Games has one of the best written friends dynamics

>Games has one of the best written friends dynamics.
What is its name, V?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can't have a rainbow without Reyn baby!

Mother 3

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Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls


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shotas are for ________ ___ ________

head pats and icecream

Love and protection.

hugs and headpats.

youre all wrong

hard /ss/ action

Sucking off.

Wait, why are there three spaces?

youre most wrong
adjective adjective noun

Tales of Zesthiria

I'm gonna need a source friend.

The one on the right better be a tomboy.

befriending other shota

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mentoring and supporting. i unironically think being a positive influence in a young man's life is one of the most honorable and important things you can do in life.

Don't you faggots have multiple different boards for your faggotry? Stay in them you low test mentally ill freaks.

t. closet homo

liking little boys is as high test as you can get, just look at the greeks and you're a lowtest dyel.

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I don't want to have sons for the same reason. I'm not good enough for such responsability of define the life of another human being.

Shota x Monster

What's the deal with the medabots franchise? I know it's not dead, but it's never been exceptionally popular either. Are any of the games worth playing/above painfully average?

That's adorable, sauce? Reverse image search brings up nothing.

scan when?

please tell me they do it with older men in this comic
if not it's trash

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How much longer do I have to wait for technology to invent something that will let me go back to being a shota again?

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how come there is a C word but no D word?

shotafags are too uncreative to come up with their own memes, they just steal them from lolifags

There is though

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what is the point of Fate?

the right one is a girl, right?

that's obviously a cute sun kissed boy, user

>wanting a girl

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Fuck off fags, Yea Forums is hetero only board

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nice image hetshit

big tiddy milfs

theres nothing homo about hanging out with your a bro and tugging each other every now and then

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>tfw no shota bf

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Self inserting as.

Disgusting, kill yourself.

Who's going?

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>Shotas are more desirable than females
Why must life be like this

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>jannie woke up and deleting fun treads

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>thinly veiled tranny thread
>thinly veiled pedo thread

discord trannies at it

Hey Yea Forums, its 3 am and I'm itching literally everywhere, I think I'm having an alregic reaction to cake I had 4 hours ago, the cake had coconut on it but I scraped it off, and I'm only mildly allergic to coconut it usually just makes my throat stuffy
But right now it's 3am and I'm itching really baddly everywhere it hurts so bad I can't fall asleep so I went to v and tapped on this cute shots thread and typed this now. Thanks for the shotas btw.

They look like they fuck each other

Fucking eachothers Moms in a never ending /ntr/ war!

Take some benadryl homie, or another antihistamine

>thinly veiled
anyway the discord tranny raiders hate porn threads, you couldn't be more wrong

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take some antigistamine drugs my man
>Claritin, Asalcrom, Chlor-Trimeton, Actifed, Sudafed, Benadryl, Drixoral

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>trannies hate porn

I'd like to see the attendees.

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sauce me up familia

Legitimately Tales of Zestiria. Despite fujos shipping them hard, it's just pure platonic love the entire way through, two bros supporting each other 100%. It's a shit game with a shit plot but it has at least that one redeeming factor.

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>I'd totally fuck, impregnate and marry you and live a married life raising our 4 children together every day haha just kidding bro

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from what i read the mc doesn't find women attractive

This board is literally the best for shota!

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He doesn't find men attractive either. He's a dense generic shounen MC who believes friendship is magic and can overcome tremendous odds. Anyone who tells you he has any sort of sexual feelings towards anything whatsoever is just a lying faggot.

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Mikleo literally gets jealous and leaves when you talk to a new party member girl and they have a tickle fight when he returns

>many source requests
>zero delivered
that's how you know thread is full of actual unironic faggots

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i don't really care, but they seem pretty gay

It's canonically a gay relationship. The developers themselves confirmed it.

lol spoonfeeding breeders


sorey and mikleo are a homosexual couple in canon. it's not fujo shipping, it's literally a huge part of the story. are you being dense on purpose as a joke?


I wouldn't overstate it

He does find men attractive, actually. There's a canon side story about how beautiful he finds Mikleo and how he wishes the rest of the world could see how pretty he is. Sorey and Mikleo are both gay and they're in a relationship.

Give me an actual fucking source for that. I'll even accept some joking dev tweet.

I can say my best friend is a cute twink, that doesn't mean I want to fuck him you homo.

>Remembering all that super gay shit that me and my friend did in middle school

Wtf was wrong with us

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because they are gay. soreyxmikleo has been confirmed canon for years.

you're the only lying faggot in this thread desu.

The devs outright said "sorey is not interested in women at all" and "mikleo is sorey's one and only" in an interview. They could not be more clear cut.

smothering in milfs

exploring your sexuality is a part of growing up
everyone did it to an extent