What is it about Kojima that attracts so many people to him?
What is it about Kojima that attracts so many people to him?
He's a mysterious Japanese man with a lot of money and prestige.
Hes the creator of a known and beloved videogame franchise and its socially skilled enough to interact with fans? Same reason why people fawn all over Miyamoto.
What is mads doing
I wonder if Kojima has special genetics compared to other japs. His face looks unique somehow. Is he racially different somehow? Maybe he has an especially pure Japanese ancestry or maybe has ties to some royal bloodline of ancient emperors etc.
what is happening in this picture
Kojima and Kojima
I wonder this all the time about Kojima types. Not necessarily Japanese, but the type of guy he is. Those super charismatic/ mfs who just do whatever the fuck they want. Elon musk Is another good example.
me on the left
He pays them to
People really liked Zone of the Enders, except for that Fist of Mars game that nobody played.
His publisher's money.
Based Kojima, Hideo should learn a thing or two from him
Musk is a pretty suspicious and mysterious character. Always thought it was strange how he suddenly popped up out of nowhere and received much positive attention from the mainstream media for years, almost as if they were telling us to like him. I don't dislike him but I don't like him either. I don't trust him.
He’s kinda like Tarantino. He steals everything from a lot of sources and packages into something interesting. Also, it feels like it was directed by someone with a vision. Not by a bunch of suits.
He pays them.
Elon's just a typical slimy businessman who figured out how to appeal to the retarded internet kids.
I shook his hand at gamescom and told him I love all his games.
He has soft hands
Ok bill
Even though she kinda looks like an anthro angler fish I like her face a lot for some reason
Kojima legit has more originality than Tarantino. They are similar in that aspect, though. Tarantino has more raw cinematic direction skill ofc
free money
>Kojima legit has more originality than Tarantino
Not possible. That would mean Tarantino literally steals someone's movie and slaps his name on it.
Why does he always look like he just finished fucking the person he is taking a pic with?
nice one
Name one thing similar to Death Stranding you fuck
This looks cool as fuck, I thought this game was a pissing simulator?
death stranding rips off Serial Experiments Lain
oh boy sure you're new around here
thumbnail related
Does it have undead soldiers? Ghosts? Monsters? Organic vehicles? Giants? Seperate dimensions? BBs? Apocalyptic American setting? Timefall? Voidouts? Immortal people?
sure there are games which have few of the things you mentioned but not all of them mixed together
Yayoi genes
do you have any sources to backup that death stranding has any of this?
Yes, every fucking trailer of the game. Do any of you know what you're talking about before you criticise the game?
kojima loves white people
he's like the opposite of the asians that post on 4channel and reddit
Kojima has always been the simon to Hideo's garfunkel
nothing that you just described are game mechanics, gameplay or anything related to the process of playing the game. You just described a spooky castle setting for 12 year olds to grab themselves to, just as much as people criticizing the game without seeing any actual gameplay should use the benefit of the doubt, stop fellating a product you have no practical knowledge of
They're the reincarnations of Ted Bundy.
>trailers represent whats going to be in the game
They can smell money
By that logic literally nothing is original.
No, really. Every single piece of fiction can be defined as "parts of other things put together" extremely easily.
This was the most obvious reply you could have come up with, try to be a little more original next time
In case of Kojima this is very true, lol
He's probably super confident, that's all. He looks like the type of guy who would be an egotistical fartsniffing faggot. That personality attracts retarded people. Especially young/stupid women.
Why are you bringing up gameplay when the original post was comparing Kojima to Tarantino?
I don't know. He seems like one those people who want to elevate the medium of video games to much higher standards, but the guy just isn't on the level of the talented people he looks up to. You can clearly see how every work he has done was inspired by some film or a tv show. There are entire scenes lifted from his favorite films.
Death Stranding so far isn't like anything he has done before, so I'm hopeful he's actually able to pull magnum opus out of it.
And before anyone says anything, I enjoy his games, I have 200 hours in MGSV, and MGS2 is one of my favorite video games.
Not really, day 1 buy for me
It's all captured in-game you mongoloid.
sure, anyway i just hope it will not be as boring as MGS V between missions
he's an auteur that has made many beloved games throughout the past 20 years.
his games unironically have soul, something very rare in the age of soulless, microtransaction riddled, fotm, online pvp games.
you answered it, Kojimbo's casting couch is infamous among both male and female actors
He's a fucking traitor. Who the fuck does he think he's fooling? Real gamers don't "socialize" or hang out with celebs. We stand and fight the evil forces trying to brainwash us, not prance around like a tard.
How can gamers rise up if we're already standing?
Japanese men are basically the Capybara of humans. They're nice and polite to a fault, but also aren't afraid of being direct when it's required. Most of all, they just attract all sorts of other creatures around them based on their chill nature.
i dont get it
>k-kojima san? can i get that role yet? i'm tired of doing $60 cameos for horny neckbeards
you said it fellow incel! RISE UP! GOOBERGATE FOREVER
>imagine being this mad about a genius creator enjoying his fame and having a bit of fun with being well known
Get laid
Do you guys think Kojima was the actor for this scene?
Shut the fuck up
Hey Kojima.
lmao cuck
>imagine being so sensitive that making a joke saying that an eccentric and popular person is in fact popular and eccentric triggers you.
pseudo intellectual
What is he exactly programmer writer or a bit of everything. Anyways
Death Stranding doesn't have a story it has propaganda that is pretending to be interesting. He sold out
remember when mgsv seemed interesting from the trailers?
Yeah I remember, too bad Kojima couldn't finish the other half of the game because of what happened with Konami and him
This is what he does.
Death Stranding doesn't have a story it has propaganda that is pretending to be interesting.
How the fuck can you tell that when you haven't even played it?
The thumbnail makes it look like a black cock is being rubbed on her face.
Is pretending what? He hasn't even showed much yet.
>How the fuck can you tell that when you haven't even played it?
Don't repply to shills. The don't play games. They haven't played MGSV either
feeling kojima's baby kick
Do you think he's upset that Ryan kept refusing to meet him even when Refyn asked as a favor?
>so many people to him?
he literally pays them to hang out with him
People pay to hang with Kojima more like. The guy has literally millions more followers than Mads on Twitter and is likely much richer.
Sounds like Kojima
I have psychic powers I see the future all the time. Wen I saw the trailer I had a vision of myself playing it with a friend and saying it's americanized garbage full of propaganda and you know (pregnant man) what else can it be.
What do these Hollywood celebrities think of the video game industry? Might have been kind of weird to be approached by a Japanese man to appear in his game, but they probably are okay with it once money was paid
He's the opposite of a businessman, that's why he got thrown out of Konami.
the company doesn't all the profit for them smartass. 80 million was only on the production of the game. there also was the half decade development of the fox engine that took millions of dollars out of konami's pockets, the marketing campaing that involved marketing companies. and we all know that marketing alone ends being just as expensive as the games themselves or even more in some cases, there also is kojima's part of teh profits. the company never takes 100% of the income profits. and even if it was 100% of teh profits the money is used to pay bills of the entire company. it doesn't go 100% back to the game division
If I was a exec in konami I would be mad at the motherfucker who wasted company money to hangout with celebrities instead of using it to finish the fucking game
thanks to that faggot castlevania got killed off, Iga was fired, the YGO Tag Force and World Championship series got fucked too.
based kojima riced this autistic girl over that old hag stephanie
g-guys but is supposed to be a walking simulator!
He hires his Hollywood idols for his games as a pretense to rub shoulders with them.
>Imagine over explaining simple things, At a sad attempt at humor
Heh, Could you Imagine? My fellow imaginative redditor.
man imagine if kojima ends up being getting caught in the hollywood pedo shit now that he is in the US kek
180 million in profit is more than enough money to pay bills and have some left over. The only somewhat big actor in MGSV was Kiefer Sutherland. You're just defending a company for choosing low risk investments like gachashit over high risk, creative games.
Who honestly gives a shit about celebrity's user?
shit nigga looks like those shovelware games on steam.
what low risk investment konami pulled off you faggot?
they gave kojima everything they even allowed him to force the westernization their franchise in 7th generation. that shit cost them millions over the years to the poisnt their game division wasn't even making money. I'm nto defending konami. I'm being logical. you don't waste almost 100 millions dollars, deliver a unfinished garbage that pissed people off and keep your job. you retarded millenial.
Konami let kojima go full High Risk investment and look at how that worked for the whole Konami video game division.
What fucking shovelware game does this look like? People have the most retarded criticisms of this game.
>Konami let kojima go full High Risk investment and look at how that worked for the whole Konami video game division.
I dunno, made them hundreds of millions in profit?
Massive Jap cock.
Preferably in my whyte boi mouth.
Money, hard cash, he literally pays actors millions of dollars to hang out with him and pose in his pictures. It's a monetary exchange. That's how we almost made Konami go bankrupt and why he was fired, and he's doing it again.
Fucking based
Horizon: Zero dawn
we fly
us black bois need some too, Kojima needs to give us some
>tfw no jomon bf
Hopefully they still have the small dick
Your source for any of these claims are?
Like Josef Stalin?
And Ghandi?
>Kojimbo's casting couch is infamous among both male and female actors
It's just the money he pays them. Unlike shills and jannies, they don't do it for free.
Dude, trust me
His artistic talent.
>lose entire franchises interest over the years
>embracing the meme of western AAA
>development the games takes years to make
>people hate the brown and grey look of the games
>they look like shit
>Castlevania dies because the new Iga game PS360 got cancelled and the franchise turn into a cliche western beat em up with "deep writting"
>iga gets fired in the process and makes fans angry
>they stop producing smaller games thanks to damage they have taken
>only shit that makes money is Metal Gear and PES
>after MGSV not even MGS since image of the franchise took massive damage and kojima managed to make everyone hate konami
making 180 million over the years AFTER the microtransactions means jack shit if the whole game division probably lost more than that in span of a decade. that is business 101, you faggot. Even small business men know that. you also have to take whole economy of country and/or world into account.
it's bullshit but i believe it
>since this movie, Kojima has RICED countless other actors and actresses
I don't know how he does it. He's old and yet he's got the stamina of a stallion.
He pays them with someone else's money.
Nothing they lost is worth as much as Metal Gear.
>be kojima
>get fired from konami for for wasting money on expensive restaurants and paying actors to hang out with you
>get hired by sony
>have even more funding to eat even more expensive foods and pay more popular actors to hang out with you
Sony getting cucked hard.
>On April 1, 2011, Kojima was promoted to Executive Vice President and Corporate Officer in Konami Digital Entertainment.[43] At E3 2011, he revealed his new innovative gaming technology labeled as "transfarring", a portmanteau of the verbs transferring and sharing. The technology enables gamers to transfer their gaming data from the PlayStation 3 to PlayStation Portable in a quick data transferring process and bring it on the go from home into the outside world.
He's been selling snake oil (lol) and bankrupting companies for over 2 decades. He's a conman, a hack. All he wants is to be a celebrity and hang out with (z-level) TV actors.
Your hero is a fraud, and you're a complete moron. Kojimadrones are dumber than wrestling fans.
even the minor franchises like castlevanis helps the total income of the company, you can't bet all your eggs into a single chicken. they did that with MGS and now look what happened with their entire vidya division. they couldn't even make smaller games on the side since the fox engine development+mgsv development started overtaking the entire division
Ok, this seems completely unrelated. Source for your previous claims?
He pays them.
it's why you don't listen to Yea Forums
It isn't, he was in charge when Konami started to decline. Of course you can't read, you're a moron who worships this hack.
>Dood let's copy F.E.A.R. LMAO!
Wishing him happy bday
And what decline was that?
He's my favorite kino reviewer
I'm not even a fan of Kojima, I just happen to enjoy most of his work, Death Stranding is day 1 buy for me because I want to support a game that tries something different, even if the game turns out to be bad which is extremely unlikely
black dude looks exhausted, is this the power of kojima cock?
I don't watch comics but...is Captain marvel a girl in the comics? and does she have anything to do with captain america?
two shit artists in one picture, nice
He's a chad
Yes and no.