what the FUCK is he doing bros?
What the FUCK is he doing bros?
showing the aftermath of that zipperheads cunt after he fucks it
>want to talk about gaben and steam
>the bleached fags will invade
jesus fuck he actually lost weight
everyone wants to take kawaii photos with gay ben
Not games I'm telling you that.
I'll never not be mad
those damn... zipperheads
his fucking legs are skinnier than hers wtf?
What's a zipperhead?
slaying qt Asian pussy
since when he's not fat anymore?
Sex tourism.
selling his soul to china
Gaben hasn't been fat for years now. People just keep memeing that he's fat because they're either too used to calling him fat by this point, or they're zoomers who are trying to be cool by latching onto outdated Steam jokes.
ITT: Brainwashed Americans
You seen much combat?
That's not considered fat to americans?
It's pretty self explanatory. They're exactly what the name implies.
: Small dick Chink
I'd be more surprised if Gabe was a pedophile than Timmy Tencent. This look right here doesn't exactly have the best associations in the eyes of common folk.
Not much, just what I see on... TV!
It ain't, that's a healthy normal size in a first world country
I'm not American, and he doesn't look fat tbqh
He's being based and redpilled.
I can't be the only one who thinks Tim Sweeney looks like an older Jeffrey Dahmer. Anyone else see it?
>has been a pirate
>has been a beatle
>has been a hatmaker
>made some games
Gaben has had a fun life
ESPECIALLY not to Americans. In Europe that would be considered "slightly overweight". In the US, his current size would actually be considered kind of fit. I wonder what he'd look like today without the beard.
inb4 gaben was on epstein contact list
Seethe some more
>what the FUCK is he doing bros?
Getting it wet
>imagine being this blind
All asian women are golddiggers.
Not even memeing.
Wow, he's seriously lost weight. It's weird seeing him like this, it's like somebody pasted his head on body of somebody else.
he looks like a cool dude
What woman can resist the Gaben?
>All women are golddiggers.
there i fixed it
hes definetly much slimmer than he was before, he used to be basically morbidly obese
>hold on babe, need to shitpost on Yea Forums
Then you're in the wrong thread
He's a chublord for sure, but nothing unhealthy from what I can tell. Dude looks fine.
T. Skeltal
He definitely does.
Stop taking obvious jokes seriously, Epicdrone.
He looks creepy as fuck now. And he also acts the part.
Kind of reminds me of boogie.
Everyone was talking about his weird teeth but the weirdest thing to me was how his face somehow remained fat while the rest became skinnier
Negotiations on Epic store purchasing Steam.
Poor girl, did she have open-heart-surgery or why is there a huge-ass vertical scar on her chest
Holy shit, did he lose the weight?
he lost a shitton of weight apparently
also he's probably living the most chill life you could ever imagine
Gabe hasn't been a hambone in ages, user.
what does gaben's wife look like? is she hot?
> mfw just blew a massive load to JAV featuring a morbidly obese 100+kg Jap crushing a couple of cuties under his disgustingly big belly, sitting on their faces, making them lick his abdomen, his ass crack etc.
> this thread
He's still a fatass, just because he's not as much of a lard tub as he was before doesn't mean he's healthy. Look at that round face, no amount of beard will hide how fucking fat he is.
Look at her desperately protecting her wallet
It's not considered fat for Gabe. He's obviously overweight, but he used to be obese. Good for him.
100kg is still normal. There are lots of athletes with muscles weighed 100kg. 150kg++ is morbidly obese.
OH SHIT i thought she just had super droopers
Stats were calculated for a six foot 25 year old man with regular physical activity.
You can be fat and also have skinny legs, retard.
How angry would Yea Forums be if it was revealed that Gayben banged that chink-qt?
100kg isnt normal or healthy if it's all fat. muscles weigh more afaik and yeah sure if you're an athlete and 100kg it's not nearly as bad
Did he lose weight?
you’re a real comedian
If you're worth billions, then eventually your shareholders are gonna get you to shed that 100lb of premature death.
>'Will invade'
Look at the fucking OP picture genius, they created the thread
Quite a few people here would be envious i'm sure
a green BMI means you'll die earlier than a yellow BMI
look that shit up
Depending on how tall you are.
There is no way a 1,60m manlet kann be normal weight at 100kg. A 1,90m chad at 100kg would be overweight according to the bmi, but that's were the model fails, because it only goes by weight and not body fat percentage.
Not at all considering it looks like a dude.
>have to look it up because user is busy being autistic
>by definition literally any faggot who gets shot in the face could be a zipperhead
>this 56 year old boomer is fucking tight young asians and basically you're fucking retarded
>mfw I'm maximum red on the left
at this point I should just down shots of olive oil and eat butter
Also AFAIK the people who live longest have vegetable-based diets with lots of physical activity as a natural part of their daily routine (e.g. walking up hills all the time). At least, according to the blue zone theory.
Why's nobody walking up to him and giving him shit about HL3? Fucking fat fuck.
Valve is completely private company.
And medical checkup clauses in contracts for high profile job titles exist regardless of the company being private or public, so whats your point?
he's overweight but not terribly so, probably better than the average americuck
Retard. I was looking at his body figure as a whole, not just the goddamn legs. Just because one can have skinny legs and still be fat, doesn't mean that skinny legs implies being fat. And, well, compare how he looked back around the release of the Orange Box and tell me he doesn't look more fit now, I dare you. He may not be a fitness god, but compared to how round he used to be, the difference is like night and day.
tfw 19 bmi plant based introvert "sit on a chair all day shitposting Yea Forums" guy
im gonna die come classic becase honestly, plant based isn't a synonym for health. there's a lot of unehalthy shit
but I take it we're talking extremely long lives here?
I'm not sure I want an extremely long life.
also living a shit life isn't worth being healthy user. you do you.
It's normal in the sense of being common, I dunno if it's normal for health. Speaking from experience I'm 6'2" and it's very easy to reach 100kg, but it's extra weight, my ideal weight is about 87kg.
Sex tourism with ching chongs
Health is basically a collection of umpteen billion different factors, but a vegetable-based diet is part of it. But, yeah, we're both probably gonna die of heart attacks or something.
>tfw 16 bmi
Yeah, we're talking about living to one hundred. And excuse you, but I don't think living to one hundred is a shit life. My great grandparents did it, and they were max comfy.
>job contract
He's a fucking co-owner of Valve and can do anything he want including being fat greedy jew.
>what the FUCK is he doing bros?
Trying to learn how to count to 3 in chinese
>no code
Get your eyes checked. Or go outside and look at actual women. Whatever it takes for you to realize that's a Thai lady boy.
yep.. i dont smoke or drink alcohol but i do feel like i eat too much sugar from ice creams and dark chocolate. i dont workout but i have a slighty physical job at least.
but on top of all that i've been having weird chest feelings (not pain luckily it's just uncomfortable) for like a year or two, doctors got no idea what it is.
>My great grandparents did it, and they were max comfy.
well, fine. but I'm assuming these people just ate bacon sandwiches and drank coffee and probably even smoked at some point in their life. That shit's just the luck of the draw. And I hear being asian helps. Were they asian?
I'm too fat and working on it; but not because I want to live long. At least not specifically. I just want too look normal. But I very well know I have it easy. All I have to do is eat less and exercise. Thinfags have to do all kinds of crazy shit to look normal.
Fucking cumskins I fucking swear
How does that motherfucker look anything like a Thai fucking nigger
I am so fucking mad on how retarded you are. Assuming you've walked this fucking planet for at least 18 sun revolutions and you can't tell the bloody difference between a chink and a Thai nigger goddamn you motherfucking nigger
she looks like the girl i had a crush on back in high school
but user is a steamdrone brainlet
He is actually not that big. For an older European man, he is pretty healthy looking.
Not to say there isn't room for improvement, he needs to start lifting big.
he seems to be getting fit and getting some pussy
Tim looks like he's definitely into feet
A man after my own taste, very refined
I have bad news for your hearts.
hes having sex.
im basically this size and im fat as fuck. anyone going "hey he's not THAT fat" is wrong. he is.
eat pizza and hamburgers, especially chicken burgers arent even that unhealthy
also drink coca-cola for that sugar intake
I don't think it's luck of the draw. They didn't smoke, they drank alcohol sensibly, they drank tea, they did healthy, bracing exercise, and they generally didn't have wild lives of sex and rock and roll. And, sure, maybe that's not the kind of life you want to lead, but that's actually exactly the sort of thing I like to do anyway albeit with more drinking.
They were also Jewish, if that does anything genetically.
I don't really eat unhealthily, but that's because I don't really eat. I've ended up forgetting how to eat three meals a day. What's worse, I've gotta take amphetamines.
I ain't gonna go to a burger place every day brah
I've been trying to force full-fat yoghurt and granola down my gullet desu
based always knew he had good taste
What is he doing in China?
Is that a boy or a girl?
>I've been trying to force full-fat yoghurt and granola down my gullet desu
I take it you get no joy out of food, or good food, at all?
I mean, that's the only way I can imagine simply not eating enough to healthily sustain yourself.
>but that's because I don't really eat. I
oof, i'm bad at eating when i'm at home, i eat better at work because of set schedule
and i sleep too little on top of everything else, 5-6hrs on workdays when i need like 8
He's in China.
I doubt these people even know what steam or Valve is.
>I take it you get no joy out of food, or good food, at all?
You take it absolutely wrongly. I love good food, and I'll eat huge amounts of it if I can. But I've got bad ADHD, and that throws a few obstacles in the way of good food and me. Like, I hate cooking so damn much. I just hate standing there with my mind in a fog. The other thing is I'll get caught in this rabbit hole of doing nothing at all online despite being starving hungry (like I'm doing right now) because I can't break away.
The deal with yoghurt and granola is that I can put it together in less than thirty seconds. It means I still eat something.
Sleep is one thing I've managed to get under control. I need to sleep more than most people (9-10 hours) so I've put my foot down and said I'll get an early night if it means I don't hate life in the morning.
Steam's pretty big in China, user
honestly i might need more than 8 as well, on weekends i can easily sleep for 12.. i need to go to bed at set times each day i think..
fridays are a disaster for me
up to work at 7 , no work on saturday so i sit up to like 4-5 at night which is well over 20 hours awake time. it's regular, and bad.
>that answer
>But I've got bad ADHD
you don't say
isn't it because during the war, they ran over chinks with tanks making them look like zippers?
He's providing his seed to any willing chink women.
L-living the dream
Setting hard times, making alarms, and giving yourself absolutely no excuses is the only way I've found to get on top of things like sleeping, handing stuff in on time, etc.
What about that answer is ADHD-ish, out of interest?
Yeah most likely some sort of heart surgery. A friend of mine had to get an operation done to repair a valve and he has the same scar on his chest.
>tfw no qt asian gf
You sure they don't have their own version of Steam like everything else to ensure the money doesn't leave China?
They will have their own version of Steam, but it's literally their own version of Steam.
Damn. You can clearly see how happy that chink is meeting Gabe. That is a true pure genuine smile right there.
Reminds me of Doritos Pope's smile back when he is interviewing Gabe.
Where's his other hand?
behind her back or his back
gaben does have to arms
FNEO-010 and 011, enjoy.
Sugar daddy
I want e-celebs off this board, including videogame industry people.
Probably because of the recent thing with Steam China going separate from the world version (geolocked, censored, modified ect.). He' s there to negotiate and settle things down.
Thanks senpai
>I want actors threads off Yea Forums
>I want musicians threads out of Yea Forums
>I want writer threads out of Yea Forums
need i go on?
oh, remember when Etika died it got a sticky? YES, on this board.
I am slowly crawling back from 100kgs, people still call me skinny even though I know otherwise. 6'3"
How do you fuck up making a heart shape with your hands so badly?
That was literally the first time it ever happened on Yea Forums and it was because half the board were Etika posts.
>i want video games off in Yea Forums
wise granted
Our respect would go up tenfold and he'd become god emperor. This is a yellow fever board afterall.
Gabe is a man of true taste
that's fair, but what i'm saying is that you're asking for something impossible and probably irrational. you can't separate discussion of a medium and discussion of the people that produce it and work with that medium as a career.
is he finally selling Valve to China?
I bet you sent him a card on his birthday.
By far the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen Yea Forums do.
Kinda. They're finally launching Steam China.
Fuck off. Gabe is basically what would happen if old Yea Forums was successful.
he's larping Rapelay
So you're saying data collected by Steam will be passed to the CPC, very cool
timmy was heaven cancellor all along?
Data collected by Steam China, hopefully. But, yes, that's the point of all that shit. It's not just to keep money under Chink control.
post mare gaeben
getting ready to give this girl her own santa beard
>By far the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen Yea Forums do.
Getting more pussy than you ever will
>Yea Forums
wait what the fuck thats asscreed
Getting the fuck out of america before china attacks.
Looks like she's a whore just like the girl you had a crush on as well
A heart
All bugmen are born heartless, the abnormalities have them removed at birth.
What are the chances that chinese spies blackmail Gabe Newell into fucking underage prostitutes?
A lot of clueless zoomies in here
>nowhere to click so i could find out how
baka desu senpai
Ah, the classic election boomer format
Because unless you're mega popular and have your face posted everywhere, most people don't recognize you. Doubly so in China.
The guy who played superman recently did the whole clark kent thing in new york by just walking around with a pair of glasses.
Asian women love Gabe.
Everyone loves Gabe.
just last TI there was a emberassing photo of his gut sticking out
It didn't bother you the other 4 years we did it?
jojo reference
a lizard person wearing a skin suit
Before or after?
>you will never tap that
Why even live? That chink girl is also ok looking.
emphasis on sugar
He actually doesn’t look as super morbidly obese now.
Whatever he goddamn pleases.
Why does Timmy look like he has downs?
That was a yearly tradition. The man saved PC gaming from dying and he did it by himself. We all almost got cucked into using consoles if it weren't for his sole efforts. Even ratdog sweeney jumped ship like the rat he is when the pirates nearly killed PC and then he blamed all the users.
Now you know why gabe is so important to Yea Forums.
>In Europe that would be considered "slightly overweight"
I don't know in what lard ass country you live in, but in here that would definately be morbidly obese.
>The man saved PC gaming from dying
This is what steambabbies actually believe
Still a bit cringey (actual word, not the meme sense) to worship a man like that. He doesn't know you. He will never care about you. It's just really embarrassing.
It was mostly tongue-in-cheek but you have to give praise where praise is due. Everyone, even tim, said he was insane for trying to beat piracy with a delivery service but he fucking did it. Not only did he do it, the 70% cut devs were getting was (and still is) a heavensend compared to what people were getting for publilshing on consoles. It was a three-fold victory in a situation that literally everyone else abandoned.
Really you think so?
When was the last time he wore shoes?
Oh, so it was a reference to Zipper Man.
the amount of OBSESSED coming from this post is hilarious.
It's gaben legal loli wife.
i remembered him more fat
living your dream
Mirin' those forearms.
damn this fat fuck lost some weight, he's lookin pretty good now
It's Sticky Fingers you double nigger
>not a pink horse
i'm not your bro
He's lost quite a bit of weight.
Gaben looks thinner.
Good for him >_
He must have gotten his fucking stomach stapled wtf
Like i'm happy for him but that dramatic can't be all him
banging chink pussy, can't you see?
It’s anglos fyi
Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll excuse me for a moment, I believe I can tell you what this user means by "zipperhead":
He's underage and watched a single IDubbbz video or some other edgy shit where he heard it and now he thinks he can use it to fit in.
Thank you.
she's cute for a bug
It was used in that move El Torino (?) or something. The main evil White guy used the word to describe Asians because that's what they were referred to in the war.
you ever been around asian woman?
Zipperhead specifically refers to Viets
racial slur for korean, used by american soldiers during the korean war.
Daily reminder kojima had one look at source2 engine and said LMAO what a piece of shit.
Isn't he married with kids already?
Not that i mind, let the old man have some fun
Yeah I really want threads related to industry people to be gone and be replaced by the thousandth wojak/buzzword "OH NO NO" template thread or Cyberpunk 2077 discord raid thread
trust fund kid 4 lyfe yo
Gabe is a weeb
arr rook same
poor guy will never be 1/10 of his father.
At least he can cry himself to sleep in a Porsche.
Was that the reason they met back then?
She looks like she fucks white guys
of course user, its well documented, Sony financed him to travel all over the world in 2 weeks looking for an engine before they finally ran out of budget and told Guerilla games to hand over their source code to him.
You talk the talk....... do you walk, the walk?
but epic IS bad. This isn't debatable. They're proudly aligned to chaotic evil.
>I hate Steam and think they're bad, but have you seen how bad Epic is lately? They're basically evil!
Oh no, how will Steamcels ever cope with the cognitive dissonance?
Having imaginary conversations with ghosts again, are we?
was it racist?
Who are you quoting?
Theres a subreddit where Asian men rant about their insecurities regarding asian women liking white men. They are no different than white people saying things like THE MEDIA IS PUSHING AN AGENDA! JUST LOOK AT ALL THE BLACKS WITH WHITE WOMEN!
I think the women that like black dudes are either size queens, had a racist dad they hate or simply dont care about race (most of the latter like the classy ones, not the ghetto ones). Asian women like white men mainly because we're taller and more masculine looking than Asian men and the status of white people is on the same level or higher for a lot of asians. They look at blacks with disgust. I dont care what anyone says, asians are the most racist of any race by a fucking lightyear.
You fucking dumbass. Of course its not bad if you're an athlete. Jesus christ. Muscle weighs more than fat and many athletes are over 6 ft. You're a retard.
hes making half life 3 in china
and he will use the chinese mobile game model
prepare your wallets because it will be a p2w clusterfuck
even weapons will be a gacha thing
Fan meeting? TI and Dota2 something something. Also that's the worst hand heart I've ever seen.
It's pretty obvious he's never been around any woman before. Let him shitpost on Yea Forums, it's all he has.
I'm sure you have done better ones with cuter girls.
not working on 3
Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. Go kill yourself.