This is an official design approved by Nintendo
This is an official design approved by Nintendo
For me, it's Lillie
Nintendo are dead to me after going full weebshit
Pretty dumb looking, but Yea Forums will like it because if not it looks like they hate sex.
Nintendo is a japanese company, they can't be weebs
Absolutely BASED
anti-weeb be seething in the corner
That Nintendo is pretty based, desu
It's pretty fucking great.
But boy that change where you can see Pandorias eyes through her glasses is incredible. She's so cute its ridiculous.
I hope Zeke told her he loved her when she made that face after saving his life.
He definitely did and much more
pyra is ugly and shit!!!
Weebs go away
fuck off Nia
This is a very plebbitty complain.
I never understood why pyra was such a controversial design, she's not even particularly over the top
This is another low effort attempt at a waifubait thread by the XC2 cabal.
cabal XC2 the by thread waifubait a at attempt effort low another is This.
its unironically a good game though
the waifus are just the cherry on the cake
Like the left, the cabal can't meme, and just steals from others.
>the waifus are just the cherry on the cake
This right here is the exact reason you think it's good.
If you weren't a waifufag, you wouldn't look back at it as a good experience at all.
Who is this boogeyman? What does it mean?
why is skindentation so fucking based
It means Xfag is ban evading again.
just goes to show that nu-nintendo has terrible taste and is cringe personified.
whatever retard
enjoy shitposting on Yea Forums all day, and the next day, and the day after that
I was banned four days ago, and I waited it out like a good boy.
I also took down Number 1 fan with me, so it wasn't a huge loss.
Cringe game great porn.
>whatever retard
Not an argument.
This guy is enlightened.
when she sees you vs when she sees me
I'm gonna do it Yea Forums
I'm gonna enter the Praxis!
Boobs on head retarded.
Do you think Nia has a hairy minge?
>not spade
No, she is shaved! SHAVED!
imagine shaving her head for flea treatment
This is the kind of shit the cabal has been reduced to posting
You guys must have been so lost without me.
I love blades in swimwear!
>japanese company
>going weeb
To be fair, Nintendo always prided themselves on their illusion to be universal.
It gives you a fake sensation of a fictional character being real.
Ah yes my best Switch screenshot to date.
You're just as autistic as that faggot ass discord group.
In that case I'm a necessary evil to keep those scum off Yea Forums.
This is what the cabal considers video game discussion.
Look down on these freaks.
absolutely glorious user
COPE harder.
Screeching cabal isn't talking about video games.
You better keep posting, user.
roly poly keep on rolling
Neither is what you're doing, cabalscum.
this is official nintendo switch event
My wife Pyra.
we need more of those
This is the kind of person the series will be directly pandering to from this point on.
switch exclusive
And yet I'm infitely closer than you are.
If it bothers you, stop posting.
Nobody wants you here, cabalposter.
Fuck off from Yea Forums forever, we discuss video games here.
And yet you still don't.
By your own definition, you have to stop posting.
>we discuss video games here.
All games, including the ones you hate
Spamming waifu threads isn't video games, it's just softcore pornography.
Show me one person in this whole thread actually talking about the game.
But the games are still good though, does it really matter that much?
I think I want to know what breasts feel like
What is cabalposter?
>But the games are still good though
XC2 was of significantly lesser quality and had many missing features from the previous entry, the smash secondaries and ironic weeb waifufags never even played the previous games so they don't know, any actual critique of it will get you written off by those secondaries as a shitposter.
This game's sins being excused will allow the series to get more lazy and stagnant.
It's a boogeyman created by an autistic anti-XC2 shitposter.
A poster of the XC2 cabal, a discord group of redditors that want to push XC2 as hard as possible to get what they consider ResetEra invaders to leave Yea Forums.
You haven't played the game Andrew. You get recognised as a shitposter because you are an obsessed shitposter.
Maybe you should go out and find out, and stop fucking up our fanbase.
Sounds like the delusion of a retard.
What kind of moron comes up with that shot?
>You haven't played the game Andrew
You don't need to play the game to know about the gachashit, the 13 hours of cutscenes, the removed features, and subpar storyline with bullshit ending.
This makes my little penis become the big penis.
Here's their manifesto
1.Make sure at least one XC2 related thread is made per day
2.Never attempt any obvious samefagging, antis can and will use the IP count against you
3.Post Pyra, Mythra, and Nia images as often as you can, as they anger antis the most
4.Make a post expressing your surpise at the fact the game still gets daily threads, and question why. If someone already made the post, or can easily switch IPs, reply to and assure the poster that it's due to XC2's popularity and staying power
5.Collect every single post notrious antis like Xfag and Eric make, they're useful idiots.
6.Always act like they're the only ones against Xenoblade 2, pretend other antis are just them
7.Push a hard XC1/XC2 vs X narrative, this really pisses off Xfag and makes XC2 look even stronger in the eyes of outsiders
8.If anyone talks about a Switch port of X, make damn well sure to let everyone know it should be uncensored and imply as hard as you can without being too obvious it only bombed due to the censored outfits
9.Always bring up the fact XC2 fixed XC1's story, make them seem like companion games, to try and draw in the XC1 fans that are still unsure
10.Malos and Zeke are loved even by people that hate the game, so push them as much as possible
11.Disregard anyone that attacks Chapter 4 and bring up the popular anime it was influenced by
12.Do not respond to "that" webm, Eric will do that for you with his samefagging
13.New rules may be added at a future date
>sonyfag so retarded he pretends the opinions of somebody who didn't play it matter
Care to defend this post, cabal?
And please tell how it's related to video games.
Ah, it's you number 1 fan.
How did it feel to get banned 4 days ago?
>13 hours of cutscenes
So? Xenoblade 1 had ten hours of cutscenes, that's not a fair criticism of XC2 at all.
>this delusion
this is as bad as Barry thinking there is some coordinated effort to shit on FFXV when everyone finds it to be a mediocre game
What kind of autist wrote all of that fanfiction?
Must be sad and pathetic
Why is she such a fucking slut?
And they knew it was bad, which was why X cut down on them, among other fixes.
>Post proof
Not an argument.
Only Xfag ever gets banned here, he is completely retarded
Care to defend this post, cabal?
Tell me again how all discussion isn't just waifufaggotry.
X is a spinoff and not a mainline game, the shift away from story was one of XCX's biggest criticisms, which is why they brought it back for XC2.
You got banned along with me 4 days ago after arguing with me and calling me a "snoy tranny" like 5 times.
Unlike you, I didn't ban evade.
What is she seeing?
>one minute apart
nice falseflag
>>Post proof
what proof? I just see a list with no source
>the shift away from story was one of XCX's biggest criticisms
From Smash secondaries that wanted le feeling it man's adventures vol. 2
Those people should never have been taken seriously.
Nobody else got banned, only warned.
Nice try, Xcuck
And this is a design approved by Sony
>Unlike you, I didn't ban evade.
do I detect some pride or satisfaction over this because lol
Video games.
what game
Assigning criticism you disagree with to a group of people you don't like doesn't make it less valid, retard
>Nobody else got banned, only warned
Prove it.
When you fucks always accuse me of ban evading when you do the same exact shit, yeah.
You asked for it
So you admit smash secondaries have taken over the fanbase, and you don't give a shit because their opinions are just as valid?
Prove anybody else got banned.
When the autist spamming the word "snoy" and "tranny" suddenly stopped posting and all his posts were deleted, there's kind of no other conclusion you can drew from that.
Warning does the exact same, newfag.
This has nothing do with smash secondaries at all, it's just perfectly valid criticism. What even is a smash secondary according to you? Someone who happened to play XC1 after Shulk got in?
Warning doesn't prevent you from posting though.
Why did he suddenly vanish?
And why are talking like you knew exactly what happened to him?
Admit it, you got banned.
>Someone who happened to play XC1 after Shulk got in?
Yes, but they played XC1 on 3DS, and thought it was anything close to original experience.
oh no, the horror!
So you admit it?
Most people played the Wii version though. There is no such thing as a "smash secondary" at all, people who played Xenoblade and enjoyed it are just Xenoblade fans, regardless of how they found out about it.
get fucked gate keeping faggot
He already admitted it.
No use hiding it now.
Too late, you broke one of the cabal's rules.
They unironically are
They have studio ghibil looking games, paper style, clay style, yarn style Mario Odyssey has a straight up manga filter
They’re considering fucking around with art styles no one else even considers
Fuck off faggot.
Better vidya ass than retarded console wars
Now you did it, you broke the magic rules!
Your soul will be banished to the shadow realm.
I’m Happy Nintendo is keeping woman happy and employed
>retarded console wars
You're the only one calling me a sony fanboy, I prefer Nintendo games.
Just mocking a retard who replied to you.
Mocking me and getting fellated by your yesmen won't magically make you right.
That other guy who replied to you wasn't even me. But sure, continue obsessing over your non-existent boogeyman though.
And who died and made you king faggot?
You don’t like it find a different thread then
No one cares what you think
What does that have to do with video games?
Never said you were the same person, just that you're both cabal members.
One of you might just be a "useful idiot" though.
feast your eyes on these VIDEO GAMES right here and stop being faggots
What does Have to do with games?
Notice how he went back to "cabal" after getting banned during his retarded game of pretending that his stupid word was filtered?
Almost all of the designs for that game is shit. Just look at the protag.
If not for the TnA not even Yea Forums would approve of these designs.
Why are you admitting you only care about posting porn?
I can't call out people larping like faggots without it being on-topic? Sorry, I'll post shitty XC2 fanart next time I do, since that apparently makes it related.
This is hilarious, I can't tell whether you legitimately believe this shit or are just baiting. What the fuck does this shit even mean?
pictures of girls from VIDEO GAMES != porn buckaroo
>I can't call out people larping like faggots without it being on-topic
Yes, if mocking you doesn't count why would your autism be?
Andrew, you make this exact post every time and we've seen it get deleted as you get banned.
It's just one autistic shitposter that hates this game
Eat my ass fagtard
A "useful idiot" is a non-cabal member that posts about XC2 on Yea Forums, and calls out antis without knowing about it.
"They do it for free" and all that.
>ftw no bladefu
Then get with the board culture
Sexy girls get posted because people like sexy girls
It’s the oldest fucking rule of the Internet
hoes mad
hoes mad
Not when a discord group does it.
There is literally no such thing as the cabal. If you're so certain that it exists, surely it should be easy to post evidence
he got banned again
Yep, this one is getting deleted.
Nice nipples, faggot.
But all his shitposts are still here.
I'm not gonna ruin my relationship with the cabal by the doing that.
It took me a while to get in, and make it to this position.
It's alright, I don't like the boots but you rarely see them in cutscenes or notice them in gameplay.
>Xenoblad 2
I am so confused right now, I think these "cabal" posters aren't even the original faggot in first place.
arigato, tranny jannies
what the actual fuck is this?
All these anti porn and sexy girl proliferators always makes me assume they have far more nefarious intentions
The Dr. pizza effect I call it
>Drawings of sexy girls are pedo!!
Later arrest for child pornography
When you work in the security system for too long that’s how you’re mind works
Alright then, what are you guys gonna do now?
The thread always dies when that happens.
It's absolutely possible to make a discord screencap without identifying yourself. As I thought, it's just a delusion in your head and doesn't actually exist.
I'm not anti-porn, I'm anti-cabal.
Yea Forums can post all the porn and lolishit they want, as long as isn't done by the cabal.
Hell, the cabal are huge normalfags, so loli shit probably scares them.
Ironically, it's most likely a coordinated group of people shitposting against XC2. A "cabal", if you will.
They move so often they barely anyone knows they exist, they're not gonna risk having a member leak info, they even faked screenshots to throw people off.
Me posting a screenshot isn't gonna change anything.
Fuck off faggot.
There is usually significantly more Schadenfreude which carries the thread past bump limit
I want poke her hair
Ah, so celebrating someone getting banned is considered video game discussion to the cabal.
Don't even try, the cabal is so insecure they literally "no u" whenever they get called out.
Didn't you cry how you were against people "spamming" and then spammed yourself?
How is that high quality video game discussion?
Went they will ip range ban this faggot?
kek, it's supposedly a discord sever, not the fucking CIA. We all know it doesn't actually exist, you're embarrassing yourself now.
Retards, feminists, protestants
>get ResetEra invaders to leave Yea Forums
I didn't spam, someone else was spamming porn the same time I was posting, I got banned, and then he continued posting porn.
Your delusion cabal brain thought I ban evaded and started spamming porn, even though I'd never save porn of XC2 characters.
When ResetEra invaders are "Anyone that says anything even slightly negative about XC2, and doesn't sing praises about it being the best JRPG of the decade" it becomes a problem.
Now imagine that for 1.5 years and you got Xfag
People criticise the problems plenty, stop with your victim complex
Did he get banned again?
Seems very calm right now
>God is impressed so much by the kid that he gives him his two daughters before fucking off
How old is Rex?
I thought he was younger, guess he's just a manlet
No he's just Japanese.
I wish we were a cabal, we'd have actual power there. You're assigning abilities to us that we do not possess.
Imagine having so little to talk about that the moment the thread starts to die, you instantly assume I must have been banned.
Jesus Christ, you guys were right, I'm the only one keeping these shit piles alive.
Shows you just how retarded you actually are.
Good job, cuck
You also just admitted these threads are worthless waifu dumps, so good job to you too.
Nobody did that, cuck.
You're just too retarded to read.
You did just now, by acknowledging someone that in your own words is a shitposter, is the only one keeping these threads alive, you admitted that these threads have nothing to go for them but shitposting.
Nice job.
Sounds like you are simply COPING hard right now, cuck.
Localization completely missed the joke
There is nor real equivalent in English.
But they should have called alpha Q instead
You mean like you were after getting banned 4 days ago?
>Xfag so obsessed he is projecting his ban on others
LOL, you got cucked, get over it
You're doing the same shit you did on that very day.
You're only gonna get banned again.
And I will laugh, even if the same thing happens to me.
I won, that day, and it makes you mad, it makes you so mad you ban evaded, even though I didn't, this man, this "worthless shitposter" was less of a shitposter than you.
this design shows how in touch Nintendo is with their consumers
there I said it
>got banned
>thread he hates so much easily reacjed bump limit
LOL, "won".
You got cucked, get over it
>COPING this much
Xfag really is cucked.
not SIE though. Anipilex owned by sony music Japan. there are independent each other. problem will happen if FGO game is made in the future and it is decided to make into PS4.
So you don't deny you got banned that day.
You don't deny that the mods saw you as a nuisance that was derailing all on-topic discussion.
Keep going, the only thing that will happen is you'll get banned again, just like 4 days ago.
I didn't, you did, the thread stayed up.
Why are you such a cuck?
Even now, you're keeping this thread alive.
bless nintendo
>I didn't
So you got a warning then?
Yeah, and you got banned.
So you're a nuisance to the mods, even when trying to"clean up" this place from "rule breaking" threads.
Show me the warning.
If you didn't save it, tell me what it said.
Why are you being off topic?
That isn't video games
Why are you so defensive over the fact you got banned?
Surely you waited it out? if you did, you could tell me.
The fact you're trying so hard not to admit it tells me you evaded.
>Xfag is writing fanfiction about me now
I'm honored.
I didn't get banned, fag.
But nice to know you're so obsessed with me you're including me in your delusions
>I didn't get banned, fag
Why won't you tell me what the warning said in that case?
Feeding the troll or something like that.
Why are you so obsessed with me?
And how is that video games?
Or is it okay if you do it?
>Feeding the troll or something like that
So "participating in or instigating a flamewar"? or "trolling outside of Yea Forums" there's also "replying to an off-topic" thread, there's no "feeding the troll" rule, and each of the rules I just brought up have some pretty bad implications for you.
What kind of newfag are you?
Ban reasons are different from report reasons, you dumb cuck
Yes, and there's no such thing as ban reason for "replying to a troll" unless that specific mod intentionally wrote up a special report just for you, which seems very odd, considering you're just one poster out of at least 30, all of whom were having a discussion with me at the time, why would he target you?
No idea, just the way it is, cuck.
But considering your first message, it's clear you didn't know that.
>No idea, just the way it is, cuck.
You don't know because it wasn't a warning at all, you got banned for trolling.
>it's another xfag gets baited into spending two hours continuously solving captchas episode
Why do they dress like sluts?
I like the way the design looks in game and in most fanart, but that art is fucking hideous.
The will of humanity, or something like that. Don't worry about it.
Waifuism was the best thing to happen to this franchise. I can't wait for Waifublade Chronicles 3.
is this the most unrealistic pairing since Krillin x 18?
i guess it's even worse because at least Krillin is likeable
>pictures of girls from VIDEO GAMES != porn buckaroo
It's likely the same SJW troll that shits up Metroid threads by claiming that ZZS fanart = porn dumps = Yea Forums loving Other M (Which is total horeshit)
What’s unrealistic about it?
cumb rain?
Over designed
>the "two" bombshells are in love with a dude who looks 10
>dress like this
>is like 4'9
>and has the most bland harem shonen protag protagonist personality i've ever seen
Jannies do great work.
>All of Xfag's shitposts got deleted
based mods
Why does he need 3 belts?
God bless Takahashi, what a wonderful man.
For the authentic Square Enix look
Pretty based.
I know you are reading this, Xfag.
Just so you know, I didn't get banned you cuck
For me, it’s Nia
What the fuck happened in this thread
Yeah, too bad you didn't also get banned for fucking up the thread.
>107 deleted posts
Not sure why keep the thread alive at this point, they should’ve just nuked it
It wasn't only xfag this time, he had his buttbuddy "number 1 fan" with him.
Vandham deserved better, lads
I think it's actually better this way.
Got any link to this art? It's a style I like
Literally the same artist as the picture you posted.
Does anybody actually believe the second one exists?
It's just as fictional as the cabal.
You're a piece of shit, just like xfag, I hope they do ban you.
probally xfag samefagging
>tfw I like both X and 2 but I cant say I like one without complimenting the other without being flamed because of the more rabid posters in these threads
The 2nd one certainly exists, they spam sexual fanart in retaliation to xfag and go back and forth every thread calling each other "cuck" and "cabal"
The Zohar base makes it awesome as hell
Nah, we all know it's you.
Probably just Xfag samefagging again.
Nah, he outright admitted it, here
unless this is xfag ban evading again.
Her design is pretty based
Wasn't this already posted?
Oh wait, nevermind, it was one of the deleted posts.
I was getting a weird sense of deja vu
No idea, I'm not in this thread super long.
But it's one of the most common pics, so I wouldn't be surprised.
She's just too precious
I wish there was a way to use Poppi without having to listen to Tora's obnoxious screeching.
I want to go back to the days when nopon battle dialogue was somewhat charming, not "MEHMEHMEHMEHMEH" over and over.
Pippi copying the mannerism of a nopon was the cutest thing
She's not copying it, the nopon that built her made her talk like they do.
>reading the archive
wew, what a fucking ride
Hard to believe the mods are finally on top of his ass after all these years of doing fuck all
It kinda sucks how this could lead to people getting banned for saying bad things about Xenoblade 2.
there's legit criticism and then there was that guy who was outright shitposting
I know, but OP's post was pretty off-topic, a lot of threads for this game start that way, with an image of Pyra/Mythra/Nia and some generic comment with sexual undertones, it's perfectly understandable why some people will get upset by seeing posts like this every single day.
>Pyra wants you to come sit next to her
>Mythra wants to punch you
>People still want the cunt as their wife
It's called tsunDERE for a reason, you know
Shut up weeb, we speak English here.
>107 deleted posts.
Holy fucking shit.
I don't get it, you have to be extremely autistic to be upset by a single thread on an image board.
what does that have to do with criticizing the game? if you think a thread's off topic, report, hide if seeing it bothers you that much, and move on
He has been butthurt over xbc2 for nearly three years.
I'm just saying, when there's nothing to discuss anymore, and we still have daily threads that barely stay alive, maybe it would be better to have some of them get deleted.
Why the fuck you care so much? Just ignore the threads.
Xfag is single handedly keeping them alive for the most part.
And it's still only a single thread, who cares?
Oh good, babby's first concern troll.
Because I want these threads to be good again?
>concern troll.
Xfag is the only one getting banned because his posting style is usually easy to spot. If someone else gets caught in the collateral damage them maybe he should stop being an absolute faggot and start realising that all he is doing is resulting in the exact opposite of his mission.
It's not right to blame someone else for something Xfag did, that would just paint this fanbase as being unable to take criticism and incite more shitposting.
Blame who? What are you even talking about?
Unless you are throwing a massively autistic temper tantrum, you will be fine.
I'm saying that someone might get banned for unknowingly posting an xfag buzzword.
That's the exact issue, his posts are vague enough that anyone can be taken as him, he already has a falseflagger.
I’m not blaming, I’m just saying the people that might get banned along with him are at the mercy of his autism. No one gets banned even when criticising XC2, it’s usually when he’s around sperging out that you’ll see deleted posts. As long as you aren’t parroting his sperg outs, you won’t be mistaken for him.
Than stop being a whiny little Bitch, unless you spam you will literally never get banned.
Anybody with two braincells can spot Xfag from a distance.
He often posts talks about people calling it the best game of the decade, if someone does that, and someone else gets angry at it, there's a chance the posters in the thread will be convinced he's xfag, dogpile and mass report him, and he start arguing in relation, something xfag himself does, and then bam, all his posts are deleted and he's banned.
Xfag didn't even spam in this thread and he got banned. He was just arguing with someone else for like 3 hours and he got banned while the other shitposter was allowed to continue posting.
>play xc2
>get that pyra swimsuit
>boner activated
first time i had to fap to a video game
>Autistic temper tantrum for three hours
>not spamming
You're just defending him now.
I like it.
I'm not defending him at all, I'm wondering why the other guy was allowed to go free just because he was against xfag, even though he was feeding him the whole time and egging him on.
It shows a bias that I'm very fond of having in these threads.
Xfag is really easy to spot after a few posts becaus he always used the same style and arguments. Posters in XC2 threads mostly engage with criticism anyway so if the conversation ends up being a repeat of the same shit he always says then you can bet it is him. Usually it starts as him posting vague stuff, then later reveals it is him and then his posts disappear. No one is gonna dog pile a random couple posts saying they think XC2 is overrated.
He got his posts deleted in a previous thread. Getting him banned for replying to a shitposter is too severe and would encourage the shitposter to carry on.
Not very fond of, I mean.
But he did the exact same shit as xfag, and even encouraged him to keep posting, while spamming images just to entice him to attack more, it's not fair that he was allowed to derail the thread just because he's on "our side"
Who cares?
Xfag being banned is completely sensible.
Any bias against him is perfectly fine.
As long as you aren't completely retarded, nobody gets banned for criticizing XC2
>Any bias against him is perfectly fine.
This is a dangerous way of thinking.
No it isn't, Yea Forums is at the point where it literally can't be over moderated.
Getting rid of the most autistic fags like that guy is worth it in every case.
Bias against people who exist on Yea Forums solely to bitch about others discussing games they don't like is a bad thing now?
As I said, he got his posts deleted last time and I agree that he should stop replying to Xfag, but banning him for it will only encourage Xfag.
>repeat ban evader, shitposter, years of obsessive thread derailing
>one guy egging on a shitposter one time
That's your opinion, I believe this thought process will only make XC2 threads worse than they already are
This is an official room approved by Nintendo.
Xfag is literally the only truly bad element about them.
>As I said, he got his posts deleted last time
And the time before that, he'll just keep doing it each time
>Xfag banned again
>everyone immediately proceeds to get baited by someone else
Xfag continuing his crusade for 2 years isn’t an opinion.
He did it twice now, actually, and has done it countless times before, and only now is getting his posts deleted.
No, his shitposting friend is just as bad.
How am I baiting them?
This is exactly what I'm talking about, I just don't want a clear bias in this fanbase just because it goes against a common enemy.
It's gonna incite more shitposting.
A real bubble butt.
It stopped with Xfag banned, so your point is retarded.
Banning Xfag immediately solves all Problems.
Your entire talk of bias is retarded, why is it so bad?
Because when xfag comes back, that guy will continue to feed him, and brag about how he doesn't get banned for it. It's wrong.
Then ban Xfag again, problem solves itself.
It's not wrong, it's just reality.
Bragging about how you didn't get banned while encouraging a shitposter to keep shitposting doesn't sit right with me.
Why should we allow xfag to run free, but not his accomplice?
This is also a design that was improved by Nintendo.
When did Nintendo become so based?
Thank fuck she dies right when she appears unlike shitty ass Pyra's design.
Stop being a fag and just accept it.
If Xfag doesn't want to be banned, he should stop being a retard.
Mods have made a decision, if it bothers you that much just leave
I actually prefer her sister's, but one can't go wrong either way not to mention Pneuma
Because the shitposters win.
This is a great victory for Xenoblade where the mods kill the shitposters and not the thread.
Why should I be okay with a person that openly admitted to shitposting not getting banned just because he likes Xenoblade 2?
Nintendo has been based for a long time. Nintendo of America just did their best to resist it until recently.
For someone who claims to be so worried about thread quality, you sure don't seem interested in actually trying to discuss the game.
>her sister's
They aren't sisters. Fuck the localization.
>For someone who claims to be so worried about thread quality, you sure don't seem interested in actually trying to discuss the game
Don't pull an xfag on me now you piece of shit.
>the mods kill the shitposters
Except for xfag's buttbuddy, because he's /ourguy/ apparently.
The posts are gone and it's over, stop crying about it.
>just because he likes Xenoblade 2?
What does this have to do with anything? Are you okay?
The only reason he didn't get banned was because he was on the side of the majority, that's wrong.
His posts are gone, just like last time, but it's not fair that he's allowed to gloat about not getting banned for shitposting.
This post doesn't sit right with me at all.
The only reason he didn’t get banned is because he was retaliating against a 2 year long shitposter and banning him would encourage said shitposter.
If that was all he did, it would have been fine, but bragging about it, and basically admitting he was shitposting, crossed the line.
Allowing a blatant bias by a fanbase, to the point where mods remove other opinions makes us no better than ResetEra.
The artist did a ton in this style for the first game, you can find them in their pixiv.
>post only directed at Xfag doesn’t sit right with me at all
Hmmm I wonder why
See, this is the exact problem I have with this fanbase right now, anyone that doesn't agree with the majority is either xfag, or a part of his group of shitposters.
I hate what these threads have become.
Xfag wasn't banned for an opinion, moron.
He got banned for throwing temper tantrums for two years.
No bias here, do the same and you will get banned no matter what.
You know what I hate? People who ban evade, can't stand em.
I'm talking about the other guy, not xfag, the only reason he didn't get banned along with xfag with openly taking a shot at the mods is because he shared an opinion with the majority of the thread.
Have you looked in a mirror, xfag?
>the only reason he didn't get banned along with xfag with openly taking a shot at the mods is because he shared an opinion with the majority of the thread.
The reason Xfag gets banned isn’t because of XC2 opinions.
No, you complained about mods removing other opinions and how you "can't criticize XC2 anymore".
You're just trying to deflect from you not wanting Xfag banned right now.
Why else would you be so worried about being banned for the wrong opinion?
And how do you know that?
It's just as likely he got warned for a first offense in comparison to Xfag.
Where's her ass?
Kill the cat.
Why was he hunting flesheaters again?
Honestly, as much as I prefer XC1, I enjoyed my time with XC2, and wouldn't say I regret buying it. You guys are alright.
I just didn't want these threads to turn into people dogpilling others for their opinions, calling them xfag, and trying to get them banned.
And you guys responded by dogpiling me, calling me a ban evading xfag, and likely reporting me.
You also used ResetEra buzzwords like "concern troll" this really openly my eyes to how this fanbase has become tumblr level special snowflakes that don't like their opinions challenged.
Perfectly fair opinion, 2 is a deeply flawed but highly enjoyable game.
In the end, Xenoblade is still closer to Final Fantasy in how different each one is and how different everybodys favorite will be
Or maybe you are just a retard mad how Xfag got banned.
Because no matter how often you say you do not want bias or how you are afraid of everybody being called Xfag, you still very much defend Xfag in this thread by pretending he got banned over the minority opinion.
Don't be surprised when people call you out over that, you are just deflecting how much of a victim you are right now.
He probably wanted to make sure that Indol was the only country using them. (In secret, obviously.) Amalthus wants as much control over cores as possible, and Blades becoming Flesh Eaters would mess with that.
And it also made Torna's lives harder, which is obviously helpful for him.
This has never been about opinions, this is about putting someone who replies to shitposters and gloats to said shitposter, on the same level as the shitposter which has only been recently getting banned regularly after 2 years of non-stop faggotry. Opinions about XC2 have nothing to do with this.
For someone who is definitely not Xfag you definitely worry about how he's being treated while formatting and typing exactly like him a lot.
I agree. It's probably one of my favorite RPG series, alongside Dragon Quest, Fire Emblem, and MegaTen.
I don't think he was *just* trying to get rid of them. He was probably going to tear out their cores to get at the data, like he did with Akhos and Patroka.
>In the end, Xenoblade is still closer to Final Fantasy in how different each one is and how different everybodys favorite will be
I hope it stays that way. I've been enjoying the differences between titles, I want it to keep that uniqueness instead of falling back on a formula.
It's definitely something to cherish, it prevents the games from feeling samey and allows each entry to have a very "final" ending without having to keep the consequences for a sequel in mind.
XC2 literally can't have a normal sequel, and I'm happy with that.
Chasing and killing abominations is enough of a reason.
What was his problem?
it's getting so hard to save new shit to help out in threads like this when Yea Forums unironically prefers racebaiting to fucking waifuposting. Does this place get any lower?
Learn how to feed yourself.
He failed his gacha roll, and thus decided to ruin it for absolutely everyone out of anger.
We get new things literally every single day though. Pic related. Just go to nip twitter.
>implying that getting Malos is anything other than the perfect roll
Imagine being THIS upset that a game made for otaku, by a self-professed otaku who always fills the games he makes with references to anime that he loves. And then going into a thread about that, and complaining about Japanese otaku being the way they've always been.
Conservative world made him lose faith in humanity.
I'll never understand how this was considered "too far". That and that Nier chick.
When's the last time you felt joy, user?
Remember what it feels like?
Or were you born to late?
Make way for Best Governor.
He's the consul, not the governor.
An emerald Aegis resonated by Amalthus would still be a psychopath who'd probably still ditch him to blow shit up. A cute psychopath with tits, but regardless.
I can't believe that guy actually has fanart
>Mythra with the dickish evil of Malos
>Nice Bro Malos for Adam/Rex
Now I kind of want to see that
He ended up a broken person from a young age and turned to the religious coping mechanisms to keep believing in himself and the world. However, it turned out it wasn’t enough, so he tried to seek God himself for answers. However, he found nothing but "divine revelations" that realised the growing evil and darkness in his heart without him knowing it, leading to misguided and desperate efforts to do to the world what he thought God left in his hands.
Most people wouldn't bring up the tits if she or Mythra didn't often tell you to stop staring at them. Bitch I wasn't thinking about it until you said it or the camera focused on them.
One day I'll get a switch and play this game. One day.
>He didn't play Metsublade 2
>Now I kind of want to see that
Common response.
I like that one of the people writing a Metsublade fanfiction got a copy from the guy who made the edited box. Japanese fandom seems comfy as hell.
Dump time
>MFW doing Electra's blade Quest
>MFW trying o raise Ursula's affinity chart
What were they thinking. Holy shit.
I can't believe people actually made those, I love this fanbase.
At least Electra's Blade quest was cute as fuck, Urula was just a pain
>scans never
>translations never
>same for the follow-up
just kill me
I wonder what his "Pyle" form would look like.
I can’t imagine Mythra being nearly as bro tier with Jin, and both their autism would be too much for them to fuck.
>The scene where Mythra smacks Rex for catching him... in his own bed
Japanese devs still think this trope is funny when it's almost 2020
Nice, one of the few times I end up ditching the tsundere.
it totally is fag
>ayy lmao eyes
>giant forehead
>no nose
>comically giant tits
>overdesigned armor
why do weebs like to eat shit
Too hard to name them Poppi El, Poppi HS and Poppi Co
Ice lolis are the best
She did the same with that now dead shota cat
Probably wouldn't have one. Malos has a distaste for masks and untruths and that's likely something inherent to him as Logos.
Those abbreviations have no cultural meaning or implication unlike the japanese ones
That's all folks >tfw full scans never I wonder if it's available at Toranoana, sadly I won't go to nipland until the olympics are over
>evil woman with big tits
Unless is touhou, any SFW doujin usually remains unscanned forever.
spoken like a true cuck that wants women beating the shit out of you while you're sleeping
>not wanting a hot women beating the shit out of you during sex
a while back the artist retweeted some american who ordered it online, so it's not like it's impossible to buy or anything
>Remember to ignore reddit frogposters
What game
Senran Kagura Reflexions
And that's a trope that should always stays that way
Thanks user. Is it getting a us release?
It already has one
>Malos has a distaste for masks and untruths and that's likely something inherent to him as Logos.
Who's to say he'd see it that way? When Mythra created Pyra, she wasn't intending for her to merely be a mask - she was to be a replacement for her own 'failed' self.
The role the processors served for the largest part of their existence was to take in the information of the world, interpret it, and use it to evolve Blades to better suit the needs of humanity. What Mythra did by creating Pyra was only natural considering that, and it'd make sense for Malos to do the same if he was in her place.
Guess Im getting a Switch then.
anyone got any more high-res images of xenoblade 2's landscapes?
I really want more of these, but fucking yuzu seems like it's on track to becoming a botw2 emulator so I don't expect it'll be in shape to provide more anytime soon
The only ones available are the ones from Monolith themselves, back from the game reveal, but...
>Metsu will never ride your Serpent
酷い世界だろ ここは
Do you have a link? I hate to be that guy, but I would really appreciate the sauce.
... some stitches exists. I can post some.
I'll take anything I can get at this point
thanks user
I don’t recall her fooling around with anyone else, Rex on the other hand is a boy toy.
>Rex on the other hand is a boy toy.
>considered the canon driver of every rare blade, can use everyone but Poppi (but is still considered her vice-masterpon)
>"I love you...and all you guys!"
>even tries to add the villain to his harem in his final moments
Definitely a slut.
seconded for I'm dying for good clean landscape shots without UI blocking the view
Sadly I don't have the galleries anymore, but doing a google search with at least that picture and the other Uraya one should take you to the vidya news from back then
Torigoth is max comfy. Exactly the kind of jRPG town I like.
It implies SOFT
nintendo have the best girls, we need more yuri
Nothing can make your penis big, let's be real here.
A PC port was announced recently, along with the pinball game.
reminder Mythra was drawn by a literal hentai artist
Three dicks.
its a damn shame you only get to be there in the start of the game
his shack is comfy as fuck
Gormott is cute
And it has the best defense system ever
Dabbling in porn is pretty common among Japanese artists, or really, probably artists in general. Japan is just a tad more open about it.
Now for some stitches
>that fucking Tirkin
>mfw the Empire is actually good and comfy
>Completely ignores the fact he awakened them after 500 years, dying in the process, then shared their hearth and had many hardships together
All right, that's all the higher res and stitches I have, user.
That was kino
thank you!
>when Mikhail HENSHIN the whole ship
I knew I was in for some Kino
you should fuck your brother before you go user
Forgot this one
Thanks for the dump. I only just realised that the kaiju designs remind me of SMT IV for some reason
he should have said "otaku pandering"
Will he ever be reunited with his love?
His "other self" killed her in cold blood.
Didn't someone have a theory about Klaus and Galea being reincarnated in whatever universe the Conduit ends up in, in XC3 because of Takahashi's love for reusing Xenogears plot points
>his love
He didn't give a shit about her.
Gormott = Gaur Plains
Satorl Marsh = Uraya
Eryth Sea = Leftheria Archipelago
Valak Mountain = Tantal
Mechonis = Mor Ardain
Alcamoth = Indol
In XC2 he definitely does, or at least, he shows remorse
So what exactly changed at the end to give Malos the ability to take control of all those Gargoyles and Sirens?
Not in XC1 since Zanza went off the deep end due to loneliness and a god complex, but the Architect half of Klaus cared for her. I wouldn't say they were in love though.
He took data from Mythra's core. Pneuma is kind of like the vehicle for Logos to spread the word in lore, so he took control of Mythra's powers to gain access to the Artifices's and what not.
Would they taste like chicken?
Most guys wouldn’t be thinking about love before starting a Godhood experiment. It’s clear he at least cared about her to an extent, especially since he was so open to her about his intentions
If it was that, I don't think Malos would have had to directly 'reprogram' Ophion like he did.
>Pneuma is kind of like the vehicle for Logos to spread the word in lore
Uh, what? Where's that said, exactly?
Aion probably had some sort of interface to override control of them.
The lore they're based off of. It wasn't directly stated in the game, but it's clear in usage. Mythra has access to the Artifces, and when Logos taps into her core and gains her data, he uses them to spread his "word" or destruction.
That seems like an awfully big reach.
Why does the west hate women with big boobs?
didn't etika play this game?
trying to farm some crystals from relentless arduran, but i literally can't get a successful break, much less anything else. party is lv73, using rex/nia/tora and they all have legendary beta scopes. what am i doing wrong?
So since the early 80s?
probably be higher level, I did my farming at 99 with no beta scopes equipped, driver affinity charts also help.
Did you make sure your party members are equipped with an Art that allows for Break in one of their 3 Arts slots? I was using Rex - Nia - Poppi as my party members, with the right Blades on Rex (topple+launch+smash) and Nia (break). Poppi would also do some parts of the Driver Combos but I don't remember which ones
Do you have Poppi QTpi? If so, use Tora and control him, she has a kill which has 3 break chances in one. There's also that accessory that lowers enemy resistance against break.
Oh yeah, I forgot, as that other user mentioned, if you're lv.73, you're too low level to beat it. I don't remember if it would prevent you from starting a Driver combo, but that may also be the case. You'll definitely need to be Lv.90 or so to beat it.
>japanese companies making japanese games
How about you learn what the fuck words mean before using them.
Where should I level at level 78?
i...i want to hold hands with pyra !!
Level plays a big part in the calculation. The further under you are, the more resistence they have to Driver combos. You'll want to be at least level 82 for anything consistent.
Thank God, I fucking love anime tits.
Knew the moment I saw this design during E3 2017 there would be autistic screeching if her knockers didn't get shrunk. There was and still is, glorious.
>small breast
Breast should be bigger. Nintendo is turning sjw
Either the T-Rexs, or the Lv.104 Reeking Douglas (yes, he is actually beatable at your level if you're careful and Seal his reinforcements)
Someone has tgat pic of Nia getting a "you make me choo choo!" Simpsons valentine card?
why do people act like Nintendo have been puritan for 100% of their existence
these threads pop up every generation, which makes them increasingly stupid. you can't act like designs such as OP are much risquer than anything from the Wii U or even the Wii era
Douglas and Arduran are e-z superbosses to beat up and level on but if you still can't beat them then temperantia has enemies 80+ with your target being the lvl 92. sauros / t-rex (if your looking to go all the way to 99)
>Sony and western companies are going full censorship and feminism
>Nintendo sees a huge amount of third party companies who want to release their games uncensored
>Nintendo says they won't censor games on Switch and third parties rush over to the Switch as a result
>literally the exact same tactic Sony did to Nintendo in the PS1/PS2 years, Nintendo has just reversed it back on Sony because their new management are fucking idiots
Also, Xenoblade 2 is a second party game which Monolithsoft signs off on designs. Not Nintendo.
Nintendo of Japan isn't more or less puritan than before. It's the world that changed, and went to shit. Burgers are ruining everything for everyone, as usual.
>will never get monster mashed
That was always only NoA and now NoJ has them by the neck.
wtf i love nintendo now
>Also, Xenoblade 2 is a second party game which Monolithsoft signs off on designs. Not Nintendo.
Nintendo owns Monolithsoft, everything they make is approved by them.
I don't think it's that drastic. As long as Monolith isn't publishing something unethical, they're free to do what they want
How do we bring these two to justice?
Didn't Takahashi just complain that Nintendo wasn't approving anything other than Xenoblade stuff?
>tail has vagina crease
fuck me thats hot
Best boy.
That was a mistranslation.
Do you have a link to the accurate translation?
I will now purchase your gaming platform.
Game really needs redub or more accurate subs for the jap dub + after battle banter
gonna draw more
Her outfit looks fucking stupid.
>doesn't have Japanese audio option
Glad I didn't buy it.
What? But it does have japanese audio.
It does, but there's no subtitles for the overworld dialogue so you wouldn't get it without knowing nip anyway. The subs that are there are also based off the English dub so you aren't really seeing what they say in Japanese.
good no one wants you here
Because it implies that the clothing is slightly tight, meaning is you took it off her ass is actually thicker than it looks.
love it
This fucking sucks too, Nintendo probably has the money for a redub (and a recast of pyra) or at least a simple retranslation for the jap dub like Judgement did.
>Xfag reduced to spamming XC2 screenshots now
I don't think that is him.
Why not?
Literally "work experience for your curriculum" in Japan.
rent free
t. xfag
Let's dogpile him, boys!
Haha what is she from this is funny, I just want to know as a joke.
And so was Valkyria Chronicles, Nippon Ichi games, Vanillaware games, Pokemon games, SNK games, Capcom games... It would actually be easier to name the few artists who didn't start off as porn artists.
Everyone can tell when it's you, you know.
That they have slowly been getting shittier taste. Who the fuck approved of that travesty along with short haired Zelda, the fucking pedobait squids, and censored Samus in ultimate?
Monolith Soft just posted a recruitment advice.
Featuring naked Nia surrounded by steam.
That's it, Nia is officially MS' mascot.
Nintendo is at the bottom of the barrel and will accept anything to get their table scraps. They'll accept any shitty idea or design. That's what I think. But some losers like to defend their favorite scantily clad anime girl. What melvins.
rent free
me too user
Hopefully they'll get people that realized XC2 was a mistake.
>now he spams the most low quality xbc2 fanart he can find.
I think he is completely broken now, his actions no longer gave any sense.
>exactly one minute apart
*Make any...
Nintendo isn't pushing anything other than Xenoblade when it comes to games made by Monolith Soft. Apparently Takahashi presented other series ideas, but they aren't getting pushed forward like he hoped. It was in an interview with him, and Harada from Bamco.
When are we going to see the head artist? I'm kind of anxious about it.
Saito? He is not a secret.
lol never again
If they were going to choose Saito again, there'd be no point in a contest honestly.
If they censor like current day playstation or 4kids, nintendo won't get my money.
The post is about recruiting graphic designers, not a head artist.
And it doesn't get deleted, of course
XC2 isn't perfect
Why revive a thread this close to death?
We're only 5 posts away from bump limit.
Because I want bump limit.
Two reasons: I like when a thread of something I like reach bump limit and I want to spite that piece of shit.
>bump limit.
And there you go, never forget that in this thread that faggot got owned again and his 107 shitposting/falseflagging Posts were deleted.
>I want to spite that piece of shit
This is exactly how he wants you to feel, you know that, right?
Were all 107 his, or is this counting his shitposting friend that also should have gotten banned but didn't?
Did I just time travel back to 2007?
>his shitposting friend
He didn't show up in the ban log, he's actually pretending to be banned this time and is currently trying to gaslight like crazy
Do you think there's offical porn of all of our favorite characters locked away somewhere?
I wonder if there's any of Ash Crimson