Playing sekiro and need help on a boss

>playing sekiro and need help on a boss
>look on youtube

Attached: sekiro-monk-battle.png (1024x597, 1.06M)

Attached: Corrupted Monk.webm (480x270, 2.45M)

Just play the game

>is shit at the game
>instead of improving at the game you look up some way to cheese the boss on the internet
Kill yourself

>gaming videos were a mistake
>gaming becoming popular was a mistake
Now that every fucking person on the planet plays video games, the majority of content related to games is going to be created to appeal to masses. Take a proclaimed "difficult" game like Sekiro and just shit out How to beat x videos or where is weapon y hidden, and you get guaranteed thousands of views. Because most people that are "into" video games nowadays only like them for the social status affect it brings. They don't care about the work put into a video game thats designed to be challenging but not IMPOSSIBLE. They don't care about the satisfaction of a hard fought victory after countless tries. Throw it all away because you pressing square to win doesn't work on whatever boss the next faggot OP uses in his thread title pic

Just focus on deflects and the fight’s over in two minutes tops. It’s not that complicated.


The first one I get, but how the fuck did the second one fly

>Says the person who has no doubt used textbooks to improve in various subjects

>look on youtube
kills the fun

>Cortupted Monk
Parry until he dies brainlet

Because you can deathblow from above whenever the monk leaves that phase. The whole fight is ridiculous, you can just chill on the branch and avoid everything.

>Whhhhats up everyone this is ya boy dickSucker420 remember to SMASH that like button and subscribe for new fresh content every Tuesday. This video wouldn’t be possible to make without the help of dollar shave club, dollar shave club helps me shave my pubes. Gets me ready to mate with my mates before a sweaty gaming sesh. Now let’s get on with my gaming tips

How is this even a fucking comparison

>no third one


Attached: the feeling is not entirely unpleasant.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

Cause it's literally the same fucking thing? You absolute buffoon.
You don't know something, so you go to a third party source (Textbook which contains text and pictures in order to educate you on a topic or

Could never land the death blows.

Shut the fuck up retard

>Can't understand the comparison of a book that teaches you to do something and a video that teaches you to do something
>calls others retard

Shut the fuck up retard

>playing sekiro and need help on a boss

the first deathblow was patched ages ago
still an easy boss

kill yourself nigger

Shut the fuck up retard

>looking up boss guides

It's not. The game already presents you with all knowledge of the game itself. You learn from it.
Your analogy only makes sense if you're using a textbook that has problems in the end of the chapter and then you use google to search for the solution.

Life presents you with all knowledge as well, you just have to look for it, same as inside a game.

Yeah you can Deathblow him 3 times and it's over.
Did they patched this? You have to fight now like normal person?

Attached: 1556334629574.jpg (1187x1000, 244K)

That is cool as hell.

That's wrong and you know it.
If you want to keep this dishonest facade go ahead, just don't reply to me again.

Good games are still being made, these masses you speak of just play shit like fortnight, gta and fifa, if everything was going to be made with them in mind we wouldn't have gotten MHW, Sekiro, DQ11 ect.

Only if you have the intelligence to comprehend it.


I'm sure your super intellect would know how to do a heart transplant without any previous learning.

You misspelled 'boi'.

Throw salt at her.

It's more akin to cheating on the exam, really. You didn't do the study, you just cheat and skip. And while I have no trouble with someone doing that irl because it makes sense, what's the point of doing that in a singleplayer game? There is nothing left once you skip it. If you want to skip it just press alt-f4.

Bros i need to confess.
I didnt kill the saint and fire demon.
I lost all my interest right there at the end for some reason, thought I'll just take a break for a day or two but its been months now. I even got to the 3rd saint stage on the first or second try but im still a casual.

You're only a casual if you give up.
Now tell me user, have you truly given up?

>we wouldn't have gotten MHW
Dude, MHW is precisely the fucking game to appeal at the masses
You could have said dmc5 or something like that

Why are you on Yea Forums, reddit

Why patch something this cool? What is the point of putting in all of those trees if you can't use them?

Fire Demon is the shittiest boss in the game and simply not fun to fight or worth it imo.
Saint however is a fucking awesome fight and you should definitely try to finish him. He isn't that hard compared to Owl imo. And old man Isshin and Emma are also really great

You can still do the deathblow in the second phase

Demon is easy, the only attack you need to parry is his stomps, and even then only when you know you're not going to be able to evade them. Just avoid everything else.

The second one during the ghost phase has always been free, just get up on the tallest tree and look down

the first one is new to me though

Attached: 1541985538161.jpg (640x800, 88K)

I don't get this meme that the demon is this super hard boss, the amount of people I've seen claiming he's the hardest souls boss ever is ridiculous

He's not even the hardest boss in this game, if you have the fireproof umbrella he's really fucking easy, and this is coming from someone who struggled with the game

Owl, the purple monk, Isshin, that big ape, all far more difficult

Monk is the fucking easiest boss in the game other than Gyobu. How the fuck can anyone call that hard?

Just wanted to let you know that most videos about that boss are outdated. They patched it so you can only stealth hit once in that boss fight now instead of twice.

Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I genuinely struggled with the monk (the first one, after the village) more than I ever have with a souls boss other than maybe Midir (didn't play the bloodborne dlc)

I dont know what to say. Have your (you) holy shit man. Just wow

I watch souls bossranking vids like demodcracy AFTER beating the game so I can feel good about myself

You can get several damage upgrades by postponing purple monk until you absolutely have to, before that she just has too high stats to be fun to fight

Oh neat! Someone saved my edits. Here have some more

Attached: Owl VS Sword Saint Isshin 2(2)(2).webm (1080x720, 2.75M)