Ready when you are

Ready when you are.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You weren't ready.

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Jesus she hits like a truck in BE, why couldn’t she be good when she’s on our side?


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>not recruiting her in BE so she fights Sylvain

I'm on chapter 4 of part 1 and she seems useless as fuck so far.
I have her focusing lance and flying though.

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does 3H have any lategame recruits? it seems weird that they just got rid of that concept. Like in BE i thought it was unusual you couldn't recruit the guy and his sister who show up at the monastery post timeskip.

>pegasus knight

Instant benched.

she becomes a wicked dodgetank if you keep going that way

She can literally solo the game later though.

what in the actual fuck is wrong with you, she is a literal magical god

Dancer Petra is the greatest dodgetank of all though.

>"Your death is my duty"
She has the most kino line in the game.

BE you can recruit Lysithea. It's after you defeat her in battle. It would've been nice to use the Talk option but nope. There's only one instance of Talk in BE so like what the fuck is it even there for.

I mean I'm not giving up on her, she just does absolute piss shit damage right now and gets blown the fuck out constantly compared to everyone else whose been tanking hits for days so far.
I've been strategically putting her in secondary lines just so I can still level her up without watching her come to the brink of death every 3 seconds

Meanwhile Dedue is soloing everything in sight with steel gauntlets god damn that motherfucker is thirsty for axefags

that would've been cool to know about but i recruited her ASAP in the school section. I was more talking about units like Jaffar, Pent, Bastion, or Stefan who show up really late in the story but are pretty strong. I feel like FE has given up on having cool secrets thanks to the addition of casual mode making it safe to assume even baddies won't need help completing the game.

I don't know about you guys but she's pretty ass when I recruited her. Even as a falcon knight, her damage is bad and only useful for finishing things off and running away.

That's not a cool secret.

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Henlo this is Bernie thread nao

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he's a cool guy, and he's a secret. math seems to check out to me.

Would you spook this girl?

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Too bad her english voice actress is shite

alright faggots, does making her a brigand for death blow mitigate her strength problem?

Have sex.

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No one is really useless thanks to things like battalions and gaining classes fix stats for a while as long as you don't get 0 level ups after 30 or recruit too many students and use them all and the teachers/knights

absolutely, then i'd do everything i could to help her calm down afterwards.

Every Felix support is gold

no because she's a dodge tank and most combat will be on enemy phase.

my wife

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bend over

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who wouldn't?

>A rank linhardt with Lysithea so she can survive
>also A rank Caspar with Linhardt because they had an interesting support
>That faggot chooses caspar’s cock over saving her life in the ending
God fucking dammit I hate these ending roulette mechanics

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How can one Digger be so based?

Is it me, or is Sylvain useless without his relic?

Should I be using Wa Dao or Killing Edge?

If you’re relying on it to one shot people then you’ve probably neglected his speed. Go reclass him as a mercenary for a bit and get it up, Calvary classes get a speed growth debuff for some stupid reason

It's you.

He doesn't need speed, he gets swift strikes

Ferdinand shouldn't even be a Cavaliere hes better as a wyvern lord


I wish his supports were good. They are all just so boring and one note. Only his Sylvain and Felix one stands out.

I thought his and Flayn's was pretty cute.

Was it the Annette one where she forced him to smile? That one was alright too
And the mercedes one was kind of necessary to know what Duscur even was so nowhere else do you learn the lore on it despite it being mentioned all the time

I love u bernie you're good enough for me

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The timeskip battle as the golden deers is giving me trouble. Last time Dimitri tore through them.
Sad times.

Blue lions are a pain to fight against.

That's true but not what I mean.
I'm talking about the bandit fight where it's just Byleth and the lord when everyone else starts showing up.

>tfw no Alois ending where she gets adopted into his family and she lives a comfy life with them in their village farming and taking care of animals
Why must they relegate her to being fuck meat in every ending?

My ingrid got screwed with strength a little bit, I think she only had like 25 at level 42. But her speed was like 45 and she could get up to 117 Avo with the lance skill, the wyvern wait skill, etc. I’d literally just give her a killer/silver lance, park her in range of a bunch of enemies, wait to get the Avo perk, and watch as she demolishes everyone. Most enemies have like a 15% chance to hit her at best, it almost trivializes the game honestly

Bernadetta needs to be a mommy. Her perfect genes must not be lost.

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Thoughts on Big Bro?

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He should’ve been the one to part 1 white clouds every chapter

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>Hilda is my only real need of an axe user
>his fists don't matter because I like Raphael
I like him enough that maybe I'll use him in Church or BL, but I find it painful to use him with GD
You do church route from BE right? Does that mean you keep the BE students-Edel and her butler?

If I turn the difficulty to normal can I put it back up to hard?


For the church route is it best to recruit everyone or stick with your main house?
I found out recruiting everyone as blue lions ruined the war. But I don't know if you encounter people as the church.

You can only lower it

Yeah, but they aren't very interesting supports. They are kinda boring, which is sad since those things could be interesting.

Because she was born to be fuck meat. Her destinity is to be creampied 24/7

More like Burnie lol

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I can’t believe Edelgard used Bernadetta as live bait for the fire trap! I can’t believe Edelgard left Bernadetta’s charred corpse on the field for all to see!

I made sure the boar gave her a quick and painless death

On my first run, my Sylvain ended up slow due to going cavalier the whole time. If characters should avoid horse classes until late game, what should Sylvain be progressing as? I'm going to make him a dark knight late game.

I like him as a character and I like his design but he was so shitty in combat compared to Catherine. Even Shamir held her own once she picked up some speed, but Alois was getting doubled by everything and didn't have the health, accuracy, or defense to cover for it.

why does ashe look like a lizard



Brigand. Everyone who plans on hitting things should go brigand anyway for Death Blow.

>specializes in Swords and Reason
>be terrible at both of them even in New Game+

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>terrible at reason
Fucking what. She gets meteor and agneas arrow. She’s probably the best gremory in the entire game aside from lysithea

She is an amazing mage what. She does suck at swords though

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shes an ideal dancer

What about after he maxes out brigand?
I already plan on having 2 or 3 characters go for wyvern rider and wanted Sylvain to stay grounded.

>making your literal best offensive mage a dancer

cause I have lysithea

What about Hubert?

How do you use Lysithea without Lorenz relic?

I don’t like recruiting from other houses tbqh

Hubert is probably a little better, but dorothea gets meteor and physic for a pinch

You can probably stick him on paladin at that point. 10 levels of -10% speed won't kill you.

Why would you even want to lower the difficulty? The game is already piss easy on hard.

Timeskip mission is giving me a lot of trouble.

Which units should I recruit onto BE?
I have Sylvain because he's free, and I want to get Lysithea because I heard she joins you anyway and I figured I should get her earlier to get her the teaching bonuses.

Lorenz Hellman Gloucester

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Felix for maximum edge (although you won't be able to kill Sylv with him).

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More fighting...

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Does he show up as an enemy if I don't recruit him? I could always attack him with Sylvain instead.

He does.

I think I'll leave him there then, it's more poetic that way.
>edgy angry guy who always complains about the boar stays loyal in the end
>cheery laid back guy who's friendly to all BL turns coat

You're making me WORK!

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>rng stats
>why couldn't x get y when you do z
It's rng, moron.

The fish...

I made my Bernadetta kill Dmitri when i reached that part in timeskip specifically because of that webm

why didn't you record it then, asswipe?

because i'm a moron, dickhead!

Do you think Bernie would make a good mother?

Unga Bernie

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It's 2019, boomer. Pegaponies are busted.

Wo Dao is almost purely an upgrade. For 5 durability and 2 damage, you get 10% crit and half the weight. The tiny damage difference doesn't matter when you can consistently double from the massive speed difference.

if you hate peg knights then just dont make her one retard

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Felix, Sylvain and Ingrid shouldn't be recruitable

user he was talking about Ingrid not Lysithea

Reminder that gardening gives you stat boosting items and there is no excuse letting rng screw you.
Go plant purple flowers, be sure to cultivate, and do it every week so you'll never have to worry about low strength again.

>Tumblr copies JP art style
>It's shit

Every time.

I don't get the appeal of fish.

Threadly reminder that Dimitri is a cuckboy and Edelgard did LITERALLY nothing wrong.

Without the tumblr noses it's at least an improvement.

>Marianne's crit quotes and screams when casting

Truly the best girl

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Why is Cyril such a faggot loser
Villager characters are supposed to be based, like Donnel


BL while recruiting only Bernie and Marianne os the correct way to play the game.

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>doesn't even fight basement grandpa
I don't think so

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I just hit chapter 5 and she probably has the best overall stats in the BL (Dedue and Annette apparently don't know how to level up more than 2 stats at once) so far. Her and Sylvain have been railing that mag stat something fierce though and I know he has an out, but I'm not sure what the fuck she's going to be doing with it if she goes falco. Hopefully there's a magic lance

BL final map is narrative kino while GD final map is gameplay kino.

>not grabbing Hilda as well

Whose wife is this?

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Are all of Catherine's epilogue's like this? This is awful.

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No, but a lot of them are

No one's. She is for happy reunions with her mother and father only.

>going up against the nations false heroes isn't narrative kino
In the end both are good choices but I think GD is a bit better

I'm S ranking her on my second playthrough. Just saw her tower scene and it was pretty cute.

I found Monstergard a better fight than evil oji-san. Anyway, every final boss doesn't make sense, aside from perhaps, Rhea on Edelgard's route.
> Church is Rhea
Why didn't Nemesis awakened
> GD is Nemesis
Why didn't Rhea go Berserk
> BL is Monstergard
Why didn't she transformed on any other route? where is Hubert's letter about the dubsteppers?

She's just a shitty character in general

Is this achievable natty?

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She's Dedue's wife

>Why didn't she transformed on any other route? where is Hubert's letter about the dubsteppers?
Edelgard was fought months later in BL, she probably couldn't even do that yet in the other routes. And Huberts letter was about how he located their base after they launched their nukes, they didn't launch any missiles in BL

Your english sucks bro

Should've been an actual gay option. The lesbicious harpies don't deserve all those femme options while we only get a methy twink bottom

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Her ending with Dimitri was actually really sweet, even though I didn't intend for that pairing at all. Very wholesome

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It all depends on who gets the bones.
Also Dimitri hilariously got rid of dubsteppers by killing his uncle.

>Why didn't Rhea go Berserk
Because its not Edeltards route where everyone acts out of character
>Why didn't she transformed on any other route?
Because BL is the only one where she really gets blown the fuck out and she resorts to desperate measures
>Where is Hubert's letter about the dubsteppers?
There's really no reason why it shouldnt be there, I guess they figured it would make the route too long and would be unfair to the others, as BL is already long as fuck.

Was cool until the weird as fuck homo dialogue options in his support conversations
I swear thats just the localization

felix is the most based character in the entire game
>tells ingrid to give up on her retarded dream of being a knight
>half of the deepest NOT GAY male friendship depicted in the whole game along with sylvain
>the only BL, even of the other nobles who grew up with him, that can see the true nature of the BOAR and how he needs to be put in his place
>owner of a major crest, the only major crest holder of the students - constantly procs to dab on crestlets
find a flaw - you can't

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>There's really no reason why it shouldnt be there, I guess they figured it would make the route too long and would be unfair to the others, as BL is already long as fuck.
They didn't launch any missiles in BL, that's how they found their base

She had 20 mag at level 40

and stay there freak

>the only major crest holder of the students
There are multiple major crest holders, Lysithea is the most obvious one

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It's implanted, not natural

where they at then

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And hand over the gay conversation over to you lot? I don't fucking think so, sweaty. Just make Felix and Caspar gay too, along with Alois

Fuck off retard

That hasn't updated since the release. I don't remember them all but for sure Lysithea has major Gloucester

Don't move the goalposts, she still has a major crest.

Edelgard also has a major crest of flames, so this list is outdated.

>One of the best classes since forever

Yeah, just get on permabulk.

Without dismount its pretty trash. In Awakening it was garbage, archers fucking everywhere.

>Without dismount its pretty trash.
>In Awakening it was garbage, archers fucking everywhere.
Sumia and Cordelia are both stupidly good unit.

The only thing they were good for is canto
Swordmasters did all the work in Awakening

Then you are doing it wrong. Sylvain is his house's primary candidate for wyvern since Ingrid starts out aimed at pegasus.

>he doesn't make every physical attacker a brigand

I saw this posted a while back, how accurate is it.

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Stop falling for memes retard

>Dark Knight
Why not a Holy Knight for her?


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Marianne have good dark magic and look nice in black armour.

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>seteth in bottom tier
nice bait

Blue is expectations and red is results.

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Meteor is a meme spell and her mag isn't good

Spot on.
>wanted a waifu and got a psycho villain

Why no gay romance with Claude?

The real important question, considering the route
>why no gay romance with Dimitri?

My Wvvern Lord Sylvain was even more broken than Wyvern Lord Hilda in my Blue Lions playthrough.
ohnonono the comments..

No, only when you start a new game plus.

>Not pairing him with Leonie where they become a harvest moon couple happily farming and fishing for the rest of their days.

I like Leonie's interactions with Lorenz too much to pair her with anyone else.

You've hit the jackpot Professor.

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Literally me.

Sylvain is for Dark Knighting

She has shit str but great spd and res. I hated mine too until I put her on a pegasus

Does she have more to her character? I find her design really appealing but "muh ghosts" is literally awakening tier characterization.
I can't really tell since I'd have to recruit her first

>Chapter 18
>Ingrid got gutted by the brawler dude on GD
>Thought it was the final map
>Don't feel like playing anymore

Because he’s not gay, he does not act gay and being gay is imperial culture.

the voice direction is fucking terrible

Swigitty swooty, I'm coming for dat booty

I'm kinda glad for this, FE protagonists are by and large fairly boring and they did great differentiating all of them here.

Nah, there’s a couple of supports that are about ghosts, but not all of them are.

Edgelard really is a worse Alvis.

Why hasn't Petra learned proper language in those 5 years? She's been around native speakers 24/7 and she still speaks like a retard.

She does it to fool the Fodlan people by being cute while she schemes against them and gathers info.

You are a meme. Meteor is crazy OP

Why no gay romance with literally everyone? Just do the Mass Effect everyone's bisexual thing.

She has a bunch of cute lesbian endings

Play the fucking game dude.

I'm not playing her route dumbfuck, I'm thinking about recruiting her but my first support with her was literally nothing but "aaah I swear I'm not afraid of ghosts professor EEEEK XD"

Play the fucking game retard.

Stop posting retardmo

Stop replying and play the fucking game dipshit.

>Dimitri just barely can't finish the finals in the lance tournament
>"what the fuck is a lance" Felix says as he struts in and chunks everyone with room to spare
The amount of damage he can dish out early on is so dramatically different compared to everyone else

Happens with Raphael in GD. Dude's never even seen a sword in his life and rapes the sword tourney anyway.

His crest is probably the best crest in the game when you factor in activation rates.

>The only thing they were good for is canto
>Swordmasters did all the work in Awakening
So... Pegasi were indeed better. Canto is better than what the Swordmaster offers.

Based Raph taking out the trash

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Manuellas S ending actually gave me a lot of feels. She is so desperate to truly be loved as she is and overly aware of all of her flaws. She is ashamed of herself but tries to hide behind false bravado, but truly cares about all around her. The line that got me was when she says being around you finally makes her happy about being herself

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Dare you say, you hate it?

The MY BLOOD COMPELS ME never fails to turn me on

>not getting Caspar for Mercedes' paralogue and DK's special death scene

Based as fuck, didn't expect to like him at all, though I can say that about a lot of characters in this game.

I sort of regret not getting Dimitrin and Dedue, but her ending with Dedue is sweet. They both love doing housework so much

>B-but the peasant masses are too weak to live by themselves. They need their false goddess!

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The characters are only really good IN SPITE of their designs. I hope they don't take the popularity of the cast as a reason to hire the artist again

tfw no messy milf gf


Who is best choice to make a dancer in a BE run?

Flayn so Dorothea can actual use two Meteors per map.

Should I save my bait for the fistful of fish event, or the golden fish event?

Dorothea. IIRC that's her "canon" class too, since she keeps her unique outfit post-timeskip as a dancer.

Most of the designs are good. There are just a few clearly made with no clear picture in mind (all the mole people for example)

Fistful for the professor exp if you need it.

I made Petra a dancer, worked for me.

Why did Edelgard act like a bitch towards Dimitri?
At the end of the Blue Lions route he forgave her and gave her his hand and she throws at him the dagger he gifted her when they were children.

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Save herring bait for the mystery fish event and the rest for rare fish events.

Dorothea or Flayn.

He gave her the dagger for her to "cut her own path" and that's what she was doing up to the end, without compromise.

Whoops, misunderstood that. No Flayn so Manuela I guess.


She really wanted to rule all of Fodlan but Dimitri said no.

>Don't question my theocratic rule! Hey look I'm burning the Kingdom capital so fuck you!

>tfw I'm manuella but a 29 year old male

I'm a physically attractive alcoholic with money and status, but I can't find a solid relationship and mostly just get used for money and sex for a few months at a time. The fact that I live like a manchild doesn't help. I don't do chores, the apartment only gets cleaned by a professional once a week, I can't cook and live off of UberEats, and my only non-home hobbies are fighting game tournaments and the gym four times a week. I'm only posting this because I'm 3/4ths into a bottle of whiskey. I am Manuella.

Just find a job in a magical school and marry the half-god chosen one professor after a 5 year war dude

Hey, don't insult my dumb sleepy bottom bf

>getting one shot by any archer on the map is better than being an evasion tank that can one shot bosses

Go work at a monastery and meet your future wife 15 years your junior!

Who was in the wrong here?

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I loved college but I don't wanna go back. I still have nightmares about upcoming exams which I've not studied for. For some reason I regularly dream that I am unprepared for math and mandarin exams, despite not having studied either in college.

Thats a nice way of saying she's too proud to admit she was wrong and lashed out

What is Bernadetta's budding talent? I dont wanna make her a bow kight...

Pretty much. Shes really nothing more than a spoiled brat with delusions of grandeur

>What is Bernadetta's budding talent?
Sexually pleasing older men.

You're a actually better off than Manuela, most of her dates leave after a couple hours and those who do go back home bounce when they see her room


Choking on fat cock


Supports a five year murder hermit instead of his own flesh and blood. Also why did Byleth not rewind time? Was he just bored?

I love looking at Bernie in her tight timeskip dress. She's not super curvy but she still looks great.

Doing all four routes is just Byleth using divine pulse to re-explore all options before saying "fuck this I'm out" and never going to the monastery.

>budding talent is Riding
Doom to be a Bow Knight.

>best class in the game

Not in this game, dude. Not with Alert Stance flier piss.

bow knight is fucking trash in this game

Replaced her with Petra and never looked back. She's boring and Petra has better speed.

His Ashe support is one of the best in the game

>*oneshots you from five tiles away and then retreats beyond attack range*

Nothing personnel, everyone aside from Claude and his gay wyvern

Why? It gives snipers the ability to clear the map and it gives then canto to attack from the edge of an enemies range and move to safety.

You can also just get off your horse and just be a sniper if you want, but the point is you have the option.

she has a good white magic spell list

>one shotting anything as bow knight
top kek

You are literally better off on foot. You get no growth bonuses at all for bow knight.

Point blank volley is basically a one shot

I made Ashe a bow knight and aside from armor units he kills most anything with a brave bow or scoring crits.

Growth bonuses don't mean shit by the time you can actually use the class. You're already in the end game and your unit is already either screwed or blessed.

Not even with a Killer bow will you one shot anything late game. And forget about hitting high dex enemies. Just use a wyvern with Wo Dao you bitch.

Growth bonuses? Are you Mental? You get Bow Knight at level 30, you don't have enough game left to see those decreased percentages.

You get it at level 30, unless you did Edeltards route you still have at least 20 levels to go after that. When I said its trash I mean compared to everything else you can get at that point. I've done 3 playthroughs now and every time I made someone a bow knight they ended up almost useless by end game.

>20 levels between chapter 18 and 22

user, I...

Maybe you're bad at the game

>20 levels

What the hell? My party was level 40 for the last fight in BL.

>not actually short hair, but Saber Face'd
Ingrid's timeskip is just utter dissapointment

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Is this your way of conceding that its a shit class?

Don't worry you can't be good at everything

>first Bow Knight in Ch.18

Were you not doing battles on the sundays?

Bow Knight was literally the only reason why Bernie was useful. She would have been trash in any other class

You should have had level 30 way before chapter 18, lol. You can do it before chapter 12.

Just make her a wyvern lord lol

This is your new high queen of Fodlan, say something nice to her!

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Give me some unusual but workable class ideas. Does Lysithea work as a physical class, for example?

Lysithea with Thunderbrand as a Mortal Savant is elder god tier

Annette as a warrior with bolt axe is the only unusual option which works, unless you think Felix as a boxer or Petra on a mount is unusual.

Sso guyss can thesse lisspy voisse actresssess sstop sscratching my eardrumsss every time they sspeak?

I made her queen of Almyra on my first run of the game.

I fucking hate american women

Why you wouldn't just make her a Wyvern Rider is beyond me. She's easily my second best unit behind only my autistically raised Lysithea

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Dex and Speed sword user Marianne with Levin Swords/Blutgang. I got this idea when my bishop/holy knight Marianne got a lot of dex growth. I gave her a crit ring and she was dabbing on enemies all of a sudden.


What are they going to do next? I really hope we get a sequel set in the same land. I really love the lore and setting of this game, I wish we could explore more than just Fodland

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Why do lesbians keep trying to rape her?

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>those stats at level 32
lmao that dex in particular is unfortunate.

>It's a pigeon A... male pigeon. At least I think so. I thought he might count as a man.
How can one girl be this C-U-T-E!!!!

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I'm still perplexed by the decision to put in those garbage skyboxes in the conversations, almost all of them aren't even lined up properly and have massive seams
Why couldn't they just put the cutscenes in the actual map lol

The game emphasized at multiple points that the plot was essentially a localized conflict of little consequence to the world at large, and we already have a lot of decent worldbuilding on other regions. Me, I'm expecting something set in Dagda.

I just want proper drawn backgrounds like back in the Tellius games.

It has little consequence because everything outside of the churches influence is a literal tribal society or retards.

Her dex is fine since she mostly uses swords and lances. I wish her defense was a bit higher but I've seen worse. Besides, all my love went to a different unit

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>Awakening it was garbage
They're not. you fucking shitter especially not when you have galeforce where you can hit and run all day

Dagda and Morfis are heavily implied to be advanced societies. I'll give you Brigid and Almyra tho.

More like gayforce

(At least in my runs) Ashe makes an excellent Bow Knight, and it only compounds with his innate lockpicking. Runs around the map getting all the chests in sight. For Ignatz, I made him an Assassin for Locktouch then Swordmaster. With Wo Dao+ he was getting 70% crit about halfway through post-TS. On the final map I managed to get his sword to S and gave him Cursed Ashiya+. Literally getting 100% crit on every single enemy.

I want Hilda to step on me for making her work too hard.

Lol gottem

Stepping on you is even more effort, user.

Now those are some huge stats. Also I kind of take back what I said as outside of that dex because I'm pretty sure my Beagle run is just super blessed outside of like 2 units.

The crest orientated society of Fodland is the peak of power of non-dubcult races. It's the home of gods and any game that is set in this universe and not on this continent would have to have stories of a magnitude smaller scale and importance(which I'm all for btw as you can never have enough of petty nobility infighting)

It's actually attemping to mimic FGO's weird chibi meme comic

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>byleth, dimitri, felix, ingrid, dedue, sylvain, ferdinand, caspar, and hilda as brigands
Edelgard, you sure you want to declare war?

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>playing Black Eagles route on NG+ to see if Edelcunt does have some justification for her actions
>not that far into the game
>already showing her to be a retard
>get her C support
>It's a secret that my siblings, 8 princes and princess all got sick or went insane and died
The fuck is this shit? As if the fact they are dead would not be common knowledge. They were heirs to the throne ffs. Other noble houses from both Kingdom and Alliance would know.

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Stop hanging around Alois

My ignatz had 100% crit too

The secret is what actually happened to them, but that's all.

I don't get fags like you
>b-but sometimes Ingrid has shit strength level ups
Then use energy drops and shit you get from gardening. It's not rocket science. She's a powerful unit.

Far better than Dorethea and Bernadetta who are #1 and 2 deployed.

I'm thinking about making Edelcunt a Mortal Savant since I hate armored units.

Feels like they set up too much info to not reuse the setting at some point. The real question is how they would handle Fodlan and its uncertain ending due to multiple stories.

There are several implications that fodlan and the surrounding landmasses are exceptionally isolationist to the point that those who travel beyond the known map of the world are treated with suspicion and occasionally executed by the church or other powers for undisclosed reasons. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is actually a massive undiscovered continent in one of the other FE worlds like North America was to Europe.

Inb4 it’s in the Fates universe.

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There is no completely useless unit in this game and everyone can be viable if invested in.

Prove me wrong.

Oh user you're such a kidder, you remind me of my friend Jeralt.

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Probably skip forward a thousand years to when Seteth and Flayn return to Fodland
That would be pretty kino actually

I really hope the next Fire Emblem is set in one of the other countries mentioned. Dagda, Brigid, Almyra, Sreng,etc Whatever.

And keep doing the cool paintings at the start of each chapter. I really like them.

I can't, the only downside is mobility and missing out on some sweet rewards if you're not planning every move.

Grappler is kind of worthless

Only if they have the same voice actor. I want the narrator to read me a bedtime story.

>four million years later, the history of this once great and unified nation has been forgotten. However, these fractured lands ruled by the bones of dragons are still the forefront of of this once great world

>Blue moon
>a bunch of blue haired faggots
>part 1

I could imagine them dong a prequel of some sort to the game, or maybe the DLC will be the golden ending to jump things off from. That is still not accounting for the random supports endings.
Maybe they will do what said and do them on other countries with only some suggestions to what happened on Fodlan. Would be Kino if they show us the adult design of the original cast though.

>Fates universe.
Impossible. Fodlan would not have a name.

Gareg Mach would just be Mountain Monastery

Tomebreaker is kind of useless when they are oneshotting everything anyways, though Grapplers do get a +10% to Speed. The only other Advanced classes that give you this are Hero, Swordmaster and Assassin, which all need Swords. Wyvern Master also gives a Speed bonus, but only +5%.

I protected her smile dudes

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Hopefully Morfis is part of a potential although Dagda seems the most obvious pick.

Look at this fucking Chad
I've been minmaxing him hard

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Good taste friend, she is best girl

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*puts my hand on her head and keeps her at arms length so she cant reach me with her short limbs*

He's as batshit as the story tells you, which makes the healing all the more satisfying.

Any stat boosters used? Because he doesn't compare to some of my stronger characters.

Give her the Levin sword and watch her dab on everyone

It's not minmaxing until Byleth and your lord stay at level 1 until their forced class change.

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None used yet
I'm gonna pump him full of drugs when he goes insane in the story to help him with his condition

Who are the mandatory recruits for a Blue Lions run?

Good job user

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Dimitri, unless you get royally screwed, has so much strength, health and speed he's pretty much always top 3, including Byleth.

Marianne for sure. Caspar for story reasons. Lysithea and Bernie because PROTECT. Then anybody else really. I get Ferdinand on every run because I love him.

Lorenz is mandatory for every house because he gives the best relic.

Good because she crestless and thus lives in that ending

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I'd say Marianne, Caspar and maybe someone else tops.
Going too crazy with recruits is bad.

>listen to a few songs of the game
i've been missing out it seems

Why's it matter? Can't you just not use some of the people you recruit?

Leonie for a capable bow user

He's not into dudes.

Give her a couple rocky burdocks and get her deathblow like you should for everybody and she’ll put in work for you as well.

Don’t be afraid to use stat boosters. They aren’t for fixing units worst growths or making a units best stat overkill. They’re made for characters whose stats are just skirting the edge of respectable, like Ingrid’s strength, or Shamir’s speed.

Because they get replaced by generics when you are supposed to fight them, which is pretty shit.

I think he's just saying that you won't really experience the whole cast if you bench shitters in favour of recruits. Obviously this isn't actually a risk if you moderate your use of recruits and actually make use of everyone your first three routes.

Should I treat Byleth and the lords as Jeigans or should I keep them leveled aswell?

Would rather not have them stuck in a 1v1 in some map or something

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Marianne for the best Dimitri support. Caspar for Mercedes' paralogue which gives more info about her brother. And Bernadetta to save her from getting burned by Edelgard.

I haven't recruited any students, is it an usual approach?

Lorenz, for the relic.
Caspar just for that DK paralogue
Marianne for Dmitri
Nuke midget if you want more mages

There's no real 1v1 in the game, but Byleth is by far one of the best units in the game without saying. It hurts if you don't level them because they feel so important in certain boss fights.

The Church of Seiros is sort of the late recruits but they still show up pretty early.

3H doesn’t follow a lot of unit traditions. There aren’t any Christmas knights and there isn’t a Jagen unit.

What about the professors, should I bother recruiting them?>


>tfw want to go for Marianne but her supports are great with everyone BUT Byleth
What do I do, barely anyone in the female cast interests me

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now i need to do this

You should recruit, at least, for paralogues.
Everything else is just filling up holes like magic users.

Bernie. Christ, just bench her and spare her from that fate

Nuke midget is always worth it just for OHKOing the Death Knight in chapters 4 and 6 before you might otherwise be capable of it. Most houses can do it in chapter 6 if planned appropriately, but I can't imagine doing it in chapter 4 on hard without Lysithea.

Go for the cunny tulpa

You become a girl, Femleth supports are fun.

Hanneman is one of the best mages in the game

Then why does he dance with you?

When in doubt just pick Flayn bro.

I did it on chapter 4 with Felix and Byleth
Barely did it.

What dudes canonically pump fem Byleth full of children in their endings?

>Hanneman is one of the best mages in the game
Wait, seriously? I always thought he was trash,

I just killed DK on chapter 4 without her. Wasn't hard.

Gambit him. Edelgard, Byleth and Petra normal attacks and he was dead.

holy knights kind of a shit class honestly

Dimitri gets a kid no matter what, I can tell you as much.

Train him in Assassin/Swordmaster. Ignatz has a really good base in Dex/Spd so let him go Merc -> Swordmaster or Thief -> Assassin if you need a lockpicker. Give him Crit Ring, Wo Dao+ and Sword rank S and he can 100% Crit everything.

Good job, that ending ensures that she lived long and had lots of children with Byleth.

Based Lorenz

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I said on hard. It's not difficult on normal. If you were also talking about hard then props to you, I couldn't do it without losing a unit but perhaps I trained my dudes poorly.

he has 55 maj growth and meteor

I'm playing Deers currently, and having already done Eagles I won't mind taking any of them, but I want to leave Lions as is because I like being able to focus on them as groups.

sothis is the only goddess and she's been mia for milennia

His Mercedes support is fantastic.

Is that a goddamn foot?
This is probably the first canon footfag in FE, holy shit

>I said on hard.
I am on hard. Hard isn't hard. I can't see it being possible on Lunatic without being blessed by RNGJesus

The A and S ranks are really good so just stay the course.

Amen to that. I was very happily surprised with the characters in this game.

The only one I can't ever find myself liking is Raphael.

Well you're way better than me then. I thought I was raising all my units strategically but by chapter 4 there was no way for me to do it without losing anyone, outside of having raised Lysithea in advanced anticipation of the map.

Surely that is canon and in the game user-kun

He’s like Lorenz in that he’s a truly horrible unit but his supports are top tier. Alois has a lot going on.

>Scared of ghosts
>Because he’s haunted by the people he’s killed, Dimitri style
>Jovial sense of humour
>But mostly just plays the fool, since he shows he knows how to manipulate characters like Hanneman and Manuela
>Doting father and husband
>Likes to fish as a way of remembering his dead friend

If he had anything going for him other than his massive health pool I’d try to make him work for Lunatic.

Dammit, I searched it. Although I have to admit, that edit is great.

>After ascending the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan, Byleth announced her marriage to Sylvain, who had become the new Margrave Gautier. Sylvain was a valued ally who assisted his wife in her new role, both publicly and privately. Most of all, it is said that his cunning manner of speech was a great asset for fostering relations between the Church of Seiros, Fódlan, and surrounding regions. Though known as a philanderer in youth, Sylvain happily settled down after marriage and became a gentle and devoted husband and father. The two had MANY CHILDREN whom they doted on equally, regardless of whether or not they bore a Crest.

>Is so friendly that even Bernie is comfortable being around him
Him, Seteth, and Gilbert were surprisingly based for old guys in rpgs.

Did you try a gambit bukkake? He kinda just sits there for it.

>Lysithea doesn't have support with Mercedes
what bullshit.

Also despite only doing 2 out of 4 routes, I'm not touching this game again till more difficult modes are out and if the dlc adds some good content I'll get it as well. The lack of map variety is seriously bad. I did BL first and thought it was cool how Lonata and Mikhal were relevant to my house members and expected different maps relevant to BE characters on my next play, and was pretty damn disappointed.

I wish I didn't recruit Petra in my BL run
She's too OP

>truly horrible unit
t. fell for the cavalry meme instead of making him a gigachad mage

*rallies you*

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In my BE run she was weird. Mid-game she was amazing but by the end she could barely scratch out a kill

I like him quite but but good god, mine kept getting single stat level ups.

i want to see bernie's parents

BL has the most writing care behind it, while BE is the shortest.

Felix is the same thing but better in every area

Her Goddess scene is fantastic, but retroactively becomes pure kino after her A rank.

>She asks you what you want most
>You can choose peace for all Fodland or for her smile

Is there a single gay who picked the first option?

From what I recall, gambits were doing about four damage and he had 44 health. I couldn't hit him with enough gambits to finish him with Byleth's combat art, which was the only thing that had a chance aside from Lysithea, who, again, I'm excluding from this.

Her father is probably a fat ugly hentai bastard
But her mother is probably cute

Cyril is ironically better than Donnel since his bases aren’t hilariously bad, winds up as a flier and he doesn’t need to grind his weapon skill up from E a minimum of twice. Donnel is just infinitely more likeable, satisfying and has one of the coolest designs out of the recent Fire Emblems.

In my BE run I gave her a rapier as an assassin
She dodged everything and crit on almost every attack
Bonus damage vs Heavy and Cavalry, bow for fliers

Make her a Brigand.

Her support route with Byleth is the best one

how rude

Speaking of, how the fuck did Edelgard's supposed doing away with corrupt and/or dick nobles manage to avoid her abusive parents?

And you didn't have anything like knightkeeler? Gotta have something with cavalry effectiveness or I don't see it happening

>upside down claude

Because nothing they did was particularly out of the norm and Bernie is just a barely functioning autist.

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>And you didn't have anything like knightkeeler

I did, but unfortunately I still couldn't secure a kill without the knightneeler user getting doubled while the DK was on critical health. I guess I just didn't raise my guys as well as I had thought. Or, maybe they all just got SPD-screwed such that no one could use knightkneeler without getting doubled.

>Horrible unit

I gave him my dark seals and made him a dark knight. He fucked everyone and everything even harder than the nuclear loli.

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Beyond Based

>Because nothing they did was particularly out of the norm
they beat a commoner child to the brink of death
they tied her to a chair and berated her nonstop, possibly beating her
so I guess nothing too different from the noble norm

Recruit everyone with the exception of Bernie just so I can kill her at Gronder.

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>Lorenz is supposed to be the spitting image of his dad
>Lorenz's son with Byleth is Lorenz 2
I love how nature has deemed the Gloucester genes so perfect that they don't change over the generations.

DK will double ANYONE, basically. You have to use gambits with knightkeeler/dark spikes as the cherry on top to land the finishing blow. If he takes a swing at any of your units, you're doing something wrong. Sounds like just a lack of atk -- spd isn't important in dealing with him

Finish Marianne's whole route and then say that again, I tripple dog dare you

What the fuck was his problem?

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Needed to carve some wood and gather some fish

Marianne has one of the better supports with Byleth though, and her falling for Byleth makes sense because it's implied she will kill herself during the timeskip if you don't take care of her as professor

Does playing BL first really make you this autistic that you can't enjoy BE. Man, I'm glad that I played BE first then so I can enjoy all the routes

>professor, if this way any place other than the battlefield, I would invite you for tea
Lorenz is such a good boy.

I did GD first, she was fucking retarded in BE.

He blamed himself for circumstances out of his control and didn't know how to deal with the grief. His ill-advised search for "repentence" led him to drive away everyone who could have supported and helped him. He abandoned everyone as a way to punish himself and ended up punishing his loved ones more as a result

>Why did Edelgard stab Dimitri instead of accepting his offer of surrender?
Not an Edelfag but one of the things she says in her own route is that if you're going to surrender anyway at the end of a battle, you might as well have never drawn your blade to fight because then all the deaths you suffered on your side were for nothing.

Seems you can only enjoy BE if you play it first. I played it first and I'm glad I did, because I did enjoy it, but can understand why people going into it later have a bad time.

People who don't recognize her attack as suicide are retards who aren't worth speaking to (90% of Dimitrifags)

>grinding so goddamned much you’re hitting level 50
Opinion discarded on balance discarded. You could make even Dedue a respectable Holy Knight if you gave yourself 50 levels to do it.

I think it has the most natural progress of any romance in the game, since it follows Marianne's character development in Part 2.

So why was she bitching at Dimitri for not surrendering to her conquest in her route?

Friendly reminder that BE is the best choice for Fodlan

Because he was insisting on fighting a losing battle and forcing her to kill him and his troops?

Dimitri bitched at her first. She was just showing him what a monumentally stupid question that was.

dimitri casting edelgard into the rape dungeon when

Only if you’re a literal autist and cannot see other sides perspective
BE is rationally speaking the best ending for Fodlan. Byleth siding with Edelgard tips the scales enormously in her favor and causes the war to end with much less bloodshed than in the other routes. Also Edelgard keeps her sanity, resulting in what’s unanimously agreed as being a prosperous age after the war for Fodlan.
The most bloodshed in that route happens from Rhea’s retarded barbecue in Fhirdiad which isn’t even her fault.
People just can’t look past the tragic deaths of a few to save the whole

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>resulting in what’s unanimously agreed as being a prosperous age after the war for Fodlan.
That's, literally, every route.

BE honestly should have been played first.
BL shows just how much of a utter cunt Edelgard is.
And GD shows that all the stuff Edelgard claims to champion in her route are Slither lies and Empire propaganda.
Now wonder they shilled her route so much.

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>The most bloodshed in that route happens from Rhea’s retarded barbecue in Fhirdiad which isn’t even her fault
I love how Edelgard needs the trademark Crazy Fire Emblem Dragon God to go crazy to make her look less insane by comparison.

Yes, so why not pick the one that doesn’t result in massive loss of life?

So it's not okay to surrendering to an enemy, it''s best to die fighting for what you believe in

Except when the enemy they're fighting is her?

I feel people underrate Claude. At least he kept his shit together without Byleth. The other two just fucking go off the deep end.

So why pick the one at fault for every single life lost?

i wonder who could be behind this post

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I want Joe Zieja to eat me out

BE wouldn't be so bad if it reflected Edelgard trying to earn people's trust in the end after invading their countries (Faerghus), or making countrymen wage war on each other (Liecester). Instead it goes AND EVERYONE LOVES BEING SUBJUGATED BY THE EMPIRE THE END and gives a hilarious ending slide of Edelgard trampling on people's flags and love of their country while forcing them to submit with her axe.

>Claude, we can't tell who's the enemy between the Kingdom and Empire forces, what do we do?
>I dunno lol. Just kill them all


He also does jack shit and fucks off from Fodlan in literally every ending. Do agree he’s the most well adjusted of the 3 lords by far without Byleth’s presence

If Dimitri had surrendered his Kingdom to Edelgard, she wouldn't have to conquer and kill so many of his people.

>I dunno lol. Just kill them all


BE is the worst case scenario for fodlan. It’s founded on a lie just like the church. Best case is BL because it’s the closet thing to representative democracy

How does GD make Edelgard’s claims lies? Rhea herself confirms the church itself is built on lies in order to better control the masses. Just turns out she had an understandable reason for doing it that wasn’t mustache twirling villainy

The only people who hated it were corrupted nobles who lost their power, but from what we learn from Caspar Ferdinand and Bernie, nobles can be fucking shit

Claude's backstory is a lot less tragic so he has less reason to go NUCLEAR, his "flaw" compared to Edelgard's extremism and Dimitri's revenge boner is his inability to trust people, which Edelgard has toobut for a different reason.

What right does she have to hundreds of thousands of people and their home? Just because CHURCH BAD HUMAN GOOD doesn't mean they have to join her Empire, which amusingly enough was not only founded by Seiros, but conquered Fodlan with the help of Seiros.


>just let an invasive authoritarian regime invade your sovereign nation bro

>Nemesis was a dindu
>Humanity made the crests and Rhea was jealous of that
>Dragons evil

The First Emperor's manifesto which paints humans including slitherers in a good light that dindu nuffin and that it was evil dragons that were at fault even though it was all caused by the slitherers.

Because she's wrong about crests and what Rhea is doing and why she's doing it.
It turns out Rhea, despite the awful shady shit she's pulling, isn't nearly as bad to Fodland as the slither nest that is the empire.

She’s entirely wrong about WHY Rhea did what she did.

She wanted Dimitri to put an end to it and kill her, so he could actually carry on and forget the past

BL is still firmly a monarchy so idk about that. And while they aim to change it, crests are still likely to be a hit button issue for generations and Fodlan still has its isolationist tendencies

play another route cant believe we still have waifu faggots parroting wrong information

Because a united Fodlan is a strong Fodlan. Fodlan has enemies outside of its borders and the Church is the Lynchpin holding the continent together against foreign invasion. If she's going to get rid of the Church she needs something to replace it, and the most obvious answer is to replace it with the Empire.

Honestly I hate how the Slitherers are always around to make the Empire look better, it's like Valla and Nohr all over again. I really see Black Eagles as Conquest 2.0 but without the godly maps.

>reach out my hand like Edelgard keeps singing out
>get stabbed

It's aiming for a constitutional monarchy, which is the best kind of regime a medieval society can aspire to be.

>Swordmasters did all the work in Awakening
What the ever loving fuck are you on about? Swordmasters suck in Awakening.
Awakening is Assassin and Sorcerer Emblem, going Dark Flyer to get Galeforce. Only exception is Lunatic+, where you want to give everyone a bow.

Guess the UK doesn’t have a representative government.
>crests are still likely to be a hit button issue for generations
Hanneman develops technology to make crests moot

She couldn’t possibly have known the true history behind that. Tragic misunderstandings like that are common in history. Going off the info she had as Emperor I don’t think her decision was outlandish

And this is why even in the Eagles I'm sympathetic to Dimitri. It's all sunshine and rainbows for Edelgard while everyone else is forced to join the Empire. It's all nice to say "it's for the greater good" when forcing everyone to submit to what you want.

Okay but he does that for every route though

this is what BrainLets don't understand, and everytime you point this out, they always respond with the tired old "but muh communication".
When you're holding onto an Alex Jones tier conspiracy, no one is going to rationally listen to you.

So bother investigating that stuff instead of literally swallowing slither lies?
She keeps Rhea a prisoner in other routes, it couldn't have been hard.

Mass Effect didn't do that (Unless Andromeda did, I wouldn't know as I don't play trash.)
And it's a lazy as fuck answer that makes romance feel even more tacked on.

I find it hilarious that one of the main problems is that 1000 years ago, the First Emperor wrote a fake history designed to radicalize his descendants. I don't even know why the Slitherers even bother, they could go on holiday and the Empire would fuck up everyone's lives in their place.

Reminder that the BE's ending is the only one ambiguous about the dubstep cult's fate and goes "lol they died" off-screen. At least in the BL route Dimitry accidentally killed the leader of the cult. But in the BE route we never take them personally and the ending picture clearly has a slitherer lurking with a dagger.

Attached: 1562128056821.jpg (2560x1440, 1.91M)

Not an Edeltard but knowing Rhea's motivations doesn't change Edelgard's goal one bit. She would still want to remove the Church and the Crests.

Not that guy, but what you're not understanding in the issue isn't the finishing blow, it's getting there. I couldn't beat the DK either on BL chapter 4 because gambits did 1-4 damage and I wasn't going to grind to trivialise the rest of the game.

god damn Dimitri is so fucking stupidly strong after the timeskip. I gave him a javelin to try and gimp him a bit so others and get xp but he still kills everything in one hit and has like 30 crit for some reason

I have played all 4 routes you dingus. Humans being dickasses is the core issue of everything but Rhea and her mommy revival obsession objectively made shit so much worse. Edelgard’s methods are range from highly questionable to outright villainous nut her ideals itself are not outlandish at all, to the point where 1 lord agrees with her and the other at least understands her position

>So bother investigating that stuff instead of literally swallowing slither lies?
Amusingly enough, Claude does this in Golden Deer Part 1. He even gets reprimanded by Seteth for uncovering some Church secrets. WOW EDELGARD, WAS THAT SO HARD TO DO? MAYBE IF YOU WENT TO THE LIBRARY INSTEAD OF TRICKING LONATO INTO COMMITTING SUICIDE FOR YOUR PROPAGANDA YOU MIGHT GET MORE DONE.

Which completely undermines Edelgard’s war

the boar...

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Hanneman's inventions are convenient but they aren't going to dismantle the Church

It’s pretty retarded considering she trusts literally no one

>That luck

In certain character endings they make it pretty clear TWSITD get wiped out.

The problem is that shit should’ve been fucking playable and IS is a bunch of wankers for not doing so

And why would you even want to dismantle the church after getting rid of Rhea?

>completely annihilating the social order requiring crests doesn’t do anything MUH church

I think GD is strictly better
Other than the kino fight against Nemesis and Slythers being actually destroyed and not into hiding, it basically renders Foldlan a more stable country open to trade and alliance with the surrounding territories.
So no dubstep carpet bombing and keikakuing everyone, no church brainwashing, no race wars up north, no invasion to the east, and no kidnapped hot princesses from the south, coupled with the truth about the world being actually revealed

The Church is also conveniently keeping the Empire from conquering everyone. I lost all sympathy for Edelgard when she went on to conquer everyone after capturing Rhea.

It really doesn’t. The Church still standing promoting a false history would still have to go, regardless of the crest issue is resolved

Eh. Most of units are mid-40s, chapter 21 of BL now. You have to grind a few aux battles for supports for Dimitri.

Because she doesn't like the Church nor that people are so dependent on faith and worship.

>slitherers actually being destroyed
They are still present in some endings

>mortal savant
>not dark knight

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>dismantle the Church
But nobles are the ones abusing crests, ESPECIALLY THE EMPIRE. All Rhea wants is for crests to exist so she can use a crest stone to revive God Mommy.

And you replace the false history of the church with the false history of the empire.
It's all so pointless.

>completely accomplish social reform
>but we still have to kill people who are completely irrelevant

She wants to be sword magic infantry like her husband Byleth.

How’s the empire’s history false again?

>Not going savant for the fuck of it

But BE is founded on a false history....its lies are a whole lot worse too...

bruh, my Bernie is OP af and she's only a sniper

The knights of Seiros at the time are the strongest standing army in the land. I’d hardly call them irrelevant

Dimitri killed Thales, but the Slytherers are still goin full Skrillex in Shambalah.
In the last chapter of BL they're there with another captain, and then retreat.
Not knowing they exist means they're still up and ready to scheme, Thales or no Thales

Because the 1000 years ago truth Edelgard proclaims is all slither lies.

>false history
If you play the game you know edelgard is operating under false knowledge, this was just talked about like 10 posts above yours

I know, but in GD they are defeated completely
that's what i'm mentioning
In BL they're still fucking around and in BE theyre only destroyed offscreen in some endings

*loses at garreg mach in every route*

>In BL they're still fucking around
Yeah, with all their leaders, and some more, dead.

>implying they dont have backup leaders

>Hanneman develops technology to make crests moot
He invests magical tools that don't require Crests. Nothing in his epilogue states it replaces relics in war or that it's on par with Crests or that his tools are used as military weapons. It doesn't matter because Sylvain, of all people, points out Crests are dying out in bloodlines, so the problem of Crest inequality is literally solving itself.

It’s like you niggers didn’t even play the game.

Bow-focused Mercedes or Hanneman who almost exclusively uses a Magic Bow (can be forged from Steel Bows)

Even without Thales the Slithers are still a threat, see Claude's paired ending with Byleth.

Ah shit i didn't know that
just read about it, i tought they were completely dead in GD ending