Damn, Miranda looks like THAT?

Damn, Miranda looks like THAT?

Attached: Ornstein & Smough.jpg (1345x1079, 181K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How to fix Miranda in three simple steps:
>make her alt outfit the default (in Mass Effect 2)
>get rid of the black hair, return her to to glorious Aryan blonde
>switch from the pallor of Nosferatu to a more tanned look, but not so much it goes overboard.
there I just made Miranda the best waifu in the game.

I really liked her 2 front teeth, very cute feature.

Attached: teef.jpg (1191x670, 94K)

Attached: yea, galo sengen.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)



Also don't make her a coalburner

She never was

Make her more of a coalburner

Attached: tumblr_n8v64eeoGM1tdivkfo1_400.gif (400x300, 492K)

Kys, OP.

Attached: 16564582790662717440_screenshots_2014-07-08_00076.jpg (1920x1080, 355K)


>Reverse image search
You seem obsessed

t didnt play the game

ladyboners gif thread?

Nah, she's a coalburner

Attached: 1447889479343.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

Where are my glasses? I can't see without my glasses!

Attached: 1uh408.jpg (930x534, 152K)

do you think they wear space diapers? or some super bacteria which quickly dissolves feces? so they can just empty their pee/stool tanks right into what ever suit they wear?

Attached: ME2Game_2018-12-27_11-09-44.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

probably they have some bacteria / organic ecosystem inside the suit to take care of that. atleast for quarians.

You should watch it till she starts doing her splits.

Attached: Rowdy_party_2_-_mirandajack.png (2560x1440, 3.68M)

god. imagine putting your ear right between her legs so you can hear how all the pee gushes right out and against the fabric of the suit

just looks like she's practicing, there's no eroticism to her moves
maybe needs music idk

It does need music.

Attached: Miranda Dance Clothed.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

The failure to properly animate ass irritated me to no end.

Best option for her

t. Paragon

Attached: IlliterateNextAmericanredsquirrel.webm (1280x720, 1.09M)

>rus subs
Бpaтaн, ты тoжe вpyбaeшь caбы чтoбы нe пpoпycтить чтo-тo вaжнoe, нo кaждый paз бecишьcя, чтo oни пoпaдaют нa cкpиншoты? Cyкa, cкoлькo жe гoдных кaдpoв былo yгpoблeнo.

Cerberus cheerleader

Attached: 1524036773870.jpg (3840x2160, 1.18M)

God bless every user that's keep posting ME-related threads

Attached: O1-IvPNairk.jpg (318x345, 35K)

Attached: Miri plans.jpg (1920x1080, 116K)

I've just finished an almost replay of the whole series (I've never played the third one) and I feel empty.
What other games let me save the galaxy and fuck aliens?

Attached: 1563976847499.jpg (1190x1198, 180K)

Also Liara best girl, with Tali coming in second place and Miranda third

Attached: TheMaestroNoob-622464-Tali.jpg (1500x1125, 1.02M)

>have fart fetish
>tell girlfriend about it
>she just laughs about it. later rips a fart directly into my mouth
>tasted far worse than I expected it to

>that filename

Attached: True love.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

Are you that user that asked Liarafags if you should try the games or not a couple of days ago? I'm still waiting for his reply.

Attached: 1566509862530.gif (500x281, 898K)

Attached: 1544320364901.png (1300x737, 1.33M)

bucky o'hare

Won't even lie, I want a girl to fart in my mouth and regret it later.

Why yes, this camera angle is extremely important.

Attached: 1260469-masseffect2_2010_02_01_16_41_46_65.jpg (1024x768, 60K)

Sounds kinda crazy, but I'd do it...

You feeling lonely, psychotic slut? Want some company, perhaps? A little private show from your most hated cheerleader?

Attached: 1562442603231.gif (400x320, 1.09M)

I have nothing more to say to you
how about goodbye

Nah, I've finished the first one twice, the sequel half a dozen times and the third one just feels so... I dunno, it's nothing special.

Attached: 2owIfs9RQ4XVs7kfn1bc9DTsXNr85QFNLNZ_x6qb904.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

after 3 days of posting this guy someone finally replied with a proper answer
I love you, bro

Left one is droopy

Miranda, for the guys who want to fuck Michael Jackson

Post the cameltoe

>Start playing ME2 for the first time
>Miranda immediately starts telling me how she's genetically engineered to be perfect
>Black hair
Were Bioware afraid to make the big bad space nazi a blonde? She's even based off a blonde

Attached: 1560151670467.jpg (640x640, 49K)

playing ME2 for the best time and Jack and Tali are the best girls

>gemetically engineered to be perfect

>buck teeth
>fat lumpy face

Attached: 1562154410656.png (725x599, 92K)

To be fair black hair suits her better.

Damn, Miranda looks like THAT?

Attached: file.png (549x683, 412K)

I'm playing through the three games for the first time and I knew ME2 was considered the best going in, but I kind of prefer ME1 to it in some ways and think that ME3 may be better in the story (aside from the ending)

The Collectors are stupid, DIRECT CONTROL guy is annoying, having to work for Cerberus despite Shep able to say he hates them (which is renegade even when it shouldn't bff), no Liara is stupid, no grenades is bad, combat music is shit, no hub world

God damn watching Jack clean up and go beyond her angst nihilistic persona makes me so fucking proud to be Paragon. I just want to give her a nice house on Mindoor with a white picket fence 3 kids occasional visits from her students and hearing her weep a bit at night wondering how she really came this far


>That pic


Attached: thiccer.jpg (1000x1195, 84K)

Originally she is blonde but Black fit the Femme Fatale look they were going for better


Attached: 4L_GVH4Qzg3.gif (498x266, 744K)

It's been a long time since I've seen this much shit taste.

Attached: 1458744802457.jpg (600x557, 39K)

>femme fatale
ingame she just comes up as an arrogant lumpy bitch. tempted to let her die just like williams

Yeah we all know redheads are genetic perfection

Attached: 90274.jpg (1920x1200, 425K)

The gameplay improvements and getting rid of bad clunky outdated RPG for RPGs sakes mechanics [Like treasure chests in every recycled room] and amazing characterization of each party member makes it stand out ahead. Also how the hell do you miss the grenades from ME1? those things were hideously ineffective as was melee



the gameplay is much better yeah but the hacking is worse and liara and garrus are worse than they were in ME1. liara feels like they just got bored of her

>>RRREEEE FemShep cant be Blonde thats a NAZI
>>Change the poll results to hair exactly like mine
>>Yeah I dye it so what?

It kinda hurts my love for them desu

Personally I disliked the combat in 2 the most as well as the Cerberus thingie, in 3 they go back to being sociopaths doing fucked up experiments.

Be sure to download the sepereat power cooldowns mod from nexus when you're going for 3

Attached: hUvak_l_2uBwACAwolooBvYOw6EBjK25QY_and8LrCA.jpg (687x1199, 96K)

That's like letting a bad remake "ruin" the original game/movie

Attached: heart_by_SusanCoffey.jpg (900x600, 96K)

>>Minigame hacking
Ok granted but it sucked either way just like resource scanning vs exploring empty worlds

>>Liara and Garrus

Liara was just doing other shit and DLC to kill time for 3. Ok it would have been nice to have her but they decided to do something else in game. I would be bothered if I didnt know the DLC was coming and romanced someone else but otherwise its fine and the moment in the DLC where we get back together is amazing

Garrus? Hes the fucking man no matter what

If there existed a Shepard version of that sweating guy meme I'd post it here.

that DLC bounty hunter guy is so bad that I don't think I'll ever finish his quest

Stop shilling your terrible OC donut steel in every mass effect thread, your Shepard looks like he hasn't slept in four years and has been doing chemotherapy for five.

Attached: 1566740779052.gif (200x200, 285K)

I think I am that meme right niow. It doesnt help that im actual playing right now either

Bounty Hunter DLC? Oh that takes me back

>all black haired women are super debonair and all blonde women are dumb and ditzy
Bioware's double standards in the portrayal of women and their hatred of supposed stereotypes are fucking hilarious.

Attached: 1566181805371.jpg (660x1822, 510K)

t. jelly


this but unironically

Ya know alot of folks are still Mad about the ending in 3 but I never got over them stealing Blonde Bombshell Shep from me for Tumblinas

>only female turian romance locked into the shitty spinoff
>she's actually cute too

>He wants to fuck a crab

Attached: 1562028652351.png (268x325, 87K)

Shilling? Either way I just wanted to ROLEPLAY some dude who should look like that due to reason that include what you said.

Why are you people so fucking angry about it every single time anyway? I could understand banter over custom Sheps but this is for some reason the second coming of Hitler or something. Sheesh.

Attached: true love 2.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

They are more bird-like

All in all, the best moment in the series is the one scene in 3 where you meet Blasto The Hanar Spectre

Attached: 1bk0wmyg58231.jpg (2250x3000, 1.41M)

they are skeleton birds and very cute

>thinks that they make her blonde because of some shitty stereotype
what the fuck are you talking about? did you even played me3? ever heard of Kahlee Sanders?

He кoмплeкcyй из-зa этoгo. Пoпaли и пoпaли. A вooбщe игpaй нa aнглийcкoм.

Take her where?

>valchor appear
>carriinishly demon alien monsters

>first thing I wonder is if they have fuckable women

Mark Meer is an absolute unit. He voice Shepard, Blasto and all the vorcha.

Some writer's pet, of course she'd have blonde hair

Of course she'll regret it.

Funilly, the polish voice actor for Shepard was the same one that did Buzz Astral in Toy Story which was my one of my favourite childhood cartoons. The rest of the cast was shitty though

Yes, he still had a favourite store on the citadel.

Attached: jpPh3udocCa8rz1M5SEYMYnuMKaYegrJFnJkjP23EF0.jpg (701x1080, 84K)

Дa нeт, никaких кoмплeкcoв. Пpocтo зaхoтeлocь хoть чтo-тo oтвeтить фeллoy кoмpaдy, пycкaй и нacтoлькo тyпoe. B кoнцe-кoнцoв, нe кaждый дeнь вcтpeтишь pyccкoгo aнoнa в фopчaнoвcкoм тpeдe пo лишнeмy cтвoлy. Пиc.
вceгдa игpaю нa aнглийcкoм, нo c caбaми

Attached: 7fb0956abb85fa1559648b8f2727a668.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Attached: ExplorersFinallyLocateMiranda'sAnus.jpg (800x466, 11K)

>No dick

Attached: 1363093863627.jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

>Buzz Astral

Attached: 1238136146340.jpg (1552x1442, 603K)


Buzz Lightyear

Attached: dO5JYQX71lqGyauN3TTjH_LfB57I5AejdzObpK9OdBU.png (2560x1440, 3.24M)

I wanna skin her and use her hide as fabric for an office chair!

More like black was better than blonde for covering up the fact that they couldn't texture hair for shit

>wojak got a gf

Attached: 53f.jpg (196x250, 8K)

.....fuck me

Attached: 1533854215423.jpg (1920x1080, 420K)

The legend.

Attached: A3_aA-jiNes.jpg (248x231, 10K)

Jesus fucking christ. You're a moron, you know that? Don't say mean things about her.

Attached: OOZ5t.png (551x581, 270K)

Attached: pat ugly son of a bitch.jpg (154x253, 26K)

and older males and middle aged males and newborn males and...

>mfw i now have nostalgia for this shit

you're pretty cool, user

Зaхвaтывaeм этoт тpeд

Attached: колобок.png (436x435, 56K)

Don't get offended waifufag, he was referring to the reptile texture of her skin


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