Literally the best game ever made. Not a single moment is not a 10/10 aside from Boomer Kuwanger's stage, and that's still an 8/10.
Literally the best game ever made. Not a single moment is not a 10/10 aside from Boomer Kuwanger's stage...
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This is either bait or you're 11. All of the following X games were better, you can't even play as Zero in X1.
I don't like how the charge shot works. There's not reason to not charge up a shot, so to play optimally you have to hold down shoot all the time which is just annoying. The devs didn't think it all through. They should've either made the charge automatic or had there be some kind of detriment to holding a full charge.
Lemons do double damage when fired from a dash, which is often sufficient incentive to have that option rather than holding a charge shot.
>Write a story where bitch baby X has to learn to surpass his mentor after getting his ass handed to him by Vile without being able to do a thing
>Collect a whole bunch of weapons, HP increases, and an entire set of armor to transform yourself into a hero
>Lose to Vile again in the exact same way
>Lemons do double damage when fired from a dash
Yes but if I recall don't they use the same sprites compared to a non-dash lemon?
Shame the series went to dogshit after X3 and never recovered. Also a shame X is the least likeable Mega Man.
Alright I do admit that as a kid, most of my altavista searches were spent looking for a way to unlock zero's silver shot. Hadouken was not an acceptable alternative.
I always thought them the same and perhaps didn't pay enough attention, but either way, dashing and firing lemons is often way faster than holding charges which was your original gripe.
x2 is better
This. X2 was actually designed around dashing
X4 was better than X3, everything else was trash though.
I literally would draw this cover all the time in elementary school, I fucking loved how MM looked
Actual legit contender for GOAT, unlike the piece of shit in pic related
imagine being this own butthurt about your own shit taste
Damn someone is really asshurt about the Metroidvania genre.
I agree that Chrono Tigger is overrated, but I think calling it a piece of shit is too far. It's above average.
Why do people hate x5?
I still hate the core spider. He's not difficult just a really annoying and tedious boss fight. I can pretty consistently hadouken him nowadays but still really annoying.
lame level design, bosses, weapons, music is below average for a megaman game, the rng system is balls
Because X4 did that style of Mega Man X game much better. Both X5 and 6 were pointless entries.
Having to hold the button is the detriment. Charge shots are NOT worth holding for expended periods of time, that's part of the game.
I agree that X is excellent, but don't confuse "few faults" for "best game ever made". An NES game that has few faults still won't compare to a modern classic.
There should be a way to play the game start to finish without using upgrades. As it stands 2 are mandatory. Also the head upgrade kinda sucks. But yeah, 9.75/10
>the rng system is balls
The fact you can defeat all 8 bosses and STILL have the shuttle and enigma fail is pretty fucking retarded. I've only had it happen once and just reloaded but it's still dumb as fuck.
I wouldn’t say they are pointless, more x4 style games would’ve been god tier, but we ended up getting such poorly executed versions of x4 sequels that people now associate x4 with the mediocrity of x5 and x6
>play X 1
>remember you don't have dash at first
X2 and X4 are the only 10/10, X1 can be a 9.5/10
AKA "good and popular thing that I don't like"
...For zero
Just use the patch.
I dunno, there are a few NES games that are better than games considered "great" that came out recently.
>tfw spending eons filling up E-tanks with those drain-caterpillars
>using the fucking shield-toss against Sigma's ugly head as the only moment in the game you actually used that move, aside from Vile who was child's play at that point
I wish I were young again
This. Look at BotW, RDR2, and Witcher 3. Compare that shit to your average SNES game like Megaman X, Super Punchout, and Yoshi's Island. It's ridiculous.
Greater access to technology doesn't mean said access is used well, when all it's used for is filler bullshit. SNES games were 99% fun, while modern "greats" are 10% fun and 90% "lol check out this tech haha".
I hated fighting that fucking cat way more than I did both versions of sigma
>he didn't charge rolling shield and start humping the bug nests
BotW is a great game and I would rank it among those games in terms of quality.
Stuff like Skyrim just pale in comparison to games like SMB 3 or Mega Man 3, though
The sigma 2nd fight is pretty terrible for a final boss fight.
Everything else is good though.
come on user. what did it do thats so fucking great besides be a niche fill for the mild west setting
nvrmnd im retarded
You say that, yet X2, Zero 4, BN6 and SF3 are all better games
>not using storm tornado for like 90% of the game
>implying that part of the game wasn't fun
It was like holding a nut, always ready to let it go
>you can't even play as Zero
And you call other people under age
And what would you say those are? I won't deny that there are some great NES games, but it's simply too old to contend with some of the greats that we've been able to make even one console later (the SNES was godlike).
>wanting to play as a girl
>I play on easy mode
My only complaint is that you can’t move and shoot. 9/10
Hahahahaha so you post your shit taste in order to get people "reply to (you)" only to shit on your gay ass? Why? Are you that lonely?
Piss poor bait. Here’s your (you) only because Im trying to do at least 1 good deed a day
>play as Zero
Take a look at this faggot
I bet you watched a lot of MTV and listened to Linkin Park in your time, huh? Those were the days, right
X3 is my favorite X
SMB 1 & 3, Castlevania 1 & 3, Megaman 2 & 3, Metroid, Life Force, Punch Out, Zelda 1 & 2
I'd say they're better than Skyrim, at least. More challenging
Thanks bro. I really needed it.
And I agree, those are some great games (well I think the original Metroid is actually kind of bad, but otherwise yes). I think we'll just have to agree to disagree, I that regardless of a perceived lack of flaws or holding up relatively well over time, these games and that console have just aged too heavily to be better than what we can make today, but I totally understand why you would disagree.
Look up in the sky its a bird its a plane
It's air-man bitch and I'm bringing the pain
>well I think the original Metroid is actually kind of bad
Play it again. It's an ordeal. A nightmarish masterpiece.
As games, they are better than a lot of modern releases, purely because they are well-designed and provide a challenge, and actually manage to make the player feel something because of this.
I played through three Uncharted games and didn't feel a thing, despite the cinematic story-telling. I felt more trying to beat the angry sun level in SMB 3 than I did for almost that entire console generation.
I dropped uncharted 20% into the first game because it was whack-a-mole with heads and concrete. I agree with your overall point but I want to offend you for putting up with that garbage for so long.
Well sure, but there are plenty of challenging games in the newer generations, oftentimes you just have to choose the right difficulty. Something like Metroid felt frustrating and incoherent, whereas Castlevania 3 was highly fulfilling. Don't get fooled into thinking that because a game was good for it's time that it holds up perfectly, if the gaming industry hadn't gotten any better I would be very concerned.
Consider just how many NES games weren't just simple, cheap cash grabs. There were good ones, but the vast majority of them were made because not only did consumers not know better, but they couldn't really do much about it. Maybe it's just my opinion, but the ratio of good games we get versus absolute shit has significantly improved since then.
Jesus Christ ya fuckin nerds
>but the ratio of good games we get versus absolute shit has significantly improved since then.
OP here, I actually think it's the opposite because these days the majority of the budget is spent on marketing, and gameplay suffers as a result. Perhaps I'm just a contrarian faggot but I genuinely believe the last good game that wasn't indie was TF2 way back in 2007.
Metroid wasn't incoherent, just purposefully disorienting. I don't think it's "good for its time", I think it's an interesting game now, with obvious flaws
>there are plenty of challenging games in the newer generations
There wasn't for a good chunk of the 6th and 7th gen, and still not that many now, though its gotten better
>Consider just how many NES games weren't just simple, cheap cash grabs
I'm referring to the classics. I think a lot of those, the cream of the crop, are better than some games that pass for "great" nowadays. Of course there were plenty of shit NES games
return to reddit
That's where you would go for actual serious conversation Lmao. Your trying to discuss videogames on Yea Forums Lmao
I would never try to engage in a "serious conversation" with those gay boys
That sounds like it's just your taste, then, and that's fine. Still I can't agree with that, we have better standards and quality control now, even if there are some clear duds. Most NES era games wouldn't pass the barest minimum of criteria today.
>There wasn't for a good chunk of the 6th and 7th gen, and still not that many now, though its gotten better
While I agree that games have probably gotten easier (at least at the basest level), consider that many NES games were only challenging as a result of A. Not having the budget/hardware a longer game (and thus needing the difficulty to increase playtime) and B. Trying to imitate arcade cabinets.
Again, this might just be a conflict of taste. I enjoy a challenging and fulfilling game as much as the next guy, but that can't be all it has to offer, especially when you consider that what can pass for challenge might be little more than unfair frustration.
>I'm referring to the classics. I think a lot of those, the cream of the crop, are better than some games that pass for "great" nowadays. Of course there were plenty of shit NES games
Alright, my bad for misconstruing and getting of topic. I'll never deny the power of classics, I think it's the same as in literature. A game will feel new if it was good enough to be considered a classic, just as a book will. Regardless, there are modern classics, too, and we shouldn't discount them, either, especially since game design has come such a long way.
What would you consider a "modern classic"?
Ok Megabros post your boss order, it can be any game including Classic Mega Man:
Armored Armadillo > Storm Eagle > Launch Octopus > Spark Mandrill > Flame Mammoth > Boomerang Kuwanger > Sting Chameleon > Chill Penguin
Bubble Crab > Magna Centipede > Crystal Snail > Wire Sponge > Wheel Gator > Overdrive Ostrich > Morph Moth > Flame Stag
Tunnel Rhino > Blast Hornet > Blizzard Buffalo > Neon Tiger > Gravity Beetle > Crush Crawfish > Volt Catfish > Toxic Seahorse
But yet here you are. Having a serious discussion with the "straight" users of v Lmao
>not starting with Chill Penguin to get the dash
Everyone does that now, but as kids we started with Storm Eagle because he was easiest to beat with only the mega-buster.
Well maybe "modern classic" wasn't the right term, because many of these are somewhat old by today's standards, but since we're talking about NES vs. today I'll list a few (influenced by my own tastes and that of others).
>Metroid Prime
>Super Metroid
>Portal 2
>Mario 64 or Galaxy
>>implying that part of the game wasn't fun
>It was like holding a nut, always ready to let it go
I've never heard of anyone describing the charge shot like that. Yet it's extremely accurate.
>MGS 3
the story fucking sucks though, I've never understood the love for this one. it has some cool gimmicks but it's so cheesy and dumb
Portal 2 I don't really understand either. The co-op is really good though
RDR, literally every GTA, and BotW are all genuinely terrible but you choose to focus on MGS3 and Portal 2 when they're actually good
A lot of those games I don't particularly care for, but those two in particular confuse me. I just don't understand why they're so well-loved
I'd say ALttP, BotW and Mario 64 were the best out of the lot (not even a Nintendo fanboy, just being honest)
>using the dash in X1
Lmao this fuckin guy
The dash doubles lemon damage, it's the most efficient way to play.
>I LOVE walking simulators. How could you tell?
>armadillo first
Does he take fucking ages with buster only?
He has buster vulnerability but it's still not worth doing him first in favour of doing Chill Penguin for double lemon damage
>the richter in the middle
You can hit him before he jumps to roll, when he jumps out of his rolling attack, you can hit him when he attacks after absorbing your charge shot, or you can just spam lemons since Armadillo will defend but still get hit when he lowers his shields. He's easier than Eagle but it takes a while.
>Plotwise, the original story concept has been totally thrown out in favor of "dude Sigma Virus lmao"
>Alia interrupts you with text boxes every five feet
>Mediocre level design
>Mediocre bosses
>Unorthodox ranking system
>Armor system is a straight downgrade, unarmored X just...kind of exists now
>Hyped-up X vs Zero confrontation ends up being contrived unless you get unlucky
And on top of all that, this was supposed to be the 'final' game, the epic conclusion. To say it didn't stick the landing would be putting it mildly. It fell and broke its leg, on-camera.
Clown man > Grenade man > Frost man > Tengu man > Sword man > Search man > Astro man > Aqua man
i pick boss orders with a random number generator