>spent the whole day playing civ again
Spent the whole day playing civ again
Other urls found in this thread:
>spent the whole day doing literally nothing again
Just one more turn, I need to capture my ally's capital back, just *one* more
I did that so many times with Civ 3
Jesus fucking Christ is the game that good? It looks boring as fuck.
>actually playing a video game for more than 15 minutes
>Spent the whole day edging again
Fucking this. Family went overseas for 6 weeks as a teen, did literally nothing but jack off and play Civ 3 eating junk food. No regrets.
Which game?
For me it's either IV Beyond the Sword or pic related if you count it as a Civ game
Civ has the potential to make the human race extinct, I had to uninstall it after reaching 100 hrs.
You basically don't need anything when playing Civ, it's a pretty solid cure to excessive masturbation.
Nice work
>spent the whole day shitting
>sharted in mattress
Never again will I mix tuna and arab food
i did it guys
i fixed my car that ive owned for four years but havent driven once, and got tabs and insurance for it
i did something today
of course now im drunk but baby steps!
could be worse, you could've just spent your whole day on Yea Forums refreshing the catalog every 30 seconds again
>spent the whole day lying in bed contemplating my life trying to figure out where it all went wrong
>wasting time ruminating instead of spending it planning on how to fix it
>spent the last days playing old ass crpg's like world of xeen, ultima v, death knights of krynn, and albion.
You just know me too well, GOG.
Steel reserve is the best beverage on earth. i drink it every day. i like its robo-cop piss-like taste. i mix it with vodka so the robo cop piss has a burning sensation to it.
it taste terrible, but it's cheap and gets you drunk so it's alright
>spent the last six hours jerking off
big fucking mistake holy fuck this hurts
I've slept about 30 of the past 36 hours.
>spent the whole day playing slay the spire and some rhythm game that was on sale for less than $1
I remember in my last year of primary school we had a project where we just had to play civ IV.
We had to make a plan for which ending we wanted to get and how we would build our civ, then do a report at the end on on how our game went.
I don't know how one of the teachers tricked the school into thinking this would be educational but I'm glad they did.
Post your report please. I'd like to read that shit.
I threw out all my schoolbooks a long time ago.
Also I don't think I even finished the report because I was too busy playing civ.
>spent the whole day working again
>spent the whole day playing civ again
sounds like you had fun but I'm guessing with the Wojack picture you wish there was more to life?
Civ is brainlet trash, play an actual game like CK2
>play minecraft
>its not fun alone, should play with other people
>realize you haven't had friends for the past 2-3 years
>big fucking mistake holy fuck this hurts
Why? Just don't be too rough dude
>one of my most productive days in weeks
>finally finish all tasks and ready to play vidya
>look at clock
I was edging the whole time
towards the end I kept losing it so I had to go turbo
Is that really more in-depth than civ? someone told me its brain-dead easy to win after a first playthrough because the AI is really really dumb.
>I had to go turbo
Don't zap to the extreme, my dude
>spent the whole day playing dh again
quit spying on me
>literally my desk at this point but with 18 empty cans on it
This thread is full of sad fucks. How about start listening to the joe rogan podcast and actually take his advice? Just shut the fuck up and try harder, bitch
Redpill me on steel reserve.
that homosexual manlet has nothing to offer any sane person
>Play video
>Alt tab once to check something on jewtube
>Suddenly the whole day is gone after watching videos
>Tab back to game to close it
its the ultimate hobo beer
take your alphabrain user. You're not well.
Spent whole summer jobless playing ss13 and escape from tarkov. Didn't learn a thing, didnt leave house much.
Meanwhile fucking pewdiepie married hot woman, got 100kk subscribers and 30kk dollarts.
Internet and vidya fucked up our attention and priorities in life.
Steel Reserve is
It tastes like semi-sweet butthole, but as long as you have a salty beer-snack and plenty of water to go with it (taking sips of water after each pull of beer so the alcohol doesn't stay in contact with your teeth), it is THE beer or choice for poors and homies in the projects; you can pick up 80 ozs for like five bucks in most places that sell it and that will fuck you up for the night.
Think of it less like beer and more like a liquid fast-forward button.
>2-3 yeaars
You are like a baby try 7 years
I envy you
I wont be a sucker going for so long
Spent the entire day defending the rice fields in Rising Storm 2, I don't regret it I bought it for 2 friends to join me
Time spent enjoying yourself is not time wasted friend. So play something actually fucking enjoyable
at this point days where im productive 4 hours out of 16 are victories to me
im such a worthless slug i know theres something wrong with me but i dont know what
Imagine spending the entire day working.
>cant enjoy vidya
>afk in games
>think about the day i can finally end it
>thought about that for 15 years
is this the rest of my life?
>spent the day playing Starcraft instead of practicing drawing
Not going to make it bros.
Why is it every time I have an excess of free time I just sit and stare at my monitor and do nothing, but if I only have a couple hours I will try to squeeze in as much gaming time as possible?
>spent the whole day ignoring messages from friends and family again
What are your most played countries in civ 5?
Just started playing this month and rolling with the native americans, good shit.
i dont remember typing the the summary of my life, weird
I have nothing to live for
All I do is work to live and live to work, with a few moments in between that I can spend on escapism. Is this all life ultimately amounts to? Working, surviving, and having brief moments of escapism to forget it all, until you eventually die? I’m stuck in a dead end job with virtually no future prospects, and each day speeds by more quickly than the last. Nothing I do feels meaningful. I don’t know whether I’ve wasted my life, or that life was wasted on me
>might have to start waging soon
>have to play the "can i finish these pints of lager in time and come into work sober?" game
What's the point of working to sustain a lifestyle you don't care to live?
>liquid fast-forward button
yeah that's about it
>spend the whole day playing valkyria chronicles4 and trying my vr toys in my new flat listening to cool music
>going to Malta in a few days with my gf tomorrow
Take the normie pill guys. I just studied an average degree and cleaned my room.
>30 mins modded minecraft
>30 mins youtube
>30 mins dragons dogma
>10 mins how to learn to draw tutorial
>20 mins how to 3D model tutorial
>tfw neet with a clean room
Also you wasted your money.
is Malta that bad?
I'm talking about the degree.
EU fag. College is almost free in my country.
You wasted your time then.
Is your gf Maltese?
i dont know your situation but ive a dead end job (gas station, doesnt get more dead end than this). Im basically at minimum wage + 2$ bonus because i work at night
That said, I only need 24h/week of work to survive and ive 4 days off every week. There are probably 10000 ways you could save money if you thought about it.
>going to Japan in 24 hours
What's a game I can play to get me in a Japan mood? I was thinking Persona. Unironically not a weeb
I bought civ for my switch and i couldn't get into it... idk when does it get good? Help me bros
Sleep tight, Steeler
Start by not being a retard and getting it on PC.
Also V is better.
>typing the the summary
I also misspell like this quite often
>tfw europoor so no steel reserve but have even stronger, 0,79 cent beers that taste like really old socks that were shoved into a bucket of vomit
>broke and running out of tobacco so can't get booze
>have to steal and drink hand sanitizer instead
>my entire body and appartment smell like it
>too lazy to play vidyia
>haven't played a single new AAA game for six years because computer is a weak fuck
>sometimes end up playing ck2 but inevitably end up jacking off and closing the game after 30 minutes
At least i'm drunk.
>spent the whole day playing cities skylines again
>spent the whole day shitposting on Yea Forums again instead of playing vidya
P5 and Yakuza for Tokyo
>spent the whole day posting butts
>masturbated today
>played games today
>did that for past 5 years
Just use lube, fucking jew'd americans.
don't feel bad catposter we all do that when its the weekend. God gave us the weekend to sit around and do fuck all.
>no job, no money
>living with parents
>almost 26
>still virgin
>playing vidya all the time and masturbating, ocasionally work out
I wish I could be teleported to a better world, i'm too weak to live
I don't know, but the gf downs them like water. Said they taste worst than Ice House Edge, but I'm the only employed one and they are cheap.
>having a will to live
How are you guys doing it? Why do you want to pay rent, work and shit?
>fix it
because death is scary
Based Civ user
England and Poland usually
Hedonism, and the Nativity that one day I'll be stable enough to work towards something I'm truly passionate about. Hoping that I'll get a partner to ease the pangs of my fear of mortality and self doubt. Till then, I work so I can occasionally eat alright food, masturbate, vidya, and any other small physical obtainable item, and be independent from family and friends.
>Spend the whole day playing Civ with the lads
>Someone gets danked on and ragequits
>Everyone quits and the game never gets finished
>Process repeats the next time
>tfw spent the whole day cleaning, working out, making food, drinking with buddies, and now cuddling with my gf while watching the new aladdin
not fair bros I just want to play vidya
>64 hours 4 minutes into a Civ 4 c2c playthrough
>258 AD
>started playing a week ago
>mfw brain is so fucked I'm stuck in future anxiety or past depression 24/7
I'm only going to uni for free therapy and so I could drug myself mad on happy pills
they didn't work for me
good luck user
Holy shit are you me? I'm shaping up my body so I can feel more confident to go out and get some shit done. Dont even have a bank account yet. Getting one before the year is done. Before I'm 26 I want a job though. I'm motivated but I still feel like I'm going nowhere fast.
for some reason civ 2 was the only game to ever make me get up early before school to play
hated every single time I've played civ since then
can someone explain to a retard what is happening in this image
If all else fails I'll go LSD and brain electro shock route
How are you doing, user?
what you know bout that
prolly nuthin
started taking a drug to hopefully improve my shitty skin so i can go outside and start to swim again without getting stares
treatment lasts around 5 months though
>tfw spent the day cuddling with my onahole
Just hold on lads
hope your situation improves user that sounds nice desu
>(taking sips of water after each pull of beer so the alcohol doesn't stay in contact with your teeth)
what ? why man
>played three houses yesterday and really enjoyed it
>was going to play it all day today
>it's now 10 hours into the day and i haven't even touched the game just spent all day shitposting on this hellhole
i really wish lizard squad would hack this fucking website and bring it to it's knees so i could finally be free.
>spent the whole summer doing nothing by playing vidya again
n-no u
keeping it real
I just lie on my couch with a hangover, doing absolutely nothing. Why am I always drinking so much.
>was going to drop off a bottle of quality vodka for my landlord, because he renovated my room when I was gone
>just so happens he is having a BBQ with family and friends
>say hi and greet everyone
>landlord hands me a plate full of grilled meat, and says "Hey user, so cool you dropped in, come sit at the table, I'll make you a drink in the meantime"
>thought I'll spend half an hour to an hour chatting, and I'll be on my way
>enjoy myself more than expected, chatting it up with pretty much everyone at the table
>play some volleyball with the ladies
>get drunk with the dudes
>talk politics and news with the older crowd
>ended up staying till the end
Feels good, to have one of those days once in a while.
Sounds like a nice chap
Keep up the momentum
Good job user
Getting a job is the key to it all desu, it gets you out, forces you to socialize with people, and then gives you the cash to pursue hobbies outside of work(that you now appreciate so much more due to not having unlimited free time)
NEET life is good, but only if you have enough money to live well. But I truly believe to derive the most pleasure from activities, you need some form of suffering in your life to compare it to. If everything you do brings joy, your sense of joy gets diminished.
Some spiritual shit but hey, good luck out there, NEETism is a bad addiction
this is my first post here in a month or two, getting permafrosted at home was actually a great thing. i have so much more time to play vidya and do other shit since i can't waste time here. lurking just makes it more apparent how bad the "discussion" here really is.
i still miss you guys all the time, it sucks
Maybe you should confront your lazy alcoholic gf
How do you escape the NEET hole lads?
Developing skills
I was a NEET until age 27, then I learned to code and now I’m a software developer earning 50k a year
>>have to steal and drink hand sanitizer instead
Who the fuck cares about productivity?
pure bs
Do you really find that so unbelievable?
>just fix it bro
no one is allowed to be more successful than me on Yea Forums. either leave or stop lying.
in many countries there are more jobs than cs graduates and this gap is still growing
you can learn everything a college student would and more in a year or two by yourself, no debt, no stress
ofc it will be harder to score a job but with a good portfolio and some luck you'll be succesful
what are some games
call of duty
FUCK I wish I could play video games all day
It's back to wageslaving for me again tomorrow
Can't even enjoy the weekend because I know there is work waiting on Monday
>steel reserve
Watchu kno bout dat...? Probably nothin ..
max payne
Superior taste coming through
Rising Storm
No it just means you really like that game and it’s perfectly fine you ingrate
jackie chan
>spent the whole day watching chinese cartoons about cute lesbians
chaika isn't a dyke though
>the whole summer
try being a neet for 4 years
yes but she's sad, and I'm sad too
>Can't decide what to play all day
>End up playing nothing
>Time to play some video games!
>Open up folder of all games
>Sit and stare at it for 5 minutes then close it
I no longer want to spend too much time with the same game. It's like throwing your time away, you won't get new experiences from that, and at the end i feel like playing something else would've been more meaningful
Going full autism in strategy games is top comfy
>>realize you haven't had friends for the past 2-3 years
>it's been 6 years now
I'm tossing up between Skylines and Planet Coaster, I'd like a creative game I can run on and tinker with, with a lot of customization
>smoke weed
>play civ 5 for 3 straight hours almost every day after waging
Germany, Japan, France are my favorites. Which natives do you play, the Iroquois?
Chaika is good and made me happy while it was airing until s2's ending
remember to it drink on an empty stomach too if its your first time.
you'll want to vomit the first few chugs but from then on its smooth sailing
Have you people considered getting a job?
You realise without someone giving you a job from the inside you have an incredibly low chance of getting in?
It's all nepotism
did he lived?
you are like a baby try your whole life
I edged off and on yesterday and I still feel that out of breath feeling in my heart after sleeping.
Went to the gym for the first time in a while and now I ache too much to do anything.
>tfw I spent the whole summer doing nothing at all.
>chaika aired 100 years ago
why won't time slow down, even a little bit
i thought it only flew when you were having fun, thats clearly not the case
>mfw spent the whole weekend playing Dragon Mania Legends on my PC
>my PC is very capable of running anything and I chose to just play this gacha garbage because I feel I need to open boost packs
Aaaaa help
Anyone try those new flavored steel reserves?
her autism is just too cute
>Imma play some HoI while I listen to this podcast
>after the podcast ends spend the next 8 hours playing in total silence with my leg twitching uncontrollably because I can't even be arsed to turn the game volume up again or alt+tab and play something else
Of course, how else could he upload the video to the internet
No, that's not how it works. All you have to do is provide someone with value and they will pay you money for that value. Like picking up berries, taking care of the elderly or waiting tables.
I fucking wish I could do nothing today. But I have been staying at my gfs moms house for the past couple of weeks while I look for a new job. She is an insufferable boomer cunt who takes issue if you arent constantly running around "doing something".
Oh user, this childhood naivety is heartwarming. Keep holding onto it
Superbeat Xonic is good and I'm glad people are trying it even if they had to sell it for literal pennies to make that happen.
yeah, I miss being 18
>spent the day drinking white claw and rosé again
>A few years ago when I was around 20
>Nothing to do with my left hand when playing Civ so start fapping
>Slowly develop the ability to come over and over again
>After over 30 times in a day get this weirdest kind of stinging pain when trying to fap
at least the body knows when to stop
>literally just woke up
>it’s almost 11:30am
I went out and played pool with my buddy last night after we already got drunk after work. I don’t remember leaving the bar and woke up early this morning and can’t find my pipe or weed so I drank my only beer and now I’m considering showering and shaving and catching a lyft to the post shop when it opens in an hour so I don’t look drunk and homeless and spending my only day off this week in a stupor and maybe drinking myself to death.
I know this is a shitpost but I’ve been having this feel lately. I haven’t been able to immerse myself in anything get bored or sick of playing after 15min to an hour. Is this the beginning of my metamorphosis into a boomer? Or is it my zoomer adhd?
thoughts on the endless series?
First stop using idiotic buzzwords.
Second take a break and play some different games, like Dodonpachi
Pure kino and more fun than Civ imho
Blackberry is great with some ice but you will shit purple liquid the morning after.
i dont even play anything anymore unless i can simultaneously watch something on my second screen
Playing other games is a good suggestion and unironically shmups like Dodonpachi are what I come back to when I get in a funk like this. That and rhythm games. Challenging stuff that you can pick up and play in like 15-30 minute bursts are a great cure to the "nothing holds my interest" feel.
Multiple screens destroy your attention span. What I do these days is turn off my second screen when I play something
ive been looking for a game to do this for about a year, but i keep rejecting what i find
>play the same 2 games for 2 years
MMO's are really good, and slow games like civ
i have probably over 10k hours on mmo's and 700 on civ 5, done with them
That does seem like the kind of thing that'll happen in Romdeau
you can play ESO with a controller and it's a pretty comfy couch game to fall asleep to
il note it down and see how i feel about it
>Steel Reserve 211s.
Damn I love those things. Shame I have zero dollars to my name otherwise I'd be right fucked up right now.
You're burn out. Take a break for a week doing something else and you'll be fine
>spent the whole day playing ck2, only to lose a war and ragequit
Honestly I don't know what compels me. I hate working just to see all of my money go to shit I need just to live because I don't make a lot. Doesn't help that I hate my job and my boss is an asshole and I always feel exhausted
>Spend the whole day playing Stellaris
>Endgame catastrophe
>Across the whole galaxy
>Behind a xenophobic isolationist
>Can't get through without declaring war on several empires
>My face as it destroys everything and is now unbeatable
Fucking hate this game sometimes
>spent last 8 hours edging
>stop jacking off
>dont search for porn for hours
>fall asleep easy cause not compelled to jack off
maybe theres something to this no fap
There isn't anything to nofap really aside from some unhobby for losers to feel better about themselves for abstaining from an activity
What is a good Civilization tutorial?
Ingame tips are garbage and I always go on a warpath and end up with like 15 unsustainable cities sapping my economy
No there isn't, it's a massive hoax
Proofs? Why are you trying to dissuade others from no-fap?
Who's the best leader and why is it Zakharov?
which civ, which faction and which mod?
>posts a wall of text by some kike professor instead of actually answering the question.
Nah, I'll still keep on avoiding porn and masturbation mr shekelstein
>Where's your proof
>Oh nononono this proof doesn't count
I see
i dont think its miraculously gonna turn me into an alpha male, just that im not wasting my time fucking jacking off anymore
What proof do you have that it does anything besides some losers on reddit claiming it does something?
In addition to an overwhelming majority of actual peer-reviewed studies healthline.com
Enjoy your low T while gossiping with the girls on reddit while people actually enjoy their lives LMAO. You want to get motivated and laid? Get off the internet and go out and actually do something, loser.
>spent the whole day doing drugs and sucking dick
I should probly stop doing this but the pay is too good for me to pass it up
Yeah, you're just wasting it on Yea Forums and more video games, which produce MORE dopamine. At least ejaculation has a refractory period.
Not him, but have you ever had the slightly warm aftertaste of a 211 stuck in your mouth?
dam, you're right
i didn't think that question through
tfw i was sick and had a whole week free and planned a fuckton of things..... and i did absolutely nothing, i just watched useless shit, and now i am getting panic attacks because tommorow it's job again. Fuck...
>No goy, you must keep jacking off! Don't you dare to stop!
I have the fact that kikes keep promoting it, and whatever they promote can't be good for me.
Fuck off gamer.
Who are you quoting?
>c u m brain is filtered into gamer.
Top lel, some mod got insecure I see.
They promote video games too. Neck yourself, retarded jizzbrain.
>calls others cuumbrains
>has to join a reddit support group because he can't stop masturbating
>he can't stop masturbating
can you?
I can't even tell who is trolling who anymore.
The jews also want you to stay alive. You know what to do, loser.
It's because anons posted c.umbrain over 2000 times in 2 days just on Yea Forums.
Nigger, I don't masturbate. Hence why I question your attempts to push others into abandoning nofap.
It is a fitting term.
Fuck those kike mods.
>I don't masturbate, I just constantly push the nofap agenda for no reason
No they don't. The jews have imposed conditions on my people that aim to see us displaced by niggers and arabs.
>play civ
>game is fun until all territory is claimed
>get bored, invade neighbors until the end
All my games are like this
>live in a farm and working on it which is a shithole
>hate everyone
>use free time for Yea Forums and wanking
> Don't know what to do
>alt-white beta incel crying about being persecuted by society
Okay now this is epic!
I don't "push" that agenda. My first comment here was questioning you for trying to dissuade others away from nofap when it shouldn't concern you one bit whether or not this user benefits from nofap.
I disagree. It was ruining this whole board since even normal vidya threads were nothing but people spamming that word. They should've also filtered cuck, incel, tranny, have sex and the other words that lost all meaning. I just want to go back and call anons faggots.
>s-stop showing us evidence that this won't fix my life! Someone stop me from looking at all these porns threads!
Filthy dumb cuumbrain
Oh boy this thread took a turn
Well does anyone have tips for Shinobi on PS2?
save money and move.
No arguments found.
>played total war warhammer 2 the whole day
>Had fun but can't ignore that voice inside my head telling me I'm wasting my time
Doesn't help when I have 2 minutes long end turn
Nize buzzwords you got there, they don't change the statistics which show the demographic change that is going on in my homeland, nor do they invalidate the resentment towards these changes that nobody here voted for.
No arguments, just facts
Get a SSD
Nize buzzwords you got there
>spent the whole day in my wagecube again
one word: git gud
Yes but how?
kill me pete
slay the spire eats my fucking time
diablo clones are very good. just grind mindlessly while doing something else. i recommend grim dawn but you can pick your own poison.
That's why I love my (only) day off with such passion. I could fix my apartment up or my car or play my library of single player games I own. Feels good m8s
If anyone cared about curing sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, and a whole host of sexual and mental disorders in this country, they'd start by criticizing the practice of tying down and sexually mutilating baby boys.
But conveniently, everyone is retarded enough to never put two and two together and realize what the underlying problem is, that cutting off parts of peoples genitals probably isnt the greatest idea.
This is getting abstract but thank you I do enjoy video games
Pete what the fuck?
>Not depressed, but have no regard for my own life either
>Accepted happiness isn't a constant, living fine with only having some moments here and there but don't really know how to describe what I'm feeling the rest of the time
>Been a NEET for a year now, arguably learned more in that year than all my years in education. Though life experience doesn't mean I won't end possibly end up garbage
>Feel no anxiety or stress, but not the sociable type either. The moments I genuinely enjoy myself are rare although it's been getting better. Still acting different with every different person I meet, strangers and friends are basically no different.
>Can't see the value in money. Lived in debts all my life, yet it never actually prevented me from doing what I wanted to do. Can't be rich but can't be poor.
>Because of that work isn't a problem, could do something I don't like and don't dislike doing for an average pay. Yet doesn't feel the urge to get to it because I don't really have anything that motivates me to get money to be able to afford it
>Bad at the one thing I love doing, which results in me being good at the one thing I don't like doing
Boils down to me being alive pretty much because "just in case". And above all else I'm not suicidal. I refuse categorically to end my days myself.
Contemplating eating my cum-soaked toilet paper right now to possibly make myself stop masturbating. I've been doing it a lot less over the years and I don't even fap to anything remotely degenerate anymore, but I still hate it.
>playing FFH 2 civ iv for the retards out there for the first time in years
>get a secluded spawn, da horde
>some trickster guy is near me, friendly because we're both evil
>always play huge/marathon because autism
>turn 1000 i just researched the tech that gives me monuments
>jester hero Loki shows up and converts one of my cities for free
Did nothing but playing Medieval 2 with a single mod.
Wanted to draw, wanted to go outside.
Twenty fucking hours of juts playing this fucking game in 2 days.
THis weekend feels like it was over before it weven began.
>have worked nine days in a row
Thanks, kikes.
I'm the opposite. If I know I have shit to, even if it's a few hours away, I can't bring myself to start anything.
this time I spent playing it on my fucking sruface tablet
Yeah I have this problem. I can't enjoy anything 1-2 hours before having to leave to go somewhere or do something. WoW was the only game I could sort of do this, since it takes minimal investment to do certain things like check AH, farm some herbs, grind some mobs, etc
I have a ssd, it's the cpu that handle this shit
I only have about 2-3 of those days a month and i love them
Why are we like this bros
Fucked up upbringing, fucked up families or something similar
My mother was an overprotective hag who literally spied on her neighbours with a binocs and never let me visit my friends because she was scared that I would get kidnapped because she was literally paranoid and kept watching stupid TV shows about child kidnappings. And then she died when I was 14 years old or something.
My father on the other hand is an apathetic alcoholic piece of shit who literally has no hobby, no interest, not even a job most of the time and is literally about to die because of his endless drinking (cirrhosis),
Literally how the fuck was I supposed to do all the normal shit and compete with normalfaggots niggers
niggers tongue my anus
Been pondering about finally buying a battery powered angle grinder, a flap disc and just finally end it somewhere in the woods.
>Barely play since i have job
>friend wants me to play a shitty game with im
>i dont want to waste my time playing that, i have other/ better games to play
>proceed to play nothing when i have the time to and just tell that im tired (or play vita in my bed)
PLEASE, tell me im not the only one in that case.
i fucking hate that everyone is can see what you are doing and when you are on your pc now, fucking spywares
And on the other hand I don't even get to have a backstory like this to justify myself. I had a lively childhood and my environment was standard. It had its own little things but basically what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing dramatic in it that should have influenced me. And indeed it didn't.
Yet I still ended up this way.
Where has my heart gone? An uneven trade for the real world!
Oh I.... I want to go back to, believing in everything and knowing nothing at all.
I'm installing Caveman 2 Cosmos right now
I want to Neet all winter. How much should I save up?
Honestly I'm considering just turning myself to multiplayer games. I know there's a good of single player games, but that's the problem, there's too much of them. So I end up doing the typical can't choose one between them all and play nothing. It's tiring, so I might as well just play whatever games others suggest me with them. I even have good memories from games I didn't particularly like that much (unironically CoD, BO2) but because I played that game like a dumbfuck with that one friend it's some of my fondest moments in games.
Also getting more and more worried of losing memory. So at least playing with others would help me have someone remember shit in my place.
Unironic good lyrics. Would fit in a 20th century French play.
Fucking attention span, I think this is the one problem ruining us all truly.
>spent the whole day shitposting about video games instead of playing them
someone shut down Yea Forums, I just don't have any self control
>lack motivation to play vidya or watch animu/tv
>tired all the time and can't ever sleep when i want to
>look skinny in clothing, but in reality am fat
>drop anything that requires a modicum of effort, lack motivation to keep trying
>no skills
>social skills have receded into nothingness due to isolation
>haven't talked to a women in years
>life feels like its on fast forward, years pass and regrets mount
>parents will die in a few years, potentially leaving me homeless
With a post like this, it's hard to say anything that could save you since you don't give me any clues of that actually happening.
Perhaps you really are garbage.
>spent the entire weekend doing blow and playing yugioh
What's this? Am I really depressed?
unironically start working out or alternatively doing some low grade uppers like vivance or adderall
it hurts
look there bud
i hate every moment i take a breathe
thinking many times to end it
no family. no mom or dad, non brothers or sister
no friends
but fuck
i work and grind it every day in a job that i hate
driving a car thats going to break out on me any day now
gotta leave my apartment in the next 60 days because the land lord gives it out to his son
im fucking saving on food cus no moneys
so if this peace of shit that is called me can do it
maybe you can do it
im not planing for a long run, but as long as it lasts
life cuck
>low grade
>tfw ok a wage slave so I'll never have summers off again until I retire
It's all just so tiresome
Been taking mindfulness courses in hopes of finally having the courage to accomplish something with my life, dreaming of finally getting the motivation and drive to kill myself.
Literally me
>spent the whole day jacking off to modded Sims 4 again
>lack motivation to play vidya or watch animu/tv
aderall is low grade compared to crystal meth
share some material dude
>spent the whole morning modding Skyrim again
I'm not even finished
Power through it all, fuel yourselves on your despair. Let your misery and disdain power you through this bleak existence. We are all born at the mercy of circumstance and fortune. May we all march merrily to our ends.
>spent 5 years doing nothing
that's me after years of neetdom, i want to die.
Hey, at least we've got each other, right Yea Forumsros?
>playing CIV V
>having fun for the first few hours
>get assraped in the industrial age even on the easiest difficulty
>start over from Ancient age
>tfw when I've been doing this over and over for all 50 hours that I've played it
sorry, meant Civ VI
Worthless trash, all of you.
Just like me
We had shit upbringings and used vidya to stay safe and stagnate; now we out here
I think you should look at this post; ask yourself if you’ll actually be better if some of these things will help (like “talking to a woman”; sure it’s nice to get a nut bust but everything afterwards is more annoying than helpful, etc) and then work towards them
>those map colors
>I don't know how to have fun anymore thanks to my 3 day a week job :(
thing is I had a perfectly good childhood. It was normal. I'm not even sure how things got this bad.
That sounds like a good sunday
He got wasted on cheap beer that people buy for it's high alcohol content then passed out while gaymin.
a lot of things are not going well for me, but at least I can say I'm not an alcoholic
any time someone on Yea Forums insults me or tells me to kill myself I just think back to threads like these and brush it off. it's very likely they're completely miserable and lashing out on Yea Forums is the only way they can cope.
my father's death broke me
I always forget about that and get swept up in the conflict.
That goes for real life, too, or just about anything, or anywhere.
Or maybe you’re just an annoying little cunt.
Yep, it's a bunch of alt-white incel losers who have nothing in their lives except a noose they crafted for themselves that they use to try and pull everyone else into their pit of despair.
Im just a working corpse at this point really
Oh, it's you Pete, could you do me a favor
>start new job next week
>last friday was my last day at my old job
>have no idea what to do with myself this week
Me too
Well, that's better than spending the whole day lurking on Yea Forums. I've been doing it for a week and maybe played 3-4h of vidya. Help.
>trouble in civ vi
Just kill yourself desu
>40 hour wagecuck job
>interviewing for new wagecuck job tuesday
>pays $3 an hour, 45 hour weeks
>just depressed this is all I’ll amount to
>drown feelings in video games and liquor
Imagine living with your mother and posting memefrogs on a chinese message board infested with teenagers
$3 more an hour*
that’s a big typo, oops
You sound jealous.
Who wouldn't want to be not working and have an endless supply of chicken tendies?
>nosey helicoptering mother
>dad was around but out relationship is non existant
>have a shit job with no future prospects and no goal in life
>zero ambition to top it off
it hurts bros
>tfw 2 more hours of work
>have to request off anytime I want to do something any weekend
Dont work in the restaurant industry. Wage cuck doing literally anything else little zoom zooms.
>spent most of the year moping over how shit I am at drawing instead of practicing
and the cycle continues
have fun in your new high paying Chinese slave job user!
As of the latest patch, the AI is too busy making catapults to ever be a threat.
>tfw 6 days a week and 10+ hour days
Fuuuccck I have to go back tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me dickwads.
$15 an hour as a customer service rep I might as well be a chink.
>sperging tranny flips out
>it's very likely they're completely miserable and lashing out on Yea Forums is the only way they can cope
oh no no no
More of a Colt 45 kind of guy
>drink hand sanitizer
see theres motherfuckers who say they're alcoholic
and then there's actual alcoholics like this dude that dont give a fuck what the alcohol is in