How did she go from being hated, to being Yea Forums's darling?

How did she go from being hated, to being Yea Forums's darling?

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I always liked her

The accent and the slightly obnoxious lines in the first trailer threw people off.
The actual interactions and van scenes gets people back.

bad dragon dildos

Qt and a fun character. Shame about the tattoos though. I think mods have fixed that.



Only people who hated her were poltards that don't actually play video games. Those who still play dmc5 like her redneck charms.

Baiting retards who keep insisting the game is DmC2.

i loved her since the start

What the fuck guys. I'm having a hard time with King Cerberus on DMD, I just don't know what I should do.

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She's sexy. Her real life model is hideous though.

Great gameplay can sway reactionaries to tolerating whatever identity bunches up their panties, but the thing is unless it's an IP they already like they're very unlikely to give games a chance. Of course, they never learn. They'll just say that whatever character they changed their mind about is an exception rather than supposed forced diversity characters. It's pretty sad.

Nico is best.

Always loved her
Only part that bothers me is the nail polish but thats because i have some autistic irrational hatred for painted nails and i dont know why

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Basically this, the acting in her cutscenes is top notch.

Who wouldn't love a cute autistic gunsmith with a southern accent?

>Looked and sounded like trash when revealed
>Trish was what everyone was edging for
>Trish is a literal mutt
>People thinking Nico ain't so bad now
>Lady shows up and it's GG for all other girls

>tfw no chain smoking gun smithing jewish gf

She should dye her hair blonde, and try to lessen the retarded accent, cause I don't feel like it's natural. She's good though. Nero now has a side kick that doesnt feel like a Lady or Trish rippoff, and isn't a walking plank like Kyrie.

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She's not Jewish though, hell happened go adopt her while she's Agnes' kid.

Goldstein tho


>Campus feminist goggles
Wtf speak for your god damn self .

She took that name being adopted, it's not her actual last name.

She's not related to Goldstein. Dante even comment on how she doesn't look much like her.

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She struck my heart the moment I saw her

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She should just drop that hairstyle entirely and go with something more casual

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is DMC5 a fun game? i've never played a DMC game before

>fun game
Huge understatement. The game at times made me grin despite being a rather gloomy person.

A messy bun could be a good option

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Shame we didn't get qt brown Nico

>hating any of these things
Congrats for ousting yourself with garbage taste

Messy bun is good I'm just a sucker for ponytails tho

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I wanna lick her pussy while inhaling her nicotine aroma
Real talk

Same. It really bugs me.

How did she go from being hated, to being Yea Forums's other darling?

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I'm happy with the model we got. She's pretty cute (without that dumb haircut she always has).

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>those dats on the brown one

She has an ugly smile

the first time I played as Dante in it I actually cried because finally there was a game better than my favorite game of all time (DMC3)

People thought she was going to be a feminist character. I even remember pictures comparing her design to a irl feminist. So she was immediately hated by anti-sjw.

Yes go play it!

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No it doesn't, this character is very cringe. What the fuck is with her accent and the horrible sex jokes?

That's funny

I'd say it's best if you started with the old games fist. To see if the games (or "genre") is to your liking. but that's just me. The game is fun if you're into doing combos and seeing cool action set peices. It also encourages replaying it with the full moveset unlocked (because combos duh).

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I thought I was alone what the fuck

Wonder what her reaction would be now.

>Itsuno was bothered by this chick so much, he made her a nicotine addict slut in his game
How much more based can this man get!

be especially aggressive during the fire stage, jump and use royalguard for easy parries then release it at the right moment
in lighting mode, wait until you're sure he's not doing the ground pound and use mega cascade to destroy all orbs and do big damage, it has an enormous hitbox
ice is the most dangerous, watch out for those melee attacks and pounces
if you are pretty aggressive by the time he first goes into lighting he will be on the floor already, obviously apply generous amounts of DT real impact

if you have trouble with something specific i can make a webm

Also how did Capcom give us two top tier qts in the same year?

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her teeth bothers the hell out of me
also the tattoos ruined her design
girls can be trashy without tattoos, you know

Into the trash it goes.

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>Campus feminist goggles
As a gunsmith, wouldn't it make sense for her to have somewhat oversized glasses with polycarbonate lenses so she can protect her eyes without having to wear full eye pro all the time?

don't cut yourself on those corners

I knew a girl that looked like her and she always stunk

Speak for yourself, bitch is still abhorrent and I hope she's never in another DMC game.

she's a jewess though and she only fucks and sucks black cocks

Nico was unironically the best girl in the game.

Her tummy is insanely hot desu

Yea Forums is tsundere for trannies and trashy nu-women.

Like cigarette smoke or like body odor?

I think she's hot. That accent is sexy as fuck

Bruh, all I said was the game is legitimately fun.

a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B I'd imagine. at least that's what my ex used to smell like.

Same thing with Claire. Waifufags are extremely vocal and annoying.

Yea Forums said boys who uses goggles are soiboys and girls who uses goggles are feminists

>literally GOOGLES is all it takes to trigger this beta

cringe zoomers like the dumbest shit

Why do Americans hate red necks? I'm from Europe and red necks seem fun and the accent is really sexy

That's kind of hot.


The SFM porn.

Whenever someone does that, it's a city slicker.

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Fuck off she's still a goblin and I still hate her voice.

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Rural American here. Some of them are maladjusted retards with meth addictions who shouldn't be trusted with any sharp objects. Others are just farmers, hunters, outdoorsmen and blue collar everymen who are some of the most decent people you'll ever meet and would give you the shirt off their back. Most people think of the former group, obviously.

She was my waifu from day 1 and hated seeing her being insulted by incels losers NEETS. I slowly but surely poison the all and the result is that everybody loves her today

Same. Shit is disgusting as fuck.

I know how

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DmC2 fags are relentless

Yanks are just jealous of their southern neighbors while the media hates them for being more traditional. Also hello again euroanon.

i wonder what kind of person makes/saves this image

>"I-It is not like that I dont want you to fucking commit suicide and be followed by most of your family after realizing they never gave you the treatment you needed instead of your accepting your mental illness"

Yeah, no...

>trashy nu-women

Fuck no.

Low expectations on my part. I figured she'd be the next Handler, but I was wrong.

I still prefer Lady, though.

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how do i get a stinky gf?

I wish she got naked like Lady and Trish

She's fucking hideous, but she's goofy enough to make it work.

Visit an asylum.
Insane girls don't take baths.

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Probably someone who looks like this

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asylum girls can't leave, though

Weebs think Japanese men can do no wrong. According to weebs, she's not a bad character design, you just need to elevate your tastes to that of a Japanese man's.

By being a good character, which wasn't visible in the trailers. Literally tons of wholesome moments.

You can have private moments, plus, it's not like they are stuck there forever.

I replayed it last night for the first time since it came out and the sdocnd you get to Dante I straight up teared up because it's just so fucking kino, especially on a replay when you have everything at once. It's so fucking perfect. But you won't get that feeling since you've never played dmc before but it's so well made its ridiculous.

Absolutely. Go play it. I'm not a huge fan of hack and slash games neither was very fond of DMC (only played the godawful PC version of 3 before).
DMC5 combat is not only very accesible, but very easy and rewarding to learn at a basic-mid level. Once you start playing with Dante and understand how he works it feels amazing. Also, it's probably the first hack and slash technically outstanding (imo)

how do i find one who won't bathe but also won't stab me?

Well you're a fat autistic virgin on Yea Forums, so you won't ever be able to.

2019 is Capcom's redemption year. RE2Remake, DMCV, Iceborne, etc.
And their fighting game division is on fire. All is right with the world.

>le strong independent queer PoC feminist
>cute dork who is really good at her job


Why would you do this?

I'm 5'10 and 160 pounds and I don't think I'm autistic as I work in HR which requires dealing with people

This was uncalled for

might be autistic mate but at least I'm not a fucking virgin

Have a bone at hand, something they can chew at happily.

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>all these replies

I might be fat and autistic, but at least I definitely never had sex.

You seem to have interpreted the desire for a musky gf as the desire for a feral one.

There's a lot of overlap in there.

We just need Vergil DLC or a DMC6 announcement to complete the arc.

Forcing something doesn't make it true.

She grew on me but still can't compete with Ada.

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>nice hair, face, body
>late 20s, early 30s, prime milf material
>fun personality
>probably doesnt shave, has a hairy pussy/armpits
Whats not to like? Only /pol/ incels dont like her because shes not a tattoo free virgin.

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Exactly. But just too tryhard. Maybe that's her appeal to others

She's Itsunos fetish so of course she would be best girl.

Because she's a cute dork masquerading as a gutter slut

What's your favorite Nico moment?

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Don't post the fucking final battle you idiot

by making her a cute dork spilling her spaghetti over leon

Isn't this pic from a movie
Why do people still insist in using this pic as example of the average insane girl

yes, and because she's cute

I don't agree.

Was worried she'd be another good for nothing annoying muh gurl powah dyke, yet she turned out just fine, loved her and Nero's siblings dynamic.
Also pale Nico>dark Nico, but i wish they'd keep glasses for her EX as well

Most Americans you see posting have never left California and assume everyone from the south is a stereotype.

way to stab at the wound, user

try lowering your standards
there you go
lots and lots of below average poorer girls have what you look for, just put a bag over their head if face really matters that much to you

>dye her hair blonde
My nigga
Nico goes to full cutie with ex color