>b-but this is all Kojimas plan, he's just trolling us!
Cope more
>b-but this is all Kojimas plan, he's just trolling us!
Cope more
kojima has never let me down in terms of gameplay
>heh, the game's come out and it's flopping hard, nobody's buying it, and everybody hates it... Kojima is such a master troll! he's done it yet again! take that, trolls! he meant to spend $200M on the game while barely earning half of that!
What are people expecting from this, Call of Duty? It's a traversal-survival game where you have to take into account how much you can carry, what you can carry, what will be useful to you and how to detect and avoid danger.
Reminder that when you're out of options to defend the game, always bring up Call of Duty for absolutely no reason.
So it's a walking simulator with tedious inventory management on top?
And you guys are excited for this? wtf
He isn't trolling, but he clearly selected gameplay intended for comedic effect at Gamescom given he intends for the full gameplay reveal to be at TGS.
>he clearly selected gameplay intended for comedic effect at Gamescom
Kojima clearly has piss fetish, there's been pissing in every Kojima's Metal Gear Solid game, not completely sure about Peace Walker though.
>Talentless Japanese wannabe-Hollywood-director hack is a degenerate
Who'da thunk it
I doubt it. He's just a nip, their standards for what we consider juvenile toilet humour is basically non-existent. Take the recurring Johnny character in MGS, he probably goes over really well with Japanese people while it's kind of just cringey to westerners that aren't 8 years old.
Why are kojimacels the biggest fucking losers on the planet?
Yes I'm expecting Kojimas next game to be Call of Duty, retard
>g-go play call of duty instead!!
we've reached levels of cope I didn't think were humanly possible
Of course the Gamescom gameplay video was just a silly gimmick. But I'm pretty sure the actual game is gonna be pretty slow and contemplative for the most part too. The people who complain about Red Dead Redemption 2 having too much riding and walking to places are probably gonna hate it.
I also expect it to not do too well commercially.
>Dude! It's not a walking simulator!
>It's a walking simulator plus inventory tetris!
this, mgs5 might be shit story, level design, and some other stuffs, but the gameplay and mechanic are so fucking fun.
You act like the gameplay was kojima's doing
>things will never happen
>every game directed by Kojima has had good gameplay
But he makes you so upset that that must just be a coincidence right?
>12 enemies per base
>pointless upgrades
>at least 10 minutes travel to enemies' territories
Kojidrones are pathetic.
>MGSV was 4 years ago
>there's still people refusing to get off the ruse cruise
he didn’t want to show because it will spoil everything.
yet another stupid mgs5 retard
Kojima doesn't even play games. I remember back in like 2012 he was asked what games he had recently played and answered Red Dead Redemption, which he stopped playing because he found it too long.
Why does he make games with at least 50% cutscenes then???
Why are absolute Ludo's like The Last Guardian not given the benefit of the doubt but this nonsense is?
He watches at least 2 movies every single day. That's what he said himself.
Or just one
>Every day, no matter how busy his schedule, the designer takes 90-odd minutes to watch a film at his desk. "It's part of my ritual to watch a new film every day, no matter what," he says. "It's important to me."
I see you've never played Snatcher or Policenauts.
kojima is such a sucker for rockstar cock
kojim sad himself on fucking stage
>I cant show more before TGS
nothing new
Normalfag Kojimadrones are some of the biggest retards out there.
nobody even remembers that game sadly
People want to see Kojima becomes Sean Murray 2.0
reddit anti kojima are even more worst like you
Agreed lol
Stop posting, Kojima.
It'll sell very well. It has the celebrities normies like and the "ohh emm gee this Japanese guy is so quirky! But also like deep and artistic like me :) " factor to draw in normalfags.
It still likely won't be a very good game though.
it literally is tho
we've already seen plenty of bits and teasers that show that there is a lot more to the game than walking/pissing. He is intentionally keeping the gameplay shrouded in mystery the same way he is doing it with the story.
Anyone who seriously thinks that the game will be about pissing and walking is a legitimate retard
>implying peepee poopoo humor isn't the pinnacle of comedy in 2019 when everything else is deemed too offensive
Today's westerners eat that shit up, no pun intended.
imho it looked pretty comfy
If you think this game will sell poorly you're delusional, regardless of how good the final product is.
>snowy mountains in the game
>pissing in the game
Will we be able to make yellow snowballs? Or piss something into the snow?
Why does everyone act like walking simulators can't be good? That's pretty much how I played RDR2.
I hope this takes off and then we'll see mass suicides.
>people still defend Hackjima
I will never understand why he has such a massive following. He makes movies, not games, and the plot is tinfoil levels of retarded. If you watched the MGS2 bonus disk, you would know Kojima has fuck all to do with the gameplay. He is mainly in charge of the bullshit story.
>user said level design is shit
>Retard claimed level design is shit
Why the fuck are you so retarded?
>Inventory Tetris
made me chuckle
its mgs zero
>The ship is already sinking
>Best games of all time have his name plastered all over them
I personally enjoyed the fuck out of 5, when someone's argument about the gameplay being bad is because they're autistic and need to play to what they feel is optimal, or they pretend the soldiers developing countermeasures to techniques you use is the same as an enemy in an action game having new combat moves, they're brainless
Yea Forums - Tweets and YouTube comments
Still seething, Xtranny?
>kojima haters SEETHING at another kino absolute kino masterpiece of interactive entertainment
stay mad that the most anticipated game this year isn't muh adhd ebin multiplayer pvp calladuty clone, zoom zooms
Maybe Konami was right.
>at another kino absolute kino
He designs gameplay. Stealth in MG was his idea. So was the decision to go open world.
>decides to go open world after all the big AAA games are open world
stunning and brave
this is pretty obvious, I bet almost nothing shown the last few years will even be in the game. real gameplay will be shown at TGS, hideos said so himself at gamescon
You're right I should've said every game I've played, still the majority of them.
why does based kojimbo make virgins so mad?
unironically, why do people wank this man off all the time?
Because people like games and he makes good games.
>Cope more
Ironic. Stay cucked.
He made himself look like a fucking hack? Epic troll.
He wasn't expecting gaymers to be as dumb as they are. A trailer with pissing and Geoff Keighly is not a gameplay reveal. Kojima said it himself on stage that it's just a 'hint' of the game and everyone ignores that.
but the cut scenes! they look cinematic!
Kojima's plan is probably to blunder through making a weird dumb game that he thought up on a whim one day and hope people like the twitter screencap hype it up well for him.
Assuming you can call that a plan.
Right? I connected with Arthur more than nearly any other video game character because we got to experience his day to day. That game succeeded in it's story because we were totally immersed in playing as Arthur. I don’t get why people are so averse to video games being more character driven and longer.
Nigga, I play MGS for the crazy ass story and the gameplay. Without one, the other can't sustain the game.
>If you watched the MGS2 bonus disk, you would know Kojima has fuck all to do with the gameplay
Did YOU watch it or MGS4's making of for that matter? Nigga relentlessy tests his games every fucking day and then writes notes that are delivered to the proper team. Why do you think he's posting all those DS pics of him playing on twitter?
I see were finally at the bargaining phase of grief.
>spidey's backlash
>kojimbo milking SIE dry for years, "game" has high chances of flopping
are we witnessing the last days of Playstation?
Revolutionary. Truly.