Why does Yea Forums hate Maximillian?
Why does Yea Forums hate Maximillian?
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He hates niggers.
He is actually a nice guy that genuinely loves video games.
Because he's fake as fuck
Every single piece of content he releases is pathetically over exaggerated. His reaction YouTube videos are some of the worst offenders on the internet.
So that's what twitch chat really looks like
Sounds like someone is salty as fuck, get the fuck out of here.
i dont hate him, i like him for his series on the history of fighting games and some of his challenges are fun to watch, like the biofreaks one, or the cimb into the MK9 tower without cheesing it with kung lao
>Why does Yea Forums hate Maximillian?
>Give the most obvious reason
be he's fake as fuck and milks his community for every dollar he can
Is it true he was a wicked dagger collection?
He's at his best when he has his friends over. He's boring to watch on his own.
He looks, sounds, and acts like an unwatchable faggot.
He's honestly not bad, but he needs to cool it with the OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Fighter's History is kino.
hes probably chill now
some years ago he came up to norcal and we got a chance to whoop him at every fighting game we could.
he was pretty salty over all and a cry baby, even his small crew from socal apologized for him by the end of the weekend.
ever since I haven't personally bothered to follow him or his channel.
id say most of Yea Forums isint even into fighting games, the fgc has their own corners of the internet to muck up
Defends Capcom too much
Is only okay at fighting games
Didn't know he was so tall
A lot of Yea Forums can't deal with having to put effort into fighting games to get something out of it. The rest can't handle loss. This boils down to casuals screaming autism and crawling back into their instant gratification vidya.
>Fake as fuck
>Acts the same way everywhere
Something tells me it's more no one likes you for who you are.
He was an annoying fuck on my FFXI server (Ragnarok).
He has literally never asked anyone for anything. He pays artists in his community for their work, in fact
Donations is the exact opposite of milking.
Is there any youtuber with a cartoon avatar that actually looks as handsome as they depict themselves?
He has shit taste in vidya. Otherwise, seems like a pretty nice guy.
I'd agree with you if that wasn't the case for every fucking YouTuber. There isn't a fucking soul on the site that doesn't play it up for the camera. Everyone has to do what they gotta do get paid on YT, so I cut him some slack for that.
>they depict themselves
He's alright. Bit of that "Youtube/streamer" overreaction kinda fake personality sometimes, though not that much. Though, his actual reaction videos on Youtube are fucking insufferable with his clickbait thumbnails and hehe funni face.
I'm only subbed to him for FF7.
>They play 8 player smash
>Kenny's dumbass kids spam B moves
>Jessica only plays bowser
>Steve pretends to not know how to do final smashes
>Simmons and Max are the only capable ones
He has charisma and I'm jealous
Hate the game not the player. Isn't his fault the youtube is retarded and gives more views to le funni meymey face. At the end of the day it's a job.
I only subbed to him for his FighterZ breakdown vids and never unsubbed for whatever reason. There's nothing overly interesting about him. Does he still think Smash Ultimate is a Smash 4 port lmao
Basically this.
Did he ever explained beyond "it's not for me" why he suddenly dropped DBFZ? He seemed extra salty when he streamed before dropping it.
Even then he stopped playing FighterZ since like october since it mechanically and online pisses him off.
DBZ and marvel 3 are games he wont go back to unless forced basically
>eceleb worshippers
He looks like he's having a real hard time not pulling out the chinder chander nigger dagger.
you just know he wants to yell nigger super loud
I don't hate him, he hams it up sometimes but is generally genuine. The yelling does get annoying after awhile though
>Does he still think Smash Ultimate is a Smash 4 port lmao
do people think it isn't?
This. He gets a lot of early access to games and is a good source for information. Sad he stopped talking about leaks though.
Really? I think that's his worst when he has his "friends" over. Simmons is a fatcunt.
bc he's having fun with his life
Its cause hes afraid of his buddy Ed Boon denying him free stuff so the MK11 leaks scared him off. Even though we all knew for months Spawn, Terminator and (Ash) Joker were in.
Because he's popular. I think he's fine even if the HYPE shit is exaggerated
I'd actually argue his Cloud reaction is one of the least acted ones on the internet, and he actually knew it was Cloud the moment the few notes started.
But yeah, the exception, not the rule.
That's fair though. I'd rather he still get to play games early than just be a guy who speculates on leaks.
he got pissed off about the super dash, very hard to react online unless you are waiting for it.
other thing they need to patch asap is the autocorrect of the autocombo, that shit is fucking infuriating.
Same thing happened with panzer dragoon at e3 or switch direct w/e. He's not a retarded faker like etika
If Ultimate is a port, so are 4, Brawl, and Melee.
and the devil may cry v reveal, he knew that was nero.
The EasyAllies act like fakers a lot during directs too, except maybe Damiani. Generally Simmons or Max will catch when something is about to happen before it happens.
Damiani being the only one to regconize star fox sounds during that Ubisoft E3 was funny though.
He was on Ragnarok?
t. Odin
He's exposed as a fraud in games like Guilty Gear where he blames the game for being bad at it. Says he's a Baiken main but never bothered to learn her properly like any dumb secondary "Baiken main" who quit her after 2 hours
>tfw he got shat on by Slayer as Baiken and he goes on erasing all twitch clips about it
He hates Darkstalkers.
So is it his youtube vids that everyone hates? Admittedly, the last ones I've seen from him were from the assist me series but his streams seemed chill. Then again they were just random games and not fighting games, where the salt and fraud might come out.
rubber ross
and he still got cucked
GG is shit tho. Take your meds goober.
To be fair, Etika wasn’t faking it in the end. I wonder if he would’ve changed his mind if he knew how quickly forgotten he’d be? Who am I kidding, he probably changed his mind halfway down...
He's live right now, so I clearly can't be him. Seek help.
I liked him during his MVC3 days.
But now that he's big, it's so much a problem with him but his bloated fanbase that parrot his shit around like broken records
never heard of him before his FF7 video where he cried
I cried too
Imagine that, entertainment on the internet is scripted and/or acted. Fucking genius.
I'm literally taking a dump right now though, you're saying its not me? Seek help.
it's not so much, I meant to say
Some of the best streams are when him and his friends play stuff like NFL Blitz or even Blackout.
I can tell sometimes when Max streams fighting games by himself hes overwhelmed by online matches, stream sniping and the chat.
Got rich by selling out hard.
Gave up putting effort on his content
Gets butthurt easily over any criticism
Will only communicate with e-celebs or people who kiss his ass or give him money
Not a bad dude, but money does change people and deep down there's some envy towards him for winning so hard.
It's called being over 30 you idiots. Obviously an old man is going to pick up on that shit straight away.
Is this before or after he complained about the electrical infetterance and stole all your milky way bars?
He isn't at all FGC. He has zero contribution to the scene apart from being the safe white image of the FGC. He doesnt contribute to the scene apart from KI and KI is fucking dead. His fanbase doesnt watch him for the fighting games, they watch it for Max and his friends. He is a Youtube personality that does fighting games on the side.
He claims to be a big GG fan but refuses to play games like BB or UNIST because "the roster doesn't appeal to him".
One of the worst kinds of posers. He also fellates Soul Calibur and KoF but you dont see him playing any of them
>Max tries Enkidu, the easiest character execution wise
>Can't even do his mission mode, which isn't even optimal
I mean I stopped watching him after UMVC3 had its final run but it was funny watching him fail and give up.
sad thing is once you make enough money to do videos full time and it's your ONLY job you have to sell out hard.
He'll read comments that aren't made by subscribers at times. He answered one of my questions.
He does sell out though. He wasn't or isn't a fan of Teppen but will play it to advertise Capcom. Plus he likes the characters.
To be fair alot of the famous FGC personalities resorted to just being Twitch streamers. People like Aris are a big example of this. You just dont get much traction if you do fighting game tech.
Piece of shit looks like never worked a single day of honest work in his life.
Challenge for him: Go to a construction site and work as if he has worked all his life there for one week. I'll give him 1 day before he gives up.
Daddy YouTube always giving him easy money or any other source of money that requires absolutely no effort.
Tell me otherwise and you are labelled a retard, and a waste of space, just like him.
His sister is very attractive
that dead nigger was fake as fuck
j e l l y
>He claims to be a big GG fan but refuses to play games like BB or UNIST
>He claims he likes one game but he doesn't even play these other ones
Maybe it's late or I'm retarded but what the actual fuck are you saying here
Could it be because he doesn't want the chat to flood him with Anime recommendations? It's one of the reasons he trashes anime every time.
Wait really? I figured he's one of those guys that has anime posters up in his gaming room. Now I'm realizing I've never actually looked at his decorations.
It is when the donations rings a cringey song byte with the name blaring across the screen while Max spasms out like he's choking on the donator's chode
Supposedly, he worked making professional videos of any kind and publicity. But then, you watch his youtube videos and it's pretty obvious that he doesn't know a shit.
Easy bait, retarded waste of space.
Continue e-begging, champ ;)
How is thanking a donator milking? Jesus you salty fucks really are reaching for reasons to hate fighting game Chad Kroeger.
>Piece of shit looks like never worked a single day of honest work in his life.
I have to disagree with this. He went from looking very young for his age to a withered old granny in a wig in the span of a year.
How old are you to be screaming and crying about "hurr only this kind of job is a real job for manly men who are manly and men I get so triggered and angry about other people not working like I say they should!"?
>I have no interest to play dbz not into anime games and never watched dbz, mvci is the best
>dbz succeeds mvci flops
>doooods I love dbz please namco bandai let me suck your dicks to get coverage on it
He never looked young.
>tfw LTG browse 4channel
oh fuck off, watch his sf 3rd strike black ryu videos. hilarious af
if you don't laugh, you're not human
Daaaaamn, sitting on his ass all day while the cash flows automatically must be excruciatingly brutal.
I wouldn't imagine being in the shoes of this god-like being. Absolutely phenomenal!
That's just him hitting the wall. Happens to men too.
I have a kiddy face but my hair's already graying at 26. At leastvI'm not balding yet
You can thank a donator without all that cringey and obnoxious notification shit Twitch streamers keep pushing to satisfy their cringey fanbase. See based zfg for how he actually properly thanks donators
because he's Yea Forums but has a successful channel and friends.
aka he's a white, four-eyed, scrawny, whiny faggot that's marginally better than average at video games and tends to complain when he loses.
>Soul Calibur VI is one of my favorite fighting games this generation!
Dropped SCVI way back during its first 3 months
No, it's more
>He likes this one game, so he should like these other games that are similar.
Struck a nerve? Old enough to have a respectable and honest job.
If e-begging is the trend nowadays, this world is gonna get doomed soon. Have fun in the Apocalypse, lmao.
he's a nigger
He plays Third Strike and has a lot of fun with it. That makes him alright in my books
He claims it was from the stress of working on KI and I believe him. Maybe it is the wall but that dude looks like a vampire sucked him fucking dry.
Is that really a valid criticism? Plenty of people like Street Fighter and Marvel VS Capcom but turn their nose up at Darkstalkers.
>lol you dared respond did I hurt you?! xD
You sound like the coal miners as they sit on their porch doing nothing because the coal's gone.
Caleb has notifications too but just give thanks like a normal person and won't stop autistically playing to act like a clown like Max.
But you know who gets more money
he hates anime. Accepting to play anime games like GG is a relatively recent thing.
wtf I love max now?
I mean FighterZ got him to Watch DBZ on his own. If he was just playing it because it was popular at the time I don't think he would have gone through the effort
I mean some of his reasons are quite nebulous. Guilty Gear is as much of an over the top franchise design wise as Blazblue or UNIST but GG has an OG aura around it due to it bring an old series.
>being a blue collar pleb
I have black hair still at 30...
>At leastvI'm not balding yet
but I have a horse shoe hairline already... feels pretty bad.
i just dont like western made fighting games or tag fighters. that's all he likes.
Isn't his favorite game SFIII?
Wow, that was the worse comparison you could have ever done.
From ALL the other comparisons, you chose the stupidest ones.
Comparing an idiot that does nothing but playing videogames all day, not contributing to humanity at all to a bunch of hard working people that already did their job... Holy jesus...
Sorry, user... I'm done with you. Last response to you for today. It's okay to be stupid, but try not to go for the World Record.
>giving a shit one way or the other about e-celebs in general
>FGC e-celebs at that
wew lads
Providing entertainment is contributing to humanity. Do you also shit your diaper in a faggot frenzy over actors and radio hosts?
>not contributing to humanity at all
That's true of all entertainers, though I don't agree they don't contribute at all. Making a money off youtube is no different than making money off stand up or sports
>20XX is a mem-
How tall is he, like 6'5?
I son't like people taller than me, makes me intimidated. I'm 6'3
We reached the "entertainment = contribution to humanity" argument.
Still not a significant contribution that deserves any recognition in my eyes.
Those are the easiest jobs you could do, after all.
>Say your lines, act accordingly to the scene, act natural. Done. Easy 5 million dollars.
>Kick a ball, use a bat and be in good shape. Easy 5 million dollars.
Radio Host:
>Just talk to a microphone about the topic of the day. Easy 100k?
Stand Up:
>Steal some jokes like Robin Williams and become and actor. Easy 5 million dollars.
Need I say more? Or do I have to continue schooling more people?
We get it, child, you think you're hot shit because you're full of yourself, go jerk off somewhere else.
All of those are easy on the lowest level, but they all take massive luck and effort to reach the top, which is where the money is.
They're jealous that his sister is 10/10.
Maximilian would be disappointed in you for not defending him better.
Not a true fan, lmao.
How did he escape the sjw police after saying nigger?
Did Blazblue ever change the voice of the announcer? I played the first one years ago and the only things I remember are a few characters and the announcer speaking English like they had a bag of marbles, cotton balls and a walrus dick in their mouth, similar to how the singer in Volbeat sounds.
are you a bad comedian than makes 25k a year or just an edgy 15 year old?
really nigga?
i love gg, but i cant stand the character design of blazblue of unist, and i know a a lot of poeple that think the same.
>Ugly tattoos everywhere
>She's a 10/10!
He has a sister who's hot and does porn??
He made a video literally, actually crying and begging forgiveness.
It works most of the time
Ooooooh! We got a very important feature you mentioned!
Even there are smaller YouTubers, who do WAY better content than "sit-on-my-ass" kind of YouTubers.
Artists, constructors, nerdy folk and their contraptions and doctors don't have the same amount of subscribers than these lazy pieces of shit.
And it's all because of LUCK!
Be favored by luck and your channel will explode! Nothing happens and enjoy staying at 100 subscribers.
Then how is a Puff numero uno for like 3 years running? We also got major tournaments with a Pikachu and a C. Falcon win this year.
he's half jewish and half mexican
THAT'S why it worked
they gave him a free pass because he's not white
Except for the ones where he's literally watching it live. Shit like the Cloud reveal is actually fun cause you can tell he's genuinely excited, even if he is playing it up for the cameras a bit.
He seems like a nice guy and not a fucking snake, which by default puts him above 90% of other video game youtubers.
Pretty sure I'll go hungry as a comedian in my country.
And about OP? I'm feeling the hate is a fucking lie. See how many white knights I triggered on defense of his Patreon-fuelled cult leader?
(But it could be the same fucking guy for all I care, lmao)
>marvel 3 are games he wont go back to unless forced basically
weird, when i was sub to him, he was always "YO MARVEL DOODS!". did he never actually liked it? or was it just that the online sucked. didnt stop me from loving it
His surname is Christiansen, thats white as fuck
He likes pretty much all of the other Marvel games more than 3.
>I mean FighterZ got him to Watch DBZ on his own
You mean watch a highlight reel of clips from Dragonball Abridged
he's "white" in the sense of "white hispanic" which is a fucking contradiction in terms that only sjws believe is a thing
but he's not ACTUALLY white
LTG actually loves max and he always brings up how him and excellent adventure made him wanted to make youtube videos. now that i think about it, i dont think LTG ever said anything bad about max
even infinite?
Dude they change the default announcer EVERY Blazblue game.
Marvel 3 made him famous (seriously, it was his Marvel 3 "Assist Me" tutorial videos that made his channel go from literally unknown with a few hundred views per video or less to 6-digit subs practically overnight). But he seems to strongly prefer 1, 2, and even Infinite over 3 in terms of sheer gameplay.
He claims to be a big GG fan but refuses to play games like BB or UNIST
Yeah that's because Blazblue and Unist are gook trash with shitty characters.
Only other jobs he ever had are retail and elementary school teaching. He's mentioned this in the past.
I'm still gonna criticize him for it. It's creative content, not something like a factory job where you have to do something a certain way in order to do it correctly. He chooses to follow along with that, and chases the higher sub counts even though there are other channels that choose more standard, non-clickbait practices. If he cares more about views/money than quality then that's free for criticism. Him doing "reaction" videos at all is the real shitty part.
It seems that you have not watched his streams.
He seems like a nice guy, but not entertaining at all. I'm generally just bored to tears whenever I've checked out his streams.
He has openly stated that Infinite is his favorite Capcom fighting game since CVS2.
I doubt he even makes much money from youtube. He said that his Mortal Kombat videos are all demonetized. And youtube no longer pays as much as it used to for various reasons.
He almost 100% guaranteed makes several times more on twitch than he does on youtube. At this point youtube is probably just supplemental income for him and above all it's also a way to promote his twitch channel.
>Infinite over 3
And that's why I don't watch him.
i don't know, man
I just put "LTG max" on Youtube and there are 2 videos of 20+ minutes
I'm not watching it, btw. I don't know if it's bait
And so is GG.
get the fuck out. even with that meme "but the gameplay is great" it wasn't because the tag button is way too strong and some stones were better or worse than others. also i can't really describe it but gameplay and strategy with characters feel samey, if that makes sense.
I don't like youtubers unless they're cute anime girls and then I might put up with them.
Fuck all clickbait fuckers. Especially when it's either regurgitating already readily available information or random fucks whose random opinions are taken as authoritative.
Not a bad youtuber. His fat friend Simon I can't stand. Fedora tier annoying dude.
>And so is GG.
How can one user be so wrong?
>Comparing characters like the alpha chad Sol to the most generic anime protagonist in history and his equally generic fuckboy brother
A lot of the newer designs are definitely more anime. The classic stuff was much better.
Yeah, what great characters.
Yes, I'm glad we all agree on that.
Things got weird after Overture.
>he hates niggers
wtf based is this true im gonna check this guy out now
someone hacked etika's account and his rabid fans doxxed them instantly
his diehard ones have not forgotten him at all
I'd argue he's one of more genuine gaming youtubers. But because of that its easier to tell when hes phoning it in. Its obvious he could care less about Tekken or the SFV dlc, but he went nuts over FF7 stuff and Killer instinct.
he is boring and obnoxious.
eh he has more wrinkles then this, but is more accurate then other people like alpharad or game grumps.
>But now that he's big, it's so much a problem with him but his bloated fanbase that parrot his shit around like broken records
this. And now because hes so big he has to watch what he says or else companies wont give him the paycheck. He did call out MK11's microstransaction BS though.
>that time he released his Dante Assist Me for UMVC3 that had all the worst tips and advice
>That time when he said he was a Baiken main in GG but got mad as fuck when he got Slayer'd
>That time when he said Soul Calibur VI was one of his favorite fighting games currenrly but he refuses to play it.
They really did, but I've heard that Overture was Diasuke original intent, but hardware limitations prevented him. I wonder if that just meant gamplay or also characters.
anyone have a link to max's baiken vs slayer?
LTG said that Max was his last inspiration to start making videos, dummy. He sucks Max's dick all the time. Anytime someone asks a weird question in chat he says "would you ask Maximilian that?" Clearly has a lot of respect for the dude
Who knows? I still can't get over what "That Man" ended up looking like.
very fake persona and forced reactions he only really likes KI
>expecting me to believe Jack-O is that guy in the KKK robes
he probably just watched it years ago and only remembers the big stuff like goku fighting frieza. Alot of people are like that.
He literally said on stream he never watched it and only knew it as the show on before Voltron on telemundo.
He also watched clips of dbz abdriged on stream for context on who the characters are in Fighterz.
This but unironically
That's good to know. I'll try to remember that if I ever play any of the other ones in the series. Thanks.
wow thats actually fucking lame.
nigga the dude is responsible for getting the FFVII Remake team motivated, that shit alone is enough to excuse muh le fake youtuber meme, its a part of the fucking job on that website
/fgg/ hates him
that never happened, why are you lying on the internet?
Does /fgg/ like anyone? Maybe Hagrid?
I don't watch this max faggot, don't know em.
just wanted to enlarge the thumbnail, that freaked me out so I scrolled. anyway fans draw these. there is maybe 1 person petty enough to say anything out of every 1000. so why not use them? its polite to the artist and the art is good so it has worth. better than a selfie or some random thing
aris is based
That;s not milking donations, that's the fact that the donators have a pavlovian response to feel happy from said jingle
Ronnie takes "just b yurself" to a whole new degree with Whomp
He is a fraud who knows jack shit about fighting games unless it's SF or MAHVEL.
that just makes him based
I assume he meant characters because who the fuck would think that DotA was GG's original intent when the series predates Warcraft 3?
>his sister will never do porn
>he hates anime
he did a stream years ago where he showcased all of the drawings in his sketchbooks from the 90s and mid 2000s that were heavily anime inspired, mainly nomura. it was actually great. no clips of it but i'll leave you with this
I don't hate him. Max and Aris are the only e-celebs I follow
>she will neve do you
Why live?
Sophie wishes he was cute as avatar Sophie.
max is the phoniest of the phonies. i can't believe that people can tolerate his over the top bullshit.
>yoooo! yo! that was sick as fuck! fucking hell dudes, oh fucking fuck! i'm swearing a lot because that was so AWESOME and COOL, DUDES
I've seen plenty of fake shit on YouTube. I don't see how Max's reaction is anything other than genuine. Especially with things like FF7 trailers and the RE2 reveal
His reactions are fake as fuck
do you actually watch 'reaction videos'? why? in god's name, why?
nice try piss baby
wtf is wrong with these people. do you need a visual guide on how to feel? you just feel it nigger.
don't look at anyone else. feel it yourself. holy shit
it must be because they're stupid and constantly need to look back for a thumbs up or down before they can feel a way about anything.
I'm always interested to hear someone's initial impressions. I let's me see things from another perspective and I find that interesting. I don't really like ones with someone screaming the whole time without any valuable input though
Some people want to see how theeir favourite youtuber/star reacted to something so they can relate to them even more (if their idol dig it as much as they did).
It's not complicated to understand!
how? what a shitty insult
that's gay dude
He cried on camera because he accidentally said nigger.
I unironically like live reactions from events. Things like the Guilty Gear 2020 reveal at Evo or the FF7R Tifa trailer where everyone (ok fine some few plants and shills) were having genuine reactions
that's pathetic
I'd still put it in her butt, though
His fatass ugly asian wife makes me laugh
you'd have a hard time putting it anywhere else. i think "her" vagina is an outie.
>she has azn bf
Like brother like sister
>i think "her" vagina is an outie.
awful at fighting games
Do you really wanna squeeze those baseball tits?
Really why are they like that? Other trannies have softer looking tits but Sue's look like they were bolted on.
wew lad, what are you smoking
>Do you really wanna squeeze those baseball tits?
fuck yeah dude. I'd bust a thousand nuts on them too
Why does he look so uncomfortable there?
Yeah, well.. you're black.
it truly is a mystery
same, i can`t stand everytime he was on screen, always try so hard to look cool everytime he open his mouth is just unbearable smartass this guy is the definition of npc, its like that kid all the shit he say is from the internet trying to look cool all the time but this is a grown men, max is so chill if i was him i kick him out of my house already
>kidnaps some kid's grandpa and imprisons him on a fucking VHS tape to get a literal boatload of other kids to come to his private island with his giant mansion so that they can all play a children's cardgame in a totally not-pedophilic way because he wants to take the main kid's magical, Egyptian artifact, but somehow this dude with a private island, giant boat, mansion, and bodyguards can't simply hire some people to rob the kid's house while he's at school.