Why do """""leftist""""" politics dominate the vydia despite consumers and the industry supporters being overwhelmingly...

why do """""leftist""""" politics dominate the vydia despite consumers and the industry supporters being overwhelmingly centrist/right leaning? i genuinely don't get this disconnection

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go and make a game then you lazy fuck

why does hollywood and the game industry keep making movies and games with guns despite being full of rabid anti-gun nuts

Corporate Media Brainwashing.

Creatives in general are mostly left-leaning, and have been for several decades.

Leftists want power and are very good at getting it, and they see media as strategically important for disseminating their ideas and preventing the enemy from disseminating theirs.

It's because most game dev studios, even the bigger ones, are fairly insular and reciprocating as far as corporate replacement goes, so they're still in a mode of seeing a lot of popular American liberal positions as "correct", even if that pendulum has swung the other way for a while.

uhhhhh why don't the people in the top keep saying that they hate niggers and women dude that's not cool

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>despite consumers and the industry supporters being overwhelmingly centrist/right leaning?
Spend less time here you fucking room-temperature IQ dolt

did /pol/ try to convince you that the average normal fag is leaning mid/right? you should go outside more.

Is that what you think the industry was like before it got woke? Or what you want people to think it was like?

Most people outside of coastal city and college retards don't care about politics

Left wing buys games. Right wing pirates games.


This is a complete lie and you know it. Why can't you people ever be honest about anything?

You just need to make your own video game, advertise it on your own social media platform, make your own entertainment platforms to advertise on, fund it with your own money, sell it on your own platform, distribute it on your own internet service, host the servers in your own datacenter and build your own bank to handle purchases.

most people dont believe in cutting their junk off so are in fact right leaning.

i dont like these nu-doge face edits

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and say he really believes that.

no, being outside convinced me that most of normie consumers are apolitical or liberal centrists

Same reason they invade every place: once they get to a position they can hire other people, they hire only lefties regardless of talent, while non lefties hire just capable people regardless of politics.

Why are you a c.umbrain?

>why do """""leftist""""" politics dominate the vydia despite consumers and the industry supporters being overwhelmingly centrist/right leaning? i genuinely don't get this disconnection
Because the investor class does investing according to what the media says.
And the media is mostly on the left.

Big companies, thus, have to be lefty to attract the investors.

because the devs are mostly based in Leftist Cali

This. I want just one (1) fucking leading man who was spoken up against guns to say on a talk show how he has zero fucking room to talk and tells his colleges to zip it too. They won't though cos they think they are secular saints.


Same reason they protect themselves with armed bodyguards.

Because they all live and work in California, and if you don’t prostate yourself to the new cathedral of socjus, you will be crucified and excised from employment. Most dev are too scared to think for themselves because they know what the consequences are. Socjus is the new non theistic church.

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Although I know you are being facetious, it is actually they who should do this. It isn't devs that are the problem (to begin with), it isn't the fans, it isn't the publishers bankrolling the wrong stuff, it isn't the voice actors or the CG artists.

The only people that complain about too white, too straight, too normal are fucking journalists. Because they have little to do but complain in order to make a story and little to get their article published if a game is stellar. And they don't have the chops to design one, so the only niche left is to complain and crusade.

How they have managed to trick smart devs and fans into fighting against each other I will never know.

Lol. The world has more people than just redneck sister fuckers running the USA.

Left wing are nice guys who complain about capitalism but are subservient to it

Right wing are smart guys who push capitalism to sell stuff to the subservient masses, but don't actually want to have real competition for themselves or their business, or actually pay for anything they don't have to


>"kids these days"
Whatever, Grandpa

>thing I like has to conform my world view
quit drinking the pol koolaid

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It's the county fair system, journos have to write attention getting articles for clicks, game devs have to make games that get media coverage from journos who get lots of clicks, the process can only make games objectively shittier over time.

Again, why can't you be honest?

Ummm, you really can not compress peoples opinionscin 2 groups. And centrist is such a vague term.

I have no idea what you mean by that

You have no idea what I mean by being honest? Yeah, that's exactly the problem here.

Reminder that he didn't win the popular vote

Liberalism/progressivism/leftism is correct and beneficial even when rept by less than ideal figures. Conservatism/nationalism is vile, ignorant and obsolete even when "nice" about it. The ones who aren't full-Nazis simply aren't committed enough -yet.

Not him, but usually people request honesty when they've caught someone in a lie, I think you just think he's stupid or wrong and wish you didn't have to explain why to him.

You are claiming I'm lying but provide zero elaboration. Which makes your statements completely meaningless.

jesus christ wtf is this

>Left wing are nice guys
That's already insanely dishonest.

none of you are even close, what would happen if a game developer developed a game that critisized jews? the blacks? was white nationalist? was race realist? or portrayed men and women accurately in terms of abilities ( youre not strong enough to move this, also youll never be strong enough because youre a woman now go get a man to do it you), what if it was about protecting children from gays or other HARMFUL yes harmful ideas the left pushes?

if they werent imprisioned at best their studio would be shut down, and their game outlawed.bad for buisness.

so no leftest arent the most creative or even most popular ideas theyve just made it illegal to have different ideas publicly, cue the next mass shooter unable to express himself any other way and wonder again why it happened till they use it to again further their agenda wich is now against gun owners (it used to be white nationalists but since the west is shit colored now whites are becoming a minority and we cant have that because minorities are special so the guns are now the problem).

Why do /pol/tards keep dragging their shit into Yea Forums instead of staying in their cesspit where they belong?

No one cares about your politics dumbass. We just want good fucking games. Keep your political soapboxing (left, right, or center I don't fucking care) out of my face.

Maybe he's had personal experience with self proclaimed leftists who happened to have a nice exterior, or maybe something about his world view as is causes him to percieve liberal talking points as putting up such an exterior, we don't know enough yet to call him dishonest.

Nice guys as in virtue signaling black holes that believe their own lies. It's not that difficult to understand what I mean.

Any organisation which is not explicitly right wing will inevitably become left wing.

Leftists and centrists create while right leaning people consume, imitate, and whine.
