What was Mary's problem with Garry? Was she jealous of the Chad?
What was Mary's problem with Garry? Was she jealous of the Chad?
jealous of the rose, I think
>the doll room
Can homosexuals be Chads?
chadsexuals existed all throughout history
he fucked Ib hard though
what do you think they meant by "Promise of Reunion"?
It was lost in translation, but he had a very gay way of speaking in the Japanese version, he also likes fashion, sewing, and macarons.
I took this as the writer trying to kill all implications of him ever wanting to fuck an underage girl.
Yeah I read the notes too but
I don't know dude it's the japs. You can be ultra flamboyant and still perfectly like chicks. See the jojos, macross frontier and so on.
He uses "atashi." That's like self-identifying as a trans woman.
Not exactly, lots of gay men in Japan use it, and they don't want to be women.
It also could have been just been a strange quirk and nothing more, though I'm pretty sure the writer did say something about Garry wanting to "cross the borders of gender" or something along those lines.
yeah but Alto was literally crossdressing as a princess and he was drowning in pussy. Gary talks weird but he has the attractive tough guy look with ragged clothes and cig.
>he had a very gay way of speaking
>That's like self-identifying as a trans woman.
Please stop projecting so hard.
Not every person who uses female oriented speech is a fucking freak of nature.
IIRC, she wanted a friend of her age just so she wouldn't be alone in the painted world, but Garry was on the way the whole time.
That idea leads to the best ending on the game, because the good ending is boring as shit.
Mary probably always knew only 2 people would be able to get out. Also Garry wasn't "nice" with the other paintings which were Mary's companions up to that point but that just how I saw it really.
It's Paper Mario 2 all over again.
Garry isn't much of a chad but Mary was definitely jealous of him. Mary was jealous of everybody, it was kind of her thing. she did nothing wrong
What's with the dates of the painting?
Does Ib really take place in the 6 thousand years in the future?
Mary deserves to burn
That ending is shit. The best ending is world of gueterna
>picking the inferior bad mid-game ending
A Painting's Demise is way better
A few of the paintings in the Gary level have dates on them that imply the game is 4000 years in the future. (I misremembered it as 6)
It's never has an effect on the plot, and I've never seen anyone else mention it, So I feel like I'm going crazy.
Isn't that just their ID?
I only accept the ending of the Reimu, Marisa and Youmu playthrough as the true ending of Ib.
>That's like self-identifying as a trans woman.
I honestly hope you are trolling, otherwise its just pathetic.
The ending where Mary gets stuck in the museum by herself forever is terrifying.
So, remember when Ib saw a painting of her parents? Garry saw it alongside Ib and commented on how Ib resembled them quite a bit, so it couldn't have been one of Ib's conjured hallucinations in her distressed mind. Therefore, what the hell?