The Team Fortress 2 Thread's




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Other urls found in this thread:

jerma is not the icon of tf2

Is that the streamer who was in a porn ad?

Dean Dingus strangled three people

>worshipping ecelebs

Stop making jerma threads all the time, I don't want everyone to start hating on him

>tfw you see that 150?

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It sure is

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It looks so goofy every time

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which one is he

Second one

Of course not. TF2 is the icon of Jerma.

who can beat him?

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Yeah but his tax policy is way more fair than Anthony Banthony

Everyone but Glueman

Even Bat Boy?

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He's gonna go mainstream after the carnival stream lads. I can feel it in my bones.

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This OP is always fucking cringy as shit to read.

What are some streamers currently that are not awful like Jerma? New streamers are fine too.

He's not awful and you need to take that back.

when's the stream?

God, I hope not.

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carnival stream? september 21 I think


the 21st of september

I meant "not awful like Jerma", as in "Jerma is not awful; who else is like him?"

Sorry for the awkward sentence structure.

thank you based jerma bros

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Off the top of my head: Criken, SammyTrainTV, DomiTsunami, jonsmiff and Official_Ka.

Jerma is my favorite gamer and comedian.

Brb. Hitting the gym. Got a new workout playlist.

>moves across the entire country for better internet and better filming opportunities
>has the EXACT SAME internet issue as he had before
>has to go out of the state to film his first project

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BBQ Pit Boy

The actual reason he moved to Las Vegas was to gamble and eat fast food at 3am.

Is Jerma a leftie too or is that just his gf?

True, heard he gambled a lot on bit currency and lost.

I don't know about the others you listed but Criken sucks
Tomato is the only member of that squad that's funny

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Tomato doesn't exist without Criken bud. He's the leader of the pack and organizes all the shit.

Criken's alright. Buck has a charm to him too. Tomato and Bed are both really funny and creative though. Speaking of, I haven't seen Bed in ages. Is he in school or something?

Tomato's solo streams are great though, even if he has a tendency to fall back on one of like five recurring bits

Still mad that this fuck won instead of Gabe, who got like 5 elims in a row at the end

why the FUCK is chat so jam-packed with tranny shit

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Blame GDQ

he's more of a doesn't care centrist

Literally the only time he's ever talked about politics was years ago when he said that before the 2016 election he switched his registration from dem to independent.

Kek I’ve never seen this

I feel like he is left leaning but not sjw, but will never say anything since he wants everyone to come to his stream.

Who would you rather choose? Uncle Dane? Mr. Palidin?

Blame TF2's cancerous degenerate furry fanbase. They latched onto Jerma like virulent leeches.

>Great when in squad; boring as fuck without. Also lately has been playing dumb shit like Pokemon Minecraft.

>Good concept with how she let's viewers select her games. Always does long streams. Plays too many cawadooty games and hardly ever fully finishes a game she starts. One of the few girl streamers that isn't a thot.

>Absolutely based streamer when playing new shit. Plays too much Destiny now.

>New kid still trying to find the flow. Been interesting to watch growth and improvement over time. Has neat concepts with themed streams and completes games. Schedule lately has been very inconsistent and stream sessions have been short. Based when playing horror games.

Fuck I watch way too much Twitch. I'll sometimes have multiple streams on at once.

>Speaking of, I haven't seen Bed in ages.

He never makes any money on anything he does. It sucks because he definitely puts the most into what he makes, he's definitely not getting enough ad revenue.

Pretty sure he doesn't give a fuck.

Silkee the Boom-Boom King


>all those donation post with “you are the only reason why I haven’t killed myself”
>jerma almost cries every time

Why is he so based?

Bro can I get that playlist you had going last time? It really got me in the zone

Jerma is Mad pt.2 is absolute youtube kino and you literally cannot refute that.

I miss his old sub sounds

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at least jerma confirmed he hates it

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>that stream where Jerma talks about how it was made

we cant give any solid answers

he said he's registered independent once i think
said he uses/used /biz/
seaman stream had some stuff where he accepts a little of all views

>the Terraria stream
>jerma gets around 4k views
>ster can’t even beat 1k
I wonder how does he feel about this.

Huh? Did he say something because Ive never seen it.

Trannies infest every streamer who both has a small enough audience that they will get attention but also is too nice to make them fuck off

Nothing will top that one moment from the start of Dark Souls 3 with Paul jumping in.

It was one of those stream where he watches old videos. He was talking about it witch the chat.

The part where he mocks Star_ during the Humiliation round and gets taunt kills is the most visceral piece of comedic hubris and humility Ive ever seen.
You just cant fake that sharp inhale of disbelief.

Don't say swears.

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Because Jerma is too nice to tell them to fuck off. Ster just straight up amputated the cancerous TF2 part of his viewerbase, and they're STILL mad about it years later.

I’m not saying it was fake. Jerma was just talking about everything that happened those rounds.

He doesn't want this to be him next.

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How the fuck is OwO trans related

Frank Lleyo Wright.

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>He tried to damage control saying he plays it up for the camera
There's death in those eyes

vinny le funny mario voice!!! LUIGI! LOL!



is this real

ster is an overwatch tryhard now no one cares about his other streams

There was a stream where he stated he was a liberal but decided to register as an independent when the whole 2016 fiasco when down.

>Ster just straight up amputated the cancerous TF2 part of his viewerbase, and they're STILL mad about it years later.
How did he do it?

Absolute perfection

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>surgically remove the only part of your fanbase that would care about overwatch
>stream overwatch at a sub-pro level constantly for a year
what could go wrong

Trannies try unimaginably hard to be cute

By ceasing anything and everything tf2

Pretty much just told them he didn't want anything to do with them constantly for years, shitting on them with every platform he had and banning them from his chat and even youtube comments I think.

This was fucking fantastic

>Insanely loud crash as ship rips art
>Just fuckings chucks the ragdoll

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Source on this
Im dying


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I love yumbah yahd, you know why?

How do you people worship this bluepilled cuck?

>moves from the 90% white with IQ that rivals Japan and has near highest quality of life state to Vegas
I hope the balloon trip was worth it

It's not, I don't know how this got associated with trannies when it has been a furry thing for the best part of this decade.

Carnival Stream hitting 15k+ viewers would be amazing

Please tell me the twitch one is still up. I want to seen all the chat comments after it.

It wasn't.
viva las vegas

>yfw carnival stream actually has Jerma comming out from a small car full of clowns
>ster is one of them

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>mfw jumped into jerma train too late to understand 90% of the references
>mfw stayed in Vinny's train so long, I understand 90% of the references
Different timeline me is laughing at me so hard right now.

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>that part in Salt & Sanctuary where the Paul Bearer quote kept playing and he absolutely fell apart and couldn't even play

I agree, every member of the squad is pretty good, but Bedbanana is by far the best(followed closely by Buck.)


He would've had to go out of state anyways, the Carnival Stream is being filmed on site at some rando robotics facility due to sheer work and machinery required.

He's a chad centrist

Reminder that Jerma makes more money than anyone here by just playing videogames

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>mfw that Hearthstone stream

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When will the trilogy be completed?

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>there are obnoxious colored hair faggots that make 100x more money than jerma just simply shitting out a randumb video every day hoping one of their epic maymay edits gets another little autistic kid to giggle

Why is life so brutal?

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wait whats the carnival stream

during last election he said he was voting Bernie and when he wasn't democratic choice he registered to independent
dont remember him saying anything political recently

>unironically watching jerma after the tierlist streams

hahaha wtf

>Just fucking chucks the ragdoll
>Spin flourish into magnifying glass
>The superman pose
>Entire ship explodes right as the song peaks
Literally could not have gone better even if you scripted it

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His reaction to nonsense tier was based

He deserves it, dudes a genuine comedian.

no sadly, just an edit

his blizzard retrospective was based

>Kinect stream
>One of the games does a body scan of you and spits out the stats on screen
>Height: 5'4

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Taller than Pat


there's no escaping the equalizer

Is there a single character that can withstand Pac-Man's signature move, The Push?

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When it was worth playing he was

It’s not a coincidence TipoftheHat had its highest turn out when him and ster were involved


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>i think said he uses/used /biz/
no fucking way

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Legitimately based deleting Dunkey and leaving Jerma up.

For me, it's Jerma goes to the movies and The definition of Jerma joke

One of the best streams imo

What's wrong with the tier lists?

His next major project. I'm not sure what all he's doing for it but there's going to be a chat-activated dunk tank and a clown car.

He should've equipped The Escape Plan.

Posting Jerma and STAR_ kino:

that RCT2 stream was physically painful, he HAS to be pretending, right?

His gf once joked about giving him a "chocolate surprise" during one of his DS3 dlc streams; after the tierlist streams it is all but confirmed that Jeremy is into scat, because there is no other explanation of how can one man have a taste this shitty

Literally just watch all of his old videos and watch all of the stream highlights.

yup, same. i got into vinny pretty much by the same time i stopped caring about jerma's youtube channel, in like 2014, and only recently went back to the latter

Why does Vinny always sound like he's so bored?

Because he is stuck in a rut. He's pandering to an extremely obnoxious fanbase and speeding through shitty meme material every Sunday night to bring in bigger numbers when he'd rather just play music and explore surreal walking simulators to a crowd of 43 people on chatango.

what went wrong

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too many burgers, not enough skill or personality.

vinny always looks like he wants to die IRL because he does

stopped uploading pretty much and when he does upload now it's some non-video game shit
also kept riding the overwatch train for far too long

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Ster is living the high life. He has a cute wife who feeds him bbq, he makes a living playing games, he's funded by a Saudi prince roleplaying as a duck, he gets to bully Ronnie all day, and best of all he doesn't have to deal with all the TF2 furries who are still seething.

I only watch ster's streams with jerma, when ster talks about or plays with Ronnie, is it the webcomic Ronnie?

The very same.

>install chatty
>the trannypride/owo/feet/cbt/vore spammers are all the same handful of people
big surprise

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What the hell
Why are they referencing fetishes on Twitch chat out of all places

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I remember there was an image where the only chat interaction one person had was spamming tranny emote.

Ed Kemper without glasses really reminds me of ster for some reason

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Although ster does make ronnie sound autistic

because they get off on exposing children to their degeneracy

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>whiny cunt
>blame shifter
>no fun zone
It takes one stream to see that when you have no Jerma to bounce off - you are just a bitter cunt.
I don't think for all the tryharding he was ever in top 500


holy fuck, that policeman really is jerma

holy fucking shit, not even an hour into the kinect stream and i'm already dying

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>implying this isn't based
I want more vintage Jermas

I think I recognise those people. Every discord server, right? yeah that's them.

Muselk at one point, until he sold his soul

STAR_. That ster guy's kind of lame though.

>Watching any TFtuber
Youtube was a mistake. Just like any other social network

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ok dude

>that terraria stream
>star not letting jerma play the game at his own pace

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that's a good pic of jerma

he really is a ham of a man

Link ??

Tranny, can confirm.

Because a depressing amount of us trannos are furries due to the shared autism and the fact that it’s a very accepting, if terrible community.

I get mad at other trans people always being fucking furry brainlet pinkos

Can I find that anywhere?

>Complains all day how shit Overwatch is
>Keeps playing it

Is this a cuck behavior?

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>early in a jerma stream
>chat is controlled and cool
>makes jokes sometimes
>even retaliates against trannies cunts

>late in a jerma stream
>all the sane people like Yea Forumsermin sleep because they actually have jobs and lives
>trannies flood the chat spreading their virus
>nobody can speak up to them without getting hammed on
To that guy on that Terrarria stream, Godspeed you magnificent bastard

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He seems to really want to play a competitive arena shooter, and is probably still burnt out from TF2.

>been following him for years
>overawatch content is alright, TF2 videos happen every once in a while
>fortnite comes out
>literally the most bland fucking mediocre shooter ever
>somehow picks up popularity
>he starts making clickbait videos on it
>literally need to unsub from main channel because my feed is tainted by his new shitty videos

i hate money, money breaks people

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Thats like his money maker channel. Try moremuselk

forgot to mention second channel, but apparently he made 3 videos recently on TF2 which is extraordinary

Well I'm still waiting for a competitive arena shooter as well but I don't see the reason to keep playing OW while at it

>The never ending unbalance of a moba like game


>i hate money, money breaks people
It'll happen to you one day, user

>sims animal stream
>haven't laughed like that in years
>just because of the underwear cat and mickey

It get's better in the second one, cause Jerma starts to get the game a little more, and tells star to slow down.


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Criken is borderline unwatchable unless he has Tomato or Bed or Buck playing with him. He just exploits lazier talent.

Also several other overhauls, it's honestly a wonder Jerma was still eager to do more after this stream.

whats this obsession with trannies? I"ve barely ever noticed his chat to be any different from any other. Theres more people spamming his emotes than anything else

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>Puppet disappears through the explosion smoke

Because he's a 35 year old man who has to play video games for 14 year olds to make a living

he's not your personal monkey to dance around while you laugh at him or parrot your +2 -2 owo tranny flag memes, nigger

>still streams with jerma and by proxy to all those people
oops! looks like ster is a tranny!

there used to be spambots that would post a row of LGBT emotes every minute or so but other than that I haven't noticed much

Hello guys I'm array seven here to tell you why the medic is the most important class in tf2, and why I am not a glorified walking dispenser for when the soldier forgets where the healthkits are
Please love me

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don't project

double dilate

infinite dilate +1 you lose I win

infinite dilate +infinite

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>Where's the music, there should be music
>builds every goddamn thing but the carousel

I think Jerma is an incredibly funny man, but yes he is absolutely that horrendously bat at video games. He transcends all genres, all controls. Whatever you put in front of him he'll fucking suck at it.

Except the light gun

Lazy Purple, maybe Soundsmith

Not soundsmith

Where's Julie!?

dropping in to say that watching Jerma helped me through the worst time in my life. I owe him a lot, he's inadvertently taught me to be a better person and to not take things so seriously.
I don't think there will ever be a time in my life where a Jerma video won't cheer me up. I hope his stuff is archived on YT forever

Lazy seems fine, I'll take that

I swear that dude's hairline gets higher every time I see it.

Beds rust video is a work of art, that one bit where he communicated only with animal noises shows the flexibility of creativity

>why yes i do think Mystery of the Mayan Treasure is the superior Rat Movie, how did you know?

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Honestly,if I was a Hitman target I would bet my life on Jerma as my bodyguard. The guys a professional

post the green grinner

is jerma the only good streamer?

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thanks, bud

and deltarune
he'd prolly be good at touhou

Did he accidentally spill the price range of the Carnival Stream last night? Supposedly ~$45,000.


>That time where he sucessfully suppressed a -2 vote crash on his Sam and Max stream
How does he do it? This man could be a politician for all I care.

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use BetterTTV

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what the fuck. talk about being dedicated

How can Jerma do it, lads?
To make an universe, where you relly, really care where a character wins or not?

Ok guys time to discuss this
Is Jerma genuinely retarded or is just pretending? Because there are some times where he goes over the limit.

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he's not that dumb but gets flustered pretty easily
I don't think he's faking it but he def. doesn't try to change that

would you like to see jerma have a son?

He's lighthearted and usually not especially trying.
Hell in the 10,000,000 song, star is audibly distraught over jerma having the game finished before he had.

Cool e-celeb shill thread


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lmao what a fucking snowflake

I think its just who he is, mixed with a bit of the entertainer persona for the internet, sorta ramping it up a little for the people

.absolutely based

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Fuck off manlet

why does the eyelashed automatically makes me want to fuck this cartoon character

Jerma streams era is ending once he has a kid, right? It can happen at any momento from now.

Money is the best weapon a man can have user
but yeah i get you, there is a difference beteewn tricking people, abusing them, and such others than selling yourself
i can tell you this because i screwd my whole class once

What are the chances of he making a wedding stream when it happens?

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Didnt he say that he doesnt want children?

I don't think he wants a kid and neither does his harpy of a GF

he is just a real person user

i love jerma hes such a silly bitch

Just remember that they're a fleeting fad and will die off within a couple years of getting famous. Jerma plays the long game and will keep going as long as there's a video platform for him to perform on.

no, in the lie detector stream he seemed a bit apprehensive to picking a side, and clearly said something along the lines of
>i dont know, not right now, but maybe someday

Jerma shmup stream when?

you actually got mad because of that? wow

I miss classic jerma and star videos

was it kino?

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Pro tip: you can actually just use *Pride to get rid of them all with one entry
Fuck the tranny spammers

Not as good as jerma raptor

In the seaman stream he said seaman was smart for saying you don’t have to get married
So that probably won’t happen, lol

pacman halloween sequel when

>old tf2 video
>jerma casually racks up like 4 headshots in a row

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fucking santa trial stream when
It was literally one of the reasons this fucker moved to vegas and then he bailed out

iirc after hbomberguys charity stream, he hosted jerma right afterwards

>all but confirmed that Jeremy is into scat
There's also this.

and don't forget the bonesaw >>>> ubersaw because getting free charge on each hit is useless by the -25% swing speed!!!

What did he mean by this?

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This, chat immediately got flooded with tranny shit afternoon that.
Fuck hbomberguy

What is the +2 -2 meme exactly?

Based NEET

that he's not only into scat, but into weight gain too
would explain a lot about his apparent bad luck in dating

Why is jermas chat so aggressive towards him sometimes?

No they aren't

wait what?