Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019

Does anyone know which multiplayer game modes will be offered?
I am a big fan of headquarters, domination, demolition, kill confirmed, and I'm hoping these will be there...

I'm playing the alpha that is out, and I'm seriously considering preordering.. but i want to know which multiplayer game modes there are..
>also i couldn't care less about battle royal style games.. my distaste for those is what lead me to try this cod alpha

I haven't bought a cod game in a long long time, but this alpha is reminding me of the old cod I loved.

I am a very casual gamer, and I've never actually pre ordered a game... how do preorders work? If the game is shit during the beta testing, can i refund?

Thanks for any info

Attached: 1529555792274.jpg (640x480, 37K)

This picture reminded me of the time when I was 12 or 13 I literally tried to fuck my sister's cat. it ran away later that night and never came back. What the hell is wrong with me?

You should be commited. Youre a sick individual

But before you do that, do you have any info about the new cod? I have a feeling no one is going to amswer my question

well was the cat hot?

Before or after roasting it?


Not me

Not me

Not me

>why the fuck wont anyone answer my cod question

what question

Not me

Was the cat hot?

>what multiplayer games are likely/confirmed to be on the new cod?
>what are the refund rules for a preorder if you dont enjoy the beta testing stage?

Not me

Not me

>13 replys
>12 about fornicating with felines

Bloody hell

Not me

>how do preorders work?
You don't. That's how they work.
Never buy before day one. Nowdays don't buy MP games before a month.
Hell, stop buying single player games on release, we already set a precedent that they alter your product after launch

Not me

Not me

user you're not supposed to take the memes literally
>a cat is fine too

so just never buy games ever?

op is asking about a multiplayer aspect of the cod game. doesnt seem concerned about single player at all

Not me

I dont get the joke

Is this a meme