Tell me about your greatest multiplayer match of all time, Yea Forums

Tell me about your greatest multiplayer match of all time, Yea Forums

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i beat some of the guys who made the game
this was 2007 or 8 ... and they were blown away by my skillz

that was my best moment

9 kills in world of tanks with my tank-fu chi ri

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I pooped my pants once during an online halo 2 game

Holding in a mega poop during an online game makes me play twice as good unironically.

I could but they were with bots so why bother.

It's probably not my greatest, but the one l most clearly remember. Got like 740 points with the Neostad in the first bad company on PS3, first time I really entered the zone

The chad shotgun? I remember going behind enemy lines and mowing people down on that one island map

NoxiousNet Teamplay (on Gmod)
This was back in around 2012 or so, before Jetboom destroyed the gamemode and then the entire community.
>playing that gargantuan canyon level
>18 or so players on
>join as base-defending zombie
>wizard turns me invisible and I hide in the base, crushing any assassins that sneak inside
>one snatches the flag and escapes
>I chase it down as well as I can with my speed
>confident he can outpace me, he starts taunting me, staying just out of swipe reach
>I puke on him, dealing just enough damage to kill him and secure the flag
>now I'm about a third of the way to the enemy base and it'll take ages to return
>instead of suiciding, I'll just see how far I can get in capturing the flag
>enemy mage keeps appearing and spamming shit at me
>puke him to death eventually
>normally I suck with the puke attack but today I'm on a fucking roll
>he returns a few more times before I make it to the base
>who knows where the fuck everyone else is, probably TDMing in the middle of the map
>long story short, I smash into the wall, snatch the flag and agonizingly slowly make it all the way back to my base alone
>TL;DR: In Teamplay, I captured a flag alone as a zombie in the largest map available while under near constant enemy fire
I realize he had to have been a terrible mage for that to work but I'm still taking it

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I got an insane number of kills and no deaths in the first Modern Warfare, and one match in War Thunder I absolutely devastated with a meh tank and tore a warpath through the enemy team. Those stick out the most.

Hell yeah, best gun in the game
Singlehandedly deleted the enemy team like 4 times over on that map with the castle ruins

I remember the feeling of being a kill or two away from nuke, my head would start to spin almost like I was getting dizzy, and I just would hope the last kill was fed to me because it really hindered me from playing on my toes. It was weird.

Ironically it came from MW2. Search and Destroy. Team wiped out in SECONDS. It was me vs 6 of the enemy team. I actually won the round. It is burned into my memory

Was playing Medic back when TF2 had an arena mode. Map was badlands. I was being a retard medic with syringe gun fightan people as the last one alive and die. People shittalk the combat medic. This is when I kill the entire enemy team with a syringe gun. People were going wild

>high school, playing Modern Warfare 2 like high schoolers do
>in a party of 7 with guys from school, do a TDM match
>teams are 6v6, and I'm the one who gets stuck on the other team
>decide to play knife only just to go easy on them
>end up with 47 kills and 4 deaths
>got 5 kills in 5 seconds as they practically lined up for me in an alleyway
>match ends in a landslide victory, rejoin the voicechat
>"Get laid you fucking faggot"
>"Kill yourself"
>"Never playing with you again"
>"Bet you're proud of yourself you fucking nerd"
>"Woooow get a fucking life"
>"I'm deleting user from my friends list"
>3 of them actually delete me
Haha get pwned u scrubs

Honorable mentions
>getting banned for "cheating" in Crysis Wars when I wasn't
>went 25-0 in Bioshock 2 the very first time I tried MP, no idea how I did it
>went 45-0 in MW2, ended match with a noscope, only line spoken that game in the voice chat was "holy fuck..."
>1st place in Nations Cup playing GT Sport, extremely competitive game

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Oh and
>Halo Reach Beta
>playing split screen with a friend
>online Invasion match on Boneyard
>end up on opposite teams
>I get in the Scorpion
>get 2 Killionaires back to back
>he throws his controller and punches me in the face
That's the second time I've faced real life consequences for video game skill. The first I forgot to mention, when I got punched in the stomach at school the day after that knife-only game.

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90 elims in a single game as junkrat but its overwatch so who gives a shit

I dropped a Pave Low on some dudes in MW2 Search and Destroy after they were talking mad shit about me in the lobby.

Gears of war 3 I 1v5'd the enemy team with my beloved hammerburst and sawed off

used to play cs on a 10v10 dust only server

my whole team got killed with only killing one guy, leaving me 1v9

killed several guys with my m4, killed several guys with an AK. threw a grenade, ran straight toward the grenade and followed it around a corner basically, popped 2 dudes with pistol. threw the pistol out for another pistol, killed the last member of the enemy team with the very last round of ammo i had

I never even got a nuke in mw2

played a match on underpass with my mate, and clan leader was on enemy team. ended up getting a nuke running around with sileneced ump and felt like such a fucking god. was first and only nuke i got purely by rushing

Why the fuck are your friends so autistic?

Theres a few.
I dropped 32 kills and 4 deaths in mw2 with the uzi and spas-12
I once got over 50 kills and around 5 deaths on battlefield 1, i pictured it as a one man army with an lmg mowing down the enemy team over and over again.
I used to get over 40 kills on bf4 pretty often as just infantry. What ive learned about battlefield is just be aggressive as all hell at all times. You're either gunna get mowed down or do the mowing

I won a round of Squad Deathmatch in Bad Company 2 all by myself (50 kills) against 3 full squads (4 players each)

wow you are so good at video games I wish I was so good at video games too, like you user, wow

I'm actually the diagnosed sperg, while the guys in the 1st story were mostly jock-types, online "friends" but not real friends. Friend in 2nd story is a pretty average normalfag who just sucks at video games.
>still butthurt I rekt you
It's been 8 years, Shaun, move on.

No I'm not being ironic at all. I legitimately admire your video game skills and I really want to be as good as you.

>join random clan server on 1.6
>me and a couple pubbies on one team, clan on another, custom map i've never played before (some sort of desert arena)
>we absolutely wipe the floor with them
>they have that plugin that restricts the m4/ak if you're playing too well
>ace with the scout
>get banned for "hacking", along with one other pubbie
Clantard tears taste the best, hands down.

And his name was elbert einstein and everyone clapped


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and then I received an invite from FaZe clan too, but I was too good for them obviously.
I said 1vEntireclan match me and see if you can win and they agreed, I was alone vs the entire clan, and I went 50-0 against them and then I said to them GTFO and they got the fuck out.

>BF1, 50-5, LMG
there's a 95% chance you were camping one spot with the scoped 1917 you faggot

good thing i used the parabellum and rushed the entire time.

>Pavlov VR
>search and destroy
>poor, only buy fiveseven
>5v5 becomes 1v5
>enemy rounds corner
>2 headshots
>grab his m4
>mow down two guys rushing
>another 2 man bumrush
>headshot both in one spray
>teammates suck my epenis next round
thank god my neighbors were on vacation and my windows were closed

I robbed a couple of duels off of a decently popular For Honor streamer during his stream a while back
ToxicTV was his name iirc, felt pretty good about it

Things that never happened: The Post

>>they have that plugin that restricts the m4/ak if you're playing too well
what the hell

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I think in Cod 4 MW best kill streak was 34, Dragunov and Desert Eagle loadout, Bloc map. Playing some F2P fps game with a friend were loosing to a cheater 6-0 we manage to overturn the match to 6-7 and win. Shit was so cash. There was so many of this moments in Battlefield 2 and other games like CS, unreal tournament where the guys just need one point to win the round and we rekt them zero to hero.