Name any game with raccoons and I will play it no matter what. I'm serious.
Name any game with raccoons and I will play it no matter what. I'm serious
do tanuki count?
Fuck off
Sly Cooper
Sly Cooper 2. You're welcome.
Sengoku Rance
alright, pocky and rocky then
horizon zero dawn
over the hedge
Animal Crossing is an obvious pick, then.
animal crossing
he's in infinite too but i do not recommend it
Ok I'm up to 9 games or at least 71.5 hours of games. C'mon is that all you got?
Dark souls 2
why are tanukis always depicted as fat
to make them hotter
>Dark souls 2
Are you sure there are raccoons?
Pocky & Rocky 2.
Araiguma Rascal
I'm not seeing any raccoons in either of those games
Tanooki aren't raccoons
SMB3 has a tanooki suit
Ibuki in SF3.3, 4 and 5 has a raccoon pet
Disney Infinity with Rocket Raccoon + all the Marvel games with him in it - I think the new Marvel hack'n'slash on switch has it
Does Raccoon city in the Resident Evil games count?
forgot pic
Donut County
Tanuki are not fucking raccoons you retard.
Why are you posting when you can't even bother to read the first three posts of the thread?
And Rascal is a raccoon you dumb nigger
I think Nioh had tanukis.
Used very sparingly, however.
sonic rush adventure
This shit, OP.
Any game with playable Tanuki or frogs I feel legally obligated to buy.
shit-ass """"humanized"""" versions don't count
why is that user?
You could probably make a Raccoon deck in one of the Yugioh games.
Tooth and Tail with mods
Super Mario Bros. 3
There's a point-and-click about a raccoon detective that's coming out at some point.
Donut County
It's Katamari Damacy but with a raccoon
I played the demo and the setting is pretty cool
No one really?
Rocket: Robot on Wheels has a raccoon named Jojo as its main villain
That's a funny way to say "several people in this thread"
Rimworld has a mod for a raccoon race called the Raccs
imagine thinking raccoons are anywhere near as based as possums
[this post was made by opossum gang]
NWN 1&2, Ranger and Druid can pick an animal companion and badgers are on the list
>imagine thinking raccoons are anywhere near as based as red pandas
Fixed it for you
Came here to ask and then post Thanks, anons.
Trash pandas > Red Pandas but only barely
No one cares about sneaky corpses.
Name ONE game with possums other than Rocket Knight
possums are fucking shit
Rocket Robot on Wheels
>Removing the rats
Unironically the best part, why would you remove them?
I wish I was born a raccoon so fucking badly
Why are furfags with raccoon fursonas always the most autistic?
>Why are furfags with [X] fursonas the most autistic?
This is a dumb question.
They're furfags, so they're the most autistic by default.
I can't give you a proper answer but your post made me think of this
probably because raccoons are autistic animals
Raccoons are so fucking cute
Are orgies just assumed to happen at furry cons?
You have no idea.
Doughnut County. It's pretty cute and only 15 bucks.
Because they're jolly.
Doki Doki Literature Club
What's a tanuki's favorite AC/DC song?
Shoot to Thrill.
You thought I was gonna say Big Balls, didn't you?
Only second to made up species like sergals, candy orcas, etc
That's a badger.
>candy orcas
The fuck?
It's transpecies. It was born as a raccoon and now identifies as a badger. Check your privilege.
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Raccoon Racing
Touhou 13
>Zigzagoon: the TinyRaccoon pokemon
>Nothing mentioning badgers in Linoone's entry
>Linoone's thing is speed, which badgers definitely aren't good at
It's a vague mustelid, probably nearer ferrets and stoats. The only thing it's got near a badger are the stripes why the fuck am I typing so much about this
You're a vague musty lid.
Why are pixel games about detectives always so cool?
'Furry' is literally a fetish, what do you think happens when people start shaping their entire lives around it
They turn out completely normal and don't act weird at all?
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Do VNs count?
Only if it's the cat
I'd imagine there's as much sex going on at a furry con as there is at a a latex con or a leather con.
Probably just as many fucksuits too.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
They're cute, whatever they are. No comment on Obstagoon though
The racoon's probably my favorite character, too.
>What the fuck is obstagoon
>Google it
>What the fuck is THAT
It's shit
I hate it
It's so badly designed
What a fucking waste of an idea
>memer having shit taste
Dumb furry
It's bad. Please explain why you think it's a good design.
upright badger ready to shit your things, X makes a nice reference to "do not"
Wait a second, I recognize that character. What's it from, I can't remember
>upright badger
No, something like Typhlosion is an upright badger. This is just a man in a fursuit.
The only thing going for it is the Kiss reference (although if it was accidental that makes it worse, don't quote me on that).
>Anthro for a line that was nowhere near human-shaped
>Design is primarily Linoone's head on a human body
>Mohican 'because it's dark type lol'
>X on its shoulder 'because it's dark type lol'
>Neither of the above are related to the Kiss reference
>Will make a very strange evo for the normal line if they bother reverse-engineering it
You just want it to have its way with you
oh no he's also autistic
did you miss out the zigzag->line->cross thing? especially when one of the common meanings for it is 'do not' (as in an obstacle)?
and no it isn't accidental, pay attention to galar zigzagoon's eyes for that matter. And look at the whole body, it's not "linoone head", it's linoone with longer limbs
>no more rocking pants
>linoone with longer limbs
Then posed like a human and based on a real human, yes.
Hey hang on, you just said it isn't human-shaped
user, Pangoro has pants too or are you telling me it is human-shaped. Also the pose is going for an X, notice the arms.
>Anthro for a line that was nowhere near human-shaped
Someone post that image that says pokemon design has started favoring anthro forms like Lucario and Zeraora
Hell Golisopod is another one, it's all true.
Are you retarded?! Look up 'bancho' or 'banchou' in relation to japanese delinquents
And yet he is very bestial still despite being clearly anthro, so I don't see a problem with it. That was my point. Same with Obstagoon.
In Rdr2 you can kill and skin raccoons
Magicite has unlockable raccoon dudes.
Night in the Woods
That's because his line is anthro in the first place, ziagzagoon and linoone are the furthest from anthro possible
If they'd just made it more badger-shaped I'd probably be (begrudgingly) fine with it
Yeah but the line also enjoys being shown upright, so it's not really that weird. Besides, this is pokemon, where bipedalism is a common evolution.
>this is pokemon, where bipedalism is a common evolution
That's not exactly a good thing, I'd seriously prefer they stopped doing that and make them more animal-like
Or even things that aren't animals, the object and insect ones are usually way more inventive than 'dog but with [x]'
overcooked 1 and 2
most objectmons/pokemon are literally object/concept but with [x]. again reductive argument.
anyway let's just agree to disagree, I won't convince you to like the line.
I worded it poorly, but I meant in the general shape. Magnemite isn't just the shape of a horseshoe magnet for example, it's multiple sections. Joltik is obviously an insect, but it's distinctly its own thing (which goes out the window with Galvantula, but oh well). Pumpkaboo is based on a pumpkin, but with the silhouette it's completely different on the top half.
As for the second point, yeah you really won't. Overall it's what each person wants in general for the designs, I generally much prefer each line to stay consistent to some degree.
Klinklang can eat my ass though, that was lazy as hell
sure no prob
random trivia though, magnemite is a common magnet shape (those magnet balls) but generally not the "stereotype" for magnets. it was actually popular even back in the 80's but apparently only became trendy in the 00's
Well yeah, but they made it interesting by only using it as the body
There aren't many ways to make a magnet look like a magnet without being one, so they made a thing that is clearly a 'creature' shape but still obvious
Oh also an example of a line with evos I like but horrific inconsistency is Rhyhorn's, Ryhdon is alright but Rhyperior is going nuts with it.
There aren't many late additions to lines that work well. Scizor, Electabuzz and Tangrowth are good examples (Tangrowth's cheating though I guess, it was in that beta they found) while Magmortar's strange as hell.
I like magmortar more than magmar, at least he looks like one bitch ass nigga.
Is it out already?