.

>unironically using the zoomer meme
Found the newfag. Are you enjoying your stay here little buddy? I thought school already started back up

the more I read about cyberpunk the less it sound like F:NV or vampire type of RPG but mass effect type of rpg where the protagonist is actually set :v

Zoom zoom zoomie zoomer zooms around

Shut the fuck up retards

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Did this setting even need a main story? Wouldn't it be more interesting for players to get swept up in crazy antics based on their class / role and basic trajectory in the game world and what they choose to do and explore? Do I really need Keanu Reeves fluffing my nutsack?

>courier out on revenge for whoever shot him in the head
>neonate on the hunt for a sarcophagus

Pandemic let you switch between 1st and 3rd person on the PS2 in Battlefront. CDPR are incompetent

Shut the FUCK up shill, go back to /mlp/

Smaller horizontal map perhaps but people are forgetting the vertical space available in the cyberpunk setting.
Nice try Nintentards. BotW will forever be shit.

who cares about map size? you want density

otherwise you wind up with the skyrim open world of emptiness where it's big but there's fucking nothing for you to do in it

Wouldn't it inherently have more verticality to it?

Nice try kurwa

>does an rpg need a story?
no, it doesn't, go play some bethesda games

Jam it in my mouth, I'll measure it for you.

That's literally not what he said you retard.

Why the fuck would you want a map as big as Witcher's, holy shit that thing was too much.

Why do you let them live rent free in your head?

Embarassing my dude.

No sher Shitlock
City maps are almost always smaller than open fields.



Actually good news. Witcher 3 had so many unmemorable samey open spaces.