Is Jill's RE3 design still option today?

Will it be changed like Claire's in Remake 2?

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>posts retard tranny Sue wearing her RE1 attire
user did you even play RE3? Jill wears a tanktop, sweater and a skirt, pretty common attire even nowadays, so of course it's an option.

RE1, maybe? But REmake HD didn't have complaints.

If you wanted to post trannies, at least you could post cute ones.

fpbp as usual. Now decide.

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Helena seems like she'd be a blast in bed

2, 1, 12, 5, 9, 8, 11, 3, 10, 6, everyone else can GTFO I'm not into lolis or annoying presidential spawn.

She just got added to the capcom card game in her RE3 design.

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This. She'd fuck back.

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I like how there's 3 versions of Jill

5, 7, 9, 10

Claire is best girl. Old Claire at least, not a huge fan of nu-Claire.

Fuck Jill, Marry Claire, Kill Ashley


Nu-Claire is the best incarnation of her lol.

No it fucking isn't.

>he hasn't wanked to Jordan
did you know you're gay recently or years ago?

What the fuck are you talking about?


It's pretty simple user, Jordan/Claire > all other Claires. To refute this makes you a gaylord lol.

Damn, mirin that shoulder width.

Kill yourselves, faggots. Claire is ugly is fuck and no amount of spam is going to change that.

RE3 is my favorite RE but I think jills costume was meh so ide be ok with a change. Best be the disco outfit though and the Regina one or im gonna be mad.

>the most common consensus is now spam because this user is gay and disagrees
okay homo go wank off to sue lightning lmao


Rolling for Rebecca


Are you actually fucking retarded?

Why so aggressive homo? :)

What an ugly freak of a man.

I guess you are.

Okay homo :)

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I respect Beccafags more than I do Clairefags.

>versions of the same character

Yeah, why don't you push the bitch a little bit harder, faggot. Might as well throw in wesker-controlled Jill while you're at it.


Is that the dude that let that aids petri dish christian fuck him in the ass?


This fucking guy

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She's cute, who is that?


If you're gonna post bait at least make it worth something
>James/Sue Kelly used Venmo which not only had his real name but also her mother's and brother's
Helena and Ada. Rebecca would be fine but I have the feeling she's one of those annoying talkers in bed

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Why does Sue trigger so many people on Yea Forums?

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Yes with the added bonus of getting prison daddied by him in a bathroom afterwards.

She cute

>followed some of the history behind Sue
>Found the vid where she blows some dude called Robin
>Didn't know who he was up to this point, did further research
>Found that he later also became a tranny who gets fucked in the ass by dudes
>Says in the BJ video he didn't have plans on transitioning and that he was straight
Does Natalie Mars coerce people in transitioning or something?

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I never understand why people say "But Jill is a cop and she shouldn't wear a skirt in the zombie outbreak", as far as I know, long sleeved shirts and pants don't protect anyone from bites (see the walking dead)

Is she a tranny?

Most of Yea Forums is young and scared of their sexuality.

>prison daddied
what does this mean? pissed on?

Read the thread lmao

that's a mobile game you can't be succesful there without sluts

Just rolling into thread to say I'm fine with being homosexual if it means not fapping on literal goblinface.

this is why i exclusively fap to 2D

there's a /gif/ thread floating around with some dirt on that situation. idk about sue but the shit about robin is infinitely more hilarious
all i remember about sue was natalie basically peer pressured her into sex work cuz they were friends/dating and nowadays she's still living with her because she doesn't wanna bother getting the fuck out of vegas

explains why morrigan literally has her tits out in this game

TBF. That's basically her character in a nutshell user.

i wish he was a girl.

Yeah I remember hearing that Sue was coerced into doing it, looking at all her streams it's really not surprising when you look back and see how disinterested she seems in the actual sex that's performed on stream

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how do you get raped in a porno?

Shit all you have to do is look at the uncut Christian vid
She doesn't even get fucked for that long and it's mostly hand and blow

>millions of dollars
>extremely gifted with impressions
>gets to fuck hot trannys

I wish I were Anthony


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It was after the shoot was done.
>Her doxx was out before the e3 shitfit
Heh. Guess she really is stupid, you'd think that would be a thing to delete after moving on with life.
Oh that reminds me, he apparently quit being a tranny and did a thread on Yea Forums years ago but he gave zero deets about anything.
Now when will somebody find the cry stream already

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While there's no way someone didn't record it I'm astounded it hasn't shown up anywhere. I wonder the kind of impact it could have on her channel if it gets leaked