Rain World thread

More Slugcats expansion mod when?

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This game practically refuses to run on my computer. First it won't even start up just opens to a blank screen or maybe I'll see the controller/keyboard picture before going blank if I'm lucky. It's only if I change compatibility to run in 640x480 screen resolution that it actually starts and goes to menu. But then it runs at 2fps.

Have you tried this?

I'm not on Windows 7 and monitoring my computer it doesn't show that it is struggling to run with anything running at 100%.

I did try that flatmode.txt thing on the site though and it didn't help.

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>played it 2 years ago
>not a single day where I'm not thinking about it
1.7 and more sugcats can't come soon enough, I just want to play again.

That looks fucking great

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New feature screenshots for more slugcats expansion.
imgur period com/a/QvS5yU4

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The coolest thing is how the other living things in the game have AI motivations for their actions, and are all active in the levels at all times while you are, the game doesn't just spawn them in when you enter a new room.

Going back to the Shaded Citadel glowing with neuron radiation I noticed the huge hunting spiders mostly avoid you even at close distances, although they come after you pretty fast when spawned in the sandbox. In the few times when they would aggressively come after me I guess those spiders hadn't caught any prey yet that cycle and were hungry, and the others weren't.

I'm not sure if creatures have any kind of hunger mechanic but they definitely do have different aggression values for each creature even of the same species. Those values can also be lower or higher if you're playing Monk or Hunter.

The lower aggression against Monk can actually make the game harder in a few cases, especially when a creature is blocking an important path.

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I'm not sure either but they give the impression that they do, like when a lizard is kind of tamed and docile but it still bubbles at the mouth when you get close and after a while will snap at you when you get really close to their head.

I always thought the spiders were more aggressive if they were with other spiders.

The smaller ones only gang up on you if they're in large numbers, the bigger ones are solitary, as far as I know, and will attack regardless of numbers.

Is than an official update?

Yes, it has been on console for a while now. I think it only adds 2 short endings for Monk and Hunter, it's not anything big like 1.5 was.
The devs mentioned they wanted to make sure it wouldn't break mods before releasing it but we've heard nothing since.


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Speaking of the Hunter ending it left me a bit confused, who is this iterator? NSH? Sliver of Straw? Did the slugcat actually achieved ascension? How did its sickness ignore the Great Cycle that affects every living creature?

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Aside of the game official twitter where they still retweet cute fanart, is there a place where the devs give any kind of feedback?

It's No Significant Harassment, without a doubt. Unconfirmed, but most people think that the ending portrays Hunter failing to ascend and it's soul returning to NSH, which is also the iterator that sent him to revive Moon.

>constantly pausing and searching on what something is and if it will kill you.
That's so disappointing. Like the stakes while playing a game are so high that you have to be prepared for everything ahead of time, there can be no mistakes because you must be perfect at all times or else mommy must have lied to you.

Attached: it makes distress.png (800x600, 69K)

They used to post on TIGS, but recently they have been pretty quiet. If they're working on something I doubt we will hear about it until it's close to release much like the Switch port and PS4 update.

\Fucking white scavengers.

How do I get good at this game?

I get the impression this is the way zoomers play every game.

>X GON' GIVE IT TO YA growing louder through the pipe

Attached: KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP THE DOOR IT'S REAL.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

Press jump a lot.
And i don't mean jump i mean press and hold jump a lot to traverse terrain fast.

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Play more, no one is naturally good at this game.

Advice I found really helpful starting out is when you want to kill something, hit it with a spear and then quickly run in and pull the spear back out, and spear it again, and repeat until it stops moving. Impaling things with the spear stuns them for a moment, long enough for you to pull it back out and stun it again until it dies.

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That guy was probably not young, only an adult could be so lazy and obtuse to learning a new control scheme.
When he writes "getting stuck on every lip" he means that he just pressed right on the stick and expected it to vault over everything on its own. Extrapolating from this hypothesis i surmise this person lacked reactivity and sluggishly thought.

Never run around empty-handed. Carrying a spear whenever you can is a good start, but even bricks and other pieces of clutter can be real lifesavers if you toss them at whatever is trying to get at your face.

Just picked up after reading this thread. Looking forward to diving in and seeing what it has to offer, thx Yea Forums c:

Probably the most important technique. That or the rock and spear combo until you're comfortable getting that first spear throw.

Good luck, don't let the rain make you afraid to explore.

kill scavs to make more slugcats release faster

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a well aimed spear to the grenade...

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>scavs fucking hate him
>has to deal with shit like red centipedes
>slowly dying to karmic cancer
>can't ascend

hunter had a hard life

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fuck that one is good

I swear every video I watch about this fat fuck he keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Right, the rock + spear combo is nearly foolproof against lizards with their indestructible skulls, I learned that pretty late.

Which is the worst hunter enemy:
Red Lizards
Red Centipedes
Spitter Spiders

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>Spitter Spiders
I've got both in Survivor mode, and a green rocket lizard in Industrial who's a real asshole.

I was about to say red lizards but I just forgot that centipedes can climb the background enviroment.

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Picked up the game a while ago, but haven't had the time to play it. I heard dying screws you over a lot, is that true?

He was talking him with him?

It’s possible dying could leave you stuck in a hard area and you just have to get good to get other

Anyone ITT has tried to mod this game? How hard it is compared to other games? I'm thinking on start modding it, like adding a new region and such but I have no clue where to start yet.

I died a lot in memory crypts and I'm not sure I can get into the leg now.

You can get into the Leg with minimum karma

what now? I helped big sis moon and ascended

Attached: hunter_run_five_pebbles_and_big_sis_helped.png (1920x1080, 583K)

oh good. really struggling with those damn birds on normal.

> Pinning these lil' buggers against a wall
> Continue on your way as they are pointlessly struggling out.
Is there a better feeling?

Don't forget to use those purple flashbangs

killing a lonely scav and taking his grenade. then throwing the grenade to scavenger toll aaaand 13 scav genocide. outlaws achievement unlocked

mod out the cycle limit and do Pilgrimage as hunter
collect all the pearls as hunter

Congratulations, now you start waiting for the expansion mod alongside everybody else.

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doable. I ll give it a go.
thanks fellow slugcat dear user

Stealing a vulture mask and watching lizards shit their pants when they see you and the one vulture desperately trying to get it back.

What did the ancients mean by this?

Attached: Iterators.png (536x354, 40K)

It's not actually in the game so I'm gonna assume it's non-canon. AFAIK Five Pebbles almost killing Moon happens long after the ancients were gone.

No, it only lowers your karma by one. You don't need to worry about your karma at all until you're ready to pass through a Karma Gate into another zone, which just means surviving a few cycles to build it up. There's always food around if you look for it.

I don't think it screws you over, actually when you died a lot and reach rock bottom that's when you can goof about and die a lot. Nothing to lose.
The karma gates don't even have that high a requirement usually and the devs always put an abundance of foodstuffs in the general area of high karma gates.
This is the gate's logic: high requirement on one side, low requirement on the other side so if you run into a tough gate soon in the game it means don't go that way.
It's all so beautiful.

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>it's not in the game
That explains why I don't remember seeing this graffiti anywhere in my playthroughs. Makes me wonder how much cut content has been left over in the final release files, after I finished the three modes I've started to dig the files and aside of this one I've also found what rensembles an AR-15 in the sprite map png and an empty folder named "Mother" in the achievements section.

> I've also found what rensembles an AR-15

That was for an april's fools goof if I remember right

Attached: my karma is not important, what is important is what I'm about to do.webm (364x278, 243K)

"Mother" might be a cut achievement relating to the slugcat pups seen in alpha footage.
The most interesting is all the cut music. There are a ton of tracks that went unused in the final game and they were nice enough to leave the MP3s in the game files. Here is a personal favorite along with a playlist:

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Why is there a fucking mouse on this screen

>tfw stuck in sky islands again

grab a squidcada buddy, they make the place a whole lot more bearable.

Yeah I'm also aware of those tracks, my favorite one is Polybius, very different and loud compared to the rest of the soundtrack.

at least sky island is prime comfy.
Imagine being stuck in Shaded Citadel without a light or being unfortunate enough to drop into drainage system early game

Using the ingame map is a great help when navigating the Shaded Citadel without a light, won't help you avoid the spiders though.

>1.7 added wolf spiders to shaded citadel
aaaahhhh fuck my arachnophobia
this game has the worst spiders and spider-like creatures of any game i've seen
horrible skittering leggy abominations, even when they die they still twitch interminably
and don't even get me started on that revive animation when they bite each other


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The procedural physics based animations look quite janky and jiggly on things like lizards but it perfectly fits for spiders, centipedes and daddy long legs and makes them so much more itchy and creepy

If you pirated the game, you might be fucked.


Lizard Dance

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these threads are so repetitive

Almost like we're trapped within a cycle, ha ha ha, get it

You have killed a king vulture, right?

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Different slugs have different endings? I just played through it normally years ago and it was sort of a downer although that was to be expected.

Is there a "software mode"? I've noticed that other people have their game more 'crispy' than mine. When I take a screenshot I notice it has blurry borders and details while others have clear pixels.

Yeah, they got added in 1.7 which is not out yet on PC.
Only the last cutscene is different.

>yfw general systems bus

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Is 1.7 on PS4? Their twitter posts say it is but I'm checking the version history on ps4 and it says its 1.6.

Those fucking insects ambushing you from the ceiling are so fucking annoying to deal with, and they don't always leave between cycles so you can be fucked because one of them camp a pipe exit.

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It is on PS4? Do I just play the game normally or are the endings hidden behind bullshit like unaided enlightment or hauling brainflies?

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I've come to make an announcement
Five Pebbles is a bitch ass motherfucker

It is, 1.7 is the name the PC update would have. The 2 new endings are for completing the game as Monk or Hunter, no other requirements.

>one of those fucker latched on a wall grab me
>it doesn't want to pull itself toward me and I can't pull myself away from it
>don't want to die because I'll have to climb the whole map again
>realize I could use the fucker's tongue for bungee jumping and release myself
>fucker release itself from the wall
>we both fall to our death

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He was just created to solve an unsolvable problem and it's made him a little angry after hundreds of thousands of years or more.

Alright time to stop fucking around collecting pearls and nail down my hunter route.

It looks like they slingshot him on purpose, stupid slugcat.

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don't fug slug

FUCK scavs and their goddamn tolls

just throw everything at them. provoke them and kill them one by one like john fucking wick

The jumping cyan lizards since they are more common than reds, and usually appear in duos. Fuck those shits.

Are you playing in integrated graphics?

what makes you say that

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What's the most difficult location?
Hard Mode You can't say Unfortunate Development

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Sky Islands

The lower parts of the drainage system

The Leg, Hunter mode. See Subterranean as Hunter is also up there.

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The Leg gave me the most trouble on my first playthrough. Sky Islands is the hardest region overall IMO. It's practically a warzone with all the creatures running amok and full of precarious jumps on top of that. AND THAT'S WHY IT'S THE BEST. Helps that it looks pretty and has great music too.


Climbing up The Wall is pretty troublesome.

Really? What in particular? The white lizards right after the orange nest or the vultures when playing Hunter?

hunter mode: garbage wastes. if scavs dislikes you it is even harder and it is absolutely near impossible to finish from that route.

plus it has red centipede (armor augmented) and bruh long-legs in it . . . fug my poor slug cat.

Subterranean. I hate Subterranean.

The first one.
After the orange lizards, I get fucked pretty quickly.

I haven't done that part as Hunter yet

nah only thing to deal with is white lizards ambush. cyans have low int. and rarely vulture comes. (I am speaking of hunter mode btw)

more like fatcat lmao

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You won't be affected by rain at certain altitudes and lizards will always hide in their burrow when the clock runs out. Sometimes it's best to wait it out.

I am playing PLAZA 1.5 edition without problem. it even supports modes. I got it from private tracker and not a single alert on virustotal .com

Man, hardly anyone has played this game, or even heard of it. I could only find one LP of it on YouTube from some literal who and sure enough, fucking no one streams it. In fact, I only low of it because MatthewMatosis made short video on it; I would have never even heard of it outside of that.

That's unfortunate becauwe this game is a masterpiece desu. Its not perfect but it deserves more recognition.

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Why the FUCK do anons post cropped images it's impossible to find the source of????


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>The brother-long-legs in hunter mode act like daddy-long-legs, so they can also hear you and chase you

Get better at finding art, user. ;^)

E621, rain_world, first image. There, saved you the hassle. Or just search the artist: zackary911.

Attached: Slugcat Rain World.png (500x500, 46K)

oh, my bad on this one then. I've tried to find sources with saucenao and reverse image searches with no luck before and it gets aggravating after a while. thanks anons.

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Getting past the scav toll in Garbage Wastes as the Hunter is extremely difficult, they will snipe you off-screen so all you can do is throw explosive spears in the hopes you can get a chain reaction or throw blind pot-shots from the other screen. Whenever I try a run that uses this route it usually ends in failure.

I remember there being barely any information about the game almost a month after it's release apart from some simple incomplete region maps. Unfortunately the early Yea Forums threads weren't very good with low traffic and complaining about perceived shills. Somehow the game picked up tremendously earlier this year.

Sky islands the first time

What's even the best route as Hunter?

In my experience, Farm>Sky>Chimney>Wall>5P>Wall>Chimney>Industrial>Shaded>Shoreline>Moon>Shoreline>Subterranean>Depths for the full route. This gets you all the Echoes you need and also avoids the extremely deadly toll in Outskirts.

It's Unfortunate Development, but The Leg otherwise. Difficulty ramps up super hard as soon as you're making your way to Five Pebbles. Which felt like it really sold the story, since at that point you're striving for some objective that isn't just your own survival.

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Maybe that's a good thing. I feel like the kind of people who enjoyed Rain World would probably want the experience preserved for other people. Lots of Rain World threads look like redacted government documents with all of the spoilertext.

>Somehow the game picked up tremendously earlier this year.
I'm pretty sure the video I referenced has help out a lot with that.

Farm Arrays > Outskirts > Industrial Complex > Chimney Canopy > The Wall > 5P > The Wall > Chimney Canopy > Industrial Complex > Outskirts > Drainage Systems > Filtration Systems > The Depths >>> Ascensione

I heard this game in a fuckin hollow knight thread. somöe user recommended it to me as the goty of 2017. I was like wtf?! How can a unsung indie game is better than Nier Automata and Hollow Knight combined. then I played it and said that fuck metacritic. fuck journalists fuck this gay earth. this game is essential. and should be in a museum.

Hollow Knight thread huh?

Funny, that's what I was expecting going into the game. For it t9 be like Holow Knight or Or I and the Blind Forest.
Turns out Rain World is practically the anti-thesis of those games and that's what makes it so great.

>the "I don't give a shit" route

> why yes. I am a slugcat with tumor in my brain and I need to leave this world behind

I need to finish this game, got to the farm arrays and got side tracked by other things.