What games do girls play?

What games do girls play?

And which game is mostly likely to land me a gf

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They don't

if you are good at overwatch, it's easy to get girls on there. most of them are crazy tho sadly.

if your attractive they'll play anything you want

Smash. You are guaranteed a girlfriend if you become a high level player.

Girls play anything this day

as for the second question, my good friend found his wife playing WotLK private server

Animal Crossing. Absurd amounts of Animal Crossing.

The current most popular thing like Fortnite or previously CS GO

not playing games and actually interacting with women will probably have a greater chance of you getting girls.

are there people that find this attractive

Legend of Zelda and Pokemon

Games won’t get you a GF unless you’re already hot, confident and otherwisevable to get a GF elsewhere.

girls dont play games

Highest percentage I have experianced lately is Fallout 76 and Fortnite.

That being said I would expect “the so where do you live” to be an instant block.

you are doing it wrong OP.
girls do not play vidya.
rather chase women who do normal things like drinking alcohol all day and having sex with multiple people.

Fallout 4, Pokemon, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda

black girls? cock and ball torture

How much do your friend and his wife weigh if you add the numbers together

runescape and runescape
I bought 5 gfs

games with alot of rumble

110-120kg I think

You don’t want a gamer gf. Unironically if they play games casually it’s much better. And in my experience most girls like games like TLOU or Uncharted, heavily story driven games with simplistic gameplay

That or streamlined RPGS like Fallot 4 or Skyrim, you’ll not find a girl that likes Gothic or Morrowind and if you do they’re probably fat and ugly

he said girls not trannies

The Sims. How has this shit not been brought up yet? My gf plays the Sims and obsesses over the mods. She even installed the 100 babies mod to be able to get pregnant with 100 kids haha

Haha lol no way that's so weird lol i totally wouldn't like to impregnate a girl 100 times

Candy crush

The only correct answer is tekken and animal crossing.

>you’ll not find a girl that likes Gothic or Morrowind and if you do they’re probably fat and ugly
why even live

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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>What games do girls play?
Facebook & Instagram.
>How get womans?
A very boring game called "work", you'll earn currency called "money", use said currency to get womans.

mobile games
none, you enormous beta cuck

Grill here, my favorite game is Xenogears

Fire Emblem 3 Houses

My gf loves almost anything Nintendo, adventure games and those "hidden object" games.

League of Legends
Legend of Zelda
Animal crossing

The SIms and Pokemon. But don't expect any high level play.

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