Here's your controller bro

>Here's your controller bro

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>not see through
Out the window it goes

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Why are the sticks oily and sticky?!

>not see through green
Straight to the trash with you

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Beat Gitaroo Man maestro with it. What a fucking bro.

Still pretty good
L2/R2 are kind of weird when you're used to triggers though

It might have been small, but having every button except Select and Start be pressure sensitive was fucking nice especially when a game actually used it properly.

I actually prefer them to the triggers of the DS4/Xbone. If only because they’re functionally the same but don’t register an action every time you put them down. Same with 360.

I guess current gen controllers are just too sensitive

Pressure sensitivity was amazing, made every MGS2/3 port suck.

It's literally the only reason I have to remap the controls for the AC5 and AC7 on the PS4 because I can't get used to throttle and brake being on the triggers.

>just use your third hand lmao

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3 M O D E S M O R O N

Ohh the middle one is the dick stick

Cool thanks

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>he doesn't wrap his foreskin around the analog stick

Still hasn't been topped

>i can’t be the only one who eats that shit right?

>le black man hand xd

Any recommended USB adapters for it?
The Chinese blue ones are shit.

>pacman world
Why the fuck would you buy a pacman game



>max payne ports on ps2
What a disgusting piece of shit

Thanks for handing me the best controller ever made, bro.

Why do the DS3 and DS4 feel so cheap and cheaky compared to the DS2?

I will.

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>implying all these burgers have any

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I wish. That one is in WAY better condition than mine. The print is intact and the analog sticks aren't all melted and shit. By the way, wazzap wit dat? And how the fuck do you clean them?

Maybe, but the triggers in DS3 are shit.

bow to me, plebs

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>crying emojis

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