Old hags are sexy and anyone who disagrees is a gay mutt. *drops mic*

Old hags are sexy and anyone who disagrees is a gay mutt. *drops mic*

Attached: Kawakami_Cut-in.png (872x632, 117K)

Die in a fire you fucking sicko.

I hope you get shot.

Attached: 1498633686472.png (992x1425, 1.29M)

Just look at this. It's disgusting. Objects without souls (old hags) can't give consent.

It's satuatory rape to sleep with a girl over the age of 16.

You can't just post this without a dump

Today OP wasnt a faggot

I'd frost Kawakami's cake anytime.

Attached: f9f963cf1defc0a0b502305032a520a4.jpg (720x1200, 154K)

The only cure for teleiophilia is a bullet

Ok, post an actual hot vidya woman who is older than 40. not a 28 year old "cake" but an actual older woman.
I can wait all day, i'll even bump the thread to help.

Attached: 1514501789370.png (750x1125, 602K)


A good cake is at least in their 30s.

Attached: lock the door.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

>tfw older than Kawakami
Where did it all go so wrong?

Attached: source.gif (600x600, 741K)

Yeah, I love your mom

me too bro
I wouldn't mind scoring with a young girl like her. We'd look weird together though, like I'm some sort of pedo.

Here's one who's over 100

Attached: my58OCu.gif (580x850, 840K)

Tae isn't over 40.

Get that shitty Asian Larkin Love outta here

Attached: XY_Drasna.png (595x892, 254K)

Ooh, what's she from?