Just use Unity

Just use Unity.

Attached: unity3d_logo.png (490x490, 18K)

I use it at work.
>Audio fucking sucks unless you replace the whole thing with Wwise.
>Game UI solution is a fucking atrocity.
>Official policy for networking is "write your own code".
>Crashes routinely. Often for literally no reason, such as hitting the play button on a stable game. Starting it up again is fine.
>Memory leak leads to visual artifacting after ~1 hour of development.
>Slow as fuck, often takes 2 or 3 seconds to click on anything.
>Click on an object 25 times to actually select it.
>Search system fucking sucks.
>Tags system fucking sucks.
>Schitzo layout. Not just in terms of windows, but options all over the windows.
>Y is up. (Whatever.)
>A lot of people hate it just because its easy to use, and a lot of shovel-ware and asset-flips come out for it.
>Lives and dies on its plugins.
>C# is good for designers, easy to learn and quick enough to run a game on.
>In-engine animator is nice.
>2D animation trees are a breath of fresh air, and rad as fuck.

use godot

Use Unreal then?

Oh, Use RPGMaker.

I'm having trouble setting up enemy patrols. They just zip to one of the end points and then not move for whatever reason.

I remember some floating point thing happening to me with this in Unity and the distance remaining to the navigation point.

It was something about enemies not being able to reach certain points on the navmesh, and they would sit there are recalculate it if it happened.

You can't just post that and not show the code.

It's owned by Epic

Who's wrong with Epic

Nothing. Timster just doesn't give a shit about good PR and thinks money and exclusives is everything.

Just use Gamemaker Studio


>Need to update vrchat sdk
>Unity can't overwrite files, so I have to close the project and manually delete them before installing them.

Pretty annoying. Also notice that updating files outside of Unity shows no difference at all.

>making a vr

lol loser

Get with the times, Cyclops.

>Y is up.
>using hard coded vectors instead of Up/Down/etc.

shiggity diggity do

Attached: 1531328080111.jpg (225x225, 9K)

That would be retarded.

Alright lets settle this.

y+ = up
z+ = forward
x+ = right

ECS production-ready when?

2027 January.

>shit performance
>"Just use job system and ECS"
>development becomes 10 times harder and more time consuming

>Shit performance

It's not the performance, it's the scalability. Unity runs very well, even with the managed language layer. I'm surprised what little performance impact that has anyway.

>black cube of Saturn

Attached: 1564758170898.png (183x232, 19K)


What does it all mean

Attached: index.png (225x225, 1001)



Attached: right hand rule.png (319x250, 10K)