Why Switch games have such horrible performance?
Why Switch games have such horrible performance?
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20 fps is perfectly acceptable
how so?
BotW uses a triple buffer vsync, so it'll either be 30, 20, or 10 (never seen it drop to 10, though), this is why if the framerate falters it'll plummet to 20 briefly before returning to 30.
Why do you keep obsessing over this?
Some people want good gameplay with playable framerate. What's wrong with having standards?
Is this how they doubled the battery life of the new models? By underclocking it and fucking the framerate even harder? KEK
Don't know
Don't care
That's the worst running game on the switch in the most taxing area in the game.
Most other tendo games run at either a consistent 30 or 60
You are looking at the wrong game if you want good gameplay, it is perhaps the worst game Nintendo have ever made.
>Why Switch games have such horrible performance?
because it's a tiny console for babies
can you dock the new switch ? i don't think its supposed to be docked
why would you even compare them ?
its not made for that
i would never buy the new one because mine never leaves its dock in the first place
kiinda wish they would make a "switch pro" but i don't think that'll ever happen
It's been 2.5 years, let it go.
Wii U has the best version of BOTW anyway.
Filthy peasant not even movies go that low.
It's basically a slideshow at a course at this point
Why are you still SEETHING so much?
i think you mean the pc version
wich is the wii u version emulated
in case you don't know its literally 60fps
Because Nintendo fanboys will eat up everything.
cus its a fucking gameboy
Still has bugs and rely on a shit load of hacks and closed source software which may be filled with harmful code or a buttcoin miner. Playing on a real Wii U is the best way to play this game to this date.
The lite isn't out yet, this is the new model of the regular switch that has better battery life.
>BoTW version 1.0 on stock firmware on Switch runs at poor performance.
>It's been 2.5 years, let it go.
Logical reply
>BoTW on latest version on latest firmware on Switch runs at poor performance, and worse on the updated hardware
>It's been 2.5 years, let it go.
Illogical reply.
LMFAO the absolute state of snoyshits. OP BTFO and never recovering.
Why not use a more recent game then?
This is about ALL switch games afterall,
so why use a poorly optimized launch title?
why elgnand so hard to languaged?
how me dumb nigger not stopping make none sense thread all of time
Because it's a THE game for Switch along with Odyssey.
Zelda and Mario are basically the system sellers.
I love nintendo games, but their hardware always fucking sucks
It runs exactly the same they even say as much in the video also explained it the framerate can only drop in increments of 10. OP is a prime case of cherry picking. Not that I'm defending it because its laughable to me when any game can't even hold 30FPS but I just hate people spreading blatant misinformation.
Maybe if this was the N64 when it would have been great to not have games frequently run in the teens.
odyssey runs at 60 with no issues
same with splatoon and mario kart
why not talk about those games instead of cherry picking one specific area from botw for 2 and a half years
There are several more systemm sellers now, again, sounds like you're still living 2 years in the past.
SNES > Genesis
bro, korok forest is fucked. its literally the worst fps out of anything you couldve chosen. thats very nitpicky lmao. but yea, it actually is disgusting walking around there
Not only has botw changed from universally praised to massively controversial in those 2 years but Mario runs at a solid 60.
>Sounds muffled, and looks worse in many cases, even though it have better alpha layers.
If it wasn't for Chrono Trigger and SMW the SNES wouldn't be relevant.
Pathetic samefag, very sad.
three houses runs worse
It's around 10 fps more than mhw on ps4
Because in this particular case, resolution is simply too high for switch to handle, add all the foliage, shadows and other effects on top of that and switch's limited memory bandwidth is stretched thin, to a point that not even the dynamic resolution and higher GPU clockspeeds when docked can prevent drops. Switch is a handheld first and foremost, and becomes bottlenecked by its limited memory bandwidth when targeting higher resolutions. This is why some games actually run better in handheld, mostly thanks to the lower resolution.
No, its not, fuck off.
The lost woods is the only place in BOTW I get frame drops consistently. Not a big deal in an area with 0 combat.
On the other hand I'm surprised how well hyrule warriors runs, I remember playing dynasty warriors and thinking how amazing the big battles were. I'm surprised they're arguably bigger in hyrule warriors.
That's double buffered. The point of triple buffered vsync is to allow intermediary framerates, not lock to a lower to a lower multiple of 60, i.e 30,20 and so on, that's what double buffered does.
It is when it's limited to particularly graphics intensive portions of the map like pic related
Locked 30fps without drops after patches. This isn't Shitch. Nice job moving goalposts and showing inferiority complex towards Sony again, Nincel.
>Nice job moving goalposts and showing inferiority complex towards Sony again, Nincel.
Are you the retard from a few days ago?
If a game cannot even maintain the shitty 30fps standard in all of the game on a known hardware it's absolutely unacceptable and incompetent
Not when it's Nintendo game.
not when it's limited to small graphics intensive portions of the map, ever wonder why these 20fps images are always showing the same area?
this forest is so based, don't even need above 20fps.
it looks p good ngl
It's not a fucking excuse
>It's not a fucking excuse
umm sweaty, human eyes can only perceive 24fps, so anything over that is just redundant, 20fps is pretty kino tbf
As long as it's consistent, it's bearable i played through mgs 3 on a new 3ds and i didn't mind the 20 fps limit. If a game is good, framerate doesn't really matter. Rare's n64 games ran like shit and people still love them.
This is peak snoyfag COPE
Botw runs at 60 for me. Dunno about you guys.
>b-but Sony!
Works like clockwork, damn.
>>It's not a fucking excuse
Xbox is effectively dead and PC doesn't care about consolewar shittery.
Who else would it be?
Maybe you should address this to yourself and your pals Nintendildo boy
Because the Switch is nothing more than a roided out pocket calculator.
Only sonyfags are retarded enough to post wojaks.
Everybody else is too good for that
Plenty of people here shill Xbox X, PC always participate in platform wars, there are also idorrts here and people with Switch only. Your obsession with Sony is so funny.
Nintendo fans love posting wojacks. Why are you obsessed with Sony and can't take any criticism of Nintendo?
Only sonyfags ever post wojaks, literally anybody else thinks they are retarded
So why does it cost so much?
snes had the best version of prince of persia and dragon the bruce lee story
All console games have shitty performance.
You people arguing about 20 vs 30 fps. That's 13-20% of an acceptable framerate on the PC.
It's complete garbage either way.
Because the chip is the size of a united states penny
>199.99 for a Switch lite
>199.99 is "so much"
that's insanely cheap considering electronics prices nowadays
Xbox and PS4 don't run at 20fps, even when it's quickly patched.
That's the only area in the game like that and you don't have to kill anything you just talk to an NPC. 30 fps is fine for a console game, the Xbox and PS4 supposedly have better hardware but I don't think those consoles have a single game it can run without dipping
They run at 30 fps. Which is fucking 20% of what they should run at. They are as garbage as switch at it's 13%.
xboxfags know their place and pcfags are also usually just at odds with Sony.
You can pretend it's not the case, but 90% of consolewar threads are made by or a response to sonyfag shitposters.
There's also a ton more pro-sony wojaks than there are for any other console, if you needed any further proof.
already patched.
Nope, still the same.
you have obsession and insecurity towards Sony mate. You Nintendo fans are horrible and very chilidish.
>you have obsession and insecurity towards Sony mate. You Nintendo fans are horrible and very chilidish
That in game caution description "The Master Sword is running on low energy" should be changed to "The game is running on shit framerate".
>Only sonyfags ever post wojaks
So the new switch has rock-solid, perfectly-paced, reinforced, buttery-smooth consistent frame rates as opposed to the original switch?
It's okay when sony does it (for every game). I wonder if Sony fags keep using BotW because they're mad or it's just rare for Nintendo games to reach low FPS. Nintendo has more 60 FPS games than Sony does
Because it is basically 2 WiiUs stapled together, which are each 2 actually Wiis glued which in turn are 2 gamecubes duct taped.
>You Nintendo fans
Who said i like Nintendo?
I just hate sonyfags constant consolewarring, but i guess you're obsessed with a certain fandom yourself.
It's not that different from some PS4 and PC games.
t. idort