This game is able to make the unscripted seem scripted and that's why its one of the best games ever made

this game is able to make the unscripted seem scripted and that's why its one of the best games ever made

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Other urls found in this thread:

They should do a historical game for China next time.


Attached: RDR2 gunplay.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)



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Too bad the gameplay is a snore fest. The same issue I had with playing mafia 3 when I wanted to know more of the story but didn't wanted to go through how boring, slow, and repetitive the gameplay is and just watch the cutscenes on YouTube. Can't rockstar just have a team that fucking focuses on trying to make the gameplay fun? In fact the gameplay already feels out of date.

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The game's gonna look amazing on PC

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181112184333.png (1920x1080, 3M)

>muh cinematic experience
>best game ever made

It's sad that we've come to this

yeah but the gameplay feels like shit

Just like the first one :)

That legitimately looks fucking terrible though, that AI is fucking trash.

Yeah, just like how Demon Souls isn't on PC either.

Fucking retard.

This game is boring as shit. Every mission is cinematic garbage that railroads you to the next objective through on-screen prompts. I got through about 50% of the game before I stopped playing since I was so bored of it.

Yeah you only had to wait 10 years. Cope

Does anyone under 40 even like this game? Lol

It's so slow and repetitive. Absolutely no challenge but at least you can listen to dialogue for hours.

> unscripted
Dude, there are no such games, everything are scripts

Why does Yea Forums shit on cinematic games but give RDR2 a pass? This game cares more about it's narrative than it does trying to make it fun too. Like holy shit did i bought the game last week and it did the same issue it did with GTAV is gave us a long boring starting tutorial as if we can't play the same gameplay they've been using for past three fucking games which is just an autoaim mess and the crafting isn't convoluted or anything. Like I'm alright with you guys enjoying it but it feels like it wasn't anything special. Feels like people just gave this game too much credit because it's a "rockstar game" and "another RDR game"

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Is what Jakey says about rdr2 in this video true? if so, i probably wont play it

Yea Forumss favorite games are fucking VNs and Gacha so idk

I think it's the best way to go about making a game. Open World, but with clearly defined setpieces. Player freedom at any cost tends to hurt games. Usually means a lack of memorable moments.

Stick with Fortnite.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 4.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)


god i love how visceral this game is its always been my favorite part of R* games thats why gtav i didnt like too much

I wish it cake out on PC. The shooting would feel so much better of you could use a mouse. Actually, I think it's kind of a shame how PC games let you use a controller but console games don't let you use a keyboard and mouse. Console exclusive shooters would all benefit from it.

literally everything in this game is scripted so your just a retard. obviously the missions are, oops you stood up when you should have crouched, mission failed

These webms are ironic right?

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The fact that speed runs of rdr2 are 9 hours of walking and 30 minutes of riding in a balloon is what convinced me to never buy this game. It's just a bunch of walking.

Cool story bro

>I wish PC had gaems

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Imagine typing that post with your pointer fingers and that's what playing rdr2 is like.

Held on to my launch Xbox One just for RDR 2 and goddamn was it worth it. Best game I've played in the last 10 years.

Anyone else shocked at how good it looked for being a console game? There were so many moments where I could not believe this game was running on an Xbox. Can't wait to see what it looks like on PC.

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I'm no Rockstar shill but speedruns are not a good indication of a game's content.

You know what? I would rather pick a battle royale game than a 60 dollar movie.

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I saw enough. I got a very good look at how the game plays. I saw the slow opening act, the slow, chained walking in Tahiti, the countless "follow me" missions, the 30 minute balloon ride. It's a game with a script that needs you to be occupied in some way for a set time while the characters talk.

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Cope, zoomie.

Attached: RDR2 lassoing.webm (960x540, 2.38M)


on par with new vegas and breath of the wild as the most immersive games ever.

t. seething zoomie

How do you play with mouse and keyboard on your couch? No one would use it, because no self respecting console games play on his pc monitor, strapped to desk

There's always a samefag in these shill RDR2 threads isn't there? Faggot always post the same shit webm, constantly call it good looking for a console game, and calls the game "immersive".

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I know this is just personal preference because I see people love the shit out of this but I absolutely hate when they change the camera angle for a cinematic kill like in skyrim, fallout, and RDR2. It's more bearable in instances when it's hard to show the kill from the player's perspective such as Deus Ex HR with the melee take downs.


Jannies are gonna prevent you from posting this soon so post while you post it’s not gonna last forever.

i love red dead 2 but it can be annoying as fuck with its restrictions.

no, you aren't allowed to have fun in that way! have fun in the exact way we tell you to!


It makes you wonder what's the point of an open world game when you can't play at your own style. Seems like rockstar killed off freedom in open world games compared to their older games

>Instant PC cope

Attached: RDR2 - Shotgun to the legs.webm (1280x720, 1.08M)

Game's too fucking easy. You can take 50 headshots but enemies die from one shot to the foot.

I haven't played RDR2 but Rockstar's always suffered from this. They make big open sandbox games and then stuff the most linear missions possible into them.

Attached: headshot.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>It makes you wonder what's the point of an open world game when you can't play at your own style.

To bring a sense of space and scope to the events of the story.

game was pretty boring until I stopped using guns whenever possible
it's a lot more interesting when you limit yourself to the knife and tamahawks

Attached: knife fight.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

I don't doubt it pleb.

>enemy stand over player and just watch him and wait for their turn to be attacked

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Yes but actually no. Its mission structure is RS's and time and tested method. RD2 is basically RS's mode refined version of the gerne they popularized. Plus its just a great game so let some Literal WHOtuber tell you what you can and can't enjoy.

game not on PC = game does not exist

My only issue was the euphoria/gore still isn't what it was in the first one, and a lot of the mysterious side stuff that goes nowhere. Still no idea what the deal is with that GAVIN dude

instant wrong condescending cope response

your ""game"" is shit. I hope it comes out on PC too so at least modders can maybe bruteforce it to become enjoyable to play, although looking at GTAV/O, I don't have high hopes

To be honest, i regret buying it but I don't regret playing it. It's probably the best "movie game" out there right now but I don't want to watch a movie; I want an arcade game. I have fun with it but I kinda have to be in the mood for it. I suppose RDR2 just ain't for me; i'd rather playing a fighting game or jrpg.

>I want an arcade game
because you're a brainlet pleb who only likes to mash buttons and and have some artificial buttonmash difficulty so you can overcome it and feel good about yourself for not feeling stupid once in your life.

Attached: RDR2.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

I don't care for sense of space and shit in a video game if it isn't utilized to add to the gameplay. It's just eye candy and nothing more

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The fuck does cope mean newfag?

The people who hate the game are just zoomers flying through the story. Go around and do all the challenges, make all the hunting gear. It gets you out in the world and forces you to create your own vignettes and all the hidden things, which I feel are more compelling than the story in a lot of ways.

turns out immersiveness leads to boring gameplay if the world is a realistic one.

Attached: machete.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

le epic janky animations and poor network sync!!!11111

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i love it, specially here since it comes from max payne 3 and you can keep shooting during the slowmo

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Why do people shill this game in the most retarded way by praising gameplay? It's a story/characters game first and the gameplay is a tedious chore where the missions are scripted to hell not allowing player any leeaway and mostly consist of "ride to where mission starts, watch cutscene, ride to where the mission actually takes place listening to talking, watch a cutscene, kill folks, go back while listening to people talking"

>I kinda have to be in the mood for it.
it did that for me as well, RDR1, never had problems launching it, even today
but RDR2, after a while i wouldn't feel like touching for days only to play it once in a while but for long stretches
when you're in it it's great and you don't want to quit, but from outside it kind of looks like a chore to play

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Yeah, you're just like me. It really is like a tv series like that; that's how I view. Watch a few "episodes" and the game itself good enough to not be shit.

>because you're a brainlet pleb who only likes to mash buttons and and have some artificial button mash difficulty so you can overcome it and feel good about yourself for not feeling stupid once in your life.
You may be correct but i fail to see the problem with that. All my favorite games are like that.. Of course I want that; it's just a video game, after all. Entertainment shouldn't feel like a commitment.

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Imitating the structure of television rather than that of movies is pretty much the predominant tendency in modern open world video games. I noticed it in Watch Dogs 2, Days Gone, RDR2, Metal Gear Solid V, of course, to the point of actually having credits for each "episode".

Instead of one overarching three act structure they have episodes and arcs and subplots. I guess with how much longer games are compared to movies that sort of structure is probably a more natural fit. Your usual 30 - 40 hour game is about as long as three or four seasons of a television series.

Exactly. Of course, if it's gonna be video game, it should still be fun to just play. Most games that go this route usually just aren't all the good imo, for one reason or another. I give RDR2 credit for being one the better attempts at refining this formula. It's good to remember that at its core, RDR2 still has the same design as GTA 3 and R* is taking it pretty far in meshing cinema and gameplay. Outdated some ways but impressive in others.

Attached: waterfal save.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Too fucking SLOW

Attached: killing buck.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: rdrace.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

You’ve described a pretty large percentage of missions in any Rockstar game.
>Why does my meat lovers pizza have meat on it

>it's okay because it's always been shit
Maybe they could consider improving their formula at some point?