If Classic is a success, how long until we get TBC or WOTLK legacy servers?
If Classic is a success, how long until we get TBC or WOTLK legacy servers?
TBC: 2-3 years
WOTLK: Never hopefully.
Would say it would take around 3 years for TBC and for WOTLK another 3 years after TBC
WOTLK is better than TBC.
t. wrathbabby casual
I started playing in TBC
Only Uludar was good and Totc ruined that.
I'm a pvp chad, I've never been in a raid.
Fair enough, TBC suffered too much from resto slsl.
Wrath was the last time dungeons were fun, and Burning Crusade was the last time PVP was any good.
Who wants WOTLK? It had lfg, DKs and shitty pvp
Blizzard is lazy as fuck. Of course they will go the progression server route.
about 12 million people
how will this work? will the classic servers change as if the expansions are being released for the first time again or will they have them all exist concurrently?
Count roughly the same time as how release was done back then
In the last patch only
Fair enough, though balancing them wouldnt be impossible (but that wouldn't be NOCHANGES now would it)
>shitty pvp
roughly the same as other xpacks desu
Season 4 and 5 were fucking dogshit in Wrath and the only reason you enjoyed them was because you were playing one of the broken classes.
Either the xpack gets applied to the servers (would make a lot of people pissed off), or new realms open with that xpack, with maybe a possibility to transfer (or duplicate?) your vanilla character onto the new realm?
dream on
Wrath heroics were literal facerolls even with questing greens and blues, what the fuck are you even talking about?
I do. It was the expac I seriously started playing. I played in TBC but never got too into it. Plus, give me that blood DK dps.
Of course as with classic, its probably just nostalgia of my early teens.
Variety. Until Legion every expansion after had less dungeons than the last.
So long as they keep the classic servers, I don't really care. If we lose classic again, I'm out again.
If blizzard doesn't do Classic+ or a new expansion within the spirit of Classic we riot.
i want WOTLK servers with outland just completely deleted out of the picture. 60-70 can be done by groups in northrend and it would be a million times funner than any other version of WoW.
>The rooms were interesting looking as I ran through them full speed demolishing everything with zero challenge or thought
Wow! You're doing a great job convincing be Wrath's dungeons weren't garbage.
>Wanting nuBlizzard to give you new content
>When BfA has shown you exactly what they're capable of right now
Dumb fucking cunt.
>Wanting the game to never change after Naxxramas
>Wants wow to slowly die knowing there are no mmo replacements
You shortsighted cunt.
Hopefully fucking never.
TBC was dogshit. Thats the true fucking nostalgia.
can i into classic if i've never played WoW before?
Wouldn't this just dilute and spread out wow players even more than wow-wowclassic is already gonna do?
>have to wait 2-3 years at least until I can play a Chad Draenei paladin
it's not fair bros
Nobody cares about retail retards.
Yes, its in fact better to have no idea what you're getting into so you can experience it fresh
I want BC, dumb fucking cunt. Now try refuting my first post without trying to turn it around on me, why do you trust modern Blizzard to make brand new content and not fuck it up completely? Bare in mind the Classic "development" team is literally just a few software engineers that were hired to reverse engineer the old game and put it on the new engine, they don't have any of the talent of the people who made Vanilla WoW and neither do the retail WoW team.
>WOTLK pvp
>Paladin and Warlock shenanigans comeback full force
oh man
What was so bad about WoTLK? I only ever played WoW on private servers years ago and went through all the content, TBC shit seemed like quite a mess compared to vanilla and WoTLK, the only shit thing I noticed on the pserver when moving into WoTLK stuff was the massive increase in gear quality (normal mobs dropping shit stronger in raw damage than dungeon gear I had from TBC).
>repeating the same mistakes again
blizz did an AMA, they said if there is potential they will consider it. But people gotta play and not quit in 4-6 weeks.
If its a financial success, we will see tbc for sure. There is no point in not taking money out of an already made game.
>Faceroll heroics
>PvP balance was absolute garbage until later in the expansion
>Only raid that was exceptional was Ulduar, every other raid varied from okay to garbage to literal copy/paste jobs
>Started the downward spiral with Dungeon Finder
>Started the downward spiral with paid mounts
>Could get best in slot tier/arena gear from a faceroll pug weekly in Wintergrasp
There's so much more shit I can't remember this is just from the top of my head.
Oh boy. Burning crusade. Lets just add flying mounts so we can avoid world pvp.
>do you trust modern Blizzard to make brand new content and not fuck it up completely?
I don't, but I would rather they try. But if they go progression server I may as well stop playing.
TBC had open world pvp.
Death of server identity and the dungeons became AOE races. Trial of the Crusader being shit. Dragonblight being a slog. PVP was a mess. Raids became more casual and it pissed off hardcore raiders.
>Wrath was the last time dungeons were fun,
zoom zoom, we literally AoE cleared them all with lvl 70 and questing gear the moment with hit 80.
Back then, and somewhat still today, Blizzard was filled with a lot of hardcore raiders from the Everquest days. These guys just wanted the game to be about raiding and didnt really care about any of the other content.
So vanillas main updates were new raids, and that followed through with TBC as well. Blizzard seemed to be stuck between being filled with raiders who wanted more raiding and thought that is what everyone played MMOs for and management who just wanted the cheapest content which could waste peoples time the most. Raids are cheap and easy to make, and they took up a lot of game time when people bothered to do them so they were perfect cheap content.
Come the end of TBC release after going on a bit of a raid release binge Blizzard went off and actually started looking at the statistics of who was playing what in WoW. Shock and awe came when they realize that less than 20% of all level 60 accounts bothered to even enter Molten Core, turns out people actually didnt care about raids, they preferred leveling/dungeons and PvP over it.
So, what do you do with this information? Do you
A: Give the people what they like or
B: Double down
Well Wrath came out and Blizzard doubled the fuck down. They released LFG so everyone could get into raids easily, they nerfed the difficult of everything to zero so people could rush through leveling ASAP. A shitton of smaller 5/10/25 mans get added as well because Blizzard are in crisis mode trying to figure out how to get their players into raids and throwing every single convenience they can to get that to happen.
Come the end of Wrath the the old players from vanilla/TBC were exiting the game, and new blood was coming in, it was the first time sub numbers stalled for WoW. When Cata came out it was too late, people realize that WoW was becoming a raid focused game and they left, around that time Blizz stopped announcing sub numbers because they tanked so hard and never stopped tanking.
BC is 50x better than fucking anything modern Blizzard could shit out even if you gave them 10 years of development time. The problems it did have like flying could be remedied easily there's multiple solutions, even just off the top of my head you could limit flying speed to 60% so it's much less efficient to farm and travel by flying around.
>character limit
There is a metric fuckton of other things as well like other people just said as well which total destroyed the vanilla/TBC experience of a connected world and adventure that its literally all too much the mention.
But every single shitty idea on the forums was basically taken up by Blizzard. Its why there is so much hostility against Classic+ or progression into TBC, people dont want to see the community drive the game again and fuck everything up.
The should do Classic + with a PvP focus, instead of a poopsocking raid focus like last time.
Bring the War back into Warcraft.
hopefully never
Nigger, PvP ranks are coming out phase 2 and BGs are coming phase 3. You're going to be so fucking sick of PvP by the time phase 3 rolls around it's going to be non-stop fighting everywhere.
It depends on what Blizzard considers to be the reason for Classic succeeding. Some people argue that nostalgia, curiosity and novelty is what is generating interest and of those, some think this means Classic has a very limited shelf-life and others think it means the opposite. I think if those things alone were the reason, then Classic is not going to be a success. However, I believe it will be a success and for different reasons.
The point I've been arguing on /v the past week is that every single expansion has added more Skinner-boxes to condition players into a certain narrow set of activities, mainly favouring raiding. The original WoW was made under the management of Mark Kern, but shortly before release he left Blizzard and then WoW's development was taken over by players from Everquest who were 'hardcore raiders' and wanted WoW to be a vehicle for raiding. They neglected anything that wasn't raiding-related, but couldn't make drastic changes in the early days until the first expansion. If Classic WoW is genuine to Vanilla WoW, then newer players are going to get a shock, because there are almost none of the Skinner-boxes. People often don't realise how they are being nudged and influenced until the thing that's doing it has been removed, after which they can't fail to notice it. People jumping between Classic and Retail will notice the prison bars for the first time.
Will they want them adding back in for a roll-on to TBC or WoTLK? I don't think they will. Most people did not raid and had to be conditioned into thinking it was important and the ultimate goal of the game, as well as being taught to think they enjoyed raiding.
Hopefully fucking never and if you want any of these you are are going to ruin Classic
I'm not playing classic. I don't like vanilla.
>Destro warlocks raping everyones asshole in 3 casts
>Fucking Shadowmourne TSG or double healer shit
Retail is over there retard
>thinks he can avoid pvp by taking flight
many a mage have punished people that thought this
This. I want them to create new harder dungeons for classic, and a trilateral job system for WoW focused on open world PvP, like SilkRoad Online had.
In that game, you had to pick between Thief, Police and Merchant jobs. The Merchant gained EXP by taking goods from one city to another, the thief progressed by raiding the merchants, and the cop progressed by killing thieves that attacked merchants.
Would be pretty fun to see something like that in WoW.
black rock mountain is going to be a mess
Look the majority of servers, they're all PvP and full to the brim. People want PvP. I mean we still want PvE, going to dungeons and raids to get nice gear and then beat the hell out of each other with it.
The BG's run 24/7, everyone does them and world PvP never ends too. 1% of people run the high end raids.
Retail is bad too. TBC and WOTLK were the peak of WoW and I'm not interested in anything else.
The PvP reward system they brought in Vanilla was a badly-designed afterthought, because they didn't want to encourage PvP. They wanted everyone raiding. If there is one thing they could do right with Classic+, it's making PvP matter.
>hehe yeah! wpvp is fine in TBC! a mage can poly you still!
what a retard
If Blizz released other expansions, it would split the current classic community in half each time they did so.
BC I don't see as likely, if only due to the fact that including it would split Wow classic's active population. A lot of BC's content - such as the blood elf leveling zone, old outland and all of the old raids still - for the exception of ZA - exist in the game.
People aren't going to have nostalgia going into Hellfire Peninsula the same way they will Durotar or Elwynn Forest - since they have already played in the exact same Hellfire Peninsula 15 times in a row back when it was the only zone that let you go from 60-65.
You Classic Boomers do realize that that's the entire point, right? Make a big deal about it and then sell you the same shit they already sold you a decade ago?
You guys are aware that this is quite literally the entire fucking point of "WoW: Classic"? So they can come out and repeat the "hype" of every expansion, all the while paying Streamers to shill for it?
then imma quit, I don't want to play those shitshow expansions, especially not the burning crusade
but it's literally the price of a sub. you dont have to buy anything
I imagine most people would quit. Only a complete retard believes three versions of the game will not rip the community apart
If you're reading Blizzard's intent as that and if you are right: then Blizzard are playing a dangerous game because they do not understand why there is interest in Vanilla/Classic. They don't understand why 'Classic+' is even an idea.
I think you're reading them wrong though and I think the Classic dev team are looking very closely at whether it will succeed and if so, they will want to know why.
>you have to pay the sub
>you don't buy anything
You are actually buying an overpriced as fuck game actually since it has a monthly sub
B2P and no sub would have been more acceptable considering the product
this comic is so true
the only true solution is classic+
Well this is less an argument against Classic and more an argument against WoW itself, which has always double-dipped with subs and priced expansions, then later even added the store. These days the subscription seems anachronistic almost, but back then it was understood that it was paying for servers as well as future content development. This was before we realised though that most resources for development was being funnelled into more raids that most people would never do. When we did, the arguments were interesting as were the responses from the devs trying to justify the left-turn towards raiding above everything else.
I don't pretend to have all the answers, just the best one. It's Classic+
You're buying monthly access to their property. Nostalrius had, what, 1,000,000 active players? Assuming that many people play Classic that didn't have subs before (either because they're Zoomers there for the streamers, or because they're Boomers who are boycotting NuBlizzard), it'll be a gain of $1,500,000 per month for them that they weren't making before. That's a fat stack of cash.
It's simple Bundling disguised as Price Discrimination my dude. Bundling is selling multiple goods together, and making you pay for those multiple goods "at a discount" while not giving you the option of not buying those multiple goods. In effect, they're increasing the number of things in the Bundle. Where they're getting you Boomers is that they paint it as being able to play Classic, as opposed to paying for both Classic AND Retail. Now you can play on Retail, or Classic. And then, interest in WoW Classic will die down, and Blizzard will start up the hype machine by releasing WoW: TBC Classic, and carve off some servers for that. And then they'll do that with WotLK, Cata, MoP, and so on and so forth.
Blizzard is a company, and it does what is best for its shareholders. If you Boomers are happy, good, but don't think it's because they care about you, it's because your wants and their wants happen to align.
A sub for WoW retail is fine
But a sub for a closed development decade old game? lol no, fuck off with that kikery
blizzard said they wanted to release the original 3, are you upset that BC takes all of what classic has and improved on it?
shut the fuck up boomer.
>when you started playing
>when you stopped playing
>you are favourite expansion
>they were both garbage
you can have your blood elf containment server, we're still getting classic+
Wow IS casual, you fucking WoWbaby.
still playing
>Burning Crusade was the last time PVP was any good.
Resto druid and sl/sl lock were broken as hell
vanilla server with tbc talents and debuff limit please
Druids were so fucking annoying in TBC. They'd pop out dealing a bunch of damage, turn into a thing with 38,000 health that mauls you, then if you manage to get it low you'd get rooted and they'd heal up to full and the whole song and dance repeats. It wasn't fun to play against and was one of the reasons I stopped playing during the first Arena season.
I know they want my money, but you are still reading it wrong. If Classic is a success, they will want to know why. If Classic is not a success, they will want to know why there was interest for it and why it changed.
It was known back when Titan was leaked that Blizzard could never run a competing MMO in parallel with WoW on a different subscription. They would have to bundle them together or use a different monetisation method for Titan. The issue of course is that they're already getting the money from active WoW subs; so people moving from WoW to Titan and back again gains them nothing no matter what they do. This might have helped Titan get scrapped in favour of Overwatch.
The fact that Retail and Classic share a sub doesn't mean a damn thing though to a returning player. People paying to play Classic now are, when adjusted for inflation, paying less than they did the first time round for Vanilla. It's for the benefit of people playing Retail that their subs let them play Classic. Retail is not a selling-point for people only interested in Classic, so the bundle doesn't matter.
People wanting Classic+ do not want a roll-on of later expansions; the only people calling for that want Classic to fail. Others only want expansions to be rolled-on if they are changed to adhere to Classic+ design philosophy with level squishing and less focus on raiding. They want the game WoW should have been, not Raid of Raidcraft.
The fuck is classic plus?
It's an individual choice and if Blizzard want people to keep giving them money they will seriously consider Classic+ and what it means for the future of WoW overall.
progressive servers soon
BC takes less than 10% of Vanilla WoW and makes it 40% of WoW. The project lead wanted a raiding-focused MMO and BC was a major step towards it. The majority of what made the original WoW was neglected.
Sorry you wrath baby retard i just finished raiding wotlk servers for 3 years. The only decent raid is ulduar and even thats borring shit until the keepers and yogg
>implying they won't just patch in TBC+ and WOTLK+ etc after a few years
>2010, 2015, 2019
A nebulous concept about what WoW originally was and how it moved away from it from TBC onwards. Rather than building on what was there, expansions merely replaced it.
So class-design in the original WoW: each faction has 8 classes, with one being unique to that faction: Shaman/Paladin, a 'leadership-representing' class focused on buffs and versatility.
Class-design according to World of Raidcraft: each faction has 9 classes, there are 3 roles for raiding, which is the most important aspect of the game. Providing 'leadership and versatility' is not a recognised raid-role: there are only tanks, healers and DPS.
In 2004-2006, your 'spec' was not your role, it was your personal playstyle according to you. There were cookie-cutter builds, but you chose them. Only raids shoe-horned people in this regard. You could level, quest, farm, do dungeons and PvP all on the same spec. Only raiding was exclusive and required speccing in a way that made it difficult to do anything else.
When the first big changes happened in The Burning Crusade expansion, everything started getting turned into a Skinner-box to train players to raid even if they didn't want to and made access to raiding more convenient. This was done at the expense of all other potential content. Classic+ is the idea that raiding should not be important and if included, it should bend towards the rest of the game, not the rest of the game towards it.
>Classic+ is the idea that raiding should not be important and if included
The hell it is. Introducing Kharazan into lvl 60 wow is top priority.
if you were a raiding druid, you were a healing druid, no exceptions. I don't give a fuck about your "playstyle" and neither do the 38 other people who are doing what they're supposed to be doing. sit the fuck down.
now get the fuck out of here
>blizzard said they wanted to release the original 3
They haven't said this at all. They said if that's what the community will want, then they'll think about it.
>i never got to level 60 during vanilla: the blogpost
Not him but being able to have better multiple builds for certain classes could be treated the same way it works in diablo 2.
not wanting this would just reduce the longevity of the game, I don't know if you're seeing this as ''buff my shit build please blizzard''
But you should see it more that people want more content for the sake of longer lasting gameplay that doesnt revolve around grinding gear.
Like for example, if shaman tanking wasnt slow as fuck like it was in vanilla but still retained some flaws to keep it balanced. Would you not enjoy the idea on trying to experiment with such a thing?
I think playstyle is important even if it just wittles down to ''I wanna level up to 60 differently thats good and different'' Without it being a hassle or easier.