Yes, I did leave a negative Steam review of Ion Fury. How did you know?

>yes, I did leave a negative Steam review of Ion Fury. How did you know?

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Other urls found in this thread:

How do we stop the four-eyed menace?

These guy look 7/10
Not bad looking and not good either just average. I've seen worse

Me in the bottom right

is that ugly bulbous nose shit some school shooter red flag? what genetics does that come from?

Huh. That's exactly what I think contrarians look like

Do you even have to ask? Jews.

I don't know if i'd say ALL of them are 7/10

If I was balding at 19 I'd be blasting people to

Those are all really unflattering photos , selfies with bad lighting / white balance make you look like shit.

But yeah just low to average looking dudes.

>Why yes, I did think OP was a faggot today, how could you tell?

Attached: Chad.jpg (640x799, 110K)

Is this peak school shooter look?

>That temporal recession
Girls don't want muscles, they want soft, hairless bois

>they want soft, hairless bois

Unrelated but have my fellow burgers noticed their local Walmart being less crowded lately?
Pretty based desu.

American education.

Imagine being wrapped in those strong arms, softly breathing in the scent of cocoa butter in the spring breeze. Then going in to play some vidya with your bro.

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I can mathematically prove gamers are the most oppressed minority on the planet

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>he fell for the IGN meme

Online ordering is probably why. My Walmart recently dedicated a portion of the parking lot to "Online Pickup parking only".

what the fuck

>Haha, I bet those fags will report on this shit
>Totally bro, what a bunch of thirsty sluts, ha ha

half of people need glasses. If you aren't wearing them for fashion you have shit parents that didn't get you contacts.

Walmart is encouraging it too, most things are cheaper online.

Thats like a 3/10 or 4/10 at best its nowhere near a 7

Wear contacts or get Lasek/lasik
Learn mewing
Jelq and other cock exercises
Work out
Find a good paying job or a shit paying one and work your way up

There is nothing stopping you from breaking the cycle, your face, body, personality and cock are all changable.

>positivity propaganda
This NPC glows in the dark

I thought the Jew stereotype was a long pointy nose.

Yeah fuck white guys with glasses, they should've chosen to have 20/20 vision.

lasik is in the civilised world

2/10 unless they have actual social skills or their body is a lot different than their faces suggest.

Attached: 1541339316147.jpg (879x900, 255K)

>no smiling
>no hair style
>basic thin framed glasses
>terrible profile pictures
These people are real life copy and pasted NPCs

lmao putting red on the literal model number 15

The secret is to wear round glasses.

model or not, he should consider not dressing up like a school shooter

>This retard thinks 7/10 means "average"

opposite, they are demoralized. NPCs are trendy.

wow my pic is actually one of those guys what the FUCK?


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This guy took the blackpill.

>it's another ResetEra raid thread
Don't you retards ever get bored of complaining? Why come to Yea Forums if everyone hates your existence?

good thing you cropped the full image, otherwise a bunch of white posters would report it for hitting too close to home

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Desperately needs a better hairstyle though.

This is the highest amount of cope i've ever seen

They all legit look like school shooters and incels

7 out of every 10 will commit a mass shooting.


Incels and school shooters are attractive because they are violent which is masculine and a forbidden fruit.

Is this what 1 charisma looks like?

I don't think it's cope, people have just lost all sense of what "#/10" means thanks to games "reviewers" and the 4-point scale.

it should be illegal for "white" people to have brown eyes.

Not all of them are white tho

whatever you say /pol/cel

Why yes I do believe children should take hormones, how did you know?

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There are only 4 levels of attractiveness. 1.ugly, which is offputting and makes people uncomfortable, 2.unattractive which blends in, 3. attractive which people actually are attracted to and find sexually arousing and 4. stunning which causes people to turn heads and steals all the attention in the room.

These guys are all ugly or unattractive, with the exception of maybe one attractive guy. I know I personally feel uncomfortable when I look at most of them which means they are ugly. A better term would be repulsive to contract attractive.

Man what a worthless thread
It's obvious you people don't want to talk about games; you all just want to let out your inner /pol/

Evens Peace Walker
Odds Yakuza 5
0 and I actually go play Ion Fury

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Lol, just lol

Too risky and I'm not rich enough.

>Wear contacts or get Lasek/lasik

/pol/ collage?

Oh no. PEOPLE.

There any vids of dudes like this getting their asses kicked?

these are straight up 2/10 bro

Attached: 6ee.jpg (600x600, 55K)

you post on /r9k/, don't you?

Thats easy for you to say

Why did the internet devolve into nothing more than judging and shaming people over the most pointless and irrelevant things?

I thought judging people's attractiveness made someone an Incel?

I don't even bother reviewing games on steam.
If it's good then it's good
If it's bad why the fuck would you buy a bad game, just don't lol then it's bad


>Judging guys looks while being a male yourself

Pure Gay.

>Eating in the breakroom of my wageslave job
>minding my own business
>television is playing a news special on the "incel" menace
>They show the recent shooters faces
>stacy looks up at the screen
>"hey user, you're not gonna shoot us up right Haha?"
>entire room laughs including hr lead
>mfw I have to laugh along or else they'll think I'm serious
I'm never eating in this fucking room again

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>Yes I do post on resetera, how can you tell?

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Because Facebook earned its profits on it.

>Mens standards

Holy shit. Now i know why we bitch about not getting laid all the time.

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>did the internet devolve

this is pretty tame compared to ye olde days, people being able to confidently put photos of their faces out on the internet means we've clearly changed from back when everyone was deathly terrified of their faces or identity being revealed

in fact it's now weirder to not have your life story on the internet than it is to not have it, and only in the refuse of anonymity are we permitted to mock them

99% of incels are probably un/diagnosed autistic
>Bad at eye contact
>Hard to find interest in others
>Bad at conversation
it really is awful that autistic traits are basically red flags for dating

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I would not say they look like they are about to commit horrible crimes. But i will say they look like they are ugly pathetic looking fucks.

What game was he crying about anyway?

how the fuck do normalfags maintain eye contact? it's an obvious invasion of space and comes off as aggressive.

Are you idiots this helplessly stupid yet so desperate to prove your non existent intelligence to internet strangers? Are you seriously going to tell me 5/10 is average?

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>when you realize "normalfags" are just communized worker drones
their great grandparents would view them as non human

>not asserting dominance by staring people in the eyes constantly

There's all kinds of Jew types.

Attached: Ron_Perlman_2016.jpg (563x763, 126K)

so why are these guys in the image? besides white glasses and "incel" why are they being grouped together?

I remember reading once that females are better at maintaining eye contact then males and that shit ruined my life from that moment on I became aware of every time I'm holding eye contact and it feels weird. Its like manually breathing and blinking its fucked up


>>Bad at eye contact
low self esteem, they don't want to give people a direct look at their own face
>Hard to find interest in others
come from different backgrounds, incels were excluded from trends so they don't understand them.
>Bad at conversation
because they have nothing to talk about. No shared interests as noted above, and no real anecdotes because they are excluded so they just spend all day browsing the internet/anime/videogames.

Autism is natural and not a reasoned reaction like with incels.