Your favorite game lore(s).
Spoilers everywhere.
Game lore thread
Literally everything about it.
>his head and his face
Don't those kind of come together?
>Why yes, I do love causality. How could you tell?
Are we sure Miura approve this design?
Shame it almost never makes it into the games.
Is this real?
Or is it fantasy?
I find myself not laughing too often these days but thanks for the chuckle.
Is this achievable natty?
>doesnt detach face from head and store separately
Lel get on with the times old man
Need to shop OPs pic
Caught in landslide
No escape from reality.
Great, you'll now just ruin the entire thread with this Reddit shit
How the fuck can Guts (or Skull Knight) even beat Void?
Hard assumption though that they'll even fight. I feel at this point we'll get a total cop-out finale with the God Hand.
Open your eyes
look up to the skies and see.
I really dig for honors lore about all the factions. I also like the borderlands universe but hate the dialogue.
The God Hand are literally too op for Guts to kill even one.
I don't see how anyone except Griffith will kill one.
>body consists only one large spine
What the fuck are those arms I see then?
Eh, I don't know about that one. I think Guts is clearly fated to face and beat (or at least match) Griffith, which it's clear that he's stronger than than everyone except Void. I think he'd somewhat struggle against Slan, but who knows.
Also, when Guts got rekt by Slan, he wasn't inhabiting the full power of the Berserker armor, was he? Completely forget about that entire encounter, honestly.
Is Void an incel? How can he have sex?
I see, your eyes are open.
don't hit on me silly sacrifices
Only good thing about the games but it sure is great.
When it's cold, outside
If you're going to make a retarded reddit comment like this, at least get the fucking lyrics right.
void was a homofaggot who got rejected by his homobro
Only white people do this
There is already the subtext of the destruction of the body and self in the fruitless pursuits of eternal combat in the Skull Knight.
It won't be Guts who destroys the Godhand. It'll be Schierke and the fairies and the other fantastic human beings of the world.
only black Americans think they're too special to sing along to Bohemian Rhapsody.
Bohemian rhapsody is overrated shit and the internet worship of it is cringe
Yes, Queen was composed only of white men.
If you want a black song to sing how about September?
Morrowind was 100 years ago. It is just WoW with a more realistic art style now and an ex-employee posting fan-fic.
In Dragon's Dogma, the goblins have no need for rape because they're born from fucking trees and fall like fruit. Obviously we never see this shit in the game or in DD2 but it explains why they're mostly found directly under trees (near the village and around that one healing spring) and why they carry tree sap
That's real neat.
>called Void
>has void body
is goblin slayer the only series that's ever delved into what a fucking atrocity goblins would actually be?
I'm shocked anyone bought these given how fucking overpriced they are
>spoiler happens 20 years before the story gets there
well that's a new record
So a few boat rides between then and now?
Kirby has the best lore.
Nothing on Yea Forums will ever match the hype leading up to Kirby: Star Allies. I still can't believe they've created something so deep out of a Kirby game.
>last chapter i read was in august last year
>got a new chapter in april and now 2 days ago
Jesus christ, does this guy have some health issues too or is he just a lazy bum?
The quality of the art is such that I'm impressed that he has such an output, honestly.
nothing "actual" about making them more capable and dangerous, then riffing on everyone taking them lightly despite their apparrent danger.
GS makes goblins more lethal not by making them smarter, these goblins are way less lethal than warhammer goblins, they are so dangerous in lore because everyone else is more stupid, except the not at all special protagonist who is so special because he doesnt ignore them like everone else who is so fucking stupid.
pic related
bloodborne has the best lore in any game ever
This is the most contrived, non-related exposition that a person could manage if they weren't trying and wanted to tie together some random shit that they'd seen on this website. It's completely stupid. Invoking WoW artstyle? Seriously? Have you actually played the fucking games or are you just a Yea Forums shitter that is stabbing in the dark? Wow. Fucking shit, man. What a dismal landscape the internet has become. Seriously.
I like Zelda and Dark Souls lore
Freddy Mercury- real name Farrokh Bulsara- was born in india, to ethnically persian parents of british nationality.
the vast majority of the elder scroll lore is irrelevant for the games, it is just there to paint a more complete world, which is the major difference to the retardation that is the WoW lore, (as opposed to the warcraft lore, which was boring but not completely shit).
HAHA, that's still cool.
Although I'd really rather you'd die, considering how many times we've done this dance.
Can you feel that?
People forgot about The Elemental Kings
Got a grin out of me
Man, the Skull Knight is so cool. I wish I didn’t have to wait another year to see what he’s come to chat about with Guts.
I'm just a poor boy
I need no sympathy
Also, Kirby lore is way too fucked up and I don't think even HAL knows where they're going with all of it
>Berserk is only kept alive by merchandise and massive backlog that keeps pulling in unsuspecting newfags
>Miura doesn't give two shits about the series anymore, will probably kick the bucket in a few more years after making maybe 10 more chapters(if we're lucky)
See, you don't get this with other series; normally it's just the protag suffering, but with Berserk, we all get to suffer right along with Guts. The best thing that could happen to us is Berserk gets canceled, then we can move on to arguing over how the series would've ended. Speculating how amazing it could've been despite the last few years being a complete shitshow.
WW2 still played out the same with the Holocaust and everything in the Tf2 universe. Medic was originally a pardoned Nazi but Valve backed out due to fear of backlash.
League of legends used to have interesting lore before they gutted it all.
It's meant to be dumb on purpose, same as September being 'black music'
Zoom zoom
come on man you know how its going to play out
>next chapter releases in 2020
>Skull Knight: Guts I have come to talk to you. I will now spend 20 pages padding it out
>Next issue: The Skull Knight reveals his secret!
Underage ban detected
Lazy, depressed and unmotivated.
He's said all as much himself. It's why he popped out that miniseries so fast. Gigantia I think it was. It was something new for him to work on which he hadn't done in like 20 years.
>tfw last chapter reignited my love for berserk because stuff actually happened
>the wait is going to be even more painful now
Nope, it was never interesting. You were just an ignorant uneducated kid is all.
Tbh it has to be soul-draining to do the same thing over and over for 20 years.
>Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity?
Didn't Guts murder the fuck out of Slan?
I think the word you're looking for is potential. League's lore in and of itself was generally pretty mediocre. Now it's just retarded dumbshit.
Are they off the boat yet?
It's been 5 years that the party left the boat.
nigga that was years ago
Casca is kicking it again now but she got mad Guts PTSD
Hes still around I play games with the guy sometime wish he made more videos or streamed more
Its Whoomp there it is for white people
>4 years ago
and barely any development in the story since then. FUCK MIURA
Here's your lore.
>theres no release date
Here we go again m8, the ride never ends
casca hasnt even tried to kill herself or guts all we get is some smug face.
In the past year he has released 2 chapters.
Fucking 2.
im still kinda pissed that the berserk game was bad
which one?
Miura doesn't care for anything but Idolmasters and hasn't for a long time now
His assistants are essentially drawing the manga now
that Musou one
They did attack on titan and it was kinda fun, was hoping berserk would be alright.
>casca hasnt even tried to kill herself
Why would she? She's longing for the feeling of demon cocks and lives solely to taste them again.
>Miura's just going to go off and make another manga
Still better record than Togashi.
Don't feel too bad. Miura isn't actually drawing the whole manga and it's only 2 chapters
The lore following triple deluxe is still my favorite. Taranza's colossal fuckups and the dimension mirror secretly being made out of dicks were both great.
>insight... in sight... inward sight... eyes inside head hehe ;^)
Powerful and thought evoking
can't believe I didn't know they made Godhand figma
Mega Man himself has a weakness, it's electricity
He consistently takes the most damage from electricity-based attacks
Freddy was born in Zanzibar to Farsi parents, which are indians of persian descent who practice zoroastrianism, that fled iran because of muslim persecution.
Zoroastrians had a cool religion but it was worth Islam to see them get their shit kicked in by the exact same religious intolerance they'd been spreading themselves.
What's this from?
A figurine store I'd imagine.
Looks like Void from Berserker.
If that "fact" is real then my mind is blown.
I'm retarded.
Give me a quick rundown on why I should get interested
Almost all the generic fantasy shit in Skyrim is actually some sort of schizophrenic time-travelling multiple personality Hindustani fever dream which has somehow been made into the most generic fantasyshit.
Got to admit, he works the shit out of that look
If you don't care much about the games, then you shouldn't. It's nothing revolutionary. But if you do enjoy any of the games to any extent then your enjoyment will probably be deepened by understanding the lore. Bethesda sells you on immersion and the lore serves that end: it makes the world you explore feel that much more real.
They went above and beyond what was required for the games themselves. Each civilization seen in the games and many more that aren't seen directly were given their own unique history, culture, and mythology. There's very little in the way of "word of god" as everything is told from the perspective of in-game characters.
There's too much shit to really summarize or put into any sort of quick rundown, but the original Pocket Guide to the Empire from a game manual in 1998 is a great read and is in some ways the founding document of TES lore. It's a pamphlet from the then-newborn Septim Empire describing the world as they see it, with commentary written over parts of it by a traveling Altmer.
For the mythological side of things a good primer would be the in-game books "Varieties of Faith in the Empire" and "The Monomyth"
"Your Prophets have promised you freedom from a doomed existence, but you will find no salvation on this ring. Those who built this place knew what they wrought. Do not mistake their intent, or all will perish as they did before."
Before 343 and their comic cronies bungled it, Halo was my favorite IP. It's not completely original as far as SciFi goes, but I love the twists they put on the themes.
You want lore? Prepare yourself:
Only wh*toids are mentally ill enough to praise a song glorifying the fall into sodomy as a classic to the point where they sing-song the lines to each other.
Completely rotten race that needs to be cleansed.
Kinmune is canon and so if the elder scrolls games go on long enough they will turn into 4x space sims where tree-spaceships fire theoretical mathematics and have weaponized the truth of reality
Careful with this one it will blow your mind
I always make the effort to lurk in the lore threads whenever they pop up. Shits great.
>griffith chapter
The entire everything of the Homeworld series
>There a people who died before seeing casca get healed
its good they didn't know mr.bones ride hasn't finished but only just begun
I haven't read a single chapter beyond the chapter they got off from the boat. Guess I gotta read it again but fuck the waiting time man.
I still remember when Amumu had a few paragraphs worth of lore in his description, and it was cut down to like 3 sentences.
>mfw he still can't even look at her, nevermind hold or kiss her
its not even funny anymore.
>nieuwe hunter
is he Dutch
Pretty sure he's also supposed to have double elbow joints. Not sure how much I trust this.
One thing nearly everyone missed in the Octo Expansion was the very name of the corporation that runs the place, Kamabo. The name hints at Kamaboko, which is cured meat made with surimi, which is the same ingredient used to make imitation crab, the key word being "imitation". Kamabo has two themes, pastes and copying stuff from the outside world. The paste theme shows in many of the things they make, such the weapons of Sanitized Octarians, who are made of plastic instead of metal, which is a consequence of them having absurd amounts of petroleum, that can be seen flowing through many of the levels. Another factor that defines the corporation is the existence of a people that was only revealed in an artbook, the Provision Squad, who have their bodies made from pink and white pastes that ressemble surimi, which may be the true reason why Tartar needs new genes all the time, in order to improve these bodies. This helps us understand why there are IV bags available all over the test facility, filled with the same fluid that was said to make trees grow faster, in the same book, and it justifies Agent 8's inner questions when customizing a character, such as "Who am I?", which lead me to believe that the Provision Squad are immortal and move from body to body. This theory in turn answers why the Sanitized enemies can be created viably in their world, because there's a constant supply of corpses left by the Provisionary that moved into a new body.
The imitation theme is reflected all over this DLC. The Provisionary bodies are made in order to replicate the bodies of creatures that exist in the outside world, and their supposed genetic superiority is ment to help them improve over the strategies of the outside world. Kamabo copies technology found in Octarian levels, and puts their own logo on them. And the Captain showed up with a brand new outfit out of nowhere, with logos of brands present in the outside world. Counterfeit maybe...?
What the FUCK did that green dude do?
I always liked the way classic Mega Man, X, Zero, ZX, and Legends are all one continuity, even if a lot of the most important events in history happen off screen.
Please stop posting this god awful shit.
A mod of Civ 4, rather than a game.
It's a legitimately interesting setting for a mod, with cthulu pirates and globalist Centaurs, even though it still has your generic barbarian orcs and wood elves.
I used to play with one of these as a kid. I would pull on the screw to make it wave it's "arms" around.
No, just the physical body she inhabited. She actually enjoyed being impaled.
yep, we also lynch niggers
kek, why
>next issue is griffith discussing how to ration water and his dumbass princess bitch trying to set up a gay festival or something
In Pokemon Sun & Moon (2016) if the player somehow had Kyogre in their party and bring it to the water trial, Lana will took notice and was actually surprised by it
In Darksiders 2, the DLC items are/were former living beings of a pacifist race, which Death genocided and then tortured and mutated into living weapons. Death then grabbed all the weapons in existence and threw them in a vault, saying that no one, not even him, has the right to wield it. Buying the DLC is Death going back on his word and taking the weapons out of the vault.
He also doesn't block because he's too arrogant to block, except for that one fight.
>another 10 chapters of Griffith discussing politics and public services
the Donkey Kong lore is pretty deep with it's great ape war full of betrayal and backstabbing
Currently going through guilty gear lore and finding it amusing.
Not too much into video game universes lore (im way more of a /tg/ universe lore fag) but GG got some really cool moments.
Robo ky best char no contest
holy fucking REDDIT
A lot of it is kind of stupid don't do drugs kids but there is a lot of good stuff as well.
But ultimately that one book in skyrim listed like a dozen different types of vampires yet the game only featured one type.
how did reddit so successfully integrate into Yea Forums? does the racism and gore just not work anymore?
Fuck, that means I have been on this fucking website for at least 5 years.
GG is some whack shit user
>being able to recognise TV tropes so easily.
Unironically Final Fantasy 12
to be honest you can tell they had nothing to reference when making everything below the neck.
they did a pretty shit job of revealing how he has arms attached to the spine, it looks more like a bionicle torso.
>tfw you'll never be rich enough to create a beautiful figma display museum with glass cases and all the highest quality figmas, professionally posed in handmade setpieces, with dedicated lighting and display dioramas
Say what you will about the gameplay, but Skyrim is full of cool new lore and actually does stuff with the towers and kalpas and shit. If you didn’t recognize this, you’re probably part of the audience Bethesda dumbs their gameplay mechanics down for.
Is all the stuff about Kirkbride being found in a drug induced haze after writing the lore actually true?
Dead Space
anything that would have made skyrim even the slightest bit complex was axed to make sure everything appealed to the broadest demographic possible. The politics are extremely shallow. The biggest and most awe-inspiring stuff from the lore is reduced to something they can implement cheaply in their shitty engine (Alduin for example).
They also let interns and non-writer staff add things in the newer games (since their actual writers are already so pisspoor this is barely even noticeable until FO4 where quests actively began contradicting each other, because they were written in a vacuum, by level designers and shit).
you can get permabanned for posting loli now. trust me.
they've already won.
It's more fun to use their articulation to have battles with them like you're still 8 years old anyway.
wow, he only has one spine? what a creep
whoa user, your mom lets you have 2 spines?!
Hi redit. You have got to go back now.
Not just loli, for a while Aviv (the shit disturber who ruined Yea Forums board culture) was even deleting threads of Yotsuba, such as the daily yotsuba chapter dumps and what not.
Might be the same mod that started banning Sakurafish, one of the board's oldest traditions, in much the same way Yea Forums's current mods began deleting Stu threads even though they weren't hurting anybody.
french nickname it "De gaulle" because pic related
i've been watching it all happen, quietly. its really just getting worse by the day, which is amazing in a sense.
and now it's nothing but politics, ecelevs and shitposting
this site is doomed
Yea Forums moderation is fucking weird
How does he move around? Just hop on his spine like a pogo stick?
i'm only on episode 7, i can't wait to get to the part everyone is losing their shit over.
It gets worse by the minute.
He just wanted to make a world where everyone fit in.
I didn't really find Kimetsu no Yaiba to be that bad but holy fuck people are going insane over it, even Youtubers won't shut up about how amazing it is. I'm willing to bet that as soon as the show catches up to the manga and runs out of material to adapt people will be quick to forget about it or just remember it based on the gorgeous animation.
and yet, here we remain.
Take the board back by force. You have no idea how much damage one dedicated autist can do.
It's more the double whammy of getting banned for reporting spam with a dozen threads up, and the very same thread getting deleted by another mod.
I don't think anyone's surprised shounen babies are an obnoxious bunch.
Anime fandom is being invaded by twitterposting ironic weeaboos whose favorite shows are SnK, Jojo, and One Punch Man.
That's way better than moe slice of life garbage.
Yes but it's still garbage and if you don't want your fandom to go down the same path vidya has then you need to start gatekeeping again.
[citation needed]
what the fuck is this pac-vampire singing an organ cover of gangster's paradise
> The best thing that could happen to us is Berserk gets canceled,
kill yourself , its clear you never got anything that interested you be canceled
Last chapter was peak Berserk. Literally one of the best chapters in the entire manga.
>got to see Farnese's development in action
>Casca back in action
>Bone Zone returns after a 10-year hiatus
>Guts emoting for the first time in a while
At least its only forever.
The only reason they backed off slightly from being tyrannical was because people went straight to Hiro. But the boards are so bad now I don't know what Hiro can even do. The position of Yea Forums jannie must be extremely valuable to people who like control over public discourse, which leads to a lot of cancerous people becoming moderators just to subjugate the site's culture
Hiro doesn't give a single fuck what happens here and the jannies know it. They know they're effectively in charge. We just need one heroic autist to step up and burn the current state of affairs to the ground.
Skull Knight has a plan, we just don't know what it is yet. He seems to be somewhat outside the normal flow of time, so it's possible he already knows what's going to happen.
My assumption is either.
>Skull Knight will sacrifice himself in some way to allow Gutts the killing blow
>Skull Knight will have Gutt's fight and kill him so that Gutts can absorb Skull Knight's power into himself
I'm starting to think the dream might just be dead, man. The internet is just too fucking crowded and now having the wrong opinions will also get you locked out of not just 'the socialsphere', but potentially even financial institutions you literally cannot function in modern society without.
Deplatforming, unfortunately, is extremely effective, although destructive and irreversible consequences will follow for all of this in the next generation
there will never be another accelspammer. no one here cares enough.
Mega Man’s bullets are solar powered
user...have sex
Don't post your personal information online. This is basic shit anyone over the age of 18 should know.
Uh huh, his other plan for killing Griffith worked out so well before.
if you have ever used a webcam, or used facebook voice chat, or google searched anything, all of this information goes into a big file in the biggest databases in the world. i believe google can even send you, upon request, a total collective file of everything they have in their database that's been scraped from you by what sites you visit, what online forms you have filled out, anything, they have it all linked up and neatly filed away.
This can be TERABYTES of data sometimes.
If you use the internet you're being scraped and they can find you if they want to
Oh I know all about that, but if glowniggers want to blackbag you then they're going to and nothing will stop it. The concerns you expressed though are mainly the result of social media mobs going after people for wrongthink. If you don't have your info anywhere then you can say nigger all you want and you won't lose anything.
my nigga
It's really fucking cool.
That was an exceptional circumstance of an incredible piece of Sakuga. Before and after that there was usually only one or two kimetsu threads at a time.
If that was enough for you to want mods to step in you are a giant faggot and the cancer killing Yea Forums
piss off
Seeing screenshots of back is so nice and innocent.
>skull knight was actually a retard that somehow lived for 2000 years just to fuck up someone else's entire world
but that's kind of the joke; goblins are bog standard lvl 1 fodder, no one ever talks about them being any more than annoying despite what they represent
I thought the joke was a fucking metal riff playing every time he does some edgy one-liner. I laughed, at least.
If they get another member will they be godhands?
good shit
and my dad works for Nintendo so I can tell you that berserk is getting a game exclusive on the switch. I know he streams. What games does old douche boy play?
I haven't actually watched more than a couple episodes of the anime, does he really do one liners? in the manga he barely talks, and everybody gives him shit for always giving one word answers.
There is no western equivilant term you brainless retard.
t. reddit
Yeah but they have a mortal realm body that can be killed now. From the blast
Literally every one of you bottom-feeding, memespewing fucks use it 100% interchangeably with "animation". You don't even use it to fucking omit good.
first episode does that, after he picked up the chick, I think
never watched any more of that
>everybody gives him shit for always giving one word answers.
Easily my favorite part of GS. I love and hate GS. It is so simple that I cant love it more than the premise and about 15 chapters. Same with chainsaw man.
Its like eating popcorn. Its fun to eat popcorn sometimes but when its all you eat you fucking die.
all I remember is that the most he spoke was the 'stay in their stinking holes' bit, other than that it's always just pic related tier.
>she's been poisoned and we're out of antidotes, she's going to die!
>kill...gasps-gurgle- mee...
>I will
>don't you have any ambitions goblin slayer, any future goals you would like to see realized? a life plan?
>UHHHH what are they?
>kill all the goblins.
>goblin slayer I don't really know how to put this but... /// I think I'm falling for you~
Nah bro it was pretty weak
>Casca is back
>Here are some magic mcguffin vikings to fight
>uh oh casca cant look at big angry boi
>big retard cant even take off his armor for one second to not look like the nigger swordsman
I just love it for his elder scrolls tier magic fuckery and abuse of mechanics, he cheeses dungeons irl.
>oh yeah planar demon, k, well I got this teleport spell I linked to the bottom of the ocean, so what I actually have here is a wagon sized fucking ocean cannon. wyg bout dat planar demon
>>oh yeah planar demon, k, well I got this teleport spell I linked to the bottom of the ocean, so what I actually have here is a wagon sized fucking ocean cannon. wyg bout dat planar demon
That was pretty dope.
The line is "is this the real life", not "is this real", fucking idiot cretin
this nigga serious? It's been twelve hours
sknight has done nothing but fuck up everything for everyone over and over.
Aight thats it.