Persona 5 Royal to Have New Endings, Improved Pacing

JRPG of the generation just get even better.

On Persona 5 Royal‘s Expanded Content
>Simply put, there’s a 30-percent increase in new features. However, we’ve adjusted the overall playtime so it isn’t too different from Persona 5… Rather than saying the game has been ‘expanded,’ it might be more appropriate to say that it has ‘deepened.’

On New Scenes and New Endings
>Persona 5 Royal also has a substantial extra school term that continues the tale beyond the original ending. “The game is made so you can still enjoy the original storyline and ending,’ Wada and Ito say. “We think that the newly added scenes help to deepen the feeling of the game. How that ties in with the new term is something we would love for you to experience yourself, but depending on how you play, we’ve prepared several new endings unique to P5R.”

On New Character Kasumi Yoshizawa
>[Kasumi] is a cheerful transfer student (and a gymnast) attending Shujin Academy on a scholarship, but she eventually gets wrapped up in the exploits of the Phantom Thieves and joins the team as a playable character. “In terms of combat skills, she mainly possesses physical attack skills and magic attack skills with Bless damage,” Wada and Ito tell us. “She’s more geared towards physical with high strength and speed, but can also heal, so she’s a pretty well-rounded character.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

quantity over quality huh


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>we’ve adjusted the overall playtime so it isn’t too different from Persona 5
>Persona 5 Royal also has a substantial extra school term that continues the tale beyond the original ending
How did they do it?

Does save data from OG P5 do anything?

As far as I know it unlocks some kind of bonus or something

Less enemies compensated with more exp.

>the game has 30% more content (except not actual length)
>that’s why it’s full price and not downloadable lol
atlus needs to fuck off

>shorten dungeons to fit even more story
I hate it.

Did you read the article? It has a new expansion, a new story after the ending.


The game was already pretty deep enough so I'd imagine this will keep the game even more engaging almost all the way to the end.

can i date guys though?

>jrpg of the generation
Lmao persona 5 is all style over substance.

Less of the filler scenes where makoto explains shit you already know

Yeah, a YouTube video said that so it must be true

you dont even know what those words mean, stop regurgitating buzz words you see your youtubers say

Fuck off e-celeb trash

Just like every expansion used to have, yes. Witcher 3 also added an entire playable story line after the main ending. And that game didn’t make me re-buy it to play that expansion.

That's gay

Yes but Atlus is adding new stuff to the base game as well

It's basically the Final Mix of Persona

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There's a ton of redundant dialogue in P5 you could cut. I hope that's how they did it.

>It's basically the Final Mix of Persona
people give Final Mixes shit all of the time too though, this isn't really a defense

Stay mad your tranny redshit rpg is absolute garbage.

the purest form of love

Yes, just like expansions usually do, where new items and abilities and such will be added to the main game. Difference being that they usually don't shoehorn mary sue waifus into the main story with expansions.

It's not gay if he's cute.

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Unfortunately P5 killed my interest in ever playing it again. Hopefully it's still good for those who like it though.

My face I'm gonna play OG Persona 5 for the first time this fall and get ready for Persona 5 Royale immediately to get a fresh experience

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People are unironically going to do this and I can't wait to see all the posts of people realizing how fucking awful the game is to replay regardless of the QTE grappling hook that's basically just a fancy loading screen.

Hopefully by cutting out stupid shit like Morgana being a little bitch and running away.

Morgana looks like THAT.
I want to FUCK Morgana.

I hope they cut out half of the fucking puzzles in that stupid ship. I hated those.

Actually they added more shit. But also Changed existing things.
Every team member confidant and a different confidant story now.
And the game has Deepened not expanded.
Meaning Quality AND Quality increased.

New story after the ending as well has vastly altered preexisting story.
P5R and P5 are only "technically" the same game.

It's more than that. Final Mixes just added optional end game shit to KH. P5R is changing basically everything but the core basis of the story.

This looks tempting but i can't justify $60 for this especially when i payed the same for the steel case pre order persona 5 and i don't even have very fond memories of the game. Shido palace especially left a bad taste in my mouth and i don't want to go through it again if it has the same or similar puzzles.

I just REALLY don't want to go through fusion and social stat grinding again. Keeping those is what made my second playthough more fun.

I want to just watch a youtube story video of all the new content after it's out. No way am I playing through all of that boring gameplay over again. Fire emblem on the other hand is a joy to play. Persona strategy rpg when?

>Persona strategy rpg when?
It's called Devil Survivor 1 and 2, and it's vastly superior

DeSu gameplay sucks dick, it's literally just dance to win

>dance to win
does this mean Michael Jackson is the most powerful persona?

I have devil survivor, it's ok but it doesn't give me the same feeling of positioning my dudes strategically that something like fire emblem of valkyria chronicles does. It seems more like a traditional jrpg where you can move a few guys around a bit as an added bonus. I'll give it another shot though.

>He hates getting down on the dancefloor
Sorry son 18+ to this grooooovy site

WRPG gets a rerelease
>wtf omg so greedy and stupid glad i dont play this shit!

JRPG gets a release
>wow omg so perfect i hope i can romance the pink-haired girl this time 10/10!!!

you tasteless idiots dont deserve to be alive.

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Todd we already bought skyrim : the new edition with no new content please stop

The original script was bad enough. There doesn't need to be more of it.

But that's wrong.

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you DID buy Fallout4, FO76, and all their related expansions and DLC's, right?

for your own sake I hope so...

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>that soulful amano art
anyways isn't this just the DLC packaged with the game?


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Is it because people treat Japanese games differently, or because Japanese games attract a different, more doormat-like personality?

maybe they fixed some of what was bad about it.

Nope. That's an integral part of Haru becoming a phantom thief.
It's most definitely staying.

it's because japanese games are actually good and western "games" (movies) aren't.


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That's not really fair, Special Edition was free to owners of all the DLC

both I think
people also slobber all over Pokémon doing it and that's even more egregious than ATLUS.

Thanks for the input, Doormat-kun!

He loves Ann and she never returns the feeling.
A joke I feel they might do is once he's human she's gonna start to hit on him.

JRPGs tend to attract the most submissive beta-males of all, so I think it's the latter.

It's probably going to be just money and basic healing items or some shit. So go in with low expectations.

The latter. look at how people react and defend nintendo when they implement the same anti-consumer practices that people heavily criticize companies like Microsoft for and go after Rom sites and Youtubers.

no problem, reddit-kun.

Not on console.

Plus some. The issue is that anyone who bought the original has to pay almost $40 extra to get what this $50 rerelease has. On top of that, there's even more paid DLC that was going to released that the Royal edition doesn't have, but most of it was cancelled.

I still refuse to buy this rerelease for sixty fucking dollars. I dropped OG Persona 5 around the 6th dungeon so to hear they’re fixing the game’s countless issues NOW is fucking insulting. Never falling for the Atlus meme again, their business practices are fucking Gamefreak-tier and yet you retards still eat it up.

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Console cucks are bootlickers anyway.

>buying multiplats on console
>buying Skyrim of all games on console
I Shiggy Diggy

hopefully they cut haru, she didn't contribute anything to the story.

She was the only girl besides fortune teller lady who's personality i thought was worth a damn.

>heir business practices are fucking Gamefreak-tier
Who cares? It has new waifus so I'm going to play it anyway.

>has released a 'final' version of both modern personas before 5
>releases a final version of 5
>what the fuck man how could they do this
you're retarded.

She actually makes the whole Okumura arc worse. The whole point was that the PT lose sight of their original goals and chase popularity, but with Haru's appearance it's all about preventing her arranged marriage.

>Joker is a thief
>Ryuji is a street thug
>Ann is a cat burglar
>Makoto is a post-apocalyptic warrior
>Futaba is a cyberpunk hacker
>Haru is a gentleman bandit
What is Kasumi?

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a prostitute

>t-they did it before so it’s okay now!
Times change. This easily could’ve been made as DLC but Atlus took the jewish route and rereleased it for 60 dollars.
At least they know their audience.

My cocksleeve

I mean XCOM Enemy Within is almost entirely made of additions to the core gameplay but I didn't need to rebuy the whole game at full price for that either.

My onahole


My Wife

i wasnt saying its okay just that it isnt even remotely surprising. this is like being surprised that kh3 is unfinished. i wish it wasnt true about persona too but we all knew it was going to be.

I just don’t understand why people pretend this isn’t a scummy move to take, it’s pretty clear what Atlus is pulling here and yet nobody seems to speak out about it.

Because JRPG fans love taking it up the ass. Surely you knew this by now, right?

Can’t say you’re wrong there.

Because everyone knew it was going to happen and anybody who cared just pirated the beta version and played it in the ps3 emulator?

>New endings
No shit? Really?

its the same reason as why people are letting gachashit, lootboxes, and microtransactions all flourish. people are lazy and dont want to disrupt their normal lives. so they keep letting everything slowly decline instead of risking their 'peace.'

I honest to god didn't know Persona 5 came out for PS3 too otherwise i would've never bought a PS4 just for it. Damn does that feel like the biggest fuckup in anything gaming related I've ever done.

reminder that this user will never ever risk his peace to make the world a better place.

>Every team member confidant and a different confidant story now.
Maybe we'll get a better Makoto story that isn't about some random student

you're right. it's too late.

It’s just a shame to see how many people aren’t willing to do anything about getting dicked by Atlus like this. A shitty company making a shitty game doesn’t bother me, but when a developer with real potential goes out of their way to pull shit like this and no one is willing to take a stand, it’s sad to watch.

meanwhile, wrpg developers release their games unfinished and expect their pathetic cucked fanbase to fix it for them with mods - which they always do.


>JRPG of the generation just get even better.
So why isn't this the picture in OP then?

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i love how seething port-beggars are pretending to be pro-consumer advocates now.

Can i fuck Morgana's human form?

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because it isnt weeb enough

Ultimately no one is going to stop them.

At least with that model you still get a complete game for your money.

Isn't that the game they cucked to only the switch so it could be smeared in shit? poor game, what a trade-off of a """"rerelease"""".

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That's fucking nothing. They just want scam people.

At least SJ redux took close to a decade to pop.

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can you try to make this post again, but only this time in english and not buzzwords

>JRPGfags think every WRPG is Skyrim
Even Skyrim was just buggy and unpolished and terribly repetitive. The content is all there, and it's all at least decent.
It certainly isn't littered with the pacing issues and wildly inconsistent quality P5 is.


yeah, skyrim's quality is consistently shit, like all wrpgs.

>meanwhile, Bethesda release their games unfinished and expect their pathetic cucked fanbase to fix it for them with mods - which they always do.
FTFY you're actually retarded if you think Bethesda are the only ones who have made WRPGs

>like all wrpgs
casualfags love their braindead casual JRPGs and nothing else, what a shock.

The fact that you’re trying this hard to deny Atlus is in the wrong shows only proves my point further. If you really want my opinion on the Switch, it’s that the system was pretty great for one year, but then Nintendo started rushing out releases left and right in 2018 because they blew their load the year before. The system has games but ultimately, most of them are left feeling like mediocre entries in their respective series because they got rushed out and don’t have enough content.
You’re probably right, but in the end, I’m still not willing to buy into stuff like this.

Brand loyalists.

>Bethesda is the only company that makes WRPGs
>deflecting to WRPGs when they were never brought up to begin with

The only way I'd even consider getting it is if there's a new ending where Kawakami has your baby.

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*blocks your path*

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Didn't jap devs think Todd was a genious for skyrim or something?

fuck off waifufag

How would that be possible if Joker is still in highschool. she'd be fired and thrown under the jail.

Isn't that the target audience?

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Is he going to have the same voice when he turns into a human?

Imagine playing a game for 90+ hours just to see a better version of it a few months later and have to play it all over again just to feel those few major changes.
>jrpg are a waste of time

No. The romance routes themselves are shit. They just want more people to play it and buy merch.

>On New Character Kasumi Yoshizawa
>>[Kasumi] is a cheerful transfer student (and a gymnast) attending Shujin Academy on a scholarship, but she eventually gets wrapped up in the exploits of the Phantom Thieves and joins the team as a playable character. “In terms of combat skills, she mainly possesses physical attack skills and magic attack skills with Bless damage,” Wada and Ito tell us. “She’s more geared towards physical with high strength and speed, but can also heal, so she’s a pretty well-rounded character.”

So somewhat like Makoto?

>creampie human mona's ass
>looking cool, joker!

i hope she can replace makoto in my party, i hated her but she was too useful.

Needs to be smaller and cuter

Makoto is geared towards healing, not phys. She’s more like Ann but has physical moves too.

She's going to basically be Makoto but even better, and BTFO Makoto at every opportunity

Yes, I'm not really sure why anyone would deny it.

What does he say about the "improved" pacing? The only way it could be improved is if the dialogue and story events are cut short, or they reduce the amount of things you see repeatedly

you said the word!! I clapped!!!

I hope they get rid of the scene with Shido and Goro where they talk about being evil for 5 minutes.

That means yet another shitty man behind the man behind the man Final Boss.

I deny your waifu simulator, and everything in it!

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>Isn't that the game they cucked to only the switch so it could be smeared in shit? poor game, what a trade-off of a """"rerelease"""".

Invert that and apply it to the PS4 release

it means based nyarly is coming back.

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Why does the WRPG/JRPG battle attract so much vitriol? With pretty much every other genre most people are willing to acknowledge which group is strong and weak in them.
>Westerners make better FPS, simulators, most strategy games, stealth games (as few as there are) and racing games
>Japanese make better TPS, action games, fighting games, and rhythm games (their strategy RPGs are also really high quality as well)
These things I think are usually agreed upon but when it comes to WRPGs and JRPGs no consensus can be reached.

Should i just wait for R to come out instead of playing the base game? Is the story of persona 5 good?

Which one?

>yet another shitty man behind the man behind the man Final Boss.
kek! i hate that so much.

>should i pay for an inferior version of the game?

the only genre the west does better is fps, and that's only because japan doesn't bother with that genre at all.


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I mean its only $20 I don't know if i can wait a full year to play it desu.

It's not like WRPGs will ever have an urban fantasy genre starring high school kids w/ powers that deals with topical subjects while being visually stylish

The West has been a lot better at 2d platformers lately

>and that's only because japan doesn't bother with that genre at all
And strategy games, simulators, and racing games.
Unless you want to tell me about the great Japanese strategy (not SRPGs) games that I am missing out on.

Especially in the indie scene

S-strategy games are shit. No eastern person plays it. No jap dev ever praised skyrim

We already know how they did it
The game is already 80+ hours, imagine making it 100+

Instead it's about her and her sister dealing with her fathers murder.
Ann is about reconciling with her friend Kamoshida caused to attempt suicide.
Yusuke's has to do with the painting
Futaba's Mother isn't dead in P5R so they changed her confidant entirely.
Goro's is entirely different because of reasons.
I'm unclear on everyone else's.

It is quite rare for someone to be enjoy both JRPG and WRPG, especially in 2019
Usually those who enjoy WRPG have grown with them on PC, while those who enjoy JRPG are more console-centric players. Which is why those audiences are completly hermetic to each other

There is a difference between a release/Enhanced edition and a complete reworking of a game.

That's pretty pacific. i want an open world game like GTA from the japs where you play as a ghetto black american immigrant like CJ and he's like "Damn! these insectoid bitches are FINE!" and when he gets fat a jap person says something similar to "the back of your neck looks like a pack of hotdolls" and there are both Jap and English voice actors at the same time during the whole game.

Game of the century right there easily but the japs won't make it.


We already got one in the game

oh right, the lazy teacher bitch i forgot. i didn't like her much as a prostitute and her outfit isn't even that erotic. her pigtails just looks goofy and very 1950s in it.

This isn't the case for P5R though. It isn't simply a expansion. It's a complete rewrite and rework of the entire game + a 3rd semester. New playable characters. Completely reworked Dungeons, Events completely changed, More Confidants, Deeper content.
It's not the same game anymore. It changed fundamentally.
It's not just a added character or two and a new ending like Golden and Portable was for 4 and 3.

Cinderella. She stole the heart of a prince.

>It's a complete rewrite and rework of the entire game
Find me a single quote that says this. Even the OP title talks about pacing but in the actual magazine quote this isn't the case

I enjoy both. I just don't enjoy triple A WRPG. They are the equivalent to Shovel-ware JRPGs to me.

>It's not the same game anymore. It changed fundamentally.
They already confirmed that they haven't touched the main storyline at all and the new stuff will only be an addition
It's exactly like P4Golden and P3FES

>It's a complete rewrite
>The game is made so you can still enjoy the original storyline and ending

Other than the 20 articles and videos showing every Confidant rewritten, the fact Goro doesn't die, a added 3rd semester and the reworking of all Dungeons.
Sounds pretty reworked to me senpai

Would you Persona her Makotos?

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Well I tried to get into Divinity OS recently but it was physically painful for me, I didn't made past six hours
I greatly enjoyed The Banner Saga though, so it may depend on the kind of game

Kind of hard to claim they haven't touched the main storyline when Goro doesn't die.

>every Confidant rewritten
They have more events but they haven't rewritten anything

When will we get justice for my boy? He doesn't deserve to be an incel goddammit.

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They can always pull a Morgana and have him appear after the original ending.

He already "didn't die" in the original P5 since they never confirmed it and Goro was basically ejected from the script after his boss fight
Also we have suspicions that the third semester is a dream world or a parallel timeline, so they can absolutely retcon it in any way they want just like they do with the spin-off games


>Futaba's Mother isn't dead in P5R so they changed her confidant entirely.

So what happens with her dungeon? Is that now Kasumi's dungeon?

Oh god damnit, I spit water all over.

>JRPG of the generation just get even better.
*just got even better


Akechi's trailer makes it painfully clear that 3rd sem's an alt reality and you people are retarded. Pre-christmas content will be the same.

>western "games" (movies)
may i refer you to for a perspective on how much "game" there is in japanese "games"

the only thing worse than a footfag is a footfag who likes disgusting western art

They need to rework Haru completely

Her mom doesn't come back until the new semester

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All they needed to improve pacing was make less "Let's go to bed" days. There's not even a good reason to deprive you of your night time choices most of the time. Just the vague excuse that "You'll need your energy for tomorrow", but if anything story is going on you're on lockdown until it's over which is hell on some of the ones that last a week straight worth of nothing but dialog scenes.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but none of the Skyrim rereleases changed/added anything, right?
Actually, I can't think of any time that anybody has been shitposted for rereleasing a game, except Skyrim, but only because it became a meme, I don't really think it was genuine hatred for the game

Well seeing as the PS3 and the PS4 versions of Skyrim both have the same Bard college soft lock issue. I would assume no, They didn't change a damn thing.

It was for gameplay purposes. The planning of the game demands that certain days are locked for story purposes but they still need a way for the player to be able to save between each day because some events are very long
So they let you save at night but nothing else

I enjoy both but only if the definition of WRPG is includes games like Deus Ex and System Shock 2.
CRPGS I'm not a huge fan of but I liked Planescape Torment.

But KH3 Final Mix is DLC

I would have preferred that they give you longer periods of time to up your stats with confidants and personal buffs during the off days when you're not running through palaces so you don't have to plan so accordingly and snowball a little more easily. Playing through the game again can be a huge pain in the ass for anyone that wants achievements or extra content you may have missed out on in the first run

>Even KH thinks it's dumb now

Haha no switch port. That's the best part of the game

being outdone by fucking kh of all things feels real bad

>New endings
>Every ending where you don't forgive Akechi is a bad one

Fucking calling it now. The game is obsessed with redeeming this piece of shit.

>We added more content and features for dungeons

>And a Mary Sue who's good at everything who's going to help you guys save the guy that literally murders innocent people and party member's parents in cold blood so we can change the ending to make fujo happy
Fuck off. The base game was good and they're actively trying to ruin it.

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Including incineroar

So a golddigger?

>Futaba's Mother isn't dead in P5R so they changed her confidant entirely.

Wait, wouldn't that require a rewrite of Futaba's entire arc? What happens to her palace? Why is she staying with Sojiro? Why would she harass and eventually join the PT?

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None of that matters. All that matters is cleaning up any possible evil deeds by Akechi. Get ready for Haru's dad to either not die or die by accident.

even kamoshida is more likable and redeemable than akechi

Her mom is still dead until the third semester stuff starts

they might have a slightly different tone but it'll probably be the same voice, like human teddie

Is she comatose instead of dead? I can't see how else it would work.

Is Ohtani even capable of doing a boyish voice?

Its a fake world user

My money's on Yaldabaoth fuckery. Cognition merging with reality to make everyone's dreams come true.

Oh, so it's just the postgame illusion thing. Got me all worked up over nothing.

Hell, maybe all of that will be for nothing and the game will end just the same

Kamoshida is somewhat redeemable by the fact that the entire school was enabling him to do what he wanted. Students weren't just victims, they chose personal gain over the safety of their peers and themselves. His Shadow was right.

They said there's multiple new endings, I bet one of them is going to be everybody getting what they want and not breaking the illusion to keep your friends happy, with the caveat joker knows it's fake or something

Don't think too hard about it.

>Akechi can stay alive but only as a fake
top tier
>This now makes endless angst fuel for yaoi
low tier

But it wouldn't be unrealistic to say you did something that night most of the time.

The question is will these additions actually improve the game. I mean, it's hard to make P5 even worse, but still.

having one additional shallow anime cutout to date will surely improve the game

Fuck I can't choose bros, I like milf, short hair girls and both of them are just right.

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So fuck both of them.

not into that cheating life

Is the game no longer going to peak after the 1st dungeon now?

Kawakami is for starting a family with
Tae is for kinky and rough fucking

It's not cheating if they make out over your cock

its just gonna be a flatline the whole way now

You got it backwards. Why would you marry a shitty teacher over a doctor?

>Is the game going to improve after the first dungeon now?
I never understood this meme, honestly. Kamoshida arc was a great start to the game, but it wasn't even the best. Futaba's Palace, and overall arc was probably just as good or better.
The base game had plenty of issues, even putting aside the plot.

They're dickteasing Nyarly again so it'll be more of a disappointment since he will never show up.

Didn't he show up in P4AU?

>multiple endings
>Kasumi uses Bless skills
She's the fucking Law Route bros just like the base game has Joker go Chaos.
Goro Neutral Route?

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Joker is Law.

no, he didn't
it was some other retarded god-like being that came out of nowhere

It took me around 130 hours

>The base game had plenty of issues
It had some issues, but it held everything together and was overall a really enjoyable game. The story was never as good as P3, but with Royal they're looking to go full retard with it.

Joker's final Persona is Satan and you spend the last bit of the game fighting Angels.
How the fuck did you get Law from that?

You can go date the open end of a 12 gauge, faggot

>However, we’ve adjusted the overall playtime
But it was already too long and I don't like replaying games so fuck you too Atlus, not buying your greedy-ass scheme

Todd, I can't think of any WRPG rerelease that came out in the last 10 years that isn't Skyrim

They need to fix

>the rat cruise
>mementos depths, and the entire final palace in general
>make Akihabara not so boring
>fix Akechi's storyline

>However, we’ve adjusted the overall playtime so it isn’t too different from Persona 5
So its still too long of a game?

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It took me over 220 hours. What the fuck.

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Most people here have no knowledge, or care for SMT.
Eh. There was a lot of integral issues with the plot at certain moments. Haru's arc, and overall involvement in the story could have been executed way better than it was. Makoto's entire arc with Kaneshiro was an absolute slump plot wise, and the final Mementos run was pretty redundant, but outside of that it was a solid story. I don't have any judgement on Royal since the game isn't out yet, but the 3rd semester sounds like it has potential.

It's okay, it took me 290 hours to beat P5, but I also didn't fast travel and didn't manually advance dialogue.

>Rat Cruise
They're reworking dungeons, so hopefully
This dungeon as a whole needs to be reworked. I don't know why Atlus struggles with dungeon design so badly.
There's plenty of new locations in the game, so eh. I don't think this is really an integral issue.
All they really have to do is throw him in jail.

My first playthrough took 125 hours, so having 40 hours of cutscenes and 80 hours of game seems fine.

>Most people here have no knowledge, or care for SMT.
That's what I figured, I just wanted somebody to agree with me that there's a possibility Royal will have SMT Routes.

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Angels aren't inherently law, like Chiaki

Reasons in general don't apply to the regular basis of alignments, alongside the way the Vortex World operates as a whole, so that isn't exactly a fair argument. I see what you mean, though.
I mean shit, it could be interesting if done properly. I just don't see how it could be executed. Leaving everyone in the dream world is Chaos? Saving the world is Law? Persona endings have never had as much freedom as SMT because of how both series are structured.

That game doesn't have traditional alignments but even leaving out the Angels the whole game is about breaking out of structure and order that has hindered you.
Shido saying he wants to control the country to ensure peace and prosperity at the expense of choice sounds pretty Law to me.

>I mean shit, it could be interesting if done properly. I just don't see how it could be executed. Leaving everyone in the dream world is Chaos? Saving the world is Law? Persona endings have never had as much freedom as SMT because of how both series are structured.
Fair enough. I just want there to be some kind of major mindfuck to this game to make spoiler season especially spicy.

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>However, we’ve adjusted the overall playtime so it isn’t too different from Persona 5…

So you're not even getting an even bigger game out of it...and you still have to pay full price again?

And Persona fags are actually excited for this?

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Yes. Now go play fucking mario or something gay like that

Didn't this game get a new director? Will it matter much?

Wait, what? Are you seriously using Persona games as an example of good urban fantasy? These games don’t even let you explore the intrigue of an urban fantasy setting, for the gameplay sections they teleport you to another dimension that is literally a monster-filled maze, and the stories are the generic god-killing shenanigans that you see in every jrpg. Despite taking place in modern times, you use medieval weapons, which people inexplicably possess and are willing to sell to teenagers. You heal deadly injuries with candy. Despite the occult theme, the spells and abilities are the most cookie cutter elemental JRPG spells possible. There's no effort whatsoever made to create a believable urban fantasy setting that reconciles the fantastical with the mundane. The games feel schizophrenic in tone, jumping back and forth between Japanese teenage highschool drama and high fantasy dungeon crawler. It's like the developers wanted to create an urban fantasy setting, but were too lazy to flesh out such a setting and just went with standard high fantasy tropes.

Compare that to something like Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, which utilizes its modern-day setting in every aspect of its gameplay and narrative. For example, since you're a vampire, you heal by feeding on characters or by consuming blood bags, which you can get by paying an employee at the local hospital to smuggle them out for you. The weapons you use aren't medieval, but modern ones, and the people who sell them to you are criminal fencers. Instead of generic elemental spells, you hack computers and use vampiric disciplines like mental domination or a mist form which renders you invisible. The game takes place in urban locales, not some abstract dimension, and NPCs will panic and alert the cops if you reveal your vampiric nature in public, and being careless can attract the attention of vampire hunters. That's how you translate urban fantasy to a video game.

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Haru's arc was rushed, and everything about Makoto and her role in the story and party in general was bad. The final run of Mementos was good because it was thematically relevant, and the unique part of Mementos itself was great. The story almost veered into shit territory when it sounded like they were trying to redeem Akechi for a second, but then he straight up died and the party left without giving him a second thought or mourning him. They're going to throw all of that away now.

The entire game they go against the "strong", those who have enough power that no one dares to question them. They achieve that by brainwashing them so they have to face the guilt of their crimes and submit themselves to the law. Truly the epitome of chaos

He's got choices like the new Fallout to play.

I'm gonna be honest this is the first I've heard of a game like that. Is it new?

What if the main characters dies in the new ending? I'd love a bitter sweet ending desu.

>a number of the original characters don't get enough development or screentime
>add a whole new character literally no one asked for
>Rather than saying the game has been ‘expanded,’ it might be more appropriate to say that it has ‘deepened.’

Atlus, what the fuck?

I just want to know if they're going to redo the English lines to be less retarded.

I hope you can disable Take Over somehow if it's really the new regular battle theme. It's such garbage compared to Last Surprise.

It took me barely 110 hours what the fuck were you doing?

>I'm gonna be honest this is the first I've heard of a game like that. Is it new?

You're on Yea Forums and you've never heard of Bloodlines? How is that even possible?

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>I'd love a bitter sweet ending desu.
That has absolutely no thematic relevance or place in the story. People who want a bittersweet ending for the sake of it regardless of the story itself are fucking retards.

>Improved Pacing
I'll believe that when I fucking see it. I fully expect Persona 5 Royal to deepen the base game's pacing issues.

Idk I guess I took a lot of time trying to decide how to use my time and I definitely spent way too much time in the Velvet Room.

People who want a happy ending for the sake of it regardless of the story itself are fucking retards.

I remember when Joker and the gang were police officers and did everything above board.
Yup, no sneaking around in the dark and being morally dubious for them.
Went straight to Sae when they thought something was wrong and trusted those lawful adults to do the right thing.

But huh, what's gonna happen to the first release...?
I bought the game plus a lot of the costume DLC...

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>People who want a happy ending for the sake of it regardless of the story itself are fucking retards.
Sure, but Persona 5 is already very much a juvenile wish-fulfilment fantasy with how you magically solve people's problems by going into their mind and taking away their personal responsibility.

True. I enjoyed it but that was only because the stylistic flair and music were carrying me through the slog.

>implying it was 80 hours of game

I just bought this game. What the fucc with “Royale”? Can I at least play through the regular version in peace?

>Japanese make better TPS

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Persona games always do this. A couple years after release you get the definitive version with extra content, at full price with no DLC upgrade option.
Enjoy the atlus tax.

I just wish they let you carry over the Christmas gifts since they take so fucking long to get. But I doubt it.

The "final" version of P4 was shit though. Added nothing of value beside skill select.

>just bought this game
>when the updated version is only a few months away
You dumb dumb.

They're still gonna sell it for $59.99+tip over the Playstation Store :^)

It comes out in nearly a year, that isn't a few months

Parroting someone's words back in an attempt to sound clever doesn't really work when you're too stupid to understand the context in which they're being used.

>being an EOP

>Pretending that anything the PT did was remotely morally ambiguous and that they weren't moralfag good guys
Trust me, I'd have loved to have seen the game acknowledge the fact that they were horrible for stealing free will, but the game makes the clear cut distinction "as long as you don't kill people, you're totally the good guys" and beats you over the head with how in the right they are.

New game DLC must stop

kys spic

It's comes out in two months unless you're a brainlet who didn't learn moon. The clear play is to just buy Death Stranding to enjoy, and then buy P5R afterwards if you see that P5R isn't shit based on the 5ch threads.

I wouldn't say death necessarily equates to redemption. Akechi did some irredeemable shit, and the cast more than likely still won't forgive him for what he did, but killing him off isn't him making amends or facing responsibility for his actions. Helping the PT's stop the new threat, and throwing himself in jail to make up for his past transgressions is honestly what I'm hoping for with Royal. Not only that, but Joker won't have to sit in prison in the ending.

You're stupid for assuming that everyone here knows Japanese

>learning a new language only to play games
Yikes, NEETs put all this effort instead of getting jobs

Time to drag these fuckers back kicking and screaming

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You're telling me in a game about deception and being underhanded you just took all of that at face value?
You weren't supposed to actually drink the Kool Aid like Mishima user and the game's plot is way better if you don't.

I like how P3 FES let you change the Mementos theme while you were in the dungeon. I hope P5 has similar music changing options. Probably not, but whatever. Better get good at sneaking up on enemies if you want to hear Last Surprise. I think that's how it works now, anywho?

>paying 90 bucks

Persona 5 is only good for the presentation and waifus.
Everything else a western game does better.

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>but killing him off isn't him making amends or facing responsibility for his actions.
Not every bad guy should get endings like that, he was a trash character so the game is better off without his trash and Jail doesn't do anything.
The PT are strong enough without him so don't need him at all.

Yet again, the chads who never buy games day 1 ALWAYS WIN BABY

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>Helping the PT's stop the new threat
The idea that the PT's would trust him again after all he did, including multiple attempts to murder them, is mindboggingly stupid.

Which means it will probably happen, since P5's writing is stupid like that.

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>t. Parrot
Besides, wasn't P5's ending already bittersweet? Morgana could have stayed dead, but in general the overall fact that society was still the same at the end of the day, on top of the fact that the PT's can no longer use Mementos, was kind of bittersweet. Let alone Joker moving back to his original home. What more do you need? Him getting trapped in the dream world while everyone else lives their lives, on some Tatsuya, Innocent Sin level shit?
I mean, even still. They snuck around essentially brainwashing people.

>I wouldn't say death necessarily equates to redemption
That's not what I meant. Right before he died, they were talking like they were going to have him work with them to fix his mistakes, but then after that they killed him which was just enough to avoid the worst kind of C-list anime writing where they'd have the cold blooded killer join the moralfags like nothing happened.

>a game about deception and being underhanded
You're looking for stuff that very much isn't there. The game was surface level and black and white with the morality. There isn't a single line or scene in the game or developer interview that even remotely suggests the opposite.

LOL is this the same stone-cold austist who rages over W3 and Cyberpunk threads? Who constantly shitposts the same copypaste OH NO NO NO's? The actual madman

Now your comment is veering into more personal bias, and general distaste of his character. I'm sure the PT's are strong enough without him, including Kasumi, but even still it doesn't change the point.

>angry EOPs

>They snuck around essentially brainwashing people.
Yeah but the game never actually addressed it that way and tried to present what they were doing as the high ground.

>Is the story of Persona 5 good?
Depends. If you're a teen looking for something stupid and stylish to relax - yes. If you have taste and are a grown up - no.

probably I wonder how many games he's become obsessed with hating

Imagine being so delusional that you think every single person here has learned japanese, get help

You are so fucking naive holy shit. I could sell you vaginal discharge from my dog

I'm trying to think of some obvious cases which are just like Goro but of the most obvious ones I can think of two of them are from series I'm not really familiar with like Leon from Tales of and Majima from Yakuza and Edgeworth doesn;t really count because it was added to the DS version he pretty much turncoats in the same game he's introduced in.

I guess they kind of did it to Adachi but at the same time they didn't because his S Link in Golden he's a grade A dick and Arena doesn;t really make him repentant or any less of an ass.

>not learning Japanese
Literally why?

I will always be seen as a white piggu

*unless it was added to the DS version

I'm not saying anything about learning Japanese, I'm saying you must be really unfamiliar with this place if you think everyone here knows Japanese

Let me know when we can fuck Yusuke.

Nah, that only applies to pathetic weebs who were losers back home and went to Japan to teach English thinking they'd be cool there.

Only the people that matter. EOP has been an insult for a long time.

Unfortunately, this. The entirety of the Haru/Okumura arc should have been morally gray, with the Phantom Thieves actually taking a moment to break down just how underhanded their methods were, but we didn't get anything that great. Instead, it was Morgana's bitch whipped boogaloo ft. Haru's daddy issues.

I can understand the thieves wanting to give Akechi a second chance, but they way they tried to pin the blame for his actions on Shido was stupid. He was helping Shido as part of some retarded revenge plot, not because he was put up to it like they implied.

Is there an actual reason to learn Japanese unless you either..
>Plan on moving there to pursue a career
>Generally love the culture outside of video games
>Want a language to learn as a hobby
It really feels like most of the people wanting to learn Japanese are honestly doing it ironically.

You sayin' I like dudes?

>I can understand the thieves wanting to give Akechi a second chance,
I can't. What kind of cuck ""forgives"" a guy killing their parents? Nobody feels sorry for school shooters

>double-dipping on the same console generation just by adding a few new things to a relatively recent game, but charging full price again
PC wins again, baby. whenever SEGA finally makes fatlus port persona to PC we'll get the complete edition!

>love the culture outside of video games
Where does this stipulation come from? I learned moon for video games in my free time, and it didn't cost me anything. Now I can play more games. Why are you not allowed to learn something as part of a hobby?

>most of the people wanting to learn Japanese are honestly doing it ironically.
Are you retarded?

It goes hand in hand, but he still acted upon his own free will. At the end of the day, the only reason they even tried to redeem him, or make some form of amends in regards to his actions, is because Akechi shares similar traits with them in regards to society, and his upbringing. Him being a massive sperge with mental issues didn't help, and I don't see how anyone can find that ending remotely satisfactory for him.

>I can understand the thieves wanting to give Akechi a second chance
No, that's the kind of anime bullshit that will ruin the story. The characters are all goody twoshoes, and he murders innocent people and at least one parent of a PT. Forgiving him is beyond stupid on every level.

>being an EOP and a poorfag

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I'll be honest, I kind of enjoyed the part where Haru's Dad was dying a gruesome death on live TV while half the team wears goofy hats.

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>that's the kind of anime bullshit that will ruin the story.
Yet P4 scooby doo gang wanted to throw the killer in the TV before, guess they were based after all

>40 hours of cutscenes
>seems fine

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Nothing can save Persona 5 from being a disappointment of the century.

When did anyone explicitly FORGIVE Akechi for anything he did? Seriously, post an exact screenshot of where it says that in game without meandering. If anything they felt sorry for him, but it's not like they suddenly became buddies. I'm pretty sure they even asked him to turn himself in, and by the looks of things from Royal trailers, he took Joker's place in prison.

There are really only two options that aren't unacceptably stupid. Either he's explicitly only brought along so they can put him in jail, and they have some mechanism to ensure he cooperates, or they rewrite his story so he's not responsible for killing people.

P4 ruined any chance of being good when the true route required you to ignore literally every piece of fact and evidence the story presented in the mystery, and had the party randomly yell "We need to reach out to the truth!" even though there was no reason to doubt anything they'd seen or discovered because the game couldn't let you end by throwing a supernatural serial killer into a shadow world since it would be the only way to punish his crimes. The creepy murderer needed to not really be a bad guy, and the real evil needed to be some non-human entity.

There is nothing to ruin in P5s "story". It's all garbage

>When did anyone explicitly FORGIVE Akechi for anything he did?
Haru literally asks him to come work together with them.

Haru literally says she will never forgive him regardless.

That doesn't imply any form of forgiveness.

The last time a Persona protagonist canonically died at the end of his story the rest of his team were traumatized for years after as a result, with some characters STILL working to resurrect him. We don't need to do that again.

>Mario is gayer than Persona 5
Holy fuck are you serious?

I'm starting to hate the word "literally" t b h

>Well, you did murder my dad
>But how about we let you on the team?
It really does. The game ignored it after that so it wasn't bad, but you know they're going back on that shit in Royal.

But neither of those posts use it to mean "figuratively" with the incorrect usage. They're both using it as a synonym for "explicitly".

Eh, the only problem I had with Persona 5 was that it was too easy, boss battles were baby dumb mode shit, your confidant abilities trivialized fighting, and there wasn't that many good and new Personas and skills. Playing on Merciless was too easy. I don't think multiplying health and cutting exp gain is good enough. They need to make it where the enemy is near perfect and have good team comps and skills.

I'm not sure you're remembering Persona 4 correctly.

>>Haru is a gentleman bandit
Musketeer. Also, what about Yusuke?

Minato's sacrifice in P3 worked so well from a thematic standpoint, because the main theme of the game was Death, and how to cope with accepting/facing it. I couldn't see that shit working in Royal at all. Joker just randomly getting whacked, or sacrificing himself to save the day would be pretty awful, honestly.

Now if they pull an Innocent Sin or something, and have Joker get trapped in the Dream World, or side dimension while everyone else progresses with life without remembering him, that might just be acceptable.

A homosexual.

>buying the same game again
snoyboys are pathetic

But the whole team was okay with it which clearly shows they don't even harbour any hatred to the guy which is just bullshit, like they were planning to take down shido without him originally and wasn't struggling so giving the cuck a 2nd chance makes no sense. If this was realistic in anyway they would have pounded on him and told him to get the fuck out of their face. These guys are supposed to be angsty teens.

Only in trash games people would give a guy that murdered peoples parents in your team and even tried to kill your leader with a huge grin on his face a 2nd chance

Go back and watch the cutscenes again. The reach out for the truth bullshit makes no sense at all. The game just suddenly asks you "Do you want to do this based on everything you've observed thus far, or do you think that there's more to the story? *wink wink*

I mean, I get what you're saying, but it's still not the same. She even states that she'll never forgive him for killing her father. Offering him a spot on the team to help take out his father, and find some form of redemption for killing people, and closure is honestly just them understanding what he went through.

I'm more sure now that you're not remembering Persona 4 correctly.

>I'll never fully forgive you for what you did
>But how about you join our close knit group of friends and fight alongside us?
They didn't extend that option to any other enemies.

I hope Minato gets freed somehow, someday. Let him return to the world exactly the way he was when he left it, so the game can explore his newfound unfamiliarity with the world now and his unsure place in it, especially now that his friends are 7 years older and moved on while he's still 16.

And I'm now sure that you're one of the retarded P4fags who does mental gymnastics to pretend the story wasn't trash. Go play the game again and pay attention to all the stuff about the real culprit and how it transitions into revealing the truth about Akechi and then the "real" source of evil.

>Persona 2: "Quit the bitching Jun! You're a fucking murderer, face the facts and help right your wrongs, or fuck off!"
>Persona 5: "We feel so sorry for you Akechi.. Want a spot on the team?"
What went wrong?

I know, but i hear it used to mean figuratively so much that i associate the word with cunts and it being coincidentally repeated back to back between two posters mere seconds apart reminded me of that and how the way people speak has changed. i even see it a lot from people who are not from america.

>Extending a 100+ hour game will deepen pacing issues.
I really don't know how it could make them better unless you changed events around.

The worst part about this was this was the only time Ryujii decided not to rage like he does all the time

lol ok

lazy writers

>30% increase in content but the game still takes as long to beat as the original
What the fuck?

That's about what I expect from a retarded P4fag. Point out all the shit that happens in the story that would lead the gang to believe the initial person they caught wasn't the real killer.

Persona 2 was a generation ago. People today are all weak and think everything can be fixed by being nice and being friends and that as long as the person is remorseful or had a strong reason for committing crimes, then there should not be a punishment.

He will when Elizabeth finally figures out how to kill death, and if arena is even sorta canon, she's well on her way

>she'd be fired and thrown under the jail.
if by "under the jail" you me "under my penis" then you'd be correct.

They either
>Cut or rewrote a lot of content in the original plot, which they seemingly implied that they didn't
>The new content isn't even that long, and doesn't bring much to the table
It's not like the game drops until 2020 though, so whatever.

I mean, that would be a great point if you had done that. Unfortunately, you just made stuff up.

add actual content not shitty social events

Akechi will still be dead and a cognitive version of him will be in the bonus 3rd semester dungeon. It's painfully obvious.

>also atlus: *cant do a fucking simultaneous release in the year 2019 causing spoilers to leak out well ahead of the american release*

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In context it makes sense with the games message. It's not that they're willing to commit murders or they're hypocrites like Adachi they just took the easy way out without thinking of the greater mystery of the Fog world and it's implied they all die for it when the Fog rolls in (Like when you game over during Adachi's week)

Just what the fuck were you people doing? It took me 90hours and I even lazed around

That literally doesn't happen.

This. Crime is rampant because of this bleeding heart liberal bullshit. Harsh punishments are the only deterrent against crime.

Are you illiterate?

No, just responding to someone pretending the nonsense they made up is what happened. But that will stop now because it's pretty obvious you're trying to pick a fight.

>People believing that there will be be multiple branching endings
>It will clearly be the "true" end which is just the P5 experience and the "golden" end which involves doing the third semester, just like with Marie

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Can someone help me understand something here?

Im doing my first playthrough of P5 right now, and I understand the first playthough is for building up your stats, and the second is for doing the confidants.

Will I have to play P5R twice for the same reason?

Also, something about them making Futaba's mother not actually dead? wtf?

Attached: 1516391125057.jpg (500x631, 37K)

>they just took the easy way out without thinking of the greater mystery of the Fog world
And that's why it was shit.
>No, you can't kill the murderer!
>There's another big mystery to absolve him of any sin so you guys can fight a monster and not get your hands dirty and hurt another human!
>That was the truth all along!

The fact that you don't understand plain English means that you are illiterate.

It's an exaggeration, but it's quite accurate. The way Akechi was handled in general is awful in terms of writing compared to Jun, who had a similar situation.
The Arena games were honestly a mistake since the writers tried to make it canon alongside the games, but that didn't work very well. On top of that, I'm not even sure Minato coming back from the dead would be the best thing. The setup is there, but the backlash would be high. I don't want Persona to become KH's.

If you're referring to Okumura, he was hardly innocent either, his company ruining hundreds of peoples' lives. If you think Akechi deserved to die, how can he think Okumura didn't? And I do think Akechi surviving, changing his ways, and facing real life justice would make for a more satisfying conclusion to his story.

P5 does it's own shitty flip flop. The game implies that for a non-corrupt system to work there's no shortcuts so despite everything he did Joker has to trust Sae and turn himself in. Then he gets out like a month later because it's implied they cheated the damn justice system to spring him. Way to shit on your own moral just for a happy ending.

He was never really offered a spot on the team, it was just a ruse.

>I do think Akechi surviving, changing his ways, and facing real life justice would make for a more satisfying conclusion to his story.
I didn't think faggots this big existed outside of Japanese game development.

>Im doing my first playthrough of P5 right now, and I understand the first playthough is for building up your stats, and the second is for doing the confidants.
You understand wrong, it's easy enough to max both your confidants and your stats in one playthrough in p5. The only people who say to use your first playthrough on stats and your ng+ on confidants are bad at the game

>Will I have to play P5R twice for the same reason?

Unless you follow an autistic guide that plans out the whole game for you to be able to fit everything in one playthrough, then yes.

>Also, something about them making Futaba's mother not actually dead? wtf?

Something story related. Who really knows why until the game is out?

Nah, it's easy to have Door come back. Have them save his soul but realize that his body has been worm food for a decade by now and then have him replace Igor as the fusion master of the VR. That brings him back, keeps purists happy, and gets around Igor's jap actor being dead.

>Unless you follow an autistic guide that plans out the whole game for you to be able to fit everything in one playthrough, then yes.
End this meme, P5 gives you so many mechanics that trivialise the calendar system so much that anyone can beat it without a guide, stop saying this

me personally i find option a) murdering them while theyre high on their own bullshit inferior to
b) making them realize what they did was wrong and now they have to spend the rest of their life in a closet living in regret for the rest of their lives, constantly wishing they could go back and change things

>It was just a ruse
Even if they were going to stick him in jail, or make him fess up, they still felt sorry for him and wanted him to join the team to take down Shido. He's getting redeèmed regardless in Royal, so I guess it doesn't matter.
That ending was weird.

>all the shitsuckers itt defending Atlus

Look guys iam gonna be buying this shit day one no question but this shit should be 30 bucks at fucking most not 60 i dont care about what they changed and how much its not a new fucking game all the new content could easily be able to download too

>But how about you join our close knit group of friends and fight alongside us?

Stop trying to spin it as some merry holiday trip. They're risking their lives every day. Akechi has the power of persona, none of the other enemies did. It would be stupid to throw it away, instead of using it to stop other villains. It doesn't justify what he did or mean he's forgiven, it's simply a chance for him to make up for his bullshit by saving lives.

I didn't...

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Goro sacrificed himself though and let his revenge literally consume him, that's the point of his arc.

You didn't utilise the mechanics they gave you, that doesn't mean you need a guide to max it. If you make use of the Temperance and Fortune abilities then it is easy to max

Akechi isn't getting redeemed for shit. He's only shown up in the bonus dungeon which clearly takes place in a fake fantasy world.
He's a distortion, clear as day.

>P5R is changing basically everything but the core basis of the story.
Like a Final Mix game.

>Bringing Door back as a Velvet Room attendant
Huh, could be based. Either that or they build him a robot body to inhabit, like Aegis.

>R-Regret is worse than just being killed!

>Stop trying to spin it as some merry holiday trip.
You're trying way too hard to make it sound like some cold and calculated decision that was purely utilitarian. You understand that Royal will come out and he'll join the party and become all buddy buddy with them, right?

I'm pretty sure his trailer implied that he was aware of the dream world. That isn't a false Akechi aiding the party.

What is it about Akechi that causes people to flip scripts, and act so in denial? It wasn't this bad with Adachi, but then again he was just a downright incel.

If I have to play the whole damn game over again, can I please just fucking start with my 5/5 stats? I don't want to have to grind another 100 hours just to be able to experience the game's new content.

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SEES's whole thing was learning to live without Door while Liz was the one actively pursuing a way to save him. Making him a VR attendant makes more sense.

Eh, akechi was a poor villain so he pisses off everyone.

well sure, would you rather die or be locked in a cell somewhere as you lose all sense of the world and your friends, family, and everything else

His copy in the engine room was aware it was a cognitive creation as well, we've seen that certain cognitive beings can have their own free will if they're strong enough.

I dropped P5 on the run up the thing that appeared where you have to fight the angel bosses. How much more game is there left?

>You didn't utilise the mechanics they gave you
I'm sorry that I don't want to get stuck in save scum purgatory.

Who said you had to save scum

Or give him a cognitive body that his soul manifests as, like Orpheus, and then work his way to obtaining a human body like Teddie and Morgana (who wants one). Make sure that it's not an easy process and it takes great effort, but is possible because of the efforts of everyone willing it so.

>Being alive, fed and sheltered (and probably getting out eventually because you're a juvenile and they can't prove your crimes) is much worse than being dead because you feel bad
And he didn't have any family or friends he cared about.

> or be locked in a cell somewhere as you lose all sense of the world and your friends, family, and everything else
Literally my daily existence. This room is my tomb.


>Alright, let's go to sleep for today.


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Considering a large portion of the plot revolves around Shido I dont see them fixing this fatal flaw of Shido being a very weak generic awful villain. You can have a generic villain and still have them be fun. The only remotely good part about Shido was his boss fight, which was admittedly decent.

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r-reading bad

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Him being at his strongest without a shirt was pretty cool.

that we know of

he seemed to be happy that dojima visted him at least

Persona 4 in general was pretty boring outside of Adachi, and Yu. I really hope they get rid of these "mystery" plots after Persona 5, because they aren't even remotely entertaining.

How would you make an intriguing plot?

Akechi doesn't have a tenth of the blunt force charm that Adachi has. Akechi's final moments had him screaming how life wasn't fair after being the mini boss in someone else's dungeon while Adachi was the main boss in his own pretty challenging dungeon that he spent the entire descent calling you a dumb faggot through and got defeated as a final boss, then accepted his defeat with a modicum of grace and tipped the IT off to Izanami.
It also doesn't help that Adachi was able to deceive everyone in town while the PT caught Akechi's bullshit pretty quick.

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Because he's a annoying, poorly written and obvious attempt at a fujoshi bait character and the fact that's working is horrible.

>I really hope they get rid of these "mystery" plots after Persona 5, because they aren't even remotely entertaining.
The twist that the party was on to Akechi the whole time, and the reveal with Igor were both great in P5. It's other stuff that's going to ruin the plot, not the mystery aspects.

Why dont you just read a book then considering there are so many better written ones that take less time to read straight up.
Yeah because Persona 5 has very compelling gameplay of "hit weakness". I dont know why Switchtards want it so much

You're actually at the fucking end you doofus.

Make what the Phantom Thieves do out to be an actual moral dillema, make it so they DO accidently kill someone after losing their way, don't have to make it Haru's dad, they could make it literally hitler if they wanted. Call some of their actions into question and build some conflicts around that

It's only a mystery if it's actually hinted at. Igor is just an asspull like Izanami.

>But the voice!
>Only applicable if you're some autistic japanese man who has a stroke if a character is voiced by a different guy

>I dont know why Switchtards want it so much
they don't it's only false flaggers

I mean his entire demenor seems at least a bit different compared to his status quo in P3 and P4

>Only applicable if you're some autistic japanese man who has a stroke if a character is voiced by a different guy
So a regular Japanese person.

>character that's been a series staple suddenly changes voice and personality, and Atlus actually worked the seiyuu's death into a plot twist
You don't even need to know moon to appreciate that. Don't tell me you're actually enough of a shit eating faggot to have played it dubbed.

Honestly, just bring back the more occult feel of the earlier Persona games. I don't mind the messages/themes involved in these newer titles, but the overall plots have been a step downward. Especially character arcs. I guess people are still triggered about the Answer though, huh?

Even I knew Igor was off and I'd only played parts of P3 before I played P5.

it doesnt really make sense in english where he went from sounding like the supreme kai to jiraiya after a carton of cigarettes

I think there could be a lot of potential in exploring a messiah resurrected in an unfamiliar world, conflicted with new questions about his existence.

Should he try to reconnect with his old friends, or would it be incredibly selfish to try and force his way back into their lives after they obviously spent a lot of time grieving him and moved on, and became adults with jobs?
Should he try to resume schooling at Gekkoukan High, or would that be too painful and instead complete his schooling elsewhere?
Does he even have any power left as a Persona user now that he's lost the Wild Card and the ability to enter the Velvet Room? Was the Cipher his true, now lost power, or does Orpheus still have growth hidden within him?
Should he decide to wield his Persona again, would he fight alone? Or try to join a group like the Phantom Thieves?
And should he do so, how would he handle the knowledge that another person now has his unique ability of the Wild Card, that which gave him strength, but now it's no longer his to bear?

I'd enjoy seeing such questions being asked and eventually addressed.

>it doesnt really make sense in english

He's the Messiah and literally the most chill protagonist anywhere. If he was resurrected, he'd probably just open a music store and live a normal life.

>t. Failed his rehabilitation
These are potential interesting plot points to delve into, but I'd hate to see them beat a dead horse. It'd especially be relapsing for all the people who took so long to get over his death, on top of the fact that the P3 cast needs to stay in the background. They had their time, and now it's time to another group of heroes to pull through.
>Minato graduates high school and opens up his own Lofi hip hop shop at Paulownia Mall

but characters are recast in the western dubs of things all the time

if you were a savvy japanman you'd probably be incredulous thinking atlus would recast igor, like there's something strange afoot

Atlus should do another crossover and have him be a summon-able demon again. His brother too.

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Who's that guy?

Just wait for the Nocturne Remake.

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said?

2090 is too far away.

>It'd especially be relapsing for all the people who took so long to get over his death
That's why it could show just his perspective on the matter, without necessarily involving the others. Have him think about calling Yukari, but then see her on TV as Featherman Pink and realize she's a busy and successful actress now and he doesn't disturb her. And have him weigh in on current events, such as joining the Phantom Thieves and how different they handle Shadows and how their group operates, wondering if he could fit in there.

>and opens up his own Lofi hip hop shop at Paulownia Mall
Just have him take over Power Records, it's already there.

Eggman has had two different seiyuus though and three different VA's. And there's been no in universe justifcation for any of them nor did the series end when they died (Sadly).

Though I'm not not autistic enough to compare the two performances though. I assume Nu Igor hammed it up on purpose in the japanese version to sound more suspicious but over here that's just business as usual.

>Easiest JRPG of the generation just get even easier.

>hough I'm not not autistic enough to compare the two performances though. I assume Nu Igor hammed it up on purpose in the japanese version
He sounded edgy in a cool way and completely out of character. You play the game thinking "I guess this is just how he comes across now that they recast him" and then when they reveal it at the end, you think "Well shit. They slapped me in the face with it and I didn't catch on." It was a cheeky move that really only worked because of the circumstances with the seiyuu's death.

Why did they ruin mona by making him a human, his thick cat form was great

>Ruin any chance of redeemable Mona by not making him a cute shota
>Introduce a new Shota anyway

Like I need that shitty cat anymore

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nice cope but maybe people just share negative opinions on games you like?

In his defense we've had a run of cross-thread shitposters out to ruin specific games since Barry started making an ass of himself.

>[Kasumi] is a cheerful transfer student (and a gymnast) attending Shujin Academy on a scholarship

Automatic best girl

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>Her support is doing aerobics and gymnastics with her alone

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But I want it, user.
I don't like exclusives unless it genuinely can't run on anything else or it was funded by Snoy or whoever.
Basically Mario and Street Fighter V being exclusive is alright, Persona 5 R and SMT V being exclusive to PS4 and Switch respectively is retarded.

>unless it genuinely can't run on anything else
Funny you should say that.
Atuls have talked about how SMTV is taking so long because they're having a really hard time working with the Switch and there was chatter a few months back about how the Switch couldn't even run the engine P5 ran off of.

>want to play the new story content
>have finished P5 multiple times already and can't bring myself to play it again reall

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If I'm doing it, you can.

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Why didn't you reply to ?

>Persona R releases in west in spring
>Have to protect my diploma in April
>Have exams in May
>Have to move to another city to work in June
My gaming life basically ending

It's from the same director as P4G user. The only people who'll like it are waifufags or teenagers.

Okay but after reading all 480 posts in this thread, what is Persona 5 Royal?

Probably Yea Forums's FotM for March next year.

yeah but I don't have autism

Oh don't worry, spoilers for the new story content will be all over Yea Forums as soon as the Japanese version is out.
You won't have to play it again cause by the time we get it you'll already know everything.

Everything around Namatame was sketchy as fuck and a massive part of the theme of the game is that things aren't always what they first appear to be. Look past assumptions and "reach out for the truth".

>was sketchy as fuck
No it wasn't. No actual facts or observations contradicted the initial conclusion.

>things aren't always what they first appear to be. Look past assumptions and "reach out for the truth".
And that's absolutely fucking retarded. Pulling a 180 out of nowhere and throwing every objective observation done in a mystery story out the window because "the MC actually shook hands with a god when he got to the town" is terrible writing, even by anime game standards. You need to have a double digit IQ to enjoy the storytelling in P4.

It's not like there will be significant story content. Just think about FES and P4G. They've admitted flat out that the base story will remain the same. The most we'll get, like the previous re-releases, is some extra flavor scenes dotted throughout the story, some more events for the waifufags in the third semester, and a new dungeon centered around an obnoxious new character.

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I live in Japan, I plan to buy and play the Japanese version don't worry.

I'm more interested in technical aspects desu.
>How much impact does the new boy have?
>What new spells can party members learn?
>Have any of the confidants been shaken up?
>Is reaper/money farming still in the game?
>What benefits does the new area have?
>Can I fuck Sae?

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Will they give us the chance to play as FemJoker?

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Lost as you report back to Yea Forums with the goods I'll bump the threads.
I'm not autistic enough to give a shit about story spoilers, I just want to know what's in it.

Igor acts really out of character.
Welcome to "my" velvet room.
Doesn't do the fusions himself.
Messages from Lavenza on the bed.
Twins acting strange throughout their link.

>Thanks for betatesting

No, but p6 might have a female mc, so keep those fingers crossed user, and we'll see in the year 2066!

Yeah, I'm calling it right now, if you accept Igor or something similar at the end of the base game, this time a new third semester will unlock with an infinite tsukiyomi style world where we will have another 2 endings at the end.
They are not going to change shit.

>No it wasn't. No actual facts or observations contradicted the initial conclusion.
Namatame was confused and rambling during the entire confrontation. " Hey, let's just kill him before even trying to get a coherent testimony".

>The psycho killer was babbling incoherently
>That must mean every piece of evidence was wrong and magic fog monster did it!
The game was beyond stupid.

Why the actual fuck would Atlus change the plot of their most popular game in forever when it's making them a shitload of money and garnering heaps of praise? People who bought into the multiple endings crap are legitimate retards.

>No, but p6 might have a female mc
It won't. It could be really cool, but if/v/ is anything to go by a major part of the autistic fanbase would throw a hissyfit.

>psycho killer
An assumption.

Make the protagonists brother and sister and let you choose which one you play, the one you don't pick becomes your first party member and confidant. It's so easy Bioware did it.

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I think the major issue with a female mc is that the writers of the series seem obsessed with their high school fantasies. If the series had older characters or dare I say, some returning cast members, then maybe that'd be grounds to open up a canon female mc, but I doubt it.

Oh well, I'll go back to trying to decide if spending a full 60 on a game I've already beaten twice is worth it.

>However, we’ve adjusted the overall playtime so it isn’t too different from Persona 5…
How is this supposed to be a positive thing?
Having different endings would be cool if you got to choose between playable branching paths, but that "several" probably means a short cutscene like in P3's bad end, the proper true end and maybe some kind of "missing the deadline" ending.
Fatlus is so fucking lazy, I wouldn't be surprised if the new trimester will have so little content that you might as well just watch the story on Youtube.

No, all of the evidence and events in the game supported that idea. I can't stress enough how stupid you have to be to like a "mystery" story in a medium as versatile as games where instead of laying out clues for you to find and piece together on your own, they "twist" is just thrown at you out of literally nowhere while the characters literally scream REACH OUT FOR THE TRUTH! despite having no reason at all to doubt the initial conclusion they reached.

Anyone who cares knew that this is what would happen the minute they announced who was directing the remake, don't be a retard.

I'm against having a choice. The developers aren't going to spend a ton of resources on making 2 stories tailor made for each character, so instead the story will be diluted to fit both of them which removes the point entirely. Give me me my P6 girl with a story made specifically for her.

What you're asking for is a straight up impossibility. There wouldn't be two tailor made stories for each character, just the same story with you in the shoes of one of the siblings.

Yeah, but I hope people will finally realize how outdated and scummy this business practice is, the other rereleases at least had the hardware excuse or were ports.
At least I think it won't be that successful in the West since there's so much competition in Spring 2020.

It's something they've done literally since 2006. Everyone knew there'd be a re-release the same way everyone knows that a Kingdom Hearts game will have a final mix. How scummy it is depends on the people willing to pay for the game or not, it's not like they're locking the Velvet Room behind a paywall or something.

Not being able to understand and accept that different people enjoy different things is an actual sign of autism, brah. Congrats on your future autism bucks.

Persona 5 is the only game I've made a conscious decision to drop. Unless the game is heavily rewritten it'll be a real stinker with even more fluff.

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This would have more clout if not for the fact that Namatame wasn't the murderer in the end. You have evidence he's a kidnapper, the rest is jumping the gun.
The mystery isn't particularly good though.

That's literally what I said user.

>This would have more clout if not for the fact that Namatame wasn't the murderer in the end.
>The game justifies its bullshit at the end with an asspull that stops you from having to harm a human or paint him as evil so it's good!
It's a murder mystery. Before the big reveal, what actual evidence in the story points to someone besides Namatame being the killer, and a supernatural entity being behind everything. If you can't actually answer the question, then the reveal (and by extension the theme about reaching out to the truth) is poorly developed, hamfisted garbage.

No, you pulled some bullshit out of your ass and whined some more. The plot of P3 wasn't diluted at all by having a female protagonist and she had a distinct clear personality from the male one. Just shuffle some arcana around, record another character's worth of dialogue and the game is fine with the choice still there.
Shit make your sibling your Fool arcana and you don't even have to shift anything.

>tfw you'll never fill and destroy Mishi-sissys boipucci in a brutal Kamoshida roleplay

I never said the overall mystery of the game isn't shit. I'm just saying throwing Namatame into the TV is stupid because not everything adds up at that point.

>because not everything adds up at that point.
What doesn't add up besides him saying "No I was trying to help!"? What actual story events or clues presented up until that point would lead you to believe that the conclusion they drew was completely wrong and the real truth was way different?

>No, you pulled some bullshit out of your ass and whined some more.
What set this off? All I said was that if they're going with a girl they should commit 100% and skip giving you a guy as an option.

so just like golden

this is like the b2/w2 in pkmn?

>Persona 5 Royal to Have New Endings, Improved Pacing
Also socjus censorship courtesy of basedny. I'll pass.

If you're trying to convict someone of a murder in a civilized country you need to prove their guilt "beyond all reasonable doubt". You try to establish intent and motives among other things. This is a long process for a reason, court cases aren't just dragged out to waste your tax money.
You don't just listen to someone's incoherent nonsense once and then kill them the next day, jesus.

>Let me give you a moral lecture based on real world politics to explain the circumstances of a murder case that has supernatural elements that completely change the nature of crimes and evidence
Cool, now even if we're pretending they needed more evidence, explain to me what in the story pointed to the real culprit being a fog monster and all of their conclusions being completely wrong. The theme of the story was to reach out to the truth. How did they know that all of the objective facts they found were pointing to something that wasn't the truth? What was there to point to the real truth of the world? The story would have to be complete garbage to pull it out of thin air.