Are you guys gonna play Control?
Are you guys gonna play Control?
Other urls found in this thread:
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are all against Trump's tariffs
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Voidpoint apologize for sexist and transphobic comments, add mandatory sensivity training and donate 10,000 dollars for an anti-suicide LGBT charity
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
That's misinformation based on badly worded tweet by publisher. Men will be streaming too, they just wanted to emphasize female streamer being involved.
We can't stop winning, ResetLads
Yes now go away.
>All 4 replies to this thread are /pol/niggers getting told to fuck off
oh no no no no /pol/bros, we were supposed to have influence on this website
shill your shitty blog somewhere else you whiny, fat faggot
how do you go from max payne to this, yikes
>one angry faggot
For the love of everything that is holy, do not fucking make this piece of shit get attention in the news because you retards decided to sperg about it. No ones knows of this game's existence and we wanna keep it that way
Fake news. But that's okay since it's our boy spreading it
I guess they dont want men to buy it either
>No ones knows of this game's existence and we wanna keep it that way
Why? The game looks decent. Certainly the best thing Remedy has done since Max Payne 2.
This is just a deliberate evocation of the Streisand Effect to try to get people to talk about a game that otherwise would've fallen by the wayside with nary more than a whimper.
Remedy executives sold lots of their stock last week. They claim everything is fine, but it feels like they got no faith in this game, they know it will flop.
Source in Finnish:
>Gender equality
>Doesn't let men join in
Someone pls explain how this liberals are so rarted
oneangryincel makes his living off of intentionally misinterpreting things
Not many replies this time, are your buddies on discord asleep at this hour?
That and riling /pol/niggers into muh culture war.
What badly worded tweet? They literally just said they partnered up with a few twitch thots. That's it. No "men exluded" or "only women can stream our games"
Do people really have to add trigger warnings and disclaimers now to avoid triggering retards too dumb to read?
kill it with silence
Looks like DansGaming became TransGaming
>Made this thread earlier and got deleted.
Lel everyone's already pointed out this is all just marketing to get the game ANY sort of attention since its barely got any
ya seethe?
Women and gaming are the worst combination ever
No fuck you fuck the game and fuck trannies
I just want Alan Wake 2.
Not looking bright for the studio when this flops, I doubt they'll ever have a chance at making a big game again now that they're no longer partnered up with Microsoft.
Is that guy some kind of shill? There hasn't been that many threads about Control but this faggot writes some stupid article and now we have 5 threads on the catalog.
Looks like Remedy is getting woke. You know what's coming next...
You're right. I do.
Why do people not like Alan Wake? Do you hate soul or something?
Yeah I want this to do well, hopefully epic paid them well at least.
I'll play it when it gets cheaper.
He basically lives rent-free in resetrannies little heads, nurturing ther anxiety and suicidal thoughts. That's why we need more of him
>All threads about this game are asking if anybody is even excited or even going to play it.
>This thread is trying to get people "outraged" in order to get the game some sort of attention along with a fake "controversy"
lel stop trying so hard to get people interested in this game.
I want it to do well too, but I doubt it will given that there's been like no marketing for it and the game is out in 2 days and there's like no buzz at all.
nah, they're out trying to pick up little kids
>Being proud of being cancer
Honestly can't wait when you faggots get purged.
probably attempting suicide i just hope the transdisgust , faggots succeed this time :)
Who else here harassing any and all devs in the industry, indie or not, with transphobia accusations?
Can't believe how easy it is to hold these people's mental states and PR machines ransom, they turn into your little slaves who have no other option but to suck your dick at the mere mention of transphobia. I harass them for not doing enough to turn their protagonists trans or at least giving them trans companions who are written to be portrayed in the most positive way possible.
If someone's PR machine is so broken and stupid and lacking in any self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works, to unironically apologize to a niche minority which screams ism and phobia at them at the expense of losing a majority of their consumerbase which is sick and tired of this shit, then they deserve everything that comes to them.
I'm all in for Operation Mass LARP, where we larp as a transgenders and attack as many of these devs in the industry as possible with bullshit claims of transphobia and shit.
I'm not only making them pander, I'm also making it so no matter how much they pander, or what way, they are always doing a shoddy job and are therefore still phobic and disappointing, 24/7. Every time they do one thing I'll find something wrong with it so they have to constantly think every day on how to better themselves and tinker until they go mad. Where transphobia doesn't apply, misogyny can be engineered, and vice-versa.
Apologies are never enough, the only way to fix your transphobia is to dedicate your every single day of every week of your life towards the well-being of the trans community, constant activity is the only way to prove yourself an ally.
If you stop or whine about it, bad news, you are a transphobic little wagie, i'm gonna have your own marketing teams send you on sensitivity training and cut your salary, and sack all the especially vocal rebels so they can fuck off and develop burgers instead.
Why would anyone even care, unless it's a game you like let them do what they want.
Real reason is, people love to be outraged.
no because regardless of any political opinions you might have the "game" is a generic shitheap with overblown color correction and a focus on an incredibly generic setting and narrative over enjoyable gameplay
it's just quantum break again
The only thing that is getting purged is this industry. And it's getting purged from you. RESETERA, BAY BAY!!!
I approve of this. Can't beat them, join them. We're all ResetEra now, bay bay.
zoomers really can't bait
>exclude men from stream because gender equality
>men and women watching together isn't equal
>"men always do that so it's my turn now even though I never bothered with that before!"
I get that equality is good but this is no equality at all. also, there are always way more men than a handful of women who like vidya in the first place.
How do people always fall for these try hard posts.
Nice fantasy you got there
And we're just getting started.
Whot eh fuck asked for QB2?
I love how some companies aren't even trying to hide the fact they're using outrage culture as a marketing scheme to get people to talk about their game.
>The game looks decent.
if you think uncharted is decent and a retard the yes
Its been a thing for a while and its not very subtle. I would count devs telling their customers to fuck off as being part of it. The easiest way to make that sort of marketing fail however is to just ignore it, dont get outraged, don't talk about it, dont buy it. Let it die by dragging it down with your apathy. The more radio silence that follows the more it hurts it.
Because it's a fucking shit game with a terrible story and the ending is DLC, probably.
>Shine torch on enemy
>Then shoot them
>Do this for the entire game because there are only like 3 enemy types in the entire game and they're all functionally identical
>And the only bosses in the game are a flock of crows and a tractor
>they partnered
For the first batch of streams, exclusive to them. That's exactly what it is.
It was supposed to be a game based on environmental warping and destruction, possibly real time shit, and it ended up being a corridor with this format
>light them up then shoot light them up then shoot replace batteries then light and shoot
>walls are gone
>rinse and repeat until next cutscene-heavy area
It looked great but it was a piece of shit.
I actually don't mind it. But I've always prioritized art design, setting and the mood of a game over gameplay to be completely honest. I get so wrapped up in the world of Alan Wake that I don't mind the monotonous combat.
Also, I'm really glad it didn't end up as an open world game, would have just resulted in a less focused story.
Also, I know the story isn't exactly high art, but it's entertaining and comfy to me. I love all the characters too.
It's pretty hard to get wrapped up in Alan Wake's world when the plot makes no sense and all the characters are retarded.
What the fuck is this game even called or is even?
That's the point. Alan's trapped in his own trashy horror novel.
>incel knighting a shit game company
How long have you been an orbiter for faggot?
>I ironically posting oneangryincel here
fuck off billy, go spend more money on star citizen
You've been impotently posting this image for years and they continue catering to us ResetLads. How does it feel to be an utter failure?
t. Billy
>All this mention of reeesetera and yet their own threads apparently forgot this game was coming out soon, didn't know the game at all, mention how they're just waiting for reviews to drop first or just skipping it all together.
Gotta check the secret discord
isnt it normal to wait for reviews or demos before you buy game?
preorders are cancer
>secret discord
I doubt those numbers even reach a high double digit.
>implying Resetera even plays videogames.
I find it super weird that gender politics and that kind of gay ass faggot shit comes into entertainment industry for edgy 12y old boys
>We made it bad on purpose, as a joke
Doesn't actually make it good.
You are all getting played.
Yes, now fuck off nigger
doesnt change the fact that they only invited female streamers for open beta
It felt like a bad movie with gameplay shoehorned in.
I cannot fathom why people still think there's gender inequality. Wait, scratch that, Women and treated FAR better than Men now-a-days and this shit just shows that Men are being into the dirt.
This is stupid. Who else is going to buy their games? I don't get why they keep 'supporting womyn' - It's still men who primarily play video games. What, do they think they're going to get a million female players?
(Also, why haven't we heard of this game? This is the first I've seen of it.)
How do we revoke women's rights?
They've clearly shown in the last century that they can't be trusted with any amount of authority.
It's destroying society.
AND YET the SJWization of games continues apace
Our march is unstoppable. Facts literally do not matter.
your march will end in a hailstorm of lead
delusional cope, our influence continues to grow and you are impotent to stop us
Imagine having to kowtow to streamers to sell a game in 2019.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
The corporate blight makes us pay the toll
And the transphobes are on its payroll
Gotta censor out, gotta censor out
Gotta censor out, gotta censor out
With some force applied, we can make them see
We just gotta scour, don't let them flee
Gotta censor out, gotta censor out
Gotta censor out, GOTTA CENSOR OUT
At last, baby, we're aglow
It's our time, time to make them go
I can't seem to control
All... this... rage that's inside me
Tying knots, screaming lots, yeah, it's true bliss
Forty percent chance, make sure it's gonna miss
Red hot temper, I just can't resist
All this vengeance inside me
bay baysed
Already made 8 accounts on trannyera
I will be looking for the most inane and retarded things to get upset about and post there
Cant wait for the trannies to start harassing the devs
Accelerationism here we come!
>When you join ResetEra and grow their ranks thinking there's ever gonna be a point where they grow too powerful
The third reich will look like an ant in comparison to our bay baysed tranny reign
>do they think they're going to get a million female players?
Yes. It's called the blue ocean strategy. Since women dont play shooters, then the company that makes a shooter "for women" will corner the market on billions of potential players! At least that's what they believe.
>Gender equality means putting obstacles to male streamers because nobody wants to watch talentless thots
They're worse than Jehova's Witnesses. Reminds me of the time started offering female streamers some sort of salary everymonth to help them start until they got enough viewers.
yet they still affect the industry more than "4channel" ever could
>gender equality
>This thread isn't even about the game
>Its a circlejerk against an article some person made and tribalism over web forums
Will Yea Forums ever talk about videogames?
Does anyone legit care about these samey boring looking AAA ish bland Western release games anymore? They're so bad they aren't even worth pirating.