How much have you spent on vidya in 2019?

How much have you spent on vidya in 2019?

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Devil May Cry 5 = 59.99
Sekiro = 59.99
Resident Evil 2 = 41.99
Street Fighter V Summer Characters = 14.99
Final Fantasy 8 Remaster = 19.99
Death Stranding = 59.99


But what about console exclusives

51 cents. I've pirated two games at the start of the year and bought Squigly during the Steam summer sale.

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This. Same for 2018.

idk like $75
lotta good sales recently

I bought a mystery bundle on fanatical for 10 dollars, all the games I got were shit.
Not mad or anything, just more games I get to give away at Christmas time.


No KH3?

Fucking why? Let the world burn.

This isn't real is it?

~2,400 on Star Citizen and some PS4 games.

probably close to 2k

59 actually

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Don’t really care for that style of combat anymore. Kind of fell off the series after 2, so I didn’t know the story either

30 burgerbongs for RDR2
10 or whatever for a month of XIV

It's a stupid story about one stupid kid and how he spends his (daddy's) money

What is there to spend 2,400 on in that game? Never played it

>more games I get to give away at Christmas time.
nobody likes your shitty game keys, dylan. buy real gifts like the rest of us you fag.

What about them??


but because I'm too busy and stressed out to think about playing vidya

send help

Literally ZERO currency.

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Kenshi + Vermintide2 514pyб
Kingdoms and Castles 74pyб
Rainbow Six Sige 598pyб
Dead by Daylight 249pyб
XCOM2 War of the chosen 249 pyб
Rimwolrd 619pyб
Whole Borderlands collection 145pyб
Total War Three Kingdoms 1999pyб
Battle Brothers 249 pyб
MORDHAU 463pyб

>see the chart
>"Where the fuck are salaries around 100k normal but rent that low? this dude is paying rent like he lives in my area"
>look into article
>dude has 4 roomates, and in his area a studio apartment would be 1400-2000

my area's cost of living is such a godsend

Oh and Sekiro 1999pyб

Way too much.
Resident Evil 2: $90 AUD
Playstation 1 console with one analog controller + PSIO and modding + Universal PSU + SCART cord + Postage: ~$500
Sega Saturn Phoebe ODE: $500.
2x Dreamcast HDMI kits + Postage: ~$400
Sega Master System + Everdrive + Controller + Power + SCART + Postage= ~$400
A bunch of other SCART cables: ~$150
Plus another $150 or so on other bits and pieces.
So at least $2200 AUD. Fucking help me, buying shit is the only thing that makes me happy.

Around 100 bucks, only buy games on sale.

Keep in mind aud
Mario Odyssey-$69
Switch pro controller-$100
Switch gamecube controller-$50
MGSV Definitive experience-$12
MGS Legacy collection-$30
Metal gear solid 1(code didn't work from legacy collection)-$10
Spiderman PS4-$55
Dark Souls 2 SOTFS-$15
Soul Calibur 6-$60
Injustice 2-$50
Tekken 7 dlc pack 1-$30
Smash fighters pass-$25
Minecraft switch edition-$30

Fuck me

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So around 109$ USD

10K or so

you could have upgraded your pc and bought vr and just fucking emulated all that shit in vr arcade

This. I also play some free games obviously. One of the biggest reasons I have vidya as a hobby is because it's dirt cheap.

absolute god

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Kingdom Hearts III - 80€ in a clandestine pajeet shop in order to play it a week early. Totally worth.
I pirated everything else.

The fuck is that currency

$227 for 33 games, including 3 new releases
it's been quite a good year

it's rubbles, so I guess he's a Russian

It's Rubbles but I am not russian


Bought Sekiro, DMC5, Three Houses and Astral Chain FP

Got RE2 for €35

Spent €100 on Steam/GoG discounts

How many of those have you actually played?


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Finished about half of the actual games Started mgs 1, soul calibur and injustice
Played around a little in Minecraft
Have yet to play the other metal gears (finished 5 tho)

$15 WoW sub


I also only started cuphead, im fucking terrible

who the fuck is 25 and makes that much a year and who the fuck donates that much every FUCKING month?

Also my internet is way more expensive.

I bought the entire Witcher series for about 30 bucks during a sale, that's it. My neetbux is sacred and almost nobody deserves a part of it.

Oh yeah i bought Doom 2016 and RE7 for $20 each, $811 on vidya and related products so far this year
And ill be spending more
End me
Im just a fuckin sheep

re2 on pc - 35pound
dmc5 ps4 - 44pound
kh3 on ps4 - 35pound
doa 6 on ps4 - 35pound
rcm injector for switch 10pound
So far nothing else aside those

I can't believe people still unironically buy video games.

Someone's gotta pay for the games and the porn somewhere

About maybe like, 220
Thats for about 6 ps4 games and a used psvr unit with move controllers
I traded a 150 dollar vr headset for a ps4 pro, figured I'd get psvr since it blew the pc headset I previously had out of the water (fuck samsung odyssey, thing didnt even fit my head and the controllers were unbelievably bad)
So far enjoyed MGS V and No mans sky (VR mostly).

Rest of the year I pirated all my games

There are plenty of multiplayer games that are quite good that pretty much require purchase to get an enjoyable experience.


0, but I've spent ~500 bucks on audio shit. New DAC, new amp, new headphones.

Same but without pirating anything.