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I miss him

We all do, user. He’s not coming back.

He is, kind of.

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Coming back, that is.

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I wish I had a Max plushie

You crack me up little buddy.

Greatest comic book duo of all time?
Greatest videogame duo of all time?
If they came back today they'd be Simpson'd and you know it.

The Sam & Max stuff was the only thing I kept in TF2 when I cashed out finally. As far as I'm concerned the games Telltale did for them was the last good thing that studio ever made.

The telltale Sam and Max games were better than the narrative games that came afterwards

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to people that have played/watched everything, which voices do you like the best?

Max's voice is pretty much universally good in all appearances, but I think Hit the Road Sam was the best. Telltale Sam always seemed a bit too mellow, and Freelance Police Sam is a bit too zany.

>waiting for the new episodes
>excited just for seeing the new trailers
>third season was fucking amazing

good times bros, I'm glad I lived it

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posting some art

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Who do the rights even belong to now that Telltale is RIP?

I guess Steve Purcell?

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>Max's voice is pretty much universally good in all appearances
I really didn't like the guy they had for the one episode of the TT series.

bye anons hope you liked them

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oh wait one more

I don't remember it anymore but well, they changed it after the pilot so they noticed it was bad

He's barefoot

meant to post this

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Lorne should have come back as a villain in the Telltale games.
I really liked the music in the telltale series.

I seemed to recall reading that the first episode had different voice actors for the Game Tap version, but I never heard them myself.

It was REALLY good, Jared Emerson Johnson is great

so many memories

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Yeah, it's always been Purcell. But he's too busy doing shit at Pixar.

I love how it has some elements from the street theme in Season 1.


>Sam, talking to a TV antenna: "Oh hey, I remember you from the reception."

I think my favorite is this from Freelance Police:
>I think we're being watched, Sam
>Based on the distinct lack of fan mail, I beg to differ


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>Season 4 never
Who even owns the IP? Was it owned by Telltale or were they only licensed for it? And another thing to consider is if someone did pick it up for a revival, should they start fresh and do their own thing of reinterpreting the comics like Telltale did after LucasArts, or continue the same continuity.

Steve Purcell I think. And they definitely should start fresh, nobody knows S&M now, so they would need to introduce them to a new public.

It's nice that he has a stable job, but it also means the series is dead.

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Hit the Road HD when?

Hit the Road has really great pixel art though, I think it's perfect as is


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Who else wants to fuck Sam?

Telltale had the best of both, although I kinda like how Hit the Road Sam sounds like a real gumshoe stereotype.

Classic Sam

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Oogy oogy oogy, blah blah blah

I miss when animation wasn't just generic CG human with an exaggerated facial feature.

>third season was fucking amazing
"No." Neither was Season Two though

name one thing wrong with s02

I want to be fucked

Chariots of the Dogs alone has one of the best puzzle designs in the entire genre.

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>"Holy palpating proletariat Max, after the untimely and completely expected destruction of TellTale, it looks like we've been condemned to an online internet pity-party of self-loathing misfits with a blissfully ignorant, idealistic perception of the past and a jaded disdain for the future."
>"Feels almost poetic, Sam. It's enough to bring a tear to my eye, and an incessant throbbing to my frontal lobe."
>"Hopefully that's just a tumor, little buddy."

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I did a little bit of work of a 1:1 2D-to-3D convertion of Sam & Max because I was so disappointed in the Telltale-games' lack of art direction.

Sadly it never got anywhere due to lack of time.

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It hurts bros. Homestar runner is in the exact same position.

I forgot "Hit The Road".

This is obviously the slightly shorter, chubbier version of Max that appears in the game.

Episode 2

You two deserved better than us.

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you got an art account? You should do Sam next and put them in some of the poses from Purcell's art.


I was working on Sam, but he was a bit hard to rig ok. I gave Max a very elaborate cartoon rig so that I could do most the moves he did in the game.

My Twitter-account is @colonthreee

I prefer Maxine

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that's pretty cute!

He is a very competent composer.

>has the body of stephen king
what ?