Is this game actually good or is it just nostalgia?

Is this game actually good or is it just nostalgia?

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bit of both


It's a lot more buggy than I remember it being, but the gameplay is actually pretty decent

Is this game actually seed or is it just feed?

It's hard to believe that there was a time where the Simpsons was actually popular instead of just existing. And I lived through it so it's not like I'm posting a Zoomer opinion.

It's so surreal. Like if Seinfeld never stopped.

Eh, 7/10.

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It's good. Road Rage was good too.

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It's good in the same way that Spider-man 2 is good
In that it's not really THAT good but it's pretty decent and has one really well done gimmick, which is amazing by licensed tie-in standards

>finally finished the final mission
>mfw trying the donut mod

I'm convinced this game made people into sado-masochists

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It's a well made licensed game from the odd period in time where licensed games were being made that were actually good.

It's also probably the last good piece of Simpsons media ever created.

Spongebob got the HD remake. Does SHAR have a chance?

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>It's also probably the last good piece of Simpsons media ever created.

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I never finished it. fuck that final mission

The amount of hours I spent beating my meat to that Marge nightgown scene is embarrassingly high.

>be me
>go on Yea Forums to post videogame related thread with Simpsons pic
>wait for sneedshitters to show up to shitpost
>report them for posting off-topic garbage and watch them get banned

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I remember the final mission being impossible

the movie was marginally better than the contemporary simpsons but it still wasn't that good

hope so, unless disney says no

he based

announcing a report is a bannable offence, bud. and farmer #2 is an npc in the game.

also, this is the best car

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I still cannot fucking believe that this is real. I lost my fucking mind when this was announced

I remember the final mission being impossible

Heres best car in the game

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the simpsons game that came out on PS3/XBOX360 was great

*blocks your path*

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so? It's still a good game

>me and sister played the shit out of hit and run when we were kids
>one day she went to gamestop and came back to tell me there was a sequel
>we were both hyped, collectively saved our allowances to buy road rage
>get it
>it's not hit and run at all
>just a crazy taxi clone
>she started crying
In hindsight it isn't that bad but if I had to pick one it would always be hit+run

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so? It's still a good game


so? It's still a good game


>so? It's still a good game


hit and run came out first, m8. if it weren't for road rage we wouldn't even have hit and run

so? It's still a good game

EA wasn't always what it is today, retarded zoomer.

Go fuck yourself. EA has been shit since the mid 90s, they were arguably worse than they are now because they were buying more studios then.

>Slaps your ass

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Simpsons on PS3 and 360 is still a good game though

It's good, but way too hard. And not in a fun way, the difficulty comes in doing repetitive missions in frustratingly short amounts of time where a single screw-up means that you have to start the whole thing over again. If the timers were a little longer, the game would be a lot better.


Think you meant to say road rage came out first, but also we were dumb kids so there's not really much hindsight, understanding, or appreciation in that time

Bitch, please.

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It's good but the physics are fucked in many places. Were they fucked originally or it's just new hardware compatibility stuff?

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Nah it was always jank as fuck


It's a competant little arcade racer/collectathon but it really shines in just being an interesting way to experience the simspon's world


>he hasn't seen Marge in Playboy

I will forever be disappointed that Super Best Friends never let's played this before matt destroyed the channel


I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with a frogposter. Doing the lord's work.

It's decent.

Hit and Run blew it out of the water. I never touched it again after Hit and Run came out

based tranny

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You know it would be hours of fartgas McSimpsons going DUDE, SIMPSONS REFERENCES LMAO then getting pissy and bitching around Apu on.

Driving around and exploring is good. The actual main missions get boring really fast because they all boil down to chasing a car and/or ramming it

It would have been like the first time the countless simpsons references were appropriate, something about them reminiscing about when the simpsons was good is comfy to me. Also I wanted to see them react to how crazy the story gets at the end, its like kang and kodos transform springfield into halloween world or something right?