Liquid 1-3 OG
Dota 2 international
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Stockholm TI10 anthem
>he wont play in the next TI because he is a LoL fag now
>'why i bought the Diffusal Blade?... don't worry about it'
Behold My stand『Chat Wheel』
FUCK chinks
FUCK amerimutts
You just know he did this EXACTLY BECAUSE OF THIS.
>Imagine the chinese butthurt if TNC won this TI
>only 19
>wins two (2) TIs
>solves dota
>be a multimillionaire
>be Australian
>get away with cursing online
>even dropped out of high school just to prove his point
It's not fucking fair bros. All the other guys in his team are like closer to 30 and he's already achieved so much before 20
This stupid motherfucker carried the entire team so easily, somebody break his wrists before next TI
>be the best mathematician and highest IQ individual currently alive
>be Australian
what's so special about Asians in Australia that they've transcended humanity?
they take the BAC on the side
og had strats and picks for days. It's crazy how big their hero pool is compared to everybody else
i bet the post ti shuffle and all the juicy drama that comes with it will be 100 times better than the event itself
I genuinely think the biggest thing teams can learn from this is to stop having sticks up their asses so much. Just find a team you jive with and see how it turns out.
Its going to be another Wings bullet in the back of the head kind of deal
They are forged by all the shittalk
yeah i'm hoping so too. honestly because of various regulations, and teams generally meshing and settling there was hardly any fat shuffles past few years compared to 2014/2015. I'm hoping this year it's different
Socksha just told the Chink late game interview that he'd kick Topson if he was to kick someone in the team lol.
kick socksha
players like sumail and arteezy would sooner kill themselves before accepting the fact that there is a new and much better way to play dota
being positive and having fun is part of it, but their team is just smarter.
Case in point, jerax hid in trees with pangolier when he thought the other team was farming stacks. When his teammates were close enough he jumps in pretends be ganking, which distracts everyone enough for a 3 man chrono and a comeback.
Or other times they let templar assassin remain stealthed then pretend to back away before killing her when she thinks the coast is clear.
Exactly, so many teams are fags about being serious and training, Topson streamed regularly and OG had fun. In particular EG, arteezy was the most beloved player for years, then EG started getting more and more serious and he still hasnt won much.
>Or other times they let templar assassin remain stealthed then pretend to back away before killing her when she thinks the coast is clear.
It was hilarious to watch, they even had a Sentry nearby.
radioactive spiders
this is why nobody wants EE
Why are white Australians so pathetic?
True but you don't get such perfectly adaptive plays without having 100% trust in your teammates. A lot of the tactical feeds, surprise picks, and on-the-go shit they pulled would have only happened IF all five players knew that their team would pull through.
It's an astounding amount of confidence not only in themselves but in the four players with them that makes these strats work.
friendship > fear
>that time they just sat there and burned her with radiance and tossed a creep at a creep to hit her
Don't play Dota but this guy looks menacing kek
He really did suck the soul out of Dendi after TI3
Nigga he looks like Jeffrey Dahmer.
sentry was just out of range, but yeah they could have just cast nether blast/avalanche on the spot and it would have done the job just as well.
>Topson Pugna
>pushes T1
>threatened by Tide and Rubick
>TPs out and drops the "Loser" spray before coming back to fountain
this fucking guy
Its Val Kilmer's son from Heat
Do you think he has sex zombies in his house, like Dahmer?
Gotta give credit to the peruvians too
>fuck arround all the game
>El Presidente gets genuine tiltedm allowing good picks as Ricky until the peruvians fuck up big time
last year was a literal who that n0lans pulled onto OG after fly and s4 stabbed the team in the backwhen he needed replacements, proceeded to play their way to take TI entirely
this year they absolutely styled on everyone else in the tourney with their plays and became the first repeat champions. OG's style as a whole seemed to have sacrifice at its core desu, it seemed like each of them took turns in any given game to make plays solely for their core's sake except n0tail who sacrificed himself every game. their strat seemed to be to pour literally everything into one or two guys and just enable him in any way they could.
topson in particular was impressive for his plays as both the enabler and the enabled, most notable recently was his pugna performance where he completely stole the show and just drew attention to himself so his core could farm. enemy team was rotating 4 or more heroes just to shut him down and he still mostly got away with it - again, because the other guys on his team basically gave up their game to help him
>that predator pugna
>Topson Tide with Desolator
>"There's no way this is gonna work"
>Lategame comes
>Slark gets 3-shot
>Do quick mafs
Chink fan here, a bit salty LGD went out but OG was definitely the better team. Even if we pushed out liquid to get to the finals OG would slap us again. They are just way too good.
At least we finished ahead of EG. Can't stand those shitters, especially Sumail.
How do the chinks feel about all this? Especially in their forums? The crowd had their fucking souls sucked out of them during the finals but now that it's over are they at least happy that it was OG who won?
can i still buy a battle pass?
>best dota team of all time is just meme tier bros that fuck around
If it's like other years, they're flamming their players.
it must feel good to see liquid get stomped out in 20 mins, you guys didn't lose to slouches in OG.
Nah, it's gonna be chinese water torture for the team.
We don't really mind either Liquid or OG that much desu, towards the end we were all cheering for OG because they play very well.
Most of my friends (and I) can't fucking stand EG though.
So... loli Pugna when.
>tossing around Pugna like a fucking nuclear shot-put
>TA trying to hide from the all-seeing SUCC
what a fucking clown fiesta, it was amazing
Deso has been a staple on tide ever since anchor smash got changed.
Topson looks like a serial rapist.
First we need female Meepo.
The Peruvian team has a really similar style to OG honestly, except much less refined, I never thought I'd say this but I hope the peruvians continue to perform well because this style of playing dota is always fun to watch.
>promo shots for doughy, effeminate geeks
You gamercels know that athletes get these because they're Adonises who aspire to the human physical ideal right? Also notice how they use their real names and not cringy online handles. No one will ever take your pathetic hobby seriously as a sport.
off yourself
>Announcer quotes Kobe Bryant
>other announcer gets pissy and says WELL HOW MANY TI's DID HE WIN?
Navi broke up because Xbox wouldn't fucking leave the team despite sucking ass and dragging them down. Dendi supported Xbox because they were cousins and played dota a lot as kids, he just wanted the team to work it out. Puppey and Kuroky said fuck this and walked, Xbox left too since the team was broken apart. Dendi remained and tried to pick up the pieces. Poor Dendo got it rough, just wants to play doto and have fun.
Only money counts. Most professional sport athletes not in a big sport unironically earn less than people scoring well in the international. And they're probably in a less competitive field than Dota as well.
Can you even name one professional volleyball player without googling?
i love these promo shots. they're pretty corny, but they all look like they're having fun.
>first and only player with a 100% winrate at TI
yikes, imagine seething this hard because you know youll never play on the highest lvl of any competition even on vidya
It's situational but not a staple.Tide is mostly played as an offlaner so you can't really go for these super greedy damage items, someone has to buy a pipe and greaves and a solar crest. But it was just the perfect itemization for that game. "Slark is gonna hit us and get really tanky? Oh well just buy even more neative armor"
whats the loosest city in australia mates? and why is it melbourne? any sick kunts pinging shells tonight?
>the best teams to watch are the two teams that are bonded by friendship and play the game to have fun instead of "esports is srrsbsns"
OG, the spics, and TNC were the ones I rooted for the most.
Too bad after a fairly good group stage TNC pretty much went TILTnCHOKE all the way to losers bracket. Felt especially bad considering how much the chinks booed those dirty little flips.
Its more fun when its whites vs bug people.
australia is just real life Yea Forums at this point
2018: icefrog tweets congragulations OG
2019: retweets the same tweet
*Sips*, yup. That was a good mod
This, also this year's grand finals was yet another stomp with completely broken heroes, where's the fun in that
And aussies wanna shoot these Super Asians...