Old hags are sexy and anyone who disagrees is a gay mutt. *drops mic*
Old hags are sexy and anyone who disagrees is a gay mutt. *drops mic*
Die in a fire you fucking sicko.
I hope you get shot.
Just look at this. It's disgusting. Objects without souls (old hags) can't give consent.
It's satuatory rape to sleep with a girl over the age of 16.
You can't just post this without a dump
Today OP wasnt a faggot
I'd frost Kawakami's cake anytime.
The only cure for teleiophilia is a bullet
Ok, post an actual hot vidya woman who is older than 40. not a 28 year old "cake" but an actual older woman.
I can wait all day, i'll even bump the thread to help.
A good cake is at least in their 30s.
>tfw older than Kawakami
Where did it all go so wrong?
Yeah, I love your mom
me too bro
I wouldn't mind scoring with a young girl like her. We'd look weird together though, like I'm some sort of pedo.
Here's one who's over 100
Tae isn't over 40.
Get that shitty Asian Larkin Love outta here
Ooh, what's she from?