If you are still buying into this overhyped pile of trash then holy crap you guys are really really gullible

If you are still buying into this overhyped pile of trash then holy crap you guys are really really gullible.

CDPR also ripped off Moorcock with Witcher btw.

Attached: cyberpunkisfraud.png (596x470, 120K)

>CDPR also ripped off Moorcock with Witcher btw.
they didn't btw

We all know Yea Forums will shit on this game for (You)s no matter how it actually plays, that people who expect this game to be the second coming of Christ himself and are only going to be disappointed when it comes out.

Personally I'm expecting Deus Ex with a larger world and a more character driven story.

I honestly hate every single one of you dumb niggers that thinks games take 2 years to make after they announced and also assumes CDPR was working on Cyberpunk 2077 in 2012 rather than testing waters.

Most companies announce a game 2 years before it's done. Most fucking games have a dev time of 4-8 years. Simpler games can be done faster.

Shit on the game for what it deserves, not because you're too stupid to know anything about your hobby.

They still haven't apologized to Moorcock and Bethesda for ripping off their creations either.

Attached: razorfistsperging.png (625x689, 122K)

>one single autistic faggot is the one spamming these threads

Fucking racing games have 4 year dev cycles.

mods ban this faggot already holy shit the mods are useless now.

Razorfist looks and sounds like Anne Coulter in drag (or maybe out of drag?) and he ate Kyle Kulinski'x shit

Development didn’t start until 2016 after development on The Witcher 3 finally ended you retard. The announcement trailer was literally just them announcing they got the rights.

>CDPR also ripped off Moorcock with Witcher btw
You couldn't make your bait more obvious if you tried.

Mods have always been useless.

Hello EA.

Yea Forums is never gonna recover from Witcher 3.

The Witcher books were never good

>pre tranny drama
>Yea Forums only shits on cyberpunk because it's not 100% dark and rainy

>post tranny drama
>Yea Forums furiously grasps at any perceived flaw to shit on cyberpunk

Razorfist is a fag.

>half a DECADE
Yes, 5 years. Don't try to sensationalise it.

>CDPR also ripped off Moorcock with Witcher btw.
layers upon layers of ignorance and stupidity.

He once hypothesized that someone hacked into Dark Side Phil's webcam to catch him beating off

Because his "e-mail" was hacked and someone leaked a video of him jerking off.

I’m pirating this, sorry CD i hope those trannies you are trying so hard to appeal to actually buy the game
