The mom clearly volunteered, what the fuck was his problem.
The mom clearly volunteered, what the fuck was his problem
Other urls found in this thread:
didn't get gangbanged by soldiers
Meeting Lightning
>instantly dies
Too cute.
t. Lightning
He wanted to talk to Snow after her death but when he got there he saw him and his friends joking around which pissed him rightfully off.
Game is pretty good
It aged like milk
Your meme phrases are meaningless
For the most part the game still looks nice, especially the environments. Really quite beautiful.
More impressive considering how so many PS3 games have aged poorly visually.
I love the environments.
his mom was HOT
but why is it locked to 60fps?
Lightning deserved a better game.
wow these look cool might actually buy this game for 5€ when its back on sale again
>60gb download because noone at squenix thought that maybe people didn't want to have all localisations downloaded at once
I like the game but it an be pretty monotonous, i take breaks between sessions to play other stuff and come back, still havent beaten it.
>none of your characters look like this
cute boy, I want him to fuck moms
>there are people who unironically look back fondly to FF13
15 must’ve really rustled people’s jimmies. I admit even I feel a bit nostalgic. It’s a shame you couldn’t explore Cocoon and Gran Pulse was so empty, the game was beautiful.
I liked 15
>playing with Sazh and Vanille when Hope and Fang are clearly the superior party
Alright, thats pretty much all my screenshots.
I like them more
Whenever I replay XIII I use cheat engine to remove the crystarium chapter limits for uncapped party development
Are there any good mods for this game?
Did Hope and Light /ss/?
should I play the second and third games?
Yes. I'd post some of my collection but my fucking range is blocked again.
This game's world looked really nice but you are barely given any time to appreciate it because you're just running through it all in a straight line.
>Using Light/Fang/Hope before Stage 9 Crystarium
What a fucking scrub, I bet you think you need stagger to kill most enemies in this game.
>Death spammer
Opinion discarded
>what the fuck was his problem
His mother died.
He's a retarded emo dumbass. The only worse character in that game is the plain old retarded dumbass Snow.
FFXIII was stupid and immemorable
Hope wasn't exactly wrong when he said Snow tricked his mother into fighting. The dumbass was was recruiting people to "fight back", trying to act like a comic book hero and a leader. But his grand strategy ended up just being "run at the enemy across an open bridge and punch things while a fucking ARMORED AIRSHIP is firing missiles at everything". He even brags to his friends (and later to Hope's face that "heros don't need plans"), and that very mentality keeps getting everyone around him slaughtered including Hope's mom.
Oh my god. Thank you for saying this. I fucking hate Snow. Who the fuck made him? Did they really think he'd come off as anything remotely close to likeable? Holy shit...… like, I can't even
Death is shit for the instakill property though. Its only real use is getting an early growth egg from Neochu and dealing insane damage against Long Guis.
stop whining all the fucking time
just play the games
Having summoned creatures who stick around and fight alongside you is pretty nice.
Highwind's the better way to damage Long Guis
Aren't they like digimons and the digi destined? How gaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
Not if you're on Stage 9 only.
Transformers Summons were cool as shit. If only they put more thought into Gestalt movesets as it mostly boiled down to spamming one move.
Can someone explain to me and this is a brainlet as fuck question, why backgrounds like these, is easier to run than say an open world?
Currently replaying this game at the moment. It's still a gorgeous looking game even by today's standards plus the enemy/boss design is really good. Sadly the story telling is ass and the pacing of the game is just so lack luster.
Enemy, Enemy, Enemy, Cut Scene, Repeat.
can you stop pretending like FFXIII wasn't literally a straight line and THE Final Fantasy game that introduced "press 1 button for several hours to win"
I still can't believe they did the same shit in XV. Un-fucking-believable
just look around, why do you need the game to tell you when you are allowed to enjoy the scenery or not
XIII has way more stupid plot holes than that.
Vanille has 3 holes. Which does Fang choose?
I'm no programmer but it depends on the game. Generally speaking open world have a lot more shit going on that they gotta render, and it all depends how complex, how well made, and optimized it is. For instance some garbage ass looking game like kenshi with a lot of AI doing a lot of shit runs like ass while many super pretty games run smooth. But generally speaking a pretty static background isnt very complex so it's easier to run.
>can you stop pretending like FFXIII wasn't literally a straight line
thats almost every JRPG. chrono trigger is exactly like this.
That meme hold one button has existed from even during the SNES era FFs though.
Why don't you play FFXIII since you love it so much
Oh, you can't because it's so fucking boring? Then shut the fuck up
Why did they make him so damn cute?
Autobattle is a meme and an incredibly boring and inefficient way to play the game. Manual command entry+Repeat is better 90% of the time. There's more strategy in tailoring your Paradigm deck and equipment for each encounter to kill efficiently than there is in most RPGs.
Yeah well FFXIII is the first in the series in which pressing only 1 button is 100% guaranteed to get you through the entire game with zero failure rate. Honestly how the fuck can you call that a game? It's not a game.
This isnt remotely true
You're a remote controller shoved up a kid's ass after his mom cancels his WoW subscription and you smell like feces
Final Fantasy I with 4 Warriors.
still hate the fashion in that game. I'm a massive slob and don't usually give a shit about what characters wear, but in XIII it was distracting. and it just got worse in XIII-2. Still don't know who thinks that stuff looked good or cool. Fuck you, Noel.
he's a kid that lost his mother, he didn't care about the circumstance he just needed someone to blame, eventually he realises there's no point blaming someone who's actively trying to help you and grows up
I really liked the story and setting in 13 but the sequels completely shit on it imo, without the setting and story to fall back on they aren't very good, fucking time travel and immortality and shit, stupid as hell
>Autobattle is a meme and an incredibly boring and inefficient way to play the game. Manual command entry+Repeat is better 90% of the time. There's more strategy in tailoring your Paradigm deck and equipment for each encounter to kill efficiently than there is in most RPGs.
everything you said is irrelevant since 2 out of 3 members of your party are forced to auto battle with zero control over their actions other than switching their jobs
the game is built around auto battle, that's not a meme, that's fact
Pressing this button makes you win every fight.
In FFXII you had to equip good gambits to do that and even then it wouldn't work all the time.
it isn't but ok, if you press auto battle without trying or understanding the mechanics you will get walled pretty early on.
He was just trying to cope, he realizes this eventually
Why are there holes in his boots? He isn't even wearing socks, how the fuck are those supposed to protect his feet?
You're right. This design is ass. His armguard is also on his left arm... Is he left handed? And is he really trying to fight with that stupid string wrapped around his right arm? That's bound to cause problems. And why are there so many dangly parts on his outfit? Are you sure this guy is a fighter? He looks more like a clown to me
I think I kinda get it. So in an open world, the world renders according to what the camera can see? And game's like GoW or the Division where each areas are simply “static backgrounds” that are “stitched” together. That's why the graphical fidelity is so high. In division your camera only sees a few blocks forward and an avenue in the middle of it. That would save a lot of resource. And pop ins occurs because the world is not “loaded” properly, is that it? Is that why when a bridge is not loaded, the character just falls through the floor. Like that one webm. of that PS4 zombie game.
Because it's just a background. In an open world you need to have something that looks good even when you're close since you can go there.
Only the cutest love interest for Lightning "best girl" Farron
>So in an open world, the world renders according to what the camera can see?
Not all of them, but Horizon Zero does as an example, dont know about GoW etc, but you are right about the popups and falling through shit.
>mfw made Serah the leader the entire game and made her a siscon by choosing Lightning in every dialogue option possible
>mfw this made Noel a side character for most of XIII-2
Why do NPCs dress like that?
FFXIII and FFXIII-2 are the only games I've ever bothered to platinum. I like em and fuck the haters.
>Hey bruh, I got a job for you, but I won't tell you what it is. Better complete it quickly, because I'll turn you into a shiny rock if you don't.
So now is cheese?
>that part where he starts manning the fuck up when he's alone with Lightning
>actually impresses her too
>immediately goes back to being a little bitch afterwards
i will never not be mad
to make me hard
I thought it gave you a vision or some shit that told you what to do
>(((I'm tacky)))
>Not all of them
rendering shit you can't even see is some Bethesda tier optimization
the vast majority of games don't render things not in your view or direct vicinity
>Get the alternate ending
>Snow shows up and picks up Serah
>Tells Noel "I'll take it from here"
>Drives off while Noel is sitting there looking shocked
Best ending
it does, it just happens to be obscure so they don't actually know what the fuck they're meant to do
Based shikikunt bro.
Dont be a bigger faggot snow is a shit character. The only redeeming factor about him is that his weapon is rhinestones on his jacket. So canonically he has to bedazzle his fag jager anytime you change his equipment.
On topic ffxiii was a really uhhh something title. It took me forever to recognize it was a rhythm game instead of a jrpg. And all the characters except Sahz are fucking cunts. Hope as a child doesnt get a pass but gets a an excuse since children are basically poorly written characters already.
I have a weird love hate relationship with XIII. It's not bad but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it unless someone was going out of their way to play all FF titles.
yeah but I forgot, so it's the games fault
You get a vision, but good luck figuring out what it means.
Get fucked roasties no one care about your homo wankfest
Based bad taste bro
Isn't the whole point of the game that they are pissed off about having a vision they can't interpret decide their fate?
Now the part I don't get is they find out they are supposed to destroy Orphan, and basically say "fuck you we aren't doing it." And then in the next scene they do it anyway.
Snow is shit.
Your vision is basically a not funny or coherent YouTube poop. So yeah you have to not only find out what it is but also complete it within an arbitrary short time period or turn into a demon robot statue thing.
I thought the blurry visions were exclusive only to Lightning and co. so that they don't immediately off themselves.
literally all the main and side characters did exactly what Bart wanted them to do
the visions can be straight up lies, the focus is a tool of manipulation, not the end goal itself
I agree.
He's fugly, stupid, and hot-headed. He's the worst type of man, actually good for nothing. Serah is a dumbass and she has shit taste in men, like how people who like FFXIII have shit taste in games
Snow is a BAWSS.
Too much test for you.
I wanna kiss that mark
Was it OP?
No, you get turned into a shiny rock to dream forever if you complete the job. If you don't, then you get turned into a monster.
it only worked on enemies that were designed around being poisoned
so no
Not really. Sure you could cheese a couple of post game bosses with it, but in general in was quicker to just kill your enemies with stagger and atb refresh.
I want to put my hand in her boob window.
>cheese a couple of post game bosses with it
it's not cheese if it's the intended method
I figured Id continue my playthrough, im almost done with the game, taking more screenshots while the thread is still alive.
here somes advice can all of yall SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE THIS IS WHY I HATE Yea Forums
what is Sazh thinking?
It literally doesn’t. If you only use auto fight without ever changing classes you'll die in the first bossfight.
I hate FFXIII, but not even I'm that retarded.
this shot looks noticeably worse than any other in the thread
Make sure to use your buffs/debuffs. Pain and Dispelga are really useful for the Chapter 13.
Dunno why it came out so blurry
Their other option was turning into a ci'eth, so they took a gamble, and it paid off, since the goddess etro intervenes, changing their focus and brand in the process.
Pretty much the entire story is in the datalogs and not the actual game, anyone that says it doesn't make sense just didn't bother reading the logs.
I still to this day can't decide if i actually like or hate FFXIII, it was beyond retarded in many different ways however it was a fun kind of stupid, also hope can die in a fire for all i care, literally worst party member, completely fuck useless and a whiny little bitch, even in XIII-2 where he loses the kid excuse along with being old as shit cause time bullshit because lightning is retarded.
seriously though, part of the way to actually get enjoyment out of the game is realizing this game trilogy is what happens when you throw a giant pack of dumbasses and watch the stupid shit unfold. only ones with half a brain are Sazh and Fang, but Fang is too lesbo to realize how dumb her party is half the time.
Reminds me back when this game first came out, fags were arguing that "hold x to win" was real and you could beat any boss with Rav/Med/Sen without paradigm shifting.
what game has boys this cute?
*giant pack of dumbasses into final fantasy and watch all hell brake loose.
technically you could do it in main story, but definitely not post game content.
Because /ss/ appeals to everyone.
>letting your RAVs do the damage
I go double RAV then COM/RAV once staggered
>technically you could do it in main story
there are plenty of fights where this is not true.
SAB/RAV/RAV is an underrated paradigm. SAB abilities actually add some decent amount chain duration and chain bonus, they even hit twice if the status procs.
desu I thought Vanille/Hope was going to be a thing when I started the game but then they reached the junkyard and I had to rethink a few things
No. If we exclude two person fights that make that strat impossible: Doom exists, and some bosses heal. And I'm pretty sure there's a hard time limit on the final boss that isn't doom.
Some said Commando. The argument was still silly.
>Hi! I'm back to ruin VII Remake's combat!
>tfw you learn the final boss can be poisoned
>boss loses a metric fuck ton of health per second
poison shaves off so much time off that fucking fight its not even funny
I actually did like the stagger mechanic and I'm glad to see it back.
You didn't need stagger to deal decent damage against most shit anyway.
>insta bravera and haste
>somersault kicks your ass into the milky way
nothing personel kiddo
>Why don't you play FFXIII since you love it so much
I don't love it. I hate FF and Chrono Trigger.
What's with all these FFXIII threads recently?
Toriyama is an avid Yea Forums user
>still can't finish FFXIII-2 because constant crashes that Square never fixed on-top of the port itself being a retarded wreck
Can I just skip this thing, watch a youtube recap and move on to Lightnight Returns already?
I always think it's funny how Lightning gets shafted until LR.
This series was the only time FF did ATB right
that includes you too X-2
Well the crashes are representative of the game's balance so if you actually liked XIII's combat to get real in depth with it you'd probably be disappointed with XIII-2. As for the story I think it's really not worth paying attention to.
Is there any fix for XIII-2 crashes? I was gonna play it next. Over a period of 6 months like this game
Barthandesnagglepuss is cringe
Caius is kino
Caius is a pussy.
p-purple is a very manly color!
Get in loser, we're fulfilling our Focus.
>Get in
Gladly. *unzips dick*
>Didn't pay much attention to the game when I played for the first time.
>Playing this again after 10 years and having more fun than I had playing 90% of this gen's RPGs.
The combat in this game is too good and the weeb voices from the PC version are making me like the characters, now I want to 100% it. Based Toriyama.
There's a memory patcher yes.
it should be "get in loser, we're defying fate and creating our own destiny"
Lurk two more years before greentexting.
No, you can't. Just watch the full playthrough on youtube.
So when I first got this game on release I quit when I got to gran pulse because the game was so fucking boring.
How close was I to the end?
FF 13 had the best cast and character development in the entire series. Fight me.
You were basically there
You were 20 hours in (and just out of the tutorial) of a game that lasts 38½ hours and drops its kid gloves 28 hours in.
switch version?
This game really did have great art direction. If it wasn't so tedious with the battle system and mandatory party members in the beginning it would be remembered a lot more fondly.
Please use GeDoSaTo
He's going to lovingly respect Vanille's boundaries.
XIII has the best battle theme in the series
And I volunteer to make Lightning a mom!
Literal supermodel
she's gorgeous
I must know. Am i the only one who had an obscene amount of trouble with orphan's cradle the first run through? I couldn't beat most of the regular enemies there beyond the sacrifices and had to run past most encounters
Lightning and her games are a miracle of the universe!
>be 13 year old
>only have your mom in your life
>she dies in front of you and the guy couldn´t save her
OH GEEE user, who would have thought that a child in that age would act irrationally and driven by his emotions.
That's the problem. She volunteered when she was the only guardian to be with him. and then immediately died 5 minutes later after the big resistance hero says he's gonna protect your mom.
I prefer the X one.
He still has a dad
I think I allocated stats in such a way to make this fight literally impossible without grinding on the one respawning enemy before the fight (that you can't turn back from) for hours.
>He still has a dad
he has no actual connection with and who was never there. Come on user, you need to be at least 18 to come here. Use your fucking brain.
funny how XIII started off as a PS2 game
Aren't these 3 games playable on xbone?