I can't wait to play Classic!!!

>I can't wait to play Classic!!!

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>I play video games!

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cool game. cant wait

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Who the fuck keeps making these?

Its one of the few games that is not another dopamine destroying, playing by itself, casual fest. Yes it will not be the same but there is still a big wall that a lot of people won't overcome.

Prolly a neet shitposter LUL

>Who the fuck keeps making these?

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>not dopamine destroying
I usually defend Classic but you're just fooling yourself

lmao imagine thinking this

Oh good, another /nofap/ tardo, even in vidya, Y E E T

My pathetic neet cousin texted me to see if I was playing Classic.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that only pathetic fucking losers chase the memory of a video game.

It is really addicting but it requires you to have a brain in the first place.
Imagine proving me wrong, only something like EVE can be considered a casual filter nowadays.
>even in vidya
Yeah, I'm sure playing gachas and Fortnite is really the peak of gaming.

This, his fault for wanting to get some pleasure since everything else is being denied by normaloids like you.


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me either dude
gonna make so much money (in-game). gonna talk to all you nerds. cant wait to get around level 20 so I can start enjoying my favorite zones. gonna buy weps that ill replace the next level and get dem fiery enchants (maybe just beast slaying or whatever). man im so excited for Tanaris and shimmering flats. cant wait to see how much of ZF I can solo when I get there.

Video games are a waste of time and their enjoyment is fleeting. The only reason an adult should play video games is if they are earning money by doing so.

>Ugh, classic? You're not going home you're just escaping your shitty life

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>if they are earning money
Exactly what I meant.

This but unironically

Shut up nigger.

This but unironically. Anyone who played OG vanilla knows it won't be the same. Just nu-blizz SJW cancer riddled with zoomers and whales.

For me, it's private servers.

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>all these buzzwords
good riddance, zoomer

But you're the very nigger here, faggot.

I have never played WoW, is hooking up on Classic a good idea?

you could pay the $15 for the month (don't have to buy anything extra) and in that month you should be able to tell if the game is for you.
personally, I think it is really fun and a hell of a lot better than most anything else these days.

Yes and no. The biggest turnoff for modern wow is how the game is basically designed to help people who play about one hour a day keep up with those 8 hour grinders. Old WoW doesn't have any of these catchup mechanics other than well rested XP, so even having all blue gear is impressive. Also, much heavier into role playing, as in this is what your role in the raid party is, aspect whereas in nuwow the Bloodlust buff that used to be shamans only is now three classes and an item.
Downside? Very time consuming. A regular session for old wow is 4 hours. About 1 hour of that will be travel time because mounts are hard earned to even get 60% speed bonus. And the last 2 or 3 levels til 60 all be straight up mob grinding since quests qonr give enough XP

Post your collection please

I came into this thread thinking it was about fire emblem classic mode
i was deeply confused at some of these posts for a moment

What the fuck is the context.

KEK user same