How did they phone in an entire game?
How did they phone in an entire game?
You got the game wrong.
Is this game truly garbage on fire as i've read?
Fallout 4 wasnt a bad they manage to get everything this time?
>everything wrong
>Fallout 4 wasnt a bad game
From what I can tell (I haven't played it) they released it waaaaay to early, it should have had at least another year in development possibly two
Not him but i think the gameplay and setting are pretty decent (especially the guns) where it fails (main story and the dialogue) it fails bad however.
It's still pretty fun to just explore and Far Harbor is pretty great (which supports my claim that the big problem with Bethesda games is that the have to be massive open world games, but when they are limited to a smaller area they tend to be pretty great see also Shivering Isles)
The gameplay is solid and the game is fun to play i dont care the about story much.
It was way too buggy for a AAA btw.
They really needed to expand on crafting and such, that would be the only way to make the core gameplay loop fun in the absence of interesting quests/locations.
>especially the guns
What i think the gunplay is good and the customization is fun, if you're referring to the look of some of the guns then yes the pipe rifles are terrible and so is the Assault rifle I won't argue about that, but that what mods are for
They dialed it back a bit and waited on reception.
It's still my least played Bethesda RPG, only took 100 hours to complete everything in the base game, can't bring myself to go back and play the DLC because of how easy it all is. The harder difficulties only add health and the survival mode is trying way too hard to not be the survival mode from NV.
My biggest complaint is still that idiot savant breaks XP gains, there is no reason not to play without it. Also no alternative starts means having to sit through that stupid running sequence each and every time.
that's not fallout 3 OP
They decided to let the modders fix it then tried to take a commission for their work.
>playing bethesda games on non microsoft consoles
>Not making a save just before the last respec oppotunity and starting new games from there
I dont see how anyone could play a bethesda RPG without instinctively doing that
>playing Bethesda games on consoles
>how they manage to get everything this time?
They were busy working on Starfield and had to outsource the game to a small and newly founded studio with short development time.
Fallout 3 was more optimized for 360 than PC.
>i dont care the about story much.
Average modern day Bethesda fan, everybody