>They kept the shitty textures and models
of all the things they chose to preserve. Why in the fuck
They kept the shitty textures and models
Other urls found in this thread:
Classiczooomers threw a hissyfit on even making updated models a clientside option for those who want to use them and got an addon that 99% of the userbase used back in Vanilla banned because they want to push a fake narrative of a game they never played.
Too obvious.
The new human females look like trash. I hate the new models so much.
Why are you crting about people enjoying vanilla so much? Stop spreading lies and join in, you'll enjoy yourself for once
A lot of the new character models look and move jarringly dissimilar to the original ones, or they're just plain ugly. In my opinion the old graphics are absolutely serviceable.
I don't think most people will enjoy what it offers.
It's slow tedious and grindy. Vanilla will not be for everyone user.
They could at the very least fix the fucking textures
Haha yeah bros where are the improved models???
Old orc models or new ones?
But old models are actually better than the new sameface models
I don't get why they just don't make it an option.
If it is an option nobody can complain you have the OPTION to toggle then on or off. If you don't like 'em, don't use them.
I'm ok with the old model but I would rather have the new models because they just make the animations so much more better. Or even just get the new animations on old models
just give the players the choice it cannot go wrong, choice is always good
Holy shit
>Blizzard honestly thinks people only pick attractive races
>proceeds to redo all the races to make them more 'human' and 'attractive'
>literally doesn't change any of the fucking selection picks at all
Fuck me they are a bunch of detached morons.
>I don't get why they don't make it an option
because low-cost
Are you kidding? New models have completely lost the actual orc aesthetic, look at that regular ass human nose, pathetic
I don't get why you don't just play retail if you don't like Classic
>Blizzard honestly thinks people only pick attractive races
They're not wrong, like half the horde is blood elves
they actually took them out, it takes more effort to disable them.
They still have all the other graphical options from the new client, more grass, longer draw distance etc.
Those were too expensive to take out for the sake of "vanilla" so they just made a button in the graphics options which is "Classic mode" or something
Explain why they didn't take out all those graphical options then, but actually took out the models it's just baffling
I like the new models... until you move, looks stupid
They ruined dwarf animation
They're bringing back an old game, and you're frustrated they're keeping all the old stuff in?
You pick
have you played retail user?
It's not very good and the early game is low IQ braindead bullshit
you do 2 random dungeons and huzza! new level
Because there was a broad range of changes included to the skeleton models of some of the races.
If you have both options it literally means double the work.
Dwarves are literally the only character model that got improved with the change, everyone else got the shaft. FemHuman got sameface, MaleHuman runs like he has a metal rod up his ass, Orcs lost their savage look, Tauren look like they are straight out of Pixar movie etc. I give them one thing - I miss bouncing twin tails on my gnome, that's one thing I want from the new models.
I like classic and I'm going to play the shit out of it.
I'd just like to have the choice like in all things in life but I guess this is beyond your understanding that some people don't want others to make their choices for them.
Thats because horde had no human race and people are boring.
There will be a morpher for people like you.
>I like Classic but only if I get to choose the parts I like :^)
Couldn't have that multibillion dollar company doing any extra work on their products now, could we? Asking far too much.
>If you have both options it literally means double the work.
They have already made them
they are in retail, there in WoD you could even choose between them
What work has to be done into something that is already made they port the content to classic. They do more work to take them out of the client then to just keep them
>dude just do quests for 100 levels for the millionth time if you want to raise an alt lmao
Classicfags get more retarded each day
The back postures of the horde is painful to look at
So basically all the new models did was make the Orcs look more like Humans?
In case you didnt notice Blizz is hemorrhaging money and people. They may be turning a profit but its well below what they were aiming for since everyone is bailing from their games.
Not if they do Classic+
as you already know the topic
source on no people using it?
you are a denial boomer that hasnt even played himself
because they have soul and the new models are soulless.
Because it's a non-immersive option, your character could look noticeably different to others and others will look different to you depending on if you're using new or old models which is completely contrary to the point of playing MMOs where your character is you.
>everyone is bailing from their games
Yeah, because they don't do anything to fucking improve them anymore, just more mounts on the shop.
Where is the proper Orc Jaw
That's not how it works. You say some outrageous shit, you should provide a source for your claim.
>playing an alt in an MMO
is there anything more pathetic?
Sorry, played from summer of 2005 to couple of months into TBC, never used it, never heard of it, didn't know anyone that used it, revisionist retail cuck
>w..what? I actually have to PLAY the game to achieve anything? WOW what a shitty game!
Old face + new hair please
What if I want to try another class?
gold and bald
Old Bald
New Mald?
Not even the same face. If you compared the same face option the new one is clearly better.
Re-roll, there's nothing wrong with making a new character as long as you're committed to one.
How is questing "playing the game" if dungeon running isn't?
I already achieved it with my main, shit for brains
Yup and you'll have to do it again, or just stick to your containment game I guess
Yeah, that's why your main is max lv, retardo
thats the problem, they are DINDU NUFFIN gaylord Blizzard orcs not Based Greenskins user, they will forever have onions jawlines so as to not offend sensitive players unlike DA BEST BOIZ
>I already did it on another character, what do you mean I don't get the 2 for 1 deal?!
>you have to slog through the shitty vanilla quest zones or else some nobodies on Yea Forums will get pissy
>Ugh why can't these classic cucks just shut the heck up, they should be killed for insulting retail, playing their is bad, playing my way is good. I know just what to post to make them look silly hehe
cope I guess?
and the warhammerfag just barges in to spout his shitty opinion
fuck off and kys
Because in retail there is literally no point in doing anything other than queueing dungeons until you're max level
You don't have to do anything, you don't have to play at all if you hate it that much, dumbo
>you have to waste time in the game just like me!
>i have done nothing with my life so investing my time on a shitty old game makes me feel like an accomplished human being!
>WoW becomes somewhat popular again
>all the pathetic fucking losers I abandoned a long time ago come out of the gutter to beg me to play with them
I wish they would realize how fucking sad it is for grown men to play WoW
Damn what a chad.
>projecting this hard
lmao, why does leveling trigger you so much, brainlet
Why would you actually WANT the Disney faces?
who is this chad?
That's a big cope, why don't you just not waste you life playing games?
The new ones are basically the same face with a different expression
Stay butttmad, classicunts
>you have to waste time in the game just like me!
Yes, you do, there's nothing that will ever change that
>i have done nothing with my life so investing my time on a shitty old game makes me feel like an accomplished human being!
seething projector
>ITT: triggered retailcucks can't contain their anger as the based bros are going home
are you ready, lads
>I swear I play classic because it's good and not because everyone is playing it
this but completely unironically
I'll be playing TBC or WOTLK when Blizzard gives them servers because they are good.
I can't not see that face as a braindead peon
They were always actually the same face, on the old low definition models they could just use the textures very efficiently to create the illusion of different faces, it's still the same model though, you can tell if you look closely on the shapes of the nose and shit
With the nu-models though they can't do the same, so it's 100x more evident it's just the same face model with a couple of different lines and shades here and there
>all these coping classicucks that try desperately to appear sophisticated and rebellious by shilling for a shitty version of WoW while giving money to a company they hate for said company to produce content for a game they hate
l ma o
You too, keep entering every classic thread to seethe some more
>making number go up again just like last time is achieving something
Well that's certainly something. I guess we should be thankful mmos keep you kids away from traffic
copy tranny. retail is dead and we're going home.
>want to play a 15 year old version of the game
>surprised when it looks 15 years old
Imagine staying in front of the cinema and sperging out about how "bad" this remake is, how it's just "nostalgia" and how it won't ever be the same, that's literally all of you XIV and retailfags
Everyone is playing fortnite and phone games, and i'm not touching that shit
Classic wow is niche compared to actually popular games, and i'm ok with that
>w-w-why do you keep making us classicunts cry in every classic thread? b-back off, bully!
Delicious! For hardened veterans of gaming, you people sure are easily triggered!
>an addon that 99% of the userbase used back in Vanilla banned
what some stupid quest mod? I fucking hate your cunts and your pathetic mods
there is an option
bfa - new models
classic - old models
>say retarded shit
>get (you)'s because you said retarded shit
>retard interprets it as "I win"
can't you go back to your dead retailgeneral, faglord?
Yeah nah, there was not some LFG addon that people used back then. Even in TBC it was routine for people to just use the LFG chat channel to find groups for things, this is part of what helped guilds form since people needed to work with others to accomplish things.
Which is wrong anyway, people only used LFG starting in BC prepatch
Questing involves interacting with the game world not running the same corridor 43 times
Blood elves had a silence ability as a racial for a while, made it too attractive for pvp for people to pass up.
>say facts
>get (you)s from butt frustrated vanilla fanboys
>said fanboys think they won
lol can't waif for all the new content Blizz will deliver with all the classicuck money
that torch mechanic would be sweet
After looking through the character creator recently on classic i came to this conclusion too. It's quite amazing how boring the facial options are on the new models.
Make a good looking character.
What race? Give me a challenge
Beardless Dwarf
>almost 30
never used any of that crap. I ran mod free until Wotlk (the last "decent" expansion and the end of wow).
Orcs all look the same now lol
ty for all the fun northdale
That was a brave post, I'm glad you made it.
What do you play, Chadanon?
Is this game fucking out or what? I've seen people playing classic wow for the past couple months now.
You are one seething retailfag. Sorry your guild is bailing on you to play classic. I'm sure you'll cope :^)
>literal arr rook same
so Blizzard is racist huh
hide helmet and it looks fine
ahahahaha what the fuck, somehow they even look blurrier than the originals (not to mention being shit)
Fuck, hit too close to home...
keep coping, classicncel
>those uhh shoes ?
There's no need to lie about mmo armour looking silly
That's actually not that bad, good job.
>sub to BFA back in late March
>decide immediately that I don't want to play
>contact support and make up some bullshit about how I have to move for work, so if it's possible, i'd like to have the sub refunded
>they can't do that, but they can save the unused gametime and add it at a later point
>contact support today, ask them to have the time added
>dude on chat says he actually sees i have 2 full months unused due to a sub i barely played with back in sep 18, says he can add 2 months full
pretty based desu
>There's no need to lie about mmo armour looking silly
It doesn't need to look silly, but the mega autists are stopping that. They are losers in real life and want to have people in locked gear appearences, so they can feel superior after playing 16 hours per day for a whole year.
>an addon that 99% of the userbase used back in Vanilla
Nooooooooooo they didnt
Transmog is pointless, if you wanna look good just put good looking gear on
Blizzard is removing skeletons from WOW Classic so they can sell it in China.
But all the gear sucks, apart from t1 and t2. So that means I will be forced to wear shitty looking naxx gear because you fat fucking autists won't let them put in transmog.
How close?
Don't worry bud, you won't get past lv8
I'm already in naxx gear, retail cuck.
the Chinese client already forces model swaps that remove skeletons brainlet
That didn't stop them from removing objectional content in the global version of Hearthstone to appease China.
Sure you are, buddy
Literally all of it, except I'm /fit/, good looking, and have a gf. Also going to college next month.
I'm basically a drug addict when it comes to WoW.
that has nothing to do with WoW though? They don't have to remove skeletons to appease the Chinese because the Chinese already see gravestones instead
>Hearthstone has nothing to do with WoW
Hearthstone is made by a different team than WoW, and isn't released on a special client run by a separate company in China, like WoW is
Then wear t1/t2, dumbass
>wants trannymog
>believes vanilla players are playing cucktail
>Dude LFG Addons didn't ex-
t. shitter that wiped on patchwerk
why do you pretend wow is FFXI? you only ever needed to just join some faggot shouting to get shit done and the raids were just 20 good players carrying 20 shitters the fights have 2 mechanics and you can literally afk the raids, I know because I did, I got tier 2 bullshit for free.
*Sips Drink*
>it doesn't need to have hunter traps function same as in vanilla
>it doesn't need to have orc shaman totems function same as in vanilla
>it doesn't need to not be infested by streamers
>it doesn't need to not have $15 monthly retail sub
>it doesn't need to have skeletons like in vanilla
>it doesn't need to have addons like in vanilla
>it doesn't need to have classic+
>it doesn't need to have chance of getting unarmored mounts
>it doesn't need to not be retail-
Tick tock Classicfags, you are coming home...
Yea dude, Call to Arms totally didn't exist.
>Then wear t1/t2, dumbass
And gimp myself instead of using the best gear in the game? No, that's retarded.
>make new meshes and textures that have more detail
>people complain
>bring back old meshes and textures because that's what people associate with the "classic" WoW
>people complain
regardless of what you do as a dev people will complain, at that point it's better to ignore said people unless they're in the 90% of the entire playerbase
Old models are far better made. Lower graphical fidelity, better artistry. Same reason those NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN Unreal Engine remakes all look like garbage.
Oh look, the trannymog obsessed retailbaby knows how to google naxx boss names
How goes the mount collection, bought those $1000 tigers already?
You basically want to eat a cake while keeping it, you can't have both you fat fuck
>it doesn't need to have chance of getting unarmored mounts
That sucks.
Soul vs Soulless
>it doesn't need to have hunter traps function same as in vanilla
>it doesn't need to have orc shaman totems function same as in vanilla
How so?
I haven't played retail since early WoD, you seething autistic tranny.
Transmog sucks.
Own your clownsuit.
well guess that settles it for me
call to arms doesn't automatically form groups for you, stop pretending to be a retard
They fixed a vanilla bug where orc shaman totems were considered as pets by racial buff, so autists threw a fit despite it having never been part of intended balance for vanilla.
Based on what I saw on previous thread this was posted they did something to trap resists or something. Likely another big fix.
Too strong on the falseflag mate, zoomies don't give a shit about classic.
>be obsessed with trannymog like your typical bar filling addicted retail insectoid
>b-but i haven't played retail in years, i s-swear!
Sure thing, bab
Show us your pig mount and trannymog, i'll gladly rate it
>i'm an autistic min-maxer but i want to look pretty
found the alliance player
So not close at all.
They did some balance changed with traps and fixed the totem bug
>New Undead models, Old Undead animations
This would be absolute perfection
Has the term tranny been reduced to "person I don't like / disagree with" now? Sure seems that way.
Just suck it up you fag and stop being such a god damn snowflake.
>moving the goalpost
same thing happened with faggot and nigger, you faggot nigger tranny
Is there any way of making horde characters look good?
I wanna join the elite faction, the one with the chad pvpers, the one who wins bgs and wpvp 99% of the time, but for heck sake, they're so hideous to look at
it's called an addon retard
And if they did? less than 1% used anykind of way to group outside of ingame chat
power gaming trannies aren't welcome on the Horde anyway
>chad pvpers
>who wins bgs
>and wpvp 99% of the time
Wear a helm
How do you answer, Yea Forums?
No way fag.
what is this brown creature
You have the option to not look silly by playing retail, I don't see the problem here.
Forsaken girls are cute! CUTE!
>want classic
>get classic
So, minus all the bad parts. I smell a cope.
literally every person who is playing retail is an old player that has a bunch of characters at max level
No one wants to replay the same content for the hundredth time, vanillacuck
You have way too much faith in other people user. If you think autists wouldn't complain about optional things, you are naive
Literally no.
You haven't been able to play this content since Cata
This was me in vanilla
Because it's dead af. Eve high pop servers are fucking wastelands
I leveled up to like 60 and saw like 5 people total and ZERO people from the other faction. Game is legit fading away
Literally you missed the point of the original argument
Vanillacucks are gloating that LFG is an easy way to level up
They were told that noone wants to replay the same content when leveling up an alt, and it is a faster alternative
Now vanillacucks are saying "b-b-b-b--but you miss the old content!" when the original argument was about retail.
are you gonna play in 4:3 as well?
People unironically actually do think that way though. Is why pay-to-win is so successful
33 Hours left for hoes to be mad
Daily reminder Lich king ruined wow, literally.
People saying raiding was at it it best, and its true. BUT. Only for 2/4 tiers. t7 was fucking joke, 25man naxx was literally puggable in green questing gear. t9 was a tragedy aswell, alto I loved encounters. Also t9 started difficulty toggle bloat (hadmodes should have worked like they did in ulduar).
Welfare gear was completely out of the hand, it was possible to buy 25m(!!!)tier(!!!)gear by doing fucking daily dungeons, WHAT THE FUCK.
Professions were generally fucked, with exception of ingeneering
Gold farming was made non exsistant
Classes were buffed throught the roof with introduction of unbelievbale reatrded talents which gave crits/ability procs/20-30% spell hastes and crit for fucking free.
Mana were deleted from the game, it was impossible to go oom
Threat was deleted from the game, it was impossible to lose threat
CCs were removed from the game, they werent needed anywhere at all
Difference between AoE and st healing was made almost irrelevant, every class could basically AoE heal, even paladins thx to beacon.
And much more.
Fuck wrath.
I play orc.
me but im not fat, balding and I can drive
a-at least its not all bad right
There's nothing wrong to just make as many characters as you wan't with different commitment levels.
its a "modification" faggots. Add on is just a retarded thing you spergs came up with.
kys zoomer scum
>playing an alt and complaining because you have to level in the world instead of queueing up for dungeons and dailys with exp bonuses like a brainlet
I'm still a fucking loser that will finish college aged 31, assuming I finish.
Why didn't they pick BC for classic? Fuck vanilla
I'm not going to bother responding anymore to you since you seem to just pick what suits you as "the point of the argument".
Just know that if you want to bypass leveling you can still do that in retail, there's no reason to argue about this, no one is forcing you to play Classic.
Fuck off, blood elf faggot
They could always do BC Servers later
>he didn't get a master's degree at age 24 like I did
What's your excuse? Oh and I also paid off all my loans.
Sorry, you lost me, I don't play retail, I talked about MMO's in general.
Most likely my WOW Experince
There's no good MMOs except Classic and 14
>criticize Classic
Fuck off retard. You got btfo'd both in the argument and irl, you vile cocksucker.
Go masturbate over a shitty nostalgia game along with the other losers, cuck.
If everyone can just easily level a new character where's the attachment to your old one? It just makes more incentive for bullshit metagaming, which pulls wow more into a MMO-grindathon and less of an RPG. and that's what killed it for a lot of people to begin with, me certainly. RPGs can be fun when you're making the most of a "mistake", but Blizzards design choices almost NEVER mesh with this.
post the lewd
I meant Classic. I haven't played WOW since 2012
lol that would defeat the point of classic, and classicunts can't have that
great job bro epic, how's Tiffany doing?
Why not allow the new models or textures? They have no affect on gameplay.
y u mad tho
They use different animations, you can't just choose to display what you want client side.
So they had to choose between vanilla models or the new ones and they chose vanilla.
but animations are clientside
Because if you give Blizzard an inch they will take a fucking mile, look at the cash shop, remember when paying monthly subs was for server maintenance and things? Isn't it great how many people are on a single server nowadays? Remember their april fool's joke about gearscore? Remember the april fool's joke about the Diablo mobile game? Do you remember when Blizzard twice in one decade shot diablo with absolutely insane PR scandals for two seperate games? Do you even remember when blizzard games were fun?
Wasted my life bieng a neet
>hundreds of mounts and pets
>thousands of transmogs
>all of my achievements
>all of my 30 maxed out elf toons
>multiple pvp sets
>all of the stuff collected in a span of 10 years will plummet in value in just two days
Please hold me retailbros, i'm a wotlk oldfag and don't deserve this...
The american education system has failed you.
zoomers literally have no idea what soul is
Just how hype are you?
>he collected mounts and did achievements
I play retail and I've never done any of that
Hopefully my WoW experience
I coom in her, of course.
it was enough for 7 million people
Just do it all again bro.
Never do new things, just play the same game for 15 years and when it gets boring, start that same game over. Just repeat that loop for your entire life.
Classicfags are very sane people.
if you didn't have fun getting them you only have yourself to blame, I've been playing since before battlegrounds were added and I literally wouldn't flinch if they deleted my main
a little
bros, help me out here
do I go orc or tauren warrior?
not even close, played wow from 10-23, and now im buying a house and going to be playing classic because i quit retail
War stomp op
Nobody's forcing you to do anything you passive aggressive bitch.
Orc if you're a minmax shitter
Tauren if you're a true bull
Shit graphics. Home.
pick one
Tauren looks better and war stomp is really useful. 5% health is alright, I know many want then for tanking. Orc is better at everything in pvp due to hardiness, but whatever. I'd still go Tauren warrior just because they are so big.
I set it max graphics, what is the point of using old engine? gameplay will be the same, may as well play at 1024x768 then
who the fuck cares about all that shit
>wanting to play as disney characters
>That thing you liked? Just never do it again bro
>But the new one has new thing, just play that instead, what do you mean it isn't the same?
>they could just give you the thing you like but you're wrong and stupid for thinking you like it
>It's not like you can look at those old movies or old books or old paintings and expect them to be the same!
Bald if priest.
get that monk style going.
So apparently this is a thing now
Sure there is, runescape, everquests and shiiit, cmon dude
>press skill
>skill command sent to server, local effects (hands glowing) applied to model
>server responds you can cast the spell, local animation loaded onto model
>during cast time send server that cast wasn't interrupted, local animation still playing on model
>local animation running until server responds that cast was successful
>load local end casting animation
Bottom left every time
Well in vanilla it's that you gotta level up that bitch, that's great.
Mmo champion may have the lowest IQ posters of all time
this is the main reason i am not touching this shit, personally. If the new models were in i would have played
just make it retail, blizz, pls
He isn't completely wrong though. The horrible class balance isn't what makes classic good. It's the life of the world. The no flying. The no lfg and lfr.
It's good that the classes are very different, but that doesn't mean memespecs have to be a thing. I, for one, welcome shaman tanks and feral druids.
they are in, you need to choose max graphics and they will be there
Tauren warrior named Cowbutt
they were for faggots back then and theyre for faggots now
wotlk is nothing compared to how disasterous cataclysm and next expansions were in ruining the game
I wouldn't mind if we ever got BC and WotLK classic servers
Yeah, just like how they removed the option to switch to old models in BFA
I can't decide between Forsaken Warlock and Tauren Warrior.
If Warlock, I also can't decide on my professions.
Help an user out here?
We need more shit like this, fuck those niggers.
Bottom left is the good one, top right maybe but it looks weird in game
bad b8
>this is what zoomers think passes for trolling
based addon dev
so you can't switch between old and new textures? that sucks.
Exactly, and in new wow, there's no disconnect between player and character, and that's a part of blizzard's design philosophy but I personally think it's done a lot of harm, even if it was well intentioned.
You don't understand how any of that works, and I can assure you very few things in wow are managed client-side
Honestly it wouldn't be that bad as long as they didn't add flying and that whole "queue for dungeons" system. World pvp is what made the world of warcraft actually really awesome, and gave that extra incentive for you to gear up because you could be all the more awesome for it because you were deadly.
Now having gearing behind RNG upon RNG and way too many difficulty modes for raids has really killed it. They should have kept raiding as a single difficulty, at most heroic and normal.
UD warlock
gnomish engineering and tailoring
thank me later senpai
i'm nearly 30 but i live alone.. comfortably (financially) uncomfortably (emotionally); make a middle class salary doing a stupid office job that i don't care about; and for some reason i am going to pursue this very time intensive and unrewarding hobby for the next few months until i get bored / depressed
>raiding was at it it best
Wrong. MoP and WoD were peak raiding, Legion would've continued the trend if they didn't do the titanforging, AP grinding, and finally personal loot bullshit.
How hard will it be to find 5 mans/raids as a mage? Too overpopulated compared to locks?
You don't download animations you fucking mongoloid. They are in local files and are loaded as needed, you could change them and load a different one, you're clueless.
Just /y outside the entrance while dodging ganking attempts and you should be able to find a group pretty fast
I mean at a gear level you're going to be fighting with Locks anyways even if you pick mage
you can literally add the wod models into your wow folder.
tauren hunter/shaman would be cool but warrior? thats lame
ok so to play classic i need to buy battle for azeroth?
Tauren Warrior sounds like a fun time
So is the idea of being DPS of certain classes just out of the question? Druids, Priests, and Paladins get hit hard by that hybrid they have but Druids seem like they'd just be fun to play as but I don't want to be stuck healing end game if I get there, otherwise I'm thinking just playing Warlock or maybe even Hunter
To add onto this. For a moment just imagine what the regions may be shaped like with world pvp in mind and not the adition of flying, instead of being able to fly away everywhere at a moments notice and only dipping in on the ground to turn in quests or whatever. Imagine what it would be like if it was like back in classic, where you could not easily fly away and your best bet was either a normal ground mount or stealth to get away, except your opponents also have these options.
That shit would be amazing. The only thing I can see hampering it is the fact that Horde these days holds the majority of pvpers due to imbalanced racials for years and having most of the hardcore guilds due to that.
Okay, so I just tried a rogue on a lvl 60 instant server and sprint has a 5 miute cd and sap can sap players for over 30 seconds.
WTF is this shit.
>he seriously said runescape
Kek, what a cute ignorant zoomer
You *can* do that if you want, it's just seen as a third party program and you might get banned, but it isn't something so simple as a reskin and blizzard had to choose one way or the other, or do more work (which isn't going to happen).
This, most people shilling classic on here never actually played it.
"tauren hunter is the best class race combination" - me, right now
Soul vs soulless.
I don't disagree
It's just one of the many things that classic shills will conveniently forget about when pitching their game to others.
Vanilla was a mess, and the developers know it, hence the whole "you think you do, but you don't" comment that got so many people butthurt.
>hardebed veteran of gaming
Do you know how much of a nerd queer you sound like
>wotlk oldfag
newfag, TBC release day is the least time anyone can be called an oldfag, you literally started in the expansion that made wow shit
Then you know the path you must take, it's not easy, mulgore takes ages, you get stuck in the undercity, people just assume you have a giant cock (which if you're playing a tauren, you do, but it's still objectifying) but it's a small price to pay to sometimes not get dismounted on the way to onyxia when smaller races without kodos would be submerged in water, the choice is obvious.
>muh shadows
>muh hd water textures
why are tauren all mouthbreathers?
The new models used new bones and animations entirely, it's one of the reasons the old models were removed in retail.
Oh wow it's supposed to be an iron jaw?
Had it on my character for 4 years.
>Is there anything more comfy?
No. Twinking your guy to the max with upgrades whenever you can and steamrolling poor Allies in BGs is close to peak fun in WoW. I'll even disable xp gains and farm dungeons just for gear. If that makes me an asshole then so be it, it's just too goddamn comfy
ain't that bad
Dude I love Pixarâ„¢!
None of those things were an issue IN Wotlk though, group finder was only added after everyone had already got heroic gear (raid finder wasn't till cata), you couldn't get a flying mount until you did the stupid quests and shit so pvp wasn't negatively affected early on, they actively tried with wotlk and all the good storylines are in wotlk. fight me outside you fucking pussy bitch, I got wow on release, wotlk was peak players and peak fun, everyone who says otherwise is a contrarian faggot, The long wait after ICC and cataclysm killed wow.
How you level engineering with tailoring?
Except they already did all the work for new models in retail since they have all the old animations and can wear all the old armors without the animations glitching out.
Continuing to support old models in retail was a problem since they're adding more geometry to armors and making new animations so the old ones aren't easy to adapt, but the new models could absolutely be backported into Classic without much issue since all the work is already done.
Fuck it, it's a couple days before release and everyone who is planning on playing classic probably already bought a subscription by now so I might as well come clean.
You have all been deceived.
A group of people, including me, have been basically spamming these threads on Yea Forums and even a couple of other boards for 2 months now just to get people to buy this crap.
There, believe me or not, you just wasted your money. You'll find out what I mean on launch.
It's easier to tell that's the case when you compare it to the other faces with exposed bone.
its like a bull in a china shop of warrs and rogues
I started playing 1 month pre-tbc, faggot, and I was 13 years old. I'm a boomer.
Based ESL retard.
>wow wasnt cartoony
this is hard cope, wow has always been a cartoony game.
The post did not specify what professions to level with
I would level with herbalism, then switch to engineering at 60 ish
I can't wrap my head around this mentality. You may as well be killing guys 5-10 levels below you. Where's the fun in that?
damn dude i probably shouldn't even reply to such an obviously shit post but i guess i just posted to let you know i literally didn't read the rest of your post
Supposedly the bones and animation system was changed at another point after they introduced the new models and it made it incompatible with the old models.
So the NEW new models are incompatible with the old animations.
I'm sure if they wanted to they could make it work though.
>get feared for 12 seconds
>get dotted up
>get life drained
>fear doesn't break from channeled or damage over time abilities
>be a target dummy for 12 seconds
so much fun
Uh oh here comes the baby tears
No one used an addon it was all in chat boxes for members to whisper for an inv
And it was great
And it will be great
It was cartoony, but it was cool grimdark cartoons like warhammer, not this (even more derivative) pixar/fortnite/overwatch shite.
>Northdale shut down
Wait how the fuck am I supposed to practice leveling now fuck me
Shoulda played around it
>Join party as tank in LFG tool
>Say hi
>No response
>Ask people questions for convo
>No response and told to shut up and pull
>At the end say thanks all
>But they all left before I noticed
it was cartoony like what you would expect from the cover a metal album.
Even taurens had foggy white eyes and were jacked up.
was and is; it was never grimdark like warhammer, are you smoking crack? WC3 was cartoony as shit.
That item is not near as legendary as the retailfag's coping mechanism
It adds SOUL you fucking idiot, go neck yourself dumb zoomer
I just wish there was an option to use new models (including creatures and buildings/textures)
i got mine at age 23 while working full time.
what's your excuse you fucking loser?
Who undead rouge here
This was my experience trying out retail again. I also couldn't wrap my head around the fact that everything was based around aoe and no CC was allowed. They didn't even want me to sit down and drink water for mana since I slowed them down.
a mod is modifying existing stuff, an add on is adding additional functionality, kys retard gibbon cuck fuckboi twatbag
Sometimes it's just fun to wreck shit. I mean you'll fight plenty of other twinks and that's fun too.
Fuck healer twinks though
Now that's probably true since they've been trying the FFXIV-style cinematics in BFA with unique animations, anyway I just wanted to argue the "animations are serverside" point.
I could've just pointed out that TMorph was a thing and animations worked perfectly fine when using it.
I forgot all about this bullshit.
Guess I won't be pvping in classic, I remember how fucking bad that shit used to be.
thanks blizzard
It does not have anywhere near the same energy and tone
*like* warhammer, If you think warhammer in no way influenced warcraft I'm sorry but you're a fucking retard. They've gone from cool comic cartoon style with a very slight edge to toytown disney shit, just look at the new goblin model, the new orc models, the new tauren models, are you just deliberately being dense?
>using concept art
3d design style was always to mimmick some cartoon form so it would sell to more audiences.
>zoomer trolling is this bad
Holy fuck kill yourself before you reach puberty please.
>but people used an lfg addon in vanilla...
this is you, this is what you sound like to anyone who isn't transsexual.
>no dreanai
>no buy
NO just a sub fee user
Hope you didn't buy it holy fuck.
Hating transmog is the ultimate contrarianism.
It's because they were restricted by the technology at the time, stupid.
of course warhammer influenced metzen and everyones art influence, wow is literally based on taking other peoples shit. The new models reflect that perfectly well, it's supposed to be intentionally cartoonish as it was previously because it sells to a wide audience.If they really wanted to go with the grim-dark route they would've just mimicked war hammer models, at the time they were limited by the amount of polygons a 3d designer had.
Hardly any people used an lfg addon in vanilla. It might as well never have exsisted since it only came out a couple of months before TBC came out.
Yes, no shit.
That's literally what he's saying.
WoW has always been a cartoony style game, they just couldn't properly show it in vanilla without blowing people's computers up.
you realize dawn of war was just one year behind release right?
They were absolutely problems in WotLK. Access to flying above 60% was made significantly easier. PVP while leveling is one thing but compared to max level its entirely meaningless especially with how streamlined the zones were.
WotLK heroics were easy on release unlike TBC and it had by far the worst raid content in the entire game with the initially offerings and then ToTC, I will yield that Ulduar was a great raid and ICC was ok.
WotLK also brought in achievements and expanded heavily on daily quests, both of which were complete cancer. Wintergrasp was cancer and the token free loot PVP raid bosses were cancer as well.
Your argument is basically "it wasn't AS bad in WotLK!" which is true, but it's still where a lot of the cancer began, TBC isn't free of flaws either with the introduction of flying, daily quests and the easy access to epics. My biggest realization here was when I looked up pre-raid best in slot lists for TBC and Classic.
In TBC every pre-raid best in slot slot is epic but in Classic basically every slot for every class is blue with some greens mixed in and very few epics mixed in (usually a single BoP crafted epic).
Looks better. It's a lot easier to convey lots of detail with painted textures than it is to carve them onto a 3D model.
Is this true? I'm making a warlock then
Transmog ruined another nice aspect of the game that is relatively unrecognised amongst most people, the ability to be able to see at a single glance just how far along someone is or is not ahead of you in PvE or PvP content or both. It was a huge deal but so subtle.
Moreover, you can still build transmog sets in your bank, and save them for roleplaying occasions, where they will be more appreciated anyway.
can't decide what to roll
I agree that the new models look like shit but that looks nothing like a regular ass human nose, user. The orc facial features are there but there's a pixar clean element to them - which looks terrible.
Regardless, retail hasnt gotten close to getting the style of what was in warcraft 3 art.
Even the old worgen models in vanilla have a far more menacing facial design despite how low poly it is.
everything just looks soft and cuddly in retail.
>mouth always open, huge tusks cant close mouth
>protruding lower jaw develops underbite to allow for tusks
Rogues are so slow in classic.
5 min cd on sprint and 30% speed reduction EVEN while talented. Stealthing is a snoozefest.
What I never understand is why nobody ever SUED them for literally stealing every race, trope and story from Warhammer, Tolkien and D&D?
That's not how it works. If YOU are the Warlock then fear breaks after the first damage tick. Now, enemy Warlocks will fear you for the full duration and your character will take the path that aggroes most mobs.
How many subs will they get back for this?
transmogs gave wow variety, but it took away the value of tier sets. I transmogs are not bad, the way that blizzard implemented it was bad and still is bad for the game. transmogging should be a difficult to obtain, like you would have to do mythic+ content and something related to professions to get pieces transmogged.
300k in the first month, down to 5k in the second.
>the ability to be able to see at a single glance just how far along someone is or is not ahead of you in PvE or PvP content or both
Their health/mana tells you everything you need to know.
a lot
you can sue someone for mixing ideas and making it into your own.
>Everyone I know is rolling on Shazzrah
Just use jmorph instead of transmog.
Walking around as a tauren rogue dual wielding frostmournes is great.
the dwarf looks good but the orc and gnome are as fugly as vanilla
That's the point.. it's to keep their ESRB teen.
Well this is Yea Forums. I'd imagine a number of posters in threads haven't played the game they're supposed to discuss or even the genre.
I'm so hype lads
Stop calling LFD LFG, they're two completely different things.
I'm gonna kill you rogue scum.
My aspect of the cheetah will catch you.
My flare will unstealth you.
My pet will eat you.
I will laugh and camp you.
This is inevitable.
I will when you stop calling yourself a woman instead of a man. They're two completely different things.
Asmonbald and his zoomers will push for TBC because Asmon never played during Vanilla. It's the laziest route and appeases the #nochanges autists. I really hope it doesn't happen pros.
>High Elves raped my parents
asmongold is doing a 24 hour stream on release
get hype!
>Retain iconic features
Okay so the Orc's bottom jaw does not match the three-tooth row on the classic model; the snarl on the new model looks more like a confused "hooouhhh?" from a particularly stupid DreamWorks character, making the new model look dumb and like he is prone to acts of random and pitiless violence for sheer thrill's sake as he is too stupid and lobotomized to realise he is doing harm to people; the facial hair is all over the place making the new model look like some strange Warcraft version of an American high school stoner comedy set in 1975, why the sideburns?, looks really out of place and terrible, reference model in classic did not have this; the eyes were red not yellow, and the ears are not pointed correctly and look like fat goblin ears. The shade of purple is off on the new model's hair and his chin has now become a fat slob parade.
>Refine where necessary
Okay the dwarf looks fine. Needs to look more angry concerned though.
>Unify rendering
Gnome looks like shit and his hair is neon. Looks like it was taped on. Like it was an actual polaroid photograph and someone stuck these little pictures of douchebag hair onto an otherwise bald hairless gnome, and made them neon because it's for some reason funny or something.
I'll donate 15 bucks every hour in the hope he will say my name at the end of the stream.
Not the same as it's not a glance it's an inspection at that point
You can see without targeting them in any way how far along they are and it puts everyone on a level playing field
No you can't you stupid fuck.
>WoW finally gets updated models so it doesn't look like its from 2004
>going back to 2004 and can't use said updated models
already subbed and ready. this is going to be the greatest game release in 15 years time.
Of course everyone is going to spout the "old=good new=bad" meme. But honestly the new models are better. The old models all look like they just saw a ghost.
You literally can though
You can, just not for player models. World wise though 100% you can
yes, you can. dumb zoomer.
Because muh #nochanges faggots.
Explain to me why new animations and models are so terrible and they ruin the game that you need the old ones back.
1 more day until classic niggers get the fuck off from our pservers, rejoice
I hope you will be playing BfA on your sub also!
Delusional lmao. A bunch of servers are full already just from people reserving names. There are hundreds of thousands of characters on just shazzrah.
in 2004
Just get the MPQ patch that literally every private server client download has nowadays and you can switch between WoD models and classic models.
There was nothing better at the time
no ion
There still isn't
No one will give a rat's fucking anal about private servers after this. Nobody. Not a single body.
>There are hundreds of thousands of characters on just shazzrah.
You know players can make more than 1 character, right?
That's not all that impressive, I would've expeced MILIONS of characters if classic was actually as popular as the shills want you to believe.
is this real? was this a diversity hire contribution?
Tauren smoke pipes all day
>implying FF14 doesn’t absolutely fucking destroy classic WoW in almost every aspect
>implying MMOs are worth playing anymore
Why do I have to take Engineering on every class? Why can't Blizzard balance for shit?
Blizzard did it intentionally because
>lol the original model had an open mouth
It looks so bad.
Blizzard client can detect this and you'll get a ban. I used to change my human mage to an undead in TBC and I got a ban.
They made the orc look like the undead, wow
>not getting Enchanting and Tailoring or Blacksmithing to make thousands of gold
You realize Blizzard's using the BfA client right?
just drop the new models files into the old folder. that's what i did for a private server and it works great.
You realize that MPQ files can easily be ported to BfA, right?
>oh jeez why don’t we add this option since it’s better
>and then how about this thing
>and this thing
You zoomer fuck. The game is meant to be as close to original as possible. The more changes they make, the less authentic it is. Which is the entire point of Classic.
And that's a good thing
It's gone, what was it?
The point is that people are not gonna enjoy it. They think they will, but they wont
That's how retail is today, yes. No socialization, the other people in your group may as well be NPCs.
>No dreanei
>No dreabuy
I hope it doesn't happen too, while TBC was great it was still a downgrade from Classic overall and introduced a lot of the things that made WoW awful in the end, even if people didn't realize it at the time.
>flying mounts above 60% speed
>dungeon tokens
>easy access to epics
>class homogenization begins
>daily quests
>time gated content (sunwell)
>the removal of attunements after doing a good job of implementing them
I'm sure I'm missing more things
to be fair, that has been my experience with 14 as well
no man those are the broken
In 2 days, we're going home
In 2 days, angry retailcucks will be screaming at the void while they wait for their daily timegated daily grind, because there'll be no one in those threads, because we'll be at home
>subscription fee
>for a game with no updates
>in 2019
zoom zoom
I'd say 80% of retail players are mostly just chatting in guild chat and fucking around in the major cities with friends, it's only pathetic, lonely niggers like you faggots who can't make any friends so you just blame the game instead.
The only reason you like vanilla so much is because people were literally forced to talk to you.
Part of the fun in vanilla was making sets that are comparable to BiS in stats but dont look like dogshit, and also if u saw someone in full tier/warlord set's you knew he was big dick
>Flying in general
Ltd, new models look like f2p mobile game trash
Image liking something so much that you'll pay any price for it, and it only costs a pittance
Must be awful
Yeah but they're draenei in wc3
>you knew he was big dick
You mean small dick?
So small in fact that he spends most of his time in a virtual world where he doesn't have to think about how small his dick is.
>roll mage
>poly someone
>it naturally breaks in 1 second
>i get poly'd with trinket on cd
>lasts until i'm 80
>same thing with fear
What do you mean "of all the things", the whole point is to make it as authentic as possible aside from QOL changes aside that come with progress in tech and hardware (like they won't force you to raid at 15fps or make the servers laggy/unstable). I think Classic is stupid but I still understand this
The males are way worse
but you know that guy just wants draenei tranny futa rp
Man I would love if they actually had the torch feature in Classic. Made night time adventuring feel like an actual adventure.
I can't believe Blizzard baited you all into playing this shit again
the functionality used by the recently disabled addon wasn't introduced to the game until mists
bottom right old is my jam. He looks tarded and my ex-wife was a tard.
oh no no no...
we were too cocky classicbros
>world is so empty blizzard introduces sharding to give illusion of life
I had a similar experience when I returned to try Cataclysm for the new zones.
Nice bait faggot, Classic had fucking nothing while BC revolutionized PvP and made raiding tolerable.
you have to find me first fucko
Who the fuck likes Retail other than Mountspetscheevos subhumans lmao
What's wrong with this? The Classic one is superior in every way placing a larger importance on your raid preparation (consumables/buffs) and knowledge (gearing) than ability to press an extra 4 buttons in a predetermined order.
Teamwork and Preperation > button spaghetti
No need to be offended your expansion introduced some of the features that led to the ruin of WoW. TBC raids were great and the expansion was great overall but these flaws lingered and evolved into nothing but cancer.
can't wait boys
>BC revolutionized PvP
Outside of the addition of Arenas (which could of been done better) Pvp was 10x worse in TBC
World pvp also died burning in agony
>b-b-but retail
nice excuse, tranboy
They tried to over complicate Bfa rotation lol. It's literally the same shit as Classic
>Teamwork and Preperation
What teamwork? all fights are tank and spank.
Who are you quoting?
>It's literally the same shit as Classic
you're in for a disappointment
cookie clicker generation, everybody.
You can entertain these negroes with just 1 button.
oops, someone hit a nerve
I'd like to see you go in and do Naxx with a bunch of randoms who don't speak
I know right?! Based fucking blizz is delivering, I can play this on my toaster thanks to them!
>tfw turned thirty this week
At least Bannerlord is confirmed.
Dwarf warrior.
wrong patch, it got nerfed in 1.12
I'd like to see you get down on all fours and get penetrated from behind by a bigger, blacker man than me while I jerk off in the background.
Are you paying for the spectacle?
>unironic retail cucktards in this thread
But in classic you aren't supposed to be on an even playing field.
they're defending a one button "rotation", it's hilarious
Preparation is just a rogue spell, stop taking everything so literally.
because the new models look like fucking shit
define nerfed
Realistically, putting in 2-3 hours a day, how long will it take to get to lvl 30 or whatever the requirement is to gank n00bs at STV?
>No blood elves in classic
>No updated models
I can't fucking wait, it is no coincidence that most of the retail derangement against classic is coming from blood elf, worgan, and draeni players
Not him, but I'll chip in.
If you dislike both retail and vanilla, what do you even like?
>It's supposed to be unbalanced!
Give up, dadgamer
>My enjoyment from the game comes from pressing many buttons in a scripted PVE encounter
PVP is more complex and more nuanced in Vanilla than retail if you actually want to play competitively and mash your keys.
fails more often than it works
like a week or 2
I want to go back, if only for a little while
>he have fun pushing a rotation or priority list
i'm sorry for you
>PVP is more complex and more nuanced in Vanilla than retail
ok I gotta leave these threads until the game is actually released, this is too much
pve is punching bag shit anyway. elemental mage pvp has more depth than any retarded ass combo rotation in that one other MMO youre clearly making a comparison to.
>"retails classes are so poorly designed lmao the rotation is terrible"
>"but vanilla classes only spam 1 skill..."
>"w-w-well, rotations don't even matter in pve lmao why would you even bring that up"
It's funny how fast you classicfags backpeddle when you get BTFOd.
>There are two types of people in this world, retailfags, and classicfags, but me....
>I'm a gamer.
cringe desu
Probably around 50 hours from new character to ganking in STV.
thats just a bonus, of course people played them for the "perfect human" aesthetic that tolkien gave elves
Retail to this day isn't balanced for 1v1 and classic most certainly has glaring imbalances for pve and pvp
So you're telling me all those people kissing streamer ass are full grown adults?
I like most of the music and visuals and some of the lore is neat as well.
Gameplay took a dive, however, which is why I haven't played retail in some time.
>this is complex and deep *mouseclicks*
also cant be used in combat
>Welfare gear was completely out of the hand , it was possible to buy 25m(!!!)tier(!!!)gear by doing fucking daily dungeons, WHAT THE FUCK.
Being able to craft gear that's better than raid gear is completely okay though? Vanilla and TBC were already guilty of this, it's nothing new
Does anyone think it's weird building an entire game around the idea that you have to kill the bosses over and over again? Ever since I was a kid it seemed so weird to me that you're actually expected to kill bosses more than once, Could an MMO be possible where you aren't strongly incentivised to replay content? How would it work? Blackpill me please, because I'm just so bored of how samey MMOs are now.
>i-it's h-hard!!1
Not my fault you're a shit player.
thank god.
What are you even trying to say?
Have you completely lost your personality after thousands of hours of shitposting to stave off your boredom and lack of purpose in life, or are you still able to convey your thoughts without spouting 5 memes per second?
>be 28, make good money and have a new truck
>go on lots of dates
>have some sex but no one in this shitty fucking generation wants to be long term or not be a whore
Fuck it, time for wow and casual sex I guess
That's comedy, I love Kevin
At least post the good version
since when did we have to defend "rotations" anyway. this is such a stupid conversation. but every conversation about wow classic on Yea Forums has been stupid so why am I surprised?
this is better than bfa at least where frostbolt is just a spell to fish for procs. at least every frostbolt in vanilla feels good and does damage on its own. also threat and mana management are a part of vanilla and not bfa
Lmfao, no. Classic PVP is literally 1 - 2 shotting people and abusing unbalanced CC like fear and sap if you play an OP class.
A+ editing
Fucking casual
>ignoring the point about how every class is more complex and nuanced in PVP in classic which is actually competitive because you play against other players
It's funny how retailfags claim classic is easy when PVP is more competitive in classic and PVE rewards preparation more than retail
That's theme park mmo's. There are rides, you go on them and that's it. But Wow also has PvP. It's never the same and is always freeform and unique.
Wow needs more of that. World PvP objectives that are ongoing, organic, freeform, territory that changes hand, world buffs for you faction, that kind of stuff.
>at least every frostbolt in vanilla feels good
I hope it does user since that's the only thing you have to use
>bad clicker players are an example of the entire player base
Retailbabies actually believe these players don't exist in their game
how is an unbalanced snorefest more competitive than retail
A baseline even playing field
A playing field exists on top of that though called the game itself
This is baseline fundamentalism stuff
I still have a couple years before "almost 30" and I'll do everything I can to be able to move out by then.
Ironically, I finished school and have a job, but I don't have a driver's license.
Bad clicker player playing a bad class beats one of the best pvp classes despite being oom. Not sure what lessons to learn from that clip to be honest
Sounds like Warhammer Online
>all those stats
>a bad thing
You just don't understand, and I pity you
>this is the excuse retailbabies will use when they get stunlocked to death by a rogue while wearing greens and blues with no stam because they followed a BiS PVE gearlist
>druid is a bad class
>not practically immortal in PVP when played well which is why they're the best flag carrier
>bad overconfident mage went oom and got killed by a clicker
>look good
Get rekt blood elf
>still not knowing vanilla was rock papers siccors
Transmog is shit because the world should always just show you what is WITHIN the world, including what people are wearing. You can see someone's progress in PvE by just looking at what they wear. By looking at the game world. By doing that you subtly see the world and the player as entwined.
Transmog does not do this. It lies to the player. It shows each and every person a lie about the truth that only you or they know. Your gear no longer even matters, being merely a tool to increase level cap power by ever smaller percentage increase gains, it is just a means to an end. It is not something you can show off. It's something to hide, something to show off not what you have done in the game but some kind of self-preening deception to others to make yourself look "cooler." The world becomes insular -- it is you vs. the world. Transmogs become part of the background now, ironically making how you look become less important to others.
Yeah kind of. I was thinking more along the lines of DAoC, which was more of a hybrid theme park and Warhammer was based on a lot of that stuff.
and mushrooms
I love the seething
mage didnt use mana gem or pot or evocation. mages have no reason to go oom.
Which classes are each one of those?
>Be shadow priest, tank off hunter dps and burn them alive with devouring plague
>Can't outrange the dot casts.
>Mind blast and restore some hp.
>nvm just reused bubble
Let darkness guide me.
Jesus, stop bitching
Its not that bad and you get used to it
At least a million judging by the servers, maybe more
Rogues -> Cloth Classes -> Warriors -> Rogues
Healers are immortal
imagine allowing people to steal from you and then bragging about it