>build gaming PC
>wind up using it only for emulation and console ports
Build gaming PC
Other urls found in this thread:
>things that never happen
What are some /reicore/ vidya?
>Things that always happen
Anything /comfy/ probably animal crossing
I have a friend who only uses his gaming PC for these things and low spec indie games.
Define a console port?
All games are made on PC first.
What else is there? Besides getting 300 fps in CS:GO
are you riding his baloney pony?
>build gaming PC
>become disillusioned with the entire platform due to the community (or lack there of)
Especially now that we get simultaneous releases.
Hell Tekken 7 ran on PC hardware using unreal 4 engine in the arcades.
The console version is the port.
You can't actually be this pedantic or retarded, can you?
Based retard
Most games are designed with consoles in mind and have been since the 360/PS3 era. EA is one of the only devs that targets high end PCs first.
Mustard race simply isn't as comfy like the console chads
Not anymore.
Most Games are now made specifically for PC and then downscaled to work on Consoles.
Why do you think we now get simultaneous PC/Console releases.
And why Unreal 4 is the most used engine even on consoles.
And besides Why does it matter if a game is a port or not.
If port means 60 + fps and the ability to disable shitty post processing like motion blur and chromatic aberration etc.
Then i will ware the port label as a badge of honor.
You console plebs realy care so much about exclusives and if a game is a port or not?
Do you people not look into things before you fucking buy or build them
Rei a best.
I only built a PC because my school laptop broke and I needed to replace it. I wanted to be able to play Automata because I'm a Tarofag but didn't have a PS4. So I built a PC instead, played Automata and some console ports and then used it primarily for emulation and downloading porn. I don't regret it though.
You honestly think this hasn't happened?
Define comfy.
You can easily play your PC in bed and just alt tab too fap or watch something else even during matchmaking or loading screens.
>Most Games are now made specifically for PC and then downscaled to work on Consoles.
Source: My ass
It's okay to be in denial, but the fact of the matter is this PCs haven't been the target development platform in almost a decade.
You've clearly drank the Koolaid though.
you should use it to play neon genesis girlfriend of steel
There's nothing wrong with this. ROMs and emulators are free so you own one machine to play thousands of games.
Go take your meds autism-kun
I wouldn't say EA studios targets high end PCs. Their shit is just unoptimised for the consoles they're designed for and need an expensive PC to bruteforce its way to 60fps.
Why let all that horsepower go to waste? Try using your computer for useful things. Set up your own "cloud" storage on it with nextcloud or syncthing, get into machine learning with tensorflow, mine whatever shitcoin you want. If you don't have any use for your computer besides games, just buy a console.
>Melty Blood AACC, Grandia 2, GG, MvC
My nigga
>Hosting servers on a desktop computer
>Running Windows
Enjoy your instability and random updates.
>baloney pony
>build gaming PC
>only use it for 4channel
Please think before speaking
>build gaming PC
>end up browsing Yea Forums and playing games that ran smoothly on previous toaster
What's the problem? I'm happy I can play bayonetta and Tekken on my PC.
At least the games would look better
As for games designed with a CRT in mind, they won't. Filters do a poor job of emulating what an actual CRT looks like. They're all exaggerated.
>Filters do a poor job of emulating what an actual CRT looks like.
Excuse me?
>Buy PS4
>No games to play
>he thinks that's actually true and not at all an excuse for dogshit performance and issues across all platforms
based retard, or shill. doesn't matter which you're still a mong
I'm unironically abandoning the PC because of the death of Windows 7. There's finally absolutely nowhere to go.
I could buy an absurdly powerful card to try and keep going on Linux and tank the frame loss but what would be the point. Win10 or Linux half my shit is going to stop working.
Sad day for all gamers
>build badass PC that can run the most graphic intense games at a steady 60fps with max settings
>use it to play the least demanding games like Slay the Spire, Dead Cells, The Banner Saga, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon, etc.
angry rei a qt
I honestly don't see why people think there is something wrong with this. There are many games out there that are still demanding to emulate, plus the fact that you save money in the long run by building an expensive PC and emulating all your games.
>tfw in the same boat
At this point I should have just bought the old consoles to play em.
What filter? Most don't look that good
>never played STALKER, EYE, FEAR, VTM:B
I feel sorry for you.
>console ports
Don't see how this is a bad thing. In the vast majority of cases the PC version is the best version. Even many Jap publishers have gotten their shit together and started delivering good PC ports.
I'm using >Mednafen if it matters. Does it even have this one?
>Things that always happen because new games are a barren wasteland and at least by playing old obscure SNES games I might find something interesting
Who is best girl and why is it Shinji in a dress
>Shinji in a dress
That's just Nadia, my man.
Checks out.
>EYE has co-op
>No one wants to play it with me
>Not even my friend who likes weird shit like pathologic
Mtuliplats != console ports
Same, even though I gifted my friends the game they would rather play shit like the last of us
Modern video games are a chore and expensive GPUs are totally unnecessary. The path of the true patrician is emulation and playing pre-2010 games on integrated graphics
>Rei > Misato > Prostitutes > Asuka
is a gtx980ti and a i7-6700k a good combo or should i be looking for something better
Yui is just Rei, but better
Damn, Rei looks like that?
I bought the 4-pack too, that'll teach me for buying people games
If NGE had a villain, Yui would be the prime candidate.
Big surprise that yet again Yea Forums fails to address the topic and instead talks about the image. It's at the point where this board would be better off if OPs were not allowed to post images.
>If NGE had a villain, Yui would be the prime candidate.
Do people actually like Asuka?
explain Gendo to me
from what i remember about him he's the pettiest most worthless parasite ever to be born
why were good talented people all over his dick?
They're not people user
I dont have anyone to play it with either, we should add each other
>Source: My ass
So the same as your claims.
>You've clearly drank the Koolaid though.
Says the faggot who pays to use his own internet a second time, just to play P2P games.
>build a gamer pc
>My dick grows 10 inches
She knew what she was doing with the experiment, she foresaw the end of humanity and wanted to leave a proof of mankind's existence, she actually wanted to be sucked into Unit-01 since that was her only way available to achieve that goal.
She abandoned her family for a completely pointless goal. As a consequence, Gendo became a depressed madman who would use his power to try and sacrifice the human race just to be reunited with her, not to mention the mental scars she left on her son who freaking saw her get "killed"
I built a gaming PC and I only lurk this shithole
fuck you all
Hoes are attracted to power
I mean there hasnt been a good pc exclusive for years. I dont count mobas, early access, indies and br trash as good games. They are for 12 year olds watching twitch streams
'tis the weeb instinct
1. See Anime girl
The inane faggotry that follows every anime image in this fucking board makes me crawl in my skin every single time. It's always the same.
>She knew what she was doing with the experiment, she foresaw the end of humanity and wanted to leave a proof of mankind's existence, she actually wanted to be sucked into Unit-01 since that was her only way available to achieve that goal.
She did know what she was doing. She wanted to leave proof of mankinds existence. But she wanted to use Unit 01 as an arc for humanity to survive the third impact. Fuyutsuki says this during the third impact and you get this idea with some of the flashbacks.
>She abandoned her family for a completely pointless goal. As a consequence, Gendo became a depressed madman who would use his power to try and sacrifice the human race just to be reunited with her, not to mention the mental scars she left on her son who freaking saw her get "killed"
Gendo and Yui shared the same plan. People get tripped up on his motivations and think he wanted to use third impact to be with Yui and forsake everyone else. I don't think this is true. He want to use Unit 01 to be the arc for humanity, but also use the powers of Adam + Lilith to be reunited with Yui( and maybe bring Shinji along too). You also have to keep in mind Seele was closely monitoring her and Gendo, so she had to force some events to take place, even though it may appear that she had bad motives or was thoughtless/careless with Shinji.
If I can get a 1080ti for $600, should I get it over the 5700xt?
It is obvious from his death scene that Gendo's goals completely diverged from Yui's and were ultimately selfish
So you built a gaming PC for one of its most computationally intensive tasks and for playing video game ports. What's the problem?
Are you from Europe?
>It is obvious from his death scene that Gendo's goals completely diverged from Yui's and were ultimately selfish
Maybe, but you could easily read it that Gendo's "death" was just a manifestation of his guilt. He was brought into third impact with everyone else, just look at episodes 25/26
Who the fuck cares?
This entire discussion belongs on Neck yourselves.
He wouldn't have had guilt in the first place if his goals were noble.
This post belongs on
>He wouldn't have had guilt in the first place if his goals were noble.
He overall plan was good, but how he interacted with his son was not. And he knew this.
> jumping on the bandwagon
> "back to >>>[social media platform]", doesn't even link properly.
You need to go back to wherever you came from. You're not fooling anybody, these are middleage shill tactics.
>buying gaming hardware, when you don't want any games it has to offer
Please, be baiting
>build PC
>use it only to play obscure indie games
If you like video games, a good gaming PC is worth it for the emulation alone.
People buy 100+ horsepower cars despite never leaving city where speed limit is 45mph. Just because there's no practical point to it, doesn't mean people won't do it and consider normal.