You will be playing SP Bannerlord in less than 8 months

>you will be playing SP Bannerlord in less than 8 months

We made it lads

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Other urls found in this thread:

whats different in this from MB?

I'm going to give up smoking until the game releases

Better graphics, more units/troops on the battlefield, lineage mechanic so you can have a family, supposedly more stuff to make money and renown.

Think of it as warband but with every mechanic expanded upon, and new features added in like proper siege weapons, family dynasty system, much more in-depth kingdom management

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I totally understand why people love M&B but it didn't quite do it for me. I busted my ass to become a vassal and then tried to bust my ass to improve the shittiest village in the realm. Around that point I just got bored.

Don't improve the gay village, keep grinding and get a castle dummy

It's Warband but better in every single conciveable way

is there base building?
i keep seeing webms that suggest such

It took 20 years to develop

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[x] doubt

same for me. theres a point in the progression where the game doesnt give back as much fun and thats about the time you become a lord/vassal. the moment you join a faction you can no longer freely travel recruiting whatever units you want/need or selling loot/goods for the best prices. building settlements is insanely expensive and slow with very little reward and your fellow lords are retards.

This but also
>3X larger gameplay area on the world map
>new engine allows for up to 1000 troops on screen in vanilla without any modding if your PC is stronk, but they're optimising for 500 (still a major step up from warband)

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Do they seriously offer the stranger at the bottom of the pecking order a fucking town if you keep denying villages?

I always open these threads thinking people are finally talking about Civilization but then it's just some cuck shit nobody ever heard of, whatever.

You realize that they already announced it for winter 2017 before? I will believe it once it's on my hard drive.

the game is pretty game-y and you have to abuse the system a lot in order to succeed.
It can be really fun, but you need to know a lot of obscure mechanics

if you play with the faction for a while, take part in battles and do a few quests, you won't be on the bottom of the pecking order for long.

no i won't, i have cancer of the ass and i have 6 months of life left

Which rivalry will be the new Swadia VS Rhodok?

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Vladia chads vs Battania incels

>that exposed dockyard
What if the enemy attacks the city by sea?

>sold > 6 million copies
>shit nobody ever heard of

What kind of pussy sits in his fortress?

Not yet. We could die anyday. stay safe. stay hydrated. Look both ways before crossing.

you do realize they said they ((((hope)))) to be done with it? they never said "on this actual date you'll get to play this"
this is the first date they've actually given and first time from the actual CEO, armagan, may allah bless his soul.

Any idea if they're traveling with ships and possibly ship/boat battles will be available?

no naval battles in base game. they said they might think of adding it in a future dlc.

>8 months
Earth months?

>run out of your fort
>enemy takes a few boats and rushes in your fort through the dockyard
>closes the gates behind you
> :^^^))))

>better graphics
>modern interface
>build from the ground up for mods

>1000 units instead of 150 on a battlefield in vanilla
>revamped AI from the ground up
>better control over units
>sieges now have a minigame phase on the world map where you control the construction of siege towers, ballistas etc.
>The defenders counter the attackers decision by attacking siege equipment with their own defenses build on walls
>this determines starting conditions for the actual siege fight

>4 times larger maps
>40 cities, over 100 villages
>deeper economy
>you can now buy shops in towns and generate money through them without owning entire fiefs

>6 unique cultures and unit trees
>8 factions (3 of them a byzantine like empire in civil war)
>each faction is made up of clans with their own relationships
>you can now have children
>you can execute lords, you can also be permanently killed by other lords
>family members and children then carry on your campaign

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How many in multiplayer?

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>there's a chance of you dying in those 8 months

What mods are you guys hoping gonna happen?

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never saw or played this game but keep hearing about it in all my years of playing, what's the tl;dr of it?


Is there proximity voice chat in multiplayer

the only thing that matters at all to me

Soundtrack, excluding battle songs has leaked

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Literally who gives a shit

It's basically a sandbox medieval mercenary simulator game. You create a character with stats and a background and from there you can choose to do whatever you want, from being a bandit to trying to get into nobility to even becoming a king with your own kingdom if you are autistic enough.

Everyone who's not underage.

>in less than 8 months

any particular works of fiction you guys are hoping get adapted into mods? for me it has to be "dies the fire"
>post apocoliptic earth where all industrial technology stops working suddenly, forcing everyone still alive to turn to fuedal lifestyles and governments

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which kingdom is old calradia?

>generic ranks symbols

Imagine being this guy.

No, we still have to survive 8 months. A lot can happen in 8 months.

>you can also be permanently killed by other lords
i hope that can be turned off, i dont want to play my shitty kid who most likely sucks because some fucker ambushes me

I will only play it when people start releasing mods. I hope AWOIF and Bellum Imperii get a Bannerlord release.

Gangs of Glasgow

i wonder how long it'll take for someone to mod in the classic factions (swadia, rhodoks, nords, etc)

Will the main theme be as kino as the Warband one?

oh boy, you have some good news to read up on

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>the fucking horsemen in the real life footage

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yes easy-mode butterling, it can be toggled. You will still die of old age eventually, though.

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Would be neat to see the world of Kenshi made for MnB.

Probably 3 hours after release. Modder devotes an hour playing the game, another hour to reskin/rename the existing factions, and then an hour to test out his mod.

I think i'm gonna die before early access. I've been feeling sick and sicker in the last months

>that pic
Animal fat is the healthiest thing you can eat. People get fat because they overeat on addictive carbshit like bread and sugary foods/drinks.
>it's not real butter, it's some sugar crap with weird ass chemicals and artificial taste
ah, yeah that's not good

>not joining the Chad Southern Empire
>not having an army of Cataphracts and Varangians
>not being Emperor

Prophesy of Pendor


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Mounted police are very effective against people who whack you to death with a piece of paper/baseball bat/broken bottle.

Battanians are made to be CIVILIZED

The only mechanic I care about is being able to find more soldiers/mercenaries in a short amount of time. IRL Napoleon lost his army multiple times and was able to replace it in HALF the time it takes to do in Mount and Blade. Shouldn't take a fucking year to replace a hundred soldiers.

>>family members and children then carry on your campaign
This is epic.
>continue playing as your son

our brains after all the games are trained to this marks. its easy to spot, easy to remeber, easy to understand. Whats the problem?

>before dying, you gave your son a sword and you taught him how to use it, even though he's clearly too small to use it
>perspective shifts to your son, carrying the sword that you gave him

Oh I dont know, it takes a big steamping dump on the art direction?

yeah what about just first person kenshi mod

I have a feeling the main rivalry of Bannerlord will be Batannia VS literally everyone else

and I'll make sure every they all get FORESTED

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It literally looks like a warband skirmish

It's Battania

Gotta put the fear of warbands back in those unruly scots


It's going to have Denuvo and be an EGS exclusive.

sound "kinda" reasonable but useless. Its just little marks at the corner of a unit. Does it really make a difference

It's not as bad as Ubisoft having generic computer HUD on a medieval game but it's still a bad choice and I'll be glad to mod it out.

Hopefully they'll get rid of "everybody's relations with each other drop to shit as the time goes on so all lords start defecting weekly and run around with piss poor armies" mechanic

any hits for picture of Khuzait?

"Mod it out"

imagine being this person

>EGS exclusive
That'll definitely piss off the player base to a massive extent. Doubt it happens.

You don't have to. This is Yea Forums

well its kinda rare these days isnt it

seething that hard is actually pretty common with all the sòy going around

idk. i like warband's better.
24:06 is main theme.

looks like shit desu not excited for this one bit mb isn't fun anymore and this looks just like more of the same but you have to pay nvidia ransom money to see it

I doubt it, but I'd really like to see standard bearers and battlefield drummers

i didnt mean it in any bad way i really like that we can just mod out even litlle things that makes it better for us

Otoyomegatari doujin

user you shouldn't risk being mistaken for a tranny due to Poe's law, you could have received the d-word

shut the fuck up you dumb fucking piece of garbage

I like it, it reminds me of Conan the Barbarian
it's fitting since M&B is Conanesque

and i'll pay whatever price they ask for in a heartbeat

I hope this is well implemented
Like clans holding multi-generational grudges because of what you did seven playthrough ago. Or maybe what you did 20hours ago is now some sort of legendary tale of your grandfather and his legendary sword at the battle of wathevertown, and you can reforge the legendary sword to gain a bonus (moral/renown). Gameplay then could really create shit that exist in the lore and has an influence on the people and their behavior.

or living in the shadow of your previous character, because you had a winning streak and now that you play the new generation, you don't have so much opportunity and its reflected by the world and the characters around you, so enemies underestimate you because of this situation (the son not as great as his father was) so they tries bold moves and mistakes to take you down, something like that

great sandbox storytelling potential

But i'm getting a little ahead of myself, and now I remember that something like building/improving fortress was dimmed to complicated to balance by the devs so ...sometimes dreaming is more fun than gaming

I love it, sounds badass

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too bad i cannot into moonrunes
but it's not a big deal, thanks user

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It's not that hard, especially if you're already into anime/manga

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lol anyway i really look foward to moding scene. mainly total overhauls. Maybe another warhammer? ESO? GoT? o

It's going to be great. Let's just hope the engine is optimized well enough to handle all of it

>it's not that hard
i'm still learning english, i don't have time to learn moonrunes, cyrillic or other shit just to spice my fap experience

ooh, look at those heart shields

>I'm cumming
>it's so big
>is this really okay?
>It's okay to fuck my brother because we're not blood related
There, you can now read 90% of all hentai

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Not that user but that pic is fucking sick post more

basato, I need to rewatch it. I stopped at like episode 50

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Don't have any more of those but you can find them in those reference books about knights, they're easy to to find

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is there any info about moding? or is jist to early

All we know is the engine is being made with moddability in mind

>engine is made with modding in mind
>mods can be added on top of each other and work together (like elder scrolls, fallout), rather than having to be each in their own unique module
>modding tools will be release along side 1.0, no during EA
>pic related is the scene editor tool

Attached: SceneEditor.webm (778x443, 2.6M)

It's funny my dream game is being made by turks. In the 90s I thought the big companies would make this type of game but they never did

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and mod "launcher"? vortex? steam workshop?

>Southern Empire
Ayy to bang widow Empress and also marry her daughter.

no word on that. Safe to assume steam workshop, the rest is down to the community.

Nexus is a given, there will most likely be some mods that you need to install manually as the workshop won't support script extenders when that kind of thing happens.

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so theres no base buildin in game?

can't make this shit up

There can be

Don't trust the Turks. They get off on blueballing westerners. I bet they will "accidentally" destroy their sole copy the day before they upload it

And then they'll blame it on some fire that was accidentally created by FSB and CIA agents fighting inside their studios

maybe with modding, but not in vanilla. What your seeing there is a developers tool for creating the scenes, i.e when you you're sieging a castle a scene made with that editor is what you'll be running around in

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They can't make their story too credible user

cool looking foward to more info

I wonder if travel by boat will be possible?

I wouldn't expect it in vanilla, but DLCs or modding will 100% add it.

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Save your cringe for something worth while like no personal banner because casuals.

>no personal banner
>implying that wont be the first thing that gets modded in

>first thing that gets modded in
That would be porn mods

>banner cariers

There was supposed to be I think but devs went against it after testers abused it maybe it can be turned back on?

Does anybody got update video/screenshot of skill trees?

>1000 units instead of 150 on a battlefield in vanilla

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holy fuck the Irish really are sub humans

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literally 10 years, user

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I just hope the roaches down fowl up this beloved franchise. whenever I see this long ass development times I fear a Duke Nukem Forever

I cant wait anymore

Can't fkin wait.

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yes but what about latifundia and farming? what about phisiocracy? Land, Crops, this is the sould of Faux-Middle Age.

Sturgian, steppeniggers or Battanians?

>your death unites all of your clans and banners
>a fuckhuge army shows up
>led by your son, and his uncles as advisers and captains
>he kills your enemy with your sword

Ancient Greece/Rome

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what faction replaced the Rhodoks?

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Imagine having civil war against your evil relative.


Can't wait for Bannerlord's LOTR mod:

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Vlandians are a mix of Rhodoks and Swadians, before the two split up.


It's in Scotland not ireland you stupid dumb dumb, it's a protestant vs catholic thing

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people are playing it now in the beta as they work on balancing

I'm not gonna make it

What's the landmass in-game called? Is it still Calradia?

1) use a couched lance
2) soften castle walls with archers before going up the ladders
congrats u won

hopefully the real sieges in bannerlord are more intense

Attached: and_not_that_shitty_dynasty_warriors_mod.jpg (220x270, 45K)


This is important

>Tfw Gamescon 2019 was an easy drive from where i live
>tfw didn't go to it

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The multiplayer beta is a disaster it's fucking garbage.

>there are people in this thread right now who won't make it
preemptive F

no u

Your feeling is wrong

is there a kind of varangian guard
I want to do that, get an imperial wife, then take her back to vlandia as I parade my influence around

Warband already supported either 1000 or unlimited (I forget which), it's just that the slider only went up to 150. You had to go into the config file to increase it.

Sounds pretty good, definitely has soul. Sounds like Conan the Barbarian meets Jeff Van Dyck meets DAoC in some places.

>tfw Basil Poledouris is dead and can't do the soundtrack


There is difference between upping it and game being made to handle the upping it.

I hope Yea Forums gets a server

Napoleon was also hundreds of years after the period warband is based off of, in a completely different period, had actual professional, standing armies, and ruled a very large nation.
Granted, it did take too long to raise troops in warband, but it's not really fair to compare it to napoleon, it's a very very different beast

It wasn't a matter of the game being able to handle it, it was purely a matter of CPU availability. When I got my first good computer, I was able to crank it up to 300 or so without notable lag.

I'm guessing Bannerlord can get away with it in vanilla because hardware is 10 years better, and because they're multithreading the engine. If Warband was multithreaded, you could probably have had far more than 1000 units on a modern system.

I just hope they do it diplomacy-style and you can train up troops at your castles.
And if they don't, mods will.
Love me some blood bath

Eh I dont know I upgraded my comp from my 10 year old and I still ran into lag though I havent played vanilla in years.

I just kinda hope you'll be able to recruit more experienced troops to lessen the grind.

What the fuck are you talking about? Late game you can regain your entire lost army in about a week or less

>You had to go into the config file to increase it.
i.e you had to mod your game, it wasn't officially supported.

It doesn't matter how good your PC is, warbands performance craps out once you get to about 500 troops on the field give or take some depending on what module you're using.

The point is that bannerlord officially supports 1000 if you have a good PC, no tinkering required. They're optimizing for 500 on screen though, that's what they aim to have good performance with if you meet the requirements.

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>I fear a Duke Nukem Forever
did it reach beta?

Ponyfaggotry seems a safe bet, although pike+crossbow is also good

Editing a basic config file isn't modding, you fucking dweeb.

>your character kills your evil relative
>and then dies
>since your character didn't have kids, you now control the son of the evil relative that you just killed

Did you play any mods?

Didn't they reduced the building mechanics?
Didn't they put lvl cap?
Didn't they made your character grow old and die?
Didn't they made the ui and gameplay suitable for consoles and MP?

Did i forgot anything else?

seethe more byz cucks while I pillage your villages and your empress

>your clansman revolt
>think "lold no problem, its just one guy and worst situation I just play as him"
>he fucks all loyalist wifes (illcit relations are confirmed in roguery) and incites other lords to revolt
>everybody senses weakness in your kingdom and invades
>well fuck gonna kill myself and play as wanker
>tfw cant play as clansman if they are in revolt/hostile


It's like if Crusader Kings 2 had actual gameplay

What is your point? Even if building system is not as ambitious as it once was its still huge improvement over bare bones warband. Warband already has soft and high lvl cap not a big deal. Invest your points well you cant become good in everything which is good rpg design.

units instead of 150 on a battlefield in vanilla
This is a lie.

Hopefully zero, multiplayer should be removed from the series

HRE in the early days is fucking solid, unlike a crukbling bread in late renaissance

Will I be able to combine herds of cattle or will I be forced to have to play stop and go with multiple herds? If so hard pass. I hate cattle driving missions because of that

Why want less instead of both?
There's some fun MP mods, and hopefully Bannerlord will be populated and not just a few thridworlders.

Would kill the franchise entirely, most people only play multiplayer

Multiplayer is based. Especially the Napoleonic Wars

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Multiplayer is a nice addition to the game which does nothing but prolong the life of the game. Don't like it? Don't play it, a lot of people only still play Warband just for the multiplayer and I happen to be one of them and I personally can't wait until we bring it to the competitive scene of the gaming world.

>most people only play multiplayer
seething mpfag

>most people only play multiplayer
I doubt it.
>competitive scene
Esport ruined every single mp games, no thanks.

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>I doubt it.
It's the reason why any game becomes huge, just look at GTAV. If it was just SP nobody would play it today

Less managing in my book is bad for M&B.Instead of expanding it they reduced it,and made one feature less moddable as well.Hope dlc will fix that.

High cap is big deal.Should be option and i hope it will be modded.Mind you it was a FEATURE IN the previous games.

Growing old and die.Same as above maybe i want to be Conan and conquer everything with one guy.Family tree is a nice thing but i hope you can switch it in options.

MP and Controllers screams casualisation.Hell even the bloody UI designed for peasants screams of it.

>yfw you are about to enrich culturally your opponent

>too bad to play competitively
>''muh gamez are RUINED!!!''

I didn’t even touch the single player for two years. I was exclusively playing multiplayer during that time.

ppl play singleplayer still??

Woah wait a second? They gimped the building mechanics?

>It's the reason why any game becomes huge
It's because of mods.
Also, pic related
789 players out of 11523 players ingame.
Surely it's """""most""""" people playing MP..

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Everyone is waiting for Bannerlord

>trying to argue with mpbabies
user don't do that to yourself.

Not even 1/10th of the active playerbase plays MP.

warband didn't age well

you know they can be easily modded to make cattle follow you? all warband mods have this mod by default.

What the appeal of MP anyway?

what are you taking about ?
UI looks PC as fuck
no button prompts, everything is drag and drop, like windiws explorer
Not ven a sign they will port it on console in 3-5 years

Don't you have mandatory 2-2-2 queue to join you dumb esportcuck?

they mentioned that somewhere that u can't upgrade or buy buildings in towns/villages or reduced the options.
This is old news so im not quite up to date.

yeah Arda is on top of my watchlist.

70% of my Warband playtime was on 'The Last Days', even more in original M&B.

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You are accented into the four chan Yea Forums don't need to make any more tryhard posts like this, initiate.

>getting hit by a horse knock you down
I'm surprised it wasn't in Warband to begin with.

There were no building mechanics, you retards. You can't build your own village like its an RTS. The system is the same as in Warband, you either conquer or get granted a fief, and then you can improve it by choosing what to build, like a manor or a mill or a prisoner tower.

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nobody but hues and russians knows.

It is, it's just an animation instead of ragdoll physics.

For my total ~500hrs of MB and MB:W and a lil bit of WFaS I've played maybe 1hr of MP.

Not that I'm not interested, but SP mods already filled my time.

I thought he meant building as in during battle. You can build sandbanks and stuff. But I see now he’s talking about the buying property aspect.

any new good webms?

It's not really Taleworld's problem if you idiots keep imagining things that are going to be added to the game. They even make weekly blog posts to keep you retards informed, yet you still make things up.

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I like the way you think, HOWEVER consider the following: warring states period

Those huge rectangles for you to click beg to differ.And those menu in another menu.To be fair Warband suffered from the same UI but the point still stands.

I could have sworn there was a mod for this in the original Mount and Blade, though if memory serves it never got released.

which rectangles faggot?

he didn't read all the skills because it's such hassle. thus, he didn't find the training skill

>menu in another menu
so a tree view?
how is this UI consoleshit?

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>Battania is led by Medh instead of Boudica
make it happen

It would be dank if it was like this.But you know bloody well it isn't like the picture you posted.

There is hours of gameplay on youtube now user

Attached: Mount__Blade_II_Bannerlord__Gamescom_2019_Uncut-Gameplay_-_SIEGE_No_Comment__Kein_Kommentar.mp4_1.we (1280x720, 2.66M)

See you muppet. 8:32
looks like fucking treeview to me

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> big button
>hur dur console xd

Well that was the building mechanic and the business investing in town.Some of that would be removed,or so i heard but it was months ago even year maybe.From official dev post.I might be not up to date on this.

You're wrong, you retard.

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>most people only play multiplayer
imagine being this deluded

Meanwhile at TaleWorlds office in Turkey
>*frantic keyboard noises*

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The thing everyone wanted was just bigger battles in multiplayer and that's what I will do the most. I get why people like SP but the AI will still be average at best compared to real people so it can never compare

he's not really wrong. you could build a castle in one if the villages' 4 slots but they removed it. couldn't find source on why they removed it though.

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So when will I be playing Prophecy of Pendor - Bannerlord edition?

your pic is modded warband right?

>The thing everyone wanted was just bigger battles in multiplayer
No what everyone wanted its warband HD basically only a tiny % touched the mp


pop mire like poop

God it looks fun. First hype for a video game in many years. I know I shouldn't, but what could possibly go wrong with the game now?

Warband was very limited even with mods

You mean early access hell that lasts for years and further destroys the modding scene, and ends up with lots of promised features cut? Yeah, whatever.

Similar but the reverse here, I had 2 serious singleplayer campaigns the first year or so Warband came out - enjoyed them but I figured out the system and got bored.

I've played the multiplayer on and off ever since though - it's basically my fallback game whenever there is nothing new out that interests me.

Actual competitive combat instead easily of exploitable dumb AI. Also the player base is pretty fun except for the "Golden Kingdom" servers which I'm pretty sure is run by a tranny

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that's why people wanted Warband HD, most people played it to play the LOTR mods than to play mp

>female general and soldiers
oh no no no Yea Forums told me that's not realistic

It isn't.

then bannerlord will be bad because its not realistic

It isn't, neither is warband. None of it is real history; it is inspired by and cherry picking what parts of medieval mercenary work looks cool.

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>pierre mercenary?
actually decent read

You always get the shittiest village because you're the new guy, don't worry to much about upgrading it.
The real chads jew the economy by building silk sweatshops in every town so you get like 8k per week in profit without having to lift a finger.

I hope to be a bard in MP and play Master of Puppets on a flute

It's because there's no way to "win," no ultimate goal to strive towards. Dropping the game out of boredom leaves a very sour taste.

That one is pretty good, but this is Hawkwood.

Attached: 0008-020.jpg (1651x1200, 659K)

>female soldiers
I only see female characters/companians in charge of 100% male troop trees to me. Timestamp these female soldiers that are so problematic for you.

not a big fan still not bad

Wolfsmund is pretty good and make me angry few times

probably sort of of sword sisters but i remember seeing some too
not that it matter

I really can't contain my excitement, Bannerlord is like the holy grail of vidya and it's everything I want out of a game

>Historians have left vivid portraits of the chieftains, kings, and occasional ruling queens of Palmyra, Kinda, Hirah, and other principalities of the deserts.

Crpg made a launcher

Fuck Gk, they all have a stick up the ass

>he will not be playing as a chad mongol horse archer with a huge scimitar
what's your excuse?

Pizda my sides

How about you stop being an inbred racist tard and get out of your basement for once

I really really want a witcher universe mod

The poltard will be arrested for antisemitism hatcrime

I will (historically accurately) conquer the steppeniggers as a Sturgian, then with my newfound might claim the ripe and fertile lands and women of the Empire for myself. Sturgian bvlls will march across all the lands, raping and pillaging as the weak s**therners are crushed underfoot.
Finally, from the ashes, a new empire will be born.


Dev blog about it:
>Can we still build castles in villages we own?
>We had to drop that feature. At some point in development, fief management became too complex, with towns, castles and villages each having their own specific management screens. The ability to build castles in villages also gave rise to complex rules. For example, demolishing the castle in a village could potentially revert the village to another kingdom and we had to add complex logic to handle that. Overall, we felt that the design had become too bloated and unappealing.
>The solution was changing the status of villages so that they would no longer be considered independent fiefs but were always attached to a castle or town. This removed the necessity to have a management screen for villages and simplified and streamlined the system. The aesthetics of our new villages is also much more pleasing.

anyone else upgrading their cpu before the game releases so they can max out the number of ai troops?

If it wasn't something like Dwarf Fortress *2 in terms of ui and complexity, they should've kept it. Shame.

if you choose to play as a female the game literally tells you you'll have a harder time because it was out of the norm in feudal society, and most lords will treat you like shit

I actually hope that they improve this through the dynastic system
I always want to play as a loyal newly ennobled lord who is grateful for the opportunity that the king has given him but you're essentially forced into forming your own kingdom because the incompetence of the marshals and kings, and difficulty in becoming marshal yourself and in the difficulty of ever getting a decent and well protected fief
would rather work within a kingdom for a couple of generations, intermarrying and helping it thrive then making a bid for king or emperor than being forced to set out and make a kingdom

desu that sounds rather based, the sturgians will most definitely be the chad faction seeing as they're basically russians with jomsviking influences

Is it ever actually worth investing into village buildings?

yes but the payoff is really long term and I wouldn't necessarily think it's worth it in vanilla warband
in my ACOK game I briefly owned a fief with a faction where I built a school and barracks or whatever it is
so I've 100 loyalty, any time I come to recruit I get around 50 higher level troops in one go from the village

*blocks your path*

Attached: Hakim.jpg (516x499, 76K)

>Token nordaboo faction

so have they said whether or not there will be trees of direct vassals?
King - Major Lords - Minor Lords sworn to major lords - etc.

t. seething forest savage

>New reinforcements have arrived
Now this is something I wish Starsector had.

see having villages isn't worth it in the first place.

Uppity sandrats will be crushed against the shieldwalls even easier than the Khuzait. What do they even have? Skirmishers?

I havent played Warband in years, it was my favourite game for a time. What are the hot mods right now for it?

>Another Hundred Years War manga with casual rape
Japs really love that war


Am I meant to play Warband with blocking set to manual or automatic? This mechanic is really annoying.

your sturgians will melt in the desert.
i didn't find the new troop trees but they have cavalry, camelry and archers with recurved bows.

M&Bfags are autisitic losers

Attached: aut.png (351x174, 21K)

manual for maximum fun.
dickplomacy+ctt on /mbg/ for best native+ experience
1257ad enhanced edition on nexus for best deus vult experience.
poop or persino for fantasy. the former is more polished the latter doesn't suck elves cocks and has customizable soldiers are obtainable from the very start

manual if you care about learning your timing and want to play multiplayer at some point, automatic otherwise
I played on manual but switched to automatic once I stopped playing mp

in some mods you could travel with ships, but it was fast travel
i hope we can see ships and have options to land from ships/naval battle

>every higj lord and lording in europe speaks english and are able to communicate with each other casually

it kinda ruins the immersion for me in 1257ad

>not writing a negative review on every game you own until bannerlord releases
that's the least you have to sacrifice to get the bannerlord to grace us with his presence

they've said nothing about it so we can assume no
I have a theory that they may do a Nord Invasion DLC that adds it in akin to Viking Conquest

do it, user. and then don't stop. smoking is a bad meme.

But smoking is cool. He should keep at it.

Latin was the language for almost all Western European nobility, Latin and French.

well yea, we have friends in RL, we dont need to pretend to have them online.

My personal hopes
>Fiefs aren't just pillage magnets anymore and is actually meaningful to manage them; ie upgrade are worth shit
>Lord AI isn't a fucktard anymore and doesn't just puss out because the enemy lord have one more peasant than they do
>More interactions with NPC, be they peasant or kings
I really just want these things now, since most of the other shits I wanted have already been confirmed.

imagine that you all speak latin

I can't wait for the weeb mods.

Attached: 1554049316813.jpg (379x568, 27K)

pretending you have friends and that people like you.


gekokujo 2 will be lit

hope bannerlords brings that back
I enjoyed my rebel archer whore going Xena on motherfuckers and raiding their towns.

>lineage mechanic

hopefully I can disable this shit

didnt have rape either. Which is what happens when a women thought they were equal back then.

You can.
I'm probably going to fuck around a little bit with it, if only to check it out, but I also think that it'll eventually just be a hassle for me.

Warband said that but it's not really true, it turns out that there's a bunch of lords who are actually thrilled by the idea and you'll have an easier time building up relationship with them.
The only true disadvantage to it is that when you join a kingdom you will not receive a fief unless you have a really, really high renown.

I always assumed mass rape was implied whenever you raided a village or conquered a town

Is raiding villages worth it in the long run?

if you don't overdo it then sure, it's a great way to get a quick injection of cash

god damn think im going to have to reinstall warband after this thread

just pick a village or 2 from each faction with a shitty personality lord and keep raiding them till the end of the game.

>that one enemy lord who you always bully at every turn and you end up having a -100 relation






highschool of the dead

>Every faction has
>Melee unit
>Cav unit
>its fourth unit is some hybrid of the other three
such deep unit trees

I did this myself, refused every castle and town I was offered and then once we got Suno immediately put my name forward. By that point I was bros with a lot of the Rhodok lords and they backed me up.

My brain got aneryusm from this 100% pure russian autism. now I know why their vodka knocks out.

>tfw you level every single companion to only shoot bows, which increases their leveling rate exponentially since they get xp from kills like the player does.
>tfw you roll around raping entire armies of men with your band of 10 superhuman archers using the greatest equipment money can buy
by the end they each had like 500 bow skill and were like fucking machine guns lmao

Can someone post the image describing the factions again? I recall the empire sounding the best (Heavy Calvary and Archers) but isn't there two empire factions?

don't you get cucked by the abundance of shields?

So lords, kings and NPCs are going to age as well right? Would be weird as fuck playing as your great-great-great grandson and Harlaus is still going strong. Is there a option to play it like warband where it's just your one character? I imagine someone would make a mod allowing that anyway.

what's wrong with balance? I'd rather have that than every faction only having 1 good troop

would also like to see this

That's not to say the unit price, skills, and equipment won't be pretty different. I also hope it isn't overbalanced, but even if it is I'm sure mods will be out quickly.

I actually found the level of faction specialization pretty annoying in Warband - that you couldn't get even light cavalry as Rhodok/Nord annoyed me

there's three empire factions
north, south, west
they all seem to have the same trees so far

at long ranges the ai advances without raised shields, and their bow skill and equipment was so fucking high that they would snipe most of the army from across the map. when they did get in range their bow damage was also extremely high due to 10 power draw and having god tier bows and arrows.

the real weakness was very long battles because eventually they would run out of ammo, so I stared giving them 2 hand swords as backup.

I mean you generally abused the one unit that was good that your units had. I remember being the not-russians and getting their longbow and then filling all their defenders with holes outside their range and then charging up to take a castle once only 30 guys were left

That was Count Regas for me in Warband.
>be chilling in Rhadoks
>See this dude defected to our side
>Meet him for the first time when going to check on my waifu, a tomboy
>He's there
>Talk to him
>Tells me to back the fuck off from her
>Propose to her right then and there
>She accepts
>Her father and brother are my bros and are happy as fuck
>Get married
>All the lords, including my uncle in law I managed to make from a enemy into a bro are there
>Regas standing in the corner alone
>Find out all the other lords hate Regas
>Plot with all of them to bully the fuck out of him, dueling him and wrecking his shit and telling the king to never give him anything
>King trusts me enough to always do it, and I always improve my relationship by being such a based lord
>Regas spends entire game being cucked out of every potential village or town he could get, stuck with a really shit one with really poor prosperity

Asymmetrical every faction had its strength and weakness.
And nothing could stop you going to other places to get other faction recruits.Also there are mercs for a reason.

I heared that you can hit multiple enemies with one strike now, is this true?

Attached: 921.jpg (654x421, 60K)

Building in battles is already part of the game are you retarded?

I for one support the Southern Empire
fuck the army faggots and fuck the senate cucks, we live in a Monarchist Empire

Attached: justininan pepe.png (800x770, 931K)

The "abusing the one good unit" system is what I think they're trying to avoid and I like that change overall.

Mercenaries felt unreasonably expensive in 99% of situations to me though and it really activated my autism when as a Nord lord I couldn't get some basic cavalry to chase bandits off with unless I went to another nation for recruits. It just feels super gamey for factions to be missing core unit types completely, I'd much prefer the asymmetry come from the quality/type of units rather than a weird absence of them.

Attached: yes i have autism.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

Aye and scheming whores get the block. This isnt sultanate of whores as long as I stand.

do you have problem with that white bread?

Attached: when you lose argument with KARA BOĞA.png (639x552, 397K)

Yeah, but I don't remember if they specified how it would work. Hopefully, it's balanced between weapon weight, swing speed, and the armor of the enemy.

How will proto-Vaegirs be the worst kingdom this time around?

What's the lore on the different empire factions? Why they divided?


Attached: hmmm.png (658x174, 12K)

Glad they're keeping the harder start in game.
>Early access will have most if not all content
>including SP and MP
>just expect tons of bugs, as is early access typical
Fuck yes.

>imagine being as cucked as Battania

that's the mod i'm counting on to appear as fast as possible, japanese castles are comfy

Attached: a2b.jpg (567x437, 29K)

>A little bit of modding and you'll finally be able to make a QT tomboy

Attached: 1558367150485.png (800x750, 20K)

Battania confirmed woke

She's in!

Attached: 43491565_p0.png (500x706, 545K)

>Why they divided?
Many a year ago there was a divide
North Empire likes tomboys
West Empire likes big boobs
South Empire likes small boobs

Is it still conjecture at this point that Battania will have a female ruler?

Oh fuck, how am I going to decide between north and west now?


It's up to the player to make them see the truth that they are all beautiful, uniting them under one banner once more. So it doesn't matter where you start, only where you end up.

but its looking like they'll be setup as the first Mountain Blade kingdom to have a female liege at the start

Shame about their units, bow specialists are ass

tons of anons will die long before it ever comes out

>Hmm... why does my female generals only recruit SandSoldiers
lol poor battania

That's how the East Empire started with noble intentions but the original Emperor was overthrown by an Emperor who was popular with the masses because of his famous "Butts are great!" speech

Good for you user, its for the better!

literal faggot
imagine being this much of a scared pussy

100% chance I die as it's loading up for the first time.

they won't because they're nords but called vaegirs

>>just expect tons of bugs
did you see that many bugs in the gamescom videos?


>A little bit of modding and you'll finally be able to make Oyugun the Nomad.

Attached: 1412778557250.gif (250x277, 77K)

>muh jew
>im a pussy who cant smoke or drink because im scared waa


i forgot:

>Chad Southern Empire
>mlady fedora tippers

literal seething manbabies
go back to daycare skinnyfags

>had actual professional, standing armies
he got most of those guys killed in egypt and during the austerlitz campaign and the prussian victories. by the time of spain, portugal and his defeat by austria on the danube he was already pulling 16 year olds for immediate conscription in 1806 from the "classes" of 1807, 8 and even 9 in one year: a quarter million troops were drafted or stolen from defeated armies and like the "young napoleon' little mac during the american civil war, getting napoleonic draftees into the field was like shoveling ticks across a barnyard: not half of them got there, and then you had mass desertions given the shitty logistics and napoleons retarded (lack of) planning.

>Oyugun the Nomad

Based norf
Simple as.

if you think southern is more chad than west you're retarded

I'm joining Battania

Attached: nervous.png (333x386, 260K)

>my wife's empire

>he likes clickbait content
literal cuck

One that recreates the Hundred Years War and you play as Joan of Arc or one of her generals

Northern Empire
Southern Empire
Western Empire

Attached: F for Swadia.png (500x628, 534K)

>tfw my PC is going to destroy this game

Attached: 1375493344359.gif (500x375, 506K)

>warband can handle 250 or so units on screen on a single core
>they're saying they're optimizing properly this time

gamer math tells me 8 cores = 2000 chars on screen

Normans you uneducated peasant

Oyugun, she's a nomad.

Attached: 1412953071514.gif (400x225, 138K)

that is some serious autism

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-25 Mount and Babe Whoreband by Kuroshio - Hentai Foundry.png (1620x262, 27K)

>implying I'm not playing a tomboy vassal

Emperor dead.
>Empress wants to put daughter on throne.
>General wants to put himself on throne.
>Senate wants less throne, more democracy.

Fuck the senate

>senate of rich landlords who serve for life and who put their interests ahead of those of the common Calradian
>"more democracy"
take your Northern propaganda and shove it up your ass senatecuck

So basically the senate wants themselves on the throne?

Gonna have to side with the Western Empire desu.

Attached: 1566686543032.png (341x334, 107K)

Attached: cato.jpg (735x675, 61K)

They put it as "we want to vote on who gets the throne", which basically amounts to "we want a sockpuppet".

fuck cato

Attached: chad populares.png (2518x1278, 342K)

Sounds like it's time to start skull fucking senators one by one and stealing their butter then.

Hopefully a new Gekokujo

can you be a senator?
can you roast them?

Can you fuck the Empress or her daughter?

I never had more fun than I did playing an imladris outrider adventuring around middle earth with her merry band of random soldiers recruited from all the lands. Felt like I was playing that third age RPG since I'd just show up to every big battle I could.

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an AD1257 like game. the engine allows a shitton more objects on the overmap so a proper looking european map would be the Nasty.

I'd prefer AND her daughter.

treeniggers confirmed onions faction

steampunk or victorian

>nobody ever heard of
Congrats on your first post, you'll get the hang of things eventually!

never followed the modding comunity, I just tried mods as they came out
how are they planning stuff ahead of time? does everyone on that site have some kind of direct chat with taleworlds?

The kingdom of Mywifessonia

>anons here will die in those 8 months

Attached: 1558658816904.jpg (1024x427, 37K)

based Cicero

where does the 8 month number even come from? have they confirmed a release date?

If the engine is more flexible, gunpowder.
I want to see cannons go boom.

Supposedly early access in March.

>and others
alright, what other factions will fall for the feminism meme?
I'd assume Southern Empire and maybe Sturgians

fuck death you're not claiming me before I get to play

Attached: 1562821671847.jpg (534x548, 55K)

March 2020 for EA

Attached: 13ba6ca35de5034ff3723a46a19cec1122b43b1e9bf5b2befa7e0070e403112f.png (1000x1414, 499K)

western/north empire and aserai will probably be the only ones full of sausage armies

>has to hide behind a 3rd party reader
Was Cicero the original keyboard warrior?

Conan mod. There was one for of m&b that was really fun but dev left and it never finished

>Yes we're from Battania how could you tell?

Attached: Battanians.jpg (603x786, 385K)

I have now decided to play Vlandia for the sole purpose of putting soibois to the sword

I can't really imagine vlandia to have female soldiers as well

so does that means it can be a policy you can impose? can I go full amazonian and only have women?

Conan the barbarian, or kull the conqueror

Is gekokujo worth it?
I never really gave it a shot but I've seen it mentionned a lot in these threads

Whats the combat like in the M&B games?

Looks ripe to be ASERAIDED

>the og sword sisters
yeah no they will have them, you even have that harlaus dalog where he mentions every time there was a female leader she fucked up

sturgia is early slavic

Callum literally said Vlandia was patriarchal though

Aserai girls love BIG EMPIRE COCK

a year ago

>first successful born kid was a mutt between a battanian and an aserai
lmao and the woodcuck

I cant

I cant believe we fucking made it, hope it's all we've ever wanted


How can Battanians even compete?

i hope they can mod in ninja to open the castle doors using the seige mechanics

Attached: 1425981498755.gif (200x149, 1.51M)

I hope you're not limited to one kid.
I'm wanting to go full patriarch of a massive happy clan.

This wouldn't happen if Medb was queen



Fucking perisno. Also warsword conquest but done better.

based and cuckpilled

Last Days is just so Janky it is nearly unplayable for me. The resource system sucks ass and starting the game as a "leader" with a donkey and a broken stick is terrible.

battanian subhuman, how does this make you feel?

You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class battanians. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the battaniansall it would take to destroy this community is one ASERAI bull!

Just imagine, it’s a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this battanian white town until suddenly a couple of ASERAI bulls walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic battanian husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn’t stop until every girl was carrying their children, the battanian women’s original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.

The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to the Khuzait Khanate where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly steppe girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the Khuzait hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.

Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their ASERAI children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior ASERAI who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can’t take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse.

Attached: bannerlord happy family.png (753x828, 898K)

I really hope there's an option to play as a kid, could make for a nice challenge.

7/10 reheated pasta is still old

i think its alot of fun
make sure you get the daimyo edition since it was developed further

>having a daughter

Attached: 1564998517.jpg (327x327, 57K)

>letting women vote or fight
poor Cuckattaanians

Good god she's literal goblina as well

I cant wait for the Roman mod

>my conscriptions papers arrived the same day the release was announced

>Roman mod that also lets you imprison and impregnate barbarian women

Attached: romanfu.jpg (1536x2048, 125K)

the aserai guy looks like he's suffering inside

just become a conscientious objector lmao

Attached: Blessed are the Peacemakers.gif (349x432, 65K)

based Dr. Peterson

>tfw more excited about mp than sp
fucking LOVE napoleonic wars, its going to look and be fantastic in the new engine. also hopefully crpg makes a return.

Pretty realistic

Can't, if I do that i get slapped with a shitty public service job which pays less than half of minimum wage for full-time labor

Smoking is good for the brain

its almost like the factions were modeled after real life historical nations.

>having a son

Attached: cuckquean.jpg (1176x644, 147K)

I like every faction having access to mounted troops, less gamey, good from bad being dependent on things like equipment, and training

>he doesn't know slavs had their own viking style raiders

Attached: 1655838-Rycina-prezentujaca-chasnikow-niosacych-swoja-lodz.jpg (619x400, 131K)

or a

The announcement has me excited. Recommended mods to hold me over? I’ve played PoP.

Attached: B7192CA6-B2A1-4DDC-B8C1-B3D67768B4F9.jpg (640x480, 23K)

it's not as complex or fleshed out compared to some other overhaul mods, but it's polished and has a great atmosphere

Gekokujo Daimyo Edition
Nova Aetas
Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth

Just started playing warband. The rest are easy to figure out but who are Rhodoks and Swadians supposed to be?

I hope i can recreate Emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus' last stand with one of the warring Imperial faction.

Attached: 708a2edaf9c62bb5f47795dcddbf2fcb.jpg (930x1235, 284K)

Retards and Swabians.

pizzaniggers and frogs

He also didn't bother to raise his reputation with villages to where he can recruit like 10 people per village.

That Greta Thunberg?

brave new world
wild west mod
crusade against jihad
tons of middle earth mods coming out

holy shit is that Grum?

Attached: Grum.gif (458x378, 948K)


For me, it's fun raiding and pillaging everywhere as I LARP as a Chinese warlord in the WW2/Red Wars mod.

>M&B 3 comes out in 2040
>you're able to reconstruct real life historical battles with tens of thousands of troops in either side

Bushwack those filthy fucking injuns.