What went right?
What went right?
Everything. Rockstar is based.
This. The first game is better.
ahhhhhh the sony movie game, never will one fail to achieve a 90+ metacritic score.
It's the best moviegame
It’s a good game, but I can’t stomach a second playthrough since the only different thing would be the endings.
Absolutely everything, contrarian Yea Forumseddit zoomers with ADHD are the only people who have issue with the game if the decade
An 8/10 game? I guess that's alright
lmao stfu
It's not made by snoy so it's actually good
Sure, if you're first playthrough was 500 hours there's so much stuff in there
not following trends
What went wrong with Rockstar? GTA IV was a masterpiece, but the products that came after are not even close to be that great. They're getting worse with every new game.
>GTA IV was a masterpiece
are you damaged in the brain
I have studies and careers to pursuit and a family and social life to take care of, I’m not going to waste all of my time playing a videogame just to find obscure Easter eggs, you lifeless virgin.
This, Rockstar games have no merit.
>What went wrong with Rockstar?
>GTA IV was a masterpiece
Neck yourself, braindead zoomer
No, are you?
>durr theres no content
>people point out that there is shitloads of content
>h-haha virgins, I dont have time to play it so it means theres none!
Based retard
>GTA IV was a masterpiece
>That mess
>A Masterpiece
Jesus Christ...
>Hog-tie a nigger and drag him to a Klan meeting
>They just tell you to leave
I love the attention to detail in this game
>he saw the crowbarcat video
I don't even know who's that guy. And there's definitely nothing wrong with GTA IV.
Hard work.
Why are you here?
Everything except for low honor.
Surprised by Rockstar.
Arthur Morgan, unironically the best vidya protag in two fucking gens.