>he rolled an Undead
Dark Lady watch over you.
WoW Classic
Other urls found in this thread:
How is her top staying on?
Classic threads are being co-opted by cumskulls now.
dried resin
My cum of course :D
Sylvanas is a miracle of the universe!
>living corpse of a fictional race
>HoW iS hEr ToP sTaYiNg On?
500 iq anatomy
imagine cumming inside her cold pussy as a prank haha
wow sucks
the thumbnail made it look like the skin on her tits was rippped off
what did the forsaken mean by this?
im gonna roll a çumbrain.
That'd be so funny lol imagine raising kids together haha
she's definitely into anal
imagine the smell
Imagine being an incel who browses a video game forum as an adult instead of raising is own family and having a full-time job.
how many undead cocks she took when Arthas ''converted'' her?
just imagine the ghouls , abominations , necromancers , cryptfiends ganging her
That was unecessarily hostile.
Do you think her Pussy is Warm or Cold
It's Sunday, you unmarriageable freakshow.
Can't wait to get my Rivendare horse bros
I just don't understand how you can find this attractive, unless it's purely aesthetic. There's no sexual fantasy here. She's a corpse, and therefore cold and rigid. She's got no possible way to sweat, so that clearly means she's also just kinda wet.
So if you imagine fucking this and jerking off, your hand is already the furthest thing away from what you're seeing.
If you want to know what it's like to fuck her, put a chicken in the freezer overnight, take it out in the morning, let it defrost for about 2-3 hours so it's not frozen, but it's not really defrosted either, pour a cup of water over it, and fuck it.
imagine if it was just that simple
good thing you dont have to imagine it
That's some hardcore projection.
room temp
All it takes is money, most women only care about money. You can be an ugly incel but get a model-tier wife if you can afford her. Women have no feelings and only care about themselves, their brains are narcissistic by default.
>There's no sexual fantasy here. She's a corpse
>what is necrophilia
That's cold compared to your average body temperature while aroused. It would feel cold.
>Die on private server/retail, you leave a skeleton
>Die on Classic, you leave a gravestone.
What did Blizzard mean by this?
The problem with necrophilia is that they usually try to find warm corpses or heat up the corpse in some way which destroys the corpse in the process. That's the shit you don't hear about because you just hear the word and don't know shit about it. Nobody fucks cold things. It's universally unpleasant.
How is her panties outside her but crack?
Nelf supreme
Rekindling of the Red update fucking when?
arent night elves meant to look like amazonian savages?
>tfw incel who browses a video game forum as an adult and also has a full time job.
>buildings are in red
WoW lore is so dumb
>WoW classic
>That disgusting version of Sylvanas
I don't give a shit if her cunt's cold. The real question is if she smells.
fine taste
The Scarlet Crusade did nothing wrong. The only homeland of the "Forsaken" is the grave.
well it's old, dead, and cold so probably
canonically like wilted roses I believe.
which I assume would just be the same as normal roses but sounds darker
Only in Warcraft 3.
In WoW they are just purple submissive sluts with no identity other than being tree huggers.
what do you think magic is for
brb stuffing my room temp ham and cheese sandwich with rose petals for full immersion later
fucking twitter piece of shit retard
The Scarlet Crusade fuck Undead girls.
They sound based to me
if blizzard kills her in BFA I'm done. The fucking Night elf scum deserved what happened to them. Sylvanas took the blue pill for fucking decades but finally became woke on what must be done and who the true evil/enemy of the world really was.
Druid or hunter for my alch/herb alter?
Hunter will be a lot easier and faster to level and won't give a fuck about being undergeared but that sweet aquatic form looks too good to pass up for straglekelp and having a healer alt can come in handy
>diversity hires still writing for WoW
>female lead tries to commit genocide
damn. I told you niggers. you didn't listen - Illidan
This without the underage buzzwords. Sylvanas is the only reason to care about Warcraft lore.
Imagine being a nofap autist that thinks he'll finally go super saiyan if he can blueball himself hard enough.
Fuck off with you fapbait. Sylvanas was always a meh character only hyped because of the incels loving her.
already said they weren't.
>and who the true evil/enemy of the world really was.
Yes, the evil is the undead. The Scarlet Crusade should've wiped out those fucking usurpers in Classic and then killed off the traitors in the Argent Dawn too.
I don't care about factions. WoW isn't my life, and i always found the faction stuff really cringe.
this whore should've died in wrath but then all the kumbrains would've complained because
>muh waifu
fuck off
It's the same for almost every female characters : They don't die in WoW because they know the gook/incels love them. Meanwhile all the males were killed/turned into loot pinatas.
>implying we could let based garrosh live
he was too woke, he had to be put down
Garrosh was based. Him and Varian were the only good faction leaders.
No lol, he was just a cringe blue warchief
Watch the Ulduar trailer and say that again. He was a true human leader.
>le anime gary stu blessed by epic wolf demigod
50% of why I'm done with WoW is because of what she did to the night elves. Go fuck yourself.
>autist butthurt over a dead tree in a video game
even more based
I love these comments. You can almost smell the fat pathetic social retard posting this. "I'm a nice guy why don't women want me, I demand they have sex with me because I am" nice".
I find it even more pathetic that a fucking wow thread makes them post their pathetic rational.
Unironically have sex and stop being a faggot.
>tyrande goes full elune warrior super saiyan
>beat by a bow and arrow
yeah id quit too LOL
Newfag here, Sylvanas is the single most unlikeable character I've seen in the game so far. Why does anyone like her? Is it just the neckbeard waifutards?
I mean Tyrande and Cuckfurion deserved it for being such trash leaders.
She was the only good looking Horde character in vanilla.
Even in death she's a knock-out
more like anti-elf chads
remember that elves are subhuman and any violence against them is justified
>night elf tranny RP player
Every WoW character is like that. They're all overpowered super special snowflakes, none of them are a common man of any stripe. WoW is absolute shit lore wise, none of the characters are good.
Not everyone has bad taste
But Sylvanas is an Elf.
The horde and alliance are both shit. Only humans of Lordaeron are based.
the only OP horde character was thrall, meanwhile varian solo's onyxia and a giant fel reaver.
i wanna fuck her
god i hope classic purges these trannies from my alliance
Cringe incel losers who take a fictional faction war seriously because it's the only identity they have
Lol fucking no.
You answered your own question.
She has not changed from vanilla to bfa. Only people who Hate her are fucking retards.
Undead starting zone story
"the horde is an alliance of convenience. The undead will destroy all enemies standing in their way, the alliance, the living, or otherwise."
that'd be the people crying about her.
lmao what horde soibois
None of the characters in WoW are well written or interesting. They're all trash, which one is a little bit more powerful than the other one is completely irrelevant when they're all the same garbage at the end of the day. The entire Warcraft series got carried off of its gameplay, the lore is and always has been utter dreck.
for me it's maiev
haha imagine how sweaty she is under that armor ha
imagine the smell lol
I like that warden armor a lot.
Sure wish I could actually wear it.
forgiveable since she's murdred billions
>this is supposed to be a corpse
What a qt
Blood Elves participated in the genocide as well.
It's WoW, nothing makes sense. Racial identity only matters when the plot says so.
>the gargoyles, the geists, the plaguehounds, even the frost wyrms and meat wagons
Many blessing of the Banshee Queen upon you fellow user.
Most of them are Alliance mains
As a married 30 yr old boomer that's been on Yea Forums since 2005 and having no social media garbage accounts sylvanas will always be my dark lady
who also has a fat ass and thighs
i bet you love doing that everyday IT’S CHICKEN TIME
Haha yeah she would smell so much haha her sweat would litterally stick her armor to her skin haha I would like to lick her
Hey lads, just wanted to drop some useful guides to get ahead of the pack for horde rogues and other horde players.
If you want to race rogue BiS use this guide:
Fast and easy gear you can get while leveling a rogue:
I see people get gkicked all the time. Use this video to get a secure spot in a good guild fast. This is very important:
If you want to grind, this 1-40 grind guide shows you the best things to kill for horde side to make the most money and kill the fastest while being safe from alliance:
Here's some quest items you can use to have fun and do cool things. Some won't work for vanilla:
If there's one video you should save to favorites it's this one. Literally has every single mining node, rare spawn, chest spawn, etc all mapped out. Best grind spots, and rare recipe drops. It's crazy good.
If you haven't went grocery shopping yet, use this guide to buy optimal clean nutrition that won't dirty your hands or slow your gaming experience:
If you want to have the best weapons on a rogue at whatever level, use this guide.
And if you want to learn everything to be a true Chad rogue and top the meters / be as efficient as fuck, solo the outlaw sabre quest, solo the poison quest at 22, get swords as early as level 6, hit this one up:
These are all set up for massive quick consumption and won't jew you out of 10 minutes for a single subject.
Get the fuck out swolebenji, dumb shill
boomers were born in like the '50s retard
Corpses don't exist in real life, but tank tops do, and we know they work
*slices off cock and balls and extracts prostate*
uwu night elf mommy feet
His guides are really good, best I've ever seen. Noshill. Better than anything TipsOut or Madseason makes.
baby boomers idiot
you're forgetting your tripcode benji, i wonder why that is
Hey man these are really good. Like the big middle finger to Tips and Staysafe.
Madseasons guides were never meant to be highly detailed, they're introductory at best. They're meant to be comfy.
>believes this
>calls other people incels
fuck off 14 year old retard
undead are legit the bad guys of wow. no matter how blizz spins it, they will always be the bad guys. scarlet crusade did nothing wrong.
Imagine needing a full-time job to make enough money to live well and enjoy life.
Get a job that pays well enough to work 3 days a week.
>scarlets are all forsaken now
>meat wagons
Sylvanas is a walking atrocity and deserves to be purged from Azeroth. She was a smug cunt before Arthas killed her and whatever sympathy she may have garnered as a Scourge slave was lost when she took Lordaeron with no right claim and began all out war against the Alliance because of her boundless hatred and misplaced anger. She has consistently performed war crimes and shown contempt for her own people - desiring only power and vengeance instead of justice. Wrathgate, Southshore, Gilneas, and the Night Elven lands demand justice. I gave up on Warcraft lore a long time ago, but when she finally dies, I'll watch YouTube videos of it for days with a smile on my face.
>he doesn't know
>"demand justice"
>those cucks already forgave the Forsaken
anyone have this montage video of boomkin soloing every single rare in the game on some private server?
It was spammed by some autistic druid back in the early classic threads on Yea Forums shilling for "druidchads"
picrandom for attention
superb autism
>if blizzard kills her in BFA I'm done.
wait so you werent done when BFA was released?
Such as what?
Working at daddy's company?
>The problem with necrophilia is that they usually try to find warm corpses
no we don't
SEETH harder wagie
Just poppin' in to let ya'll know there's absolutely nothing wrong with cannibalism.
I don't get to be patriotic in real life because Germany is fucked up. Therefore I am patriotic in video games.
Same way nipple pasties do.
Yes. The Horde only manages to survive through piles of plot armor, and Sylvanas herself is the waifu of one of the lead writers, so naturally she gets away with absurd shit and her comeuppance is always delayed 'until next time' as she and her sex toy Nathanos (said writer's self insert) escape with a plan that makes everyone else have to act retarded and depowered for it to succeed.
oh my god just fucking shut the fuck up you obnoxious fucking faggot
Good. She deserves a strong mate.
Typing like that takes more work than just calling someone a fucking faggot. you fucking faggot.
its bad enough caring about wow lore, caring about nu wow lore should be a capital punishment
>alliancelet crying about plot armor
>country is overrun by niggers
>cope by being a patriotic nigger in a videogame
lmao Hans
LMAO get fucked alliance gayboi
>no Asia servers
What the fuck is wrong with blizzard? I know plenty of autistic salarymen that would love to go back instead of meeting their families after work.
I'm so fucking mad
>corpses don't exist in real life
The Horde as it is wouldn't last a month in open war with the Alliance, mostly because nobody in the Horde still wants to go to war except Sylvanas and her cronies. Anduin could talk Baine and the Tauren out of fighting, reach an agreement with Saurfang to no longer fight (and by extension cease fighting with the Darkspear), and could easily reach an agreement with Lor'themar.
From there the only races left that matter are Undead, who already have factions working against Sylvanas, and the Goblins, who don't give a flying fuck avout loyalty as long as they get paid.
BFA is quite literally "The Alliance should win here but the Horde pulls some bullshit writing out of their ass to survive". Just look at Darkshore, it's a fucking joke.
that's what's currently happening you retard.
>and could easily reach an agreement with Lor'themar.
Just like the last few times kek
Except Sylvanas is conveniently going to stop all of it because any time the writers give her a plan it's immediately smarter than every other person's plan and is pulled off almost flawlessly.
Lor'themar doesn't care about the war, he only joined the Horde because the Forsaken pledged to help them destroy the Scourge remnant in the Ghostlands, and later on because Sylvanas threatened him with invasion if he decided to leave.
It's because Sylvanas is perfect.
except sylvanas' plans almost never work because she's evil and as such can't fully succeed.
fucking saved
>Alliance defense that's lasted since Cata is swept aside in a matter of minutes
>Sylvanas outsmarts tacticians who are thousamds of years older than her, proceeds to overpower both the strongest Druid on the planet and one of the strongest Preists on the planet, and burns down a World Tree with little consequence
>Sylvanas loses Undercity, except it was all part of her plan to begin with and the city is rendered a radioactive blight that's unusable by either faction.
>Darkshore 2.0
>Tyrande, one of the strongest Priests on the planet, gets a major buff from Elune, and still proceeds ro get "ENOUGH!"d by Nathanos fucking Blightcaller, who isn't even a Dark Ranger. Horde still holds Darkshore because Sylvanas managed to raise enough of the Night Elves and they immediately sided with her with no qualms about fighting their original comrades.
AKSHUALLY Nathanos is a full-fledged dark ranger
but you're right about everything else
Is he? I thought only the Elves could be full Dark Rangers, I figured he was right below them.
>>Alliance defense that's lasted since Cata is swept aside in a matter of minutes
>omg why can't night elves who sent their forces to the other side of the continent defend against the combined armies of like 10 horde races after being blitzkrieged?
Stop thinking Tyrande and Malfurion are gods.
Kek, WoW lore is so trash. Rangers are supposed to be female elves. Why do they mix everything? Nothing is consistent.
yeah it's official now since the latest novels
In life he wasn't a chump, he was the only human to join the elven ranger corps and Sylvanas was totally over him
dark rangers are only undead rangers, reason they were females is because in The Frozen Throne the DR hero was female
>Rangers are supposed to be female elves
>Stop thinking Tyrande and Malfurion are gods
Tyrande isn't but Malfurion is genuinely one of if not the strongest mortal on the planet, especially after Legion now that the Emerald Dream has been cleansed.
>yeah it's official now since the latest novels
Sounds about right, probably written by the guy who self inserts as him.
He's truly the writer selfinsert.
Also no, i don't remember seeing male ranger prior to that.
desu he could summon skeletons and use the Black Arrow ability a long time ago, and those were from Warcraft III
My bad then. But its still shit that humans are allowed in their rank.
don't be a zoomer, all elven rangers were male in Warcraft II
literally vanilla lore
Nathanos is the ONLY Human that was in their ranks, because "He's just that good".
that was just unreasonable
>A walking corpse sweating
If she can cry she can sweat.
The fact that he's good in some weird dimension doesn't mean jackshit.
If he and Tyrande were gods, they would have reclaimed their land since the beginning of WoW.
Nope, instead they bowed down to some humans, Thrall, and even gave Azshara to the Horde.
There's a reason why they took orders from a twink at the beginning of this war.
Because they are self aware of how pathetic they are.
yeah, that was definitely the reason
Good to know that Sylvanas was always a race traitor only caring about her own pussy.
Dark Lady in the house tonight
kael seething
>skin that shows her hips
I hope blizzard makes another all-star game like HOTS except not boring.
She used to be a good character until after Wrath, now people just like her for the waifu. They're weird, don't pay attention to them.
>implying I'm gonna start a family at 21
have fun with your divorce
if that was true people would give a shit about tyrande.
You better start now before it is too late
>boomers were born in the 50s
Hey jannies, can you do your job and ban these underage faggots? Thank you
Is this from Reforged? You can see her breasts she must be censored!!!!
A troll defending elves...Jesus Christ. If there's a race that HATES Night elves, and would happily have thrown gasoline onto Teldrassil just to make sure, it's Trolls.
is it bad?
Why is she wearing a collar and a leash?
Isn't she a queen or something?
short term, no
long term yes
this isn't difficult to understand
Never post again you nigger
>no female furion
>no male Sillyvanas
Missed chance...
But they do. Same way Jaina has a lot of fans. There's a reason why there are no males in WoW anymore.
I've never played WoW, but I've always heard it's really good. Should I play it, or is everyone so high-levelled that it'd be impossible for me to catch up? Should I bother learning the story at this point or is it useless since everything's apparently wrapping up?
Oh, and also, should I try WoW Classic, or is it just a nostalgia cash-in?
Play classic if you really want to play a MMO.
The story in classic is still okay (it's self contained and rely on some decent lore).
Don't bother with "Battle for Azeroth" it's total shit. WoW Classic comes out in a couple of days. Totally worth it. You'll be especially lucky since it'll be your first time experiencing something people have waited 15 years to try again.
You lucky bastard.
Game is dead senpai
Classic is coming out soon and everybody will be playing that instead
>weebcels latching onto Classic
Fuck off back to tranny xiv
I wrote F A M but Yea Forums censored me wtf
1 day until pure unadulterated kino is brought back
Just browse WoW forums. They went so mad when Malfurion said "Hush Tyrande" for exemple.
You have to wait for BFA for people to start dislike her, because contrary to Sylvanas, she keeps losing and being portrayed as an incompetent leader.
I mean, I still like the concept of her.
How are they going to kill her off?
tyrande isn't comparable at all to jaina/sylv popularity wise.
>cant customize your characters
>can't colore your armor
>can't run around completly naked
>can't even change the voice
>no housing
>no guild halls
Who is going play this trash?
Elves can never be trusted in literally any fucking setting.
people who haven't undergone a gender reassignment surgery
this is a bad defense of these sort of questions because while it's understandable to have different races in a piece of fiction as we also have different races a article of clothing doesn't just cling to the body her under wear and her boots both seem to have all the same straps ours do, so her top being void of it is unrealistic
Perhaps, but i was just saying that she does have fans because she's waifu material.
That scene is going to be retconned by Reforged : Night Elves in WoW are completely different from Night Elves in Wc3.
Ah, okay. I guess I'll have to give it a shot. Any builds that I should try in particular or should I just pick whatever sounds most fun
Why in particular is the story shit? Also is it really that lucky to be starting on classic?
Thanks for the warnings though lads, I'll probably just try classic.
Haha remember when Illidan was giving her old scraps of food, pissed on by her guards. Haha that's crazy, I wonder if she ate it.
Women don't want men to be "vulnerable". Women seeing guys crying for anything but "masculine" rare occasion (brother dieing) is a turn off. I'm so tired of this meme.
They'll probably retcon all the grimdark shit from the earlier games too. Like the raping of Draenei women. Surprised they haven't retconned dark shit in wow like Scholomance desu. That was super fucked by WoW standards.
they think they do but they don't
>hurr durr a race can only be one thing
Both are wrong
Really? I was thought that men should never cry, ever. In fact we should never show or speak about emotions and we should bottle it all up inside us because emotions are for women.
So I played some custom WC3 campaign about the forsaken that was fully voice acted, I assume lifting voice clips from WoW. Does Sylvannas really call Arthas a manchild?
The story is nonsensical and serves only to make the Horde the bad guys for the sake of there being a war. It's essentially a re-run of the Mists oif Pandaria expansion but with a zombie incharge of the Horde instead of an Orc.
Plus you get absolutely stupid self-insert shit from the writers. Like Jaina and Anduin being one of the writer's favourite characters therefore they're flawless and perfect in every way and if they do something wrong it ends up being justified by the Horde doing something worse just to justify it.
There used to be moral ambiguity, with neither side being entirely in the right or wrong, but the current writers are HORDE R BAD NOW OK BYE fuckwits.
And yes, very lucky to start in Classic. It wont be an easy game, it'll be clunky and outdated but you'll probably fucking love it.
Just pic a build. Like any RPG you should go for a blind walkthrough, especially WoW classic (the best part is about the leveling).
WoW story is shit since TBC. Don't even bother. It's bad in every way.
Yeah she does in Silverpine, duyring a cutscene in the Sepulcher (added in Cataclysm I think)
yes, in silverpine.
>There used to be moral ambiguity
Alliance abandoning the High Elves to die because their general was racist.
The Slaughter of Taurajo
Night elves being dickheads as usual and shooting literally anything that moved in the forest
Orcs being Orcs
Undead being undead.
Both sides had bad eggs.
Do I just renew my regular WoW sub to get access or is there a Classic sub that I'm not seeing?
Yes I'm sure. Those trannies will keep playing retail
Nah just regular sub
Got it, thanks.
>The Slaughter of Taurajo
To be fair I'm sure that was just done so everything the horde does in the story can be justified.
Kill a few babies? Taurajo
Gas a few of your own? Taurajo
>muh taurajo
every time
>Alliance abandoning the High Elves to die because their general was racist.
Never happened, the high elves froze out the alliance after that racist general tried to imprison the high elves prince. Furthermore said general wasn't part of the alliance
She's popular because of porn
I have a bunch of mutes and bans from raging in Overwatch but I was always a good boy in wow.
I don't want to play this if I'm always one or two mistakes away from permabans
>good porn
>that'ss why we vote to import young men from countries with a violent patriarchal culture
>walk into their sacred groves that were held pristine for thousands of years
>immediately start cutting down trees cared for by their spiritual servitors
>officially an invasion of their territory with no attempt at negotiations
>lol y u shoot us =(
You're rolling Horde, right?
this kills the millennial manchild
>Muh Theramore
>Muh heavily weaponized military port that was totally innocent and not a legit target despite acting a base and supply line to invade the Barrens and Durotar
If you alliance niggers get to cry about a viable and sensible military target, we get to bitch about you FIREBOMBING a hunting village
no, i'm going aggressive alliance player route
breaking the canons, living on the PvP edge
it's fucking fan art you stupid mongoloid retard
>Didn't even know the tree jews were there
This is your brain on Alliance
Alliance was destroyed at this point. This was the "alliance remnants" (which had nothing to do with the Alliance in WoW).
They sure didn't make it easy for people who haven't used blizzard stuff in years. Once you've got the bnet launcher you just change the version.
yeah should probably stop caring about the rules of engagement and glass orgrimar from that orbiting spaceship the alliance forgot they have
>They sure didn't make it easy
If you weren't fucking retarded you would have just read it on their website.
switching to it and downloading it wasn't the problem
navigating the god damn account management website was
what happened to "men"?
Obviously, but that guys line of defense is still bad he defended it as though its still valid even if it wasn't
What happened to you?
had a massive headache but it's pretty much gone now. thanks for asking.
Up until the lich king died, her whole thing was vengeance and after that, keeping the forsaken people going. Then I don't know what she wants anymore. The straight copy paste from MoP and making her Garrosh2.0 was the last straw. That asspull really irritated me.
She wants to secure a future for dead children.
Read Tides of War you nig, Hawthorne allowed all citizens to leave without harm, and Baine himself admitted it was a viable military target because it trained warriors and marksmen.
Well that's what happened to men. Massive headaches
>Reading anything written by Christie "Proudmoore" Golden
caffeine withdrawal? i stopped drinking coffee and immediately stopped getting headaches
You have to go back
>literally a retcon of the horde questline ingame
>baine being a cuck as usual
Cope, seething Hordelets.
They soon learned they were there after an unfortunate first contact, but the green niggers only doubled down after the alliance was ran off.
snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….
>Literally the Good Guys™ since the start of BFA and still getting ass-blasted about someone questioning the moral purity of Muh Alliance
>green supermacist
>Minor camp that wass told in advance to disperse, didn't, and was attacked using basic weapons and tactics of war in a full, with the Civilian casualties being significantly due to poor information where the Alliance didn't know about the Quillboar presence in the area. The resulting looting from the Alliance soldiers causing them to be discharged and left to die. Taurajo was eventually retaken.
>Major port city that turned into a smoking radioactive crater using weaponized technology stolen from the Blue Dragonflight. If not for Baine's warning, city would have sustained total civilian casualties. Fleeing civilians were intercepted by Garrosh's naval forces and taken to Orgrimmar, where the Kor'kron used them as toys (Used as target practice, forced to fight one another, etc.). Theramore remains a smoking crater that's avoided due to the arcane radiation still affecting the land.
Totally equal bro, Horde was completely justified amiright?
Beware the living.
these thumbnails make me want to puke
Theramore wasn't officially sanctioned
"Hey Horde, I'm gonna build a city here riiiiight between your two major capitols on Kalimdor."
"Ok Jaina, don't do anything fucking stupid like allow the Alliance to use it as a staging post for invasion."
>Does it anyway
>Cries about it when it gets blown up
Like a child being told not to lick a plug socket.
Good times.
"Jaina, I'm leaving and putting this hot-headed glory hound as Warchief. Things should be totally fine since Cairne is there for him. Don't worry okay?"
i wish at least someehat beliveable powerplay between the factions in horde and aliance. i love wow but lore its so childlike
Yeah, each member of the Horde is worth about 1000 of the Alliance.
I miss him, bros.
How authentic is Classics depiction on Sylvanas?
>Actual character development
>Hardly in game
Why do Blizzard do this?
well then dont fucking live as a civilian in a millitary outpost
Varian started the war anyway
jesus fuck that's ancient
watch who you're calling ancient there sonny. I was battling Ragnaros while you were still a sperm swimming in your daddys nutsack.
So what? Theramore is supposed to be neutral anyway.
Dumb "leader" who should have died for betraying Arthas.
WoW truly started going downhill when its story began focus on comic book-tier faction leaders.
>taurajo mentioned
>thread turns into a shit show
sorry, I meant to say we're in the same boat.
I just felt old for a second there.
let me just build millitary outpost here stuff it up with soldiers mages with all the walls and shiet
oh and its neutral btw
The same can be said about you user. Everyone knows the people who post this shit are the same if not worse.
nice f-feet..
Anyone else see that weird texture bug that swapped some of the palettes?
My orc Shaman had undead textures for a moment. Spooky shit.
you like cold dead feet, don't you?
>Don't live in the only settlement you have that you built escaping the scourge
I hate that cunt more than any other WoW character. Biggest hypocrite.
>Betrays her race and her race because of "muh neutrality".
>In WoW suddenly forgets about neutrality and that she is responsable for the survivors of Lordaeron and starts sucking Varian's cock.
>"oh no, they destroyed my military base, who could have guessed"
>"wtf i hate Horde now"
>Then BFA happens
>"wtf i love Horde now, oh and i'm the leader of my people who i betrayed because i have tits"
I wanna suck on those titties
I was just kidding playing off as a grumpy grandpa. no harm meant. yeah its old. around 2004-2006. shit it would make it almost 14-16 years old. really makes you think, I know an in-game couple that back in Vanilla, if they had a kid pre BC he's somewhere around that age.
another oldie.
>and Baine himself admitted it was a viable military target
And he still told Alliance about incomming attack
Lol, Vindicaar canon wasn't able to one shoot any mob on Argus and somehow it's supposed to glass orgrimmar without power?
but she's hot
It's WoW. You can insta tp where every you want.
Orcs aren't going to be nice with you if your city wants war.
>fucking stormwind
Yeah I'm sure they would welcome all the cowardly niggers who abandoned their homeland
> cowardly niggers who abandoned their homeland
Well it's not like Stormwind have any morale highground for such accusation
Imagine being a dumb fucking r*dditor piece of shit posting on Yea Forums.
And we got the cooler mount that nobody uses anymore on top of that.
and isnt better to just bolster SW army if Loard commad structure is fucked?
like in ww2 all the navy of occupied states just went to bolster UK navy
your version of that pic is inferior
>Read Tides of War
You mean the book where Garrosh ordered the fleet to stay in Horde waters and didn't interfere with Alliance evacuating civilians and transporting more forces from Stormwind?
Not to mention the same book says that Garrosh ordered his army to move slow as possible so Alliance have 4 weeks to evacuate a single city.
Rules are simple, fight or surrender.
>Hawthorne allowed all citizens to leave without harm
Yeah that's why you finding civilians corpse
>as if he was relevant
Baine literally hates taurens.
>it was a viable military target
Then what the fuck was Theramore which attacked neutral ships since Vanilla and launched invasion into Durotar since Cata?
>Anduin Lotar
>source: my dad works for blizzard
not that they even would, they're too big of pussies
WoW producers and the writers confirm it.
They won't touch the fap bait. They aren't dumb.
look up the horde druids that were mad about this
>>Theramore remains a smoking crater that's avoided due to the arcane radiation still affecting the land.
You forgot the best part
Garrosh nuked Theramore so hard that it was obliterated FROM ALL possible plans of existence. Theramore? More like Therenomore.
his fault civis died
That creepy weirdo that is a lead writer at nublizzard used Nathanos as a placeholder for himself so he could have a thinly veiled erotic fanfic as the main plot
>Iron Warriors poster
Don't you have another universe to go be inconsequential in?
This is the only Sylvanas model that matters
All 3 of the Windrunner sisters were hugely into human dick. It's all in the lore. They couldn't get enough of it
When you could get 4 heavies in the tabletop you weren't being inconsequential let me tell you
>never played wc3
>Kerrigan is a walking atrocity and deserves to be purged from the universe. She was a smug cunt before the zerg killed her and whatever sympathy she may have garnered as an Overmind slave was lost when she took Tarsonis with no right claim and began all out war against the UED because of her boundless hatred and misplaced anger. She has consistently performed war crimes and shown contempt for her own people - desiring only power and vengeance instead of justice. Tarsonis, the UED, the Confederacy, and the protoss demand justice. I gave up on Starcraft lore a long time ago, but when she finally dies, I'll watch YouTube videos of it for days with a smile on my face.
The WC3 Reforged models are 1000% thicc
Can't wait for that faggot to become a raidboss so we can murder the fuck out of him. Though he probably pussies out and runs away at 1%.
Shendruk was pretty qt in that cinematic, though.
Getting the scraps from Black Legion doesn't make you important, Perturabo.
>says chapter which doesn't even exists
>No bait and no trapper
>Iron Warriors sustained so many casualties that to this day they're still undermanned.
Orks were a bigger threat than you could ever hope to be.
>began all out war against the UED
But the UED started the all out war on the sector and Kerrigan never took Tarsonis
Would like to say that we spanish will not disrupt game experience, we have own chat channel. Do not fear us, yes we are all going on shazzrah but learn to coexist, it is fault of the blizzard company that no spanish server exist. We nice people
cut me some slack, i slapped it together pretty fast but you can see Sylvie is basically Kerrigan because blizzard only knows how to write one type of stronk womyn.
watch Sylvanas is going to ascend into some kind of void demigod and disappear for an expansion then come back because she was secretly working to subvert the void lords this whole time! blizzard a shit.
>>Iron Warriors sustained so many casualties
From smurfs, not from you, Fist Exemplar
>This Chapter was initially composed of the more progressive Imperial Fists Legionaries, who agreed with the views of Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines
>imagine being replaced by a chapter which was found by a captain who was the first to drop his own primarch in favor of other Girlyman
I don't have to because it's already obvious that is she working with some death entity in the shadowlands
>then come back because she was secretly working to subvert the void lords this whole time!
Pretty sure that's Blizzards plan for Queen Azshara and N'zoth.
she cant die idiot, she has like a trillion lives thanks to the valkyrs, also shes a moneymaker
I've played WoW from 2006 to trial of the crusader patch which made me quit in disgust.
Serious question, what's the point of playing this? Everything is solved not to mention all the tools avaiable now make a resolved game even easier and devoid of surprises or thrills.
You either missed it or you're going to see what you've already seen again, you won't have the same experience, are you guys thinking casuals will pick it up? Because they won't, watch them drop as soon as they realize they have to take a series of transports and then walk to the dungeon because the first mount is at 40 and they don't have the money for it anyway and even the ones that stick it out you think they have the dedication to farm 400g of consumables for 4 hours of raiding every raiding night? Or attunaments and reps out the ass? Or whatever resistance gear?
Yeah almost no one got to see Naxx the first time around myself included, so that would be a first experience for most, but there's a reason why almost no one got to see it and if you think the current MMO playerbase is going to stick it out until then boy I have some news for you.
>zoomer filter
Because I want to world pvp and actually have decent pvp fights
This was all true in vanilla so fuck off
two, she has two continues left. each valkyrie can only take her place in the underworld one time
This comes out today, right? Waiting to see how full shit is before I resub. I plan on going Undead Mage again. I. Pretty much locked into Frost spec for Molten Core, yes?
The smurfs showing up and making you turn tail is the only reason you still exist, otherwise the Iron Warriors would have been reduced to virtually nothing.
they didn't teach me how to get a job or gf
so can't really do that
Why does Blizzard hate night elves.
>Tyrande goes from an amazonian warrior priestess that rules her people to Malfurion's obedient waifu.
>Tyrande gets a SSJ tier night elf power up that Elune herself grants to very few people.
>Still gets her shit kicked in by some scrubs.
>Malfurion and Tyrande are some of the most powerful people lorewise yet still lose over and over again.
>Illidan tries to make amends with them but instead they scoff and shit all over him.
>skeleton hands
NOW we're talking.
Now why would you think that when Azshara is a loyal subject who has done everything Daddy N'zoth has arsed of her?
just be yourself
>otherwise the Iron Warriors would have been reduced to virtually nothing.
Once again, it comes from legion which doesn't even exists
She did what she had to to save her people. NAGA DID NUFFIN WRONG!
Magnetic nipples.
But WoW PvP sucks dick, especially vanilla PvP where there are impossbile matchups just because of class
Depends on the class
>>Still gets her shit kicked in by some scrubs.
>Voice of the Horde
>some scrubs
no he got it right
granted horde trolls are darkspears, the lamest of all trolls
It was basically equal battle between two characters empowered by the gods
>Still gets her shit kicked in by some scrubs.
What shit kicked? The Horde lost that fight >Illidan tries to make amends with them but instead they scoff and shit all over him.
Malfurion didn't
that's not exactly true, it's taken multiple val'kyr to resurrect her before, so the amount of times she can be resurrected is entirely bullshit and will take however many val'kyr they want it to take at the time.
Hey, remember Tallarn?
Hey, remember Phalanx?
Still not as embarassing as Tallarn.
Does 1.12 have bgs?
Remember that time she befriended an Ogre?
She and many of the banshee under her surely got the ogre dick.
>being successefully besieged by a single company and one daemon princes
>Still not as embarassing
Yep, true sons of the most cucked primarch
>hated by his sons
>killed by a bunch of marines
best sylvanas art
After the defeat of the Lich King, only nine of his Val'kyr remained. These nine bound themselves to Sylvanas. To seal the pact, the strongest Val'kyr Annhylde sacrificed herself to save Sylvanas. In Silverpine, Agatha, Daschla and Arthura sacrificed themselves to revive the Dark Lady once more.[16] In Andorhal, Aradne was killed by Alliance forces.[17] In Darkshore, Brynja was killed by Tyrande Whisperwind.[18] Of the nine, only three Val'kyr are left who are strong enough to revive Sylvanas: Signe, Kyra, and one other.
not that i dont full expect them to neg on their lore for the thousandth time with some stupid asspull
Only Tyrande was empowered by a god (that's the ritual that supposedly allowed the Nelves to conquer Azeroth).
The Horde won that fight.
Nope. Not coming until Phase 3 and 4.
Because night elves have to be shit in the story
If they were even close to their "lore" power they would wipe the horde off the face of the earth
It's just shit tier writing
Instead of having elves be like "Oh shit, the last time we lusted for power we invited the legion into our world. We better be careful and not use everything we have and use appropriate force"
Instead they went "Omg lol give Tyrande the power of a god and let her lose to some valkyries and a dead hunter"
I though they possessed the ogres and forced them to fight, no friendship of any sort.
Should I go Rogue or Warlock for comfy undead leveling?
>Lost to a bunch of towel heads
>Virus bomb their planet into a wasteland
>STILL lose to them and their stitched together tanks
>Go crying to Horus that they're beating you up
Yes, keep going.
>Only Tyrande was empowered by a god
False, Horde PC also have a god who gives him power
Any undead class is comfy
UD rogue is for teens who think they are pvp gods and don't realize that orc rogue is better
>If they were even close to their "lore" power they would wipe the horde off the face of the earth
Yeah just like the time when they first met and Night Elves lost their demigod
No, it's just some valkyr, some trash unit with some trash lore behind it.
And valkyr were never that strong.
Has a survey been done on class distributions yet?
Depends. Rogues are top tier melee dps and pvp gankers. Warlocks get their epic mount easier, have good ranged dps and are fucking annoying in pvp, but farming for shards kinds sucks in vanilla.
What a shit
I wasn't talking about val'kyr especially since they aren't empowering Horde PC
>Demon blood infused orc
>Represents the power of nu-horde
like your ass is going to get to bg level in the first month with lil' zoom and the gang crashing the server and killing all the quest mobs
fucking manspreading
>t. trannyliance player that got ganked by an ud rogue
>claim you can built a fortress which Iron Warriors will never break
>they break it
>fail to break IW magnum opus
Power lvl is bad in WoW and makes no sense.
Wc3 did it well with divine armor and fel dmg :
All of the characters with divine armor where high tier while the rest were normal tier. The only way the normal tier could defeat the high tier was by becoming more powerful thanks to the story (arthas picking up frostmourne, Illidan picking up Guldan skull, Grom drinking fel blood...).
Felt hurt by that?
Gonna roll UD because you watched drakedog/vurtne as a 13yo and thought it was the coolest shit ever?
>>This Chapter was initially composed of the more progressive Imperial Fists Legionaries, who agreed with the views of Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines
>half of the Fist Exemplar defected to Iron Warriors
>If something is fictional, nothing should make sense because it has even a bit of fantasy!
You're a fucking idiot, and a faggot for typing like that.
>no dick
i sleep
So is yours.
>no undead hunter for classic
Veressa >/= Living Sylvanas > Alleria >>>>> Corpse Sylvanas
she uses long forgotten magic to make herself warm , there I fixed it.
still mad they SJWfied based Sylvanas
Nu-Blizz fucking blows
Didn't wsg and ab have low level brackets?
this is the correct post.
She and Gallywix are the only Horde leaders not solely motivated by honor. And since I main goblin, I fucking hate Gallywix. So Sylvanas is the only leader not constantly doing honorably stupid shit and is willing to do shit that wins battles.
Like retreat from the Legion, or take out all of Ashenvale at once so the Horde only has resistance in Darkshore, or target the leaders that her enemies worship as demigods, or have a backup plan in case her defenses fail.
Saurfang would've had the Horde die uselessly in Legion, and Baine literally tore off his horn and gave it to Anduin as a present.
It's a damn shame but Sylvanas and Lor'themar are the only uncucked Horde leaders.
And Lor'themar is on the edge of cucking himself to the same woman that slaughtered his people in the streets because Garrosh used a portal.
Whoa whoa bro, Vurtne is still based. Don't give a fuck about drakedog though
Should i roll on faerlina or is that a huge mistake?
Yeah ,I love his guides and just his stories about classic , like a comfy story time
I mean you have brain damage for even considering the streamer server so maybe you'll be ok
>Why does anyone like her? Is it just the neckbeard waifutards?
Good thing our boy Cairne is back in Classic.
He's a giant cuck. Imagine a guy proud of being part of Horde, not trying to rescue your Prince, and then siding with the girl who slaughtered your own kind.
>streamer stops playing
>all his fans that follow him around follow suit
>server dies in 3 days
>Tfw the only way Bliz could justify the Horde actually getting into Darkshore was having the Nelves go full retard and send their ENTIRE military power down to Silithus because reasons
Then again, both capital invasions were retarded.
>Alliance handwaves an entire invasion force into Lordaeron, using a fleet they didn't have, that somehow went up the entire continent unmolested
Rotting vagina...
Garrosh was the best horde leader. He just reeked alphaness and horde. If Blizzard writers werent such sjw cowards, he would still be horde leader right now.
I think he may actually have been retarded. I miss him so much.
So Thalnos it is then...
Night Elves military was still here to defend Ashenvale and Darkshore. Their boat even came back and they got destroyed just like their leaders.
Nelves are fooder for Orcs since Wc3 and they can't even chase off the Warsong from Ashenvale.
The dick is inside her mouth
it's like the xenomorph's tongue, but it's a dick
That's the spanish and LGBT server.
Is sylvanas getting her night elf model?
Just wait until Sylvanas arc. How Garrosh ended up will look like genius level writing in comparison.
And then those men get screwed over, discover that empathy doesnt count when it comes to men and become bitter and resentfull
>Where do the angry men come from? no-one knows.
Vanilla already raped the lore so I wouldn't use it to prove a point or as evidence of anything.
>b-b-but it's vanilla it's old
They still retconned a lot of shit.
>when through some time fuckery from the bronze flight, Lothar shows up, rallies the alliance and puts a boot in the ass of Sylvanis
He's the only Anduin that matters
>"Impales" your Dark Lady
what is that strange line where her pussy ends and her buttcheeks start?
Lothar is a fuckin' top humie.
Best leader.
>Honorable but not stupidly so
>Wise, but not up his own ass
>Peace loving, but willing to kill all who threaten his people unlike his faggot son
Damn fucking shame what they did to Cairne in retail, Tauren deserve a leader they can respect.
Pretty much all of the rts characters except the women were treated like shit.
Kael is the worst case.
Meanwhile we got dozens of comicbooks about Varian the superhero because Metzen wanted to make the next marvel franchise.
>guy that gets it the worst in the series and gets cucked
>borderline autistic dude that can only bond with animals and American jews
>most hated character in Warcraft history
I think she actually doesn't want men to do well in society.
>overrun by niggers
do I have to remind you of the 56% again Tyrone?
Girlfriends always like it when you cry. You can’t be a baby but when they help you access your emotions or whatever it makes them happy.
It's easier to fight on land then land a boat and reinforce. Especially since most of the Horde quests were about bombing the ships and boarding and killing the soldiers.
They couldn't really get a defensive position because we wouldn't let them get a position.
Also, it was the entire Horde vs. one race that was outmaneuvered. The only race not involved with the invasion were Tauren, because Sylvanas AND Saurfang both knew they would snitch
Garrosh lost Ashenvale almost as soon as he took it.
Sylvanas holds it to this day.
He may have reeked alphaness, but he didn't know how to claim victory.
The whole boat thing is just to make it easier for nelf fan to swallow the pill.
Thing is Orcs are destroying them since wc3. Even during cata they needed Varian to teach them how to fight.
Then Tyrande gave an entire Nelf territory, Azshara to the Horde, In exchange for which the Horde would not attack them.
She also submits to the Alliance because she's scared of the Orcs.
Malfurion knows the Horde are too powerful and teach them how to become druids in exchange for peace (okay, that's headcanon, but Malfurion being a neutral cuck shows how weak the Nelves are).
And in the end, Malfurion got destroyed by Saurfang while Tyrande didn't even kill him because she just hoped that he would be kind with the nelf prisoners in exchange, like the pathetic loser she is.
Nelves were just meant to be bred by Horde races.
Yea. That's why Orcs like Saurfang are so mad at Sylvanas : Because she tried to destroy their broodmares.
Reminder Orcs are literal niggers.
Yes, they like it because they always like when men do the filtering process for them.
Imagine being such a shit player that rides all over this bandwagon only to realize after a few minutes how horrible and repetitive it is.
They would have all died if it weren't for the demon jizz, he's not wrong.
This is the worst normalfags meme in the past 5 years.
Good luck little duck
ignorant fool
I dont need to listen to this, i'm going to do that on tuesday at 00:00
>make char
>go play
>realize entire area is full of players just waiting for mobs
>quit in 10 minutes
>mail blizzard angry emojis
don't pretend you're not going to do that, faggot.
She's a retard, she couldve killed the lich king but noooo she had to go fucking drama mode on him by trying to give him a slow death, so Kel Thuzad came in and saved him.
The only based char in WoW is Kelthuzad.
Imagine being a 30+ single mother telling incels on a brazilian waxing forum to man up
>Human leader is a human
>Dwarf leader is a dwarf
>Gnome leader is a gnome
>Elf leader is an elf
>Orc leader is an orc
>Tauren leader is a tauren
>Troll leader is a troll
>Undead leader is an elf
Bad post desu
>undead leader is an undead
Sorry I hope next time I post you will approve of it.
Sylvanas is a retarded nigger.
Tyrande is an even BIGGER retard.
Maiev and Vareesa are the best Elves of their respective sub-types.
Forsaken and undeads =/= Humans only you retard.
Every player undead is human. Their leader is an elf.
fuck those retarded censorship pants
While yes playable characters are human undeads that doesn't limit the faction to humans only.
best elf
I'm so glad classic is undoing Slyvanas and Jaina censorship.
>Jaina censorship.
yes, but all the orc female hairstyle are wack and its very disappointing
Her lewd belly was hidden in BfA.
le chinese scared of the spooky scary skelemen
That wasn't censorship
get the fuck out of here retard
but it's their turn, user.
>defending censorship
What it was an artistic choice like removing her cleavage from her Hearthstone portrait?
back to Twitter
ah yes uncensored sylvanas
*unzips dick*
No it was a different outfit.
Sylvanas was censorship because it was literally her old outfit with unfitting leather slapped across the midsection.
>They would have all died if it weren't for the demon jizz
[citation needed]
Both were censorship and done because of an agenda that nu-Blizz is pushing? Are you honestly trying to pretend that there isn't one in BfA? "Look at all these powerful, modesty dressed women leading the story! Aren't we progressive?"
It's sad.
Yes, Jaina had more effort than Sylvanas but that doesn't make it not censorship. What matters most is the intention behind the decision and both were politically driven.
Jaina's wasn't censorship. Cope.
She got censored even in HS and she has her old outfit there, cope.
Theramore was a military target
I don't need to cope because I'm not wrong here.
People argue all the time about if something is "censored" or just "changed" and it's easy to slide into a semantic arguement. But it's actually really easy to divine. If it was a change made to push an agenda, it was censorship. That's all there is to it.
This game isn't hearthstone.
C o p e
Do you have an argument or just buzzwords?
Yeah: It isn't censorship. It was an outfit change.
Stupid larping faggots
is it fun failing miserably and never getting any replies?
just curious. kek
would you a ghost sylvanas
Repeating your claim isn't an argument. Explain yourself. Give your reasons for why you think what you do. Provide evidence for your claims.
There could be complications
necrophilia is bad
Her tits are still huge and on display, if it was censorship they'd have just done what they did with Sylvanas and slapped some shit over her stomach, not redesigned everything.
The forsaken are technically made up of all undead that were freed from the Lich King's command, even though you can only play as human undead.
said she wouldn't die at chinajoy and ion said she would never be in chains before that.
We were talking about her belly.
>D-Doesn't count
Alright, cope.
>He didn't attack my strawman
>Better go back to my buzzwords
Okay so you don't have arguments. Good to know.
she was ded'd then re-vamped. not a normal corpse. I don't doubt that she would be cold but certainly not rigid. otherwise, she wouldn't be able to fight and if you claim but magic, then I do too.
a being's physical form can be completely changed in the world of warcraft lore. just look to polymorph for an example.
she is a creation rather than just a re-animated corpse.
It's the weekends fuck face. I can come back to this shit site when I have days off
I came here for porn and u fags didnt post any...
>Gave an argument that had a living example (what they did to another character that got 'redesigned' at the exact same time)
>Doesn't count
Aight bud.
soul eater is great but 3D whores are not
My grand pappy works at the LA convention centre and he says he saw some Blizzcon guys ordering stuff from their venue and someone left a script for the conclusion to BfA.
Basically, Jaina and Thrall team up and invade Orgrimmar in a raid called "Seiging Orgrimmar" with Sylvanas being the final boss. Before Jaina can deal the final blow she is stopped by Anduin who says she deserves a fair trial. She breaks out during the trial and kidnaps Chromie and turns the dark portal into a time portal and then the next expansion takes place back in time. Players will step through the portal and arrive in Classic WoW. End.
Whataboutism is not an argument. It is literally a strawman. Sorry that you don't have a clue how to argue.
>i come to Yea Forums for porn
there are boards for porn
"Muh agenda" is not an argument.
>no chains
>breaks out
>Despite putting female characters on a pedastal in BfA, despite countless diversity hires, despite publically announcing that they have an agenda - I don't think Blizzard is pushing an agenda
What did he mean by this?
>Every time Blizzard censors a female character they do it in the lowest effort manner (i.e. slap some clothing over-top of what they're trying to cover - Sylvanas, Jaina in HS, Whitemane in HS etc)
>Blizzard gives Jaina a new outfit that just so happens to look completely different from her original
>This is censorship
If Blizzard wanted to censor Jaina they would've just slipped some clothes underneath her corset that covered her stomach and her cleavage - because they wouldn't have to give her a brand new fucking model. They didn't. She's not censored.