Liquid 1-2 OG
Dota 2 international
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I sincerely hope Fly retires from dota so I stop having to root for him as my fellow countryman. Backstabbing piece of shit. FUCK YOU TAL.
Anyone else hoping for liquid to win match 4 so we get a more tense game 5?
what did he do?
Time for liquid to 3-2 OG
gg next
I believe in Liquid.
>Ana (forma IO)
its over
it's this what we call a neverending nonstop revenge nightmare climax?
Why are his lips so fucking disgusting? He looks like he had too much botox.
i have around 150 steam friends and i've never seen any of them play dota 2. is it really just all chinks?
>OG gets Io
3-1, called it.
>le never supposed to such teams mentality
OG benefited from the exchange immensely
Fucked over his previous team, OG, by leaving them 2 weeks before the TI qualifiers to go join EG. It's not the friendship shit that matters, it's him behaving in a really irresponsible way and making a mess on the way out.
already over
imagine the feels that you probably will never win a TI but the friend you back stabbed is already on the way from winning back2back TI's
og got carry IO so highly unlikely
>No Tidehunter
Oy vey
The problem isn't that he left OG or "ended the friendship" or whatever, it's the way he did it. Of course you're allowed to leave or join whatever team you desire, but doing it in a way that gives the team 2 weeks to get their shit together or lose a chance at participating in TI is just disgraceful and inexcusable.
If I told you a few weeks ago that the final match in TI would be won by a core Io would you have believed me dotards?
what a piece of shit.
>giving OG IO
How come s4 escaped with literally no consequences? He's also a traitor.
topson? more like chadson
I miss the days of 5 boots IO
>actually thinking a first pick will win before the script kicks in for a 2-2 tie
They're going full ESTO ES EL FIN mode
>pick chen and omni when AA is still available
>don't ban him out in second ban phase
The asusmption is that Fly was the one who brought S4 with him, but obviously it's because the narrative between Fly and N0tail is way more interesting than S4's is with the team.
S E E T H I N G at the top son, stay mad ugly cunt
are you autistic? S4 was not notails longtime fuckbuddy
because he wasnt "best friends" forever with notail
I honestly feel bad for Liquid. They’re probably on full tilt mode.
So how do you like Gaben's script this year? Is it kino enough for your liking?
Maybe I would be seething if I was a fucking faggot like you and wanted dick sucking lips myself, but as a men I can't help but feel disgusted.
literally not a hero
you been under a rock? AA has been pick or ban all tournament
How anyone still likes that bastard is beyond me.
Imagine if OG wins this game, winning TI with carry Wisp.
why? let me know the secrets of AA
>Timbersaw pick
What the fuck
based gaben cucking both chinks and suicide bombers to the master race
he can prevent all healing
he's a perfect counter against sustain str heroes
he makes Alch cry
hey liquid where's your damage
I love my wife Lyralei!
That is true
woo gyro, are they going to pair it with IO
>giving OG IO
>picking flatranger
Kuro is tilting hard.
does notail even play aa? feels like he only pick heroes that does a lot of different shit and annoys the hell out of the enemy team
She takes BIG BLACK King bars
What do the OG and Team Liquid coach doing?
I don't really see them helping w/ draft? What are they in their for?
What do coaches even do at this point? Doesn't the captain do the draft?
>no bush
Windranger is about to get WISPED
yeah it doesn't seem like the kind of hero they'd pick
they do more than just help with the draft
reminder all elves are flat
>tfw you have exams tomorrow but you wanna see OG win
Fuck there's goes my organic chem
repeat of last year's pitlord pick
2-2, go next
>All those empty seats
Did the chinks actually fucking leave?
Mongol genes
>no pointy ears
>they do more than just help with the draft
like what? fetch water? morale support?
coaches keep morale high and keep teams focused
I think that section behind the casters is for staff or something, it's always empty aside for the people with the meme posters infront
Chen will be the x factor. Calling it now.
statistics, working out how enemy teams play so the players can focus on practicing, working out sick hero+item timings like 15 minute carry io with aghs, organizing practice, keeping the team feeling good
all sorts of shit. just because they don't play the game doesn't mean they're not helping. there's a reason all the top teams have coaches now
How did Valve get away with this Abaddon skin? That's literally fucking Arthas.
Yeah i know Dota 1 used regular DK model
blizz don't have a trademark on dark horsemen user
>tfw had it as most banned hero
>tfw no one bans him and everyone picks him instead
My predictions are absolutely fucked this TI
valve dont care no more
>keeping the team feeling good
Did you mean this in a gay way?
infinite healing wtf
are the coaches still inside while the teams are playing?
>no chain
>hat actually goes around the head
into the trash it goes
only in csgo
they can listen in on the team comms so they can identify fuckups and tell the team between matches
they also changed the hat badge from the fist to heavy's class icon when people pointed it out
Dota is still a thing?
Just let it go user.
Mind_control is literally the only good player on liquid
w33 is so fucking SHIT
>topson on gyro instead of a playmaker
feels weird
Holy fuck liquid might actually win this match
>d-dead game
Ya seethe, zoomer?
Still dunno how I feel about how Valve changed the coaching role
Never said it was a dead game, just seems unhealthy to be attached something thats not as good as it used to be.
>opinions opinions opinions
Alri lad
Where do i find those lewd pics?
why doesn't puck get any play these days? shit talents?
Yeah, puck is pretty fucking bad right now
t. Puck mainer
Ask /d2g/.
weirdly enough he's too slow on this meta
>espada de allah
Gets me every time.
What does aghs io do, been a while since I played
Free balls, that with the lvl 15 talent makes for a lot of damage.
every hero has an aghs skill now and roshan drops it
that fucking diffusal gyro
rosh drops an aghs? Damn
Gg diffusal gyro
passively spawns a ball every second
Sounds like someone must have 6k hours into a game they like that just keeps getting downgraded.
fucking SMOKED
It has begun
this was a fucking terrible draft from liquid
gg lmao
holy fuck liquid got CLOWNED ON
>voice lines
I dare you to say OG isnt the most based team
What the fuck was that
Reminder that this would have been 3-0 if they didn't threw first game
I dont mind this desu, topson is a good lad
How are OG so fucking good.
These games looked like a bunch of immortals going up against ancients.
now back to being a dead game until the next ti
Hugs not handshakes
IO too strong.
that draft though
What was liquids game plan? Not dealing any damage?
It's the power of ana and chadson.
it feels like they always have a trick up their sleeves it's crazy
kuro's draft was fucking shit though
Power of friendship and pulling unorthodox but solid strats
OD was the perfect last pick for Liquid idk why they went with the 0 damage Windranger
we fookin did it boys :DDDDD
>win 15 millions
>some thot instantly runs on stage and start hugging you
what do?
They break other teams’ spirits to make them play like shit. It’s all mind games.
give her 7.5 million dollars for existing
Now that this shit is finally over can they announce the artifact expansion?
Chinese crowd are so shit wtf
Don't you have rune pages to tend to?
unironically CHADson.
>these shots of the crowd
Is there a good guide for a new dota player?
Never gave a shit about mobas but started playing autochess and it feels like i missed out on something interesting.
>hosting anything in china
Why would you do this?
OG is reddit but liquid did not deserve to win with those shitty picks
they're the majority of the playerbase
Stockholm TI is gonna be fucking wild hope to see you all there
They look like alliance TI3 to me. Just so far ahead of others that they seem unbeatable. Maybe the frog figures something out to cut them down.
give miracle farm and let him carry
>doesnt work
emulate opponent's strat and hope for a miracle
lol those scowls
>we want the chinese audience
>no one cheers
>announcer can't even interview the winners in a language they understand
ids goming home's :DDD
Are you talking about match fixing?
Purges guide.
Fucking chinks got told. I hope they never host anything on chinaland
og don't have rely in rat Dota to win tho
Happened every time a Chinese time won in the US too
Check out Purge's YouTube channel, I forget what it's called but he recently did a tutorial series
I give it an 8.5/10
would have been 10/10 if the chinks weren't soulless cunts but they get a bonus .5 for seeing their home teams get utterly destroyed
>pick hero with heal
was I watching WoW arena or Dota 2?
TI9 sponsored by Epic Games
Holy shit this is the absolute WORST crowd ever.
Thanks m8s.
the tutorial in game gives a decent guide already, back then there was no guide and i just played.
prepare to mute your team
welcome to dota, you suck
is it still relevant?
>Is there a good guide for a new dota player?
>Never gave a shit about mobas but started playing autochess and it feels like i missed out on something interesting.
Don't. Most matches, including ones you win, will be ones you don't enjoy for one reason or another.
The core gameplay is solid, but everything surrounding it is utter garbage.
Once you stop playing Dota you will regret wasting all those hundreds if not thousands of hours on something you mostly hated.
We love to see it, folks
I fucking hate Chinks so damn much.
global silence crowd
but chen/omni lost
They legit can make any team comp work and what's worse is they can make godlike shit up on the go. Let's say you ban their Magnus, Ember, and Invo out of respect, youre left with them running an unstoppable Io/WR/DR combo, or the same shit they pulled on LGD with a bait Alch but uber Tide carry. You cannot ban anything that they'll do to you, and that starts with the flexibility in how Ana/Topson play their carry roles
imagine the fucking cope
>game becomes chink
>everychink plays said chink game now
>million dollar finals are even hosted in chink land now
>no chink in finals
He made an updated version of it 2 or 3 years ago, so yes. For the basics it still is.
seethe. game is unironically the best it's ever been
Fly/S4 will never win after today
>Heals getting nerfed
>Tiny, Chen, Io and Chen gonna get overnerfed
>damage and heal amp gone
These interviews are always pointless and formulaic
>You won how do you feel?
>Feels amazing I can't describe it
so Dota is now a white mans game again
Anyone taking screencaps of these chinks?
This is like textbook SEETHING.
Topson has 100% TI winrate
Literally the UBERCHAD palyer
That one's old. New one's called "Dota Basics", first episode is called "This is Dota"
So who will be #1 now?
the fuck are they w8ing for ?
the police? so they dont get killed on the streets ?
>4 white Chads and an autistic based hapa
where can I buy one of those ceb scarfs
Someone needs to look after Fly right now. Im concerned, the guy must be on suicide watch
Is this a reddit post?
>be Topson
>*wins TIs*
chen got nuked very hard and omni yea his heal is nothing compared to io abo heal but that just proves my point more both teams picked healing sustain heroes this meta fucking sucks.
Unless you jusy play for fun. The MMR grind creates hollow people.
DOGSON became CHADSON after winning TI8
What will he become after this? How powerful can he become??
Buy my shirts dotards
Where were you when the best dota team in history won the second TI in a row and did it by playing carry Wisp, diffusal Gyro and Tiny Airlines?
Power of friendship
notail of course
probably the fortnight 16yo
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFuck China and fuck bugmen.
>johann a big fan of wings
My man
fucking kek
no tail
>TI is held in the most soulless place in the world
>a team that believes in friendship and having fun shows them what real soul looks like
okay dotards
I think this TI9 script is pretty good, the writers at Valve keep getting away with it
What is he thinking right now?
yeah imagine buying a diffusal bla-- oh that's exactly what happened
You can only play "for fun" with bots, since even in unranked people sperg out and tryhard.
It doesn't matter if you mute either since people will throw, sperg out, etc.
If you're playing it super casually then this is the wrong game to play.
mega chad if he wins next year it's ultra chad
Very based. And honestly I can't think of a better team to be the two-time TI champions.
Deep down you know he is happy by Notail winning
>I wonder if this beam and length of rope will support my weight
this is worse than ti4
literally no interesting games
what the fuck
Said no one ever. You got bots deciding how your meta and strats work these days.
Then again it probably suits an NPC like you.
did they not win because diff your retard they won because io + abo heal heals anybody from 5% to 90% in seconds.
9/10 because we got carry Io, Pugna and Meepo in the finals.
Imagine telling someone a couple of years ago these are gonna be in GF in the future.
OG won last years TI and this years. EG placed 3rd last year and 5th this year. It improved both teams. Only cucks think it was a bad move.
>omg u cant leave a taem that is failing !!1
nothing is worse than ti4
>gets IO
>solves Dota
Why is this allowed?
Post TI sadness is kicking in lads
it's been for a while
as far as I know even LoL's recent big tournament had an EU vs. NA final
The first game of the GF was great.
It went from a mass throw into an even larger throw.
someone photoshop ceb's face on fly
>I wonder if there are any Palestinian settlements I can take my anger out on.
seething chinkoid, literally any hero played by topson was made entertaining as fuck, especially when they shitstomped eg
nice try grug, next time watch the game
Not him but you're a memespouting retard and you should kill yourself.
>He's going to take another break
>comes back next TI
>will stomp again
Wouldn't even be surprised at this point.
>this version of OG will never play prime Wings
Why did China destroy their only good team?
we will see it next patch mr. retard diff won't get any changes meanwhile io and alchi will get nuked.
this. i loved the tnc games too, especially the salt filled games vs lgd
Do you understand now Yea Forums? At the end of the day, the best thing you can do to win is to have fun with your friends.
Johan, pls no.
Notail is a backstabbing faggot too
Best thing against it is to play a round of Dota.
dota is finally dead
thank god
just wait for the next patch and we know who was right and who not and I can tell you IO and healing is getting nerfed :)
>He unironically thinks Dota is that popular in bugmen land
holy delusion
Imagine becoming literally dead weight of a carry thanks to one (uno) item
CS:GO major now, should be enough for now
This ti is the worst ti. Suck my cock /int/shitposter.
dogshit crowd
dogshit games
overall its fucking dogshit
>Dota really is solved now
Time for the game to die I guess.
So, is LGD dead? What is their social credit score?
i wish my highschool gang is still alive, those guys never grew up
>ooga booga you just watch *hangs self*
good luck in your next reincarnation
its literally 10 times more popular than in the west retard, viewers and playerbase already prove that
>This ti is the worst ti. Suck my cock /int/shitposter.
Not him but no, TI4 is still worse
>dogshit crowd
You are correct here though.
>dogshit games
You are unbelievably wrong.
TNC VG game 1 was good because it was back and forth
The Secret Mineski series was also good
OG annihilating LGD with based greedy goblino was also fun
>only 1 million viewers
>15 year old game will beat this with ease tomorrow
this has not aged well
>miracle fangays on suicide watch
best timeline
Worse than TI4 desu
Wish that was me (on the left)
Alch is actually disgusting in pugs, I hope he gets nuked.
>HvH major
yea nah
They have an upcoming meeting with Xi. Remember the treatment Wings got? And this is the 2nd time LGD fucks Chinas reputation
Nothing was fucking worse than TI4
how could best girl lose the finals? it makes no sense
Public hanging at Tiananmen square
>leave team to join another team
>both teams end up doing better than they were
Why do cucks think this was a bad move? Total Chad move by Fly tbqh.
chinese crowd is unironically better than low iq fatties yelling USA, this year was also one of the few years where group stage game and main stage games were both amazing
she also lost arcana, what a humiliation
Will we ever see a Tobi and Synd final again???
>nooooooooooooooooooooo muh diffu was game winning
I cant believe i'm living in a timeline where fucking CEB of all people is the player to win back to back TIs
I think miracle fans are fine with 2nd considering liquid looked like trash in groups
ti4 was literal farm for 1 hour + and the most team that killed CREEPS not HEROES won
NOTHING is worse shut the fuck up
Ahahaha this is too funny. Deluded blizz drones really think WoW classic will have more than 200k viewers tomorrow
Chinks win.
It's over Chinks will now dominate forever how can we ever recover.
>Next 6 years.
West , East , West , East etc...
Finally West West. Hurr durr how will chinks ever recover.
Whats his name
Delusional lmao
>You are unbelievably wrong.
Name good games. Go for it fag.
>Late Game with p flax
not an argument.
Haven't played dotes since 2016.might re-download later today
>what is per capita
2 billion bugmen
Okay serious question now dotards.
Do you think OG can do it a THIRD time? If they do will Icefrog just throw in the towel?
WR's life is misery
probably eunuchs by next year
TOPias Taavitsainen
This was. Not a single human being is taking about the game
i don't play the game anymore, but teams like OG on the top makes it worthwhile.
Pugna Arcana soon?
salt god
dog sex per capita is pretty bad for the toids tho..
Imagine winning $15m from buying a diffusal blade
we know the name, but what's his stand ?
Whats more important whats his stand name?
No, West won 3 times in a row now.
All of OG's main event games barring the GF since i felt that was a bit meh, too much of a stomp
LGD liquid all 3 games.
Probably some more that i can't remember
But you are gonna screech and call them shit anyway.
It's actually amazing how often teams just lost track of what carries were doing when playing against OG. Congrats, you killed Ceb and Notail for the fifth time, but Topson is farming your bot/top lane at the same time and Ana is putting your entire team's networth to shame.
OG feeds so strategically, it's almost an art. Any time too much pressure is put on Ana, Topson just plays as aggressive as possible to relieve stress and let him farm, oh well, topson takes 2 or 3 deaths, but the second Ana gets his core items they make space for Topson to farm.
legit good haircut.
he went from VIRGINson to CHADson only in 1 year
just fucking look at this duuuude
You are dumb nigger. TI is more than just finals.
Be chink, win TI twice, not for chinks but for EU.
Jesus Christ, the swag coming out of CHADson is unreal
West west west, not to mention EU EU EU
just wait for the new heroes
thats my fetish
Chat Wheel
*I cast spell reflect which reflects your fireball for 4x the damage*
and with the big kill streak bounties means the feeding they do doesn't even matter
impressive, nice.
It was a desperate move by Kuro. They knew if OG got Io WR this game wouldnt last. They tried making it work but OG just found another way
wow 1st team to win back2back TI, feelsbadman for s4 and fly, imagine not winning a single TI bu the teammates and friends you back stabbed just won back2back
Also, 1 million on twitch is just euros/russians/amerisharts/spics, chinks watch it on their own streaming and they have another million almost
Plus another million or so watching ingame or on steam/dota tv
Doturd will NEVER die
ana's not a chink, he hates chinks
yeah because the finals have a different version of dota than group and main stage.
Given how they show up at TI, it's hard to doubt.
It’s a dying game
Bullshit, not a single hero came cose to hitting 25 in any of the GF matches.
He looks like Guy Pearce in LA Confidential now but with long hair
how come its always the same players at ti every year? what makes it impossible for new players to get good?
yfw you're not a liquid fangay
Since TI3 if I remember correctly.
legendary TI for sure but a shit viewing experience imo
every series i looked forward to watching was a stomp
don't even know what else to say, i feel extremely cheated and blueballed
ITT: Normalfaggot brainlets.
>per capita
if you make the same argument for the rest of the fucking world dota 2 is still way more popular per capita in china than outside of it
>the first two time champions were players who just played for the fun of it with their friends
>chinks watch it on their own streaming and they have another million almost
same goes for wow however.
Do you think a single person who watched main stage thinks hmm I want to play this game
Repeating numerals have spoken
dota will die user it's just our generation of
"cigars don't cause cancer" and "pollution is a myth throw trash everywhere" to a boomer
in time it will get outdated
Doesnt this prove that team spirit and coordination > individual skill?
Apart from ana and maybe Jerax no players on OG are even in the top 10 of players on their role in terms of skill
But their coordination is godlike and they play every match as if they were a hive mind. Reminds me of 2013 era Na'Vi even
I wish I could get good at dota. I'm literally 1k. I might be retarded.
>Popular anywhere that isn't slavland or the super power of Peru
Ten times 0 is still 0 retard
Every other team should play a bit more loosely lest they trip themselves due to being too rigid
consistency is the hallmark of skill-based activities. If there's a bunch of turnover and random winners then the thing is likely shallow as fuck. Not to say that new blood can't break in, but the people at the top are usually at the top for a reason
It was like a trash filler episode and having a repeat winner isn't actually that interesting.
Last year had a more compelling storyline with Fly and Notail, better games, better narrative with West vs East, better crowd which being Vancouver was half West v East, better venue, wasn't aired at retarded o'clock in the morning because of dumb Chinese time zones. It also wasn't hosted in the country of an oppressive regime that's trying to destroy Hong Kong at this very moment and gets butthurt about racist comments despite being the most racist nation on the planet, with Valve facilitating their filthy lies at every opportunity.
This was TI4 levels of awful and the only saving grace is watching OG chad stride over the insectoid crowd and all their hopes.
>Do you think a single person who watched main stage thinks hmm I want to play this game
>Apart from ana and maybe Jerax no players on OG are even in the top 10 of players on their role in terms of skill
Topson isn't a top 10 player? Fuck off.
the aegis was the friends we made along the way
t. quake faggot
the group stage was way better i agree.
Fair enough, but I can think of 5 players more skilled than him. My point still stands
How exactly do you play against OG? Watching their games i feel like you atleast have to ban 5 heroes they regularly use in order to win, but banning phase prevents you from doing that. They atleast get two they can stomp with
Name one.
Just play without actually caring to win and do whats fun for you.
Even if you gotta be tiny and throw people. It's a gamble to win in pubs.
lmao imagine actually believing this. OG showed off the spirit of Dota.
honestly this
i feel like a lot of teams practice a really rigid form of dota while og just clown around and win anyway
Honestly though, 7ckingMad got carried very hard by 4 other top tier players.
Ban IO, Chen and Alchemist and OG would have lost
Where the fuck did OG got this Topson guy?
No other team deserved it.
Secret and VP in their usual TI form
The absolute state of EG
VG thought it had to be their year and got too cocky
LGD got tilted and they literally cannot play from behind
Liquid the TA spammers have 2 strats, no matter how good kuro thinks he is
sumail made work of him in every match up they played
Should this guy be banned?
>1 million viewers
not him, but I wouldnt wanna touch dota again, it's nice to watch tho.
Since tournies hide how much of a disaster it is to play solo.
yes, OG has 2 fucking captains for godsake
>quit game when Wisp was hardest support
>Wisp now a fucking carry
Yeah but I get flamed to hell and back for sucking. Maybe I just need to mute everyone.
dont enable ana and topson. which is a hard thing to do since ceb can delay games well and jerax is godlike at enabling his carries.
*ahem ahem*
I think you might be meaning Ceb
This. I can't stand Ceb but you cant help but cheer for OG and what they represent.
you gotta run some strat that counters whatever talent cheese their heroes can run.
last game, OG just out thought liquid with the wisp attack speed increase and diffusal on gyro.
>what makes it impossible for new players to get good?
Topson and Ana just came out of nowhere 2 years ago...It is not impossible, but it's hard as Dota is a complex game and takes years to master. Zoomers just don't have dedication, humility and attention span for that, if it's not something they can get good at overnight like Fortnite, they lose interest.
this secret's best TI placement though lol
I unironically think LGD would have won this if they weren't in China.
They probably had five tons of pressure on them at all times.
>pick Void, Enchant and Tiny
What now fag?
euros = russians > chinks > spics > americans
nobody here plays or watches dota.
>All of OG's main event games
Most of them are boring stomps or ok tier games.
>LGD liquid all 3 games.
only second game
>Probably some more that i can't remember
do it fag
>But you are gonna screech and call them shit anyway.
what the fuck are you talking about
talents are cuhrazee dude
there was a group stage game where cm built daedalus and became a right click god
just have fun user, i only play ability draft since 2016
I'm not sure. They were already pretty burned out and demotivated after winning last year.
They took like half a year off and didn't go to a lot of tournaments because what do you even play for after winning the biggest tournament ever?
I think the same thing will happen again only worse because now they have proven that they are the best team ever so where do you go from here?
Remind me of where Sumail placed this and the last TI.
Compared to last year it's an absolute travesty.
At least Valve aren't retarded enough to try doing another Chinese TI and are actually doing it in EU this time like they should have done the entire time.
IMAGINE trying to pander to the Chinese literal years after they were ever relevant. The Chinese government has stomped down super hard on gaming as a hobby so there is literally 0 Chinese fresh blood in Dota anymore. Valve are bumbling incompetents but at least they aren't going to repeat their mistakes next year.
From the top of the EU solo ranked ladder
it's DotA I ain't gotta explain shit
They played really bad compared to the rest of the year. Early in the season they looked unbeatable.
>original post: Doesnt this prove that team spirit and coordination > individual skill?
Bravo retard
power of friendship
sumail is better at laning and a great player but super greedy, topson is better at actually making space and ending the game and has a more versatile hero pool
that gyro pick and build was smart tho
thats the go to idea in general.
When Iron talon was a thing I just went sniper jungle for goofing around, rake up kill steals with my R. Was actually a soothing time.
Nigger, people play it since fucking 2003. Ofcourse its dwindling in numbers, the moba explosion died years ago, now the battle royale is also starting to die out and yet dota is still here and stronger than ever.
The point is, this game will forever have a strong major userbase that will keep it going
Saw this coming a mile away. Nothing significantly changed since TI8, the game is basically the same. How can a washed up player like Ceb and a first timer even win back to back TI's? That says something about the state of the game, good or bad depending on who you ask.
>Korean autism sports
Only Korea cares about league
Based Chernobyl posting senpai.
*lets the entire Chinese scene die at the hands of a corrupt E-sports organisation*
Yeah Valve is really sustaining it for the long term :^)
Even in the NA and EU scene there has been nobody new of relevance in the last year. I'm willing to believe OG won just because they're not the only washed up players still going.
>40m of concurrent viewers are gook bugmen
Bravo, riot!
This finals was fucking atrocious, TI4 level but with a worse main event
Remember when Solo tried to assassinate Ceb's career by pulling the "MUH RACISM" card?
lmao @ VP
Sumail is better at playing the mid lane, but he's not a better dota player overall. Topson is insane at stressing teams out and forcing rotations out against him. Topson creates more space on the map, finds more farm under harsh conditions, and knows when to make room for his team. Sumail has literally never shown any comparable skill outside of lane control, match up knowledge, and general laning mechanics, which means nothing when your laning phase turns into a mess of heroes rotating in and out constantly and your farm is being disrupted by supports.
>2013: Dota is dying
>2014: Dota is dying
>2015: Dota is dying
>2016: Dota is dying
>2017: Dota is dying
>2018: Dota is dying
>2019: Dota is dying
have you ever wondered that some people are just good at what they do and continue on winning?
1m was just on twitch shitposter-kun there's an infographic around with the stats from last year.
You’re upset
2020 its over for real this time
wheres the twitch viewer number? because thats the actual number you're responding to, it does not count the china viewers, or the other seedy shit riot does like embedded streams
>haven't played this game in over half a decade
>might start up again
how's the meta? I like supports and offlaners, who should I jump back in with?
does Undying work anywhere? Is Pangolin not a joke like I heard he was on launch? Is Rubick still the most fun support?
Redpill me on wings.
Why is everyone so angry at what happened to them?
>Do you think a single person who watched main stage thinks hmm I want to play this game
how far we've come
They were OG before OG exised.
b-but your are seething chink
>Yea Forums hates China
>except when they inflate the viewership of a game whose biggest tournament is only relevant because the prizepool overinflated by slavs and peruvians buying passes to sell the item they drop from it on the market
You can keep seething, it won't change the fact that you lost and LoL won
>OG won
Ah, well. At least it's not the Chinks or *G. Fuck Denmark and N0tail for being the biggest faggots on earth, though.
notail looks like he's lost weight
>source is riot games
Tbh people said that with WoW wotlk and they were kinda right.
Don't you think things are lacking in comparison to some years ago?
>icefrog couldn't be assed to actually think of something new this year and just retweeted last year's tweet
>reddit and d2g kept hyping up chink carries like Paparazi and Ame all year long
>They fail against EU teams
chinese government intervened and pretty much force them to disband for be shunned.
>watching mobashit
Sumail is not a better mid player in this patch, being able to control and farm in midlane means fuck all nothing when a ball of supports start diving your towers. The best mid players of this tournament were players that could rotate, make space, and force rotations out against them without feeding constantly and still having a top net worth. Topson literally was never poor in a single game he was in and in his games vs sumail he made EG as a whole look stupid as fuck, they wasted so much time chasing him and trying to shut him down while his supports and cores got picks and farmed.
Honestly, it's a direct embarrassment to Riot's prize pool for Worlds. How the fuck do you let a game that's less popular than yours have a much bigger prize pool than you? Why would someone really good who wanted to make money pick League over Dota?
that's pretty funny
Streaming and ranked games. Known for unconventional builds but ultimately knows how to instinctually adjust as things go along
Kek thats pretty funny
>literally just retweeted it
based frog god
Nah, Wings played everything so you dont know what to take away in the drafting and you couldnt plan a strategy. OG pulls crazy lineups and ideas that nobody knows how to counter them
> i cant articulate a proper argument but i want to badly join the convo so ill just leave an ambiguous comment and be edgy
there fixed it for you brainlet
Don't kid yourself. Every TI has been unique, sure some were shitshows but it goes to show how how patches significantly change the game throughout the entire season. Every TI except this year had different winners with different metas. Somehow these guys are just that good? I can believe it but you can't ignore the fact that the recent patches have not changed for a year relatively speaking. See
i'm convinced they had a whole load of weird strats they didn't even have to use. their coach is earning his cut for sure
What's the difference?
Because League players are Riot employees and are paid a salary by Riot, they don't require prize money to stay afloat, essentially.
Their in-game adjustments are also underrated. They really try their best to waste time when they are caught just to make space for their carries to farm
if they key to winning is friendship why come they didnt win any other tournaments during the year? did they stop being friends for 11 months?
That second game combo of MK and Ember was terrifying to watch.
because all the smart teams save their best shit for TI since the dpc goodboy points don't mean shit. Ana also missed half the year
It makes it difficult to ban them. Having Io in the champion pool alone already makes things awkward when trying to pick and counter pick
Yeah Ana wasn’t there can you imagine spending a year with ceb
True Sight is going to be amazing dotards.
It's going to EXPOSE Liquid as complete fucking shitters.
>caring about honeypot LANs
OG weren't even playing at their most 100% best this year and they still steamrolled, why bother?
If I was them, I'd take half a year off again and return for last 2 majors to qualify for TI and play hard for the big bux again. If you're good enough to pull it, it's the GOAT strategy as other tournaments are irrelevant money-wise and not worth the burn out.
TI1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 winners abused 1 strat and force their opponents' bans to revolve around them
TI6 winner (chad Wings) didn't abuse anything and play whatever the fuck the want and win convincingly.
god I wish there's another team like Wings again.
fuck boring meta-focused dota. everyone is playing way too safe and boring in TI.
>didnt win any other tournaments
no one cares about your low price-pool, regional events
riot gives players non-guaranteed minimum wage levels of salary with no benefits.
>Why are these players playing for literally lottery winnings per player playing safe!
Teams against Wings got forced into banning the meta heroes then Wings bans the remaining meta picks strangling the enemy into uncomfortable lineups against a perfect counter draft.
Also this
well i mean, whats the point of winning sub tournments when you cant win it at the stage that you were practicing for the whole year.
wait people still play LoL?
honeylans has ascended from winning worthless honeypot tournaments
he has now perfected the art of winning honeypot TIs
Literally everyone in dota cares only about TI
>reddit claims dota players are just racist again chinese
>every dota player loves wings
I'm so jealous of Ana. he's 19 and won millions and here I am... 23 and wage slaving...
there are literal millions of people younger than you accomplishing all sorts of things. you're not supposed to let it get to you
Yes? its still way better than dota. Only retards on 4channel are shitposting about it.
Take it away from him then
just get better at dota 2
keep it to yourself retard, no need to make the rest of us feel bad about ourselves too
Most TI winners play like pure shit on tournaments all year long, best example is Alliance when Power Rangers fuck them sideways and they died as a team
I miss wings, fuck ACE and China for doing what they did.
That's not true at all. They're paid decently by Riot and are paid by their organizations as well. The average NA LCS player makes over 350,000 dollars a year
wings org didn't pay them because the org invested the money on LoL team that failed
player contracts was expiring and the players wanted independence
it's china so there is no independence
every tourney will ban the new indie team if they go through with it
players disband
make a gamble a start a business, if you went to college being a finance major or an accountancy student helps a lot
I'm pretty sure China not winning anything after TI6 is pure karmic retribution after what they did to Wings.
Deserved desu.
True, Ninja is playing classic so a lot will be on mixer.
Shroud/Summit/Asmon/Soda will be the majority on twitch
What did they fucking do?
Big Dick Ceb isn't having any of it
7.00 killed dota in NA, no one wants to play that shit.
I have master degree Finance, but I'm too beta to start up anything and lack of conection/social life. I can only be an employee (wage slave)for the rest of my life . I'm not a winner.
for what purpose
they make that money from the org/sponsors. riot pays them minimum wage.
seething mobatard
well thats on you, you cant possibly think you can get what you want when youre not doing anything to achieve it. do you realize how many times successful people failed before they achieve their success.
no guts, no glory
ohh okay? so what are you even doing at this thread boang na tao?
>no comebacks
>no charisma players
>all characters have same few skills
>little to no active items
there's literally nothing to watch
dota pro players are too young to have failed anything before.
No one cares about Majors except VP
If the game was so similar then how come other teams werent able to plan for what og was going to do
that gyro build tho, or are you telling me that was normal.
How's that valve's fault tho?
it's already over
og literally created their own meta this tournament and played their own heroes, (no one else fucking plays monkey king mid) just like they did last year (bringing out fucking ember in the last game).
OG is the true wings successor
read the post again
Valve didnt do jack shit and let ACE get away
They don't need to, usually from what I can tell you want to perform well at majors to get a spot for TI. Failing that, there are regional qualifiers but the endgame here is to get into TI anyway. Winning TI guarantees you a spot for the next one as long as you have the same roster so if they performed kind of badly during the year, they still were and now are again TI champions.
>no one else fucking plays monkey king mid
it's literally the only lane he's any good in
How can some gaymen company from ameristan intervene with private chink matters?
There are millions of people younger than you making a fuck ton more money than you ever will in your entire lifetime, if you want to make more money than you have to get into something that will do just that and if you can't do so, then you should stop this self-loathing because you won't be the last person to suffer the very fate you so much despise
Was Dazzle played in the TI? I really liked the hero
can valve actually do anything to intervene with ACE?
Only Clockwerk and KotL didnt get pick
Is my boy clock really that bad competetively?
Yes, I love Clock too but he is by far the weakest hero in the game
As far as i know it took to the top 4 for dark seer to come out.