Why do so many gamers have this haircut?
Why do so many gamers have this haircut?
The "I don't care about getting a haircut" haircut? The answer should be obvious.
t. got banned by him
>comb to the side to allow for vision
whoa, such a mystery
the world may never know
This, I usually just wait for my hair to get around this length then cut it short again
you don't have to worry about food if your head is the bowl.
How often should a guy get a haircut?
I seriously cannot understand why normies are so obsessed with seeing males cut their hair short. If you have a medium length hair cut, normies start salivating and frothing and mob you, asking you why you haven't had a haircut yet. Like a male with more than 2inches of hair is some affront to god.
I just don't feel like paying for a haircut every 6 weeks. I like my hair, why are normies such freaks with fetishes for short haired males?
This guy is such a fucking sperg and his fanbase is like a cult. I will give a story of what happened if this thread lives.
For the same reason that any woman looks worse with short hair.
It looks bad. Your long male hair looks extremely bad unless you actually take care of it and its not splintered into one hundred gorillion pieces per hair
It's the only one their mom knows.
>It looks bad.
So a beatles style mop of hair is horrible, And a fucking derpy retarded buzz cut looks so much better? Nah.
Hides receding temples.
Literally who gives a shit how you look? And why should I care about their opinion from then on if they take the obvious bait and comment on looks like a normalfag.
Grow your hair, go bald. Do whatever as long as you enjoy it because this life is short.
>So a beatles style mop of hair is horrible
>a fucking derpy retarded buzz cut looks so much better?
Once a month.
>Woman look worse with short hair
This is a terrible opinion.
Normies are sheep and get upset when you don't adhere to their herd
Okay so you're gay or a woman? Who cares what you think, you're only interested in fetishizing men
t. dyke
t. neckbeard who goes to the barber once every 9 months
I feel you user. I had short buzz cut hair for almost 2 decades. The moment i started growing it out and it reached my shoulders there wouldn't be a day where the religious nuts in my family wouldn't stop telling me to cut my hair.
I feel mixed about inferno. Smug, dickhead, punchable face. All at the same time he's put some serious work in so I can't deny giving him some praise for his fairly high quality shitposts.
Men with long, well kept hair that match their body/face type and aesthetic > men with short hair > men with long, well kept hair that don't match their body/face type and aesthetic > men with long, unkept greasy hair
simple as
>any woman looks worse with short hair
Just buy a $20 pair of supermarket clippers and buzz it if you don't give a shit. Most guys look autistic with longer hair.
grow out your hair so your mother can love you again
t. Insecure retard afraid of getting mean comments from strangers so he hopelessly conforms to the norms to fit in. You're worse than trannies
What's so annoying to me is people who force boys to have buzz cuts, a hair style popular with men who wear helmets at work all day, or soldiers who need short hair. The obsession with short hair is literally just grooming boys to be used to menial labor or being soldiers. Like, just let the kid be a fucking kid. These people are mental
I stopped following after he decided to do a fucking Dark Souls 3 video on every weapon in the game, individually, and 90% of it was parry fishing.
It was an embarrassment.
im guessing they are trying to hide the receding hairline and appear more teen while being in their late 20s
t. Tasteless nigger
I always have to keep in mind that if I am on Yea Forums the chance of talking to 14 year olds going through puberty is extremely high.
This nigga is obviously still in school, his family too poor to send him to the barber more than once every 6 months and so he has to pretend he likes his shitty unkempt hair
>tfw haven't cut my hair since 2013
been thinking about finally getting it cut but it's been so long
It'll be a genuine weight off your mind.
Your hair looks like shit if it hasnt been cut for so long. Cut it all off and start over. Long hair needs actual care put into it
>women wear 10 lbs of makeup to appear young
>guy keeps the same hairstyle he's had since middle school
>For the same reason that any woman looks worse with short hair
I only grew my hair out for about 6 months and it was an instant relief to get it cut. No more of it getting in the way and it just feels better
You already posted that 5 times. Just take moms advice and grow out of your phase
I fucking hate going to get haircuts for the sole reason that ever since 2014 barbers and hairdressers simply do not know how to do a male hairstyle that isn't a fade/undercut.
The last four places I've been I've walked in and explicitly said "Just this but shorter, no fades or undercuts or anything like that" and walked out looking like a fucking faggot teenager who jacks off to his own perm. I'm sick of it.
never said either of them was less wrong.
im just saying that internet personalities profit from relating to kids even though they are way past the age. sometimes maturing can be against someone's self interest. it's really counterintuitive
I'm getting a haircut on monday I'm sorry
turns out short hair on women is actually pretty hot and a lot of men like it
i know. but i have a big thing with barbers/stylists. half the reason why it's been so long is because my usual barber literally disappeared overnight and no one knows what happened to him. And in trying to find a new barber i had a nasty string of terrible haircuts that convinced me to just try and grow it out.
i put a lot of proper care into it so it's healthy and strong. minimal dead ends, constant and proper brushing to keep it healthy and knot free, and a strict washing schedule to keep it from getting stringy and greasy. It's just i've had it long for so long that i just want to change it but have zero clue about a decent style for my face or even what's "in fashion" right now
I mean I was heavy into DS pvp, and at the end of the day it's all about fishing, passivity, and exploits. The "meta."
They like it because the woman becomes less attractive and therefore more attainable
Its probably both directions. You have to be pretty emotionally immature to care so much about childrens video games, and to think that entertaining children via youtube videos is a good career path anyway
Try again. Almost done with uni. Good thing i haven't dealt with any mentality ill trannies like you yet despite being in California.
Okay, okay. Since there is a couple more replies, I'll talk about the story behind this guy and "his" game, Mario Royale.
Mario Royale started as a little shitty race to the finish version of Mario 1, and this guy had made it for "an experiment" on YouTube. It blew up massively, but there were cracks in the code, and less than a day after it came out, a man by the name of "Tyrone" created some hacks for it. Sooner or later, the fag started lerking Yea Forums for the constant cheats and tried to patch them, and AFTER 3 DAYS he finally created a bot to ban people. I was one of them banned. Many anons were pissed off due to the fact it was such a small game, and that there was no TOS or anything like that that clearly states "CHEATING IS BAD, YOU GET BANNED", so we argued for a fucking long time. There was me under the alias "Yea ForumsPN" who went on the forums and acted like a sperg, Tyrone who kept raging about being banned and later left, and a mass replying user sperging out about how he shouldn't have been banned. In the end the game got DMCA'd, I got doxxed by his discord jannys, and made it into a video. I basically trolled the fuck out of him, and many people think I was unironic (which I wasn't lol). Mass replying user disappeared, and Tyrone still talks about how he fucking got the game DMCA'd.
Neckbeard Inferno"BRO"Plus and his underage furry tranny jannys from Discord and his teenage fanbase "made" a game, people hacked the code, then he patched it (after lerking the forums for 3 days and "getting physically sick", then Tyrone called Nintendo, I invaded his Discord, mass replying user fucked around on Yea Forums, and the game got taken down. BTW, he made a video about it, and the comments show how retarded his fanbase is.
Also he made money off of the game via Patreon, so if it weren't for that, he would probably have had the game up for more than a week.
Short hair is cute on girls.
Have sex.
it honestly was a terrible idea for the first year or so. My hair is super thick so instead of just getting longer it got super thick but stayed pretty short. then it just got long and kept growing.
Do an ironic weeb samurai pony tail like me
nobody cares
What about women who like 'metalhead' guys, Fabio, etc?
Why can't human beings just have preferences?
I remember you saying "SEETH HARDER" and "HAVE SEX" on these threads, hi, its me, Yea ForumsPN.
based schizoposter
Read the fucking "LONG STORY SHORT" part you fucking zoomer. You're attention span is smaller than a fucking goldfish.
This thread isnt about Mario Royale
stop posting offtopic shit
Basically. Dude's a self important cuck making a mountain of a molehill
Yep, its you. Go back to Discord.
>Having a full head of hair
fuck my genes
Bros what haircut should I get next? Ive had the same one for years. Short side long top. But I want something new. In the past Ive tried stuff like: bald, buzzed, mohawk, fuaxhawk, long hair, and more. But none of them ever look good. Im thinking high and tight but thats basically the same as I always get except shorter.
What do?
Just tell them even Jesus had long hair.
Woah hey I get to experience my first thread with an unironic actual autistic sperg. How do you and your kind do it. Obsess over a small thing so much that is.
If it's talking about the fucking Jew that made it, I'll talk about the only thing that makes him relevant. There will never ever be another Mario Royale thread.
that's kinda how i usually wear it. can't do the "gamestop creep" ponytail because it looks like ass and i hate having it constantly down my neck and back.
so instead i do a bun/knot at the crown. it keeps the hair off my neck, doesn't look _too_ bad, plus i can tuck it away under a hat or something fairly easy if need be.
Nah the responses on this board are just that predictable.
>I'm a sperg for posting the story
Fuck off back to Inferno's Discord, tranny.
Assign hairstyles a number and pick a random number from a random number generator. Maybe you will end up liking it. It's nice to make these kinds of choices based on rng
Where were you when tripfags got BTFO'd?
Sorry if I mistake someone's identity while replying, this guy is just a big YouTuber, and everyone should know how much of a fucking Jew he is.
>he gets a haircut that doesnt reflect his personality because a 4channel posts made him feel ashamed.
Bro you admitted in your story that you were sperging out on top of your long ass post literally no one asked for or wanted. You just seem like a lonely, obsessed, weirdo. I just wanted to pick your brain to see why you are so obsessed my man.
You hacked in a guys game and the developer said no, thus banning you.
Whats so hard to understand?
You don't need a TOS to kick someone from your own platform.
>reflect his personality
Short hair:
Well adjusted human being from a stable background and goals in life
Long hair:
Lost control of his life, no firends, no goals, just living day to day, high chance of being poor because a haircut costs money
I didn't create the codes, I just used them.
That doesn't exempt you from punishment.
Just stop using Yea Forums.
Also, it wasn't his platform. He basically owned nothing, thus he has no right to anything. I wish it was a fucking lawsuit.
He owned the domain, and the code.
Yes, everyone with a buzzcut is earning 200k/yr as a data scientiest, and every male with more than an inch of hair is clearly an unemployed drug addicted bum
This is such a retarded thing to feel superior about
That's it, which basically even then his code was still shit.
>defending the feminist dyke cuts
I am just telling you how you appear to other people
That still means he owns the platform.
How dense are you?
You hack on his website, he boots you out by his own decision, This shit doesn't need a TOS to determine
Can't believe you're still this mad months later
You sure do seem to be obsessed with appearances
Just FYI I'm sorry guys I'm just extremely autistic to the point where every autism spectrum test I took my results were so high the tests were unable to properly measure it
So I just like to obsess about my very autistic things and keep rambling about them even if no one cares
I'm also incredibly openly flamingly irresistibly homosexual and have frequent wet dreams involving sucking ecelebs cocks and gargling on their cum
You just fell for my bait, lol. I'm not mad, and you keep defending a "developer" who doesn't know how to develop shit.
Look at this tasteless faggot
So you're pretending to be retarded? Got it.
Doesn't seem to be pretending
Nice impersonation, I remember you from a thread about "WAS MOOT RIGHT"?
This is how toxic Inferno's fanbase is, and how toxic Discord as a whole is. Go dilate.
>any woman looks worse with short hair
homosexual opinion
>what cut you want?
>i wanna shoot up a schoo-
>say no more, fäm
just fuck a tranny already and get it out of your system
Considering how much this poster is obsessed with short hair males, and appearances, we are definitely dealing with a female. Not to mention this poster has no appreciation for short haired tomboys
sounds like someone got banned from Mario battle royale
I also forgot to mention that I'm schizophrenic and like to reply to my own posts pretending I'm different people
Yes, I got banned lol. It was worth.
I've learned that only retards 'get' their hair cut, it's infinitely cheaper and extremely easy to just cut it yourself.
Fuck off impersonator, seeth harder.
>tfw shaving your hair just to avoid headphones mark on your head
>since middle school
Yeah that's kind of the point. Men might like women and girls, but women don't like boys. You continue attempting to carry yourself like an adolescent despite now having a man face and needing to shave, and it's not a good look.
No (You) are the impersonator, impersonator. Can you even begin to prove that you're the real one, huh? Get the fuck out of my head, spook
lol im gay
Seethe more fag
Lmao thanks for 4 (You)s retard
My dad raped me when I was a kid but it wasn't really that bad since micropenis runs in my family.
I groom myself and I dress myself respectably. However I pick what hairstyle I enjoy the most. I don't care what style is in vogue because styles change.
I have a good career and am a reliable, dependable person. Only high schoolers and losers would care so much about a hairstyle they think it in and of itself is an indication of maturity/immaturity.
In the real world, people really don't care.
are you sure you're not gay?or at least bi-curious
rent free
All of you faggots need to stop impersonating me
>basing your entire presentation to the world on what women would like
yeah lmfao women are really gonna get wet when they see a submissive bitch who does everything he can to be a preening attention seeker lookiung for female validation
Cope harder, spook
>has long faggot hair
>wants to fuck woman that look like boys
Are YOU?
Bitch I bet you haven't even read ego.
Why are you ruining my video game discussion?
Can you fuckers stop impersonating me already? It's getting really tiring.
you first
Not funny.
I have it at 18mm short.
I fucking ditched the name, you fucking seething trannies.
Just get some clippers and buzz it with a 1 inch or so attachment, I usually do it every few weeks whenever I feel like it.
Bitch I AM your ego. Now get the fuck out already you split personality fucking faggot cunt till they send us to the asylum for a round of electroconvulsice therapy again
I've been watching the hairstyle trends change year over year, but there are tried and trues even if they happen to be generic (which is actually what makes them generic in the first place). As much as I hate getting a haircut, a "#1 on the back and sides and an inch long on top" looks infinitely better than the adolescent bang sweep across the face. And in the real world, people don't care about anything you do insofar as they don't have to interact with or engage you in any way. But if you're trying to get a job, or a good woman, you do need to clean up because your appearance will matter to these people since they will see you every day. There's some guy who comes around my neck of the woods every so often who, despite being 40 years old and pockmarked in the face, never outgrew his gothic industrial baggy pants with straps connecting the legs. It really just makes me sad to see "People of Wal-Mart"-tier shit like that, people who TRULY live the "I don't care what other people think" to the T. Although a part of that is also me wishing I could let go.
Well, this thread died due to Inferno's seething teenage fanbase, so yeah. Thank God his game is dead.
>tfw naturally wavy hair that curls in a loose way
>girls fucking jealous of perfect locks
>"what do you do seriously"
>never would believe that I just shampoo/conditioner and a brush and that's all
hey guys it's me hacker man
You originally brought it up, so it's your fault, Retard.
None of you are me, lol.
About time you showed up.
Don't listen to this tranny
>Tries to use proper grammar.
>Capitalizes retard.
You are the retard, retard.
>Pretending to be me
I'm never using that goddamn name field again.
I'm gonna level with you in case you aren't trolling; are you really this mad over getting banned from a nothing "game", and also that trolling trannies on discord worked? Because that's all I have to go on.
false flag harder
>Not getting a haircut procrastination
>Hiding male pattern baldness
>No need to advertise to potential mates, already given up or oblivious.
That's it.
>if you want to get a job
A job in and of what? I'm a studio musician. Sometimes I have a normalfag haircut and sometimes I look like John Darnielle. Turns out nobody gives a shit.
It's comfy, and easy to wear
I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Hackerman Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power...
The military. They even give you the haircut for "free".
While I do genuinely hate Inferno for being such a cocky Jew, and his fanbase being some of the most autistic teenagers I've ever seen (they wanted to make a gender option and include skin color options, so imagine a tranny black mario), I can't tell who is who anymore due to his fanbase.
That's fair enough I suppose, not that it's mine or anyone else's place to judge what's fair on the premier Lebanese haircut enthusiast forum, I generally dislike it when people post like that. I've honestly never even heard of inferno and just joined in with the name-posting because it was fun, and while I'm not sure how far his fanbase extends, I'd bet most people here just wanted to poke fun at the tl:dr they genuinely didn't care about. The story does make him and his trannybase sound shitty, I think most people would have just walked away with the hate tucked under their shoulder, there's too many jews in the world to bother posting about such a minor one, but really, I'm glad you posted нαςkεямαη, godspeed.
There's a lot more to it than that. If a dude's hair is long and greasy and filthy and he's also got a hobo beard then what you say might check out.
If it's well kept then no one will think that. So it's not about hair length, but about personal grooming and hygiene.
Gayest opinion I've read in a while.
Now that the dust has settled:
Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck gays, fuck trannies, and most of all fuck jannies.
where did you find that image of me
yikes indeed if you dont find her attractive
is that anne frank?
solid 4 out of 10
>muh attainable
Definitely a woman. No man thinks like this.
No, because that image actually exists.
ah yes because you never think you have no chance with that woman over there
Nice try. Nobody but a woman would say that garbage I was replying to. Nobody thinks their chances increase with a hot as fuck girl because they've shaved their heads unless they're trying to play some cancer-patient swoop-in game.
Only women get caught up in their abacus-tier garbage of "men like X because they perceive girls with X as more attainable". No, men just tend to have fetishes and weird preferences with no regard to any of that.
>tfw afro
its a bitch to put up with when im going out but it pays off in the long run
Nigga, just fuck a tranny already
seething roastie