>easier to fix stupid patches of underground 4 feet from the surface
>no more deliberately not adding features to my buildings because I dont have the exact material that I want
you dont know how thirsty you are until you see someone else taking a swig
bets on how long it takes for them to release the notice of delay to 2020, lads?
Didn't cenx confirm a waifu-type boss and that she's beautiful?
>play modded terraria
>it's exactly what the new update would add, plus more
Well, that was easy.
cringe and bluepilled
I really dislike the logo for terraria.
The tree to the left of the logo is roughly the same shade of brown as the dirt letters, so it looks like it says I-Terraria
>tfw will use the default one anyways
It's definitely gonna happen. They literally just started working on a new boss. Like wtf, they announced this at e3, I would assume they'd have locked down the features and be polishing everything up. Instead, they're still adding stuff to it.
Atleast Terraria already had bees
It's never coming out.
It's just frustrating since we were supposed to get this update summer of last year. If it's good I won't care though
get your eyes checked, fuggo-lover
>changing the treasure chest
I'm gonna fucking nut
Play dragon quest builders 2 while you wait. You won’t regret it
Who’s the best boss and why is it Plantera
basado indeed.
wait for the update friend :)
this is like the fourth time Terraria has had a "final update"
They've never blatantly written the finality in stone like this before.
Imagine having an opinion this bad
You are not a smart man.
>Started playing Terraria again for the first time in years
>When I stopped there were only the 3 mechanical bosses before the game was over
>Can't beat the fucking Golem
Fuck this gay earth it's not like I wanted to get to the Moon Lord anyway
Just read guides on how to cheese the bosses. Most of them are impossible unless youre really prepared
So wait
Will they add cthullu?
>Can't beat the Golem
Fucking catposters man
Can't wait till it drops, gonna do an Apache run
Pls no bully I just want to enjoy the game
For real though I'm pretty excited for 1.4, I've spent a couple hundred hours in this game while I was in college and it's pretty neat that they're still adding stuff even years later
yeah... im cumming vros. its coming out of my cock
Are you talking about moon lord's lower body? Thought that was a joke
>tfw terraria 2 never ever
starbound is a better terraria
don't prove me right
So enjoy the game! You've got a wall, now figure out how to climb it.
all they need now is a better way to sort and categorize items into different chests rather than having to do it like Diablo 2 style and manually move items you want around one by one.
Need an option to designate chests as a "weapons" chest, "potion ingredients" chest, pop item chest etc