Is mocked at first reveal

>is mocked at first reveal
>time skip reveals Punished Dimitri
>voted most popular character
>has the most popular route

How did he do it, lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

pre-Timeskip look like a dork
post-Timeskip is edgelord who probably like Linkin Park

>dimitrifags are schizo

So how long before Yea Forums contrarianism sets in and we hate Dimitri?

Nah, eldelgard has the perfect balance of haters and defenders. She will always have the spotlight. Dimitri will get one post for every ten eldelgard post. Claude will be lucky to get one

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Nevermind the fact Rhea herself admits the creation of the church was a mistake fueled by her grief

Only edelgard is a wonder of this world. She fulfills Yea Forumss ideals and love of genocide but her reasoning is so poor that even the real nutjobs can't seem to decide on her

The true contrarianism is liking all the characters.
But what other user said is true, Edelgard owns the discourse completely.

>idiotic point made using format of a failed wojak edit
g8 b8 m8.

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Edelgard is the best lord in the game simply because she saved us from just having 20 chapters of generic dark organization fuckery.

Christ someone had to push the plot forward

>Character who isn’t even in 3 Houses is substantially more popular than actual units in the game

Fuckin Christ

Even Claude agrees with her reasoning and overall ideology though, he just doesn’t agree with the methods. Dimitri accepts the line of logic but also doesn’t agree with the methods.

No one is denying Edelgard isn’t the darkest shade of grey of all the lords who falls into outright villainy without the influence of Byleth but damn people think this is Validar 2.0 we’re dealing with

>lysithea bigger than claude


You can tell it's someone's first Fire Emblem when they say
>Why couldn't this person just talk it out and unite with the others against a greater evil?
wow so original, sounds like you'd enjoy any of the other 9,000 fire emblem games.

>How did he do it, lads?

I can't wait for the true TRUE ending in the form of dlc where everyone just talks it out.

Yea Forums would be a fucking awful scenario lead

>yeah, sorry for my several attempts to murder you
>no problem Edelgard
>u cute

>unironically wanting revelations 2.0

Get the fuck out. Not every game needs a 100% Golden ending that nearly solves everything

>bernie rolling despite getting autism

I'm exactly waiting for that.

>crazy wait dragon stop

this reeks of edeltard cope

Every thread is waifufags vs everyone else.

>crest kinda needs sense

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>big hot bitch
sorry for the flood, promise this is the last one

is this the most chad looking protag in gaming?

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Tbh in /feg/ Edelgard's fans tend to use her name a lot for some reason, people who like Lysithea just post pictures or use a nickname like Lysi and a lot of people spell Dimitri and Dmitri as well.

Suffering and war just fits him incredibly well for some reason.

For all I know the image is fake.
Also when did they turn off the filter for desu?

It just makes the most sense given the dubstep people are the real villains.

>No eyepatch

Thanks I hate it

He gets one after the timeskip properly.

That's not a big accomplishment, you know. It's like saying orphanages are a good thing, but killing kids' parents shouldn't be part of the way you get to making them.

I'm finishing up BL right now. What route makes the most sense to play next from a purely story perspective? BE?

Thing is in BE Edelgard makes every effort to offer her opponents to surrender compared to other routes. The Alliance comes out virtually unscathed outside of Myrrdin and Derdriu.

It’s really only Faerghus that get hard fucked because of Dimitri’s stubbornness and Rhea using them as a shield

But I'm a waifufag and THE BOAR is my favourite too along with Claude, Ferdie and the Chad Lorenz.

BL and BE are best played one after the other.

GD and Church at best played as far apart as possible since there’s a considerable amount of overlap

I thought GD and Church infodump so much that they're best played second or third.

I love God shattering Star so fucking much

>tfw genuinely feel like a villain for playing BE and disappointed when people surrender because I want Edelgard to be stopped
It's funny, playing the villain route in Langrisser is always fun but Edelgard's "muh greater good" excuse makes me feel like shit.

She still purges most of her political opponents and dealt with rebellion in her own empire off screen. "Other countries are okay if they surrender" isn't much of a defense.

One or the other yes, but playing them back to back is a big no no

GD, that way you get plot answers.
So go GD>BE>church.

Just unconditionally surrender to my unprompted global conquest kicked off by numerous veiled attempts to assassinate the leaders of surrounding nations. I'm not going to explain myself to you though.

>I'm not going to explain myself to you though
But she wants to save them from the tyranny of the church at swordpoint and force them to swear fealty to her empire

Hate me or agree with me, i just want to tell everybody in this thread that I love Leonie very, very much. She's kind, smart, cute, can fish, hunt, cook and also, not that it matters because she is perfect without it, has a perfect sexy figure.
It's okay if you disagree or say "Jeralt, Jeralt", i still love her very much.
Thank you for your attention, and have a good day.

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All of them unite Fodlan and force everyone to swear fealty.

You're arguing like the world's endstate isn't deliberately made identical in every route and thus irrelevant.

The other two were playing a defensive war, the aggressor has no saying in the matter if he gets BTFO'd and conquered afterwards.

So does Church route have a Gronder field map where you fight everybody? I assume not but I wanna make sure a head of time - managed to do my BL fight without killing any students but Ingrid was a causality in my GD and I still feel kinda bad about it.

Leonie is pretty good in the A+S support, too bad her C+B support and ending slides aren't great.

That doesn't matter, winners are the ones that justify wars, not defenders or attackers.

Kek, I just remembered Randolph in Lions.
>haha time for another good day of killing Faerghus losers

dude jeralt lmao

To be honest I'm still slightly sympathetic to Edelgard, but I'm afraid playing GD first will nuke this -because- of those plot answers.

Jeralt, Jeralt

>That doesn't matter
Oh yes it does. Conquering and warmongering are one thing, defending yourself and retaliating are another.

Edelgard's reasons are still the same, the only difference is that her anti-church propaganda loses it's impact because her propaganda is 1000 year shitposting by her ancestor who for some reason is butthurt about Seiros even though Seiros helped him conquer the continent.

Boar weed your grace?

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It makes the situation all the more tragic, but ultimately the core issue of the church being a lie isn’t exactly changed

Am I the only one who really likes Gilbert? I didn't give him a second thought until the timeskip but I really like him as the "too old for this shit" knight who's trying to help his lost king even if it is a pretty simple character.

He did absolutely everything wrong. But I do like him a lot, and his story is one of redemption.

Yeah, but there's a lot more context as to why it's a lie.
I really don't blame Rhea for lying after THAT considering she could have created a whole theocratic empire under her rule and called it a day.

babbys first political philosophy

He is like Jagen if Jagen was an actual badass instead of a useless unit.

>Launch a genocidal war on the whole world
>Dude why did you guys fight back, you're just as bad as me, no worse!

How did Yea Forums react to the timeskip reveal?

>for some reason
>why can't I keep conquering stuff?
>why do you support people wanting out from the empire?

Dimitri memes.

Did a complete 180 on the game from that point on


Actually, the break up happened 500 years later. For some reason, the FIRST Emperor was super butthurt about Seiros. I guess he wanted to rule Fodlan under an iron fist but she wouldn't let him or something. It's funny how he conquered all of Fodlan and IT STILL WASN'T ENOUGH for him.

Literally can’t happen with edel trying to murder everyone from the get go and having general disdain for the goddess

BL went from the last route I’d do to the first

>Golden ending is for everyone except El and Hubert
>it's a Claude+Dimitri+Seteth route

I liked Dimitri as a character way before the timeskip, generally nice, kind to nobles and commoners alike, his best friend is a person from Duscur and he has no problem with that, might have been a bit stuffy at times, but he's a noble who was raised to be stuffy, but he will also tone it down to someone who doesn't appreciate being talked to like that.

He is a generally good character from the get-go. It was a shock to see him post timeskip, but I could see why and how he went a little fucking nuts. Betrayed by his sister on multiple occasions (though he only finds that out later), suffered through the tragedy of Duscur where his parents and everyone who meant anything to him died senselessly, lost his one real link to the world and his best friend, Dedue. Loses his professor for 5 years, who it felt like Blyleth became a sort of father figure to him. Escapes prison...look, the laundry list of shit life gave him is too fucking long to count. Anyone with any emotion can see why he went schitso. But seeing him redeem himself made me happy as fuck dude. Then at the end, does what he does?

I don't care what anyone says. Dimitri is a phenomenal character, and easily the best house leader in the game, followed second only by his main man Dedue.

Fire me faggots.

are we acting like some poll dominated by fujos matters?

Imperialism ended in failure, for one nation it was so bad they had to stare nuclear extinction in the face

The only way I can see it happen is if the revelations of GD are made evident to Edelgard, she revises her endgame, and TWSITD become a substantially larger threat

Don't forget Cornelia executed his uncle, the very last blood-related relative and family he had.

>a villain who can also be the protagonist is the most talked about character
wow woah

so deep

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Dimitri keeps topping male polls and Edelgard struggles with female ones, behind the likes of Lys and Bernie, for starters.

So who should I recruit during a BL playthrough? I really do not want to recruit more than 1-2 people from other houses as I like the impact the game places on killing the other students

Because he ACTUALLY went NUCLEAR

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Like I fuckin said, the laundry list was fuckin long.

From the biggest Korean Nintendo forum:

Best Class(Route)
1. Blue lions (33.9%)
2. Black Eagles (Empire) (31.6%)
3. Golden Deer (30.9%)
4. Church (3.5%)

Best Male Character
1. Dimitri (26.9%)
2. Claude (20.9%)
3. Ferdinand (9.6%)

Best Female Character
1. Lysithea (23.5%)
2. Edelgard (17%)
3. Bernadetta (11%)

Worst Character
1. Edelgard (30.2%)
2. Ignatz (16.4%)
3. Cyril (8.7%)

Attached: antidrug dedue.png (1160x318, 658K)

I want to DRINK her pee and EAT her poo!

Attached: fire_emblem_three_houses_bernadette.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Keep seething, Edeltard.

Posting a Hilda won't hide you, Edelshitter

No shit, these idiots are at a level where Evil = He started it, of course I have to keep it simple.
Imperialism directly allowed the merchant class to develop and end feudalism.

What makes GD so hilarious is that Claude on his own in Part 1 White Clouds learns more Church secrets than 1000 years of the Empire's secret vendetta against the Church. The Empire really needs to employ smarter people rather than hiring the best killers.

Enjoy nuclear holocaust

And he learned all that in the public library.

>Hilda disliked Thomas, Monica and Edelgard and was concerned in a friendly way about Dimitri

Yeah that's nice and all but can you get on the fucking ballista Bernadetta?

Attached: Emperor Edelgard.jpg (959x960, 127K)

hes hot af pre and post timeskip

>Imperialism directly allowed the merchant class to develop and end feudalism.
>says the slither while posting from his dubcave

>eat lunch with Dimitri and Dedue
>Professor, look at Dedue smiling, you don't see it often but he can't hide it when he eats his favourite food

>generic white thot is best girl
How did they do it?

I need a Caspar/Hilda edit of that one “ I hate every one of you faggots” pasta


350 sample of gooks doesn't matter, post the Japanese one.

>How did he do it, lads
More like the waifu just turned shit.

She's lazy but she's not heartless, and she's smart.

Well one might say not being enthusiastic about fighting on the front line is an indication of intelligence

Well, Jeralt's fuckin journal certainly help a fuckton.

I think their interactions have been my favorite so far, and their Support A is unfair levels of heartwarming. Also Dedue is just a really cool dedude in general

>not enthusiastic
>crits everywhere

You mean the one where Edelgard ranks even worse for females?

Not really, Jeralt's journal was just vague stuff that in the end didn't even turn out to be that serious.

I saw a webm that showed there's ways to recruit people after defeating them. How is that done? Do you need to be pretty much close to recruiting them before everything or what?

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>not being enthusiastic about fighting
>is a fucking gorilla

Only for certain characters on certain routes

>Voting Statistics: - Survey period: July 25 (11:00PM) to August 1 (1:00PM) - Females: 63.9%, Males: 31.7% - Completed: 54.7%, Uncompleted: 45.3% - Most prevalent age group: 20-29 years old (59.6%)

>Q1. Which house did you pick? 1. Blue Lions (42.6%) 2. Golden Deer (29.6%) 3. Black Eagles (27.8%)

>Q2. What is your reason for picking said house? 1. It had the most characters that interested me. (60.7%) 2. I was worried about what happens to them after the timeskip. (23.5%) 3. I was worried about what happens to them before the timeskip. (3.9%) 4. I liked its characters’ stats. (3.4%)

>Q3. Right now, your favorite character is...? 1. Dimitri (32.4%) 2. Claude (22.9%) 3. Byleth (Female) (17.7%) 4. Edelgard (17%) 5. Lysithea (15.9%) 6. Byleth (Male) (14.3%) 7. Ingrid (13.6%) 8. Bernadetta (10.9%) 9. Marianne (10.5%) 10. Sylvain (9.1%)

>EDIT 1: After finishing the game, who is your favorite character? 1. Dimitri (30.2%) 2. Claude (19.8%) 3. Lysithea (17.8%) 4. Byleth (Female) (16.6%) 5. Bernadetta (15.1%) 6. Ingrid (14.2%) 7. Edelgard (13.6%) 8. Byleth (Male) (13.0%) 9. Sylvain (11.5%) 10. Sothis (9.8%)

EDIT 4: If anyone is curious, the biggest Japanese Fire Emblem blog (ルフレチャネル) asked users on the message board their favorite characters of the opposite sex as well. While it was only around three hundred people, the results kind of mirror this magazine.

Women picked


Men picked


Why don't you faggots think for yourselves instead of wasting space with popularity contests?


Damn shame she loses that line post skip

God damn Lorenz's supports are great. He's trying to give Marianne more confidence, encouraging Ignatz to pursue his dream, and trying to get Claude to think about the number of citizens whose lives are in his hands.

Got it ruined by the promotional artwork.

How did it react to the art?

>edelgard wrong sex god must learn

What does it mean?

>Goddess tower
>have to choose between Lysithea and Hilda
Gah, hard choice.

>Bonds with Manuela over his poetry
>Bonds with Ferdie over noble dreams and ideals
Truly best boy


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That we wouldn't be having these arguments if Edelgard was a guy and waifufags hadn't latched onto her.

I am the only one who felt that the effort they made to make Rhea look bad during the school phase was quite bad? I did not understand why the characters said that it was uncomfortable for Rhea to give death penalty to those who participated in the revolt with Lonato and the guys who entered the sacred mausoleum

Lorenz and Ferdinand's supports are so golden I was upset they couldn't get to A ranking.

There wa shuts enough doubt the first time I played that I could see choosing the Edelgard route on the first time if you were a genre savvy RPG player who knows churches tend to be bad.

And that convo post fusion is downright creepy thinking if the implications

Anyone else finally let Manuela be happy in life? Her proposal scene is way too sweet.

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If they wanted to make her look bad she should’ve killed people who surrendered without a fight, but yeah all those insurrectionists were trying to kill people. Then you learn it was edelgard who set them up in the first place to die

>Obviously more going on
>Rhea ignores any pleas and senstences them to death
>Every other line of hers is talking about how sinners should be punished
>She sent a holy crusade out to purge people
>He is cryptic and doesn't answer questions

She goes from 0 to 100 really fast when it comes to capital punishment, but yeah, executing traitors isn't that bad. I guess the closest thing is that she inquisitions the hell out of the Western Church after the attempted assassination, but fuck those guys.

Warning signs about what? That Eselgard is going to start a genocidal continent spanning war?

Why can't you customize your character? Male protag looks like a fucking edge lord and the female a ditzy retard, both have shit anime colored hair.

Because there are anime cutscenes with them.

Then you're extremely autistic or retarded; they couldn't have made it clearer.
This game (and all your Japanese animes) are written by atheists that don't trust churches. If anything the game uses shorthand to skip some of the justification because of how clichéd it is.

Dedue. By Seiros what a stupid name, Dedue Mollinaro. Who named you? Some halfwit with a stutter?

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Rare case of presentation completely failing to actually capture the character. Another example (even if you think the game is shit, the characterisation of Cole in the PR material is hilariously different from the reality of the character, almost the exact opposite)

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On my first playthrough on GD, since the Church was acting shady and I've played enough games to be suspicious of religion I kept waiting for Rhea to go evil but it just never happened.
Honestly after knowing what the crest stones are and how they relate to Rhea I felt kinda badly for her and it certainly made her rage make more sense.

>Edelgard owns the discourse completely
yeah after she gets put in a corner and has no choice but to own it

>Edelgard owns the discourse completely
yeah after she has no choice but to confront it when you and the others have a problem with what she's doing in her route
there's a reason she goes full retard if someone like Byleth isn't keeping her in check

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Those CGI cutscenes are berserk level garbage, shouldn't have bothered with them.

God Shattering Star > Apex of the World > A Funeral of Flowers

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Rhea did nothing wrong.

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Someone had to draw the short straw and move the plot forward. We couldn’t have TWSITD fuckery the entire game. At least they didn’t make her a mustache twirler like fixing Validar or Jedah

IS has a terrible time writing scenerios/characters that arent black/white. There should have been some actual shady stuff rhea was doing pre-skip, show her starting to go unhinged or something to give the player some justification in saying shes evil

I just bought the game. MALE or FEMALE main character, do I side with PRETTY MUDSKIN, BLONDIE MASTER RACE or BLAND WOMAN?

online statistics say otherwise.
PS. Yea Forums isn't the whole internet

I really wish they used more of the i game cutscenes, those actually looked pretty good

They shouldn't have made Edelgard responsible for Lonato's uprising, it made the whole section of the game a joke.
>wow, that was sad, Lonato didn't deser-

No, they shouldn’t have done that. Because the evil big bad church is about the least inspired evil organization you can come up with

It's fine to feel bad for her, but people who act like it justifies perpetuating an entire theocratic regime completely mystify me.

>Doesn’t even see you as your own person at this point, just a vessel to revive her mommy

Her character is tragic as shit not gonna deny but she still does some extremely cuntish things

But the church itself is not bad, it is only Rhea who they try to show in a bad way by quickly sentencing people who attempted a revolt and who literally tried to steal from a sacred mausoleum, characters like Alois, Flayn , etc. that they are also aligned with the church are never shown as nothing more than good people, I understand that Rhea giving them an extremely fast death penalty can be a bit jarring but then remember that those executed are not innocent people in any way and even the thieves of the mausoleum they were about to steal an ancestral weapon with enough power to kill thousands of people

Be sure to treat her well.

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She's my mommy now so it's all ok.

Just started Chapter 6 - BL. Story is actually pretty good.

When does the plot get ruined by dragons/demons? So far no dragons or demons, just that one big 'ol monster.

Why does everyone treat the Western church as saints, they literally wanted to kill off the main branch of the Church and take over religion in Fodlan. And out of greed, not even for a good reason.

What “regime”, if she wanted to establish a regime she would have never left the empire

They should have made him gay, that would at least give him a reason to exist.

But the Church takes care of orphaned children and hunts down bandits and brokers peace treaties. Outside of Rhea being a little nuts they are pretty ok.

The church itself indirectly propogates the crest hierachy in the world by lying about its true nature, and both times in history moderates in favor of succession attempts in order to further dilute the unified strength of humans. They are not totally faultless here

BLs doesn't

BL has the least of that in its plot.

Not to mention the officer’s academy is a wonderful way to maintain peace between nations

>>voted most popular character
by female losers
>>has the most popular route
anytime you load a screen you can see thats a lie
kill yourself sjw blu faggot

Koei Tecmo wrote the scenario and it’s by far the best this series has had since FE4, and arguably its better than that too.

FE fans literally can not cope with something that isn’t clear black and white hurr evil dragon/warlord

>Good Fire Emblem plot
>Not being ruined by MUH DRAGONS

But Edeltards are the SJWs, she's beloved in SJW shitholes like Serenes, Gamefaqs, Resetera and Leddit.

She did some wrong, but she also owns up to it.

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because an ancient evil dragon is in charge

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What the fuck are you talking about edgelord? Dimitri is fucking gold, have you even played the fuckin game?

Did you completely miss the part where Rhea was starting to get creepy and obsessed with Byleth once they awoke Sothis' powers?
You could literally hear the desperation and eagerness in her voice when she brought Byleth down to the tomb and the throne room in hopes that Sothis would resurrect right there and take over Byleth's body, so her "experiment" would finally be complete.

And of course she goes nuclear when you tell her to go eat shit.

Attached: firefox_APEnwYgeZh.png (1280x720, 1.71M)

Finished GD and halfway through BL, does Edelgard find out in any scenario what Rhea's actual problem is? I mean because if she learned Rhea is literally a survivor of genocide and that everyone else got turned into weapons to kill more of her race, that might change things a bit.

The small sample size and unbalanced demographics of the poll are a problem and make it pretty illegitimate, but are you really going to pretend that online statistics are a good metric? It's mostly just lizard brain reaction to seeing pretty girl and saying "I pick this one"

You know what propagates the crest hierarchy? Crests making you objectively superior to those without them. This argument is like saying Christianity needed to be abolished to uplift the peasants; nobility often declared some divine right to rule. That shit is all lip-service, what keeps the hierarchy going is the concrete differences between the classes.

The nobility are going to remain in power due to access to education, land, wealth, soldiers, etc. What the church says doesn’t really matter.

Dont bother, Edelgard worshippers call everyone else reddit or SJW, despite being THE SJW lord.

>crazy dragon is triggered by abusive humans and PTSD
Kek, in other words Edlegard's fault.

Only after getting caught in the act and forced to own up to it.

Claude telling her ass off is one of the high points of the game for me

wow, God forbid someone claim that the church is represented by the motherfucking Pope.
Well, we could go ask what the Western Church thinks of all thi- oh wait, Rhea purged them from existence.
The person with the standing army holds the power. The church literally allowed the the Kingdom to exist and the Empire was forced to back off.
Imagine how much more good they could do if their missions weren't mostly centered on protecting a lie and murdering apostates.
Hope this was sarcasm. Sure turned out great.

Not to mention all the lgtbbqbbwbraaap characters on her route, including edelgard herself

No, never.

fuck the pope and fuck scalies
also its fun seing her loose her shit when you side with El in the holy tomb

The conversation with Dimitri on the BL route basically states this. Crest are propagated because they're important in defending yourself.

no you are you subhuman sjw loser who picked the most hated gay fag moralfag bait loser character kill yourself you sjw nigger

The officer’s academy literally exists to foster peaceful relationships between the nations. One person shooting up the school doesn’t change this fact

>The church literally allowed the the Kingdom to exist and the Empire was forced to back off.
This is bad how exactly?

>attack church because a evil dragon is in charge
>get triggered and go crazy and kill people

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The Adrestian Empire can't meme

>all these people who say “actually edelgard is good and right” because she’s an incredibly cute lesbian
I don’t understand the love affair with making lgbt characters out to be saints who do nothing wrong. You can like characters that are bad people.

also I thought fascists were wildly unpopular

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Right, and im glad they didnt go the church is actually bad route, however, theres nothing besides her not telling you literally everything upfront that would make her suspicious, while the empire/edel is dropping hints left and right.

Oh was it KT? That explains alot as this is as close as ive seen FE get to not pure good vs bad, though its still there with the whole slitherers operating a bunch of stuff behind the scenes

I didn't really get the impression she controlled all that much besides the church and the people working for it though? Like it doesn't seem like she was ruling Fodlan at all - the Empire, the Kingdom, and the Alliance all have their own government and their own politics so I don't know where this theocracy stuff is even coming from. All the matters Rhea deals with in game are religious matters or self defense. I'm not even sure if the church even owns any land other then the monastery and some of the surrounding lands.

you are subhuman sje and will die alone like allblu fags

You said she didn't want a regime.

>noooo how dare the church broker a peace for people wanting to govern themselves instead of submit to a dynastic ruler how authoritarian

I do not say that Rhea is not creepy, but really she does not seem anything evil when we compare her with Edelgard that by that time we know that she has been allied with the same people who started the rebellion, tried to steal valuable objects from the sacred mausoleum, experimented with civilians in a village, killed Jeralt and transformed students into monsters, the fact that Edelgard says she doesn't agree with Solos' actions and the others don't excuse her

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I recruited him to BL, but here he just comes off as a poser. You have Mercedes' support where she makes fun of him (more obvious in jp than in en) and Sylvain's support where Sylvain is suddenly getting rejected by girls for no reason just so Lorentz looks better in comparison, and all this after begging you to join BL instead of killing him.

The kingdom isn't her regime, it's for people, who are devoted to the church, to get an out of the empire.

seeth more you SJW nigger i won blu lost

Then until that underlying issue is solved Dimitri entire spiel about trying to change the ways of Faerghus is all lip service.

Ultimately, Claude’s ending is objectively the best of the three, because not only does he unify Fodlan, his international outreach leads to fostering relations that require the need to defend yourselves from outsiders mostly null and void

Why do edeltards act like the church supporting the kingdom’s independence is a bad thing?

They didn’t want to secede for no reason, the empire treated the northern regions like shit

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Sothis is best girl.

Literally no one is saying she did everything right. Her methods are objectively agressively imperialist at best and downright fascist in non BE touted.

It’s basically “I’m not condoning this behavior, but I understand”

im going to make your mom watch as i remove you from the gene pool with a brick

this is your brain on moleman koolaid.

The caste system, which is the real issue, is solved in its ending.
Crests are completely irrelevant when the problem is actually society.

She doesn't, there are atheists in the monastery and most of the rebellions you stamp out are shown to be violent threats in some form.

>underlying issue is solved
Via education and technology both of
which were happening prior to edelgard’s pointless war.

Except for the people saying BE is the correct route

>The church literally allowed the the Kingdom to exist
Edeltard went too far and exposed himself

Not just talking about this board bud. Not to mention that you’re not even right about all the posters here.

is the gameplay shit? all threads seem story only

There is no fucking correct right and anyone saying otherwise is retarded. That goes for Dimitrifags as well.

The entire game is about perspective and your influence on each of the three lords, and how differently things pan out depending on who you back

If she were evil, she would have killed all of Fodlan when she learned how they killed her mother and used her bones to create weapons, but instead she just wanted to revive her mother, I don't see how she is evil, I just see her as a woman that she is completely desperate to be with her mother whom she has not been able to see for more than a thousand years

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i'd say based, user, but she's MY S+

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you subhuman i won you die

it's funny because i genuinely have schizophrenia and Dimitri is my favourite

Anyone who thinks BE is the "correct" route is completely delusional. It doesn't even fit the theme of the game, your character is basically a prophet who hears the goddess but lets side with an atheistic tyrant to kill the church ayy lmao.

>the church supported the kingdom’s independence from a dynastic empire
>this is bad and authoritarian
>the church supported the alliances independence from dynastic rule of all kinds from Kings to emperors
>this is bad an authoritarian
>the church lessening its own power is authoritarian
The greatest irony, is that the church was at its most authoritarian when it founded the empire and conquered all of fodlan.

Thoughts on this guy?
I wanted to like him but he was kinda underwhelming

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It had potential but its painfully easy as the enemy AI is trash and enemies lack skills/good use of gambits so after a bit its heavily in the players favor

It's more that the real power is in the hands of the ones that are teaching (i.e. indoctrinating) the next generation of rulers.
And like I said, it's in the fucking game's library that the Kingdom only exists because the Church willed it, and the Empire complied.
This is classic medieval history shit.

The gameplay is good. The problem is its repetitive as fuck and it isn't that deep.

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If Dark Spikes T and Luna didn't exist I would actually care about him

Gameplay discussion depends on what they do with lunatic and beyond, because hard is basically normal which is easy as shit.

Dimitri would never insult the chef.

>people butcher your mom and make bones out of her weapons
>now have insane powers
>instead of forcing them into exile and murdering them, make them into nobles and culturally groom them to represent the best of what society has to offer and to protect the common folk
Real hmmm hours here even if her other motives were kinda shit

>oh no she's creepy better conquer the world
go play other routes edeltard

yes thats me and the entire thread laughing at you being alive

>and make bones out of her weapons

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>take over Byleth's body
Is this that moron from /feg/ again who thinks Rhea is trying to bodyjack you?

it's not that difficult and master classes are so specific that people pretty much immediately realized that wyvern lord was the class half the cast wanted and that was that. It might change with the dlc but we'll see.

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>Rhea straight up admits what she did was fucked up, even if it takes losing all power to do so

You first

Its a little on the easy side even on hard mode, but I guess it also depends if you're the kind of player to keep trucking after a death or restart the mission.

you can stop now nigger you lost

It’s not wrong, just that she’s not trying to body jack you herself but for her mom

You don't even need that. He is easy enough to surround and just gambit to death honestly.

>being such a lawfag that anything short of complete and total extinction can't be evil

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Like I said, FE fans literally cannot comprehend the idea of something not black and white

Her plan worked and fodlan had centuries of peace, probably because the ten heroes responded to her kindness. Hell we don’t even know that much about them just nemesis. Who knows what their motives were

It's grey, everyone in the game is different shades of grey. But people pretend somehow Edelgard isn't the exact same shade of grey as Rhea, which is pretty fucking dark.

Why does this fire emblem have some of the worst names in the series?

She doesn't want to bodyjack you she just wants Sothis to make herself known through you. But you're probably that guy.

>ten heroes responded to her kindness

Ah so you haven’t even played all the routes, alright then lol

Fuck off Edeltard, you morons don't even play the other paths but think you know shit, your entire path is a tyrannical war based on a misunderstanding.

Literally every single person at the officer’s academy wants to change the social order, especially professors like you and Hanneman. They even give the latter considerable funding when he’s working to replace crests entirely.

You’re schizophrenic headcanon is just that. Not real

Absolute state of the church

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What's up with her FAT cheeks in this route?

She intends for Sothis to COMPLETELY take control of your body, effectively killing Byleth as we know it. Holy fuck could you not read between the lines on that???? Especially if you’ve done Church/GD

The Church accepted the founding of other kingdoms because they feared the centralization of the empire would be a threat down the line. For example, their proposed solutions to succession problems was to have three brothers deeply entwined with the clergy to rule the kingdoms.

I’ve noticed inceltards really like to fall back on
>muh Rhea muh dimitri

Dimitri fags literally proclaim in every thread how they won’t play BE so this is a prettt big lul to me

>She intends for Sothis to COMPLETELY take control of your body, effectively killing Byleth as we know it.
Wow if only this wasn't complete headcanon posted by a 20 IQ Edeltard. You are fucking delusional go jack off to your tyrant.

The kingdom rebelled against the empire and the church mediated after some battles presumably to make the war shorter. The church didn't just up and say 'hey this land shouldn't be part of the empire anymore' - the people of faergus wanted independence.

They never had to leave the empire in the first place.

What the fuck did you think was going on then?
That user is spot on.

Wanting independence is bad and authoritarian brokering peace makes you morally dark as fuck

Byleth is Sothis, they merged. Even Flayn thinks you are a goddess and questions you being a male goddess in her support. If you side with Edel Rhea goes crazy because she thinks you are suppressing Sothis inside you because you are fucking evil, when in fact you already merged.

Go watch Rhea’s S support and realize how much of a fucking moron you’re being. Literally the biggest deal in it is her finally seeing Byleth for himself and not as a vessel to bring back her mom

if he's 20 IQ, then your IQ must be in the single digits

>that user

Not him but we really don't know very well what would happen, seeing that Byleth is apparently able to survive without the stone in his heart and Sothis has the possibility of becoming a playable unit in the dlc there may be some way in which Sothis can be revived without Byleth having to lose his body

If I've seen things, it's Edelfags saying they can't play other routes because they make Edelgard look bad.

Rhea did not expect Sothis to just leave her power to Byleth and fuck off, that was a completely unexpected development on her part. She expected Sothis to awaken and take full control of Byleth’s vessel body as herself. She explains this in two routes for fucks sake

samefag, I refuse to believe people missed the plot this hard on the Byleth/Sothis relation

You're a fucking idiot.

You must be at zero then

actual samefag

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Claude is cool in part 1, but in part 2 his character is pretty disappointing. It's like he's a cool dude in school when you first meet him, but as time goes on he starts opening up with his stupid ideas about religion and politics and you realize he's an crazy. But he's still a a cool dude to hang out with casually.

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>completely ignores the part where Rhea admits she had experimented 11 times before to bring mommy back and that Byleth was the latest experiment
based Rhetard

You could easily see it as Rhea believing awakened Byleth is Sothis minus her memories.

Every single lord looks bad without Byleth’s guidance and their classmates.

Edelgard turns into a full tilt fascist despot.

Dimitri is an revenge obsessed beast who dies meaningless deaths and forsakes his own people’s well-being.

Claude becomes a hapless cuck who can’t even keep his own territory in line and waits for someone to bail him out

>Rhea did not expect Sothis to just leave her power to Byleth and fuck off, that was a completely unexpected development on her part.
That isn't even what happened, they merged into one being. Sothis is partially Byleth himself after transformation.

>rhea is literal lizard illuminati , burns the city, wants to brainwipe you, executes people without trial
>edelgard frees humanity from lizards, btfo slithers without even needing to fight them, unites Fodlan bringing in a new golden age
What a bitch.


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the FE fanbase is full of cucked lawfags

>literal lizard Illuminati
>doesn’t do anything except execute people who try to kill her and her students

Her presence is virtually non-existent outside of waking you up again and if you S rank her. She is effectively rendered moot in the narrative from that point onward

The difference being you actively see Byleth helping them, in their own timeskip routes, develop from those issues, in both Dimitri and Claude's cases.
Edelgard, howeverm, is the biggest dindu ever in her own route.

Missing the point, the experiment she did wasn't to replace Byleth outright. That's fucking stupid. Even Byleth's mother asked for the heart replacement to happen.

She saved your life lmao

1 route finished Edeltard detected.

I don't like this pic. It looks as if Leonie is bullying someone. She's a good girl and would never do that.

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>Edelgard collaborates with the people who are actively destroying Fodlan, making her an accomplice in most of the fucked up events that happen throughout the game, including your father's death
>but she had good reasons!

>rhea bootlickers in this thread
Remove Dragons

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Blue Lions is pure emotional manipulation. Dimitri was nothing more than a rabid animal that needed to be put down before he dragged the rest of his knights into the abyss with him. The amount of lives he tortured and murdered due to his grudge is absolutely unforgivable and he was in no way fit to be a king. It was entirely unrealistic to assume he could so easily be healed. BE showed the most realistic situation of what would happen to him, a monster with no respect for the lives of his friends. Hell he makes it very clear in blue lions that he views his classmates as little more than cannon fodder.

If Byleth didn't intervene, she would have won the war and ushered an era of peace. It's Byleth's problem that in the other three routes she goes down. Fuck off, you shill.

Fucking play the other paths you fuckwitted moron and pay more attention to the start this time, see who instigated the rebellions against the church.
And stop trying to force this bullshit while you're at it.

>be born fucked up because of the experiments she did with your mom
>lol dude she saved your life. She poisoned the food but gave you the antidote right after.

Reminder that Leonie has Jeralt's company crest printed on her panties

You don’t understand she had to start the biggest war to get truly sympathetic people, willing to change the social order, into power. None of the next generation of rulers wanted change.

Literally none of the problems in the game would happen if the green haired shits didn't invade the planet.

You fucking retard.

In her own route she in is an utter stalemate against the combined forces of Seiros/Faerghus so this is just bullshit

She saved your dad too, cope. The one incelturd killed, she also massacred the village you and him grew up in

Who cares? If the best argument you have for her being evil is she saved Byleth's life after almost killing it you already lost Edelfag.

there are """"people"""" in this very thread who did not believe that Rhea's original intention for you to sit on the throne is for Sothis to descent into your body and hijack it

He's not saying the Western Church didn't do anything, they deserved to be punished, but during the sentencing cutscene, there is VERY CLEARLY more going on than meets the eye ("we have nothing to do with the Western Church" and "this isn't what we were told would happen!"), and Rhea simply orders all of their deaths, then sends all of the knights to slaughter everyone in the organization. And she never interrogates a single one. It just comes across as unnecessarily bloodthirsty.

>create a body and give it life
>let it fall in love and have a child
>child stillborn
>saves child by fulfilling mother's dying wish

If Bylethe didn't intervene she'd be on the end of a bandit's axe.

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>The amount of lives he tortured and murdered due to his grudge is absolutely unforgivable
It would be, but they are all invaders so they can't complain when they get massacred by the army of the country they invaded.
If he went and randomly attacked empire villagers then you may have an argument, but he never overstepped Faerghus boundaries.

>then sends all of the knights to slaughter everyone in the organization.
Nice fanfiction.

I'm not even seeing an alternative view being presented, just mindless buzzwords.

Where are doujins and sfm?

Anyone can achieve "peace". Communism achieved peace. Who gives a fuck that she oppressed the whole continent, right? At least there's "peace" from the war she started in the first place.
This is your brain on Edeltard.

FE fans are fucking morons who can’t comprehend the slugfest bit of nuance in their narratives, it’s fucking embarrassing.

Their heads would explode at something like something like Trails

>Edeltard meltdown every thread
It's hilarious that even Japs with their trash taste know what's up.

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its pretty obvious that was her intention
don't forget the whole the other church is going to steal from this tomb that happens to have the sword of the creation was staged by rhea

A bandit she hired lmao

FE never gets good porn.

Why the fuck would you ever think it?

It doesn't need refuting because it has zero evidence and is posted ITT by a moron.

Nigger Seteth literally says
>All the other knights are busy purging the apostates.
in the very next cutscene. Fucking pay attention.

She DOES. During the next month, the characters keep talking about how the monastery is shortstaffed because most of the knights are off purging the Western Church.

>Edeltard arguments: B-But Rhea
Every time.

Why the fuck would sitting on a throne hijack your body jesus fucking christ you're dumb.

The only one I've seen so far has been one of Byleth and Dorothea

The literal next in line rulers of the Alliance and Kingdom and quite a few of their house members in her own generation want the same change she does.

Based cutscene skipper

I didn't pick blue lions because of dimitri, rather i picked them because his team had the most interesting characters to begin with.

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>completely ignoring the point the sole purpose your mom was even created was to become an empty vessel for her mom to overtake and inhabit.

Again, willful ignorance or retarded, take your pick

Rhea believes Sothis!Byleth is just Sothis missing her memories. She doesn't even consider sitting you on the throne before that. She's also asking you if you recognize the throne, which makes no sense if she believes Sothis and Byleth are separate entities.

>the absolute state of edeltards
Play the game, that was staged by edelgard

Mentally ill woman detected.
>experiments on humans, fractures the empire to keep power, creates a fake history to control people
>t. speedreader
Rhea literally wants Sothis to delete you and take over your brain.
>see who instigated the rebellions against the church.
The Church does by being corrupt as fuck and executing people for no reason, of course they'll face resistance.
She's using their power and throws them away once they aren't needed, play her route instead of schlicking off to Lions for the 22nd time.

>make an experiment that fails and doesn't bring mommy back
>move the crest cancer to the next experiment once failed experiment gives birth

>Rhetards actually think she did this out of the good will in her heart and that she just wanted the baby to live

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I know, but i am asking for more. There's a FUCKTON of Gacha shit porn, and no FE?

TIL Rheafags are subhuman smoothbrains whose opinions should be disregarded without consideration

user that's called character development

Is this Rhea body hijack shit just one guy posting garbage or is it some translation shit? Because I played in Japanese and there definitely wasn't anything like that going on.

>then sends all of the knights to slaughter everyone in the organization.
Nice fanfiction brainless dipshits. The western church shows up later in Seteth’s paralogue.

Play the game.

If Rhea didn't care about Byleth's mother in the least then she would have simply killed her after she turned out to be a failure, but instead she let her have her own life

>completely ignoring bullshit you posted

Is Leonie, dare i even say it, sexy and based?

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>She's using their power and throws them away once they aren't needed
So she's using their power, which makes her responsible too for all the atrocities they commit.
You can't just go
>I'm just manipulating them so whatever they do is not my problem
Because that's utterly retarded.

Slithers aren't evil, but they are cockbags trying to usurp the world for themselves, even if they fuck things up for their own descendants

>nintendo dream
>less than 1000 responses
>all online stats show beagles dominating

>so obsessed even her panties are based on Jeralt

>he doesn't want Leonie to bully him

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>Rhea literally wants Sothis to delete you and take over your brain.

so what does that mean for a retard like me who doesn't quite get how to move my niggers properly

>the church brokering peace for a group of people who want freedom from the empire is bad
>the church executing violent criminals who try vandalize, burglarize, and attempt to kill church members is bad
This is your brain on incelgard

United Fodlan is a literal simmering powder keg,especially after the war, why everybody want to unite it

>rheakeks lack basic reading comprehension

Dumb Edeltard.

So we're finally moving from Dimitri vs Edelgard to Edelgard vs Rhea just like the nips have been for the past week?

Dude Byleth's mom was the 12th one done over 1000+ years, if Jeralt's diary is any indication those people lived full lives.

>muh Edelgard collaborated wit the people who killed your dad!

Did you speedreaders completely miss the fact that the last thing Jeralt wanted was for you to side with Rhea and continue being her experiment?
Literally the reason why he bailed with Byleth as a baby and faked their death.

Perfect example of COPE

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Her plan was that Byleth would sit on the throne in the Holy Tomb and his/her personality would be completely consumed by Sothis. This would have worked any month prior, but ironically what Rhea considered to be a sign that Byleth was ready was actually caused by Sothis allowing herself to be consumed by Byleth first.

I too like reading fanfic.

that was the "western church" you fucking moron

It is the enemies of the church who experimented with humans, not to mention that Rhea lying on the crests literally only served so that humanity did not look like a lot of ungrateful morons

Jeralt was merely suspicious, I’m pretty sure the last thing he wants you to do is side with the people responsible for massacring remire and KILLING HIM

Zero IQ

And how are they related? Does not siding with the church means you should side with the empire and the slithers?

Yeah he wanted you to side with the person indirectly responsible for your death over the organization he was working for. Even Leonie says you were a traitor to him. Pick Edelgard if you want to but don't pretend Jeralt would side with a tyrant. Fucking eat glass Edeltard.

That youll have a rough start i guess, if its that challenging put it on normal and you cant lose no matter how bad you fuck up

1. Those two things have fucking nothing to do with each other
2. After the Remire incident Jeralt wonders if there was ever any reason to leave the Church

Fuck Claude. even though he's a pleasant dude and pretty based, he's so painfully underwritten in his own route. There is zero depth to his character and I wish he had the same nuance as Dimitri or Edelgard instead of being le ebin schemer mastermind who does nothing noteworthy.





The western church rebellion and pillaging the tomb is all staged by eegard. Why do you think the death knight is there you braindead fuck?

>Her plan was that Byleth would sit on the throne in the Holy Tomb and his/her personality would be completely consumed by Sothis.
This definitely wasn't in the Japanese version. Considering what others are saying here do you have source?

She sent a fucking assassination letter to the rebellion. Holy fuck Edeltards didn't even play more than one path and they forgot the early game... haha this is the people you are arguing with in this thread boys. Holy fuck... Edeltards...

>mercedes with the granny panties

Disgusting old hag

Nah, the gameplay is great. Play on hard/classic and it's fun as fuck.

Did you miss all the DID NOTHING WRONG people since this game came out?

It's in her infodump near the end of GD. In her defence, she IS sorry by that point, but I kind of consider it too little too late by then.

If you played the other routes you'd know that Jeralt is suspicious of Rhea only because he doesn't know that what Rhea did to you was in order to save your life and fulfill his waifu's final wish. He'd be a lot more sympathetic what with being a Knight of Seiros if Rhea was free to disclose that knowledge.

She let the Slithers use the death knight

There’s a fucking cutscene right after the mission with the flame emperor talking to Thales explicitly spelling out their involvement.

The first half of that's debatable, she expected that you'd unlock Sothis' memories but there's nothing about actually consuming Byleth's person.

Second half's just guessing though.

Forget playing onenpath, did you even play chapter 4?

That letter is a clear diversion that literally everyone catches onto

Are you sure you didn't just interpret it wrong. If this is true it's a translation error. The chair is what Sothis liked to sit on, that's why she brought you to it. There's no way Sothis would bodyjack you, even if Rhea thinks she would it makes no sense dude. Just think about it.

People do that shit all the fucking time. They did it for fucking Garon and Validar too. Are you so fucking incapable of the idea people might be memeing?

*if Rhea wasn't a habitual liar even when it goes against self-interest

>Her proposal scene is way too sweet.
100% agree. 3 of the girls actually gave me feels when I watched their S class
I am a sucker for people becoming brave overcoming their weakness and pushing through especially if its all in their head.Full context is needed with other support convos to get the big picture
I didn't wanna like her, but she's very charming. You also learn that she isn't the girl rumors make her seem like and at the end when she's in tears because she has nothing to offer you yet you still wish to be with her (not as young as she once was, no longer a songstress, no land or titles) it hits in the feels as an amazing character arc.
Honestly, she really was touching as a character. She cares deeply for those around her, she fakes bravado because she knows she's flawed in a way she can't see but knows is there, she has some pride and doesn't want pity, she is constantly broken everyday more and more by men who use her. She has a heart of gold and self loathing for it as it leads her to being used and thrown away. She abuses alchohol because she'd rather be a person who is good that put up the guard that would protect her. She has so much love to give, and its all genuine. Even the speech about how she is gonna screw up the moment she always dreamed of and how she will be a pain but despite her flaws will give you all her love to compensate for it. If you haven't seen it, it might make you rethink Manuella as just the slutty teacher.
>I was sad when she paired with no one at the end of the 1st playthrough and they tried to spin her teaching her whole life as a positive

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Jesus fucking Christ play the game. You know the flame emperor is edelgard right? All those cutscenes with her orchestrating the western church rebellion and robbing of the tomb is her, you know this right?

>nooo muh Rhea didn't want Sothis to take over your body

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Did you play GD? The only thing we needed for a golden ending is Dimitri to be spared at the three way battle "captured by edelgard" or something, and then for her to actually surrender when Claude offers it to her on the throne room steps. She doesn't dragon up in his route so she isnt irredeemable at that point.

Well, it's what happens once you exhaust the villain vs more or less hero arguments and have to settle with who is the bigger villain.

Sothis has a fat booty.

Jeralt: Or maybe there was never a reason for us to leave the monastery in the first place...

Sothis wouldn’t bodyjack you, but Rhea doesn’t think that herself.

It’s sad, she doesn’t even know her own mother would want for her to move on with her life and let the past go

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So why exactly did the Slitherers do Duscur again? What was it about Patricia and the HKF Royalty that was necessary for Edelgard to get her crests?

Did you skip the cutscene where the flame emperor just lets Arundel borrow the DK for his plans?

Gaining 10,000 years of memories and experiences in a single instant would absolutely erase the 21-year-old that you are, whether you kept your own memories or not. They're a drop of water compared to an ocean.

Who do the nips think is worse?

The whole trick with Edel route is literally your mistake. You're supposed to think that if you pick her and don't pay attention. It's basically an IQ test, you failed.
It seems like the church is suspect and Edel has a point, if you side with her you become the tyrant villain oppressing the world, then in the end it turns out they basically did nuffins any way.

it was a prank

I love him and his design. I used to play as a human Death Knight back when I was nine years old on World of Warcraft.

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Holy fucking shit you are braindead.

Y-you're wrong! Headcanon!

You're still wrong dude, why would Sothis bodyjack you on the chair instead of any other time? You're an idiot. Even if this was in the game you should be able to see it's a translation error.

Rhea, Edelgard can at least be justified but Rhea is insane and possibly evil.

It’s mentioned King Lambert was advocating for social reform. And considering Dimitri was rather suspicious of Arundel it’s likely he might have been in the know for some things

She's the hottest girl in the game, even before the super hot make over in the time skip...
But... seriously she is way too obsessed with your dad. She has a great personality with everyone but you because of who your dad is and her S class was obnoxious.

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>being this retarded

Just finished crimson flowers.
Should I do church or Golden deer next?
Church would only be half a playthrough since I made a save right before the decision.

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>literal quote

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>I wished for you to become the progenitor god.
>this somehow means bodyjacking and destroying the Byleth personality.
Is this actual delusion I'm reading? Fuck off.

Imagine having your mind destroyed so thoroughly by anime and comic book storylines that you'd summarize the game this way.

>Pre time skip.

Sylvain will hit on a scarecrow and a grandma but cannot bring himself to do it to Leonie. That says it all I think

That quote proves literally zero of the headcanon you wrote.

I dunno, Sothis is pretty A-OK with living. Even when accepting she'd have to merge with you and fade away, she absolutely does not want to do that and is only doing it because it's the only way either of you are saved.

If she was happy with being a voice in someone's head and didn't want even that to end, she'd probably be happy to be able to live with some of her kids.

Church is shit tier, it's literally copy paste Deer without Deer's best maps.

But Edelgard is legit insane.

meant for

They better give a refine to his scythe so it has Distant Counter.

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>now I wish only for you to be yourself

What kind of fucking reading comprehension do you have to not understand she wanted to overwrite Byleth with her mommy?

Wow you are right she wished for Byleth's body to turn into a cute loli. Doesn't say anything about his mind though.

Ingrid's sweet sweet grandma > Leonie confirmed

This is just a lie.

The church looking bad is literally a plot by edelgard for propaganda purposes, the game uses the common trope of the bad church and stuff like Rhea executing criminals as a red herring for the true conspiracy. This is what happens.

bro you posting cringe

are you talking shit about her S support because i will fight you

Nips are really against Rhea, it seems like only incest memers like her

>Everybody hates the Church route
>It's literally the only route where you're the LORD and don't get stuck babysitting the three misfits
Seriously, to hell with the Boarish Bloodthirsty Madman, that snake-in-the-grass Debby doubting Globalist Shill and especially that womenlet tyrant slithering conniving mass murdering orbiter that doubts my divinity. They don't deserve my help. Church route is the only way.

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Reminder these are the people you argue with when you argue with Edeltards. They think become a god means destroying your personality. Just for no fucking reason that is what they take away from lines like this, this is what you are arguing with.

Why didn't the Dragons just fuck off after getting genocided? Is it cause they want to control us or is it because theyre following mommies footsteps in guiding and protecting us? I know Flayn mentions that she can't bear to live alone but her uncles have isolated themselves from humanity. Is Rhea forming the Church of Seiros more of a ploy to have allied humans on her side so that she and the rest of the children dont get completely wiped out by the Slitherers?

stop posting cringe

>it's a translation error.
It's not a traslation error. He's just telling the story wrong.
>Rhea experiments on people with Sothis crest stone in hopes of bring her back
>All but you fail
>Right before the time skip, Sothis and Byleth merg
>Rhea, thinking that Sothis is the dominate personally. wants you to sit on the throne
>Nothing happens because Sothis gave you her power and vanished
Rhea wanted to have Sothis take over, that's why she wants Byleth to sit in the chair, and is disappointed and confused when you don't act any different.

>no arguments and completely proven wrong
>h-haha no u retard

Rhetards, everyone.

That's literally the game Edeltard?
Play. The. Other. Routes. The game uses JRPGs tropes against you.

>Imperialism directly allowed the merchant class to develop and end feudalism.
Merchants developed through new communication and transport routes along with the development of insurance. Feodality died through urbanisation, the lower relative importance of direct agricultural work, and kings buttfucking their nobles independence over time.

Church is literally a copy paste of Deer route, except they remove all the things that make it good like the final map and Claude just to replace it with garbage like Rhea 2.0 and Shiteth.

Breh RHEA HERSELF ADMITS THE CHURCH IS BUILT ON A LIE. There is no coming back from that. Edelgard is straight up correct on that one issue even if her methods are authoritarian as all hell

The backstory behind it is tragic as all hell, but it doesn’t change that one fact at all

Yeah, but you don't have a personality and Seteth really isn't as good as the other lords.

>needing propaganda
>in a medieval monarchy
Ok buddy.
>This is what happens.
Damn, what sharp rhetorical wit you have.

How the fuck am I proven wrong? You literally think become a god means losing yourself. Jesus christ get help.

Because punished characters are unironically the best, especially with ones like Dimitri that try so hard to be good boys

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I mean, some of them do

But Edelgard is replacing a lie WITH AN EVEN BIGGER LIE that helps only her and her empire.
The lie of the church works ON DETRIMENT of the church.

Eddy is smol

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you posting cringe again stop

This is true, that's what I'm saying, this fucking idiot over here
thinks she is bodyjacking you. I don't even know what this guy is on.

Everything I said was completely factual, and admitted by Edelgard. It’s what happened user, I’m sorry your schizophrenic delusions don’t align with reality.

>get taken over by alien god
That's what Rhea wanted to happen, all of her Mengele experiments were to replace someone with her mom!


Dimitri is great because he's both the nicest person you'll ever meet and a bloodthirsty boar out for revenge

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The empire is founded on a lie

Pretty sure it was made quite clear that Rhea intended for you to all but be erased when Sothis would re-emerge with Rhea herself eventually realising that murdering another to bring Sothis back would just be another murder no less than what happened to her mum

To be honest for a sec, how different would their society be if the actual history were known? That Crests and Relics were initially harvested from a now-almost extinct race of dragons, and Nemesis was killed by those dragons in retaliation?

yeah that makes her better than edelgard who can't admit her mistakes, also edelgard is a literal tyrant play the other routes.

>Rhea experiments on people
She created the bodies herself. They weren't people before she gave them the crest stone.
>All but you fail
True, but you weren't even a real experiment to begin with.

Rhea WANTED Byleth to become Sothis, dumbass. She LITERALLY says so in her S-rank.

No, she didn't want Sothis to just manifest herself or speak through Byleth. She wanted Sothis to literally resurrect and Byleth to become her.

>Pretty sure it was made quite clear that Rhea intended for you to all but be erased
It wasn't.

because then what will be the point of the entire nobility system

It was. Dimitrifags are just Church bootlickers like he is.

He's not special enough to get a good dc prf, if he did it'd just be dc which is worse than what he has and would just make him a fat camus/worse fallen berkut.

She never says replace you with Sothis which is where someone went wrong in here.

Why do you keep trying to defend Edelgard when it's obvious that more and more people are realizing she's evil garbage?
At this point I think we all know how time will judge her, so why bother defending the undefendable?

A lie that is a continuation of the lie Rhea started.

Edelgard viewpoint is breaking humanity’s shackles of that lie and letting them forge their own path, an ideology that isn’t even that uncommon in this series. See Tellius and Gaiden

The game is entirely about choosing a side in a war with several factions.
If they made one of the objectively wrong, then there would be no discussion because the game would be fucking retarded and not worth discussing.
>everything I said was completely factual
Jesus Christ homie, this level of argumentation wouldn't fly in a grade-school debate club.
I'd like a source on Edelgard admitting she doesn't think the Church is evil, or when she admits that the game she's inside has a "trick route."

>never says
are you niggers this stupid that you have to have literally everything spelled out for you? Jesus christ

You are extremely low IQ

Somehow you think non-crest bearers will be able to compete with crest hearted wielding relic weapons

Fight me all you want, doesn't make her S support less shit.
>Sorry all support convos I was a self centered bitch around you who only talked about your dad when I wasn't trying to best you
>I was jelly and also I secretly had a crush and suck with romance
>Your dads promise means more to me than anything in the world, even this moment where you are laying yourself bare and confessing your love
>Marrying you technically keeps the promise to your dad so I might as well
>You are going to help me be better than you to help me impress your dead daddy
I like her as a character. As a romance option she is a joke.
At least Shamirs S class that hit similar autistic with love beats was really funny and kinda heart warming. Leonie was just more disapointing the closer you got to her.

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All of the lords are varying ranges of shit not backed by Byleth. Get this through your skull

>She never says replace you with Sothis which is where someone went wrong in here.
She says so in GD's route.

Play the other routes before trying to post shit online. Edelgard isn't uncommon in this series? Yeah no shit she's fucking Hardin, Arvis and Zephiel.

Play the fucking game, she literally says she wanted YOU to become SOTHIS, god you're dumb.

>A lie that is a continuation of the lie Rhea started.
And how are you even defending that?
>breaking humanity’s shackles of that lie
>with another lie that's even worse but makes the empire look like not shit

>citation needed

She really doesn't.

What's the point of any nobility system or any sort of social class strata? It's structures of power through and through, and they exist not because of Crests and Relics but because of Human nature. Even if you take away the Crests and make your society a meritocracy it will /still/ degenerate into mercantilism and syndicalism and the like, in essence just replacing the old power structure with another.

>The church looking bad is literally a plot by edelgard for propaganda purposes, the game uses the common trope of the bad church and stuff like Rhea executing criminals as a red herring for the true conspiracy. This is what happens.


That strength is rendered pointless if Fodlan manages to improve relations with neighboring areas constantly invading them and crest science reaches the point where it can equalize the have and have nots

The number of Edeltard waifufags make this situation different

I'm going to drop the B bomb

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>level up
>one ding
>it's for a useless stat
>this happens to a number of units on one map
Fuck this RNG level up shit. I swear it's the worst it has ever been in this game

I agree with that, which is why edelgard’s war and general motivation is highly autistic

>>citation needed
Play the route, Can't screen shot something I'm already passed.

She does. She tells you and Claude that when your hair and eyes changed color, she hoped that Sothis would have been reborn, and had taken over your body.

There is some misunderstanding in here, the argument isn't whether Rhea wanted Byleth to become Sothis it is whether she wanted to destroy Byleth to create Sothis. It's the former by the way.

Are Edelgard fans really so blinded by a cute girl that they don't realize their Lord is not only ignorant of her own motivations being a lie, but that she's a massive hypocrite and a coward?

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you and Sothis have different personalities, so what the fuck do you think will happen when you become Sothis?

This is a stupid argument because no one has any other viewpoint.
Maybe Sothis was supposed to burst out of Byleth's chest like a xenomorph, WE DON'T KNOW.

Oh please, v would be jerking off Edelgard ten times worse than they are Dimitri if she was a dude

Why are all female lords so fucking retarded?

>Edelgard fans
The cute thing is that you're still assuming they even played the game.

That's YOUR fanfic. Nobody is saying Byleth will disappear, they're saying RHEA WANTS BYLETH TO DISAPPEAR! You'd know that if you used your cum crusted brain.

>Play the route, Can't screen shot something I'm already passed.
I played the route and nothing about Byleth losing himself to become Sothis was in there so you're full of total shit.
>she hoped that Sothis would have been reborn, and had taken over your body.
Yes, and? That's not replacement.

>most popular route
Considering his competition that's an easy win. 2 evil people and gay switzerland.

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It’s not even play another route either, they get things only in BE dead wrong

How do you make someone a dancer? I had Flayn enter the ball and win, but I don't see it in her certifications.

>Why are all female lords so fucking retarded?
your inceldom.

It also makes Dimitri’s end shittier in retrospect.

Kinda annoying how Claude has the clear best end in the game

>replace you with Sothis
>when your hair and eyes changed color, she hoped that Sothis would have been reborn, and had taken over your body
So what is it? Did she think awakened Byleth is Sothis reborn or did she want to replace Byleth with Sothis?

I can't tell who is trolling who anymore desu just post more felix


Reclass section user

The alternate viewpoint is they shared the same body idiot, did you even pay attention?
>Maybe Sothis was supposed to burst out of Byleth's chest like a xenomorph, WE DON'T KNOW.
Jesus Edelfags...really?

I got you senpai

>Walhart except retarded
Nope, people would actually be shitting on him because the waifu defense force wouldn't exist.

>Edelgard's main theme is the game's main theme
>The only route that can unlock the 4th route (Rhea's story)
>The only route where you can fight the "True Boss"
>The only route where Byleth can be saved and regained his/her heartbeat and humanity back
>The only route where you can destroys the ancient crests that had ruled the world since time immemorial
>The only route that removes Seiroh/Nemesis permanent threat to human race
>The only route where you became the humanity savior that ushers a new era that solely belongs to human race
>The only route where the lord love you regardless of Byleth gender
Edelgard is kino and canon

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>sexism argument
here we go again

You do become Sothis though, was this not in the localization?

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Have you considered that they mite be as fucked up in the head as she is?
Why else would they post on a mongolian finger painting website?

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>taken over is not replacement
this is how retarded you sound

she killed the ten elites, just didn't go after their descendants

There is zero proof she wants you to disappear either. She saved your life at your mothers request dumbfuck.

You genuinely underestimate v capability for contrarianism


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Also the only half-assed route.

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This retard has been pushing his replacement theory shit as fact all thread, good luck getting through to him even though what you posted outright proves Byleth wouldn't be replaced outright.

>they share the same body
That's just a fact known from the beginning of the game.
Obviously I'm talking about Rhea's expectation for how Sothis manifests.

You can't be a fucking know-it-all all the time, especially when you aren't given enough information to make a reasonable guess.

Sorry, I meant Rhea thinks that. You don't actually get taken over by Sothis, but rather merge with her. But that's not what Rhea wanted, judging by her disappointment when you sit on the throne. She fully intended you to become Sothis as in having her memories, and her personality etc, which is the same as being taken over

>See rheas cutscene is fully animated
>Edels is a slideshow
I get the distinct feeling I'm not supposed to be on this route

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>Yes, and? That's not replacement.
>>she hoped that Sothis would have been reborn, and had taken over your body.
>Not a replacement
>one that replaces another especially in a job or function
I don't think you know what words mean user.

>Did she think awakened Byleth is Sothis reborn
This. She doesn't know that Sothis vanishes when you two merg. She thinks that Sothis is the dominate personally, and is reborn through Byleth. It's why she sounds crestfallen when you don't change, or receive your "revelation".

You didn't even play the game?

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>Rhea thinks Sothis has taken over Byleth making him green haired Byleth
>then she somehow wants Sothis to replace Byleth by sitting him on a throne
I think you are retarded.

Of course not, he's an Edeltard

>Rhea gets one
>Dimtri gets one
>Claude gets one
>here, have some pretty slideshows and like 3-4 less maps
>don't worry, fans will justify it saying empire is just 2strong to have more maps

No she doesn't fuck off retard. She already considers you Sothis when you are Byleth.


god you are drooling moron
rewatch it so you actually know what we're talking about
she uses the promise as a technicality to stay close to (You) you dense motherfucker, that's what line about "oh you're probably sick of me aren't you" is about. The promise WAS technically completed once the war was over. She's bad with romance since she's a tomboy remember. Then it ends by a promise to you rather than to Jeralt

So this is what it's like inside the brain of an Edeltard.

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Could be worse, you could see it and think it's the "true route" like some people.

Why did Rhea create the church again? Is it primarily to protect her own race or is it to protect Fodlan from Slitherfags? Actually, what would have happened if Nemesis and the Slitherers won in Tailtean?

Why was Hilda so right?

Venom Dimitri!

No she doesn't you retard. She hopes you're Sothis, She hopes that Sothis is reborn through you, She doesn't know that you two shared a body, and she didn't know that Sothis is gone when you merged. Play GD's route.

>avengers lose every route except 1
>edelgard loses every route except 1
Hmm, I wonder which one is canon?

Didn't she fight alongside the Saints and the Elites against Nemesis? I thought the Elites warred with themselves after the whole deal with grandpa.

She's lazy, not dumb.

There is no evidence she thinks Sothis would replace you. Yeah she wants Sothis to manifest and she might no care how but there's no reason to think she actually plans on destroying your personality somehow. Play the game.

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the one were byleth becomes human

You mean all of them then.

Some of the Elite families turned against Nemesis, hence their Sacred Weapons.

I played it in Japanese. You're wrong. Rhea never tried to replace you. She did experiments on you to revive Sothis through you, that's it. Stop pushing your replacement theory because it is bullshit and no, it's not in the English version either from what I can tell based on you getting btfo in here.

>playing in japanese means I'm not a retarded speed-reader with no reading comprehension

Okay the one where the crest stone inside him is destroyed and his heart finally starts beating

Was someone specifically directing the BL's route? It's really Westernized in terms of the route is directed, a lot of Show-Don't-Tell scenes. Especially the first post-time skip cut scene and the last fight with Edelgard. Very GoT, if you ask me.

>it's not in the English version either from what I can tell based on you getting btfo in here.
When You and Claude confront Rhea after she got hit by a magic nuke, she confesses that she experimented on you, hope that Sothis was reborn through you, and even regrets the things she did, to not only you, but the others she did it too. You never played GD's route, so you didn't know anything about that.

>destroying the heart of your best friend who has always been with you and loves you more than anyone
>the true ending
No, user. What the fuck.

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She refers to sothis's memories as yours post Solon, and never really indicates that her stance on that has changed in prior events, its far more likely given that she simply assumed that byleth was her mom with amnesia and realized post holy tomb that that wasn't the case.

You can still marry Sothis in that one user. She's not gone.

By carefully observing people and finding out the best ways to make them do her bidding with minimal resistance, she gained a high degree of perceptiveness.

This is the most bizarre interpretation of that cradling scene I've heard. She sees the green hair and suspects your Sothis side is awakening then tries to break your amnesia with the chair. Byleth is Sothis, they are connected. Rhea's "morally grey' part is she did experiments and doesn't care about Byleth as much more than a tool.

Would she give a shit if Byleth had to die? No, but Byleth is still fine regardless, Byleth's own mother requested Byleth be used. That's what she means in the end of GD by "being you". She doesn't care about muh revival anymore she just wants you to be free. That doesn't mean it was about replacement, it just means she is no longer "revive mommy right now aaaah" and is letting you do your own thing as a combination person of SothisxByleth.

If you still can't get it you're dumb.

Which actually didn't matter in the end because Byleth and Sothis fused. (See Sothis' S Rank which is also possible in the Black Eagles route).

This isn't what I'm arguing, I'm arguing the retard who thinks Byleth gets replaced.

>she uses the promise as a technicality to stay close to (You)
Dude, my dad's dead and I'm confessing my love.Instead of making my proposal about my dead dad and some promise, you could at least mention it passingly.
>"oh you're probably sick of me aren't you" is about.
I mean she wasn't wrong.
>he promise WAS technically completed once the war was over.
Here I am confessing my true feelings and all she can do is make it about herself and my dad. Thats some self centered shit.
>She's bad with romance since she's a tomboy
So is Shamir, but Shamirs ending is funny and kinda sweet and works with this bad at romance thing. Leonie just makes it self centered and obsessive over your dad.
>Then it ends by a promise to you rather than to Jeralt
The promise is you doing something for HER not the other way around.
Check out Shamirs ending if you wanna see how someone who sucks at love and being sentimental still is a sweetheart who gets it across that she loves you. Not loves your dead dad, and not loves the idea of taking your place as your dads successor

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shes not gone you are both free its the best ending

>she confesses that she experimented on you
She confesses she did "questionable things" which is clearly talking about her homculus experiments. She thought Byleth was housing Sothis consciousness, but there is nothing indicating any form of replacement.

BE Byleth is just delusional

Looks like fucking console war holy shit.

The fact that the Church is evil and shit doesn't mean Edelgard is any better. This is the cringiest case of whataboutism I've seen in a long time, holy fuck.

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Delusional Rheakeks, see you next thread

>Byleth's own mother requested Byleth be used
She wanted her child to live and begged Rhea to revive your stillborn ass.

Exactly? Thanks for that. And fuck Edelgard.

you're the one obsessed over your dad user and are you dyslexic? Read the fucking line, she makes the promise

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Please never come back.